EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: ezlife on January 08, 2011, 05:42:28 pm

Title: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: ezlife on January 08, 2011, 05:42:28 pm
i had seen you in ooc about how you never warp..you dont hack and had been offended to get a priv tell saying dnt do it nicely... well what are these screenshots? Your at first named and all mobs ups as im clearing there and maybe your camped there i say..i see you drop named then you are at 2nd named clearing room? all mobs on path to named up still.. So how did that happen without a warp?


Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Chane Laforet on January 08, 2011, 06:00:29 pm
Nvm, im blind :)

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: ezlife on January 08, 2011, 06:03:30 pm
hmmm i thought it was like a 30 sec but i did see him warp.ill have to go through some screenshots cause i took them 1 after the other and he was going from named 1 to 2 back and forth

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 08, 2011, 06:08:32 pm
Good job. Thanks for posting.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: xxblitzkriegxx on January 08, 2011, 06:28:08 pm
First off, let me emphatically say.. i abide FIRMLY by eula. i do not warp, stic, mq2, or n e thing. only thing i have modded on my account is my maps. 2nd, those pics do Not show the enitre map, if it did im sure you would see i had most likely a corpse at the entrance while i had already returned to the zone by the time he was there and was further in thus leaving my name at 2 spots on his maps, but why isnt thier a map showing the entire zone? its looks to me like he went to alot of trouble to arrange those maps b4 he took those pics, id say about 30 secs it took him, becuase the top of the map is cut off in the first pic. i can easily, very easily, fit the map on my comp screen. Bro, this is accusation has Zero merit and is perposterous! i simply do not engage in activities outside of the eula...period. not sure why you would take the time out of your day to make a hoax, a derrogitory one at that, against someone you dont even know! bro Hunter can check all my stuff, let him dig thru logs of whichever sort he wishes, n not once will he find n e actions taken by myself that go against the guildlines set forth in EULA. Salvashun

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Solbash on January 08, 2011, 06:35:09 pm
Hunter can verify this directly through logs, he doesn't need any screen shot to see if there was a warp. You'll know the truth of it when he looks at it.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: ezlife on January 08, 2011, 06:36:53 pm
hey thats fine and all im saying is in the 30 sec it took to take the pics you went from named 1 to named 2 without having to kill the trash on the way..and i wasnt being a ass.. i sent you a tell in priv not to hunter not to ooc just saying dont do it

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: chunkumss on January 08, 2011, 06:40:32 pm
2nd, those pics do Not show the enitre map, if it did im sure you would see i had most likely a corpse at the entrance while i had already returned to the zone by the time he was there and was further in thus leaving my name at 2 spots on his maps

I don't understand your explanation. Maybe you can elaborate.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: xxblitzkriegxx on January 08, 2011, 06:41:37 pm
 what point is there in cheating in a game thats Free? ALSO, concerning ldon's, i have only 2 repeat TWO charms. a sorcserers at lvl 2 n a oracles at lvl 11. i believe a person warping to get credits would have considerably more charm lvls then myself, and honestly, im tired of defending myself aginst you cyber bullies who think its funny to mess with someone who hasnt done anything wrong. go find new prey, i refuse to take and let this bug me n e more i have legitimate farming to do and my guild mates are waiting for me to assist them in t2. what could you have farmed in the time it took you to make up this scheme?

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: xxblitzkriegxx on January 08, 2011, 06:43:56 pm
ty Solbash thats all i needed to know, Hunter will get to the bottom of it, peace guys im out n no i wont elaborate, i have given you too much of my valuable time already../laughs

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: ezlife on January 08, 2011, 06:47:43 pm
i guess what he is saying is that he had a corpse at ent to from named 1? dont understand that myself either. So let me get this.you died..zoned to bind..zoned back to ldon 4 then zoned to ldon4 instance  all the way to  named 2 without killing trash and in under 30 sec??

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Drasnik on January 08, 2011, 06:55:32 pm
Ok Salvashun is a guildmate of mine and no offense to him, but he is no where near computer literate enough to set up mq2, let alone use it to warp. I had to explain to him how to update his maps. Do you really think someone like that could use warp?

