EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Cowtipper on December 17, 2010, 09:39:36 am

Title: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Cowtipper on December 17, 2010, 09:39:36 am
Dear Santa Hunter
EZ server has been mostly good (a few bad apples I'll give ya) this year.

We've suffered through proc nerfs for a while without too much complaining. We got a huge turkey of an event for thanksgiving literally and figuratively lol.

All I want for Christmas is a double loot week please =)


Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Solbash on December 17, 2010, 09:45:07 am
Double loot from xmas till new years!  ;D

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Secrets on December 17, 2010, 09:56:11 am
Double loot from xmas till new years!  ;D

I wanted to do another event for christmas but due to the overwhelming disappointment, I'll leave this one up to Hunter.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Kwai on December 17, 2010, 09:59:07 am
Could you just return proc rates to where they were yesterday?  That would be a very nice Christmas present.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Solbash on December 17, 2010, 10:06:57 am
Double loot from xmas till new years!  ;D

I wanted to do another event for christmas but due to the overwhelming disappointment, I'll leave this one up to Hunter.
You could work one up, and propose it to hunter and/or the community and take a vote on it  ???

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: ricorez on December 17, 2010, 10:13:49 am
Like everyone else I too would love double loot but I was wondering if you ever considered adding in Double XP with the double loot.

Double Xp would be great for the new people starting out.  It would be great for everyone doing RoAs and it wouldnt really unbalance anything that Hunter is trying to do.

Just an idea that other games do and I doubt many people would think would be advantagous here.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Crawford on December 17, 2010, 10:18:58 am
Double loot would be a wonderful Christmas gift for the entire server to enjoy.  Please do it!

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Brianlb on December 17, 2010, 10:36:39 am
Like everyone else I too would love double loot but I was wondering if you ever considered adding in Double XP with the double loot.

Double Xp would be great for the new people starting out.  It would be great for everyone doing RoAs and it wouldnt really unbalance anything that Hunter is trying to do.

Just an idea that other games do and I doubt many people would think would be advantagous here.

We have like quadruple xp everyday. The one's who have double xp have their xp set close to what live is. I don't know what our xp is set at something like 4x or 5x. If you double 4x and had 8x xp  you might as well just give someone roa and a level 70 toon.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Warbash on December 17, 2010, 11:30:10 am
Double loots plz :)

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Cowtipper on December 17, 2010, 11:31:10 am
Really - would double experience during Christmas be that big of a deal?

It takes 40-50 minutes for an average RoA now; 20-30 for a completely set up person. With double the exp the avg person would be down to 20-30 and the truly set up could fly through in 15 or so with zoning.

Think of it this way - right now almost no one ROAs during double loot. If there was both double loot and XP you'd give people a choice AND free up some of the congestion double loot causes in Dragons/HoH


Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Smoka on December 17, 2010, 11:37:37 am
Think of it this way - right now almost no one ROAs during double loot. If there was both double loot and XP you'd give people a choice AND free up some of the congestion double loot causes in Dragons/HoH


That's why there are instances.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Balthor2 on December 17, 2010, 11:52:23 am
Double loot with a little coal in the stocking ;)

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Solbash on December 17, 2010, 11:54:53 am
Double loot with a little coal in the stocking ;)

Wait!!! That's not coal!!! :o

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Balthor2 on December 17, 2010, 12:06:10 pm

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Wack on December 17, 2010, 12:35:29 pm
ya really just want double loot tbh and sorta fits for xmas you get extra present on the mobs =D

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Likkety on December 17, 2010, 12:52:46 pm
Double loot isn't gonna help anyone when full T2 people are dieing in qvic due to proc rates. lol

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Reid on December 17, 2010, 01:00:10 pm
Some sort of event with charm drops would be nice secrets. Make it hard, like the gnomes who stole christmas hard .... (Bunch of lvl 1 gnomes that are immune to magic running around at bard speeds with stolen gifts!!)


Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Solbash on December 17, 2010, 01:06:57 pm
Some sort of event with charm drops would be nice secrets. Make it hard, like the gnomes who stole christmas hard .... (Bunch of lvl 1 gnomes that are immune to magic running around at bard speeds with stolen gifts!!)

