Title: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Curry on February 17, 2011, 04:06:19 am Dear LDoN policemen,
shuddup already. Srsly, wtf. The rule is no 10+ pulls, yes. The point is you don't pull the entire zone and monopolize the entire instance/zone; that's good. I respect this rule, I keep the pulls around the 8 mobs range. But when every 50th pull, when the planets are aligned, by some respawn happening on the path or whatever else I get an 11th mob, STOP EFFING SHOUTING OR TELLING "LUL I GOT FRAPS OF THAT 10+ PULL U R BANNED IMMEDIATELY WHEN I SENDZ THIS HO HO HO HO HO". [Offtopic since I forgot about this post and continued without reading!] Speaking of which, someone saying one curse word in OOC does not irredeemably taint anyone's virgin eyes and turn them into smelly communists. There's a filter in options if you don't wanna see any of that. Spamming OOC is another thing of course (regarding recent events! (/bye Nik, thanks for the sup lightstones! Wish you could gimme them guild kits I camped for ya back omigosh!)). [/Offtopic since I forgot about this post and continued without reading!] And by no means am I in charge or anything and have little call over this. If the boss man thinks different, so be it. This is moreso a vent of rage at the random SKs and paladins that QQ in shout/tell about the warrior doing his thing in the same instance instead of - OH HERE'S AN IDEA CHAPS - communicating and splitting the zone between one another. Seriously, the rule is good and all since it gives others a chance. But staring at the other guy the entire time trying desperately to see a single weeny mob over the limit is ridiculous. Get a life. EZ has a good system with the members policing themselves and all that, but I just see these types as hopeless nimrods who have some unnecessary ugre to powertrip by any means possible, resulting in these irritating attempts to make a huge deal out of the most trivial things. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Fabdibikya on February 17, 2011, 05:45:01 am Dibs on the charname "Nimrod"
Thanks. -Clev Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Brianlb on February 17, 2011, 09:52:38 am Great post Curry, couldn't agree more. It's almost like people now log on just to track how many mobs someone has.
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Agrias on February 17, 2011, 02:22:46 pm If you're doing LDoN's enough, it's not that hard to remember which rooms are bigger and should be left at 1 pull & which are small enough to combine some other mobs with. I've had to deal wtih some idiots that saw a lot of dead mobs and assumed that I was training. Rather than talk to me they took it to public (THANKS FEARMONGERS!) If they want to fraps that, go ahead, though I'm guessing Hunter has better things to do with his time.
Bottom line is Hunter's word. I believe that he states that if he gets a video with you with 11 mobs, he may consider the situation, but yeah.. that could very well be enough. As for sharing a zone, most people are fine with that if you talk to them. Don't just stand there with your hands on your hips getting all huffy. Communication should be the first thing used to resolve things, not fraps, /ooc, etc. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Storm on February 17, 2011, 03:13:10 pm Gawd I'm so glad I'm on european time zone.
Barely any issues of such kind (unless stay up playing too late and the USA folks log on en masse!) Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Ashar on February 17, 2011, 03:41:31 pm Lets make it simple for those of you that need it:
Hunter posts the rules...you a) follow them or b) dont We the players police the server we then show Hunter fraps, Hunter then handles the judgement/punishment. End of story... You dont come to forums to justify the reason you broke the rules. I understand you sometimes will end up with more mobs than you expected...Hunter will see the fraps its up to him. The language issue...Hunter dont want to see the bad language you dont get to use it simple as that............Once again thats how it is, an SS of your bad language sent to Hunter or posted on forums is all it takes.... Watch what you say.. I have 3 kids all of which play on EZ server from time to time.. I will send you a tell if you are using bad language and ask you to stop and let you know the rules just in case. Where it goes from there is up to you.. PS my main Asharx got ooc/auc/tell revoked for saying "midget pr0n" in ooc the other night. It happens. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: chunkumss on February 17, 2011, 04:51:06 pm There are a lot of good points in this thread. Ashar is right-on about the rules, and Curry is right about the general attitude of the server.
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: TheBloodmoon on February 17, 2011, 07:22:00 pm It may be hard to understand, but both sides of this issues are correct. Follow the rules, or suffer the consequences. We, the players, must police our server to ensure quality and maintain standards that keep EZ enjoyable.
