EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: sadit on November 12, 2010, 01:38:16 pm

Title: Tacvi rules?
Post by: sadit on November 12, 2010, 01:38:16 pm
So from my understanding, the rules for tacvi is the first group to engage first boss has the full rotation as their camp until they either wipe or cannot continue, is this correct?
If I am not mistaken, then Hardnox of the Stargate guild is a douche. Comes in after my party kills the level 5 boss, Kills the level 6 boss as im telling him to stop, waits for us to kill the level 7 boss, and kills the last boss.

Honestly, i do not think this is fair at all. I mean i waited for the zone to spawn, so therefore is it not my camp? because obviously im only in the zone to kill those 8 mobs.

I can provide screenshots , and screenshots of tells from him telling us what he was doing as he was doing it. if there is anything that can be done about him.

What do you guys think?

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Smoka on November 12, 2010, 02:31:21 pm
Tacvi has always been a sore spot. It's rearing it's head again due to the instance issues currently.

From what I took of it, there's no 'official' word on the rotation deal and people just consider it a douche move for someone to jump mobs. I don't believe anyone has gotten banned from jumping, just berated and gotten a bad name from it. I could be wrong and anyone can feel free to correct me.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Drezden on November 12, 2010, 04:00:58 pm
 They did me the exact same way last night. Just avoid these guys,there making a nice name for themselves.

 One of them got mad at me because I beat him to FFA loot in tacvi that was announced in /ooc. I had to zone twice to get there and was there a full 2 minutes before anyone else,so i locked it till I got my pally there,who was 30 sec behind. This dude shows up and hovers over the corpse for 6 full minutes,even after I told him I was looting with my pally. So I just destroyed the loot and gated.

 He then proceed to give me nasty tells haha,like I owed him something. I told him he had every opportunity to get there before me and if I'd came up and someone was already there,I would have just moved on.

 Whats really funny is if this guy wouldnt have rolled up with attitude,I'd just let him have it and worried about my box later. But he really just rubbed me the wrong way.


Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: sadit on November 12, 2010, 04:12:37 pm
Interesting, good to know. Stargate Atlantis is a bad guild.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Everlon on November 12, 2010, 04:15:59 pm
Place nice here, and don't kill steal. You can hold a camp if you are not afk. When a mob spawns, you need to engage it, or else you will be considered afk and forfeit the camp. You can not have 1 toon hold the camp while waiting for your group to arrive. If your not ready to engage when the mob spawns, then your not camping it, and forfeit the rights to the camp if another party wants it. If a guild is actively buffing up when a boss spawns, then please give them about 5 minutes to engage, or else they lose the rights to the boss. If a guild spawns a boss thru a turn in quest, then only that guild has rights to the boss. You can't hold 2 or more camps at the same time, so if a group/guild is fighting a boss, then another group/guild is welcome to 'leap frog' and claim the next boss.  

Cant say i agree with it but it is in the rules.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Drezden on November 12, 2010, 04:26:38 pm
 Yea its been talked about before,but never changed in rules. I just dont do it.

 I mean technically if someone was on the 1st boss,you could move to last boss,wait till 1st ones dies engage last one and aggro the rest and be done,screwing the guy out of 7 bosses. Just not a cool move.

 But I will be treating these guys like they treat me,via the rule. So dont cry when it happens to you Stargate Atlantis !

SG1>SA  ;D

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Tibador on November 12, 2010, 04:50:20 pm
If they keep doing that just let me know when they show up and ill come kill all bosses at once for ya, if people leap frogging or ninja looting its all the same to me they will get zero mobs with me around if they dont want to play nice.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Smoka on November 12, 2010, 05:01:17 pm
I mean technically if someone was on the 1st boss,you could move to last boss,wait till 1st ones dies engage last one and aggro the rest and be done,screwing the guy out of 7 bosses. Just not a cool move.