Then my bst pet could just pwn them all in just a few hits, would be to easy.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Wack on December 17, 2010, 01:10:05 pm
Double loot isn't gonna help anyone when full T2 people are dieing in qvic due to proc rates. lol

ya you might be right likk =/

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Solbash on December 17, 2010, 01:14:53 pm
Double loot isn't gonna help anyone when full T2 people are dieing in qvic due to proc rates. lol

ya you might be right likk =/
Clerics still do work last time i checked. If you can't do qvic without relying on procs then ask a few veteran players how we did it back in the day.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Cowtipper on December 17, 2010, 01:25:08 pm
Smoka - I agree there are instances.. but what about the people not guilded.
For a scenario -think about people trying to do public qvic during double loot (/shudder)... its conceivable that some hypothetical people in public Qvic would instead choose to RoA if the RoA was double XP instead of farming their alt Qvic gear.

 Or those in guilds so large there are more people in GI then public in POD or HoH (often happens with FP sometimes).

Was just a suggestion that doing double xp in addition to double loot would likely help clear up both public and GI congestion.


Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Balthor2 on December 17, 2010, 01:25:27 pm
Yes clerics may work but when 84.7pecent of the dps is procs and procs are broken atm doing like 5percent of what it use to do.
Thanks but I'll slit my wrist before going to qvic ;)

Majority of the people would like double drop.
I hope we get double drop over anything else.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Solbash on December 17, 2010, 01:29:56 pm
True Balth, but you know just as well as i do that before procs were the main form of dps qvic still wasn't that huge of a problem when you actually played real dps classes.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Balthor2 on December 17, 2010, 04:03:15 pm
yes true i use to rock a couple monks and rangers however my warrior was still easily half my total dps even with 2 and 2 (mnk/rng).
Add in the fact that ranger dps is total shit atm (do more with swords then bow ftl) and you can see why its frustrating for people.

If I had the desire to crawl through a zone that I should be able to stomp into the ground within seconds, yea I would log in and head to qvic.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Solbash on December 17, 2010, 04:09:37 pm
I never grouped with my warrior to do the content, so he never tanked it till he had better gear than qvic. I was solo on my bst for the first 6 months or so, so the dps for the 3.0 pet carried me through qvic along with the help of Abrums back when he was a wee man working his toons up. I somewhat miss the crawls though, actually been thinking of starting a new toon and going at it without powerleveling myself through everything up to t3 in one day.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Balthor2 on December 17, 2010, 04:17:21 pm
Yea I was thinking about a fun alt I could play the game slow-mode on.
Not sure what I would use, maybe a rogue or a shadowknight. Never played a Sk and only boxed a friends rogue here for like 10min.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Solbash on December 17, 2010, 04:19:37 pm
I'm going back to slow mode myself, as I get the luxury of teaching my fiancee how to play the game starting next week, so yeah i'm gonna roll a rogue and take a stab at it (hah)  ;D

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Balthor2 on December 17, 2010, 04:21:38 pm
hahah, lemme know when so I can wander along and take pot shots at you with my terribad jokes

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Solbash on December 17, 2010, 04:23:40 pm
Lulz, sure thing, prolly be on later tonight after i can get away from work!!! >:( only 30 minutes left in this damn cube!!!

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Gnaughty on December 18, 2010, 10:52:13 am
You played with Abrums?  He's my boy man, we like to call him our slow player.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Solbash on December 18, 2010, 11:33:23 am
Way back in the day before i was in OoS i did.

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: undeadanger on December 18, 2010, 03:15:46 pm
all i want for christmas is my qvics armor ,,, or at least the bp ,, but santa might have but me on his bad toons list ,,, will have to have lead elf hunter check and see ..

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Cracken on December 18, 2010, 08:37:28 pm
        Could always make Dain Frostreaver IV spawn in red armor randomly throughout the game with special Christmas time lootage. LOL. With double loot of course.  ;D 

~GL of Classic Composers

Title: Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish
Post by: Cowtipper on December 18, 2010, 10:04:20 pm
Undeadanger I'm not so sure Santa will bring you Qvic armor but I will =)
Next time you're on look for me. Can clear it a couple times in an hour for ya and get you armored up.

Merry Christmas!
Cowtipper, Paladin of Forbidden Prophecy