But there has got be a line drawn where the "police" are just plain harassing people, as opposed to benefiting the server. I think in some delusional mindset, some people enjoy being the tattletale and feel like they are justified in harassing people. Honestly, the rules are there for a reason, and we all know that. We know it's to ensure a fair, and level, playing field and to keep our server clean of "trash" in many forms. But seriously, 11 mobs and people jump all over it? How many hours do some of us log on EZ? 5 hours a day? 8 hours? 30 hours a week? Gosh, I can't imagine accomplishing UC, or whatever else we do all day, without making a single, accidental, mindless mistake, of the likes of pulling an extra mob or two. It happens and I think is completely fair to understand. Expecting people to count each and every mob every single time they clear a room in LDoN is a bit ludicrous. If it looks like 10, then it's 10. If it looks like 30, then it's probably 30. We can't expect everyone to be perfect, all the time. I think we would all benefit from allowing people to have the benefit of the doubt. I'm not suggesting allowing excessive rule-breakers free range to do what they want, but give some people a break. Honestly, all these unnecessary issues are wasting Hunter's time. Don't get me wrong, I want to see rule-breakers pay the price. Especially in regards to foul language (in mediation, of course). But seriously, can we cut some slack and have some fun and learn to communicate like adults? If you have to follow someone for an hour and a half just so you can FRAPS them for pulling 11 mobs, in all likelihood on accident, then I think you are the kind of player I'd rather not have on the server, as opposed to the one who made a mistake. I mean, seriously, the rule was placed to ensure fairness (and zone-stability). Are you really that upset over 1 mob (or hell, 5 for that matter) that you feel justified? I don't normally jump out and voice an opinion on such subjects, but I have to say that if we can't all play nice together, then we need to find a nice, quiet, single player game to play and we only have ourselves to be upset at if we think something isn't fair. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: funkinmofo on February 18, 2011, 12:37:41 am The reason most people do the tell/shout "thanks for the fraps" its faster and gets to the point quicker. Usually if you send a tell to a person pulling just over 10, all you get back is attitude and drama. (and by tell I mean something like "hey mind keeping your pulls to 10 please other people are in the zone" ) Totally depends on the person though. If I recognize a guild tag of an upstanding guild I shoot them a tell first. If I recognize a guild tag from guilds known for crap I either jump to a different instance or will just leave altogether.
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Reed on February 18, 2011, 01:23:38 am Sadly you'll get the haters no matter what.
I don't like the 10+ mob pull rule, but I will follow it to a "T" when people are around. If I am in a zone all by my lonesome, and its just me, only me, and nobody but me.... Better believe I am crashing my client with all the mobs I have on me. The difference is situation, and jealous other classes. Warriors will always get hated because of AoE dmg... paladins will get hated for group heals.... SKs will get hated for their lifetap It happens Follow the rules while you are in public, and use discretion when alone is the best policy We all know OOC is public, so don't be talking about anything you wouldn't openly say in front of children without second guessing yourself. If you are in a guild only instance and shouting about the hooker you were with last night, no harm done (if its a mature/ adult oriented guild). Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: jew_nose_it on February 19, 2011, 10:12:11 am Which is why you were in public Ldon6 last night with your entire posse making huge trains...
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: ronmeister on February 19, 2011, 01:40:54 pm God i hate Ldon.I hate all the so called leet players who think its there right to pull as many as they want because they can and there uber and have duel 3's or higher.And then i come on here and there moaning because people are fed up with them and are going to fraps them.Maybe if you aim to pull eight mobs then u wont actually go over the ten mob limit.ten mobs is the Limit not a target .Try and look at it from the lowbie player who has spent near on 2 hours trying to get 4 kings chest cards because he cant get a mob to kill because someone makes a mistake and pulls to many mobs over and over again.
As for the ooc bad language my kids play on this server but i try to keep an eye on whats going on if the language does get to bad i will tell them to turn the game off.But seriously they hear more on the TV than whats said in ooc on here most times. The game should be fun for everyone not just the leet gamers who are working on UC's . And no its not QQ its just an opinion . Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Curry on February 19, 2011, 05:47:08 pm Think of this as if all our toons are cars. We can modify em daily and the entire purpose is just to see who has the wheels that go the fastest. All is good until suddenly you pull over to some weird highway where there's a 20mph speed limit. Some packs of beetles and G-Wiz pull next to you, grumpy grandmas sitting in em holding handheld cameras and middle fingering you and screaming how they'll call the cops if you go 21mph.