I had that happen to me. I was on Boss #2 when a certain someone that lots know on the server ran right by me. I then see him engage Tunat which effectively pulled bosses #3 and on to him. When I asked him why, he said it's in the rules that it's fine and continued. That was the first time I was so pissed I spouted in ooc. Yeah, that's a mistake, but I've learned since that happened.

He justified his actions by stating he was only there for silk and the rest will rot and I can have it. To me, that wasn't the point and I will henceforth consider him a douche and will treat him as such.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 12, 2010, 05:37:42 pm
People can keep going and reading the rules and being technical and saying hey, it's not against the rules and I don't care that others have said that Hunter has in the past said that Tacvi is a special case. The only thing that will get you is 3 things.

1. A bad rep. Now you can work your way out of this one, but it is really hard, especially if you don't have much of a rep otherwise.

2. An eventual ban. Hunter has stated in the past that Tacvi is its own special case. He has stated that the first to engage has rights to all the rest of the bosses in that zone. As for where that post is, it is lost. But we the veterans of the server are helping you out by telling you, 'hey, Hunter will ban you for this shit'. Furthermore, there is a douche bag rule. Don't think it is a douche move? Well the mass majority of the server (including Hunter) does.

3. Some armor. Pretty insignificant when you can't use it because you have no friends on the server cause everyone thinks your a douche.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Zero on November 12, 2010, 06:25:56 pm
All good points. But what happened to Hunter saying that he was going to change Tacvi to anguish? That would squash this issue permanently.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Wack on November 12, 2010, 06:35:28 pm
had someone try to leapfrog me the other day jumped onto mob 5 let him kill it while i killed mob 6 and 7 and then he tried to sit at tunat and tell me that it was camped rofl so ya i took tunat and killed him when he spawned then tried to tell me he has fraps it and i was gonna get banned.. Lol after I sat in tacvi for 3 hrs giving away everything but leather woulda had no problem giving him the plate pieces but wanted to try to be a dick. best of luck to you juggernaut {not the clan} and your other toons lol ill see you around im sure.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: ccarroll85 on November 13, 2010, 01:41:04 pm
Another vote for Stargate Atlantis being a crap guild.  They constantly show no regard to respect.  Hardknox in particualr is a Douche and a half.  Just adding my two cents.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Balthor2 on November 13, 2010, 03:44:28 pm
Fucking douche.
Also I am pretty sure you can still see the thread in question.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 22, 2011, 05:38:29 pm
hello this is stargate, leader of the guild stargate atlantis, well ex leader *i removed it from ez server* as a favor i would like to ask you to to remove this post it makes me and anyone wearing my tag look very bad, i removed the members in question over this post even tho its not agenst the rules i do not want members willing to do that to others makes me look bad, stargate atlantis was a Verry Good good and i have recently made a new guild Named stargate universe and when others look it up to apply they also find this post i am sorry someone from my old guild did this to you and to anyone i handled it the right way and just cause one noob got in Sga does not make the whole guild a bad guild just means theres a bad apple and it needs to be tossed out.  please do me a favor and remove this post as it is no longer needed. thank you...                             

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Reed on February 22, 2011, 06:56:11 pm
This thread has been dead since November 13, 2010....

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Agrias on February 22, 2011, 06:57:48 pm
Good job bumping it though.  It had been dead  ::)

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 22, 2011, 08:01:23 pm
This thread has been dead since November 13, 2010....

Corrections, wasdead until Stargate resurrected it.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 22, 2011, 09:24:32 pm
what is you're point, it still looks bad for those who look to apply to my NEW guild if its Dead then there shouldint be an issue in me asking for it to be removed  :o

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Reed on February 22, 2011, 09:39:48 pm
what is you're point, it still looks bad for those who look to apply to my NEW guild if its Dead then there shouldint be an issue in me asking for it to be removed  :o

Not to be a jerk, but lets see why your request likely won't work here.

Reason 1:


You can see in this picture, the Author is Sadit. He posted this November 12, 2010. Not a big issue here. Just clarifying that he is, in fact, the author.

