EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on December 16, 2010, 09:46:03 am

Title: Heals/Procs
Post by: Hunter on December 16, 2010, 09:46:03 am
Edited some rule values in the database, so let me know if you notice a difference in heals or procs after our next auto reboot.



Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Balthor2 on December 16, 2010, 09:59:06 am
Awesome, cant wait for tomorrow.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Wack on December 16, 2010, 10:17:04 am
Edited some rule values in the database, so let me know if you notice a difference in heals or procs after our next auto reboot.

what we supposed to be lookin for lol increase decrease same?

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Hunter on December 16, 2010, 10:52:55 am
increase in both

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Wack on December 16, 2010, 11:16:00 am
kk will letcha kno

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Domeiz on December 16, 2010, 11:41:29 am
i'm guessing this is proc rate and not proc amount? just clarifying :)

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Secrets on December 16, 2010, 12:05:44 pm
Also Hunter, I fixed the druid epic to scale properly.

That will be in with the auto-reboot as well.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: barrettd04 on December 16, 2010, 06:07:34 pm
Thanks guyz.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: L0stman on December 16, 2010, 06:59:12 pm
Great fixes Hunter / Secrets.

Thank you both.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Dumog on December 16, 2010, 07:15:29 pm
Proc rates are down dramatically on my paladin and my friend is reporting the same problem. Is there gonna be an issue with them until the reboot?

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Solbash on December 16, 2010, 07:21:46 pm
Proc rates are down dramatically on my paladin and my friend is reporting the same problem. Is there gonna be an issue with them until the reboot?
Edited some rule values in the database, so let me know if you notice a difference in heals or procs after our next auto reboot.



As written by the man himself, yes until the reboot in the AM.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Dumog on December 16, 2010, 07:36:04 pm
Yah he said AFTER the next reboot which would be tomorrow he said nothing about the rates in the meantime.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Zartaxis on December 17, 2010, 05:23:14 am
I haven't parsed it or anything but wow the proc rates on everything seem way lower.  I can get an entire visible chat window of hits in without a proc.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Tbuki on December 17, 2010, 05:29:29 am
Proc rates are down dramatically on my paladin and my friend is reporting the same problem. Is there gonna be an issue with them until the reboot?

Proc rates are down even more after the reboot. Went from 90 procs (ish) against the dragon slave to 3 before it killed me.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 17, 2010, 05:29:53 am
I've spent the last 2 days in T2 gearing out a second pally. I did not die even once. Tanked Kronos just fine, tanked everything just fine. Just spawned Mentu after the reboot and had a bunch of close calls several times then about half way through the fight I got wiped. Something is definitely wrong with the proc rate, especially since it was supposed to be increased.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Tbuki on December 17, 2010, 05:37:28 am
The only real increase I see is that my cleansing strike (paladin) in Lower Guk is firing off more than it was. Would be like 3 CS's every 9 mobs and now it's 2 per mob if the first one doesn't kill it.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Faxa on December 17, 2010, 05:57:07 am
My pocs are way down to.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Medic on December 17, 2010, 06:18:49 am
In addition to the lower rate I am also noticing my warrior is only procing once per attack i.e. with 2 aug on 2 weapon I have not seen a single round with more than a single proc.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Smoka on December 17, 2010, 06:28:01 am
In addition to the lower rate I am also noticing my warrior is only procing once per attack i.e. with 2 aug on 2 weapon I have not seen a single round with more than a single proc.

This happened on the source code update a few weeks ago.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Wack on December 17, 2010, 07:16:14 am
seems to be not procing multiples like normally would dps has gone down it seems havent fully parsed logged on and ppl said they where dying to tacvi in full t2 so had to go see. normally I kill these t2 dragons in like 10seconds taking me about as long as an avatar would take my group to kill atm im sure someone will through a parse up here soon but ya def down

Edit: ya tried to solo t2 boss just now mentu taking forever felt like i was fighting shadow for a min rofl. hopefully we'll get things turned back around and won't have to wait all day. imho I thought the procs where fine ya we had to click haste off of pallys but w.e I was fine with it this is starting to feel more like a unintentional nerf again =/.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 17, 2010, 07:32:24 am
The issue with too much haste can be easily fixed with one line of code.  This makes sure the calculated weapon delay doesn't go below 10 since the swing timer will never go below 1 attack per second.

