EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Drasnik on February 27, 2011, 09:46:34 am

Title: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Drasnik on February 27, 2011, 09:46:34 am
I spoke to Hunter this morning and he said we could macro stone combines. However, my coding skills are far from adequate. i'd really like it to be set up so that i could '/macro stones color' and it would combine all the stones i have up to the color i specify ie '/macro stones green' would combine all the reds, then oranges, then yellows. Let me know if you can help or have any suggestions. Thx in advance

EDIT: Managed to get a rough draft of the macro so far, still a lil buggy. will update post when i get it finalized

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Drasnik on February 27, 2011, 03:34:34 pm
OK got it working decently enough. it currently combines from red up to green. if you want it to do cyans, download the stonescyans.rar. it does get hung up sometimes but its better than combining by hand lol extract rar into your mq2 folder. ingame type /macro stones. if it gets stuck just /endmacro and restart


ps: sorry about poor grammar, didnt sleep at all last night

pps: seems titanium has a prob with the autoinventory command, combined stone wont go stright into ur inv. didnt get to test it on anything but SoF.
Sorry :(

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: pouncer on February 27, 2011, 11:46:53 pm
Oh nice.  I'll give it a try sometime tonight or Monday, give my feedback if any.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Tauqmuk on February 28, 2011, 05:13:15 am
if you guys get a titanium version up, where are you supplying the link to the download? PM it to me please =D

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Revelations on February 28, 2011, 08:20:41 am
Does this work with SoD client?

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: balthor3 on February 28, 2011, 08:55:59 am
Why not just load it and try it?

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Brokyn on February 28, 2011, 11:46:08 am
The issue with the stones macro on titanium seems to be that it doesn't open the Magic Box.  When I manually open the box the macro runs pretty well.  I think I would like it better if it used all the red stones first, then all the orange, then yellow, then green instead of going top down...

Great work though.


Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 28, 2011, 12:03:33 pm
Yes it does work on SoD. One thing that I have noticed that breaks it is if you have an odd number of stones. For instance if you have 11 orange stones, it will combine 5 times then pick up the remaining one and dump it into the magic box and because it can't find another orange it goes into wtf mode and shuts off. Just take that one, put it back in your inventory, (does not matter where as long as it is not the magic box) and restart it. It will now ignore that one because you have less than 2 of it. Not something I would consider and inconvenience at all.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Kwai on February 28, 2011, 01:05:59 pm
I unzipped to the MQ folder, loaded the game and typed /macro stones  and get an error.. "couldn't open macro file".  This is on a Titanium build.  /shrug

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: lerxst2112 on February 28, 2011, 01:20:33 pm

The files go in the Macros directory inside your MQ2 folder.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Kwai on February 28, 2011, 01:47:18 pm
Aha..  I didn't have a macro folder.. do now.  It runs but loops on two stones without combining. Oh well.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Brokyn on February 28, 2011, 02:11:34 pm
Kwai, you need to manually open your magic box, then it will work, with the above limitations outlined by Xiggie.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Kwai on February 28, 2011, 03:10:30 pm
Yep I followed those instructions.  It picks up an orange stone and drops it in an endless loop.. the error I get now is.. No item at pack 8.

One thing that has worked (playing around with it) is put the uncombined stones in a pack 1 and the magic box is slot 8.  /sheesh  I am slow at times but this worked.

Thanks for all your help.  And thanks for the macro~!

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Beerman on February 28, 2011, 05:41:59 pm
Does the magic box need to be in a specific slot? That is not mentioned (have not tried it yet because I have no stones at this time).

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 28, 2011, 05:48:33 pm
Mine was successfull with the magic box in the last slot and the gem bag in the first slot.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: balthor3 on February 28, 2011, 06:37:32 pm
BAG SLOTS (for the idiots out there)
[1] [2]
[3] [4]
[5] [6]
[7] [8]

Myself personally I have my magic box in slot 2 and my gems in bag in slot 7.
The other bags are used to hold my loot / clickies.
Then I open my bags so they look like this:

[INVENTORY] [7] [2]

Then I run the macro I use. Titanium build. Moves 2 stones and combines and drops back into inventory. If odd number of stones it see's that it does not have both stones required and will /endmac
This is similar enough to what I use that the above should work for you.

Most people that talk to me about errors they have either have stones deeper in inventory then magic box (no idea why it matters)
Or open the bags in reverse order (no fucking idea why that would matter, doesnt to me but does for some people.... yea go figure)

Now seriously people use some googlefu....

Lots of EMU based sites but I just shut down my primary computer which has book marks and Im lazy.
Good day mate-

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: walk2k on February 28, 2011, 08:10:01 pm
Didn't work for me, Sod client..  It just picked up a red stone, the put it back on the stack.. then picked it up.. put it back etc etc until I shut it down.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 28, 2011, 08:54:55 pm
Try opening the magic box first.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: funkinmofo on February 28, 2011, 11:44:07 pm

Ran the stones macro on my titanium install and worked fine. Found stones, combined, auto-inventoried, etc.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: walk2k on February 28, 2011, 11:51:13 pm
I opened the magic box first, and the bag with stones in it.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Kwai on March 01, 2011, 07:33:46 am
Did you put the bag with stones in slot 1 and the magic box in slot 8?  That's what I did to get it to work.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: walk2k on March 01, 2011, 11:42:21 am
Ok yeah that worked... only had 2 reds left but it combined to an orange... then got stuck in a loop opening/closing my bags...  How do you stop macros?