Reason 2:


As you can see in this picture, the Author of said thread has not logged into the forums since November 19, 2010. Meaning he hasn't been on the forums for nearly four months. By the time he does see this, if he logs in, it will likely be dead and forgotten again.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: JDFriend on February 23, 2011, 11:26:38 am
Stargate relax, your still gonna get tons of noobies to join your guild, and we will have tons of new posts to complain about very soon... BTW, do your job as a Leader, i shouldnt be receieving tells from your guildies asking me to help them in epic 2.0 !!!


Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: walk2k on February 23, 2011, 11:49:17 am
LOL save your breath my friend, we went round and round on this issue a couple months ago...

Short answer, don't "leap".  It's generally considered rude and a no-no.

Long answer, as you found out the rules specificially say it is allowed.  Even though some of the more... "vocal" shall we say?  members of this board swear up and down that Hunter created a special rule for Tacvi (and then buried it somewhere nobody can actually find it... lol) clearly the rules that are right here... that everyone can easily find with one click... seem to contradict that.  That said, just don't do it.  You may not be banned for it, but the players here have made their own rule regarding Tacvi, and it's just not worth burning your rep over it... is it?  Why?  Just spring for the whopping 10k and create a guild instance - poof - problem solved.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 23, 2011, 11:51:42 am
what is you're point, it still looks bad for those who look to apply to my NEW guild if its Dead then there shouldint be an issue in me asking for it to be removed  :o

Not to be a jerk, but lets see why your request likely won't work here.

Reason 1:


You can see in this picture, the Author is Sadit. He posted this November 12, 2010. Not a big issue here. Just clarifying that he is, in fact, the author.

Reason 2:


As you can see in this picture, the Author of said thread has not logged into the forums since November 19, 2010. Meaning he hasn't been on the forums for nearly four months. By the time he does see this, if he logs in, it will likely be dead and forgotten again.
wow, alright well that's a news flash, not cool.. so i guess there's nothing i can do but take it up with the moderator witch i have, i am waiting for a reply, it might be dead and forgotten soon, as you said but EVERY time someone types in *stargate* or *stargate universe* to apply to my guild they see this posting right under it so its not that DEAD or Forgotten i am starting to feel like my name and anyone hanging with me or wearing my tag is being Slandered by this section of the forums, its a very old issue Stargate Anlantis does not even exist any more, the players in question here were removed over this issue, this post is doing nothing useful all it is doing is making Stargate look real bad and no rules were broken so what is this post other then a hate post or a Rant ? i do not know but i am upset about it and i would like something to be done about it. :o

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: gimpy on February 23, 2011, 12:17:16 pm
People can keep going and reading the rules and being technical and saying hey, it's not against the rules and I don't care that others have said that Hunter has in the past said that Tacvi is a special case. The only thing that will get you is 3 things.

1. A bad rep. Now you can work your way out of this one, but it is really hard, especially if you don't have much of a rep otherwise.

it might be dead and forgotten soon, as you said but EVERY time someone types in *stargate* or *stargate universe* to apply to my guild they see this posting right under it so its not that DEAD or Forgotten i am starting to feel like my name and anyone hanging with me or wearing my tag is being Slandered by this section of the forums, its a very old issue Stargate Anlantis does not even exist any more, the players in question here were removed over this issue, this post is doing nothing useful all it is doing is making Stargate look real bad and no rules were broken so what is this post other then a hate post or a Rant ? i do not know but i am upset about it and i would like something to be done about it. :o

Looks like Xiggie spoke the truth, and the chickens are coming home to roost. 

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: chunkumss on February 23, 2011, 12:34:11 pm
EVERY time someone types in *stargate* or *stargate universe* to apply to my guild they see this posting right under it

If it means enough to you, you can always remake your guild under a different name. I know it is a hassle, but if you don't include "Stargate" in the name nobody will get the two mixed up.

