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Author Topic: Suggestion: SLS Improvements  (Read 731 times)
Posts: 5

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« on: December 20, 2024, 05:27:18 pm »

Hey guys, Kiri here.

As i was mindlessly farming SLS, I got to thinking, that there has to be a better way to farm SLS.

Currently, there are a few options..

1) Jaggedpine
2) Old Commons Wisps/Wisp Boss
3) High Tier Random Drops
4) Airplane Lightbringer Farm w/ Double or Triple
5) Reduce the SLS requirements for Strikes/Mana Neck -- Leave UW the same as it is "Ultimate" and SoA stays the same since it is 1 per level

The most common of which seems to be Jaggedpine wisp farming.  This is extremely tedious and even after talking to Draca the farm is such a common source of illegal botting that it requires its own monitoring script.

My thought is that since SLS is outside of the normal "gameplay loop" there should be an easier source, I'm not asking for SLS to be raining from the skies, but the several hour farm I just put in to get 21 SLS to get one of my characters caught up just doesn't seem realistic.

My suggestions are one (or more) of the following:

1) Increase the amount of wisps that spawn in Jaggedpine
2) Conservatively increase the drop rate of Greater Lightstones and/or full SLS from Jaggepine Wisps
3) Add a higher drop rate of SLS to the Airplane Lightbringer boss.
4) Sticking with the Airplane thought, give Nick Saban a guaranteed SLS spawn if spawned off of Lightbringer.

The main goal here is to give an avenue of easier access to farming SLS, which pulls you from the progression path.  The faster you can gather these items, the faster you can get back to progression.

I feel that the common arguement that will be brought up, is why are you racing to the end game? My answer to this is I don't think this change if implemented conservatively equals a race to the end game, it simple reduces the pain point of farming SLS and lets you get back to having fun with progression mobs rather than clicking a /tar wisp /stick macro and 1shotting wisps for hours on end.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2024, 05:31:08 pm by Acaelis » Logged
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