« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2012, 09:07:22 am » |
Anyone else have a list of mobs for the spells I haven't seen drop from bosses yet?
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2012, 11:42:01 am » |
About 1/2 of those I haven't seen drop ever, rest I sadly had not been keeping track of, seem to think a few have been off multiple bosses (gale force, bone charm) will step it up on the rest
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2012, 12:23:31 pm » |
I've noticed but most of the mobs are like Hunter went down the 5.0 kill list and added spells to those certain bosses.. should make it easier to guess who drops what lol..
For Example
5.0 List 1 in this order!!\
Hive Father -- 125002 Tempest Blade III White -- Skipped Yaggol -- -- 125003 Chorus of the Risen Alhoon -- 125004 Nillipus' Stampede of the Wee Mind Flayer -- 125009 Elemental A Cappella II Monopterus -- 125011 Purifying A Cappella II
5.0 List 4 in this order!!
Hidden -- Wizard spell 125302 Static Burst II Triskelion -- Guessing Wizard spell -- 125306 Harvest V -- Unsure as of yet Cyclonic Ravager -- Wizard spell 125310 Tower of Calrena II Holocaust Deciple -- Wizard spell 125315 Deafening Silence II Watervieled Assassin -- Wizard spell 125317 Curious Creation II
So going by this I could guess what other bosses drop! =p
If this is true.. certain classes may have a hard time finding X spell because it is a random boss. So good luck!
Also really would like to find this spell if anyone has seen it!!!
125062 Armor of the Martyr II -- please let me know =D
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 12:32:29 pm by Paldail »
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2012, 12:44:21 pm » |
me and nap both have armor of the risen 2, not a clue what dropped it, harvest V i've never once seen
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2012, 12:55:45 pm » |
I know who drops it 
Hunter - EZ Server GM
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2012, 01:16:34 pm » |
Harvest V - Triskelion Chromastrike II - Harvester Bone Charm of the Shadoo - Ebony Shield of Eldritch III - Driller
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 01:19:11 pm by Blurring »
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2012, 03:13:51 pm » |
I know who drops it  I have a good guess on which boss drops it.. !  Edit... Rare drop spells from rare bosses is just evil lol.. almost as likely to get them from trash mobs! =p
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 04:04:57 pm by Paldail »
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2012, 04:30:47 pm » |
###### == Complete guess at who drops it.. so far I've farmed a few of the ones I "guessed" and they did drop the spell! .. so maybe I am right on a few of those others lol
As I farm the "guessed" bosses I will mark them off later as confirmed drops. So far the drop rate isn't amazing but its better than farming trash I guess.
125365 Irrational Irritation III
1 Braaains WAR HEAD 2 Hive Father MNK ARM/DRU FEET 125002 Tempest Blade III === BARD SPELLS 3 White 4.5 4 Yaggol CLE ARM/PAL FEET 125003 Chorus of the Risen 5 Alhoon BRD ARM/CLE FEET 125004 Nillipur' Stampede of the Wee 6 Mind Flayer PAL ARM/WAR FEET 125009 Elemental A Cappella II 7 Monopterus SHM ARM/BRD FEET 125011 Purifying A Cappella II 8 Ophisternon SK HAND ## 125027 Bone Charm of Shadoo II 9 Slayer DRU BP ## 125062 Armor of the Martyr II 10 Heliopora RNG ARM/SHM FEET 125064 Timeless: Chromastrike II 11 Corallium ROG ARM/RNG FEET Cleric DI SPELL --- Wasnt on original list!! 12 Gorgonian BER ARM/ROG FEET ###125082 Seismic Shift II 13 Alcyonacea SK ARM/BER FEET 125086 Timeless: Chlorobon 14 Morlock CLE BP 15 Frost Blood PAL HEAD 16 