EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on October 19, 2011, 09:38:34 pm

Title: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Hunter on October 19, 2011, 09:38:34 pm
Due to abuse, the instances have changed a bit.

Changed the price of 50,000 for group, 100,000 for guild.

Duration set to 24 hours.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Kovou on October 19, 2011, 10:37:21 pm
kinda glad its going up...but damn...im broke now not gonna be able to buy anything lol....i assume that the 24 hour duration is to help crashing? but hunter dont hink you 100k for 24 horus is a bit steep...maybe make it so you cant create more then one guild instace in a 24 hour time period fort he same zone? if that's possible? just an idea

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Warbash on October 20, 2011, 12:05:20 am
This is a bit steep but what ever, it will weed out the population which may or may not be a good thing.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Fugitive on October 20, 2011, 06:35:22 am
On the Change

maybe make it so you cant create more then one guild instace in a 24 hour time period fort he same zone? if that's possible? just an idea

Wouldn't this effect players in different time zones making just 1 guy pay for these over and over..

It's steep but a needed change.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: stad on October 20, 2011, 06:46:21 am
i predict a price increase for augment ingredients, charm upgrades, casters guild items, fighters guild items.

SLS won't be sold anymore or at very steap prices.

T1-T5 items will be sold more frequently.

a bit of people will stop playing as they bought there way in.

Just a piety that the people that can't play long will be most impacted.

I would have prefered a somewhat different system.
The more instances you create with your account during a day the more expensive it becomes.

user X creates group instance and pays 20k
user X creates group instance 2 within 24 hours of creation first instance (does not have to be the same zone) and pays 40k
and so on...

Anyway i will stay and i like the idea of making it a bit harder

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: L0stman on October 20, 2011, 07:15:44 am
Hi Stad,

It is worth noting that these -exact same arguments- were used during the plat wipe and they were all found to be false.

My opinion?  Prices will stay the same or even decrease a bit with these changes.


Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Natedog on October 20, 2011, 07:28:26 am
Glad I finished my T5... gonna be a pain for those paying 100k per guild instance to do 4.5s or getting last kills like Death Knight or Omadon.

Was this change to stop people from doing that or another reason? Just wondering

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Jackal1950 on October 20, 2011, 07:39:02 am
I wonder if this increase is going to affect the public zone population , and possibly cause more training and such.....Just a wild thought running thru my weary noggin

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Natedog on October 20, 2011, 07:57:27 am
I wonder if this increase is going to affect the public zone population , and possibly cause more training and such.....Just a wild thought running thru my weary noggin

I think they should be fine.. but Tacvi will always be dead since making a bunch of tacvi instances to get gear will be very costly to newer players. Takes a bunch of runs to get geared out if you are unlucky.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: 6 Crazy Pirates on October 20, 2011, 08:30:13 am
Is this permanent? I can't afford 50k per group instance. Would it be possible for each character to get one 10k instance per week or something? I'm currently in Plane of Dragons but still need to finish about half of my group's qvic gear (all plate). I've got about 150k to my name.

Not to mention that half the time if I wipe I can't figure out how to get back into my instance and I have to make a new one which is bearable at 10k, but not 50k.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Kwai on October 20, 2011, 08:58:42 am
I feel you on the dead instance issue.  However, I think one of the benefits to fewer instances is also fewer dead ones.  I have less problem with the higher costs if the instance remains stable.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Fugitive on October 20, 2011, 09:10:15 am
I wonder if this increase is going to affect the public zone population , and possibly cause more training and such.....Just a wild thought running thru my weary noggin

If this happens in a custom zone they wont be around long enough.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Jatrasis on October 20, 2011, 10:32:28 am
There goes my playtime...now I need to farm plat for a week just so I can try to get some stuff done.

Not very happy with change...

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 20, 2011, 11:16:00 am
Why is everyone crying?? This is was it was at long ago. All you people that started with this 10k and 20k zones need to feel how hard it was for us old timers...

