EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Teslar on March 15, 2011, 07:26:39 am

Title: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Teslar on March 15, 2011, 07:26:39 am
Not sure if this is possible but i think it would be nice to have an 'Rot' NPC like in PoD for QVIC and TACVI.
I spend yesterday half day on my necro to get him qvic gear and still one piece left.
During this time a lot of other gear where rotting and i was thinking it would be
niece to hand the rotting stuff to an NPC like in PoD.

Not sure if this is possible but would be nice.

PS: Rot is an NPC in PoD where you can hand in gear of the same type (2x) from different classes and get one piece back of your class.


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Hunter on March 15, 2011, 10:01:42 am
Thanks. That reminds me that I need to "fix" PoD rotbot from x2 to x4 turn in.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Reed on March 15, 2011, 10:09:54 am
Thanks. That reminds me that I need to "fix" PoD rotbot from x2 to x4 turn in.

Like, turn in 4 pieces of gear to make 1 different piece?
Instead of just turning in 2?

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Teslar on March 15, 2011, 11:00:24 am
Thanks. That reminds me that I need to "fix" PoD rotbot from x2 to x4 turn in.

Like, turn in 4 pieces of gear to make 1 different piece?
Instead of just turning in 2?

If hunter will fix this to four turn ins instead of  two i will have a lot of new friends on the server.  :P

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Fabdibikya on March 15, 2011, 11:14:21 am
Yes, and not one of them can be the same!



Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: barrettd04 on March 15, 2011, 11:15:01 am
How woud 4x even work?  If you had all 4, you'd already have the piece you needed.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Fabdibikya on March 15, 2011, 11:19:00 am
Ssssst :P

In fact, 4x of any type would be better than 2x different, since once you get one rot item the same item keeps dropping anyway.


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: walk2k on March 15, 2011, 11:36:29 am
Add a rot bot for T3/T4 please.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Kwai on March 15, 2011, 09:22:26 pm
>>>Add a rot bot for T3/T4 please.<<<

Amen and A M E N.

156 greenies and 4 straight days of farming before the first T3 plate BP dropped.  4 silk toons, 2 leather and 2 chain 100% T3 before I saw the first T3 BP.  That's more than just bad luck with the RNG.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Kuniko on March 15, 2011, 10:32:54 pm
First I want to apologize for all those who's jacking thread and talking about something thats not on the topic (minus hunter, he's the only exception because he's busy so whenever or anything that remind him of the work he needs to do is good stuff hehe)

Anyway, about a rot bot for qvic / tacvi, if you cannot put time to farm qvic or tacvi then you are not really for t1 or t2 and definitely not ready for t3 and above.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Reed on March 15, 2011, 10:34:40 pm
Those zones are really not to bad, about 2-3 days of solid farming got 7 chars fully tokened, geared, and gemmed. So, yeah its a pain... but its not the worst by far

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: barrettd04 on March 16, 2011, 05:57:55 am
Those zones are really not to bad, about 2-3 days of solid farming got 7 chars fully tokened, geared, and gemmed. So, yeah its a pain... but its not the worst by far

Yea I think the thread shifted more toward a "rot bot in T3/T4" discussion, lol.

I agree that qvic/tacvi can be tough starting out but it doesn't need a rot bot in the least.

If anyone needs help in qvic/tacvi, catch me in game on one of my boxes below and I'll gladly give ya a run or two.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: trogdorr on March 16, 2011, 07:29:51 am
I'm on the fence on this one, if plate pants ( or pants in general) weren't so damn rare in qvic i would agree.
However i have toons older than some servers that still havent seen a qvic pants drop to date.  Running around with upto t2 in there inventory, with no qvic pants to craft with.
 IMO, what qvic really needs is pants made not so damn rare. You can make one trip in there and after killing every boss four or five times have every piece you need... and yet you still gotta go back for weeks or maybe even months depending on your luck.... just to get pants. Its kind of silly...really.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Teslar on March 16, 2011, 07:48:28 am
First I want to apologize for all those who's jacking thread and talking about something thats not on the topic (minus hunter, he's the only exception because he's busy so whenever or anything that remind him of the work he needs to do is good stuff hehe)

Anyway, about a rot bot for qvic / tacvi, if you cannot put time to farm qvic or tacvi then you are not really for t1 or t2 and definitely not ready for t3 and above.

It's not really a time issue and i am also able to farm t1/t2 also t3 with guild members.
The problem is really that sometimes the gear you need does not drop don't matter how long you are farming.

I'm on the fence on this one, if plate pants ( or pants in general) weren't so damn rare in qvic i would agree.
However i have toons older than some servers that still havent seen a qvic pants drop to date.  Running around with upto t2 in there inventory, with no qvic pants to craft with.
 IMO, what qvic really needs is pants made not so damn rare. You can make one trip in there and after killing every boss four or five times have every piece you need... and yet you still gotta go back for weeks or maybe even months depending on your luck.... just to get pants. Its kind of silly...really.