Or, you could just leave it as it is. If they find this thread, they'll find this discussion too. If a person takes the time to search for your name, I'm sure they'll read the thread.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 23, 2011, 12:35:17 pm
Do you people not understand?, it was not me that messed up in tacvi, it was not any one in Stargate Universe, the players that messed up are not playing on ez server any more and are not part of Stargate Universe in anyway, and since this is the case it means this whole section of the forums is Unneeded and out-dated and should be removed there are members that posted things like
Fucking douche.
Also I am pretty sure you can still see the thread in question.
i mean really what is this section other then a hate thread or ? ??? i mean Rules are Rules they did not brake any for one, and for two i removed them for it my self i do not agree with what they did and would not have done it my self             

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 23, 2011, 12:38:31 pm
EVERY time someone types in *stargate* or *stargate universe* to apply to my guild they see this posting right under it

If it means enough to you, you can always remake your guild under a different name. I know it is a hassle, but if you don't include "Stargate" in the name nobody will get the two mixed up.

Or, you could just leave it as it is. If they find this thread, they'll find this discussion too. If a person takes the time to search for your name, I'm sure they'll read the thread.
that is Very true but it would be nice if they did not have to go thru 2- how ever many pages this goes on for just to see the truth behind it all

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: pouncer on February 23, 2011, 01:10:26 pm
You shoulda just left this thread alone and emailed a link to Hunter tbh, it was all but forgotten.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: balthor3 on February 23, 2011, 03:32:57 pm
I made a brand new forum account just to tell you:
Shut the fuck up you whiny bitch.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Ashar on February 23, 2011, 03:34:38 pm
has anyone bumped this one lately?


Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: chunkumss on February 23, 2011, 04:00:27 pm
I made a brand new forum account just to tell you:
Shut the fuck up you whiny bitch.

Welcome back Balthor!

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Reed on February 23, 2011, 04:17:12 pm
hello this is stargate, leader of the guild stargate atlantis, well ex leader

Basically my thought on this thread is, it should be taken as a piece of EZ History. You were the leader of this guild, failed to keep its members in check, and created a bad (but recoverable) name for your guild at that time. Now rather than accepting the bad, you're trying to get it removed under the defense that you were unavailable to or just didn't fix the problem at the time.
It'd been several months now, people have moved. People looking to join your guild will see this thread and likely not care.
You've already mentioned how the issues (now) have been addressed and now fly under a new banner. Nothing else needs to change. Just take this whole experience as a learning one. No one just creates a guild and is instantly a good leader. Takes time, mistakes, and learning from those mistakes.

If this issues REALLY bothers you that much, seriously, create a different name for the guild. Seriously.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: lerxst2112 on February 23, 2011, 06:01:19 pm

It happened and you can't just erase it.  You can build a new reputation, but it will take time and effort.

The effort to erase the past is more damaging to your reputation than just leaving it alone.  It makes me think you'd be happy to just sweep any wrong things you did under the rug whether in the past, present, or future.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Fugitive on February 23, 2011, 06:34:32 pm
I made a brand new forum account just to tell you:
Shut the fuck up you whiny bitch.


and talk about a self ego what is up with the guild names...

Good luck honestly..

Fugitive <RAGE>

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: balthor3 on February 23, 2011, 06:39:22 pm
You are just a lump of shit with a big ass ego to compensate for your teeny tiny penis.
You sucked ass last time as a guild leader last time I cared to even pay attention to you.
I check the forums for the first time in awhile and all I see is you being a god damn ghetto gutter slut seeking attention and crying about how you use to suck cock for a nickle and got found out.

You suck as a guild leader.
The guild you had sucked.

Willing to bet both of the above are still true.
So here is a little lesson for you son, "Leave dead threads dead or Balthor will slap you with his cock."