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Chane Laforet on January 08, 2011, 06:56:13 pm
hmmm i thought it was like a 30 sec but i did see him warp.ill have to go through some screenshots cause i took them 1 after the other and he was going from named 1 to 2 back and forth

Yes sorry, I mistook the format of the time on the picture and thought it was 30minutes, not 30seconds :P

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 08, 2011, 07:04:53 pm
Lmao, I have heard the 'not smart enough to use mq2' and 'there's no point at cheating on an emu' and even the 'I don't have to defend myself to you people'. Those are all excuses warpers have used in the past. If you're trying to say that one of those is your corpse, it would say corpse beside the name. You got busted and now you're trying to bs your way out of it. Enjoy your ban.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: xxblitzkriegxx on January 08, 2011, 07:07:42 pm
no that post was wrong on my part, i misread your map, where my name is at the first named mob, i dont go to ldon 4 very often and i thought that was the zone in, i didnt look too hard at your "evidence" as i know i havent done n e thing wrong. i was in such a hurry i misread that map. my fualt, and please, in the future, do not take my words and flip them around to suit your purposes, let it go bro, send a tell to hunter, tell him what i supposedly did that was wrong, let him investigate it, and when he proves your allegation false, i hope your man/woman enough to give a appology to me for all this useless drama. ima man of my word bro.. if i say i didnt cheat.. i didnt cheat.. simple as that. i admit when im wrong, i hope you can say the same, so to recap, send it all to hunter, get him to pull logs of this supposed incident whereever they may be found, n just leave me alone. let hunter handle it , buh bye.

p.s. im not mad about this really, if you feel i cheated then yea you got every right to post it and get it out there, n e one who is caught warping should get the ban hammer. so i dont fualt you for htis if you truly believe yourself to be right. where i fualt you is for posting this After i rebuked you for saying i was cheating, seems to me you did it more out of retaliation that i posted my side in ooc and put your toons name out there rather than n e real need to get *Justice*

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: chunkumss on January 08, 2011, 07:17:52 pm
I don't know if its deliberate or not, but you still haven't responded to the OP and his pictures. I'm curious how you can explain them.

I have nothing against you; I remember when you started your char and had lots of questions, and now I see you helping others. But I would like to see a coherent response rather than deflection.

(This is my entertainment for the day since I can't play)

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 08, 2011, 07:22:08 pm
Well I will tell you this, if it is proven that you didn't warp, I will certainly apologize. That picture seems pretty conclusive though. 30 seconds went by, you went from one boss to another boss and there was trash up between the bosses. There is even a nice little who in there showing there is no mages. Your posts sound guilty. You are using the same defenses nearly every other warper that I have seen on several emu servers over the last 10ish years. There's no need to cheat, the truth will come out, I don't even know what mq is.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: lerxst2112 on January 08, 2011, 07:28:29 pm

I recommend the "wife made me do it" defense.  It's been successful in the past...

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 08, 2011, 07:36:11 pm

I recommend the "wife made me do it" defense.  It's been successful in the past...

Oh that is just too funny. I am just going to go ahead and post that right here so we can get a prophetic laugh.

my wife has been on me to quit playing EQ for a couple of weeks now and I couldnt stop from playing. So I did the only thing I knew that would get me banned from playing. I did it in a zone that I knew people would find me so that I knew the job would get done.


