EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Xiggie | Stone on September 08, 2011, 04:49:20 am

Title: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 08, 2011, 04:49:20 am
Listing each class with the suggestions for 4.5 and 5.0

Class                    4.5                               5.0
Bard                     Add slot type 4 aug               300 to all instruments

Beastlord                New pet with 50% bump in hp       Same pet but able to hail for v3 swords
                         No damage increase.

Berzerker                Add slot type 4 aug               Bump from 6k proc to 7k proc

Cleric                    As is                             Add cleric to NS and add a slot type 8 aug

Druid                    Pet comparable to mage 4.0         20k pet buff w/2k DS
                         Note: Add random drop pet
                         heal spell comparable to mage

Enchanter                Pet comparable to mage 4.0         20k pet buff w/haste
                         Note: See druid note

Magician                 New pet w/50% bump in hp           Same pet, v3 pet weps
                         and damage.
                         Note: Add random drop pet
                         heal spell (50% bump)
Monk                     Add slot type 4 aug                Change added slot type 4
                                                            to slot type 8 aug

Necromancer              Apply same % changes as
                         mage on both
                         Note: Add random drop pet
                         heal spell (50% bump)
Paladin                  Right click Brells Brawnier         Add slot type 8 aug
                         Bulwark (7.5k hp buff)            
                         (on new epic shield)

Ranger                   Right click summon                  Change added slot type 4
                         arrow (+50%)                        to a slot type 8

Rogue                    Same as monk                        Same as monk

Shadow Knight            Right click group buff that         Same as Paladin
                         adds a life tap proc
                         (on new epic shield)

Shaman                   Pet comparable to mage 4.0          20k pet buff w/2k regen
                         Note: Add random drop pet
                         heal spell comparable to mage

Warrior                  Add slot type 8 aug                  Add slot type 8 aug
                         Note: Add a random drop
                         Death Strike* aug
                         (see note * below)
Wizard                   Mana bumped to 10k                  Mana bumped
                          Mana regen +50%                    to 15k
                                                             Mana regen
                                                             + 50%

Proposed V3 pet weapon: 50% boost from current.
Pet affinity added to Shaman, druid and enchanter classes to make their pets viable.

* Note: Death Strike would come in versions I through V. It would take 4 components to create a version I, 3 common and 1 rare. To create a version II you combine two version I plus 1 common component and 1 rare component. Common components drop off of trash, rare components drop off of bosses.

Proposed name of the components:
Zombie Skin (Common)
Zombie Vein (Common)
Zombie Bone Dust (Common)
Blood of the Gods (Rare)

Proposed attributes of each version:
Death Strike I: 300 life leach
Death Strike II 500 life leach
Death Strike III 700 life leach
Death Strike IV 1000 life leach
Death Strike V 1500 life leach

Reason for Death Strike aug: I'd like to add my reason for suggesting a life leach aug for warriors only. Right now I do not even use my warrior in T5. He dies too much compared to using my paladin. Even with my warrior having more hp that my paladin he still dies too much. I think in part it has to do with lack of having a stone wall that I can keep up 24/7 and in part to do with if I am tanking from my paladin then I have the heals from the paladin procs. Adding a 1500 pt life leach that can be bumped up to 4500 with UC will not make warriors invincible but it will give them back some of the resiliency they should have at this level.

Paladin and Shadow Knight Epic Shield suggestion. Continuing on with previous knight epics in that you can turn them in to the epic vendor for a 1hs version that has half the hp, but you could turn the 1hs in again for an epic shield that also has half the 2hs stats. This will allow the paladin to do the epic 2x if they wanted to use the 1hs and an epic shield while still enjoying the hp of the 2hs. This also allows the addition of an epic shield buff spell.

Please feel free to add any comments that anyone has. Make suggestions about supporting, changing, or getting rid of any ideas I have up. I would like to send this to Hunters email but I wanted the opinions of everyone else first.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 08, 2011, 04:50:50 am
Added proposed V3 pet weapon.
Added to ranger 4.5, right click summon arrow
Added suggestion of an epic shield for knight classes.
Added suggestions for changes to Wizard epics
Change format to /code for ease of reading and to make things flow together a little better.
Added suggestion for new pet for bst with a 50% boost in hp but no damage increase

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Brokyn on September 08, 2011, 06:34:35 am
Some great suggestions Xiggie!

