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Author Topic: Let's have a discussion about DISPEL/ROOT/BLIND  (Read 22653 times)
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« on: December 11, 2017, 06:36:07 pm »

I am a fairly new player on here with EZ server and I love the server, but the new player experience has not been very forthcoming. Sub-tier 1 content has been especially frustrating when you go to nexus or stonehive to get the full T10 buff lineup and go to your zone of choice to farm or level up and some piece of shit nullifies all your buffs! Whose idea was this? Either make T10 buffs non-dispellable (i know you can do it, I run a server myself and the column is in the spell table) or remove dispel from lower tier mobs. Whats the point in dropping what I am doing to go get t10 buffs in nexus if in 5-10 minutes of getting them (1+ hour long buffs) they get dispelled?

People keep telling me to get my resists up... Well that would be great and all IF I COULD but its impossible to get my resists up before TOFS... Additionally, dispel (afaik) is NON RESISTABLE. Afaik you could have 10,000,000 in every resist and can have all your buffs stripped to the bone. So telling me to get my resists up does not help with avoiding dispel, unless this server is different in that regard with Live/Official.

INB4: get gud scrub
INB4: lrn2play scrub
INB4: use dummy buffs scrub
INB4: quityerbitchin scrub
INB4: learn to live without someone handing you T10 buffs
INB4: Don't like it here? Go back to live scrub (i dont want to play on Live, I want to play here! But I want to enjoy playing here and I cant enjoy it when my buffs are being dispelled every 5 minutes.)

The last point above is pretty much where I am at. When someone says "Casting 890%xp and T10 buffs in nexus center" my first thought used to be, fucking awesome!.. Now my first thought it "well i might as well not fucking bother because they will only last 10 fucking minutes".

I mean at least remove dispel up till ToFS or something. Mobs in BoT cast dispel, mobs in LDoN cast dispel, and Mobs in POTime cast dispel. You guys want new players, then stop pissing them off with this idiotic mechanic so they will stay!

Root: Root isnt near as bad as dispel, I can live with being rooted on pulls. It fucks up my pulls and I use my method of resetting the pull, which costs me time - but I can live with it. Its still fucking annoying though.

BLIND! Fucking blind... Blind is almost as bad as DISPEL, but not quite. When youre spending 80% of your time pulling with a solid black screen and your map up, something is wrong with your game. Blind needs to be removed or put more diversity in mob spell lines so they arent fucking casting blind (like dispel) every Goddamn pull.

Lastly, this is the only server ive played that has the mechanics listed above. Even on official servers mobs didnt blind, root, and dispel like they do on here. I realize there are work arounds, but the workarounds dont solve nor address root problem: why have good buffs that can be put on lowbies to help them if they are going to just be gone in one dispel? It's like you want lowbies to stay in PoFire for months or something...

/rant off
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 06:56:35 pm by Misterbagwell » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2017, 07:27:51 pm »

INB4: learn to live without someone handing you T10 buffs

Just to start, you're probably going to get some blow back with this point in mind.  The lower tiers aren't designed to be pushed through while wielding T10 buffs.    It's also a good lesson about this server.  A lot of newer people think EZ stands for easy, but it's not at all.  It's Extended Zones, and the harsh reality is it only gets harder from Plane of Time and LDON.

I don't remember having as hard of a time with debuffs as you are currently, but I can tell you Root/Blind/Dispell is few and far between later on.  When I was a young Ogre, I avoided the areas that had dispellers.  What comes to mind immediately is the tentacle terrors in PoFear.  Little bastards.

Lastly, this is the only server ive played that has the mechanics listed above. Even on official servers mobs didnt blind, root, and dispel like they do on here. I realize there are work arounds, but the workarounds dont solve nor address root problem: why have good buffs that can be put on lowbies to help them if they are going to just be gone in one dispel? It's like you want lowbies to stay in PoFire for months or something...

