EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gnaughty on January 12, 2011, 02:04:05 pm

Title: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 12, 2011, 02:04:05 pm
Alright I feel bad in getting so angry over a game.  You all must realise how much effort and time I spent and I'll just let this die now, sorry.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 12, 2011, 02:26:31 pm
I'm probably going to regret posting this.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Solbash on January 12, 2011, 02:34:21 pm

Not like i buy much anymore anyways but, still pretty wrong to do to someone.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: funkinmofo on January 12, 2011, 03:01:11 pm
A friend would have asked if you minded him giving the account away since he knows it was a shared account. Sucks that it happened, but as long as you learn something from the experience it isn't a total loss.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Drezden on January 12, 2011, 03:27:38 pm
 Cube was herding in T2, pulled em right over the top of me and taunted my mob off me and keep on running, killing said mob. I let it go,just made a mental note. Then later he was afk at ice tiki with his pally. I asked if was gonna pop one, no replies. I waited about 10 minutes he never moved,or replied so I proceeded to pop my mobs on top of him. I kinda felt bad killing his pally in the process, but meh. He stayed afk there for hours while i did my thing.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Aname on January 12, 2011, 04:26:30 pm
Cube was herding in T2, pulled em right over the top of me and taunted my mob off me and keep on running, killing said mob. I let it go,just made a mental note. Then later he was afk at ice tiki with his pally. I asked if was gonna pop one, no replies. I waited about 10 minutes he never moved,or replied so I proceeded to pop my mobs on top of him. I kinda felt bad killing his pally in the process, but meh. He stayed afk there for hours while i did my thing.

I was all set to say the guy playing Cube right now might not know the history of the account and to give the guy a chance.  But, after what you just posted, too damn bad if his Pally died.  Do it again!

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Lithiar on January 12, 2011, 04:43:43 pm
sounds like the guy is up to no good, hopefully he doesn't get you banned since your linked by IP, good luck to you sir, /boycott cube.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Lintrix on January 12, 2011, 05:10:39 pm
sounds like the guy is up to no good, hopefully he doesn't get you banned since your linked by IP, good luck to you sir, /boycott cube.

I agree.  I would be concerned with this as well.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Teehee on January 12, 2011, 06:04:32 pm
Looks like gnaughty was bent over backwards when you took the character.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Swiftblade on January 12, 2011, 06:18:20 pm
I didn't "take" the account. 

I was given the account in a trade and i am sorry as i had never seen or heard of the toon before and had no idea anyone else had ever used it.  So you people can move on and quit this witchhunt it would be greatly appreciated.  I come here to play and have fun and take my mind off of RL stress and plan on staying as i love this server. 

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Teesha Torment on January 12, 2011, 06:27:32 pm
I have seen both Gnaughty and Lightblade in game,Both of you seem to be good guys that got caught in a bad situation,I hope there is a peaceful resolve to this issue.As far as Lightblade/Cube ksing I find that hard to believe do you have proof of this??If not its just an accusation alot of which have been posted here lately.I know my opinion doesn't mean anything at all just felt like putting it out there.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Balthor2 on January 12, 2011, 07:23:33 pm
After I put a lot of "rot" gear on a few friends toons, luckily no charms, I finally said screw it and just made several more XYZ class of my own.
Sure they might come back to play or even give their accounts away but I used them to get partially to where I am and feel its a fair trade.
Now if I had UC one of them I would be pist but I have not and will not, except maybe xiggie cause he is lazy, more lazy then me.
Anyways sucks G-gnume but /hugs
Swift seems cool enough by me. He needs to banter with me in ooc more often or I'll poke him in the eye.
Hmmm nap time, I'll be back to troll in a few hours.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Drezden on January 12, 2011, 08:05:49 pm
 Not trying to get ya banned or ostracized. Just stating my run in with ya that day. I mean you did tell me I could loot rots if I wanted. Seemed cool enough. But ya did run over my 5 box crew while I was fighting and took my mob, I don't know how ya couldn't have seen me. But then again you did have like 5 mobs on ya when ya ran over me, stuff happens. No biggie man, it was just one mob, not the end of the world. I'm easy going.