In attack.cpp, Mob::GetProcChances, ~ line 3577 add the second line:

	weapon_speed = ((int)(weapon_speed*(100.0f+attack_speed)*PermaHaste) / 100);
if(weapon_speed < 10) weapon_speed = 10; //Make sure the delay doesn't go below 10 since that's as low as the swing timer goes.

I've tested this locally with 500% haste and it keeps the proc chance from going below what it should be if you're swinging your weapon once per second while leaving it alone if you swing slower than that.  I don't know the delays on all the epics, but I'd guess most people with epic 3.0+ are hitting the 1 second cap pretty easily from gear + spell haste, or even gear alone if they have a high level brawlers or ultimate charm.

I'm not sure which rules you may have modified in the most recent changes, but there's two ways to go.

1) Add the above code, leave Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute enabled, and tweak Combat:AvgProcsPerMinute to find a good balance.

2) Disable Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute which bypasses weapon speed completely so the above code isn't necessary, and tweak Combat:BaseProcChance to find a good balance.  The default is 3.5% + applicable bonuses.

If you log in and type "#mlog setcat combat on" you will get the proc chances and other combat stats dumped into the zone log so you can see the percentages as you tweak.

#rules reload is helpful when you're tweaking things on the fly so you don't need to keep restarting the server for them to take effect.  You can also change rues using the #rules command, but I find it easier to tweak them in a database editor and reload them since that is less typing.

edit: changed code to ensure it will compile on Linux as well as Windows due to the annoying way max is defined in windows.h

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Gnaughty on December 17, 2010, 07:43:19 am
/sigh  Yeah it went from bad to ridiculous.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: veshicra on December 17, 2010, 08:12:12 am
My pocs are way down too.I'm a sk

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Fugitive on December 17, 2010, 08:34:19 am
Holy sh!t... procs are sucking... revert revert!!

and reboot... hope this doesn't stay the day like this..

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Wack on December 17, 2010, 08:36:56 am
ya im off for the day until this gets fixed was gonna do roa all day cant even do that so

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Kwai on December 17, 2010, 08:53:30 am
This is game changing. 

I don't mind a few tweaks here and there, but the entire game is now unplayable thanks to this change... well, unless you want to kill rats in N Freeport.  Sounds like someone either wanted to force clerics back in the box or didn't fully comprehend the impact of nerfing procs on a server that depends on Pal heals to compete at virtually any level.

I'll be off searching for additional entertainment until this is repaired. 

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Wack on December 17, 2010, 09:29:20 am
was tryin to increase but this isnt really something you can change and just hope works right sadly =/ this was something that shoulda been added when it was able to be monitored and changed as needed isnt a showtime oven  cant set it and forget it =/ anyhow back to watchin tv

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Cowtipper on December 17, 2010, 09:36:02 am
I'm not really going to be on until this is fixed. I play several paladins in my group so I'm basically out of commission until it is. Hopefully we can get a correction and reboot before the auto reboot 20 hours from now.

Starting to think...hmmm....

Cowtipper's Christmas Conspiracy Conjecture

- Most of us probably haven't gotten our Christmas Shopping done yet (cmon we're EQ addicts!)
- Hunter works for Wal-Mart - the largest retailer in the World
- Without Procs most of the content is unable to be done - forcing us to log off EQ today/tonight
- During the next week or two with potential Holiday content many of us will be on much more then normal - leaving less time for shopping.
- If we're logged off EQ tonight we'll be forced to think about things other then EQ. With Christmas being so close that will probably be near the forefront of our minds for many.
-Ergo most of us will likely take the opportunity to shop for Christmas presents. Now I do buy nice stuff mostly but for the cheap stuff I do go to..drum roll... WAL MART

All this is is job security for Hunter.
Mystery solved.


Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: zeebos on December 17, 2010, 10:56:19 am
Wow. Everyone needs to chill out a little. This is an experimental server. Things do not always hash out the way it is expected. Give them some time. Go outside and play. Do something else if it is just to unbearable. They will fix it. Or at least try to revert back. He works crazy hours and certainly can't always monitor the changes. Cut them some slack. If you don't like that things get tweaked here and there, go play elsewhere.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Cowtipper on December 17, 2010, 11:20:54 am
Did ya ever pause to think that maybe, just maybe, a guy with a name like Cowtipper is making a joke about a HUGE conspiracy Hunter set up in order to get all 200 odd of us to shop at Wal-Mart because they're down to 800 million customers this year? =)

I do cut Hunter all the slack in the world. Hes got a very long week and I really do understand how trying long hours and sacrifice are - I know he works about 70 hrs a week and puts in 20-30 on EZ - I'm almost there myself:  I work full time (50-55 hrs at a salary job); I'm going back to college in January almost full time and I help (own the home they live in) support both my parents, my grandma and 2 of my uncles - all of whom are on disability.  I was trying to make light of the situation by using extremism. Mea Culpa Mea Culpa if that was missed.

Going back to work now (god I actually wish I could go out and play. sled riding sounds so fun atm when I'm stuck in my office). I don't know why I'm going to go work as there is nothing going on here at the phone company today. Been rather quiet.


Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Crawford on December 17, 2010, 11:27:29 am
It would be wonderful if there were a test server for these changes so they don't go in until they are ready.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Lucadian on December 17, 2010, 11:33:24 am
Logged on today to find that my pally procs only like... 3 times per fight or so... Idk what happened, but it seems as though you guys moved the values the wrong way.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Zadar on December 17, 2010, 12:50:07 pm
proc rates nerfed. this is a great thing now pallys will have to learn how to play as opposed to just press q.   might see a pally cast a heal or something, who know!.   I for one and happy that proc rates have been lowered.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Lintrix on December 17, 2010, 12:51:52 pm
Don't fret guys!  I'm sure the effects of this change was unintentional, and Hunter/Secrets will do whatever they can to fix it.  

Follow the cowtipper conspiracy.  I know many of us have waited until last minute to purchase Christmas gifts, and today sounds like a great day to get out there and finish those chores!

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: supra297 on December 17, 2010, 12:52:41 pm
Not trying to be a smart ass or anything, but just trying to contribute my honest opinion: time to get a test server Hunter =)

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Lintrix on December 17, 2010, 12:53:28 pm
proc rates nerfed. this is a great thing now pallys will have to learn how to play as opposed to just press q.   might see a pally cast a heal or something, who know!.   I for one and happy that proc rates have been lowered.

Hunter specifically noted that proc rates should have been increased, not decreased.  The effect of the change was unintentional and it will be fixed whenever they have the opportunity.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Likkety on December 17, 2010, 12:55:40 pm
Not trying to be a smart ass or anything, but just trying to contribute my honest opinion: time to get a test server Hunter =)

He mentioned more than once that he may make one.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: jhonas9 on December 17, 2010, 01:00:19 pm
OMG, so I wasn't losing my mind.  Only came to this thread because I needed to find out what the hell was going on.  Thought my Pally was totally busticated.  Well she is, but at least it's not her fault.  Here's hoping for a quick revert.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 17, 2010, 01:27:26 pm
proc rates nerfed. this is a great thing now pallys will have to learn how to play as opposed to just press q.   might see a pally cast a heal or something, who know!.   I for one and happy that proc rates have been lowered.

Hunter specifically noted that proc rates should have been increased, not decreased.  The effect of the change was unintentional and it will be fixed whenever they have the opportunity.

Yeah, Zadufus has been running around making posts here and there about how the server should be. I always love it how someone new to the server can come in here and think they have the experience and knowledge to decide how this server should be.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Balthor2 on December 17, 2010, 01:29:32 pm
proc rates nerfed. this is a great thing now pallys will have to learn how to play as opposed to just press q.   might see a pally cast a heal or something, who know!.   I for one and happy that proc rates have been lowered.