Get over it or get gone

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 20, 2011, 11:24:23 am
I wonder if this increase is going to affect the public zone population , and possibly cause more training and such.....Just a wild thought running thru my weary noggin

If this happens there will just be a big bann hammer that falls. Hunter don't play with trains test him and see.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: 6 Crazy Pirates on October 20, 2011, 11:25:34 am
I know for a fact that Hunter and crew listen to suggestions on this forum, so "get over it or get gone" is not very good advice. Get over the crying or don't visit mmo forums ;)

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: john406 on October 20, 2011, 11:27:33 am
This might be the farewell for me, i dont have enough time to farm plat for an instance, and with only one zone per tier i have a feeling publics gonna be packed and fool of non-sense. After spending millions and millions on augs for my characters , i hold 100-200k in bank at all time rest goes towards augs, cannot afford 100k a day wheni only play a couple hours before work now ;p Love the server, will probably still log in time from time to chit-chat.


Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 20, 2011, 11:29:56 am
Is this permanent? I can't afford 50k per group instance. Would it be possible for each character to get one 10k instance per week or something? I'm currently in Plane of Dragons but still need to finish about half of my group's qvic gear (all plate). I've got about 150k to my name.

Not to mention that half the time if I wipe I can't figure out how to get back into my instance and I have to make a new one which is bearable at 10k, but not 50k.

There will still be ways to make money. If you in POD make a Guild zone and sell the drops you don't need. There are tons of People that need Aug mats.. Yes I know you need them too but until your at a point where you can bring in a fair amount of income sell them then refarm what you need. Make sure your looting all gems. You got to do what ever it takes to get by.

Like I said in my first post of 3 when I first started there was only a handfull of zones that could even have a instance and they were 100k each.

 Try farming a UC with only PUB ldons and sharing the zone with 10 other people

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 20, 2011, 11:31:10 am
I know for a fact that Hunter and crew listen to suggestions on this forum, so "get over it or get gone" is not very good advice. Get over the crying or don't visit mmo forums ;)

You are complaining about something Alot of us lived. Read the post where I explain to you ways of making money and see how easy you still have it.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Hunter on October 20, 2011, 11:45:17 am
I know people will sell drops and rots to pay for the instance they are in. Prices might go up and down. Population might go up and down. But I doubt much will change, except the abuse or spamming instances, which hopefully will make things a bit more stable. I might tweak prices/duration later, but for now this is fine. You don't have to play in an instance, there are always public zones. Learn to be more social or ya might as well be playing some single player RPG.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 20, 2011, 11:48:27 am
I know people will sell drops and rots to pay for the instance they are in. Prices might go up and down. Population might go up and down. But I doubt much will change, except the abuse or spamming instances, which hopefully will make things a bit more stable. I might tweak prices/duration later, but for now this is fine. You don't have to play in an instance, there are always public zones. Learn to be more social or ya might as well be playing some single player RPG.

Agreed. When zones where 100k before and Fugitive and I where moving up we just put our money together to get the zones. Guilds were needed more then. If you in a guild of just you try finding a player that has your play style and yall get together.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Tibador on October 20, 2011, 12:35:12 pm
Is there any way to pay more to keep the zone up longer or make the duration 48 or something in T5 it will mean getting timed named pretty dang hard.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Cracken on October 20, 2011, 12:43:10 pm
        Hello Ez and Hunter. LOL is about all i can sum this up to be. I'm 100%  all for price raise as i used to play with the 100k instances and we all did just fine then. Only thing that seems slightly harsh to me is the 24 hour duration. I can see it for group instances but guild. Just rofl /shakes head. Hunters server tho so really only got three choices hope he hears and agrees with you to make a change or live with what he did and continue to play or just don't log back in anymore. Don't know about all of you but i'm too hook to ever give it up.  :P

      Sad sad day indeed.

~Member of The House of Strix~  

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Mozartist on October 20, 2011, 12:44:29 pm
Yeah, seriously, why do you have to make it so expensive AND cut the duration so harshly?  You want less people to make instances and I'm pretty sure making the cost 5 times more will be enough ...... come on.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Hunter on October 20, 2011, 12:54:09 pm
Updated Waypoints / Instances to last for 72 hours instead of 24 hours.

Might need to wait for next auto reboot (6am eastern) for effects to take.

That's all I'll tweak for now on that.



Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Mozartist on October 20, 2011, 01:00:50 pm
Much better thanks, Hunt.  :)

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Cracken on October 20, 2011, 01:06:59 pm
           And who says the gods don't hear your blights. Amazing thanks again for everything Hunter.  ;D Look forward to this years new boss for Halloween event!!!!

