EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Brokyn on November 14, 2011, 12:18:18 pm

Title: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Brokyn on November 14, 2011, 12:18:18 pm
I was just thinking about the issues around instance stability, and pricing, and the duration of instances, and how they effect server stability.

I wonder if it would be possible to add an option for a 10k group/guild instance that lasts 1 hour, or maybe 2 hours.  That would give people the chance to go in after the items they are looking for, without having to spend the 100k for a guild instance?  With the instance only lasting an hour or so, it should keep multiple instances from clogging up the server.

Discuss =)>

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Warbash on November 14, 2011, 12:29:16 pm
I like this idea :) kind of a pay as you go plan. But really the pricing structure was good before the change, let's just go back to that and see how the server reacts. At the very least reduce guild and group by 50% to 25/50 that's still a 50% increase over the previous costs.

Edit- still not sure what was being abused before which required a price increase but if it was multiple guild instances per guild, why don't we put a restriction on the number of instances a guild / person had up at one time to maybe three?

Hunter throw us a bone here! :)

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Thebone on November 14, 2011, 12:33:41 pm
Hunter already changed the pricing... its 30k for group 75k for guild. Whats wrong with this pricing?

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Warbash on November 14, 2011, 12:36:29 pm
Hunter already changed the pricing... its 30k for group 75k for guild. Whats wrong with this pricing?

Is this new? Was still 50/100 for hoh last night and that pricing is still steep.
Besides Bone your in t5, money comes easier at that level and your in the top 10% of the server, let's apply the 80/20 rule not the 20/80 rule :)

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Kenshou on November 14, 2011, 01:00:39 pm
The problem was creating one instance and kill one type mob then create another until desire items where found. Exploited T5 for random chance at named. and increased speed in which v2 where collected by killing only Heavens. Increase in price discouraged repeat instance creation, thus lowed the dynamic memory usage. Just be glad you have instances and don't have to fight over mobs for one active zone like it was before he was able to instance

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: walk2k on November 14, 2011, 01:54:43 pm
Yea try doing PoDragons with a line of people at each tiki waiting for it to spawn, arguing over who gets next pop, along with training, KSing and ninja looting... :p

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Hunter on November 14, 2011, 02:05:28 pm
Yeah, people were abusing making instance over and over to get their boss/loot quicker, but it was wiping our resources (RAM + Dynamic Zones) where regular players started losing their instances.

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Natedog on November 14, 2011, 02:14:40 pm
Yeah, people were abusing making instance over and over to get their boss/loot quicker, but it was wiping our resources (RAM + Dynamic Zones) where regular players started losing their instances.

Anyway we could get more illithid mobs in T5? Would make it less likely for players to make 20+ instances to farm those 5 mobs which takes about 5min. Plus with the progression of T6 gear it will require players to have the T5 back / shoulders which currently is damn near impossible with the limited number of illithid mobs.

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Solbash on November 14, 2011, 02:43:58 pm
Yeah, people were abusing making instance over and over to get their boss/loot quicker, but it was wiping our resources (RAM + Dynamic Zones) where regular players started losing their instances.

Anyway we could get more illithid mobs in T5? Would make it less likely for players to make 20+ instances to farm those 5 mobs which takes about 5min. Plus with the progression of T6 gear it will require players to have the T5 back / shoulders which currently is damn near impossible with the limited number of illithid mobs.

This can already be possibly exploited for essences, since there are only 5 Illithids, 30k gets you an instance and in 5 minutes you have a 3% chance sitting there for an Essence of Abyss.

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Thebone on November 15, 2011, 12:02:05 pm
Hunter already changed the pricing... its 30k for group 75k for guild. Whats wrong with this pricing?

Is this new? Was still 50/100 for hoh last night and that pricing is still steep.
Besides Bone your in t5, money comes easier at that level and your in the top 10% of the server, let's apply the 80/20 rule not the 20/80 rule :)

I may be able to get money faster then most I cant argue with this. But I also have to spend it faster then most. With my guild getting ready for the T6 push and the new augs that are out this money goes faster then it comes.

But it's all in managing your Plat. If you know your going to need to buy zones all weekend then make sure you don't upgrade that Aug.

Just cuz it's fake money don't mean you don't have to manage it

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Fugitive on November 15, 2011, 01:12:04 pm
Thebone supports my habit..

