EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Teikashi on April 19, 2010, 04:57:32 pm

Title: Combining LDon Point Tokens
Post by: Teikashi on April 19, 2010, 04:57:32 pm
Now that we can't turn in ldon tokens as stacks or 4 at a time, I've been noticing that the 10-point tokens have been rotting, since nobody wants to take the time to turn each and every single one in one at a time. But now that the dragon box has been changed to where we can use it with qvic, tacvi, and pod armor, I was thinking that it could also be used to combine tokens into even larger ones.

Use the box to merge five 10-point tokens into one 50-point token. And maybe even introduce a 100-point token, in case Hunter wants to take the time to write that one in. This way the smaller tokens won't be considered trash anymore, and could help some people get larger charms quicker.

Title: Re: Combining LDon Point Tokens
Post by: Keto on April 19, 2010, 05:56:35 pm
way to take my idea!

Title: Re: Combining LDon Point Tokens
Post by: Crabthewall on April 19, 2010, 06:00:42 pm
Just a thought, if you have to click on it add it to the box, click combine, click  to move it back to a bag etc isn't it easier to just hand it to the npc?

Title: Re: Combining LDon Point Tokens
Post by: Blackee on April 19, 2010, 06:29:54 pm
Just a thought, if you have to click on it add it to the box, click combine, click  to move it back to a bag etc isn't it easier to just hand it to the npc?

I'd think so, but then some people are bored and want to do this on the floors of LDON itself, combining them through some type of combine-container (Magic box, perhaps) so when they go back they just hand it in. I would assume they would do this waiting on respawns for trash or bosses. I could be wrong, but that's how it comes off to me.

Not such a bad idea, but Crab's point is also valid. If you use the control+click method to peel one off of a stack, and always keep one on your cursor, and keep the loop going, I find it easy to hand in even stacks of 100 for 10creds. Not saying I wouldn't like to be able to combine them when I'm flooring due to being bored or waiting on spawns, but I have no problems as it is now.

Title: Re: Combining LDon Point Tokens
Post by: youthdragon on May 26, 2010, 07:09:43 am
Wish they do something I got over 500 10 credits rotting in a bag Cause I refuses to kill wrist turning them in 1 at a time.

Title: Re: Combining LDon Point Tokens
Post by: Follow Me on May 26, 2010, 08:09:11 am
read the gatekeepers dialogue, he will take all your items in 1 click.  Enjoy your 2 charm upgrades when he takes them all off you! 

Title: Re: Combining LDon Point Tokens
Post by: Reed on May 26, 2010, 12:15:36 pm
read the gatekeepers dialogue, he will take all your items in 1 click.  Enjoy your 2 charm upgrades when he takes them all off you! 

beat me to it.

Yeah its like the last sentence the "Gate Keeper" says. Its a link you click. Never saw it myself til about a month or two ago. after i had turning in like 100 coins already heh

Title: Re: Combining LDon Point Tokens
Post by: Lodar on May 26, 2010, 12:40:02 pm
I always used the Gatekeeper last option... something like "want your items" or something.  This transfer all your tokens to credits regardless how many you have.