~Member of The house of Strix~

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Severs on October 20, 2011, 02:28:38 pm
Learn to be more social or ya might as well be playing some single player RPG.

Thank you :) There are many of us that made it just fine with 100k instances and most everyone will make it fine now. This is really a good thing, at least for me as i enjoy playing with others, and I agree with Bone i'm looking forward to the Halloween event too. Thanks again Hunter for letting us have a fun server to play on.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: hateborne on October 20, 2011, 02:33:22 pm
Hunter, I hate to say it...but thank you.

To the cry babies: Get over. Try farming up crap when instances DID NOT EXIST. Then your tears were valid. Oh and if you are feeling particularly hardcore, try when the charm drop rate was half of what it is now (yes bosses used to have 50% chance, but they were all permacamped).

To those who have seen the paragraph above: GAME ON BITCHES!


Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Ogah on October 20, 2011, 02:58:04 pm
I think this is a great compromise. 100k is damn steep but if you actually get other guild members to contribute - 18-20k (ish) so you can work on your flagging and gear is trivial.

I'm not completely familiar with the group instances as I would think that if your group built an instance and the next day you tried to get back into it - would it still be there? Seems that 50k for something like that would be steep.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Reako66 on October 20, 2011, 03:06:42 pm
72 hours sounds pretty dam good to me. Thank you Hunter and criers

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: stad on October 20, 2011, 03:34:59 pm
Thanks Hunter,

My short playtime will still be enough to enjoy 72 hours instances.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Kovou on October 20, 2011, 03:58:19 pm
On the Change

maybe make it so you cant create more then one guild instace in a 24 hour time period fort he same zone? if that's possible? just an idea

Wouldn't this effect players in different time zones making just 1 guy pay for these over and over..

No b/c its only for Xplayer who created a guild instance then cleared it then created ag roup instance then cleared it then deleted both instances in order to create a new guild/group instance...that player would be the only one subject to waiting 24 hours untill they could make another one for that zone....so to sum it up.....

Whispering creates an HoH guild instances clears heavesn then creates a group instance to clear heavens again then deletes them both....he must wait untill 24 horus later beforehe can create antoher guild/group instance for HoH.... now this would prob only work if you could do it by IP to avoid  exploting this but.....idk it was just an idea.

and thanks hunter 72 makes me feel much better :) as always you rock sir

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 20, 2011, 04:24:27 pm
I think this is a great compromise. 100k is damn steep but if you actually get other guild members to contribute - 18-20k (ish) so you can work on your flagging and gear is trivial.

I'm not completely familiar with the group instances as I would think that if your group built an instance and the next day you tried to get back into it - would it still be there? Seems that 50k for something like that would be steep.

Again be happy with what you have. At one point there was no group only guild.. at one point Qvic Tav, POD HOH and POAir where the only zones you could have a instance. Even then POair spawns where linked to public so it was pointless. Try farming t3/4 fighting the whole server for 1 zone. Try farming UC fight the while server for the zone.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: 6 Crazy Pirates on October 20, 2011, 06:58:18 pm
72 hours is more fair. But my big question now is how do I get back into a group instance if I log out without my full group already in the instance? I've never gotten this to work before.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 20, 2011, 07:23:50 pm
When you create a group you are assigned a random group id number. When you create a group instance it is based off that group id number. Now when you do anything that changes that group id number you can no longer access that group instance. The instance does not go away, you just no longer have access to it. Logging out disbands your group, when you log back in you have to make a new group, therefore making a new group id number. So what happens to your group instance with the old group id? It is still there. For 7 days (under the old way). That is why when you create a group instance of pod you see a message saying your pod group instance is number 798. And that is only pod. This is why I think this move will solve more than it hurts. Instead of having 700 to 1000 old non usable instances per each popular zone there should be less now because people wont be creating so many on the fly.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: lordlarwin on October 20, 2011, 09:19:55 pm
well this will be a plus for one we can sell gear higher now but yea you really wont be able to delete and eremake instances i hope he does increase pop rate of omadon and death knight i spent over 2.7 mil at 20k a pop just trying to get 1 of them to pop and stayed up from 3pm to 530 am est before we ever saw death knight soo i guess it be interesting

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: whatzizface on October 20, 2011, 09:29:34 pm
Back in my day we would grind up hill both ways with no instances and we were dang happy to have a ruby drop every 9th kill, These young whippersnappers would complain if you squashed there toon with a 5.0 dropping out of the sky.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: yawn_god on October 21, 2011, 10:51:34 am
Quote from: Thebone
Why is everyone crying?? This is was it was at long ago. All you people that started with this 10k and 20k zones need to feel how hard it was for us old timers...

