Title: Penultimate Charm Post by: walk2k on January 17, 2011, 03:54:33 pm This is an idea I had..
Why not allow combining of 2 charms in the Magic Box (say Oracle level 10 and Sorcers level 20) to form a kind of "penultimate charm"? Then when you got a new charm upgrade (say Oracle) you'd combine that with your PC and it would upgrade the Oracle level. When you got to HoH upgrades it would be a bit trickier.. probably have to de-combine them, upgrade the one you want, then recombine... but I think it would be doable (?) I think this would provide a good upgrade for players (like moi) who never intend to get UC, and would even provide upgrades along the way even if you do plan to go for UC. (Currently if you have Oracle 50 and Sorcer 50 you have to switch between them - this would allow you to have the benefits of both while at the same time working on your other charms..) What do you all think? Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Fugitive on January 17, 2011, 04:23:47 pm No get the UC
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Aname on January 17, 2011, 04:24:28 pm I think the UC is a reward for a lot of very long grinding and if you want the benefits of more than one charm, you should work to get your UC. JMO.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: walk2k on January 17, 2011, 04:49:08 pm Nah, this wouldn't take anything away from those who grinded (or $purchased) the UC. They still get the benefits of all 4 charms and all the HP/mana (lol mana j/k) of that.
This would give you some upgrades while you are doing UC too. Doesn't take away anything. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Agrias on January 17, 2011, 05:15:00 pm Working as intended
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Aname on January 17, 2011, 05:15:16 pm No one said it takes anything away from those who farmed it. I just don't think you should get the benefit unless you do the work for the UC.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Sickem on January 17, 2011, 05:17:22 pm Nah, this wouldn't take anything away from those who grinded (or $purchased) the UC. They still get the benefits of all 4 charms and all the HP/mana (lol mana j/k) of that. Is it grinded or ground? This would give you some upgrades while you are doing UC too. Doesn't take away anything. /grammarnazi off Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Drezden on January 17, 2011, 05:56:21 pm I think a halfway to UC charm would be cool..like a superior charm lvl 25..combine all your 25's into 25 SC.
But then ya get into the whole "what to do with the HoH upgrades." thing. Just no real good solution for that. Just not worth Hunters time i don't think with all that he's got going. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Nakemdun on January 17, 2011, 06:14:05 pm Why not being able to combine the (complete) Lv 50 charms as you get them. Say your a pally and got your lv 50 oracle and a lv 50 sorcer can combine them and get benifits of those as you work on guardian or brawlers.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Drezden on January 17, 2011, 06:36:56 pm not a bad idea really.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Fugitive on January 17, 2011, 06:43:08 pm the charms themselves have +'s
Just farm the UC HoH is the easy part.. if you did LDON.. you got it made... 1600 or less kills The point of the UC is to grind 4 charms to 50 to use the "abilities" of them together.. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: walk2k on January 17, 2011, 06:50:20 pm Yes and you wouldn't get the benefit of all 4 unless you got the UC. This would likely be limited to 2 charms combined, since doing more would exponentially increase the recipies needed...
You also could/would probably have to limit this to level 25 charms, since probably creating all the recipies for combine/uncombine for the HoH upgrades would be a pretty big task. I know Hunter's got a lot on his plate with Tier 5 and probably a few other things right now, didn't expect it overnight... just thought it was kinda cool idea... Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Fugitive on January 17, 2011, 06:59:30 pm While he is at it he can just give you the 79k hp item and all of T4 armor..