 Far as the afk thing I understand totally, again just stating facts of the day. I harbor no ill will. I even said I felt bad about the pally hehe.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Ashar on January 12, 2011, 08:38:19 pm
Hello EZ PEEPS..

I logged in tonight and spoke to Cube...I will talk to Gnaughty also...
Holy/Swift/Cube is a nice EZ player all will be fine with Cube and FoH.

We have more toons, we will recruit players at times, we will Love EZ peeps.

This is just another situtation of online gaming

/hugs to FoH peeps that get a chance to read this

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Solbash on January 12, 2011, 09:20:55 pm
Yeah I'm thinking that since I had the toon since he was T1 and a little T2 that I should be the one to reap the benefits of my hard work.  meaning strip cube of 4.0 and UC and move them to one of my accounts.
Vote +1

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Bikaf on January 12, 2011, 09:42:56 pm
I still talk with original cube like weekly.  I bet the friend he yielded cube to is french too... Need anyone say any more?

GNAUGHTY!  If you're going to take over chars you didnt start, get the LS info, otherwise you can expect folks to get nostalgic and thank you for keeping their seat warm.

Wtf destined is back?  All sorts of nerds are coming back.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 12, 2011, 10:17:34 pm
I am retracting my statements of Handz he is a great guy and helped me rectify this misunderstanding, he thought I had quit EZ.  I let him know that I had not quit just took a two week break and all is good, love ya Avalon people.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Bikaf on January 12, 2011, 10:28:54 pm
The little fucker has his first cold.  Daddy gets no sleep since mommy got a nlbig promotion at work.  /headslam

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 12, 2011, 11:09:34 pm
Aww I dont miss them days.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Balthor2 on January 13, 2011, 01:36:49 am
ash shut up. Thanks. Love Balthor.
*derailed threads are win, lets start talking about beating of gnumez*

Hey BIKAF, make sure you get lots of pictures and videos. Remember his super cute days and black mail the little bastard when he hits 16 and gets all "yo screw you pops" you know what I mean ;p

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 13, 2011, 10:23:58 am
I now feel like an asshole getting so angry at my freind who originally started the account before I tyook it over.  he emailed me from France this morning apologizing because he though I had quit EZ since i was gone for last two weeks.  Cube is once again a fulltime member of FoH and you can send him tells hating me.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Bikaf on January 13, 2011, 10:35:28 am
so wait, did bert come back to EZ?

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 13, 2011, 12:17:41 pm
Nah hes playing on P99 he logged in this morning on Nagach all flustered casuse he thought I had quit the past two weeks.  Hes a great guy my wife misses his accent but she listens to Traya now.  His toons name is Nagach like his mage is here.  I was going to login over there and say hi but all i got was a black screen.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: kaizen on January 13, 2011, 12:18:34 pm
you took the character back after someone traded for him?

BS move taking the toon back.. i guess Holy gets the shaft and you win?

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 13, 2011, 12:34:07 pm
Nah basically bert had a misunderstanding he thought I had quit.  bert and I made this account together to level Cube tag team.  All is good and i am not blaming light for anything done with it and Im even helping him with an MCP kill soon. Are we cross?  Did I do something to you along time back or something or did I not pay attention to you?  Im being serious if you need help with something ill help man I try not to get anyone mad at me here since i love the people who play here I enjoy talking with Hunter and people here.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: kaizen on January 13, 2011, 01:39:33 pm
I've been burned on live before..
bought an account and then they somehow take it back

this sounded like the same thing and i hope Holy got whatever he traded for the account back

in this case it looks like you are helping him so i guess you all worked it out

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 13, 2011, 01:43:22 pm
Im an idiot i got lightblade mixed up with names lol. There are more details to the story but thats better not said.  Whats your ingame toons name?

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: JDFriend on January 13, 2011, 11:46:34 pm
I have seen both Gnaughty and Lightblade in game,Both of you seem to be good guys that got caught in a bad situation,I hope there is a peaceful resolve to this issue.As far as Lightblade/Cube ksing I find that hard to believe do you have proof of this??If not its just an accusation alot of which have been posted here lately.I know my opinion doesn't mean anything at all just felt like putting it out there.

