EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Camric on December 10, 2011, 01:10:19 pm

Title: T5 essences
Post by: Camric on December 10, 2011, 01:10:19 pm
Is it possible to add the essences to the remaining named in T5, please?  It's a real bummer to clear the entire zone multiple times and not see one essences.  The number of man hours spent clearing is significant compared to the actual drop rate.

Thank you.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Strix on December 10, 2011, 04:45:20 pm
+ 1

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Kaorun on December 10, 2011, 05:30:38 pm
i think too .

im done 4.5run x 10 times ( White + 3-4 bosses on list 1 )
only 1 drops ...

need more 21essences for my char
i guess not how to collect....

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Fugitive on December 10, 2011, 10:41:11 pm
.... Do it  ;D

Err + 1,  Would like to see this on the other mobs still have to work hard to get all them to spawn anyway!!

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Hunter on December 10, 2011, 11:34:50 pm
Already said yes, just need time. Trying to get T6 out before Christmas.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Thebone on December 11, 2011, 08:26:12 am
Already said yes, just need time. Trying to get T6 out before Christmas.

In other words STFU CAM!!!

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Hunter on December 11, 2011, 09:24:28 am

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Camric on December 11, 2011, 04:30:53 pm
Thanks Hunter for taking the extra time to do this.  We really appreciate the patience spent doing these mundane tasks.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Thebone on December 12, 2011, 07:27:17 am
;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Thebone on December 12, 2011, 09:43:16 pm
Ok soooo.. So far we are at 62 bosses killed tonight.. and guess how many essence... 0..... what's the drop rate on these things there's no way RNG is this bad.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Solbash on December 12, 2011, 11:55:59 pm
He did say he was gonna lower the % of drop rate once he updated them to all the bosses.....

personally i'm not gonna grind day and night just for a chance, wait a bit till he gets everything fixed, then farm them =D

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Fugitive on December 13, 2011, 07:32:00 am
He did say he was gonna lower the % of drop rate once he updated them to all the bosses.....

personally i'm not gonna grind day and night just for a chance, wait a bit till he gets everything fixed, then farm them =D

I hope he did not lower the drop rate. I know we function as a guild together and seemed to be fuked for function together as one.(I hope this is not a forcast of T6 which asks lots of groups to work together) It 's not easy to pop/spawn bosses already and lower chance would just be sad,.. not like people have the funds good thing is economy is shaping up with recent bans though.

Please check drop rate and adjust upward some. Please thanks

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Hunter on December 13, 2011, 11:53:26 am
I did not change the drop rates. Its 3% on each boss.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Thebone on December 13, 2011, 12:27:20 pm
I did not change the drop rates. Its 3% on each boss.

WTB a Lucky rabbit's foot

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: oldepharte on December 14, 2011, 06:49:26 am
I did not change the drop rates. Its 3% on each boss.

Hmm... 3% drop rate on each boss.

100 Bosses in T5.

So if a guild clears all 400 mobs in T5 in the proper manner and timing then they could earn between 2 to 4 essence of the abyss for the effort.  On a good run.

So if I can convince my guild to roll the zone for me I *might* be able to get enough essences to upgrade the augments on one of my chars (single wield).  Mind you, no one else gets any of those essences, just shots at the miserable bits of plat available or any armor molds / accessories that could drop.

So basically I need to clear T-5 seven times to get essences for my team.  Since my crew is fairly average we can assume that most folks in my guild are going to need at least a half a dozen clears to be able to aug their crews.

Wait!  What is that sound I hear???  OMG!!!  I would know that cackling hysterical laughter anywhere!  It's the ghost of old Charlie Ponzi appreciating the set up here!

Skeezy Ratty Troll

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Solbash on December 14, 2011, 07:55:56 am
I did not change the drop rates. Its 3% on each boss.

Hmm... 3% drop rate on each boss.

100 Bosses in T5.

So if a guild clears all 400 mobs in T5 in the proper manner and timing then they could earn between 2 to 4 essence of the abyss for the effort.  On a good run.