If you want the effects of 2 or all ... grind it.. If you don't desire to grind pick your evil and choose a charm and roll with it.. The intentions wasn't to "help you" unless you put in the effort to do all 4... It isn't that hard almost done with my 3rd and half of a 4th... Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Aname on January 17, 2011, 07:10:22 pm Even though the server is called EZ, I don't think everything should be easy. Work for your Ultimate Charm or don't. Giving you something for half the work is a joke. You can do the grind in less than two weeks if you're serious about getting the UC.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Sickem on January 17, 2011, 07:31:13 pm Even though the server is called EZ, I don't think everything should be easy. Work for your Ultimate Charm or don't. Giving you something for half the work is a joke. You can do the grind in less than two weeks if you're serious about getting the UC. We've said in the past, even though its "EZ", its not always easy. Think of the EZ as the prefix like...VZ/TZ server. It's just EZ.Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Aname on January 17, 2011, 07:53:27 pm Sickem, it's ridiculous. People come on the server and want to change everything. This is too hard, that's too hard. I don't get it. If you want a game that's easy and takes no time or effort then simply create your own server or go buy a game and get a hack code for it online. Or alternately, you can go out in the real life where everything really is handed to you - at least until you become an adult and have to support yourself.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: walk2k on January 17, 2011, 07:59:11 pm You clearly don't understand what I'm talking about here. Read it again. NOBODY GETS SOMETHING FOR FREE! ALL this allows you to do is combine two charms THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE! NOBODY GAVE YOU THEM FOR FREE! At best it gets you half the bonus of UC - for half the effort! It would be like if there was gear between Qvic and Tier 4 or epics between 1.0 and 4.0 - OH WAIT THERE IS! lol You don't have to "grind" your Tier 4 gear while only using Qvics .. there are steps along the way, progression... Likewise this would only add another in-between step in that progression from Charm X to Ultimate charm. IF you wanted UC you would still have to grind UC and IT TAKES NOTHING AWAY FROM THE PEOPLE WHO ALREADY HAVE it though to be honest I expected the gangplank syndrome from some of you - that's fine you said your peace here no need to keep repeating yourself. I'm sure LOTS of folks would think this is a good idea.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Aname on January 17, 2011, 08:08:09 pm Did you just tell me not to say anything more? Are you one of those internet bullies? Should I be scared now?
You are looking for something for free! You are looking for an upgrade when the upgrade has already been set. I don't care if you've farmed half of an Ultimate Charm. Farm it all if you want the benefits. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Drezden on January 17, 2011, 08:11:22 pm lol so having ideas and wanting to share em..wow shame on them for such a thing ! Next time they should just keep it to themselves ! I mean it is such a perfect world we live in.
Your SoD friends list finally working or the ability to create chat channels? I mean really ,who did I think I was for suggesting Hunter finally try and add it to the server after years of not having it ! It is such a work of perfection,who was i to think I could add anything to it... I don't see one post where anyone said it was to hard. But your keep your ideas to yourself people! Change is bad ! Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Fugitive on January 17, 2011, 08:14:47 pm - for half the effort! yes you are asking to use 2 charms @ same time.. again pick your poison i.e. equip one.. if you don't like it Farm an UC.. it's not that bad.. and again you don't deserve the added bonus, half the bonuses, 2 bonuses with half the effort.. the point is to get added charm bonus farm all 4 to 50.. period.. I understand what you are trying to get at... but that's the story of the server ... want it all for Half the effort.. to get added bonuses farm the fucking charm... don't like it who gives a rats ass. The point is there are tons and tons of stuff Hunter can be working on.. this trivial bullshit that is just another Oooo make the server EZ(easy). Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Fugitive on January 17, 2011, 08:18:01 pm I'm not saying don't share ideas and thoughts but its pretty greedy with this ME ME ME ME ME ME ME stuff that is there...