Its awesome to see my name come into play when im not a part of this story. Good to see Lightblade stands out in everyones mind, as I know she meant Holyblade. There is and will only ever be one Lightblade =)
Far as Gnaughty goes, I say Gnaughty should take over everyones account mine included, would save me 18k stone combos thats for sure.... Love ya Gnaughty!!!!
And Teesha - I love you bunches for the plug !!!!

(...and if Gnaughty does owe ME an account, I wanna know about it RIGHT NOW!!! Squirly 'lil gnomes they is.....)

(Ref: Jr. Member) - Jesus how many flames do I have to post to make it to master member??

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Aname on January 14, 2011, 01:01:11 am
I was wondering about the whole Lightblade thing myself as I know him to be a RANGER and therefore PERFECT.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Ashar on January 14, 2011, 09:18:35 am
@Balthor....omg make me sammich beotch
@Aname...you know the lubin I need from you
@Holyblade... Send a tell in game when ya can
@Lightblade...Welcome to the fun
@who ever was crying about loosing a toon they bought in live >>> AGAINST THE RULES YOU LOOSE AND SHOULD

@anyone else I love or dont.......get in game grind lvl farm...rinse and repeat

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Balthor2 on January 14, 2011, 10:53:58 am
@Ash omg it is your turn to make the sammich beotch!

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 14, 2011, 10:56:03 am
you guys are sooo gay.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Fugitive on January 14, 2011, 11:09:42 am
some one say sammiches.. damn..

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Aname on January 14, 2011, 11:19:53 am
I'm makin' the damn sammiches.  Barefoot, in the kitchen and NOT pregnant.  What we women do best!

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Swiftblade on January 14, 2011, 12:26:18 pm
Yes i got burned by Gnaughty.  Moved on.  Dont particularly want to play on a server that obviously not only condoned this activity but then applauds the piece of shit who did it.  

And no Gnaughty isnt helping me with anything, I am not Lightblade.


And Kaizan no i didnt get anything back.  Just good ol scammed by a dirtbag.  You people just keep on applauding this dirtbag, amazing.....

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Drezden on January 14, 2011, 12:39:08 pm
 /em rubs eyes.. I'm so confused ???

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Swiftblade on January 14, 2011, 01:15:03 pm
Bump im keeping this at the top so EVERYONE who comes to these forums and server will know exactly what kind of people are on it.  Matter of fact, think ill just make a new post here and at Eqemu forums also

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Balthor2 on January 14, 2011, 01:22:17 pm
Go for it. No one really cares.
If you had come in here and said "Im pist, this happened but its whatever." I would have been willing to help you out with some shit.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Aname on January 14, 2011, 01:26:38 pm
I'm pretty sure that most people will believe the folks who have been on the server for years over a newb that's whining about not being treated fairly.   ::)

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Swiftblade on January 14, 2011, 01:26:48 pm
Go for it. No one really cares.
If you had come in here and said "Im pist, this happened but its whatever." I would have been willing to help you out with some shit.

And that is the problem, Im out the toon i traded for, im out the account i traded for it.  Was completely scammed and you all still applaud the behavior and defend the scammers.  If anything hopefully Hunter will have read this and will just ban the toon all together.

What do you mean?  Gnaughty not only admitted it in /ooc the other day but laughed about it...  but whatever.  Have fun with Cube and the server.   Seriously a shame to as i loved playing here.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Balthor2 on January 14, 2011, 01:27:48 pm
I dont support the action.
I think its fucked up
BUT he put the fucking work into the toon
If anything I would ask him to delete the UC and armor and epics and give you back the account.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Aname on January 14, 2011, 01:28:07 pm
Don't make me dig up my crying emote.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: funkinmofo on January 14, 2011, 02:38:14 pm
After reading all of this, the only thing that pops into my mind is:
Caveat emptor.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Teehee on January 14, 2011, 05:57:17 pm
When you traded characters when it came time where they gave you the information for username and password FOR the eqemulator site why would you not change the password so this couldnt have happened?