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: lerxst2112 on February 23, 2011, 08:17:53 pm

I would so hump your leg right now Balthor.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 23, 2011, 09:34:01 pm
Wow, Well aren't you a big guy Balthor really get a life you Troll i did not do anything you people do not understand, i Did not make a mistake, i'm not trying to sweap anything away or cover anything up cause i did not do anything a old member from a  old guild did and i am simply asking for the post to be removed i am not asking for balthor to curse me out again he's one of the main reason i am even asking for it to be removed :o

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: lerxst2112 on February 23, 2011, 09:38:35 pm

Asking for it to be removed is trying to sweep it under the rug.  It happened and you need to own up and live with it.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 23, 2011, 09:46:42 pm
own up to what alright *i had a  member in my old guild that turned out to be a  jackass and was rude to others in tacvi* i removed him for it too i did not mess up so wtf am i owning up to ? i did my part as a leader and booted his ass right off my 270 member count guild roster for acting the way he did stargate atlantis does not exist now so i'm sweaping nothing away i just want the slander to be removed

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Lintrix on February 23, 2011, 10:15:23 pm
Anyone else see a striking resemblance of bad guild leaders and the inability to write with proper sentence structure?

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: lerxst2112 on February 23, 2011, 10:35:24 pm

Now, the word you're actually looking for is libel, since it is written and slander is spoken, but let's ignore that for now.

slan·der – noun
1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.
2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.
3. Law . defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.

You might notice that in order for something to be slander or libel it needs to be false.  There's nothing false here, it happened, and asking for it to be removed just makes you look like more of a fool.

Take some free advice...  Stop posting here and move on.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 23, 2011, 11:23:36 pm
I am not saying that what happen did not happen, nor trying to cover the fact it happen up, i'm trying to get this section removed and saying i DID NOT DO THIS MY SELF and i DID take action on those who did it and for these people to curse me out and say my whole guild is shit and that i'm a horrible guild leader cause of another man's actions is not right and it IS Slander to point at me and say i'm this and i'm that when i was not even online at the time these people were out of hand you cannot hold me accountble for there actions and roast me and say my guild is shit and i'm shit i did not do this they did.. if i had not taken action thats one thing, had i did it myself that's another thing, had i done anything other then kindly pm a  few people on forums and post one post asking for it to end and people to remove there posts i get flamed i don't think i should get flamed, i just want to run a nice family and friend based guild...  ;D

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: lerxst2112 on February 23, 2011, 11:36:52 pm

Before you posted, all this thread said is that three months ago Hardnox from Stargate Atlantis was a douche. 

Now, in addition to that, it says you're an idiot that doesn't know when to shut up.

By all means, please keep digging that hole.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Reed on February 24, 2011, 01:07:35 am
By all means, please keep digging that hole.


Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Fugitive on February 24, 2011, 05:49:03 am
Oh my gawd. Wtf was that was that wall of text about.

Maybe your not meant to be a guild leader... and if it's a so called family guild I'm sure they would understand.

Also, you should reconsider your guild tag wtf is wrong with you and the desire to use your name in the tag?

If I was you.....I would remove all your posts from this thread.. because as it stands I'm sure it sux for recruitment..

In fact you may need to run a low profile... but whatever I'm sure you will see this as an attack.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Fugitive on February 24, 2011, 05:52:02 am
One more thing it's not your thread to remove get over it...

What did you delete your original forum account for? Then try to reinvent yourself....you did it wrong...get out of the spotlight..

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 24, 2011, 12:22:23 pm
fugitive you are a true fucking idiot are't you wtf is Wrong with you...
Oh my gawd. Wtf was that was that wall of text about.

Maybe your not meant to be a guild leader... and if it's a so called family guild I'm sure they would understand.

Also, you should reconsider your guild tag wtf is wrong with you and the desire to use your name in the tag?

If I was you.....I would remove all your posts from this thread.. because as it stands I'm sure it sux for recruitment..

In fact you may need to run a low profile... but whatever I'm sure you will see this as an attack.
you dumb fuck stargate is not my real life name so how does that reflect a  fucking Ego trip i named my toon and my guild after a fucking syfy flick not after my self notice my name is stargate not david you dumb shit  ;D and as for the other idiots

Before you posted, all this thread said is that three months ago Hardnox from Stargate Atlantis was a douche.  

Now, in addition to that, it says you're an idiot that doesn't know when to shut up.