So if I can convince my guild to roll the zone for me I *might* be able to get enough essences to upgrade the augments on one of my chars (single wield).  Mind you, no one else gets any of those essences, just shots at the miserable bits of plat available or any armor molds / accessories that could drop.

So basically I need to clear T-5 seven times to get essences for my team.  Since my crew is fairly average we can assume that most folks in my guild are going to need at least a half a dozen clears to be able to aug their crews.

Wait!  What is that sound I hear???  OMG!!!  I would know that cackling hysterical laughter anywhere!  It's the ghost of old Charlie Ponzi appreciating the set up here!

Skeezy Ratty Troll

7 clears for a full team augged... that is a long shot, or your taking shots to the mouth from RNG. Realistaclly, it's gonna take you a good 50+ clears to get the essences you need for all of your toons, and thats if your only 3 boxing...... TRUTH!

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Fugitive on December 14, 2011, 08:13:58 am
I did not change the drop rates. Its 3% on each boss.

Hmm... 3% drop rate on each boss.

100 Bosses in T5.

So if a guild clears all 400 mobs in T5 in the proper manner and timing then they could earn between 2 to 4 essence of the abyss for the effort.  On a good run.

So basically I need to clear T-5 seven times to get essences for my team.  Since my crew is fairly average we can assume that most folks in my guild are going to need at least a half a dozen clears to be able to aug their crews.

We have cleared it more then 20x maybe since changes maybe 3 essences total. (we clear 2 to 3x per night causal but can ramp up a lot too)
We get a normal of 25+ bosses per clear plus White (%15)

It takes us like 90 mins to clear all mobs all bosses..

going to take you a lifetime to get essences, just since you gotta spawn the boss 1st then pray for a drop

Currently even @ 3% it's low  ???

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: barrettd04 on December 14, 2011, 08:01:38 pm
If you guys got all your augs upgraded, then you'd sit here complaining about how there's nothing to do.  This seems to me to be an intended time-sink so Hunter can finish up T6...

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: oldepharte on December 14, 2011, 08:55:44 pm
Sol, Fugi:

Thanks for providing the 'real deal' data on my point.  Even being extremely optimistic the proposition is not sound; When actual experience (Good old YMMV!) is added the proposition borders on the ludicrous.

And sadly this does not touch on the fixed costs of augs.  I have no clue what exactly changed over the summer, but I do know that I used to clear velks castle area for ~15k / clear.  That average is down to ~11k / clear.  Functionally almost all plat comes from gem sales.  QVIC didn't seem to return as much in the way of gems the last trip I made, but I honestly wasn't focused on that, was chasing gear so can't be certain like with velks.  While other items are sold and quest rewards exist there is no other significant source of plat. (It is not until T5 that items are really worth selling and those are insignificant considering the resources required to get the items.)

To survive and be barely functional in T5 a toon needs a UC.  To be useful in T5 a toon minimally needs level IV augs, ideally level V or better.  It is a reasonable assumption that VI and VII level augs will be required for a toon to be useful in T6.  To move my SK and senior pally from V's to VI's alone is going to be over  6M to the vendor....  The beast is gonna run about 10.6M to go from IS-IV's / NS-III's to full VI's.  The junior paladin?  no augs at all yet so he will cost near 8M plat.  Screw the cleric and the shaman, UC or no I don't love them enough to put augs on them at this price!  :D

Just a skosh on the grindy side, if you take my meaning.  I understand the desire to make the highest end of the game 'elite'.  Most of the things that define elite must also be reasonably attainable to a single group of chars (boxed or played) that are at or near top of game.  If you need 20 toons to play in T6 then you need to facilitate the growth of 60 toons capable of doing so in order that you can find 20 willing most of the day.  If you need augs to succeed in dps then the mats for the required augs need to drop at realistic rates and required vendor mats need to be priced in accordance with the resources available.

