EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Ashar on April 11, 2011, 01:54:28 pm

Title: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Ashar on April 11, 2011, 01:54:28 pm
So Asharx got a 7 day ban for KSing Halfpintelf on Shadow in public HoH.

Sounds simple enough...
First off I didnt see halfpintelf (solo)when I first engaged Shadow,  I had looked away from main pc sceen over to my laptop because of a few toons being stuck.

I spoke to Halfpintelf and Brokyn of Magister as the kill was in progress...
I wasn't asked to back off.
I told both Halfpintelf and Brokyn that if Shadow died here that the loot would go to Halfpintelf.   Shadow died and I left all the loot on the corpse.... I did ask if I could have the h-one n-one token and was told no.....  still simple and straight....

Now I did have a bit of a bad attitude toward Halfpintelf for not allowing me the token (my bad for sure hot his/her's)

So... question why 7 day ban?  I admit Halfpintelf must haven engaged Shadow before me...  Which is why I gave him/her the loot.

So why the ban? If it was for ksing didnt Halfpintelf ninja loot?
Ya that sounds petty and screwed up.  Mayabe wording it different would make it sound less lame.

I just think I should not get a 7 day ban on Asharx if I gave up the loot completely to Halfpintelf...

Anyone else wanna chime in. Or Hunter even.

To Magister Guilld....
not trying to flame you guys at all. Just looking for clarification from Hunter or other EZ peeps that might have some insight or opinion.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Kenshou on April 11, 2011, 02:04:42 pm
Shadow is always a race in HoH, and the first one there and engaged is the victor, A ban for not looting seems a bit extreme, throw the rest out the window. I have been running thru HoH and added my DPS on a shadow kill before, and no ban here, sounds like some cry baby's that are new to the zone.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Thebone on April 11, 2011, 02:16:04 pm
I have to say I agree with Asher on this one... Yes rules are rules but it jut shows the kind of people everyone is here...

Asher said hey my bad the loot is yours try to make good..

Then these other two ass hats take the loot then report like Asher said that's ninja looting ban them for 7 days as well.. Rules are rules right...

So what I get from this is Asher is a good guy I'll lend a hand if needed..

The other guys I'd destroy something before lending a hand... It's really easy to get a bad rep on this server well great job guys you made the list!! There are a few other things I'd like to say but Sorry Asher don't wanna join you on that ban list.

From the iPhone.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Brokyn on April 11, 2011, 03:02:21 pm
I have to say that although I was not in HoH when this happened.  I was on vent with Halfpintelf at the time though.

If it had stopped at Ashar killing Shadow and allowing her the loot because she had engaged first there would have been no action taken, I am sure.  The problem is that after the initial incident with Shadow, Ashar continued to follow Halfpintelf around and KS'd the next few mobs that she engaged.  He sent her some threatening tells that suggested she would never get help on this server again because she had crossed him...  He also sent me a tell saying "If you didn't fraps it, it didn't happen".  That, to me, is an admission of guilt, and a childish taunt in the face of server rules. 

I understand that some people have a high opinion of Ashar here.  To be honest, I expected a lot better from him.  When he logged on the day following the incident he sent me a message to tell me that he'd been suspended for 7 days on his main.  I was not surprised.  I knew that an email had been sent to Hunter, and I saw Hunter's online message.  I also saw him take responsibility for his actions in OOC without bringing any names into it.  I thought that was a classy move on his part.  This, however, is a completely classless move.  Halfpintelf did nothing to deserve anyone's anger.  All she did was report a player who was repeatedly KSing her.  The fact that it turns out to be someone prominent on the server should only serve as a reminder to everyone that the rules are the same for everyone.

I am not concerned about my reputation on the server.  The people that have known me the past couple of years know my character.  I ask that you don't continue with comments about Halfpintelf though, she is new on the server and doesn't need the aggravation of having her name dragged through the mud by a classless high end player.

Brokyn <Magister>

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Thebone on April 11, 2011, 03:12:11 pm
There are other way in handling problems like this not "run to daddy" and tell on him.... these are things "NEW PLAYERS" need to think about. A quick fix is spend 10k on a group zone bam fixed.. I'm not saying it's ok to KS but there are many other ways to keep this problem even coming up. I have never and will never kill in pub there is no reason to you make that 10k back in all of what 5 mins in HoH? and if you can spend 10k a day drop 20k once every 7 days..