By all means, please keep digging that hole.
what whole am i really digging i did nothing AT ALL but ask for this section to be removed because it was making me and SGU *stargate universe* look bad and we had nothing to fucking do with it so here i am being attacked by idiots assholes and forum trolls for asking to have this shit taken off the forums, if it was a dead thread, good that means anyone who needed to see it had and its old news then remove the shit why keep it ?, to remember that that one guy hardnox from months ago in that one guild form months ago that does not exist any more was an ass in tacvi ? write it down on a piece of paper and staple it to yer fucking head to remember it then, this is a waste of data space on the forums all around and i just want the bs to stop this topic like i keep saying is old there should not be an issue in removing it, why is it you all want it to be on the forums still so bad, do i really deserve to get roasted and called names and ect just for asking to have it removed? its old and dead remove the shit all it did by being on the forums still was start more drama, hence the bumping of the subject Accept the facts people, yes some ass hole named hardnox from an old guild was a dick , i delt with him its all over and done i DID NOT do anything my self so stop roasting me * ( Please ) * seriously i Do Not deserve this people.... Hardnox does i just want it taken off the forums you all could say no Rather then roast me or sgu like this its Unneeded and
WTF are you talking about i have never deleted any account on any forum i've ever made im not trying or wanting to Reinvent my self that's why i want this section deleted you fucking Numbskull really people i don't want  o fight or bicker i want this section deleted if that's not going to happen i can't change that i know, i am only asking for it to be removed you all see it as me trying to hide MY MISTAKES, you fail to see the Logic here i DID NOT DO THIS hardnox did and got booted from the guild please lets drop this Retarded Topic who ever started please kindly remove it, anyone who has posted please remove it im asking nicely.
One more thing it's not your thread to remove get over it...

What did you delete your original forum account for? Then try to reinvent yourself....you did it wrong...get out of the spotlight..

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Fugitive on February 24, 2011, 12:33:44 pm
LoL are you really this dumb.. where did real names get involved haha...

/e gets some popcorn....

You seem and appear as dumb as your old guild, please keep trying to be so cool and innocent it's working wonders for you...

Maybe you should reroll, you might be to the point of unrecoverable efforts...but whatever....

But thanks for the lame attempt to flame someone and for pointing out you are obviously  lacking the skillset to "fit in".. no on missed you before, no on will miss you again..bye bye

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 24, 2011, 12:39:42 pm
You are one dumb idiot. You come here asking for a thread to be deleted that no one was concerned about anymore and have turned this into something that is of major concern for your guild. Your desire to even get this thread deleted is flawed anyway, these threads are a documentation of things that have happened. As such they should stay. And now, after making the request you are calling people fucking idiots? Wow dude, you really are an dumb asshole.


Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 24, 2011, 12:44:42 pm
re-read what you just posted
LoL are you really this dumb.. where did real names get involved haha...

/e gets some popcorn....

You seem and appear as dumb as your old guild, please keep trying to be so cool and innocent it's working wonders for you...

Maybe you should reroll, you might be to the point of unrecoverable efforts...but whatever....
But thanks for the lame attempt to flame someone and for pointing out you are obviously  lacking the skillset to "fit in".. no on missed you before, no on will miss you again..bye bye Stop fucking trolling you were never even involved with what happen in tacvi you found this post and decided to flame and join the rant, i don't want to rant with you noob i want this section gone  and that's all  really you are Trolling what i say on this forum has meaning and a  point im trying to get this off the forums cause its unneeded and you are trying To do What? flame me rant about me and call me names and tell me i suck? why ? cause i want this section removed ? get a fucking life you poor lonly Bastard  :P really im done with all the trolls and the nerd rage's im going to take it to hunter and ask him to get it off the forums  i gotta do something right, what kind of guild leader would i be if i let this shit go on and on and allow people to see this hardnox is not with  sgu or with me and we did not do it he did don't try holding me or sgu down for what he did its not Right

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 24, 2011, 01:00:23 pm
You're a dumb, irritating moron. Do not send me tells in game. You come here and make an ass out of yourself on the forums and then you are going to send me tells in game? You really have some issues.