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 14, 2011, 07:16:34 pm
You're bitchin in the wrong place. I think it sux that you got scammed, but Gnaughty did not scam you at all. He was a victim in the whole thing because he initially lost a character that he built. The way I see it, the character was not someone else's to trade to you for. You aught to be going after the other guy and pursuing your account on P99. Going after Gnaughty is just going to make you look like an idiot.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Rostam on January 15, 2011, 04:46:19 am
Just when i thought i was out, they pulled me back in....

NOW this thread is worth subscribing to lol.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 15, 2011, 12:25:07 pm
Ok this guy pushed it so Ima tell the whole story as I was simply trying to let it die but he wont.  Uhh like Ive said Bert and I created this toon account at the same time, I was lazy and asked him to make the login for me.  We tag teamed the char until he got bored and left.  Anyhow bert and I talked about this the day it all went down and he told me how the trade was made.  There wasnt a trade in a sense that a toon/account was given to anyone.  The trade was as follows, Bert would get the use of a necro on p99 to farm items since they solo well there.  Swiftblade was offered the "use" of Cube to farm T3 under some restrictions.  First restriction was do not under any circumstances deguild Cube, this was not adhered to.  Second was that if I login he was not to try to play Cube if I am online, the toon was simply to be used to help farm not to be used full time.  This was not adhered to. The third was to not remove or change anything at all on Cube, I cant be sure that there was cash on Cube but I thought there was, though aint gonna cry about it.  I got a pm today from swifts guildleader telling me how upset swift was and could I get bert to give him back his p99 account.  The truth is this, Swift never gave him the eqemu login cause wouldnt you believe this, he doesnt "remember it".  You can draw your own conclusions as to what that means but as long as Bert doesnt know anything other than how to login toon the password is still the same.  This guy can still login said necro on p99 at anytime yet hes still crying about it, Bert quit logging in that toon that day, right after Swift logged in on p99 berating him.  The "trade" was nullified and everything reverted to what was before, his account on p99 returned and Berts account returned on EZ.  I didnt ask for nor do I want Swift to quit here, I honestly thought lightblade was him and offered much help.  I know Im an idiot and ask anyone I cannot remember names at all!  Even now if Swift comes back I would help him as I do everyone, I stayed online yesterday for 4 hours doing nothing but getting strangers 4.0's.  i told Bert I was going to help this guy out but he told me to tell the guy he got back what was his just leave him be, but Im a generally nice guy unless I get pushed.  Im an asshole sometimes and I do believe I have earned that title at one time or another.  I try not to be and usually feel bad the next day about stuff, but this isnt one of the times because THIS GUY GOT HIS ACCOUNT BACK NOTHING WAS TAKEN FROM HIM.  Youre welcome for this daily does of drama Rostam, Balthor, Xig, etc.   i honestly feel bad that this ugliness was put in front of Hunter.  To him I apologize completely and offer to help the community even more using what resources I have.  I have said this before and Ill say it again, I am EZ's biggest damn gay ass cheerleader.  To Aname that barefoot post made me tingle inside, thanks for making my Saturday morning.  Good day to you all, and yes I love all of you.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Balthor2 on January 15, 2011, 01:07:43 pm
Stupid gnume, dont explain shit to no one. Its no ones business and none of us judged you in any manner (well speaking for me and my friends).
Presenting my opinion in no way means I had cast any judgment and even if I did, who the hell am I do point at you.
Anywho if this guy wants to keep bitching just /ignore him. If he stops the bellyaching he is welcome to come hang out and receive assistance when needed.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 15, 2011, 01:52:28 pm
Thanks Balth, my offer still stands to help this guy out in anyway I can.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: JDFriend on January 15, 2011, 02:10:56 pm
(Quoting Gnaughty the evil lil Gnome)
[I didnt ask for nor do I want Swift to quit here, I honestly thought lightblade was him and offered much help.]

So does this mean I can't receive any help in game now?!?!?! You Honestly thought Lightblade was Swiftblade? After all we have talked about and pm'd?