Just like as I started, I want to be clear that those buffs aren't for you.  It is the courtesy of the end game players that hand them out like candy, myself included.  You can benefit from them for the time that you have them, but the tiers are designed to be faced with characters and buffs matching a tier lower than you're on.  It's suppose to be difficult and dangerous.  That's part of the fun.  The great thing about this server is, if you are struggling, you can make more characters, or create buff classes of your own.

Don't be discouraged by the debuffers.  It isn't forever and once you hit Qvic and Cazic, you'll have plenty more to worry about.  Appreciate the buffs while you have them, but don't depend on them.


« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2017, 07:58:43 pm »

Maybe take advice and not run only 6 mages.    

I do not think any development resources should be spent on a player that will not even roll the basic required toons for regular EQ let alone EZ.

In short, go play with your boy Otto's taint, scrub.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 08:04:25 pm by Peign » Logged
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2017, 08:14:21 pm »

Actually, make T10 buffs stick only on level 76+.

Problem solved!
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« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2017, 08:41:14 pm »

Maybe take advice and not run only 6 mages.    

I do not think any development resources should be spent on a player that will not even roll the basic required toons for regular EQ let alone EZ.

In short, go play with your boy Otto's taint, scrub.

I dont have only 6 mages, I am running 18 characters. As I told you that day you jumped on my ass unprovoked when I came back that iw as just making the 6 mages as a test and for fun. But in your stubbornness you ignored that and talked down on me like you talk down to everyone else.

Maslow youre cool sometimes but sometimes you can be a real fuckin dick.

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« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2017, 08:48:31 pm »


Youre right. I knew I would get blowback and I would ruffle some feathers. Hey thats cool and all, I guess thats what this subforum is for "Bitch about anything", which is what I was doing.

I appreciate your constructive feedback, unlike some other people on here...

Yeah, I was told it was a temporary thing, that would go away in later levels. I rolled some buffers (shaman/cleric/chanter) in my 18 man group so I can self buff WHEN i get to that point.

If T10 buffs arent meant to be on lowbies, then why not just disable them like Maslow said?
I dont really agree with that sentiment as this server is grindy as it is and it would hurt more than hinder new players than anything to just put a level restriction on them. Me bringing attention to this issue is not intended to hurt any new players, on the contrary.

If me bringing attention to this issue will just end up hurting new players because devs are gonna be all like "ok fine I will just disable the buffs for anyone <76"... then I guess this is the wrong community and server for me and I will just see myself through the door.

I was under the impression (Maslow notwithstanding) that you guys wanted people to stick around though.

This isnt a "give me what I want or I will leave" thing, this is supposed to be a a "here is what we can do to make the server more friendly and inviting to new players". But if certain people want to turn it into something else then whatever I guess.
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2017, 09:22:37 pm »


EZ is the hardez.   Why you debuff, blind and root me devs?    I'm a Dev and know all about the EQ tables!    EZ is broken, you fix now!

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« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2017, 09:27:03 pm »

I appreciate your constructive feedback, unlike some other people on here...

It's the reason I made EZServerHowTo.  EZ can be a bit... unforgiving at times, both from the mechanics of the zones, and the player base.  I try to be a bit of positive energy in the community.

If T10 buffs arent meant to be on lowbies, then why not just disable them like Maslow said?
I dont really agree with that sentiment as this server is grindy as it is and it would hurt more than hinder new players than anything to just put a level restriction on them. Me bringing attention to this issue is not intended to hurt any new players, on the contrary.

This was actually debated heavily by both the community and the admins.  At one point, there was restrictions put on buffs by level (unless I was in some kind of fantasy land), then on just the xp buff, and now it seems it's all rolled back.  There was also a bit of peer shaming between the buffers, because buffs were too prevalent, and player retention was dipping due to bottlenecks in content after players were burning through tiers unmolested.


From what I recall, the caps on buffs didn't work very well, which is why it isn't a current thing.  Also, the server tends to allow us to be the arbiters of how we wish to play, and if being charitable with buffs is what you want to do, so be it.  As I said before, the buffs are a perk, not a right.