I have a problem with the grumpy grandma moreso than the speed limit. Like some neighbourhood watch who leave notes on your door if you got unpleasantly flashy christmas decorations. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: bunga on February 19, 2011, 06:06:03 pm Make ldon have a GI and it solves almost all problems with people complaining about trains. Then people can deal with it in guild chat instead of crying on the forums about it.
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Fugitive on February 19, 2011, 06:08:30 pm This post is getting fucking stupid the rules are the rules.. don't likem don't play /shrug they aren't that bad.
Just like today 3ldon and 4ldon had players pulling every fucking mob almost same time and blaming "respawn" could have just said my bad... Whatever LDON is garbage has been since the Population increase and the needs for charms.. Trying to justify this rule or that rule.. go look back to a lot of historic posts that have pages and pages of junk posts of players trying to take a inch here and there. Damn if someone zones in just eat it and say my bad not get all hostile when "you" where the fucking perp. And this bullying shit about being untouchable is getting rather old. LDON instances 250-500k 12hrs. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: bunga on February 19, 2011, 06:23:12 pm Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Its just a game dude, you don't have to take it that seriously.
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Curry on February 19, 2011, 06:26:22 pm I dunno if someone/everyone's attempting to hijack the topic, but...
My point was never about any problems with the rule itself. The rule's OK. 10 max. Great. Problem is that there's folks who seem to be completely drunken in power with the idea that they could get other people banned. This is not survival island guys; you're not going to win 500,000 dollars if you're the last unbanned person on the server. Least far as I know of. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: bunga on February 19, 2011, 06:32:37 pm The 10 rule is fine, just sometimes things happen with pathing, respawns, whatever and its getting annoying listening to people instantly jump to oh I fraps you doing that and am sending it in to have you banned when you had no idea you even had that many.
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Mechules on February 19, 2011, 07:52:54 pm From my personal experience... the reason I became so bitter about LDoN and stray as far from it as I can is because I once decided to go afk at the entrance to an LDoN 2 instance.
When I got back from afk, someone had their warrior with auto attack on the teleporter dude while he was pulling the entire zone with his paladin. I know for a fact this was happening due to not only the massive pile of bodies at his feet, but because I got not 1, not 2, not 3, but 6 videos of this guy doing the same thing over, and over, and over, and over while I was standing right in front of him. Each time I would /tell him something along the lines of "hey, I'm standing right here guy. The rule states 10 mobs and I'm not a stickler if you pull 15-20 but blatantly pulling the whole zone right in front of me and knowing someone is in the zone is a bad idea." No response for the first 5 vids. 6th is where I finally get a rude response from him... basically blowing me off and claiming he could do it just because he had the ability to. After that, he was conveniently "finished" with the zone and quickly left. Got the vids, got angry, saved the vids in case he would piss me off in the future or try it again. A few days later, same guy, same activity. Got the vids, confronted the guy again. He acted even MORE rudely towards me, calling me a no-life/wannabe cop/whatever else is the typical response from someone who thinks they're above getting in trouble. Yup. Final straw. Sent some of the videos in from both encounters and awaited a response from Hunter. Took a few days, but when I heard back from Hunter, he said "(RuleBreaker1098723534) has been suspended for a week. Take a vid if he does it again and he'll get perma-banned." A WEEK? After several vids (and several DAYS) of this guy just stomping around, unconcerned with ANYONE else in the zone, pulling anything available on the map, he got off with a week suspension. And THEN, when he gets back on, he starts a rant in /ooc claiming how the "wannabe police" of the server are ruining it and calls me out a couple times telling everyone to watch out for me because I'm a fraps whore. But as far as I know, he's still playing, and probably still doing the same exact thing. If I wasn't done with LDoN... I'd probably catch him at it again. THAT is why I can't stand LDoN anymore. I also can't stand people bitching about it when Hunter has, on numerous occasions, explicitly instructed the players of this server to provide evidence when players are breaking rules. Calling people like me who got screwed over while trying to play "assholes," "wannabe police," "fraps whores," or anything else you can think of, is just telling us that you disagree with Hunter's rules, and his requests for us to police ourselves. Yes, I'm a bit bitter about it now, and it's given me all the fuel I need to have an itchy trigger finger for the fraps button. Since then, I've actually let a lot of people go because they went about it the right way and would at least apologize for it or reason with me instead of mock and insult me. There's a huge difference between pulling 11-15 mobs once in a while and pulling an entire zone repeatedly while people are in it. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Rocco on February 19, 2011, 08:11:34 pm Looks like it may be time to add guild instances to LDoN, seems like that would solve everyone's problem.