/rant on
On a side note, it is ludicrous that the mobs in T5 drop coins in gold, silver, and copper.  WTF?!?!!  Mobs at this level need to drop loot, no one here is seeking experience of any sort!  T5 class npcs should be dropping high double digit, low triple digit plat loots.
/rant off

While getting to the top of the game is supposed to take work, it needs to never get to a place where it feels entirely like work.  It is supposed to be fun almost all the time.  If a player like me with all kinds of time and no kinds of money finds playing the game to be feeling like work then maybe it's time to ask how we expect to grow the number of players needed to make T6 playable.  Just saying....

Skeezy Ratty Troll

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Hunter on December 14, 2011, 10:19:12 pm
Adding more people to your guild raid *should* add more DPS if DPS is a problem.

Its the end of the game. Its suppose to be a challenge.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: oldepharte on December 14, 2011, 10:36:49 pm
Adding more people to your guild raid *should* add more DPS if DPS is a problem.

Its the end of the game. Its suppose to be a challenge.

Yes sir, it absolutely should.  Not to be impertinent, but if you would like to share a comment related to my post and it's points, we'd all love to hear it.  Stating that the sky is blue does not address the fact the ground is hard as rock from lack of rain.

You do not have sufficient warm bodies on the server to randomly add more people to a guild raid.

Skeezy Ratty Troll

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Solbash on December 15, 2011, 01:51:53 am
Meh, i'm just sticking to what i've done for the past almost 4 years. Play for 3 months or so, then find something else that is fun and less like, "fuck i've gotta grind this for plat just to decently progress". 6 months or so, come back, most of the time things are usually working properly or half way decent and finished by then.

But in the mean time... wonder how much i could get for a 5.0'd warrior since they suck ass so bad.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Thebone on December 15, 2011, 07:25:27 am
Adding more people to your guild raid *should* add more DPS if DPS is a problem.

Its the end of the game. Its suppose to be a challenge.

Hunter we go in with 12 full groups add more groups to the Raid window and we will add more groups to our raid.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Hunter on December 15, 2011, 10:39:57 am
End game content is always the hardest, but soon as new content is made up, then the previous content usually becomes trivial. Its actually our goal to make the final content to be hard to get. Sounds like mission accomplished.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Thebone on December 15, 2011, 11:19:05 am
End game content is always the hardest, but soon as new content is made up, then the previous content usually becomes trivial. Its actually our goal to make the final content to be hard to get. Sounds like mission accomplished.

Hard and returded are two different things IMO..

You make it so we run as a guild... We did that cool it's fun...

But now we are spending at least 24 playing hours over our guild a night and getting nothing in return.

We get about 50 or so bosses a night yes alot are the same ones as are we clear a few times. we do this about 6 days a week so thats 300 bosses. With this 300 bosses we get 3 essence.
 you need a adv of 6 essence per toon so we as a guild need 432 essence. we get 3 a week if we are lucky so thats 144 weeks and 2.8 years to get our guild all the abyss essence.

This is what I mean about returded.

God what if we need to take Vacation or RL hit's we are now 3 years +

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Brokyn on December 15, 2011, 11:44:23 am
Maybe that means you have to be picky about who gets VII augs?  Maybe all the clerics, mages, wizards, druids, etc don't get to have melee dps augs at the highest possible level...

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Hunter on December 15, 2011, 11:57:39 am
Maybe that means you have to be picky about who gets VII augs?  Maybe all the clerics, mages, wizards, druids, etc don't get to have melee dps augs at the highest possible level...

Pretty much the idea...

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Hunter on December 15, 2011, 11:59:26 am
Also, you don't have to get VII damage augs. You can just use other lower Augs like V ones. Players are already doing insane damage. The higher augs are not required.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Thebone on December 15, 2011, 12:54:38 pm
Maybe that means you have to be picky about who gets VII augs?  Maybe all the clerics, mages, wizards, druids, etc don't get to have melee dps augs at the highest possible level...

That didn't include the classes listed above. But thanks the input =)

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Camric on December 15, 2011, 08:18:55 pm
Also, you don't have to get VII damage augs. You can just use other lower Augs like V ones. Players are already doing insane damage. The higher augs are not required.

So am I hearing that T6 mobs are not being based lined on Aug 7's DPS, but rather Aug 5's?   If so, the current drop rate is fine, however, if it takes Aug 7 DPS is required to bring down T6 named within the time allotted please reconsider the current drop rates to something a tad more favorable.

