There have been dozens of small changes to T10.5 since launch, they have not been publicly stated, I will recap a few of the major changes here.
-Changed the spawning mechanism for a few of the named boss' in the zone
-Added damage and mechanical spells to named boss'
-adjusted loot table values to better reflect risk vs reward
-Added loot drops to NPCs throughout the zone to better reflect risk vs reward and time invested
The zone is working and feels a lot better now due to amazing player feedback.
I would like to give a public shout out to Dimurwar and Raygan for their constant and in depth feedback on the zone. Their positive criticism and observation of the zone have brought forth a lot of great changes in how the zone presents itself to the player base.
I encourage all players who are grinding T10.5, as well as all zones, to participate in this flow of ideas. You can contact me via or comment here on the forums your thoughts on zone mechanics, what the feel of play is and your ideas on improvements.
As a general rule with feedback though, understand that all loot drop values will be discussed between myself and Akkadius and flat out QQ'ing about "XYZ item never drops!" is not always the best approach. Every loot drop is backed up with solid math and always balanced with a "risk vs reward" thought pattern.
Again, thank you all. I will continue to try to improve our sandbox with Hunter's vision in mind.