Btw, when you are trying to get people to lay off you because you made an idiot out of yourself it is not a good idea to start that request with you suck.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 24, 2011, 01:05:41 pm
you are a sad individual man you can post about me on forums you can call me what ever you like, but you can sit with me in game and  chat a  second ? im asking everyone to lay the fuck off, you do fucking suck you read a thread that did not concern you decided to start ranting about me with the crowd you fucking suck, and you don't look much better then me when you are still siting on forums ranting about me telling me im an idiot and a moron i try to tell you to lay the fuck back so you SS and post and call me an idiot some more ? you think that made you look good or something ? fucking Troll

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 24, 2011, 01:07:14 pm
and once again, i did not make an idiot out of my self, hardnox made an idiot of him self i just want a  dead post removed and im getting flamed  ::)

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Zero on February 24, 2011, 01:09:59 pm
Banstick every thread pertaining to Tacvi. Always get's hijacked by drama...

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 24, 2011, 01:14:07 pm
Are you serious? How many people need to tell you that you are a dumbass for it to sink in? Even continuing to post on here you are increasing the amount of stupidity people see what they look at you. And you little bit about 'oh your posting too so your an idiot too', that is a dumb statement. My posting in this thread will have no adverse effect on me, your continuing to post on here will have adverse effect on you and your entire guild. You really should leave this thread alone. I mean seriously man, the farther you go the worse it will get for you.


P.S. Your continued posting on this thread, your sending people tells in game, the things you have posted on this thread and your lack of sentence structure are all indications of your idiocy.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 24, 2011, 01:16:24 pm
DIE IN A FIRE  i hate you :)

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Zero on February 24, 2011, 01:17:24 pm
So does that mean that this thread dies?

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Elisiah on February 24, 2011, 01:18:27 pm
Stargate, just stop. You aren't getting anywhere, nor will you ever get anywhere if you continue this pointless and useless struggle. You're just making yerself seem like you know nothing and that you really shouldn't be listend to.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 24, 2011, 01:19:41 pm
Stargate, just stop. You aren't getting anywhere, nor will you ever get anywhere if you continue this pointless and useless struggle. You're just making yerself seem like you know nothing and that you really shouldn't be listend to.

Too late. Already happen. Currently I am looking for a pictured instructions on how to breath just in case he is dumb enough to forget.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Elisiah on February 24, 2011, 01:20:55 pm
I know, I was just trying to give him some hope.... even if it is false hope.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 24, 2011, 01:31:08 pm
Well I really have nothing more to say in it. He was calling people idiots when he is the idiot so I wanted to call him out on it. I am done posting here.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Fugitive on February 24, 2011, 03:55:28 pm
Wow learn to quote ... it's sad it is a massive wall of gibberish about this and that...

Also the only nerdrage I see going on is from your keyboard....

You need to hook up with the leader of Fear Mongers he turned his guild around to a positive ask him for some pointers..

Really you are just self destructing lay low get out of the spotlight and quit eating the bait...

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Fugitive on February 24, 2011, 04:07:45 pm
And a noob ... me.   :o really you should get to know the server and are you 100% sure Stargate Atlantis never fucked any if my guild mates in game... shall I just go create another thread titled Stargate and just post a bunch of Screen shots of Stargate atlatis being completely dumb in LDON, Tacvi,  Potimea..... cause I can...

Dude take a step back if you really want to reinvent your guild you might not want to put everyone on blast while trying to do so...

Being an effective guild leader also should be about building relationships with other guilds... right now that seems to be a very hard task for you..

And just as others said this thread would have been buried deep it's not your's to delete so you have options ...ignoring it... good option number one... or nerdraging into senseless babbling about how non awesome your leadership is....bad option..

Really if you need help in game with growing your leadership or guild in game give me a tell.... read the whole thread and then read it again... breathe and think about what myself and other's are trying to convey to you...