Kade aka Nebi


WTF? I can't log in? Lets try another server. Yep, that worked. Wtf is going on? Lets go check the forums. Nope, nothing in updates or server status. (looks at Recent posts on the right side) Wtf is this? That's my name? Doh, they think I was hacking? Well, I was hacking, but... they don't have PROOF! I might be able to spin this. OMGZ! They has PROOF!! (Good video too.) Hmmm, what to do, what to do. Should I post? Is there a way out of this? Oh wait! I got it!! I'll just blame it on the ol'lady and say I was quitting anyway.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: xxblitzkriegxx on January 08, 2011, 07:48:53 pm
look, i dont have a explanation, the only stuff i remember about this game are my achievements, milstones that are imortant to myself, i have a hard enough time remembering which zone i should be headed to when someone needs help with a epic weapon kill or pages or whatever. bro i got 3 kids n a wife, i barely get b-days right most years, and not only that but i cant refute something i dont completely understand, im not shure how a map can show which mobs are spawned and which ones are being killed, albieos tried to explain it to me a few months ago but i wasn't understanding him, now i sorta do after seeing your map, much more informative then my own tbh, but to me that seems like cheating in itself, thus i never pursued those maps, and im sorry if you guys think im deflecting, but as i have said i cant refute what i dont really understand. i wish i could say your guys oppiniion of me doesnt matter but it does really, thus im friendly ingame n help people, usually for free, and after spending soo much time working on my ingame rep, makeing sure its as pristine as i can make it, it does hurt to have such nonsense widely spread that smears my reputation. i dont mean to deflect nor sound guilty, and im sorry my explanations are'nt resolving this matter for you, but then again, thats why we have gms, instead of giving me a splitting headache you should have just taken this directly to hunter to begin with,  i sincerely hope he gets to this matter in a expedient fashion as i wish to have this drama laid to rest as soon as possible. no im not trying to bs my way out of n e thing, cuase at the end of the day, im looking forward to receiving that appology, and when its received, i will in turn take terminate off my ignore, but know this, i will be exonerated so to speak.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 08, 2011, 08:09:36 pm
No, things like this should not only be taken to the gm but also taken to the forums like this have been. The no warping rule is not in place just because Hunter doesn't like warpers but because warping affects the community and server health. You can't explain it because there is no explanation that does not involve you admitting you warped. This like this, with such damning proof should always be brought out in public.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Balthor2 on January 08, 2011, 08:28:04 pm
You are fucking guilty and I hope you get banned.
Seen way to many of you pieces of shit of late.
Also your guild is full of pieces of shit and you all suck dick.
Die in a fire.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Sickem on January 08, 2011, 08:41:18 pm
Lmao, I have heard the 'not smart enough to use mq2' and 'there's no point at cheating on an emu' and even the 'I don't have to defend myself to you people'. Those are all excuses warpers have used in the past. If you're trying to say that one of those is your corpse, it would say corpse beside the name. You got busted and now you're trying to bs your way out of it. Enjoy your ban.

LOL so true. You guys remember last year sometime this guy tried to blame his kids for either targeting through walls or warping (something obvious)? I looked for the posts but couldn't find em. Totally reminded me of this.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 08, 2011, 08:47:21 pm
Balthor has put me in tears. That is just friggen awesome. I have members of my family in here trying to help me off the floor, lol.

I think I do remember that one Sickem, we should start an "Epic wtfx I gotz cawt" thread and link some of these good ones in there, lol.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: henna on January 08, 2011, 08:58:01 pm
Hummm Let me just say if he is guilty Hunter will do something about it. But to trash our whole guild is uncalled for. How many of our members do you even know personally?? Just please keep comments that are rude and uncalled for to yourself. If you have a problem with one person fine but to trash a whole guild is really just childish and uncalled for. Henna

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 08, 2011, 09:25:11 pm
Balthor can be a bit harsh, but usually if he calls out a guild like that, it has merit to it. Take it as a sign to start cleaning house.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Teehee on January 08, 2011, 09:25:20 pm
Dont need to China anyone

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Zartaxis on January 08, 2011, 10:44:15 pm
Something to keep in mind is that at least with my mq2 map players are not updated instantly and often times will show in the same spot on the map if I am not close to them.  I don't consider this to be undeniable proof.

Proof to me would be if all the mobs were up in the zone and the boss corpse timers were too close to each other for mobs to have respawned.  Like if the first boss had 28 mins left on the corpse and the last boss had 29 mins left with all the trash mobs still up between them.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: xxblitzkriegxx on January 09, 2011, 03:33:16 am
tell you what, all i can say is this, there is ALOT of people that is gonna have ta eat thier words.. i keep tryin ta tell you guys, i cant explain something i HAVENT DONE. so to recap.. Xiggie, balthor2, Sickem, you guys are Wrong.. n also, call my guild names? r we in junior high again? seriously, you guys show ALOT of class..alot of low class with that temperment. you guys prolly watched x-files n believed every word huh? one person make a false allegation n alluva sudden everyone jumps on the band wagon? and as far as *cleaning house* goes, sounds to me like you would be better served if you cleaned up your dirty mouth my friend. n e ways im off to bed, night guys n stay safe ;D