As to strategies for aug 7 placement, the obvious is the normal dps classes get the aug 7's first.  Keep in mind that one character with complete aug 7's doesn't turn typical DPS classes into something uber.  It takes many characters to compete at the highest end content.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Kushie on December 15, 2011, 08:21:26 pm
Also, you don't have to get VII damage augs. You can just use other lower Augs like V ones. Players are already doing insane damage. The higher augs are not required.

 It takes many characters to compete at the highest end content.

So you're going to zerg?

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Thebone on December 16, 2011, 11:53:41 am
Also, you don't have to get VII damage augs. You can just use other lower Augs like V ones. Players are already doing insane damage. The higher augs are not required.

 It takes many characters to compete at the highest end content.

So you're going to zerg?

I didn't see anything about a Zerg in his post?

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Hunter on December 16, 2011, 10:22:55 pm
You guys are complaining so much, even before the T6 is released, that I'm losing motivation on even releasing it. Just chill people. If anything needs to be tweaked then it will be tweaked. I'm not a perfect game designer, and its all guess work with the numbers. Seriously, what is the DPS difference between Aug V and Aug VII? And if its really going to ruin your fun not getting 7+ augs for ever single guild member, then just quit now. I'm tired of hearing about it. Best items are rare and hard to get. Whats new?

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Natedog on December 16, 2011, 10:57:11 pm
I'm happy theres something new to upgrade. Aug 7s are kick ass

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: whatzizface on December 16, 2011, 11:03:16 pm
I am excited that new content is being released, I dont have any VI or VII's yet but i hear theres a rumor of me being choosen to be #1 fodder. I hear its a heck of a position filled with respect and awe from my peers to the point where ill be the first one to poke the mob. (nothing is worse than getting sloppy seconds on a raid mob)

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Lucadian on December 31, 2011, 05:17:04 pm
All I have to say about the aug discussion is: Why were FS augs raised to 2 components per combine?? I heard something about it being because of plat dupers or something?? Idk. I had taken a year break and just came back a few weeks ago. But if that's the case, why have they not been changed back by now?

I don't have much to say about new content since I haven't even gotten to T5 yet since I have been gone, but augs are crazy expensive.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: napoleonn on December 31, 2011, 06:05:11 pm
Dude all i gotta say is im married and my wife loves that im a gamer instead of a drug addict or a drunk. Hunter you make my day for me and my wife. Love getting home to play on the server you provide. So just to make it clear i don't mind what you do as far as the flamers that flame say. You provide me with my hobby/fun. So please just keep doing what you do and F@C! the flamers cause us real players don't mind what you do as long as you keep doing it.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Doublep on December 31, 2011, 09:45:26 pm
I agree with napo on this your doing a terrific job hunter. By far great server and very enjoyable has been hard to obtain the good stuff but its part of the game. If every single person had it all be no fun. So keep up good work and looking forward to more come.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Fugitive on December 31, 2011, 10:11:20 pm
Dude all i gotta say is im married and my wife loves that im a gamer instead of a drug addict or a drunk. Hunter you make my day for me and my wife. Love getting home to play on the server you provide. So just to make it clear i don't mind what you do as far as the flamers that flame say. You provide me with my hobby/fun. So please just keep doing what you do and F@C! the flamers cause us real players don't mind what you do as long as you keep doing it.

.... Dude did you even read the post, there is no Flaming going on it was Input and again all of our Input has ceased because people.. or a person feels it is a direct attack on them.. Which it is not.

When we can clear hundred of bosses a night, we was giving input to help the other portion of the server.. WE GOT OURS but the thoughts of the people that don't play or grind as hard getting these things is really overbearing the Threadmill vs Content is.. nm..

Again you misunderstood the whole thing, I too also enjoy this server or I wouldn't have a desire as I do to play and continue to play here. Look @ my old post a majority of them are to help the players that cannot afford to grind as some of the others along.

