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Author Topic: Upcoming Things  (Read 11512 times)
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« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2022, 11:32:18 pm »

Quick rundown of the event testing. We started with approximately 330~ players in the zone (last I checked anyway), and once spawned and engaged, near universally went linkdead. While the zone didn't itself crash, it clearly could not handle the number of players. So, after cutting back the numbers of players to 60~, they were able to engage and DPS, and made very slow progress killing a clearly over tuned add. While I would say it was unfortunate that everyone showed up for nothing, it was quite informative for me. To tune this encounter I used parsing data from a few different players' groups, and then made some assumptions on how that would translate into a much larger group, that didn't turn out to be accurate, both in the size of the available group, or the sustainable DPS against a mob that isn't the practice dummy. We also learned that we are going to have to make some modifications to the scale of the event.

Couple Changes:
• Next Sunday, I will be grouping different players together, to form an approximate raid size of 60-70 characters. Following a successful kill, that group will be out, and the next will move in. There will be a limit to the number of attempts per group, but I will be parsing, so should a group be DPS limited compared to others, we can add a few ringers to level up the DPS, and give an equal chance of success. Whether you choose to share details of the event, I leave up to all of you, but I'm not policing OOC about it, so if you don't want to know, filter your chats that day, as we'll be using /shout within the zone. I will send the main character a tell when it's their turn, so you won't miss out. Because the original timing was meant to allow EU and NA players to participate, I may begin earlier if people are online and ready to go.

• Loot will be handled, as I have mentioned, slightly awkwardly this time, as I don't think I will have the time for a proper loot script. Basically, every character in the raid will receive a tradeable kill 'token', which can be used at a merchant to purchase some new & powerful items. Now, not many items will be 1 token, in fact there is a single item that costs just 1 token. This merchant style loot isn't the awkward part, that's the intended way to earn loot from this event, the awkward part will be that I will manually hand out the tokens for this event at the conclusion of the event, possibly into the next day. Reasons for this are two-fold, first is the lack of time to properly execute a loot script as mentioned, but most importantly, is that characters who are present, but do not actively help, won't receive credit. So, casters need to cast, healers need to heal, melee need at minimum to attack the mobs, ideally use some abilities. This will remain a difficult encounter, even with the lowered tuning, so every character needs to do their part to earn credit for the kill. This doesn't mean every spell and ability needs to be triggered with millisecond accuracy, but it does mean that a rogue should backstab here and there, and a wizard needs to go pew-pew. Now this is character to character, not player to player, so if your wizard is just taking up space and not participating, you just won't get the token for the wizard, it doesn't disqualify your whole group. This also isn't a straight DPS figure, as players as low at 75 can participate and clearly won't be doing the same damage, it's more a general check of activity.

Thank you to everyone who showed up, while anti-climactic to say the least, it was nonetheless exactly the information I was after, and it was quite a sight to see that many players online at the same time, in the same place. As I've told Akkadius, working in this capacity, on this server, for this community has been the most fun I've had in a video game in a long time. I won't be around on live much this week, there is substantial work to be done still for this event, but I will see you all Sunday.

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« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2022, 07:22:49 pm »

Good luck all.  Hoping for another event like this as it coincides with our family vacations.  Missed this weekends' test and will miss next weekend's fun  Cry
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