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: ezlife on January 09, 2011, 09:51:03 am
Let me say this...im not trying to get anyone banned i dont go and pick on the innocent as you said and i sent you 3 tells only. 1 saying i had seen you warp and i was nice about, you come back flaming me..2nd tell i say im just trying to be nice about it and not go to hunter..you flame some more 3rd tell i say well maybe you had let someone use your toon..you flame on and go to ooc. i stayed out of ooc as im not trying to bring drama to my toonz name as you already brought to yours on your own.
And no one has asked what made me take ss #1 with the time and all. i couldnt figure how you went from zone in to named 1 past me and all the trash that was up ...like i said i figure maybe u camped there.
as for me setting up the maps and making them off center trying to set you up???it was 30 sec i had to choose. i had enough time to take my ss not set someone up for the fun of it.
i play my toon with no drama and tired of seeing toonz warp past me all the time. i saw something that didnt look rite to me and i took a ss and was just trying to give you a heads up and you brought all this on from that. good luck and i really hope u didnt warp and some how this was wrong but i know i saw something now rite and felt the need to ss it.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Lucadian on January 09, 2011, 12:23:51 pm
First off, let's not call people "low class" and comment about junior high when you cannot even spell out all of the words that you are using. Seriously. The screenshots look pretty bad for you, Salvashun, but that isn't to say that the map just took awhile to update. (even though I doubt that was the issue.) Hopefully Hunter will review the logs soon and the truth will come out. In the meantime, you should quit digging yourself a bigger hole by commenting on how other people are acting and how they look when you look like you're in Kindergarten with how you spell.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 09, 2011, 03:25:58 pm
I can't believe that someone who can't even form a fully functioning sentence is trying to insult anyone else's intelligence. I don't think I even need to say much to that, lol. Even if you were innocent, no one would understand the blubbering gibberish that you're spewing on the forums. People make spelling and grammar mistakes, hell, I've made several but holy shit man.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Balthor2 on January 09, 2011, 06:38:20 pm
Still a piece of shit and I didnt even bother to read the responses after mine.
I bet I can sum it up as "I diz nu ting, I nu'z werp"
So yes, once again, you and that whole guild you are in are worthless piles of shit.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Lucadian on January 09, 2011, 09:40:27 pm
What guild is he in?

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Drasnik on January 10, 2011, 03:31:24 am
Balthor wtf did the Fear Mongers ever do to you? i hear you talkin shit about my guild but no reasons why we are supposedly 'piles of shit'. So lets hear it Mr. OMG-I'm-so-fucking-better-than-everyone-else, what stick did we shove up your ass?

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 10, 2011, 05:20:39 am
Wow, not even one FM member coming here to denounce this guys warping? Hell not even a 'if he warped he is gone' comment. I think that speaks loud enough by itself about your guild.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Drasnik on January 10, 2011, 09:09:02 am
Read the whole post, i did denounce these ridiculous accusations. Right there on page 1. I think it's funny that this has turned into some kind of witch hunt over a couple of screenshots of an mq2 map. i've seen peoples names jump across the map plenty of time bc there is lag in the update. And yes if it turns out he was warping, I'm positive our guild leader will take action. But until Hunter throws in his 2cp, I think everyone should keep their damn mouths shut about Salvashun and the Fear Mongers. 

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 10, 2011, 10:49:54 am
You know what, L2fuknread. I said denounce this guys warping not the accusations dumbass. You want to know why your guild had this reputation before this post came along? Because of dumbasses like you saying and doing stupid shit. But hey, keep posting because you know, all this posting is really helping out your guild.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Lintrix on January 10, 2011, 12:07:55 pm
I can't believe that someone who can't even form a fully functioning sentence is trying to insult anyone else's intelligence.

If you don't think he can form a fully functioning sentence, then why the hell are you so adamant about him using such a technical tool that is required for warping?

I know Salvashun and have first hand experience on how he doesn't even know how to use MQ2, let alone warping.  

Before you guys throw him and Fear Mongers under the bus like that, why don't you wait til Hunter can place a verdict or look at some logs?

So yes, once again, you and that whole guild you are in are worthless piles of shit.

As somebody who has been here longer than others, you should be setting examples of good behavior and not such an offensive cavalier  of what could only be best described as a witch hunt.

I am really disappointed that a "veteran" can behave so childishly over something so mundane.

You guys need to get off this witch hunt bandwagon.  I can just imagine you all in your overalls and bucked teeth yellin out names and profanity with pitchfork in hand.  And none of you actually know whether he is convicted or not.  The evidence has been shown, so now let Hunter analyze the logs if he wishes.

If he is caught cheating, then good riddance to him.  But if he's not, then you all have plenty of shoes to shove in your mouth.  Either way, you walk away with your own reputation destroyed because of the way you handled things through the name calling and guild flaming behavior.

