EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: wolfegunr on November 04, 2011, 08:18:21 am

Title: Instances 50k
Post by: wolfegunr on November 04, 2011, 08:18:21 am
Thank you hunter for a fantastic halloween event!! I had a blast and felt spawn times were spot on after the update.

Having said that, I wanted to talk about the instability of the instances, or at least the cost of said instances. I want to preface this by saying i agree they were too cheap before, people abused the privilege and spammed instances. I also know you are working on the stability and this was part of that.
But the poofs are really expensive at 100k a pop. Could we perhaps leave the groups at 50k and also drop the guild cost to 50k? This would take away half the sting of the dreaded and all too often poof. Instances are lasting less than a day a lot of times and hardly ever more than a day.

Again, I appreciate all the work you do here and I'm not here to complain, just feel that this would help until the solution is found.

THANK YOU for your time.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Thebone on November 04, 2011, 09:49:26 am
In all my time playing here I have never seen a guild zone just go "poof" The group zones do.. But this is because they are made with that groups ID.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Tibador on November 04, 2011, 10:41:18 am
Guild zones go poof just as much as group only issue that sperates them is if the group disbands adds members or after reboots you can kiss your group instance goodbye but Guild instances you would think would be even more Stable but they are not Tacvi and qvic pretty much vanish 95% of the time its like you have 5 mins to enter and after that it will poof, dragons and beyond seem to be better but maybe one of these days just delete all instances and see if that helps at all maybe their are a few corrupt ID's or something.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Fugitive on November 04, 2011, 11:09:42 am
Honestly would love to see it it 25k for grp 50k for guild..

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Kushie on November 04, 2011, 03:08:26 pm
I've seen a few guild instances go poof.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: oldepharte on November 04, 2011, 03:14:56 pm
I've noticed TACVI and QVIC guild instances poofing, but everything above those seem to have a pretty stable longevity in my experience.

Perhaps the cost of these two zones could be reduced?

Skeezy Ratty Troll

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Reako66 on November 04, 2011, 06:52:59 pm
I seen a few Tacvi Instances go poof

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Kobrakai Pwnstar on November 04, 2011, 07:00:24 pm
Yeah, instances poofing really blow for Qvic/Tacvi with the current prices, I've actually pretty much had to live in those instances while gearing up some new toons b/c of them poofing after 5 minutes. My personal opinion is that possibly a better pricing balance could come into play, but also the times on them could differ too?  ???


10k Group/20k Guild Instance on Qvic/Tacvi w/ 3 day (or 24 hour...at this point it doesn't really matter with them poofing so much) period. (to justify the poofing problem)
50k Group/100k Guild on PoD/HoH/Abyss w/ 7 day period. (much more of a grind, even for higher geared players)

I understand why a flat rate came in play but with the two zones people were making/deleting instances in that's our problem here, and quite possibly be why people were "exploiting" them so to speak. they don't last for more than 5 minutes so if you zoned out to do something else while waiting for re-pops you'd have to make a whole new instance just to get back in a guild/private instance.

that's just my 2cp on this.

- Lostprophets

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Ponzi on November 04, 2011, 07:22:51 pm
I never had too big a problem with Guild QVICs.. Even if so, you make so much $$$ in Qvic it takes the sting out.

Tacvi is just a complete waste of plat and the poster child for instability. It's also such a small/specfic step in the EZ ladder it's pretty rare to make much use of it (even a guild instance) after the 1 or 2 toons that's at that stage get thru the RNG to gear out. There's no coin drop to speak of, and not a huge market for the drops. In short : tacvi is a completely sunk cost and not exploitable from a plat-generation point of view to begin with.

Us folks with money will do just fine no matter what happens, but the up and comers are stung partiuclarly hard by qvic (which they get back via gems so no net loss), Tacvi (just hurts... and a big hurdle in progression from 350hp Qvic Armor to 2000hp PoD Armor), and the ones no one has mentioned yet:

Epic Mobs.

Granted Halloween just ended and a lot of us feasted on completed 1.5 and 2.0 / 3.0 books.. but.. c'mon. Think of the little guys. People needing Time and MoW and Twinkle and 1.5 Books, etc.... Just ouch. These are *not* the people that can foot 50k-100k for an instance, especially one they can only use once or twice. For the love of all that is holy, knock Time/1.5/2.0/3.0/Tacvi down to 20k or so. Give those new to the server a fighting chance.

Like LostProphets said, I basically parked two toons in an (immediately) dead Tacvi instance and made do, but being chained to a 2hr pop zone with no trash is just. cruel if thats all the toons you have lol.

C'mon, think of the children. :)

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Brokyn on November 05, 2011, 01:03:27 am
Tacvi is only a 1 hour spawn =)>

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Fugitive on November 05, 2011, 08:39:36 am
Tacvi is only a 1 hour spawn =)>

this is true!