A few comments, from my perspective...

-  Bst will be upset to be the pet class that doesn't get an upgrade. 
-  SK will not want to have the HT click removed/replaced. 
-  Druid, Ench and Shaman should have something added that does not include a new pet.  The reason I say this is that those classes do not have the pet affinity AA, and therefore their pets do not get group heals, leaving even a buffed pet to die quickly. 
-  Rangers having an added type 4 slot is somewhat useless, as the only useable aug (for bows, and let's be honest, Rangers are all about the bow) is the Ninja Strike, and it is type 8.  If the Ice Strike were made to work in ranged weapons I could get behind a type 4 slot.
-  Paladins would not like to lose the LoH right click they have now.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Strix on September 08, 2011, 07:58:03 am
Right now I do not even use my warrior in T5. He dies too much compared to using my paladin. Even with my warrior having more hp that my paladin he still dies too much.

Spot on Xiggie. 

I'm boxing with 2 UC Pallys and a UC Cleric.  I can keep my warriors alive 95% of the time but I have to drive from the cleric the entire time with my finger on the Viv button.  Kind of funny to think that 3 UC healers still have problems keeping a tank alive.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 08, 2011, 08:39:08 am
Some great suggestions Xiggie!

A few comments, from my perspective...

-  Bst will be upset to be the pet class that doesn't get an upgrade. 
-  SK will not want to have the HT click removed/replaced. 
-  Druid, Ench and Shaman should have something added that does not include a new pet.  The reason I say this is that those classes do not have the pet affinity AA, and therefore their pets do not get group heals, leaving even a buffed pet to die quickly. 
-  Rangers having an added type 4 slot is somewhat useless, as the only useable aug (for bows, and let's be honest, Rangers are all about the bow) is the Ninja Strike, and it is type 8.  If the Ice Strike were made to work in ranged weapons I could get behind a type 4 slot.
-  Paladins would not like to lose the LoH right click they have now.

These are some very very good points, thank you for bringing them up. And thank you for having them nice and organized, it helps to go through each point.

-Beastlord points: The reason lack of very much on the beastlord is they are already at 100k dps. I can't see a valid argument where they would need anything else. I did however put the v3 swords in there to give them a little bit more hp. (Sorry, forgot to put the v3 sword details. Adding after post.)

-SK and Paladin points: What about being able to turn your 5.0 in for a 3rd option of shield and the buff suggested be on the shield while the 1hs would keep the current? They have always needed an epic shield anyway.

-Druid, ench, shm points. Can the AA Pet Affinity be added to them?

-Ranger points: Open to suggestions

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 08, 2011, 08:41:58 am
Right now I do not even use my warrior in T5. He dies too much compared to using my paladin. Even with my warrior having more hp that my paladin he still dies too much.

Spot on Xiggie. 

I'm boxing with 2 UC Pallys and a UC Cleric.  I can keep my warriors alive 95% of the time but I have to drive from the cleric the entire time with my finger on the Viv button.  Kind of funny to think that 3 UC healers still have problems keeping a tank alive.

Yeah, I ran into the same issues, funny how my paladin lives longer with less hp than my warrior, lol.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Camric on September 08, 2011, 09:29:39 am
Great suggestions!

For the Wizard 5.0, I say buff the Mana Regen by 10-15 percent.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 08, 2011, 10:00:56 am
Great suggestions!

For the Wizard 5.0, I say buff the Mana Regen by 10-15 percent.

What we got wizards?


Nice proposed changes Xiggie..

I want the AUGS

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Hunter on September 08, 2011, 11:02:02 am
I don't mind doing some tweaks to the 4.5 and 5.0 Epics. I'll wait until this has been discussed some more, and when I have time on the weekend to read it all, and make a few changes.

Good start.


Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 08, 2011, 11:04:51 am
Thank you for the input Hunter, lets us know we are going in a good direction. I will try to make sure to keep the first post as clean as possible.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Brokyn on September 08, 2011, 11:44:55 am
As far as SKs and Paladins go, the shield is not a bad idea.  That might make up for some of the 25k in lost HP from choosing 1hs over 2hs (in the 5.0 epic).  Maybe make it so that the 4.5 and 5.0 can be turned in for a shield with the group buff (life tap proc for SK and HP buff for Pallies)?  Then Knights can make the choice between 2hs for the extra attack, or sword and board for the AC for tanking without losing a butt load of HP?

For Rangers, I would suggest that maybe adding a type 8 slot at 4.5, and then a new summoned arrow from the 5.0?  Either that, or add a type 4 slot, and change the Ice Strike so it will work on ranged weapons, and then the new arrow at 5.0

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Digz on September 08, 2011, 11:49:13 am
thats some pretty disturbing info on warriors for T5, especially since i grinded out roa 1-100 on my warrior in a week. I feel like that will of been the most epic waste of time if im forced to bench my war come t5. Im not entirely sure what a right fix would be to correct the issue (not in t5 yet so i have no solid numbers to base judgement off of) but giving paladins an epic shield would probably just widen the gap between wars vs pals for tanking, especially if a pal is able to reach the same hp as a war with an epic shield, it would just make wars even more useless unless something drastic is done for the class, outside of giving them more hp. hp balance doesnt seem to be the answer for balancing tank classes if people are saying pals tank better with less hp, just my opinions though :)

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 08, 2011, 12:54:18 pm

thats some pretty disturbing info on warriors for T5, especially since i grinded out roa 1-100 on my warrior in a week. I feel like that will of been the most epic waste of time if im forced to bench my war come t5. Im not entirely sure what a right fix would be to correct the issue (not in t5 yet so i have no solid numbers to base judgement off of) but giving paladins an epic shield would probably just widen the gap between wars vs pals for tanking, especially if a pal is able to reach the same hp as a war with an epic shield, it would just make wars even more useless unless something drastic is done for the class, outside of giving them more hp. hp balance doesnt seem to be the answer for balancing tank classes if people are saying pals tank better with less hp, just my opinions though :)


I play two warriors in my main party.(I would change one out but lazy)
Fugitive is my main and still can get 1 shotted. T5 mobs just have a crazy ass high 1 round output sometimes..

Warriors are fun stay with them, it's just like any class you really like them or they are /meh.

Xiggie Really really really really REALLY.. did I say really? Loves monks =P (/pokes fun @ Xig)

I don't think I would have been able to cream T5 as fast as I did without one.  having your RoA on the warrior is already a huge plus, UC and maybe a 3-5 Scepter would rock for you too..

I support these changes purposed! (Good Job Xiggie, Brokyn, Camric)
Hope to see more ideas!!

Would like to see the 5.0 melee damage upped a little too. (across all classes)

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Digz on September 08, 2011, 01:16:52 pm
well im not too worried about gearing for t5 just yet as im just breaking into T2 now lol, kinda funny finishing roa before even starting T2 but im just the type of person who *HAS* to finish something before starting something else.

Also i agree wars are fun. its probably my most played class outside of boxing but the bottom line is if he ends up becomming a liability, hes not going to keep a group slot simply based on how much i enjoy the character, for me its all about min/maxing proficiency in those 6 group slots and with my current make-up of war/pal/pal/rog/mnk/brd, he wouldn't be too hard to replace...i just hope wars get some additional love and it doesnt come to that, lifetap augs would be a great step in the right direction.

i just dont want my war getting 1 rounded (or even close to) in T5 with all best-in-slot gear, just shouldn't happen.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 08, 2011, 01:17:50 pm
I want to add in there, my paladin does die. My pally, and any class for that matter gets one shotted pretty easily. I mean, one second I am at 100% and the next second, boom, I am loading the nexus. I have just noticed my paladin has better luck living because from the very first seconds of the fight my paladin has the benefits of my cleric, plus my paladins swords. Adding the tap to warrior swords will give them a little bump in the beginning second or two of combat to stay alive a little better. And as for the paladin epic shield, I in no way shape or form suggest that paladins should be able to get more hp from using 1h and a shield than using a 2hs. It would be the same amount of hp. As for ac, last I knew there was a soft cap on ac so I don't think it really matters.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 08, 2011, 01:19:35 pm

i just dont want my war getting 1 rounded in T5 with all best-in-slot gear, just shouldn't happen.