Correct yourself and make the changes you need to make to stop this from ever happening.

And BTW with your people have a high opinion of Asher remark... I don't know the guy never talked to the guy... So yeah that don't work with everyone.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Brokyn on April 11, 2011, 03:25:55 pm
The other ways to handle things work just fine till the offending party continues his behaviour...  We started a dialogue to try to solve the problem and got attitude and further KSing.

Your comments about it being our responsibility to spend 10k on an instance to keep others from breaking rules are completely asinine.  People who follow the rules don't need to "Correct themselves" as you put it, the people who break the rules need to correct themselves, or run the risk of having Hunter correct them.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Thebone on April 11, 2011, 03:43:51 pm
This whole thread is about being KSed is it not? Lets see here... if you stop being cheap spend 10k you don't get KSed... how is that hard for you to understand? When fighting in Pub you run the risk... you trying to tell me on that rule list in the whole time you have been playing you never once broke a single rule?

    No exploiting
    No warping
    No bot / afk farming
    No bad words
    No spamming
    No kill stealing
    No hording Tiki's
    Guild Quest camps
    No ninja looting
    No trains
    Do not crash zones
    Do not share accounts
    Use common sense
    Play nice and don't grief

There's one in RED I see you have already broke..

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Brokyn on April 11, 2011, 04:18:10 pm
I'm not going to debate the idea that the victim of a crime is at fault for not staying out of public places...  I am sure you can actually see the flaw in your argument??  If not, you need to spend some time in the real world.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Thebone on April 11, 2011, 04:43:26 pm
Your missing my point... My point is this if your not in public you don't have to worry about anything..  If you take yourself out of the problem then there is no problem..

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Brokyn on April 11, 2011, 05:11:29 pm
You're missing the point...  Anyone should be able to go into pub and not have problems with other players...  If problems occur there are rules to govern the behavior of those players.  If efforts to correct the problems are met with indifference or aggression, there is a server GM to deal with the problems.

What you're saying, when extrapolated to a real world situation, says that if you go to the corner store to buy milk and get shot in a robbery it is your fault for not buying a cow for your home...

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: barrettd04 on April 11, 2011, 05:25:15 pm
Fighting in pub is like walking down a bad part of town late at night.  You run the risk of getting your ass mugged.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Thebone on April 11, 2011, 05:31:25 pm
Fighting in pub is like walking down a bad part of town late at night.  You run the risk of getting your ass mugged.

^^ someone that can follow the common sense rule...

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Gummibear on April 11, 2011, 05:45:29 pm
I've been followed around plenty by people threatening to fraps for various reasons, I just hide in guild instances so i can do whatever I want.

I was on my necro in Qvic, went LD, when I came back I had a bunch of mobs on me so I backed out the doorway to FD but there was someone just outside the door which I didn't see until I had already Fd'd. Sure enough he starts cursing and saying he fraps'd me training and I was going to get banned, I said I was sorry and offered to rez but he kept swearing at me.

My point is public is shit, fuck that place. Guild instances are harder to sell shit in but it's worth it to be away from assclowns.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Hurley on April 11, 2011, 05:51:46 pm
And the mugger runs the risk of being caught by the cops, which in this situation is hunter. I agree making a guild instance is a great way to avoid people KSing you, but it is also a great way for others to avoid having to KS people for loot. The fact that the loot was given up to the person who engaged first is a classy move, but the aftermath seemed unwarranted from what I read in this post.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Dood on April 11, 2011, 06:28:34 pm
I support Hunter's decision.  As a long time member of the EZ community, Ashar knows the rules.  This is not the first incident I have seen where a player has been harassed by a server veteran and threatened that they won't be helped or blacklisted etc. from the server.  This behavior is often backed up by newer characters who cherish the "uber" characters who more often then not are helping people kill things above their level of play.  Which is very cool, but it doesn't give anyone the right to ruin someone elses game play. 
I like / get along with most of the people who play on this server, and although I pretty much keep to myself on the forums, you have to ask yourself, why wouldnt we want to be able to hunt in public zones?  Since Hunter last swung the banhammer, the server has become a more peaceful place.  People forget it's a "PG" server, you have to play nice with each other to get ahead.  I don't like to see anyone banned, but sometimes a timeout is just what we need to regain perspective.  Just my 2cp =)

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Wordson on April 11, 2011, 06:38:27 pm
This so called new player Halfpintelf has UC + ROA100. But can't afford a guild instance that costs 20k? Or even get guildies to pitch in? Damn Asharx sorry to hear you got a week ban for some stupid shit like this. I don't know Asharx personally but he went above and beyond for me on couple occassions to help gear my warr. Thats the kind of person he is. But to call him classless is beyond ridiculous. Why don't you be classy help your guildies buy an instance so this whole mess wouldn't even happened in the first place.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Fugitive on April 11, 2011, 07:11:26 pm
/steering clear of this thread and keeping my hands inside ride on this one..