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: whatzizface on November 05, 2011, 10:15:43 am
What am i supposed to do for 1 hour besides run around grinding cash, go to LDoN for charms, Sit in Tacvi and or the nexus chatting or trying to find a group in PoD to get T1 T2 gear? Thats a tough one. But im sure rather than popping instance after instance for 50k or 100k ill find something to do.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Brokyn on November 05, 2011, 10:20:13 am
Duel, and kill a couple toons, leaving one inside to res...  29 minutes later, res them back in so as not to run out the res timer.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: barrettd04 on November 05, 2011, 10:38:17 am
Don't think I've ever experienced a guild instance poofing on me...guess I'm just that smoooov

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: walk2k on November 05, 2011, 01:13:57 pm
What am i supposed to do for 1 hour besides run around grinding cash, go to LDoN for charms, Sit in Tacvi and or the nexus chatting or trying to find a group in PoD to get T1 T2 gear? Thats a tough one. But im sure rather than popping instance after instance for 50k or 100k ill find something to do.
read a book?  do some chores?  take the dog out for a walk?  take a shower?  make a sammich?

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: whatzizface on November 05, 2011, 02:33:28 pm
Ive did all that and more, But keep coming back to the comp praying for the repops. Maybe i should invest in a watch? (but then i wouldnt have a excuse to be able to avoid all the other things i am supposed to be doing by stating that i lost track of time) Ahh the dilemma's life holds for me.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Githiun on November 09, 2011, 01:42:41 pm
I'm still really new to the server.  I just had a guild Tacvi instance go poof on me.  It happens happened to me. That 100k to open it was about 99% of my plat.  Tacvi is SOOOOO highly contested and I need plate gear which EVERYONE wants that getting it in public just isnt possible usually.  Basically right now its like spend 100k and pray I dont die or crash or something.  I dont think its fair.  The 100k invenstment is fair.  IF ITS STABLE.
If its not stable then it really should be lowered to a more management amount.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Githiun on November 09, 2011, 04:19:09 pm
OK this is just rediculous.  My guildy was nice enough to buy me another instance.  I even LEFT one of my characters inside the instance hoping to keep it open.  not even 2 hours after I have left the zone its gone. 

Something needs to be done about it.  Make Tacvi a 25k GI or something.  Make Tacvi special since you are pissing ur money down the tube.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Hunter on November 09, 2011, 06:17:24 pm
Made Tacvi 10k for group and 20k for guild. Might need to wait for reboot first.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Woppoz on November 09, 2011, 06:52:36 pm
I played here for almost a year and had never purchased an instance. This is while they were 10k group and I think 20k guild (never needed a guild one as I'm not in a guild).

After buying my first one I thought it was such a fantastic idea. Then I realized how much this would help with doing the UC. Then, it went *POOF* after I died in it. It confused me at the time so I left it alone.

A week later, the price went up to 50/100k. I haven't bought one since and probably never will. At 50k with a risk of it poofing, it's strictly for the uber rich.

I find it a bit more promising to farm anything you can in pub zones for plat while /auction WTB whatever item with at least 20k behind it. I almost always get a tell from someone within a few days of farming plat that has my item. Instances make it faster to get what you need, but not as much fun as a pub zone imo. My only complaint about it is the 10 max train in the custom LDoN zones which is making the UC unbearable as others just wait for you to clear their path so they can run past you and take the 50points.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Faladian on November 09, 2011, 10:09:51 pm
WTB Qvic to be set at same price as Tacvi please?

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Kobrakai Pwnstar on November 09, 2011, 11:03:58 pm
This is great news. =D

I know nothing was mentioned but are you considering Dropping the price on Qvic to a smaller but more reasonable number since it also basically eats your instances...i mean, the more I've thought about it, 10k and 20k are too low due to being able to gather/hoard gems from the trash. Maybe 30k group and 60k guild, or 40k group and 80k guild?

- Lostprophets

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Drast on November 09, 2011, 11:12:32 pm
I know it's probably been asked but how about single player instances other than ninja logs. of like ldon for 10k?

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 10, 2011, 12:15:18 am
Part of the reason for the price hike was to keep from having hundreds, nearly a thousand of each popular zone eating up resources and causing general instance instability. Allowing single toon instances for 10k would promote the exact opposite.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Drast on November 10, 2011, 12:20:39 am
Ok.  I see the issue.  so is there a way to make the group instances more stable?  I had 1 member go LD and there the group instance is no longer accessable.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Solbash on November 10, 2011, 12:31:51 am
Ok.  I see the issue.  so is there a way to make the group instances more stable?  I had 1 member go LD and there the group instance is no longer accessable.
Yeah, once you go in it don't leave, or if you do leave, die and leave a corpse to be rezzed back in. Group Instances have been bugged that way from the start, and i doubt it will ever be able to be fixed.

Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Ponzi on November 10, 2011, 12:54:33 am
Made Tacvi 10k for group and 20k for guild. Might need to wait for reboot first.


Title: Re: Instances 50k
Post by: Githiun on November 10, 2011, 01:23:00 am
Yeah /three cheers for hunter.   I totally understand group instance issues because the group ID can change and then you're SOL.  But the guild one was my problem.  Especially since like PoD/HoH NEVER poofs  But had it happen with Tacvi back to back. Other then trying to auction off armor drops at least Tacvi wont impact the economy much.  I wouldnt say its a popular zone to farm just everyone needs it to gear out their alts.

Thanks again hunter.  just wish now i could play /cry what to do what to do!