I'm full T5, augged out, 5.0 RoA max and still get 1 rounded.  The scaling of the mobs in T5 are harder then MCP and fun. Get used to battle rezzing.

Keep the warrior in your party there is no way in hell he is a liability, you should think about a cleric @ least keeping 1 geared up

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Digz on September 08, 2011, 01:23:32 pm
wow t5 sounds like its going to be rough.. i guess im just being too negative about the situation, especially since i havn't experianced any t5 yet myself to make any solid conclusions. Time will tell i suppose. I guess the good news for me is by the time i hit T5, hopefully most of these issues will of been resolved :D

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: whatzizface on September 08, 2011, 01:24:57 pm
Everyone dies in T5, But each have thier place. I have noticed pally/SK have a better chance on corals and wars do better on bosses and land critters. With the 1 shots they give there it is nice to have a backup tank no matter what (my wizzy doesnt tank for shit) But at even 350k+ hps i have seen toons get wiped out so quick they have to wait till the zone to bind to find out what hit them.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 08, 2011, 01:28:54 pm
This is a post I made just recently about the amount of healing I have (see below quote).

T5 is rough!! Period That's the way Hunter wanted it.. That's why only like 7 people have completed it @ what 6-8 months into it or something? Crab, Pimpin, Kenshou, Severs, Dood, Fugitve, Xiggie. (if I'm missing someone please let me know Ill correct this)
I know <Fear Mongers> is close, Strix is close, Camric is pulling hair out close too!!

It's a super freaking hard zone UCd and Full Augged unless you Zerg the hell out of it is a must... and even with Zerging the corpses will pile high.

I'm full T5 war war pal pal mnk cleric @ 380k(yeah I know I need to work the range quest now) and still get single shot killed every now and then.

Cleric is healing 269k per cast grp heal
Cleric is healing 59k on strikes
Pallys x 2 are healing 67k on strikes..

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Digz on September 08, 2011, 01:29:56 pm

i just dont want my war getting 1 rounded in T5 with all best-in-slot gear, just shouldn't happen.

I'm full T5, augged out, 5.0 RoA max and still get 1 rounded.  The scaling of the mobs in T5 are harder then MCP and fun. Get used to battle rezzing.

Keep the warrior in your party there is no way in hell he is a liability, you should think about a cleric @ least keeping 1 geared up

yeah youre probably right, one of the disadvantages in not having first hand experiance is making bad assumptions :)

i agree about the cleric which is why i geared one up to T1 for later but the 2 paladins i have (both of which have lvl21 oracle) is just overkill for me right now, im probably going to dump my bard for the cleric once shes needed.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: whatzizface on September 08, 2011, 01:34:29 pm
Don't assume anything about T5 other than it will suprise you on how fun it is and frustratingly hard it is. One of the major acheivements of this zone is people work together to get it done for each other, The guilds,groups and people at this lvl all have helped contribute to each others sucess and at the T1 T2 lvl enjoy the zones as they come. Youll make it to T5 soon enough and the zone will amuse/Frustrate you for months on end!!

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 08, 2011, 01:35:18 pm
But we are getting off topic. Nothing bad just trying to keep it clean so Hunter can make some good Changes when he gets some time..

Xiggie can you keep the main 1st post up to date with changed purposed in this thread?

I know we will get off on many tangents I do a lot myself =P

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: whatzizface on September 08, 2011, 01:45:26 pm
As for the Wizzy, I would definatly like to see some augs and better mana regen on the epics. (and if possible a diff look to it like a giant trident with flames shooting off the top of it so when he sits in T5 he can look like posiden roasting marshmallows) That or put mor mana on the epic my 4.5 only has 6500 mana while it has 30000 hps when the wizzys need mana more than hps.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Digz on September 08, 2011, 02:11:07 pm
yeah my fault for the topic de-rail, wish i could add more to the discussion but id all be speculation on my part.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 08, 2011, 02:16:11 pm
yeah my fault for the topic de-rail, wish i could add more to the discussion but id all be speculation on my part.