No, I didn't just pop up overnight with storebought epics, still grinding all mine out with your help when i have it =)

Am half insulted, thank god its only the small half.

And what the hell is my name doing in all this anyhow, I have chatted Holyblade/Swiftblade like 5 times ever, seemed nice enough, though everyone does till thy flame me for speaking up. But Gnaughty, really? Lightblade = Swiftblade???? Apparently I can do no right lol =)

- Lightblade

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Padme on January 15, 2011, 02:13:27 pm
Dear Gnaughty, we love you  ;D and dont worry about those who dont, just ignore them.  ::)
Like balthor said, its no ones business, no one need to know, and no one have to judges you, its just between you, bert and swift.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Drezden on January 15, 2011, 02:14:46 pm
I have seen both Gnaughty and Lightblade in game,Both of you seem to be good guys that got caught in a bad situation,I hope there is a peaceful resolve to this issue.As far as Lightblade/Cube ksing I find that hard to believe do you have proof of this??If not its just an accusation alot of which have been posted here lately.I know my opinion doesn't mean anything at all just felt like putting it out there.

 I blame this person for pulling your name into.. thats why I didnt mention the pallys name or take a guess at it,cause I couldnt remember it exactly lol.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: JDFriend on January 15, 2011, 02:16:16 pm
i know im making a joke outa it, its what i do by trying to diffuse issues that get people upset. I was hoping people read it all and laughed personally. Im not the meanie they think i am, or am i????

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Drezden on January 15, 2011, 02:19:30 pm
 Ignore will be working on SoD clients now,if thats what ya use !  ;D

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Aname on January 15, 2011, 02:20:47 pm
Gman, glad I could help   ;D

Lightblade, you are da bomb!  8)

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Ashar on January 15, 2011, 02:22:15 pm
Still looking for my sammich Balthor

Aname thanks for the sammich love the toe nails

Swift dude.... you got your necro  S  T F  U, if you play on EZ,  we will help you....

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: JDFriend on January 15, 2011, 02:27:25 pm
Ash, all i know is I am da bomb !!!!

Lightblade that is, nto this swiftcat,

Me thinks Aname would make me a sammie anyday =)

Keep kicking a$$ Aname!!!!!!

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 15, 2011, 02:30:14 pm
OH MY GAWD I know I screwed up with the names!  It was aname's fault for making me switch em, honestly it was like some kind of druid mind control shit.  They have druids where she lives you know.  It was all weird talking to you in game though light I was thinking to myself gee this guy sure is sounding different to me, you were all nice and stuff and I offered all this help to you lol.  To defend myself though before I took two weeks off to get moved I had promised you guys that id help out so there you go.  No baby gnomes were harmed in the making of this post, though my wife is staring me down right now cause Im supposed to be getting ready to go to Costco and walmart eeks im outta here,.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Aname on January 15, 2011, 02:50:17 pm
Druids?  We have gnomes and hobbits here in England.  I swear to you!  The shortest frikken people I have ever seen.  And if you look up the hill at night, you can see the hobbit fires!  There are even hobbit doors on some of the old building.  Weird stuff over here!

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 15, 2011, 02:55:15 pm
I remember seeing something on travel channel about the stone circles or whatever they are called being made by druids so dont lie I know they are there! The TV never lies to me and educates me with lots of good information.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: lerxst2112 on January 15, 2011, 06:39:28 pm

Geebus Gnaughty!  That wall of text is taller than your toon. :)

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 15, 2011, 06:58:33 pm
I know I talk too much my wife hates it.  I should beat her more often.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Drezden on January 15, 2011, 07:06:24 pm
I know I talk too much my wife hates it.  I should beat her more often.

 Are you sure you would win?

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 15, 2011, 09:59:10 pm
Im not sure she scares me sometimes.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Aname on January 15, 2011, 10:46:04 pm
I remember seeing something on travel channel about the stone circles or whatever they are called being made by druids so dont lie I know they are there! The TV never lies to me and educates me with lots of good information.