Get over it or get gone

You got to do what ever it takes to get by.

Like I said in my first post of 3 when I first started there was only a handfull of zones that could even have a instance and they were 100k each.

 Try farming a UC with only PUB ldons and sharing the zone with 10 other people

You are complaining about something Alot of us lived. Read the post where I explain to you ways of making money and see how easy you still have it.

Quote from: HateborneHunter, I hate to say it...but thank you.

To the cry babies: Get over. Try farming up crap when instances DID NOT EXIST. Then your tears were valid. Oh and if you are feeling particularly hardcore, try when the charm drop rate was half of what it is now (yes bosses used to have 50% chance, but they were all permacamped).

To those who have seen the paragraph above: GAME ON BITCHES!


Back in my day we would grind up hill both ways with no instances and we were dang happy to have a ruby drop every 9th kill, These young whippersnappers would complain if you squashed there toon with a 5.0 dropping out of the sky.

One step forward, half a step back.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 21, 2011, 11:48:20 am
Quote from: Thebone
Why is everyone crying?? This is was it was at long ago. All you people that started with this 10k and 20k zones need to feel how hard it was for us old timers...

Get over it or get gone

You got to do what ever it takes to get by.

Like I said in my first post of 3 when I first started there was only a handfull of zones that could even have a instance and they were 100k each.

 Try farming a UC with only PUB ldons and sharing the zone with 10 other people

You are complaining about something Alot of us lived. Read the post where I explain to you ways of making money and see how easy you still have it.

Quote from: HateborneHunter, I hate to say it...but thank you.

To the cry babies: Get over. Try farming up crap when instances DID NOT EXIST. Then your tears were valid. Oh and if you are feeling particularly hardcore, try when the charm drop rate was half of what it is now (yes bosses used to have 50% chance, but they were all permacamped).

To those who have seen the paragraph above: GAME ON BITCHES!


Back in my day we would grind up hill both ways with no instances and we were dang happy to have a ruby drop every 9th kill, These young whippersnappers would complain if you squashed there toon with a 5.0 dropping out of the sky.

One step forward, half a step back.

LOOK FUGI!!! This guy Quotes like me!

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Fugitive on October 21, 2011, 12:08:11 pm
Bone you messed up again

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 21, 2011, 01:27:33 pm
I know this work computer hates me

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Larney_2010 on October 21, 2011, 08:25:50 pm
i've kinda got mixed feeling about this

on the one hand i'm glad sploiters or whatever getting the slap in the face and that instance loads will be alot lower so space can be freed up

on that i say kudos

but... i only recently started playing here as do alot of other newcommers , and tbh i often use a quick group instance to camp something for FG/CG or whatever because pub is fully camped so the 10k was well worth it even in the early stage where people don't have the big bucks yet ...

and yes b4 i get quoted and called a cry baby , i realize some  of you have been here a very long time and things used to be harder with no instances at all , i feel you , but you now have the plat to start a quick group instance without giving it a moment's thought

i guess if it wasn't beeing exploited but just a loading/back up/or other hardware related issue
there could be other ways to fix , like auto delete group instance when its been empty for 30 minutes , and limit group instances made to 1 by day per IP and disable group instances above T2 or something , just thinking aloud here so don't take offense pls

as for guild instances i'm not that far along so i don't know anything about that so i'll stfu about it :P

anyways thanks Hunter :D
for making EZ my new home :)

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: oldepharte on October 21, 2011, 08:35:50 pm
Do so few people understand how easy it is to make plat in this game?

Serious folks, just go to velks or qvic and farm gems... they drop like candy in both places.  As a higher end player I can pull the castle and kobolds and kill them and have just enough time to loot the corpse pile before it is ready for rinse and repeat.  At roughly 15-18k / clear in an instance.  I can do the same thing in pub, just takes longer cause I have to stop and loot every 9 mobs.  :o

As a low end player ( I have a baby sk I am soloing to see just how possible it is to solo here.) I was able to stack over 200k before level 70 through farming velks in pub.