Digz hit me up in game tonight

Fugitive !!

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 08, 2011, 04:00:11 pm
Yeah, I deffinately plan to keep the 1st post updated instead of making a new post with changes. That way it is a lot easier for Hunter to see all the proposed suggestions in one post instead of having to sift through all of them. I am also keeping the second post updated with the changes to the first post as kind of a change log.

Thank you everyone for the suggestions and brain storming. Does anyone know if the AA pet affinity can be added to other classes?

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 08, 2011, 05:01:00 pm
What about buffing in the T5 zone via pets now?

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Dood on September 08, 2011, 08:10:01 pm
I would love for the Mage epic pet recast time to be reduced, its not like im zerging content by chain casting pets, but would keep one up more often if it didnt take so long to cast ;)

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: lerxst2112 on September 08, 2011, 09:11:51 pm
Does anyone know if the AA pet affinity can be added to other classes?

Yes, it can be added to other classes.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Brokyn on September 09, 2011, 06:59:17 am
Just an idea kicking around about Warrior survivability...

One of the things that effects damage taken is riposte.  Knights have 2hs weapons, and therefore swing a little less often than Warriors with the 2 fast 1hs weapons.  The fewer attacks, the fewer chances for mobs to riposte those attacks.  I wonder if there is a chance that Warriors would take less spike damage if they could swap the dual 1hs for a big, hard hitting 2hs?


That would also allow warriors to decide between tanking and dps by having aggro generating augs on the 2hs, and damage augs on the 1hs

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 09, 2011, 08:22:35 am
I agree and don't agree with you Brokyn.

I don't want to see a change in the anger aug aspect of it now cause it will force me to use this vs that. Just to hold aggro.(after I completed T5 with is as is)

There has to be a better ideal, it's the right path..

I still feel Xiggies Augment request about a new crafted aug is more inline with a correct fix this will help with healing and the 1shots that happen..

I maxxed warrior going in T5 with a decent grp it's not like he dies every fight but can eat it on a whim.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Brokyn on September 09, 2011, 09:29:14 am
When I suggested that a Warrior could choose, I was saying that as a really, REALLY positive thing.  In my case, my SK is the tank, and my Pally is the secondary tank.  If a warrior joins the group, then they almost immediately draw aggro and die.  If they had an option of dual wielding epics with damage procs instead of Nerds, they could be there for DPS instead of being a dead tank (dead tanks do no damage).

I am not suggesting that warriors would HAVE to change to 2hs, but giving them the option might help to mitigate some of the damage they do take, and providing them with an extra way to survive while gearing up

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Tylo on September 09, 2011, 09:50:28 am
anger V has no aggro component, it is purely for dps and minimal AE aggro.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 09, 2011, 10:11:48 am
When I suggested that a Warrior could choose, I was saying that as a really, REALLY positive thing.  In my case, my SK is the tank, and my Pally is the secondary tank.  If a warrior joins the group, then they almost immediately draw aggro and die.  If they had an option of dual wielding epics with damage procs instead of Nerds, they could be there for DPS instead of being a dead tank (dead tanks do no damage).

I am not suggesting that warriors would HAVE to change to 2hs, but giving them the option might help to mitigate some of the damage they do take, and providing them with an extra way to survive while gearing up

Warriors can use Icestrikes Vs to up their DPS currently, Ive played with it and my 2nd warrior doesn't take aggro away from my main.

I understand what ya mean Brokyn

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 09, 2011, 10:13:18 am
anger V has no aggro component, it is purely for dps and minimal AE aggro.

Anger Vs are  AE damage with minimal aggro
Anger IVs are single target Direct Damage with high aggro.

What was your post intended to say? I'm a bit confused.. not beating on ya just wondering

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Dethundrel on September 09, 2011, 01:38:50 pm
I don't know why, but I've always been a fan of swinging a big ass 2 handed on a Warrior.  Having the option of a War 2 gander would really excite me.  However, if that is an option, would love to see it before T5. Kinda like the Ranger bow and make it start at T3 or somethin.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Solbash on September 09, 2011, 02:02:30 pm
I somewhat agree there with you xiggie about beastlords not needing anything. Myself I love their dps, but pet survivability is terrible. The pets need some type of mitigation, or more hitpoints to survive. I have 2 bst's, done alot of grinding with them, and started as my original character almost 3 years ago as one. I'd just like to see them scale up with the rest of the classes. Granted they can put out over 100k dps, if you can't keep the pet alive that goes down dramatically.