I'm not sure I quite understand your angle on how this hurts newer players by not having readily available T10 buffs.  None of the lower content has been manipulated or changed to reflect the current state of end game buffs.  If anything, the zones have been nerfed over time to make them less grindy.  EverQuest is a grinder by definition.  To expect anything less would be an insult to its reputation and game mechanics.  What I've found over the many years I've been here, is the easier you have it, the less likely you'll stick around.  I've pulled several people from fresh level 70 to T5 or T6, and they never last more than a few months after.  It's that struggle that keeps you going.  Perhaps its because you've started with 18 toons that you may be feeling frustrated by the amount of grind?  I started with 3, then went to 8 until T3, then went to 12 to push through, then went to 16 in T5, and finally went to 20 around T10.  The back flagging sucked, but I could tear through content because I was geared.  I could see trying to pull 18 fresh toons through the content to be really difficult.

I don't want it to seem like I'm pulling a "Back in my day we suffered so you should suffer too".  If anything, it's why I choose to buff as often as I can, because I don't want the newer players to slog through the content like I did and abandon the server out of frustration.  But I guess I'm trying to put things into perspective that I don't see how being denied these buffs at any time should dramatically impact your ability to navigate your progression.  Perhaps its a position of quantity of loot needed for your toons, and those buffs allow you to acquire that amount easier?  If so, you're a special case that isn't the norm.

On a final note.  I also had 6 mages around T3/T4.  It was fun, but the novelty ran out quick.  Trying to gear 6 of the same class was awful.  Around T6 they do away with class specific armor.  Was a fantastic moment when I discovered this.  I have 3 berzerkers myself, so I felt the pain of that, but two were back flagged so it wasn't so bad.  I still have one mage in my team, does decent DD and the pet holds its own.

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« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2017, 09:35:13 pm »


EZ is the hardez.   Why you debuff, blind and root me devs?    I'm a Dev and know all about the EQ tables!    EZ is broken, you fix now!


Kill yourself

« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2017, 09:42:46 pm »


EZ is the hardez.   Why you debuff, blind and root me devs?    I'm a Dev and know all about the EQ tables!    EZ is broken, you fix now!


Kill yourself


QQ MOAR lil nublet!
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« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2017, 10:09:17 pm »

Its not called EZ server because its easy to get to the top, and it shouldn't be, but FACT it has been nerfed over the years to the point where it can be discouraging to new people.
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« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2017, 10:28:25 pm »

I never asked for it to be EASY. And for the record, I know what the E and the Z in EZ server means. Noot outlines this in one of his videos on YT (I've watched them all). Asking for T10 buffs to not get dispelled and complaining about root/blind is not asking for it to be easy. If they removed dispel/root/blind it would make it easiER, true - but not easy. You people are reading too much into what I am saying and proposing. This server is still a pita what with the drops... PoDragons... the grind.. etc without low-tier dispel/root/blind. The only thing I asked for really was removing Dispel at low levels and maybe even blind. Nothing else. If you think I am asking for the server to be "EASY" with just those requests then none of you even read my post and have no idea what reading comprehension really is.

Im not asking for easy. Im asking to remove one tiny little bullshit mechanic.
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2017, 10:35:58 pm »

Just make T10 buffs work on only level 76+.   Put a level cap on xp mask.   This way we won't have to worry about lower levels being debuffed.     EZ fix!
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« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2017, 11:22:31 pm »

Yeah lets just wipe all plat and items (sans "donated/bought" items) off the server as well and put everyone at level 1 then if thats the case. Lets just start everyone off on equal footing. Then we can all be uber "together". Right Maslow? Smiley
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« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2017, 11:28:41 pm »

Yeah lets just wipe all plat and items (sans "donated/bought" items) off the server as well and put everyone at level 1 then if thats the case. Lets just start everyone off on equal footing. Then we can all be uber "together". Right Maslow? Smiley

The people who grind would still be the ones who progress faster, so not really sure what this even means.
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