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: JDFriend on February 19, 2011, 08:35:24 pm Which is why you were in public Ldon6 last night with your entire posse making huge trains... Rainbow warriors just needs to leave. I am sick of the entire guild of you fools, you comment on reed and the possibility that he and his crew were pulling ldon train??? What F'ing business is it of yours? These comments from Rainbow warriors are the same stupid a$$ comments as telling me i am a selfish Jerk for asking a price on stuff i kill. Take a hike off the server Rainbow, before some oof us make it our mission (ME) t0 catch you doing stuff wrong. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: jew_nose_it on February 19, 2011, 09:42:12 pm Lol, the guild is just me. Its only my toons.
And I just find it funny Reed would say anything about not making trains in Ldon pub zones when I open my map in Ldon6 pub and hes training 30 mobs to balrog...I could care less, I just went to instance1 and did my own thing. I just find it funny is all :) Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Reed on February 19, 2011, 10:20:03 pm Lol, the guild is just me. Its only my toons. And I just find it funny Reed would say anything about not making trains in Ldon pub zones when I open my map in Ldon6 pub and hes training 30 mobs to balrog...I could care less, I just went to instance1 and did my own thing. I just find it funny is all :) The thing you neglect to mention is the fact I had 6 toons in zone, and I was THE ONLY PERSON in zone at the time. You zoned in without me knowing. Shame on me for not /who'ing more often. I'll take a hit for that. My bad Also, if you had sent a tell like "hey bud, im in zone and see you training mobs. Mind letting me get a few in there too?" I would have been cool with it and responded as such. "My bad buddy, didn't know you were in LDoN. Sure I'll take Balrog or Chaos, you take other". Im not above negotiating and splitting up a zone. Instead you kinda make snarky remarks and left it like that. There was two people i noticed in zone though shortly after our little encounter. War and Druid. I sent a tell seeing what they needed or if they were just charm farming. They needed Chaos and Balrog pages, I helped them get what they needed, he thanked me, and we went our seperate ways. So i would appreciate you not trying to make me sound like such a selfish and inconsiderate person. I just have a horrible temper Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: jew_nose_it on February 20, 2011, 10:17:26 am Maybe you didn't notice but there was another group of toons in there too. Unless you have toons in <Children of Tunare> or w/e that guild is called. They were in the section before the Balrog/Chaos split, and you were in the section by Balrog.
Once again I don't really care, I am just trying to be snarky and catch you in a half truth. QQ about it more when you say shit in /ooc about me and post shit on SoD forums like a creeper. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 20, 2011, 11:13:10 am QQ about it more Kettle calling the pot black? Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: jew_nose_it on February 20, 2011, 11:21:33 am I am well aware that I am a pot kettle.
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 20, 2011, 11:29:17 am You may want to chill a bit, you seem to be trying to pick fights for very little and trivial reasons. It is not the reputation you want.