Some suggestions

-Increase pet melee mitigation

-Increase their HP(or add a new spell that lets the bst buff their pet with something similar to their shielding wards, but it's more HP instead.)

-And for all pet classes, increase their run speed, i find my pet lacking way behind while going through HoH all the time.

If i think of anymore, i'll update it.

As for myself in T5 i don't do it by myself, or have any desire to. It was made a raid zone, and that's how i do it. Every Sunday FP raids Abyss. I find it more enjoyable with someone other than myself in the zone to talk to. As for the content, i love the concept, but HATE the water.

As for warriors i do agree, and even notice it in HoH out of all places that my warrior can get more unlucky than my pally and the warrior has 100k more hp. Not sure what the deal is with it, but new augs could give them the edge that they need.

That's my 2cp for now, share your input and discuss!

/em Puts on flame and troll retardant spray.   =D

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 09, 2011, 05:08:20 pm
Not to discredit anyone else's experience with Beastlords but I don't know anyone on the server that has played a bst as long as Solbash and his brother. I think his suggestions are sound and good. I don't think there is a way to add mitigation to pets, I think that has been tried before but to no avail.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 15, 2011, 06:55:54 pm
Pally Heal proc on the 5.0s maybe should get a 5% - 10% bump just cause they are 5.0s (shrug)

4.5s and 5.0s should have a 10-12 % increase melee damage per epic level.(since damage was just fixed)

Wizzy/Mage 4.5/5.0 add more mana and more mana regen and find something that it can be augged with no seems like 2 aug slots are always empty

Cleric 5.0 Click should be some type of HoT that last for 30 secs.

Shaman 5.0 Click should be 30k buff that stacks with Armor of the crab. (heh)

SK 5.0 click higher damage on the HT or 2 of the current ones.

T5 BPs should have approx 2-5k more hps on all classes

T5 BPs should have 3 aug slots

Pets should have a 10% Damage increase on proc per Epic Level (can be done with the V3 Pet weapons)

Make it so you can buff from Hailing pets in T5.

Remove lore tag from all plat bag drops in T5.

Drop the Wrist spawn limit them to 4 hr max not 6 or whatever

T5 Belt Where is it?

VI Aug component that upgrades your V to a VI but makes it no drop, so basically whoever loots it has to also have crafter's guild done to upgrade their own augs.

Add Gems and PP to Trash in T5 same as HoH or a nudge better.

I'll go through this later and clean it up.

I have some more thoughts I'll add later too.

Add thoughts no heartache hear from good changes.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Thebone on September 15, 2011, 07:12:22 pm
I agree with fugi here. There should be more dmg as you scale up with your epics. Also procs should go up as well.

Xiggie- How about instead of adding in a LT aug for warrior just add this proc to the anger 4 aug but put it at like 500 hp per aug?

So fugi made a good point here in Vent.... This would make everything else way to easy.. LT aug with the parts dropping in T5 does sound better.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Hunter on September 15, 2011, 09:19:36 pm
I'll see if I can do some quick tweaks this weekend for T5. Most of the ideas seem reasonable.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Strix on September 15, 2011, 10:57:22 pm
Pally Heal proc on the 5.0s maybe should get a 5% - 10% bump just cause they are 5.0s (shrug)


4.5s and 5.0s should have a 10-12 % increase melee damage per epic level.(since damage was just fixed)


Wizzy/Mage 4.5/5.0 add more mana and more mana regen and find something that it can be augged with no seems like 2 aug slots are always empty


Cleric 5.0 Click should be some type of HoT that last for 30 secs.


I'd really like to see some increases in their 3.0 sheild.  Perhaps a 4.5 shield that has an increase on the amplification effect.