This server isn't what it is today because of you witch hunters, but actually people who are nice and handle themselves in a helpful and positive manner.  If you are here to discuss whether he cheated or not, then discuss without throwing around insults.  That only makes you look foolish and provide no benefit to the discussion.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 10, 2011, 12:32:07 pm

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: slaughterhaus on January 10, 2011, 01:49:22 pm
Amazing. I've spent the last 20 min catching up on this thread... it was worth every minute.

Hot today...mmmmhhhmm Hot yesterday......mmmhhhmmm. Think I see a something a coming....mmmmhmmmm.



Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Fliker on January 10, 2011, 02:39:31 pm
My map (useing mq2) glitches all the time. makes alot of toon apear to be warping. Even those in my group if far enough away.

My 2cp

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Ashar on January 10, 2011, 02:49:52 pm
Nice thread...
There is a Folder on the Server called "Hacks" or something close to it, sorry forget the correct/full name.
Anytime you warp it documents it. Once hunter reads this thread I am sure he will check out the log and know if Salvashun was warping.

Lets all stop flaming... the post with pics was made as per Hunters rules...
No guild is completely full of jerks so dont hate on the whole guild...

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Sickem on January 10, 2011, 02:54:18 pm
It's gonna end up being Hunter looking at logs. I don't know about you guys but my map refreshes about once per second for ALL NPCs. So when someone is traveling with mobs even if you can't see the PC moving on the map you can know where they are by which way the NPCs are running. NO mobs moved in those 30 seconds(that i can see from those 2 SS's).
The one thing that is most suspicious is the lack of corpses between the 2 points. The only case there wouldn't be corpses is if the guy looted along the way. HOWEVER, there are corpses left at both boss spawn points. Why are there corpses at the boss spawn points and no-where else along the way?

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: lerxst2112 on January 10, 2011, 03:26:01 pm
Nice thread...
There is a Folder on the Server called "Hacks" or something close to it, sorry forget the correct/full name.
Anytime you warp it documents it. Once hunter reads this thread I am sure he will check out the log and know if Salvashun was warping.

Assuming the rule is turned on, it creates an entry in the database table "hackers" with the information.  It's time stamped, so it would be pretty easy to narrow down.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: xxblitzkriegxx on January 10, 2011, 04:29:57 pm
hey guys whats everyone up to? ohh, still posting on this thread thats full of groundless accusations!! well i suppose to someone who isnt the subject of this discussion that, yes, its a fun read.  i personally sent a message to hunter asking him to investigate this matter any way that he can to prove once and for all, that in NO way have i ever cheated. and second, Mr.  Lucadian , n everyone else also, i say these people spouting profanity are low class, which really isnt a insult compared to whats been hurled at not only myself but my guildmates as well. you wanna flame me thats fine, but leave my guild out of it. all of you who think im guilty, from everyones collective point of view, the WORSE that could be said of my guild is that (assuming im guilty) they had someone in their midst that cheated. according to those SS's no other guild members were present were they? so why are they getting dragged into this? shiz guys just leavem all alone. I wouldnt ask my guild members to leap to my defense, as im more then willing to do that myself, both in RL and in this wonderful game. though im most grateful for the ones who have! well done guys! always nice to have folks who believe in you ;D
Hunter has gotten my message requesting he pore over the logs or whatever, and im soo looking forward to the responses everyone posts when its proven i didnt cheat. assuming of course, that when im cleared of these charges that you guys can muster the balls to even post a decent appology, as well as recount your profane defemation of my guild. im betting half of you flamers will abandon this thread with out so much as a backwards glance when you all realize that Crow tastes as bad as those very same piles of shiz that my entire guild was compared to.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Balthor2 on January 10, 2011, 04:29:59 pm
Flik update your settings, you can get that shit to refresh very quick.
Ash lots of guilds are full of jerks, I should kick the only respectable members I have so I could fit into that catagory.
Lintrix I dont know you and dont care what you think.
I've been here long enough to see all the bullshit and dont care for this person, the guild they belong to or anyone that wants to defend someone that pulls this shit.

I can take this standpoint because I have never warped and never will warp.
Most people that jump in and go "oh its not warping" and present some bullshit reason as to why it couldnt possible be are the same people that use that shit.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Lintrix on January 10, 2011, 04:42:35 pm
Lintrix I dont know you and dont care what you think.
I've been here long enough to feed my personal ego and express my narcissism with ignorance.