Again, when we clear the whole zone in less then 90mins and get 20-45 bosses in 1 run and the ugly beast of RNG pops his head and not get 1 drop for a 5-6 grp raid is what was intended of this post.

Just some points

I enjoy the server

I do not wish to see this server dry up

I want to blast T6

I don't have any desire to hurt peoples feelings if misunderstandings about input

.... guess that about covers it


Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Thebone on December 31, 2011, 10:41:05 pm
Dude all i gotta say is im married and my wife loves that im a gamer instead of a drug addict or a drunk. Hunter you make my day for me and my wife. Love getting home to play on the server you provide. So just to make it clear i don't mind what you do as far as the flamers that flame say. You provide me with my hobby/fun. So please just keep doing what you do and F@C! the flamers cause us real players don't mind what you do as long as you keep doing it.

Real players? I sold you all your 4.5's....

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 31, 2011, 10:57:09 pm
Dude all i gotta say is im married and my wife loves that im a gamer instead of a drug addict or a drunk. Hunter you make my day for me and my wife. Love getting home to play on the server you provide. So just to make it clear i don't mind what you do as far as the flamers that flame say. You provide me with my hobby/fun. So please just keep doing what you do and F@C! the flamers cause us real players don't mind what you do as long as you keep doing it.

Real players? I sold you all your 4.5's....


Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Camric on December 31, 2011, 10:59:04 pm
Perhaps there needs to be some way to formalize feedback such that the players who are actually experiencing the content can discuss pros/cons without the constant posting of those who haven't quite made it to that level?

Also, before you start waving the finger at others.  Please keep in mind that many of us have contributed to this server and community.  What do I mean by contributing?  

Hard cash, to the tune of hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

Spoilers, Guides, and walkthrough's given to the community to help everyone that plays here.

Finally solid feedback on end game content.  It's more than fully understood that Hunter has limited time to design, develop, let alone test the content, which we are happy to help with.   But please understand if we're the testers there will be feedback.  Obviously Hunter has the right to say, "it is what it is", fair enough.  But don't knock the top end for continuing to do the homework by providing data to help improve the experience.

We don't play to make everyone Else's experience miserable, but rather to provide feed which all benefit from.   Again, this isn't a rant but simply to say:  1) understand the facts  2) provide some formalize method to provide feedback by those are actually there.

In the meantime continue to enjoy the game and help provide useful feedback.  Perhaps, a thank you / tribute thread is in order to allow everyone to pay homage for what Hunter is providing.  Thus removing the need for discussions like this to end a tribute versus feedback.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Hunter on January 01, 2012, 12:12:22 am
T6 is almost finished. I could probably even release it now, but bosses wouldn't have any spells. I probably won't go crazy with that anyways, except main bosses like BP/Epic Bosses. Just got distracted in last few weeks here. Just want to do finishing touches before releasing. It was basically a quick overhaul though of what T1/T2 used to be in Anguish, just made harder, with new gear drops. Honestly, it'll probably be quite linear and strait forward compared to previous zones like T5, but hopefully that won't make it boring. Should still be a challenge though.

As for the strikes, honestly how much % more DPS is the VII's vs the V's? Right now the game code allows a max of (NPC) 32k per tick hp regen so they won't have any higher regen than previous zones, but maybe some more HP. They will hit harder though, progressively harder as you get deeper in the zone. Its not designed as a 1 group zone, so hopefully multi guilds will work together to defeat this zone.

There should be very little to no rots in this new T6 since upgrade drops are slot specific, but not class specific, to upgrade your single class armor. Should be a nice change of pace. Should probably have done that in the beginning instead of rot bots.

With all the zones up to Underfoot now installed, maybe that'll open some options for the T7 in 2012 this year. Since the zones are open to everyone, feel free to start up a poll / vote thread for which zone to use for T7, even post some screenshots of why you think the zone would be cool, etc.

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Camric on January 01, 2012, 02:34:17 pm
Thanks Hunter - we're chomping at the bit to see the new stuff, bring it on!

Title: Re: T5 essences
Post by: Jackal1950 on January 01, 2012, 07:49:27 pm
Not there yet, but will be fun, (I'm sure) when I get there