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 01, 2011, 11:44:22 am

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Beerman on March 02, 2011, 05:50:59 am
I got it to work for one stone combine on SoD then kept getting an error that the "GemItem" varset would not accept new value.

So I loaded titanium and it worked.

One note: If you have clicky items in your inventory slots (I keep FG ring and Banker in 2 of them usually) the openbags script will right click them so you might want to put them inside a bag when you run the macro.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Drasnik on March 02, 2011, 06:11:43 pm
Yeah, I forgot to mention you should have bags in every slot and the magic box in last bag slot. I put a note on the .mac itself but forgot to mention here. lol Glad it's working on titanium, i didn't want to have to download it again. If anyone wants to take a look at it and do some tweaking, i have no problem with it. I'm not that great at macros.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: walk2k on March 03, 2011, 02:11:33 pm
Ok I got this to work combining a few stacks ...

Some things to remember...

- If you have anything but red stones (orange, yellow, etc) put them in the bank first.  This thing only works with ONLY red stones in your inventory, otherwise it gets hung up on yellow/orange etc..

- Make sure you don't have any clickies in your inventory, put them in bags etc (like ring of air..whooops ported my whole group to air heh)

- Put the red stones in your first bag (upper left) and open it.  Put the Magic Box in the last slot (lower right) and open it too.  Then run the macro.

It should combine all reds to orange, then orange to yellow, then to green and stop.  If it hangs up start it over but you have to reboot the client apparently..

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Lexington on March 03, 2011, 02:36:43 pm
ok here's what i did, very simple -

Red stones to orange:

Sub Main


/ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Red Magical Stone].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/ctrl /itemnotify in pack8 1 leftmouseup
/delay 1
/ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Red Magical Stone].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/ctrl /itemnotify in pack8 2 leftmouseup
/delay 1
/combine pack8
/delay 7
/delay 2

/goto :Loop

the only requirement for this is that u have ur EMPTY magic box in slot 8, which is the bottom right one (default UI) -

going by the text i pasted above you can see what needs to change for each color, just replace the "Red" with whatever color you're doing, be sure to save each one seperately and as a .mac file aswell

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Beerman on March 03, 2011, 04:29:37 pm
I figured out what was hanging the macro on my SoD client: it was the openbags thing. I commented it out and it worked fine with the magic box and bag with stones open.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: JDFriend on March 17, 2011, 03:58:40 pm
For the life of me i cant get this to work, would love to cause 300-400 stones on my mouse. First time i treid it i had a damn ring in my invi and it upened my bags tried to gate me to air, i ducked, hit /end macro and tried again and only received errors saying bag etc... would love one clear description of how to make it work. I'm using Sod, i have SoD MQ2. I have your files in my macro folder, they are the only files in there.

I have tried gem bag in slot 1 magic box in slot 8, i have tried putting my stack of 100 oragnes in bank, using only empty bags and one bag with only red gems and magic box, nothing i do will make it work.

I may be doomed to click for 45min's :)

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: JDFriend on March 17, 2011, 04:33:48 pm
ok, i actually got it to work one time, combo reds to orange. I stopped it at the last 2 reds, maybe i shouldnt have but it was scarying me :)

Here is the message i get with 100+ oranges and 2 yellows i made, then i tried to run the macro.


Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: walk2k on March 17, 2011, 05:10:52 pm
Yeah I get the same thing.  I can get it to work once, but after that you have to close the client and restart it.

It works if you follow my procedure above, but add one more thing:

- Make sure you have bags in ALL your main inventory slot. If you don't have bags in ALL slots it may not open the Magic Box, in which case it won't work.

Ok wait 2 things... also make sure you have an EVEN number of red stones.  Even better if you have enough to make an even number of orange/yelow/green stones.  It will hang up if it sees an odd number of stones at any point.

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: Brokyn on March 17, 2011, 06:39:13 pm
ok here's what i did, very simple -

Red stones to orange:

Sub Main


/ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Red Magical Stone].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/ctrl /itemnotify in pack8 1 leftmouseup
/delay 1
/ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Red Magical Stone].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/ctrl /itemnotify in pack8 2 leftmouseup
/delay 1
/combine pack8
/delay 7
/delay 2

/goto :Loop

Just to save people some time, I thought I would quote Lexington's post.  It's not as "elegant" as the other macro, but it doesn't require any specific build, or client...  

Copy and paste the text above into a notepad document and save it as red.mac, then in game open the magic box in slot 8 and the bag with the stones in it and type /mac red.  It will make orange stones till you are out of red, then it will error out...  type /end.

To make a macro for Orange to Yellow, just copy and paste the text above into notepad and edit the word Red to be Orange, and name the file Orange.mac.  Yellow to Green, edit the text to be Yellow and name it Yellow.mac, etc...

It works perfectly, with the exception of needing to /end when you are out of stones.

P.S.  Thanks Lexington

Title: Re: WTB HoH stone combine macro
Post by: JDFriend on March 17, 2011, 06:50:25 pm
OMFG Brokyn and Lex you are genious !! :) it works