Wow you sir, are stupid.
If you want a live-like experience then go to P99 or some other server. EZ is custom and its what it is. Dont like then get off

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: L0stman on December 17, 2010, 01:30:22 pm
Anyone able to confirm that the change fixed the druid epic click?  With Focus + Oracle it should be healing for more than 2,000 again.

If noone confirms by the time I get home, I will do so.

Dont leave me in suspense guys!

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Likkety on December 17, 2010, 01:31:54 pm
OMG, so I wasn't losing my mind.  Only came to this thread because I needed to find out what the hell was going on.  Thought my Pally was totally busticated.  Well she is, but at least it's not her fault.  Here's hoping for a quick revert.

(http://ist1-3.filesor.com/pimpandhost.com/1/7/2/1/17217/o/V/t/p/oVtp/11ea9ba0.gif) at Busticated!

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: slaughterhaus on December 17, 2010, 02:29:40 pm
I haven't logged in yet. I'm afraid too. The word on the street is we got busticated :P Best word ever!


Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: gimpy on December 17, 2010, 03:20:20 pm
Druid regen is still landing for 2k/tic

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Balthor2 on December 17, 2010, 04:19:21 pm
I made up a new word the other day, I call this change "graped"
If only I could explain it.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Fugitive on December 17, 2010, 04:20:51 pm
Don't get crazy grape.... :o

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Balthor2 on December 17, 2010, 04:22:31 pm
Its so grape'd

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Rostam on December 17, 2010, 04:38:51 pm
if this nerfed SK's i approve the change.

Thank you.  ;D

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Balthor2 on December 17, 2010, 05:05:15 pm
Rostam I generally like you but sometimes I want to throw you under the PedoBus while uxt is driving.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Wack on December 17, 2010, 05:05:37 pm

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Zartaxis on December 17, 2010, 05:30:55 pm
Another thing I am noticed in conjunction with the proc problems is something busticated with tank avoidance.  I used to sometimes go full chat screens (separate window) of white misses/dodges/parry whatevers and now, fighting trash in qvic they are rarely if ever missing me.  As a 150k war with a t2 cleric 25 oracles healing me I died to a qvic boss with his adds which I could tank in my sleep yesterday.  As I was gearing up my pally last week (he wasnt healing at all) I remember laughing at how with my cleric going I never dropped below 80% health.

Quite a difference from today.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: walk2k on December 17, 2010, 05:31:07 pm
Druid regen is still landing for 2k/tic
My 2.5 druid with Oracle II (and healing focus... you remembered to cast that right? :) heals 4000 per tick, but it appears that it's able to crit for 8000 also.

I seem to remember it doing 6000, but it's been a while since I played.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: L0stman on December 17, 2010, 05:56:07 pm
Cross post to both threads:

Secrets - Just checked and it does not seem that the change to the druid click was made.  I was able to stack both a cleric heal over time and the druid regen.  If druid regen was changed to 100 (hot) then one of them should have been rejected or cast overtop of the other.  Also, another test of this is that regen is still capped at 2,000.  Could you check to see if that change was applied?  (Druid epic clicks 1.5+ moved to type 100).  It -should- also be applied to the other regeneration spells for druid epic 1.5-4.0 (assuming 3.5/4.0 are regen - epic 1.0-3.0 ids are 9891, 9892, 9893, 9894, and 9895) but I can confirm that it was not applied to id 9895 ancient regneration 3.0 as hooked into druid epic.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Lintrix on December 17, 2010, 06:42:56 pm
This may be off topic, but I noticed that my tank is getting hit a lot more and harder too.

This is part of my incoming damage from Heh, T1 Dragons.  My warrior is full T2 with accessories and the AC wrist buff.

Heh strung together some really quick hits and took my warrior from 100% to 50% in one round.  He is landing hits much more than before as well.  Something strange is happening! =D


Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Gnaughty on December 17, 2010, 06:57:41 pm
If only we had a test server and a full time GM hmmmmm....

