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Author Topic: Purchase of Guild Items  (Read 5932 times)
Posts: 47

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« on: July 22, 2010, 04:31:11 am »

I'm not sure how many others have a tight schedule when it comes to how often they can play, but I find being able to sit at a camp for 5+ hours to be impossible. Most times I can squeeze 4 hours in, 2 or 3 of it is spent waiting in line for the spawn.

Would it be possible to consider a way to buy FG/CG items with either ldon points or straight currency ingame? Even some ungodly high amount like 1000 ldon points or 100k pp would at least give me, possibly others, a chance to progress further past these roadblocks.

Noone who camps for KDs ever sells them, at least not for anything that someone who needs them for the first time (to progress in epic/hunting areas) would  be able to provide. (Most of these are used in exchange for things like Tier armor pieces loot rights and such..)

Alhbie Eurhuckelberry <Brans Flakes> -- Erudite Paladin
Branlenio <Brans Flakes>-- Gnome Mage
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« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2010, 08:58:56 am »

WEll, honestly it looks like the majority of the server has learned how to put a good use to the failed economy and started charging for loot rights and selling the FG/CG items for Plat. So best bet if the camping is an issue (for the time being) is raising the gold and plat to buy the items you cant camp, or dont want to camp.

<insert lame excuse to try to be original here>
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« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2010, 10:03:43 am »

Plat is having a come back. Ive seen a few higher geared people asking for Plat for qvic runs/loot rights. So you just need to bridge the gap. Pay someone 250k for a KD and Id be willing to bet they could use that plat to get what they wanted (loot rights and such).

Point being - camping the spawn isnt really your only option for your first time though.

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« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2010, 12:37:53 pm »

250k is WAYY too much for a KD. Unless everyone's rolling in the dough and I just dont know about it, or let in on the secret.

im 3.0x2 and rarely ever leave bodies unlooted for gems and such, have a few months solid in playtime and have ~50k.
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« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2010, 02:17:20 pm »

250k is WAYY too much for a KD. Unless everyone's rolling in the dough and I just dont know about it, or let in on the secret.

im 3.0x2 and rarely ever leave bodies unlooted for gems and such, have a few months solid in playtime and have ~50k.

Well 250k is way too much for a CG/FG item. However if you only have 50k with the conditions you have described you probably are spending a lot of cash somewhere, not looting everything, getting walked through content or grouping with someone who is loot crazy. On a Qvic run you should be able to make 20-30k pretty easy and much more if you stay to farm.

I'm actually pretty happy about the instance costs. I have been able to buy a couple of items that have eluded me for weeks because of sucky RNG. It's painful having a T2 BP sitting in your bag because the last 60+ T1 tikis you have poped had 1 worm spawn with the wrong BP.

I've spent 200k+ in the last couple of days on alt gear and usually get deals done quickly because I offer reasonable amounts for items.

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« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2010, 03:36:06 pm »

Point being - camping the spawn isnt really your only option for your first time though.

In case you missed it.

250k was a number that just popped into my head. And because it wasnt a realistic price I threw in the above quoted text for your reading pleasure.

Even so, you could pay someone 250k for a KD and that person could pay someone to run them through Qvic or get the loot rights that they wanted with that plat. You guys just need to keep your eyes on the prize and dont get distracted by the shiny objects.

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