Shaman 5.0 Click should be 30k buff that stacks with Armor of the crab. (heh)


Actually, I'd like to see the 4.5 have an effect that extends the duration of spells (eg. Kraken)

SK 5.0 click higher damage on the HT or 2 of the current ones.


T5 BPs should have approx 2-5k more hps on all classes
T5 BPs should have 3 aug slots


Pets should have a 10% Damage increase on proc per Epic Level (can be done with the V3 Pet weapons)
Make it so you can buff from Hailing pets in T5.


Remove lore tag from all plat bag drops in T5.


I don't bother looting in T5 anymore - you forget who has what bag and the system is just silly as it is.

Drop the Wrist spawn limit them to 4 hr max not 6 or whatever

--> I really feel this should be on a 2 - 4 hour timer.  The 3 - 6 is just excessive.

T5 Belt Where is it?


VI Aug component that upgrades your V to a VI but makes it no drop, so basically whoever loots it has to also have crafter's guild done to upgrade their own augs.


--> I think the Aug that is made in the end, however, needs to be tradable.

Add Gems and PP to Trash in T5 same as HoH or a nudge better.

Actually I think removing the lore tag on the bags would be enough for me - this would be a nice extra though :)


Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 15, 2011, 11:05:53 pm

VI Aug component that upgrades your V to a VI but makes it no drop, so basically whoever loots it has to also have crafter's guild done to upgrade their own augs.


--> I think the Aug that is made in the end, however, needs to be tradable.


I think the only reason I say this, it will be semi over powered for all the other Tiers.

Maybe make it tradeable but make it like a Aug  Type 17 or something that only 5.0s have

Good thoughts keep'em coming

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Strix on September 16, 2011, 02:16:47 am
Quote from: Fugitive link=topic=2291.msg30483#msg30483

Maybe make it tradeable but make it like a Aug  Type 17 or something that only 5.0s have


That works :)

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 17, 2011, 07:47:21 pm

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Solbash on September 17, 2011, 11:47:57 pm
Quote from: Fugitive link=topic=2291.msg30483#msg30483

Maybe make it tradeable but make it like a Aug  Type 17 or something that only 5.0s have


That works :)
4.5's honestly, since you'd feel accomplished getting the warrior them, and it will kinda take the edge off of hoping the tank lives once you've been around the zone the first quest.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on September 18, 2011, 12:17:26 am
You're right! 4.5s and 5.0s type 17 or something that limits them to Abyss

Good idea!

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Hunter on September 18, 2011, 07:53:32 am
I did some updates already on armor/spawns.

Augs and Spells will have to be another weekend when I have the mental energy to do that.

See post on front page for update list.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: zurl_bouldercleave on September 18, 2011, 08:00:56 am
i just started playing acouple months ago but i just want to say thanks hunter for all your time an energy you put into makin this a entertaining server...... the 2.5 epic quest is brilliant i love to hate that place :-)

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Brokyn on October 05, 2011, 02:21:17 pm
Another idea for 5.0, and maybe 4.5 as well...

How about a Firestrike, Icestrike, and Ninjastrike VI?

You could add a type 7 slot to the epics, and make the VI augs type 7.  Not only would it give a good solid increase in DPS for the melee classes, it would also give a purpose to all the Gods Major Essences out there =)

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on October 05, 2011, 02:38:12 pm

VI Aug component that upgrades your V to a VI but makes it no drop, so basically whoever loots it has to also have crafter's guild done to upgrade their goons augs.

Quote from: Fugitive link=topic=2291.msg30483#msg30483

Maybe make it tradeable but make it like a Aug  Type 17 or something that only 5.0s have


That works :)
4.5's honestly, since you'd feel accomplished getting the warrior them, and it will kinda take the edge off of hoping the tank lives once you've been around the zone the first quest.

You're right! 4.5s and 5.0s type 17 or something that limits them to Abyss

Good idea!

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Solbash on October 22, 2011, 01:01:41 am
Much needed bump, and also a place holder for another soon to come post of ideas.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on December 07, 2011, 09:38:11 pm
Much needed bump, and also a place holder for another soon to come post of ideas.

Been waiting on this soon to come post Solbash where it at?

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on December 09, 2011, 02:03:50 pm
Just some more thoughts. I know this is not the end all be all list Ill edit it more later.