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Ashar on December 17, 2010, 08:03:24 pm
Procs are working fine.....but not on EZ

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Hunter on December 17, 2010, 09:30:49 pm
I changed the procs rule again, see if any changes after reboot.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Spuds on December 17, 2010, 09:32:30 pm
Early Merry Chirstmass lol

I am just doing charms Roa on alt toons to pass the time until we get some fixes

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: grizer on December 17, 2010, 10:00:38 pm
I'm see alot less crits. I do see more proc's than yesterday, but only 1 or 2 crits on a qvic mob.

Also when I was doing an ROA the first 10 lvls said I couldn't proc..  That I wasn't skilled enough.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: wrxBRAH on December 17, 2010, 10:15:29 pm
After playing for 30minutes in PoD and then reading this thread, Im suddenly very thirsty for some grape juice.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Fugitive on December 17, 2010, 11:15:19 pm
Im suddenly very thirsty for some grape juice.

Oh my .. if you only knew!!   :o

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Balthor2 on December 17, 2010, 11:44:23 pm

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: JDFriend on December 18, 2010, 12:08:46 am
The issue with too much haste can be easily fixed with one line of code.  This makes sure the calculated weapon delay doesn't go below 10 since the swing timer will never go below 1 attack per second.

In attack.cpp, Mob::GetProcChances, ~ line 3577 add the second line:

	weapon_speed = ((int)(weapon_speed*(100.0f+attack_speed)*PermaHaste) / 100);
if(weapon_speed < 10) weapon_speed = 10; //Make sure the delay doesn't go below 10 since that's as low as the swing timer goes.

I've tested this locally with 500% haste and it keeps the proc chance from going below what it should be if you're swinging your weapon once per second while leaving it alone if you swing slower than that.  I don't know the delays on all the epics, but I'd guess most people with epic 3.0+ are hitting the 1 second cap pretty easily from gear + spell haste, or even gear alone if they have a high level brawlers or ultimate charm.

I'm not sure which rules you may have modified in the most recent changes, but there's two ways to go.

1) Add the above code, leave Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute enabled, and tweak Combat:AvgProcsPerMinute to find a good balance.

2) Disable Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute which bypasses weapon speed completely so the above code isn't necessary, and tweak Combat:BaseProcChance to find a good balance.  The default is 3.5% + applicable bonuses.

If you log in and type "#mlog setcat combat on" you will get the proc chances and other combat stats dumped into the zone log so you can see the percentages as you tweak.

#rules reload is helpful when you're tweaking things on the fly so you don't need to keep restarting the server for them to take effect.  You can also change rues using the #rules command, but I find it easier to tweak them in a database editor and reload them since that is less typing.

edit: changed code to ensure it will compile on Linux as well as Windows due to the annoying way max is defined in windows.h

I am not sure who you are, in game anyhow, but you needto be helping with this situation all the time ^.^..... Commend your time invested in testing that and your knowledge of coding !!!

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Caryatis on December 18, 2010, 02:27:13 am
BTW I recently committed a spell effect to combat the issue of the proc rate adjustment in, SE_Twinproc(405) which allows you a  percentage chance to proc double. I will also look into the haste/proc change and maybe adding a rule so that servers can choose between the current proc system and a chance to proc every hit like before(which I find preferable as well).

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Tbuki on December 18, 2010, 02:34:17 am
BTW I recently committed a spell effect to combat the issue of the proc rate adjustment in, SE_Twinproc(405) which allows you a  percentage chance to proc double. I will also look into the haste/proc change and maybe adding a rule so that servers can choose between the current proc system and a chance to proc every hit like before(which I find preferable as well).

a proc every hit?


it sounds so beautiful

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 18, 2010, 06:05:42 am
I changed the procs rule again, see if any changes after reboot.

Procs seem to be working again. Thank you sir.

Title: Re: Heals/Procs
Post by: Mechules on December 18, 2010, 06:58:32 am
Redacted most of the comment. TL;DR kinda thing.

Wondering how many others have noticed a noticeable, if not slightly increased, rate of damage done to their characters since the proc changes?