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Reed on February 20, 2011, 06:39:07 pm You may want to chill a bit, you seem to be trying to pick fights for very little and trivial reasons. It is not the reputation you want. Jew_Nose_It already has a horrible reputation on Shards of Dalaya. He is used to this. I guess he came here thinking he could reinvent himself as an elitest. Not trying to pick fights with you Driizz (Shards name), just happened to find you here when I came back. Posted it asking if it was you. Now you're all butt hurt, and im not going to play childish games with you. Get as defensive as you like, I've carved my little reputation here. Maybe not the best in the world, but sure isnt one like you're making yourself now. I'm only known for raging and blowing up guilds and being generally hard on people. But most older players know I am willing to help on any occassion or back them up on something that is fucked up. You're becoming known as a total tool who complains about everything and ruins the experience people are having. Grow up or get out of here, we don't need any more drama. *P.S.* I tried to be friendly with you after the tells you sent me. Kinda let the SoD thing be water under the bridge, but you have quite some fixation on it and won't let it go. So yeah... *P.S.S* In case someone may have a shadow of doubt on my explanation here you can read exactly what i wrote and posted. My forum name here is Luccian, as it was my character here when I played. I was banned several years ago on that char though. http://forum.shardsofdalaya.com/showthread.php?t=22810&page=2 Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: jew_nose_it on February 20, 2011, 10:06:57 pm (http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgy4velirF1qelrpl.jpg)
Idk where you got the impression I was trying to be an elitist if anything I feel like I'm more the opposite. As for drama, I just hate dealing with stupid people, and people who BS constantly. And yeah I'm annoyed that I came to this server, and was completely minding my own business, trying to help people out when I can and you have to come back from your break and are like "hey guys this guy was supposedly an asshole on another eqemu even though I never played with him at all and know nothing about him except that he likes to troll the forums a lot". Anyways thanks dude, I appreciate your help. I am a lot different in game than I behave on the forums. Oh and I am totally chill xiggie I am just responding to my good friend Luccian in a mature and calm manner. If you wanna talk to me anymore Luccian send me a PM for real. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: JDFriend on February 21, 2011, 05:22:11 am Jew_nose_it .... Making a great name for yourself here already huh? hmm, those words posted by Reed sound awfuly familiar to me. Maybe because i said the same thing. Take a hike bro, your criticism in ooc and your flames about what people try to sell and your attitude as a whole is not welcome.
-Lightblade (if I could PVP your entire guild from one toon, I would!!!) Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Fabdibikya on February 21, 2011, 11:44:30 am I know it says Unreal Tournament 2004. But just for you, this applies too:
(http://art.penny-arcade.com/photos/215499488_8pSZr-L-2.jpg) Also, what is wrong with you Herpp? The few times I ran into you you seemed agreeable enough, but frankly, being Euro myself, this asshatterish behaviour on the forums just stinks the entire place up. I'm going to have to back Reed on this one. Shape up or ship out. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Dragonmist on February 21, 2011, 11:53:54 am Not that this applies to this topic/forum
BUT Got <3 for Unreal Tournament so many fun times that game rocks LOL Crysis and Bad Company 2 also Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Agrias on February 21, 2011, 12:44:35 pm Shouldn't Hunter be the only one inviting people to leave the server?
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Dethundrel on February 21, 2011, 01:12:00 pm Watch what you say.. I have 3 kids all of which play on EZ server from time to time.. I will send you a tell if you are using bad language and ask you to stop and let you know the rules just in case. Where it goes from there is up to you.. So knowing your kids will be playing, you don't bother to set the language filter, why? If people are really THAT turned off and THAT offended by it, USE IT. There is a reason it was put there. If you walked around barefoot and got a thorn in your foot, would you continue to stay barefoot, or would you put some damn shoes on? If you ate some yellow snow, are you gonna take another bite? No, you'll find some nice clean white snow... Makin any sense? I understand not wanting obscenities everywhere, but when I drop 1 f-bomb in ooc, I get blown up by 15+ tells, give me a break! Man up and take it or use the filter that was intended for you to use. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: gimpy on February 21, 2011, 02:19:23 pm If you ate some yellow snow, are you gonna take another bite? No, you'll find some nice clean white snow... Makin any sense?
I understand not wanting obscenities everywhere, but when I drop 1 f-bomb in ooc, I get blown up by 15+ tells, give me a break! Man up and take it or use the filter that was intended for you to use. [/quote] Why should the entire server population make arrangements for you to spout profanity in OOC when the server rules specifically tell you it is not allowed and bannable? Or to take your snow analogy further: You have been told that the snow is yellow (no cursing in ooc), why do you insist on continuing to eat it? Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Dethundrel on February 21, 2011, 02:49:24 pm Why should the entire server population make arrangements for you to spout profanity in OOC when the server rules specifically tell you it is not allowed and bannable? Or to take your snow analogy further: You have been told that the snow is yellow (no cursing in ooc), why do you insist on continuing to eat it? If I, and many others, choose the yellow over the white, that is our choice. No one is forcing yellow to you, you have the option not to eat it... You have a nice big white pile to take from, perhaps you should eat it and stop Bitching that others make a different choice than you. Too many of you people hide behind the whole "the rules will protect me and keep me safe, why should I bother to take any precautions or make any decisions on my own?" bullshit. Nothing that is said in ooc is any worse than what you or your kids would hear or see on tv, at school or at work. As I said before, man the fuck up! I'm not sayin I want free reign to scream all the obscenities I want in ooc, but if a shit or a fuck comes out, tough! It's not that big of a deal. And if it is to you, you have the power to never have to see it again. Watch, I'll give you an example: 5 lines down from this is a huge obscenity, your choice to read it or not... FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! See, you made the choice to read it. I didn't force you, you could have skipped it, simply not read it, or closed the browser... Not my fault. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Mechules on February 21, 2011, 02:56:18 pm There would be a lot more "white" snow for us to eat if you'd stop pissing all over it and making it into yellow snow.