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Warbash on November 15, 2011, 10:10:52 pm
Hunter already changed the pricing... its 30k for group 75k for guild. Whats wrong with this pricing?

Is this new? Was still 50/100 for hoh last night and that pricing is still steep.
Besides Bone your in t5, money comes easier at that level and your in the top 10% of the server, let's apply the 80/20 rule not the 20/80 rule :)

I may be able to get money faster then most I cant argue with this. But I also have to spend it faster then most. With my guild getting ready for the T6 push and the new augs that are out this money goes faster then it comes.

But it's all in managing your Plat. If you know your going to need to buy zones all weekend then make sure you don't upgrade that Aug.

Just cuz it's fake money don't mean you don't have to manage it

I think your response only proves my point, you make more, choose to spend more to better your guild (good thing) but this does not negate the fact that you make more than most and the instance pricing is a fixed cost that affects everyone equally.

Don't take this wrong just friendly conversation back and forth, frankly it seems like its mostly just me against the price increase so I will get off my soapbox and continue to play and have fun :)

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Ponzi on November 16, 2011, 05:27:58 am
Probably the biggest thing i've seen lately is the success of Hunter in hoovering up all the plat on the server. His plat sinks have done their job actually too well, in some respects.

There is 0 question the goddamn augs are worth it.. They are game changing.. Espeically the Fire and Ninja ones. But of course it's a massive sunk cost. You have to buy/grind the lightstones (gonna want an instance for that. more plat!) The dragon essences are a nice bottleneck as well, which i particularly enjoy, since it's a great way to speed up newbies and your alts and a secondary reward. I've always felt gods minor/major are too rare (To this day i have never been present to see a Gods Minor drop, and I'm full T4 on most my toons.. RNG is fun sometimes).. Etc..

The real problem is generating plat is a lot trickier than it once was. You simply can't sell T1-T2 anymore... You don't see people selling qvic/tacvi... Most Y3/T4 /aucs go unanswered or for 10-30k if that. People don't sell charms upgrades like they once did.. v2s are pretty much peak /aucs only, and even then it's usually ~60k.. Epic pages 3.5 are completely hit or miss. Qvic Runs are a nice chunk of plat but.... that leads into the real problem:

We're really, really short on the bottom end. We aren't seeing greener toons pop up to buy qvic runs, and charms, and PoD armors, and 2.0 runs (lol never see that anymore).. etc. That's the dirty little secret as to why the economy is kinda in the tank currently. And no matter what you want to believe.. Watching Rage and FP and co. "WTS Gods Essences 4.5 runs) etc.. That's a WTS.. That's not a WTB. People are begging in OOC for a monetary reason to burn their MCP tokens. The essence ecnomy is a joke. Everyone wants to sell their Gods minors majors 750/1mil but it's the same ppl looking for that score, that's not as common an occurrance as ppl think. Hell i've had a couple CG kits i haven't been able to unload.

It's great to be a noob right now, where you can basically buy your way to T4 (something i sure as heck never saw growing up myself) but it's pretty rough to be plat grinding. Farming PoD without being able to sell the armor blows.. Farming Hoh without being able to sell the armors and pages and charms blows. T3/T4 is not a positive plat expectation anymore, most things rot or are given away, and theirs no inherent gems like there is qvic/pod/hoh to compensate.

So yeah its rough. I'm not complaining i'm just stating what i've seen lately. The economy is in a pretty big recession, and it's clear ppl are weighing their augments and instances over player-to-player trades. Which is their choice and i dont blame them.

But the last thing i'd want is Hunter logging in his random times of the week and seeing those silly 'WTS Essence' aucs and thinking the economy is fine, cuz it sure as heck isnt. And if he's serious about making essences even rarer, thats his prerogative.. But it's certainly not going to fix the player economy any, and it's not going to make up for the insane amount of plat tahts being fed to waypoints and caster guild merchants.

The best part about this server is how it rewards the big brother helping out the newcomer. You can farm your essences and gems while running new friends and freshly met acquantices thru Qvic and PoD and Ldon (charms/tokens!) etc.. The guy powerlevelling is rewarded for helping out and being a good guy. I've always loved that about this server. On p99 you get 0 for helping others out. On Stormhaven unless you are gearing an alt there wasn't much use running someone from Crushbone to Dreadspire outside of being nice. EZ has always been the gold standard for the strong helping the weak, and both sides being better for it. The balance and teamwork rewards on this server are first-rate, and its whats kept me coming back here above all the other EMUs.

so ummm... lets find some new players, and in a hurry. heh. :)

Love ya all!