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: lerxst2112 on April 11, 2011, 07:58:05 pm

Nowhere in the rules does it say if you didn't buy an instance the rules don't apply.

If people choose to hunt in public, for whatever reason, then they should expect to not be harassed, and if they are then the harasser should expect possible punishment.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Strix on April 11, 2011, 08:01:29 pm
/steering clear of this thread and keeping my hands inside ride on this one..

Great advice Fugitive for all of us.

+1 for this post (and posts of this sort) to be deleted.  

A public forum is not the place to talk about this sort of issue.  It invites trouble from a whole range of well-wishers who, quite frankly, have nothing to do with the incident or the people involved.  Their opinions are not helpful and only serve to inflame and generate ill-feelings towards others.  The OPs issue (case) really needs to be privately addressed with Hunter without incensing the entire community of the (perceived) injustice of it all.  


Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Lexington on April 11, 2011, 08:10:55 pm
well, if the 7 day suspension came from the repeated ks's after shadow kill/loot was over and done with, then ya- that sounds justified to me.  Why be butt hurt that you didn't get to loot a h1n1 token from a mob that wasn't yours to start with /shrugs, if the suspension came from the shadow kill/loot deal then correct it's not really making sense, the person who claims the mobs got all the loot. So i'm thinking not all of the story is brought forward.  It's ok though. it's just 7 days- not the end of the world, still have another 150+ days until that happens!

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Thebone on April 11, 2011, 08:13:32 pm

Nowhere in the rules does it say if you didn't buy an instance the rules don't apply.

If people choose to hunt in public, for whatever reason, then they should expect to not be harassed, and if they are then the harasser should expect possible punishment.

Where in any post did it say there is a rule you must buy a instance? really read before you post....

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: lerxst2112 on April 11, 2011, 08:26:02 pm

Nowhere in the rules does it say if you didn't buy an instance the rules don't apply.

If people choose to hunt in public, for whatever reason, then they should expect to not be harassed, and if they are then the harasser should expect possible punishment.

Where in any post did it say there is a rule you must buy a instance? really read before you post....

This whole thread is about being KSed is it not? Lets see here... if you stop being cheap spend 10k you don't get KSed... how is that hard for you to understand? When fighting in Pub you run the risk... you trying to tell me on that rule list in the whole time you have been playing you never once broke a single rule?

    No exploiting
    No warping
    No bot / afk farming
    No bad words
    No spamming
    No kill stealing
    No hording Tiki's
    Guild Quest camps
    No ninja looting
    No trains
    Do not crash zones
    Do not share accounts
    Use common sense
    Play nice and don't grief

There's one in RED I see you have already broke..

Read for yourself.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Thebone on April 11, 2011, 09:25:18 pm

Nowhere in the rules does it say if you didn't buy an instance the rules don't apply.

If people choose to hunt in public, for whatever reason, then they should expect to not be harassed, and if they are then the harasser should expect possible punishment.

Where in any post did it say there is a rule you must buy a instance? really read before you post....

This whole thread is about being KSed is it not? Lets see here... if you stop being cheap spend 10k you don't get KSed... how is that hard for you to understand? When fighting in Pub you run the risk... you trying to tell me on that rule list in the whole time you have been playing you never once broke a single rule?

    No exploiting
    No warping
    No bot / afk farming
    No bad words
    No spamming
    No kill stealing
    No hording Tiki's
    Guild Quest camps
    No ninja looting
    No trains
    Do not crash zones
    Do not share accounts
    Use common sense
    Play nice and don't grief

There's one in RED I see you have already broke..

Read for yourself.

Yup still don't see where it says "Rule-- you must buy a instance."