Yes, it's our decision not to eat it, but when you create a large abundance of it by spraying your waste all over every patch, it's hard not to run into yellow snow every time we look for the white stuff. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Dethundrel on February 21, 2011, 03:11:35 pm You don't have to worry about a large abundance of it. You are missing the point entirely. As I said, I don expect free reign, but if I drop a frustrated or a casual fuck once a day, you can shove it up your ass and keep your snide tells to yourself. A private tell is a private tell, so the next one of you buttnuggets tries to get righteous on me, I'm gonna bust some verbal diareah right in your eyeballs.
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: whatzizface on February 21, 2011, 03:21:02 pm Aside from personal taste of yellow snow over white snow, diarreah in ocular sockets and other related topics. Curseing is not up to us what is right or wrong, it is up to hunter. so instead of having to eat yellow snow and having your eyes clouded by fecal matter quietly send a fraps of the offending text to hunter and let him make the call. I just had to comment with all the fetish related post going back and forth. just my 2 cents!!
Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Agrias on February 21, 2011, 03:36:16 pm I do agree that if people are concerned about language, especially due to their children potentially seeing something, putting on your filter is a no brainer. Why would you have it off?
However, in the end, Hunter has stated that he doesn't want to see it. Debate it any which way you want it, what he says is what goes. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: gimpy on February 21, 2011, 03:38:33 pm If I, and many others, choose the yellow over the white, that is our choice. No one is forcing yellow to you, you have the option not to eat it... You have a nice big white pile to take from, perhaps you should eat it and stop Bitching that others make a different choice than you. Actually, that is the root of the problem. It is NOT your choice. That decision was made by Hunter. If you dont like the rules, then go play somewhere else. There is nothing that forces you to play here, in an environment you apparently dont agree with. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Reed on February 21, 2011, 04:06:54 pm I think this particular topic is getting a little over analyzed here. You have seen the posts here that got people banned. It wasn't just the occasional Fuck or Damn.... it was paragraphs consisting of 90% obscenities that did it. And it wasn't just the one paragraph, it was the novel written in OOC. And it wasn't just the novel of obscene language, it was the story of raping elves and other fantasies that were portrayed.
I'm a Marine, foul language is a part of my daily life. However I am also aware of my surroundings, and can appreciate not everyone is accustomed to the language I use. Do I force hem to deal with it, or do I humble myself and speak as a respectable human being. It's not a crime to occasionally emphasise using a vulgarity, but just be mindful not everyone wants their OOC flooded with it. Use common sense is the best I can really say. Hunter doesn't want to see an over abundance of this, but I'm sure even on his day to day life he curses. Moderation is key. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Fabdibikya on February 21, 2011, 05:03:44 pm (Warning! Foul content in this post)
I just want to conclude this entire train of conversation with a well placed: Fuck yeah! Thank you. -Clevitsj PS: I'm an obscene little horny toad who can't stop talking about breasts. Ask any of my guildies. Does this spill over in ooc? No. (Not often, anyway). Would I stop if someone politely sent me a tell? Sure. If someone starts shouting at me though, my only reply in EQ will be this: ( . )( . ) l ( . )( . ) ASCII TITS FTW. ( . )( . ) ASCII TITS FTW. ( . )( . ) ASCII TITS FTW. ( . )( . ) l ( . )( . ) My crossing boundaries does not give you the right to cross boundaries. If I trespass in your home, you have the right to remove me using reasonable force, it does not give you the right to tie me up and torture me to death. If my issues are just an excuse for you to vent your issues in a selfrighteous manner, than you can lick me where I shit. Thank you. Title: Re: Regardin LDoN... Post by: Fabdibikya on February 22, 2011, 03:37:35 am Shouldn't Hunter be the only one inviting people to leave the server? No. Any player can invite another player to get out. Hunter is the only one that can throw you out. Just wanted to add that. |