Gman, the IRISH had the Druids.  Hopefully this link will work for you so you can see some of the pics I took in Ireland.  Some are of Druid stuff.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Drezden on January 15, 2011, 10:59:21 pm
 Wow..stunning ! Wheres all the rangers ! Oh wait their bind spot was at the bar...

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 16, 2011, 03:26:10 am
Ireland England there both the same to californians.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Aname on January 16, 2011, 05:24:07 am
The only real difference is the Irish have a sexier accent and better sausages!

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Destined on January 16, 2011, 05:35:14 am
I still talk with original cube like weekly.  I bet the friend he yielded cube to is french too... Need anyone say any more?

GNAUGHTY!  If you're going to take over chars you didnt start, get the LS info, otherwise you can expect folks to get nostalgic and thank you for keeping their seat warm.

Wtf destined is back?  All sorts of nerds are coming back.

Bikaf's jealousy is quite apparent within this post. He wishes he was sexy enough to play a wood elf warrior!

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Gnaughty on January 16, 2011, 07:15:00 am
Sausages you say eh?

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Bikaf on January 16, 2011, 07:12:12 pm
Bikaf's jealousy is quite apparent within this post. He wishes he was sexy enough to play a wood elf warrior!

Shrug... I'm not gonna argue with the man.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Destined on January 17, 2011, 02:59:39 am
Haha. How you been sir?!

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Aname on January 17, 2011, 10:22:41 am
Sausages you say eh?

I say.

Title: Re: Cube
Post by: Swiftblade on January 25, 2011, 01:40:36 pm
Wow man, does it make you feel better to just keep making shit up?

Your family should be proud of you.......

Ok this guy pushed it so Ima tell the whole story as I was simply trying to let it die but he wont.  Uhh like Ive said Bert and I created this toon account at the same time, I was lazy and asked him to make the login for me.  We tag teamed the char until he got bored and left.  Anyhow bert and I talked about this the day it all went down and he told me how the trade was made.  There wasnt a trade in a sense that a toon/account was given to anyone.  The trade was as follows, Bert would get the use of a necro on p99 to farm items since they solo well there.  Swiftblade was offered the "use" of Cube to farm T3 under some restrictions.  First restriction was do not under any circumstances deguild Cube, this was not adhered to.  Second was that if I login he was not to try to play Cube if I am online, the toon was simply to be used to help farm not to be used full time.  This was not adhered to. The third was to not remove or change anything at all on Cube, I cant be sure that there was cash on Cube but I thought there was, though aint gonna cry about it.  I got a pm today from swifts guildleader telling me how upset swift was and could I get bert to give him back his p99 account.  The truth is this, Swift never gave him the eqemu login cause wouldnt you believe this, he doesnt "remember it".  You can draw your own conclusions as to what that means but as long as Bert doesnt know anything other than how to login toon the password is still the same.  This guy can still login said necro on p99 at anytime yet hes still crying about it, Bert quit logging in that toon that day, right after Swift logged in on p99 berating him.  The "trade" was nullified and everything reverted to what was before, his account on p99 returned and Berts account returned on EZ.  I didnt ask for nor do I want Swift to quit here, I honestly thought lightblade was him and offered much help.  I know Im an idiot and ask anyone I cannot remember names at all!  Even now if Swift comes back I would help him as I do everyone, I stayed online yesterday for 4 hours doing nothing but getting strangers 4.0's.  i told Bert I was going to help this guy out but he told me to tell the guy he got back what was his just leave him be, but Im a generally nice guy unless I get pushed.  Im an asshole sometimes and I do believe I have earned that title at one time or another.  I try not to be and usually feel bad the next day about stuff, but this isnt one of the times because THIS GUY GOT HIS ACCOUNT BACK NOTHING WAS TAKEN FROM HIM.  Youre welcome for this daily does of drama Rostam, Balthor, Xig, etc.   i honestly feel bad that this ugliness was put in front of Hunter.  To him I apologize completely and offer to help the community even more using what resources I have.  I have said this before and Ill say it again, I am EZ's biggest damn gay ass cheerleader.  To Aname that barefoot post made me tingle inside, thanks for making my Saturday morning.  Good day to you all, and yes I love all of you.