This i what happen to me few weeks ago on my wizard.
Missing just one gear slot and have up to t2/t3 in inventory but cant use.

To make it short.
I don't have a problem to to farm half day or whole day on weekend but sometimes after 6 hour straight farming i am asking my self:
"Hell !!! What i am doing here!?" . :P

It would be general great to put a rot bot npc somewhere in some zones to turn in stuff.
Doesn't matter if qvic/tacvi potime t1,t2,t3 etc....

I like the idea behind the rot npc in general.

ps: sorry for spelling errors.


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: trogdorr on March 16, 2011, 08:01:24 am
Seriously, 6 hours of faming is nothing, i could do 6 hours of farming if it meant I was getting pants.
However, just ask ezry how long I waited for trogs plate pants, cons silks..... and still waiting on plate pants for my bard who has logged I would guess close to 40 hours cumulative in qvic and still wearing dulak pants. Same for my monk now. Theres making us work for it, then theres just stupidly rare.

Rot Bot?  Maybe Not But-
Seriously hunter...This had a purpose a year ago, but were in T5 now. I think we can make these pants drop a little more frequent.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Everwes on March 16, 2011, 08:24:58 am
Amen to the pants issue!  I have three toons with no pants.  I can handle qvic no problem, and so the challenge now is showing the patience to wait for three pairs of pants to drop. 

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Kenshou on March 16, 2011, 12:44:04 pm
Everyone before you has had to grind it out in qvic, tac and t2,3 and 4. why should it be any easier for you. Yes there where times i thought that the item i needed was removed from the DB, but guess what, I kept at it and it dropped. Suck it up and keep at it. Hunter has stated a thousand times. If it was easy then we we would get bored and quit

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: trogdorr on March 16, 2011, 03:49:55 pm
Seriously Ken, dont come in here using logic and making sense.. Being right is over-rated....
Now if you'll excuse me... im going back to qvic....again.

But i still say its a more viable action than a rot bot.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: alrazor on November 29, 2011, 05:15:53 am

Yesterday evening I tried to hit QVIC for the first time with my box-group : WAR, PAL, CLR, BST, MAGE.  I've managed to kill the first two mobs at the bridge (one by one), but when the other 3 mobs attack togehter, I cannot hold it for a long time and are kicked back to Nexus.

Can anyone give me some hints/tips how to handle Qvic ?  For your info, all my toons have now their epic 2.5.  Perhaps problem with my AA, which are not maxed yet, or are their other things I have to get first ?  What I do for now, is using my Magepet, BSTpet, BST, WAR and PAL to attack and CLR for healing and MAG for nuking.

Kind regards,

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Pyronost on November 29, 2011, 05:45:58 am
Derail much?

Suggestion-wise, Im not progressed past tac just yet, and so far im in agreeance with the others. I dont like the monsters ooglin mah goodies while I walk around with no pants :'(

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: alrazor on November 30, 2011, 03:25:57 am
Hmm, can't do much with this answer  :-\

Anyone else ?  Would appreciate  ;D


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Brokyn on November 30, 2011, 06:20:20 am
He's right, this is not really on topic...

I'd say that if you can't kill a pull of 3 you should try some old school techniques for crowd control.  Use a monk, sk, or bard to split them, or an enchanter to mez one or two while you kill the other...

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Thebone on November 30, 2011, 06:54:49 am
Try spliting your tank classes. Have your warrior hold 2 and you pally tank one.. This will keep some damage off your warrior. also make sure your cleric is casting word of Viv and your cleric and pallys have focus of healing on.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: alrazor on November 30, 2011, 08:23:21 am
Hi Thebone,

OK, thanks for the info, I will try so, but I'm afraid that my tanks will be killed very quickly.  I thinks to spend some more time in Ldon to max my AA's and loot some charms.  After that, I will try Qvic again  ;D


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Bladethorn on November 30, 2011, 09:11:11 am
I found that having two Pallys helps Al.. I run through Qvic/Tacvi with a War/Pal/Pal/Rog/Mag/Brd set up and while sometimes my War bites it if I pull to many, the burst heals from the Pals really helps. I appreciate the fact that you are working on a Cleric now, I know I will have to tackle that in the future, but right now having two pals really helps for the gear through and Ldon runs for charms, etc..

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: alrazor on November 30, 2011, 10:19:13 am
Hi Bladethorn,

Thanks for your reply.
An extra pally could make a difference of course, but than I have to box 6 toons, need a lot of exercise  ;D

Another question : before you hitted Qvic with your group, was every single toon AA maxed with an appropriate charm lvl.25, or not ? 

Kind regards,

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Kreemo on November 30, 2011, 10:54:13 am
You would find this alot easier if you get someone to run your pally thru the 3.0.

If you are trying to do this with no help then I respect that but I think most people get help.