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Reed on February 24, 2011, 04:18:17 pm
DIE IN A FIRE  i hate you :)



Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 24, 2011, 04:44:28 pm
haha You mad bro? lol, nah im not mad i just feel like you all to, like this is going no where i know its not mine to delete that is why i posted on here to ask for the person who posted to delete then got roasted for it :) i dont really want help leading my guild i got that covered i want help geting this off the forums cause it does not need to be here.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 24, 2011, 04:46:41 pm
Boy ariel Looks Naughty in that picture  ;)

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Reed on February 24, 2011, 05:09:24 pm
I dedicated that picture to jew_nose_it. Someone we know mutually loves mermaids

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: balthor3 on February 24, 2011, 07:37:06 pm
If you posted something like, "Fuck you all. I am Stargate and I am king. Suck it fools"
then holy shit if I wouldnt support you 100 percent.
I've gone through times of having a bad rep because of my actions or my guilds actions.
Maybe once or twice I argued over blame and then I just didnt give a fuck.
So cry wolf and get roasted or just stop giving a shit and I'll leave you alone for now on.

Might be foolish of me to expect anyone to even see the knowledge of this response but if you do then good for you.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: lerxst2112 on February 24, 2011, 09:46:00 pm

So, how long til <Stargate Universe> implodes and <SG1> gets created?  You're running out of series to name guilds after, you should just stop now.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: tholumar on February 24, 2011, 10:38:11 pm
My vote after this guild implodes is <Wormhole Extreme!>

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: jimme on February 25, 2011, 03:17:02 am
Listen ALL of you, ok. Far as i'm concerned , Stargate the series, fucking sucks. But as far as Stargate the Paly on EZ, he is really a cool dude, and so is the Guild.

Now the chic on the old navy commercial, you know, super C-U-T-E, that bitch is fine as hell, especially since she isn't a Kardashian, so shes not a super slut.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: lerxst2112 on February 25, 2011, 06:17:12 am

If you hadn't spelled properly, used punctuation, and actually had a carriage return in your post I'd accuse you of being a fake account to say nice things about Stargate.

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Drezden on February 25, 2011, 09:59:14 am
 Sluts need love to...


 Drezden goes into a bar, knocks over ten good women to get the one slut on the corner !

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 25, 2011, 12:24:18 pm
My vote after this guild implodes is <Wormhole Extreme!>
Don't give me any ideas, you might just see that guild name running around soon, hehe

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Reed on February 25, 2011, 12:35:21 pm

Lol what?

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on February 25, 2011, 01:01:17 pm
i have to admit, i laughed even tho it was at my expense Nice pic :P

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Reed on February 25, 2011, 03:02:31 pm
wasnt meant as a detrimental type of post, just light hearted humor

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: JDFriend on February 28, 2011, 04:49:47 pm
Stargate, just stop. You aren't getting anywhere, nor will you ever get anywhere if you continue this pointless and useless struggle. You're just making yerself seem like you know nothing and that you really shouldn't be listend to.

Damn near every post made me laugh, but this one takes the F'in cake all day !!!!

Stargate bro, this is a new member been on the server 3 weeks, and called your a$$ out omfg!!!!!!!!!! /cookies for everyone !!!!!!!!

/runs off laughing and choking on cookies......oh my Fucking God!!!!

Title: Re: Tacvi rules?
Post by: Stargate on March 01, 2011, 05:58:37 pm
Stargate, just stop. You aren't getting anywhere, nor will you ever get anywhere if you continue this pointless and useless struggle. You're just making yerself seem like you know nothing and that you really shouldn't be listend to.

Damn near every post made me laugh, but this one takes the F'in cake all day !!!!

Stargate bro, this is a new member been on the server 3 weeks, and called your a$$ out omfg!!!!!!!!!! /cookies for everyone !!!!!!!!

/runs off laughing and choking on cookies......oh my Fucking God!!!!
Yo Fuck you Lightblade :)