There are tons of ideas out there and tons more to be found... Share them please... but this Half the Effort and wanting it all has got to stop. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Aname on January 17, 2011, 08:24:39 pm I'm not saying don't share ideas and thoughts but its pretty greedy with this ME ME ME ME ME ME ME stuff that is there... BINGO! No one complains about changes that benefits everyone. It's the 'rewards' people want without putting in the effort is what pisses off most of us. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would LOVE the idea of a penultimate charm. I'm willing to guess those same people haven't farmed the UC themselves or helped someone else do it. Once you get the first UC, the rest come much easier because your warrior can tank more mobs at once in HoH and Shadow becomes a piece of cake. There's your shortcut. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Agrias on January 17, 2011, 08:25:09 pm lol so having ideas and wanting to share em..wow shame on them for such a thing ! Next time they should just keep it to themselves ! I mean it is such a perfect world we live in. Not to kick you off your soap box, but if you read the original post it ends with "What do you all think?". People said what they think, and now they're wrong for it? Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Drezden on January 17, 2011, 08:29:57 pm He didnt suggest for a UC for half the effort lol. You guys really crack me up sometimes.
Nothing he suggested even comes close to a UC,or what I mention for that matter. I mean seriously whats the harm in combining 2 lvl 50s and getting just those effects from the 2 you combined? Wheres my Susan Powter pics when I need them... Only thing I see wrong with his post,it is in the wrong section ! haha Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Fugitive on January 17, 2011, 08:33:04 pm lets see I combine on SK.. oracle and sorc... bam full power without farming rest of UC...
Lets see I combine on pally again oracle and sorc bam full power again The list can go on and on.. Again my point is.. if you want to use the effect of 2 or more charms.. farm the UC...if not... pick a charm and cope.. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Aname on January 17, 2011, 08:33:51 pm Only thing I see wrong with his post,it is in the wrong section ! haha You really don't see anything wrong with the fact that you get A CHARM or an ULTIMATE CHARM in this game? The UC is a reward for doing ALL the charms to max level. Adding the ability to combine two charms makes the game too easy. A lot of us like the challenge and the effort it takes to get rewards in game. If we didn't, we'd be playing WoW. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Drezden on January 17, 2011, 08:37:09 pm No where did I say anyone was wrong..but look at the condescending attitude of some of the post that followed. I dare say if these same folks didnt already have an UC, it would benefit them and everyone else.
I'm not even really all for it to be honest. But I'm not gonna knock someone for trying. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Drezden on January 17, 2011, 08:39:51 pm Hahah the ability to add 2 AE anger augs makes the game to easy too,I dont hear anyone complaining about that lol.
Anyways like I said I could go either way on this,but I dont see the big deal.. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Aname on January 17, 2011, 08:42:21 pm It's a REAL big deal to the people who have worked their ass off to get the UC.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Teehee on January 17, 2011, 08:43:30 pm The reason it is the way it is because people get tired of farming all the charms and resort to buying the charm upgrades with money. With a benefit of being able to have a penultimate charm it would result in less people needing the ultimate charm to progress cutting the money flow in half.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Drezden on January 17, 2011, 08:45:24 pm So the rot bot should be removed? I mean what about the people who actually farmed their stuff the hard way? Some of these post,and yes I'm gonna go there,border on elitist attitudes.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Fugitive on January 17, 2011, 08:48:36 pm You normally add a lot of good insight.. as per your history of posting.
But now you just being a troll.. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Aname on January 17, 2011, 08:49:27 pm So the rot bot should be removed? I mean what about the people who actually farmed their stuff the hard way? Some of these post,and yes I'm gonna go there,border on elitist attitudes. It wouldn't bother me one bit. Out of all the toons I've run through T1, I've gotten TWO items from the rot bot. As for being 'elitist', I think you are misinterpreting pride in hard work for elitism. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Aname on January 17, 2011, 08:51:02 pm ok guys, hash it out. I'm off to bed now. It's almost 3am and I have to be up at 8am. RL sucks sometimes.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Drezden on January 17, 2011, 08:52:10 pm I might be, I guess I was due..it happens.
I just feel like you guy pounced on this guy for no good reason other then because you thought he was asking for an easy UC. When in fact what he suggested has nothing to do with your UC. 2 lvl 50 combined doesnt equal a UC. edit:spelling,I cant type as fast as I think ! Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: walk2k on January 17, 2011, 08:55:09 pm The UC is still the UC. Combining two charms does NOT get you everything the UC does, for one the UC has A LOT more HP. Yes a Paladin with Oracle+Sorc is pretty uber but still doesn't get the HP from Guardian or haste from Brawlers...