50k for a group or 100k for a guild is a reasonable price for a 3 day run.  You *will* make that much in the 3 days, either in loot sales or armor acquisitions.

just saying....

Skeezy Ratty Troll

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Ponzi on October 21, 2011, 08:36:55 pm
and yes b4 i get quoted and called a cry baby , i realize some  of you have been here a very long time and things used to be harder with no instances at all , i feel you , but you now have the plat to start a quick group instance without giving it a moment's thought

You won't be called a cry baby. In fact, in all fairness, it's newcomers like you that get hit hardest by these sweeping changes. We understand your pain, and empathize with you.

Keep in mind the change was made for 2 reasons:

1. ) A zillion dead floating remade instances were causing server instability and memory leaks, which brought down the server's entire performance and caused a lot of aggravation.

2. ) To punish the bot farmers and ppl abusing the instances to chain respawn zones after the juiciest of the content had been quickly killed.

The change needed to be made for that specific reason (#1). So it kinda *had* to happen regardless, and thats a good thing.

Sadly, it does little to nothing to achieve the second goal, since raising the price is something that punishes the (obscenely rich) botters and instance abusers who have the most cash anyways.

It would be like punishing the upper class in a state by instituting a 20% sales tax on everything (gas / food / smokes / servers / consumer goods / etc).. Yes, those earning, say, $500,000 a year would be pissed their apples at the grocer went from 50 cents a pouond to 75 cents, or filling their gas tank went from $35 o $50.... but it decimates those earning less than $30,000 a year to suddenly be footing a heavy bill for all of the unavoidable necessities of everyday life magically being 20% more expensive.

So obviously if the change was made just as a kneejerk reaction to punish the wealthy, it's a complete failure. But it's a change for a hardware issue and server stability mainly, and in that it's a huge successs.

And a big thank you to Hunter for upping instances to 72 hrs from 24, it was a very welcome and nice compromise.

And this coming from a guy who lost over 400k today to lost group/guild tacvi instances. Tacvi is a famously unstable zone for instances and booting 150k every time they magically poof is steep, but meh. Having 72 solid in T1/T2/T3/T4/ldon/etc.. it's a small price to pay overall. I understand both points well. :)

And if he wanted to halve Tacvi instance costs (cough), i wouldn't object. ;)

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Wildane on October 21, 2011, 08:40:32 pm
Try farming a UC with only PUB ldons and sharing the zone with 10 other people
That's the only thing I can do, since I don't box.  Guess that means it just gets worse for me, who doesn't cheat/grief/whatever anyone else.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Hunter on October 21, 2011, 08:43:16 pm
Actually, making instances cheaper in Tacvi is kind of a good idea...

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: whatzizface on October 21, 2011, 09:01:10 pm
I personally have no idea how to get Obscenly rich, I grind, either give it away or make augs and such. But thats just me i guess. For some reason i always seem to have enough after gearing up people or alts to do what i want.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: yawn_god on October 28, 2011, 05:34:17 pm
Are guild instance as buggy as group instances? 

I'm in my group, as group leader, in an instance.  I leave the instance, then create a waypoint to immediately enter again.  No option "Enter Group Instance". 

I've dealt with the limitations of group instances before, but this was the first time where I didn't LD/crash/log off, left the instance, and couldn't re-enter the instance.  A beautiful waste of 50k. 

I'm still not guilded because I haven't yet asked Hunter to create one for me, but it clearly seems that the extra 50k spent on a guild instance would be a tremendously valuable insurance payment to ensure that the instance suddenly doesn't become unavailable.

So, the question is, do guild instances have the same problems/limitations as group instances?

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Kwai on October 28, 2011, 05:56:01 pm
Spend the extra cash.  I haven't had an issue with guild instances dropping since the last change.  Group OTOH... you leave it .. you lose it... more often than not.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: walk2k on October 28, 2011, 10:31:06 pm
Group instances have their own special bugs, but the same thing you describe happens to guild instances all the time too.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Hunter on October 29, 2011, 11:52:00 am
Instances in T5 and T6 are now 300k group and 1M for Guild.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Fugitive on October 29, 2011, 12:03:43 pm
Instances in T5 and T6 are now 300k group and 1M for Guild.