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Thebone on April 11, 2011, 09:36:47 pm
But I'm board with this... lets make something cool to talk about like ummm... Lets do T6 in PotimeB so we get to kill some Gods.. just make them hard to get to and crazy hard! oh and caster augs so hateborne can stop QQin

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: JDFriend on April 12, 2011, 12:41:45 pm
/steering clear of this thread and keeping my hands inside ride on this one..

Your hands aren't on the ride sir..../stiffarms Fugitive to put his hands back in his lap =)

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Ashar on April 12, 2011, 09:38:16 pm
BULLSHIT I FOLLOWED HALFPINT AROUND AT ALL... halfpint sat on the mob for the next 20 minuts  FYI (maybe not that long) its a TOTAL lie that i followed halfpintelf around and KD's here. actually. i hung out for a bit (which is why i know halfpint stayed on shadow..  then I went to zone in, in total killing about 5 mobs.   FUCK the BS..
I will add more as i finish reading the thread, but had to stop brokyn no sure wtf you are talking about me following and ksing halfpint

ok read rest of thread,  Thanks Brokyn for the props,
I did not ks any other mobs,  i engaged and pulled 3 mobs on my way out of HoH. 
Like i said I did KS shadow. and did not loot any loot off the mob... that is the reason I was questioning the ban......for the record at no point did Brok or Halfpint ask me to stop killing the mob...
Halfpintelf,  my intent was to help a solo player kill the mob once you and brok informed me i was ksing.  i didnt not know how well geared you are.. i was just helping another kill shadow

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Thebone on April 13, 2011, 11:58:35 am
Wait a second this halfpint was these alone no other toons? If that's the case she would of been dead in seconds.... And if she was waiting for someone to show up... I think the rules are the first to engage the mob has rights and this would not be ks... If my understanding is correct Asher did her a favor...

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Brokyn on April 13, 2011, 12:49:38 pm
Shadow is kinda easy to solo for a pally or SK with UC and 4.0.  Can't say for other classes...

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: chunkumss on April 13, 2011, 01:04:40 pm
Easy but long, especially without augs.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Thebone on April 13, 2011, 03:46:39 pm
Shadow is kinda easy to solo for a pally or SK with UC and 4.0.  Can't say for other classes...

your right I didn't ask the class just assumed warrior...

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Lexington on April 14, 2011, 09:18:42 am
so the real question is then, was the mob already agro'd on halfpint before you engaged?

where is the fraps of this.  I do notice you say neither of them asked or told you to stop, but didn't they say hey, that's our mob? that would be the same thing. If someone walks up and grabs your beer and you say, "hey that's my beer" wouldn't that be the same thing as saying, put my fuckin beer down?


but ya the first question is the more important one. I thought you first stated that they said something along those lines

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Otaduke on April 14, 2011, 10:43:59 am
You hit it Lexington with "Where is the fraps on this."

Thats the problem with this whole thread everyones opinion but no fraps is posted to back any of it up and only getting one side of the coin, the other side is from a ear witness that was in vent.

Seems like this is something for Hunter to work out with Ash since he has the email/video and our opinons are all speculation based on who knows who in game or on the forum. 

Makes for an interesting read though on a slow day on how other people form their opinions based on few facts and no proof of anything.

The Ban will be over before this thread makes a difference of opinions. At least thats my opinion.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Lexington on April 14, 2011, 07:31:05 pm
ya, i'm currently trying to get my fraps editor working. It's gonna be awesome making false fraps. kidding folks- i'm not one for getting folks in trouble. TBH i do get mad if someone kill steals or ninja loots but i'm not gonna go out of my way to get them banned or whatever. Especially if they're like hey I'm sorry and try to do something to make up for it. But i guess that's just me.

Bump for commical read

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Ashar on April 14, 2011, 08:20:50 pm
Yes lex the mob was must have been aggroed on halfpintelf before i engaged it, I did not see him at first, but I looked away from Asharx's screen as i got up to mob.....

My issues is a ban for ksing a mob that I didnt take loot from... and I told halfpintelf if Shadows died it was his to loot........

If i was going to get suspened for ksing him,  then why give him the loot?

W/E though...... i will run fraps and make sure to back up what happens when I am in public...  at least then I could post it,. since halfpintelf didnt post the Fraps he told he had.

Title: Re: 7 DAY BAN
Post by: Lexington on April 15, 2011, 09:28:02 am
indeed, also hott window ftw bro- tho i know sometimes it won't update i always retarget anyhow to avoid the no hp update/unable to see ur target bug =p