War Howler CLE HEAD ## 125105 Polarity Flux II 17 Driller NEC LEG 125108 Shield of Eldritch III 18 Tricholoma CLE HAND ## 125111 Rune of Denial III 19 Mycena RNG BP ## 125118 Keep of Alendar II 20 Oneup ROG BP 21 Gold Mist BRD HEAD 22 Amanita WIZ LEG 23 Cortinarius BARD HANDS 24 Pink Eyes BER BP 25 Green Eyes MAGE LEG 26 Blue Eyes SHM HEAD 27 Claw BST LEG 28 Frost Bite SHM HAND 29 Black Paw SK BP 125242 Remissive Remedy II 30 The Widow Maker PAL HAND 125250 Baited Breath II == SHAMAN SPELLS 31 Yellow RNG HEAD ###125254 Erratic Flashbacks II 32 Six Eyes MNK LEGS 125256 Form of Ancient Spirits II 33 Glassilisk RNG HAND 34 Dracolisk PAL BP 35 Eeny WAR WRIST 36 Meeny ROG HEAD 37 Miny DRU LEG 38 Moe ROG HAND 39 Clyde BRD BP 40 Ebony BER HEAD 41 Emerald SK HEAD 42 Crimson SHM LEG 43 Aquamarine BER HAND 44 Hive Mother SHM BP 45 God of the Deep BRD LEGS 46 Sea Nettle DRU ARM/SK FEET 125089 Skin of the Drake III ---- Druid spells 47 Malo King BST ARM/MNK FEET 125093 Form of the Werewolf II 48 Scales DRUID HAND 49 Snappy WAR BP 50 Glacius DRU HEAD 51 Rock Biter MNK HEAD 52 Twenty Four Carat ENC LEG 125119 Blast of Vulnerability -- Enchanter spell 53 Bone Rot MNK HAND 125121 Elemental Rage === MAGE SPELLS 54 Ice Bone MNK BP 125131 Abyssmal Shield II 55 Blood Lust PAL LEG 125173 Incisor of the Unholy 56 Decay BST HEAD ##### 125182 Wave of Purity II 57 Burn SK LEG 125184 Crusader Fury II == pally spell 58 Crash BST HAND 125202 Howl of the Huntmaster II 59 Bane Guard BST BP ### 125207 Gale Fore II 60 Alkare MAG ARM/BST FEET ## 125212 Elysian Water II 61 Frogs Legs WIZ HEAD 62 Razorback WIZ ARM/MAG FEET 63 Ashes WIZ HAND 64 Adarna ENC BP 65 Exoking NEC ARM/ENC FEET 125261 Cloak of Anarchy == SK spells 66 Blurb ENC ARM/NEC FEET 125263 Thirst of Muram II 67 Angler BER LEGS 68 Sea Devil MAG HAND 69 Life MAG BP 70 Death ROG LEG 71 Ochre Jelly NEC HEAD 72 Aballin RNG LEG 73 Gray Ooze NEC HAND 74 Hidden WIZ BP 125302 Static Burst II == Wizard Spells 75 Triskelion MAG HEAD 125306 Harvest V 76 Cyclonic Ravager ENC HEAD 125310 Tower of Calrena II 77 Holocaust Deciple CLE LEG 125315 Deafening Silence II 78 Waterveiled Assassin ENC HAND 125317 Curious Creation II 79 Phytosaur NEC BP 80 Aetozaur BST WRIST 81 Sarras SK WRIST 82 Aleya PAL WRIST 83 Kra Sue CLE WRIST 84 Foc follet BRD WRIST 85 Onibi SHM WRIST 86 Corpse Fire RNG WRIST 87 The Hammer ROG WRIST 88 Winghead BER WRIST 89 The Recluse DRU WRIST 90 Ice Cube SHIELD 91 Harvester WAR ARM/WIZ FEET 125064 Timeless: Chromastrike II 92 Bain MNK WRIST 93 Shiny WIZ WRIST 94 Lectric CLE WRIST 95 Judgement NEC WRIST 96 Pack Master ENC WRIST 97 Guyver WAR LEG 98 Omadon BACK 99 Death Knight SHOULDERS 100 Riptor WAR HAND
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 10:21:43 am by Paldail »
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2012, 04:41:13 pm » |
Great work Paldail - that's a lot of time and research right there!!! Thanks for posting all this info  Strix
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2012, 06:14:42 pm » |
Sea Devil - Harvest V as well
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2012, 06:38:56 pm » |
Sea Devil - Harvest V as well
I guess I need to get to farming. :-D Thanks -Hate
I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2012, 04:25:36 am » |
Sea Devil - Harvest V as well
I guess I need to get to farming. :-D Thanks -Hate Wizards got boned pretty hard.. the bosses that have their spells are RARE lol
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2012, 09:09:41 pm » |
Bump -- Found a few new spells including the paladin group heal!!
If you find any of those missing ones let me know!
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2013, 11:27:38 am » |
Anyone know location of BoAO?