Its helpful sometimes to take a step back and realize that not everyone is out to get you.  It was an opportunity for you to reflect upon who you are, and possibly bettering yourself.  You don't have to change anything, as you have your own free will.  It was part of my duty, as a community member, to give a fellow member an opportunity to be a better person. 

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: xxblitzkriegxx on January 10, 2011, 04:44:43 pm
BALTHOR2!!  you dont care for me nor my guild thats kool, i cant speak for them all but after this i can most assuredly say the feeling is mutal on my part, and i share and equally meet the animosity you feel towards me. Not becuase i hate you, but becuase your a headliner and spout rude rubbish about me without knowing the whole story. hell you may be a nice guy, idk, but somehow i doubt it very much. you seem hell bent and determined to believe im guilty, and thats fine, HOWEVER, what standpoint are you gonna take when its proven i didnt warp? just a hypothetical question is all.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: bufferofnewbies on January 10, 2011, 05:50:03 pm
Noone can say they dont use MQ2 simply because they don't know how to install it. There are enough sites out there that even provide a ready to use version, so you don't have to compile it. I downloaded one simply to see how well the /stick command really works. (it's a godsend btw)

OK. I can give you the point of saying it may not refresh fast enough. Maybe the person that used it did install if from an exe and doesnt know all the commands to change conditions. I will even give the point of logging into the zone at the first boss mob.

Just explain one thing: When the second one was killed: how were the mobs still up between the two locations?

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: dracolick on January 10, 2011, 06:23:04 pm
So, I would like to present something that may constitute reasonable doubt in Salvashun's defense...

Regarding in-game timestamps: typing /time grabs directly from the Windows Computer clock and displays it on your EQ screen. However, this means that if you reset the Windows Computer Clock (which all you have to do is alt + Tab and set it back a min or two or 30) then the timestamp will reflect the NEW time...Thus it's possible to make it appear that virtually no time has gone by with a time stamp when in fact it's been hours, days, years...whatever.

Try this yourself and see.

Now I don't know whether Salva is warping (having known him for a long time now I'd be VERY surprised to learn that he is) but some MQ2 map screenshots and a couple of timestamps aren't necessarily enough to prove it.


Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: lerxst2112 on January 10, 2011, 07:01:41 pm

You can also see the game time on those screenshots.  1 game hour is 3 realtime minutes.  The spawntime for trash in ldon is around 4 minutes from what I remember.

You're grasping at straws.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: dracolick on January 10, 2011, 07:07:10 pm
I'm not trying to grasp at anything, just trying to provide an alternate explanation.

Fair enough though. I didn't notice the game time (since the 30s was the part that seemed to be incriminating). But you're right. It matches up.

I think Hunter will have to resolve this. He's the only one who can check the validity of the claim against Salvashun with any reliability...he's also the only one who can make a decision about what to do. =P


Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: xxblitzkriegxx on January 10, 2011, 07:13:30 pm
ohh come on lerxst2112, i just read how helpful you were with dragonmist on finding t3-t4 info, dont throw your lot in with all the nay sayers n flamers, have alittle faith bro, i give everyone of you guys n gals my word.. i did NOT warp. simple as that, i know the pics look bad but all i can say in my defense is i simply didnt warp.. wait till hunter makes a ruling b4 condeming me of warping . this is my FINAL post on this subject until Hunter resolves it,  ciao

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Teehee on January 10, 2011, 10:17:28 pm
I think he did it just because he sucks at spelling.

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: dracolick on January 10, 2011, 10:38:51 pm
^ unhelpful! =P

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 11, 2011, 12:50:22 am
^^dumbass grabbing at straws

hey you guis its al ovar he gave us his werd hii didt werp

Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 11, 2011, 01:00:25 am
This thread has become a shit sling and is accomplishing nothing that has not already been accomplished with the mass majority of the people of the server. Pretty much everyone believes what they are going to believe and nothing further added is going to change that. Having said that I won't be back to this thread, however I would like to throw out a nice end to this thread, that is irrelevant yet funny. Hopefully ending the thread on a funny note will allow everyone to just let this thread end. So anyway, here is my attempt at giving everyone some jollies.


Title: Re: Hmm Salvashun warp pics
Post by: Hunter on January 11, 2011, 01:50:07 am
I haven't read all 4 pages but basically let me know in email / post if you have solid video with date/time etc, otherwise no drama please.