Sad but cool...   damn

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Revelations on October 29, 2011, 12:03:55 pm

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 29, 2011, 12:09:17 pm
Instances in T5 and T6 are now 300k group and 1M for Guild.

1 mil holy crap... thats crazy

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: 6 Crazy Pirates on October 29, 2011, 12:12:24 pm
I bought my first 100k guild instance yesterday and now I can't get back into it. I still have a character or two logged into there, but no one else can get in, including my main (warrior). Maybe make halloween instances cheaper? I only have enough money for one more instance.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Hunter on October 29, 2011, 12:28:27 pm
Cheaper instances means more people using up dynamic zones for their instances means more problems with instances going poof n such. Higher prices = more stable. Playing in public is more fun than being anti social.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Fugitive on October 29, 2011, 12:37:53 pm
Cheaper instances means more people using up dynamic zones for their instances means more problems with instances going poof n such. Higher prices = more stable. Playing in public is more fun than being anti social.

Add more then 1 Drop from the bosses then. I understand for T6 but not for T5, there are many of us that like to enjoy things as a guild socially with 4 to 6 different players and now you are directly ruining that for us.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Hunter on October 29, 2011, 12:47:26 pm
There is a billion plat floating around again.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Fugitive on October 29, 2011, 12:48:56 pm
Yeah there probably is a lot of PP out there, not in most peoples accounts.. there is to many people doing shady shit.that the normal population is being punished for.

I have full T5 and 5.0s and like around 1.6M total across my IPs probably..

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Hunter on October 29, 2011, 01:01:03 pm

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 29, 2011, 01:06:22 pm

 Maybe we need to cheat like the rest then??? Cant beat them join them???

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Fugitive on October 29, 2011, 01:12:17 pm

Yeah I suxor....thebone brings me down,, jk

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 29, 2011, 01:25:39 pm
Playing in public is more fun than being anti social.

I joined a guild so I don't have to deal with the lazy people that cant do things on there own... Now I feel like your Damning those who have a good guild and don't need everyone on the server to do something

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Hunter on October 29, 2011, 01:32:53 pm
I made T5 back way it was, might need reboot though heh.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Thebone on October 29, 2011, 01:44:25 pm
Thank you sir!

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Pimpn on October 29, 2011, 02:24:43 pm

Owned hahahaha

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Pimpn on October 29, 2011, 02:25:36 pm
i think i have around 30 million if you need some

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Fugitive on October 29, 2011, 02:34:27 pm


Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Warbash on October 29, 2011, 02:56:20 pm
There is a billion plat floating around again.

That may sound like a lot and obviously you have access to the numbers but really 1bil / avg 400 players = 2.5 mil per player. I have about 2 mil from gems and selling gods minors. 1bil is also about 1333 gods minors @ 750k per that seems like there are alot of them around but not all plat is spent on god minors. I am only 1/3 way through t3 and due to instance changes I have to rely on selling gods minors to make money to pay for instances where as before is was fairly close in gem drops (hoh) to buy guild instances and such.

Anyways my point is from the outside 1 bil does not seem to be that much.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: walk2k on October 29, 2011, 03:15:09 pm
It isn't about being anti-social, it's about overcrowding, the original reason instances were created ...?

If you're gonna make it 1M at least make it last 1 week.  If the problem is too many dynamic zones being created, then the longer zones last the fewer will be created..

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Warbash on October 29, 2011, 05:40:47 pm
It isn't about being anti-social, it's about overcrowding, the original reason instances were created ...?

If you're gonna make it 1M at least make it last 1 week.  If the problem is too many dynamic zones being created, then the longer zones last the fewer will be created..

This = win, longer instance not the 1 mill pp part :) besides with the mem leak fix server load is lessened already anyways.

Title: Re: Waypoint Instances Updated
Post by: Fugitive on October 29, 2011, 06:02:52 pm
It isn't about being anti-social, it's about overcrowding, the original reason instances were created ...?

If you're gonna make it 1M at least make it last 1 week.  If the problem is too many dynamic zones being created, then the longer zones last the fewer will be created..

This = win, longer instance not the 1 mill pp part :) besides with the mem leak fix server load is lessened already anyways.

Hunter already fixed the instance cost will correct after a reboot