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Solbash on November 16, 2011, 06:56:59 am
It's all in the gems  ;D

Seriously, the majority of my plat has came from selling gems. I do occasionally sell an essence here and there, but once you hit the hard grinds like UC and T5, plat starts building up. Pages/t3/t4 i don't even bother trying to sell anymore, since i can kill 20 mobs in the time it would take someone to respond and have to come loot it for the 10k they are gonna offer me for it.

Guess the key to making plat here is using time wisely...

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Fugitive on November 16, 2011, 07:24:55 am
The plat sink treadmill uphill neverending grind does suck...I suck at making pp... I rot everything....plus I agree with kenshou and a few others I'm not going to equip you...

But the augs need to stay high pp to make why..... because they are awesome

When I see a ninja7 crit for 84kthe it makes me juciy...

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Thebone on November 16, 2011, 07:46:40 am
@ Ponzi

I'm not going to Quote that long ass post you made... =)

Your going about making money the wrong way... Just like SolBash said... About 80% of my money come from Gems... and Most of my gems come from the same place you say sucks HOH...

 You have to be productive when making money... Don't just go to HOH to farm gems hell no that gets old quick... Go to HOH to UC another toon the gems are a plus. From what I can tell your group is not fully UC so get to work on that. And if your group is full UC make more accounts and leave them on stand by you never know what changes Hunter will make.

I'm going to give you the best advice you will get on this server. UC UC UC... UC everything money will come. UC  makes you live longer kill faster heal more there is no reason not to UC.

I know the first thing your going to say is it's easy for me to say UC everything because I have UC on my main group. But I didn't start with them.

Just get to work on the things you need to move through the content and money will not be as big as a issue.

Plus on a side note You don't have to Support Fugitive's Lazy ass be thankful

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Solbash on November 16, 2011, 08:15:44 am
@ Ponzi

I'm not going to Quote that long ass post you made... =)

Your going about making money the wrong way... Just like SolBash said... About 80% of my money come from Gems... and Most of my gems come from the same place you say sucks HOH...

 You have to be productive when making money... Don't just go to HOH to farm gems hell no that gets old quick... Go to HOH to UC another toon the gems are a plus. From what I can tell your group is not fully UC so get to work on that. And if your group is full UC make more accounts and leave them on stand by you never know what changes Hunter will make.

I'm going to give you the best advice you will get on this server. UC UC UC... UC everything money will come. UC  makes you live longer kill faster heal more there is no reason not to UC.

I know the first thing your going to say is it's easy for me to say UC everything because I have UC on my main group. But I didn't start with them.

Just get to work on the things you need to move through the content and money will not be as big as a issue.

Plus on a said note You don't have to Support Fugitive's Lazy ass be thankful

And thank god i don't have to support Fugi :P

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Fugitive on November 16, 2011, 08:28:53 am
Yeah plus 1 "F" Fugi..haha wait... what

Title: Re: Waypoint Suggestion
Post by: Ponzi on November 16, 2011, 12:39:54 pm
Oh believe me, my Warrior and Pally are UC'd and i got a 6box fully geared out in 4.0s and T4 with various levels of Sorcs and Oracles and the like, with the monk my next UC project. Pally is full Fire VI'd, and the monk is currently holding two Ninja IVs and two Ice IVs with the essences prefarmed for another couple Ice IVs, which will all be shoved up to at least Vs by the time it's all said and done. @ bone - HOH *is* my favorite zone. Its always depressing when the latest toon fills out the 3.5 pages and i gotta trudge someone new through Qvic - PoD to start it all over again.

I wasn't particularly talking about me personally, was talking more about the health of the mid-level of the server. I know peeps who box 6+ don't have much problem generating plat through attrition. I'm talking more about the middle class who either can't box a full 6 or are starting from scratch. It's a catch 22 in that theres all this t3/t4 armor readily available and so cheap.. which is nice, but the options for gaining plat outside of grinding qvic/velks etc is more limited now than in the past, simply because the player-driven economy that we grew up with is pretty far gone. And to think when i went on Hiatus we were just barely started on the new fangled 'dps augments for non-warriors' My have times changed lol. This all was more of a lament of how things once were than anything else.

Thanks for the advice and input. :)