Again, it takes nothing away from the difficulty or the "prestige" of having UC (lol even though I'm sure 50% or more of the UC on the server were just bought with money). Many things have been made easier over time on this server, such as rot bot and Dragon armor and hell even Instances. Hunter has said many times that when the next Tier/epic level comes out he likes to make the previous thing a little bit more accessible. The "prestige" of being the first person/guild to reach the highest level is still there. It takes nothing away from that to make the previous "tier"/etc a little easier (though AGAIN this doesn't really make it any "easier")... Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Drezden on January 17, 2011, 09:17:21 pm The UC is still the UC. Combining two charms does NOT get you everything the UC does, for one the UC has A LOT more HP. Yes a Paladin with Oracle+Sorc is pretty uber but still doesn't get the HP from Guardian or haste from Brawlers... Again, it takes nothing away from the difficulty or the "prestige" of having UC (lol even though I'm sure 50% or more of the UC on the server were just bought with money). Many things have been made easier over time on this server, such as rot bot and Dragon armor and hell even Instances. Hunter has said many times that when the next Tier/epic level comes out he likes to make the previous thing a little bit more accessible. The "prestige" of being the first person/guild to reach the highest level is still there. It takes nothing away from that to make the previous "tier"/etc a little easier (though AGAIN this doesn't really make it any "easier")... Good post,well said. Even tho I could go either way on this. This suggestion doesnt take away from the pride factor. And actually would benefit your alts,noobs and everyone else without taking anything away from your accomplishment. The work still has to be put in to get UC,the exact same way you did. Easier? Yea I guess it would be,but like the quoted post says,its happened many times on this server and once T5 come,its gonna happen again in some form or fashion. I mean we all know this aint gonna happen. Hunter doesnt have time,or of it does it be way on down the road. I just think you guys misconstrued what he was suggesting. PS: Walk next time use the Suggestion forums ! Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: funkinmofo on January 17, 2011, 10:25:50 pm Read through this and combining 2 charms doesn't make sense.
IF Hunter were to consider this the reasonable halfway solution would be to combine 4 level 25 charms for a "penultimate" charm. Then you could just use the cyan stones to upgrade that charm to UC. From a coding perspective that would be the easier way. Grind LDoN to get charms to 25, combine to get penultimate charm, farm HoH for stones and then make it so its 4 cyan to upgrade instead since you are upgrading all the charms at once. I think the charm system is fine as it is now. But this is my 2 cents on this discussion. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 18, 2011, 04:06:29 am While I don't think you should be able to combine any charm at any level to come up with some penuwhatever charm doing some sort of 4 x 25 charms and making a superior charm is a good idea and was even mentioned once before by Hunter. Even combining 2 lvl 50's would be a pretty cool idea. But I think it should come at a cost. Once you combine them, you can't upgrade them any more. It is payment for getting the earlier cheaper version. This will allow earlier combinations without cheapening the value or diminishing the accomplishment of the ultimate charm.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Ashar on January 18, 2011, 09:03:39 am Working as intended.... grind for the UC, buy the UC stop trying get a new item.
Hunter has lots of plans going on atm for the server... play have fun. UC and the new Range slot quest item are there to make you grind for a great item when you complete them. Leave it alone. Get the 1600 red stones you need to make a UC Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Kwai on January 18, 2011, 10:10:18 am I don't mean to invalidate anyone's effort in gaining a UC by suggesting an easier route, but man... I sure would love to see level 2-25 charm recipes added to HoH. It would get me out of the way of new folks farming LDON, and give me something to do with my box alts.
Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: ricorez on January 18, 2011, 12:55:53 pm Just adding another point of view but I agree with Xiggie that if you did this it would have to come at the cost of not being able to combine them any further. Such as you combine 50 sorc and 50 oracle and thats it for the item.