Cleric 5.0 Click should be some type of HoT that last for 60 secs.

Shaman 5.0 Click should be 30k buff that stacks with Armor of the crab. Or a stand alone 40k buff 2 hr duration

SK 5.0 click higher damage on the HT or 2 hits of the current ones.

Zerker 5.0 Proc and Click need to be higher damage 15-20% over what is now.

Pally 5.0 Click HP buff 10-15k that stacks with everything (i.e. kinda like the way you did Halloween Pet buff hps)

War 5.0 click 5.0 SW different timer then disc and 3.5/4.0 one ( Tanks are meant to be Tanks not DPS help a brother out )

Make it so you can buff from Hailing pets in T5. ( Not really a big deal to clear zone with zero buffs will help some of the new comers)

Add Gems and PP to Trash in T5 same as HoH or a nudge better. Never getting out of early tier zones just to farm pp is growing tiresome...

T5 Clicks that I missed or good ideas on the 5.0s  clicks when you get a chance ( on others not listed hope players add some input here)

Also I know you are busy man Hunter these are just thoughts and ideas, not whining complaints!! =D

Now that you are using HoT your spell file can be HUGE!! and there are a lot of options for ya!!

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: kelie on December 09, 2011, 03:28:30 pm
Fugitive....... how bout some ranger love? Don't be a hatah!

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on December 09, 2011, 04:13:04 pm
Fugitive....... how bout some ranger love? Don't be a hatah!

In the great words of the Man


Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: kelie on December 09, 2011, 06:42:56 pm
Whatevs, I sure am happy with a clicky that does nothing when stats are maxed hurrah! :P

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on December 09, 2011, 06:46:59 pm
It's currently a nice Damage x2 clicky with snare I think.. sad part is the UC doesn't effect the spell damage which it should....refreshes every 30secs I think or 1 min..

5.0 Ranger click 15-20% more damage off the click with x3 the spell hits without the snare component.. and allow UC to effect the output damage. (should be) (on the swords of course, don't have any idea about the bow maybe an upgraded arrow?)

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: kelie on December 09, 2011, 06:54:24 pm
Thats a good idea :)

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Thebone on December 09, 2011, 09:44:11 pm
It's currently a nice Damage x2 clicky with snare I think.. sad part is the UC doesn't effect the spell damage which it should....refreshes every 30secs I think or 1 min..

5.0 Ranger click 15-20% more damage off the click with x3 the spell hits without the snare component.. and allow UC to effect the output damage. (should be) (on the swords of course, don't have any idea about the bow maybe an upgraded arrow?)

Give rangers a Rune to try to keep them from gating...

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Kwai on December 10, 2011, 12:06:45 pm
War 5.0 click 5.0 SW different timer then disc and 3.5/4.0 one ( Tanks are meant to be Tanks not DPS help a brother out )

Make it so you can buff from Hailing pets in T5. ( Not really a big deal to clear zone with zero buffs will help some of the new comers)


I am one of the new comers to T5. I know... long time player... big time slacker.  The buffs are not critical and are just a crutch, but I have become used to them.  And as rapidly as my Warrior eats it without Stonewall up I could certainly use them.

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: hateborne on January 07, 2012, 05:39:00 pm
Damn it Xig, you son of a bitch.

You had to go and suggest good things. Piss, guess I have to be friendly now.

Wizzy/Mage 4.5/5.0 add more mana and more mana regen and find something that it can be augged with no seems like 2 aug slots are always empty
This: http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1972.msg26623#msg26623
Could help with SQL, Perl, or C end of it. Just ask and I'll nuke my Linux box and I can convert into EQEMU test box again.

I do not have enough experience in T5 yet, so I will not go suggestion ridiculousness until I have died a few hundred times in the Abyss.


Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Fugitive on January 07, 2012, 06:34:33 pm
Also there needs to be a caster crafters aug with high mana and high mana regen...cost same as FS

Title: Re: Suggestion for 4.5 and 5.0 weapons
Post by: Ponzi on January 07, 2012, 09:36:13 pm
Also there needs to be a caster crafters aug with high mana and high mana regen...cost same as FS

daddy liek.