If u see me online I'll help but im not on all that much right now

Kreemo / krusha

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Bladethorn on November 30, 2011, 01:32:58 pm
What Kreemo said..

I got some help with my War & main Pal on their 3.0. Then I just started to plug away getting the rest of the group into a 3.0. It helps a lot

I only have ROA 5 on my War, with Guardian charm at 5 or so.. Pal has low oracle. One of the things that really helps me I think is having my Rog with 2x3.0 and Brawler charm around.. that dps is really helpful. Stick to it and you will overcome Qvic for sure.. If you see Guardian charms popping up, grab them if you can.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Ogah on November 30, 2011, 02:05:29 pm
It sounds like your pet classes (mage and beast) don't have pet affinity. I was able to 3 box Qvic with Pal (2.0), Monk, Beast once I got my beast pet affinity AA. Alternatively, give your beast 2x PAL epics (converted to 1hs) once inside the zone.

You shouldn't have a problem at all once that is setup. Outside those considerations - you may just be the most unlucky group I know of.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: alrazor on November 30, 2011, 02:09:55 pm
Hi guys,

Thanks for all the good tips.  I will have a look in it.
Kusho thanks for offer me help getting my 3.0 !   If I find some time to do it, I will not hesitate to call you.


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: alrazor on November 30, 2011, 02:13:37 pm
Hi Ogah,

Thanks for the info.  Just to be sure, I do think I have pet affinity AA.  To my magepet I give now the fireblades by hailing my pet.  This is, I guess, the right weapons or not ?  Or do you talk about giving a pally epic 1.0 to the pet ? (I think a 'defender' or something ?)


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Bladethorn on November 30, 2011, 03:22:09 pm
Pally Epic 1.0 from the epic vendor.. Give them to both of your pets and they will proc the pal heal for your group if they have pet affinity. Another big help for sure.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: alrazor on December 01, 2011, 05:01:08 am
Hi Bladethorn,

OK, I will do so.  Do I have to give these pally-epic 1.0 to my BST-pet aswell as to my MAG-pet ?


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: alrazor on December 01, 2011, 06:25:34 am

OK, I overread your last reply.  Of course I can give them to both pets (MAG & BST).  ;D

Another question : my mage and bst can take their buffs from 2 places : from the buff-NPC in Nexus and by hailing their pet.  Are these the same buffs or do I take only one in particular ?


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: stad on December 01, 2011, 06:55:51 am
you can even get them from casters or fighters guild.

Not sure if there is a difference but i thought that those in fighters guild and casters guild are raid buffs. Probably better but not sure about that

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: alrazor on December 01, 2011, 07:18:15 am
Hi Stad,
Long time we've spoke  ;D

In the meantime, I made some progress and I managed it with my crew to QVIC (I know, for some of you great players, its a small step, but for me as I only play one year on EZ and never had any EQ-experience before, it's a big step)

Regarding the buffing, indeed you also hail an NPC for raid-buffs in the fighters and casters guild.  Difficult to say is these are better than in Nexus or hailing the pets.  I never found some explanation on it in any post.

Perhaps HUNTER can sort this out for us ?  :D


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: alrazor on December 01, 2011, 08:38:17 am
Hi Stad,

Another thought,   I raidbuffs in the guilds are the best of all, than you can't go directly to Qvic.  You need first go to Nexus and againt select Qvic by Melwhite.  Rather laborius, isn't it ?  With the risk with all that re-zoning the pet risks to loose it's buffs.  :-\, or I am wrong here ?


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: stad on December 01, 2011, 08:45:03 am
there is a teleporter in the caster or fighter guild. And not sure, it's been a while, but qvic is on it i think.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: funkinmofo on December 01, 2011, 07:35:40 pm
custom and non custom teleporters are in both fg and cg

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Fugitive on December 01, 2011, 08:33:54 pm
custom and non custom teleporters are in both fg and cg

who is this poster?!

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Gostin on December 01, 2011, 10:20:45 pm
Alrazor to answer your questions the buffs are the same BUT in the fg and cg your pet can get the buffs where as in the nexus on your toon receives the buffs.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Gostin on December 01, 2011, 10:22:53 pm
also I have not seen pets lose buffs when zonning.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: funkinmofo on December 02, 2011, 03:48:06 am
custom and non custom teleporters are in both fg and cg

who is this poster?!

Lol so true, may end up just giving the guild my 19+ toons for their own use at this point.

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: Thebone on December 02, 2011, 06:47:22 am
custom and non custom teleporters are in both fg and cg

who is this poster?!

Lol so true, may end up just giving the guild my 19+ toons for their own use at this point.

Umm no you will bring you ass back in game!

Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: alrazor on December 02, 2011, 08:16:13 am

Question about PET for MAGE.
My mage can summon two sort of pets now, one with the epic 2.5 and one with the MastersRing.  Which one should I use ?


Title: Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
Post by: stad on December 02, 2011, 08:21:58 am
this can help for your pet question

http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=154.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=154.0)