Where this would be nice is for your pally/sk alts to have sorc/oracle but dont need the same HP as your MT warrior or w/e you use in your group. I understand it takes away from the others and it does make it easier on the new people coming through but that is how every game goes. Everything is easier over time and previous content trivialized. Doubt it will happen but just another point of view. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Drezden on January 19, 2011, 08:52:42 am Wow..I guess I just needed to vent on something haha. I've never been a troll before and I don't think I liked it ! Sorry if I seemed a lil harsh /hugs
But on a side note,it helped the hell outta my post count haha! :D Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Fabdibikya on January 21, 2011, 03:42:28 am The only workable option I see is having the possibility to combine four lvl 25 charms, and using a purple stone (which is basically the definition of 4 cyans) to upgrade that Penultimate charm by 1.
That would mean only 26 recipies need to be added - one for the four charm combine, and then 25 combines eventually resulting in Ultimate Charm. The benefit of this is that you'd have a multi-purpose charm earlier. The drawback of this is that you have to grind all 4 charms to 25 (and not higher), which will put you behind on power compared to being able to have 50 sorc and/or 50 oracle earlier in the game. It's up to Hunter, really, but to me this would not take away the charm (heh) of having an ultimate - and like people said, the ldon grind's the hardest part anyway, and for this solution you'd need to get that out of the way first - the rest are just Avatar kills (100 cyans * 16 reds per cyan = 1600 kills, not counting the occassional orange or yellow or Shadow kills). Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Funny on January 21, 2011, 10:22:10 pm Yeah, wanted to jump off the end of the world when I got my UC.
**Edit** O wait, I did.. =( Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Destined on January 22, 2011, 11:09:51 pm The solution may just lie in Hunter's willingness to tweak the difficulty of certain grinds. Ldon charms are still insanely uncommon drops in all levels of LDoN that I've seen, I've done multiple runs and cleared out each level a half dozen times for maybe one or two charm upgrades.
Perhaps something to consider would be removing the charm drop on Shadow and then allowing ranks 1-25 to be done with Cyan Stones, and then ranks 26-50 require purple stones. That still requires a LOT of time and effort (except for the people that already have multiple charms, which SHOULD reduce the grind time anyways) but it adds a bit of purpose to the grind. Since Shadow is already set in plans to shadowstep twice max, that'd make it less difficult to get charm upgrades in HoH anyways. Maybe Hunter could kick it up to a blue for 1-25 and a purple for 26-50, it'd still be a heck of a grind, but it'd give higher end players a solid option to punch out charms and give newer players the option of Ldon. Oh, forgot to add in the ever-important portion that involves a huge cutback on people training. Ldon content would remain at moderate levels of players for people needing some charms to get up to speed, and higher end players will be able to farm to their heart's content. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Aname on January 23, 2011, 07:20:36 am Farming charm upgrades in LDoNs is not the way to go. Farm coins and cards. That's how you'll get your upgrades quickly.
And the question remains... why should the grind be made easier? why should the drop rate be higher? this is an awesome charm and a reward for a lot of hard work. If Hunter makes it easier for all the whiners, I hope he cuts the stats in half. Title: Re: Penultimate Charm Post by: Destined on January 23, 2011, 07:51:43 am That's correct, if you consider it like this: Ultimate charm's stats are triple the usefulness of an RoA 100, then it balances out for 1-25 on four charms. Each charm takes about an hour to farm using the coins/cards method if you can kill very fast and find a relatively empty zone. I'm not trying to suggest anything to take away from that, I just want to try and find a way to make the grind relatively the same but not giving higher end players the temptation to go run around with trains the size of New York just to have an easier time farming their charm. Believe me, it's very hard for people to want to keep it under 10 mobs when they can handle 50 or 100 in a pull because of how far back the content is.
An alternative rather than a replacement is my goal with my posts, but 4 charms 1-25 are already the same amount of time it takes to get an RoA 100 at least. Unless you have extreme luck. |