EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Hulkpunch on May 01, 2010, 01:49:16 pm

Title: Najikoon
Post by: Hulkpunch on May 01, 2010, 01:49:16 pm
My group and I were doing the MoW and as we were engaging he zones in and attacks the mob then claims we were trying to ks him. He then proceeds to gather all the mobs from the encounter and fd them on our shaman and cleric, wiping us. We tried zerging the event because the warrior was staying alive without heals for a while but he constantly fd'd mobs at the zone in so we couldnt engage. We eventually wiped and he killed and looted MoW himself.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Eliseus on May 01, 2010, 01:56:21 pm
SS of Fraps?

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Reed on May 01, 2010, 02:53:04 pm
Ohh.... i won't fall for this one again.
Besides isnt MoW respawn like 15min now or something rediculous? At least the Tacvi one was worth complaining about.

HOWEVER, is a pretty dick move if its true.
Do you have some evidence?

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Zephr on May 02, 2010, 09:56:40 pm
I have had this same person KS me a ton but I still havn't got fraps.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: PORTIS on May 03, 2010, 01:53:33 pm
I will back this up with, did exactly the same to me.. almost to the point. Setting up, 5 of us capable to kill just telling guys the strat. He ran in and started wailing on MoW, now i just thought, People do this, he could see we were prepping and must be just helping. We were only at zone 1 min and there before him so i know we had the right to MoW. I have not used fraps before but have taken screenies of conversation i will add. He basically admits to the same, says because a member of our team had a corpse in the zone he has right to take mob? (news to me this), and he does not need to talk to people he has right to zone in and engage.

This was for a friend, and it isnt a rare mob, and if he asked i woulda probably just said go and we get next one.. We wernt in a rush.. It was just the rudeness of this that upset me. I back what has already been said here as he obviously feels he can throw his weight around and do this as he likes.

Its not fair or nice. >:(

I will add the screenie of what after conversation

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: PORTIS on May 03, 2010, 02:08:00 pm
dont know where screenshots go?? Sure they used to go to EQ root

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 03, 2010, 02:50:53 pm
In your eq folder there is a folder called ScreenShots.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: PORTIS on May 03, 2010, 03:30:26 pm
I thought that also, nope no directory. Using Titanium, anyways its just a page of text you get the picture. If anyone can tell me how EQ outputs screenshots ill search for it.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Uxt on May 04, 2010, 11:35:21 pm
Oh, the horrors of cropping several screenshots together...

Last Stand group came up, asking if there were any rots (meaning armor drops unclaimed), and there wasn't. They went about searching every corpse and chest. There were two Shalad-Hud corpses, one a fresh kill that had a ring of the magi on it... when one of the groupmember's alt (who was in group the entire time) moved to grab said ring... it was gone!



Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: ieawenpo on May 05, 2010, 12:20:01 am
worst respect in the game i have seen since joining ez.
If i had known the user was suspected before, my comments would have been far worse.
Its obvious that he/she has no respect for the rule of EZ, even after multiple occurrences.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Zephr on May 05, 2010, 12:48:14 am
It is against the rules to loot someones rotting corpse without permission.
Don't loot mobs that don't belong to you unless the person/group that killed it gave you permission.
If you don't ask, the least you can do it wait till like 1-3min left on corpse decay.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 05, 2010, 01:00:22 am
Oh, the horrors of cropping several screenshots together...

Last Stand group came up, asking if there were any rots (meaning armor drops unclaimed), and there wasn't. They went about searching every corpse and chest. There were two Shalad-Hud corpses, one a fresh kill that had a ring of the magi on it... when one of the groupmember's alt (who was in group the entire time) moved to grab said ring... it was gone!




Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Eliseus on May 05, 2010, 01:09:10 am
I love thte "its just a video game" comment, usually what noobs say tbh.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: PORTIS on May 05, 2010, 02:46:06 am
Man I wish I could find my screenshot now, he said exactly the same thing to me almost word for word.. Maybe he has a hot key and he just runs round spamming "its only a Video Game" while KSing and Ninja Looting.  ;D Somebody please hit this muppet round the napper with a ban hammer.


Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: geaann on May 05, 2010, 04:55:09 am
Hello guys, I'm here to Formally apologize for what i have done i and personalty Promis that None of this Will EVER happen again..Theres no Excuse for what i have done and i Wish too Continue playing this Awsome server...But For the most part i Really am Sorry for what i did, i just Really don't want too be baned , i mean this is the only Server Worth Playing on Eqemulator and i hate too not be able too play any more

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: PORTIS on May 05, 2010, 05:44:50 am
Can I ask is this closing the barn door after the horse has bolted? Have you been already banned and now are regretting your mistakes or is this a general appology?

In other words, I would like to think you have happened across this post and realised you were wrong and not been banned/suspended and just trying to get your account reinstated.

Anyway an appology for your "mistakes" is always a good way to start in any healing process. I find the people on this server are SO friendly and helpful, 99.9% of the time if you act like an adult and play fair your rewards are tenfold.

Edit: I have to hold my hand up and say I have from time to time at the beginning of playing here been guilty of looting mobs that are laid around.. This can be a genuine mistake when there are so many others hanging round waiting for rot and you dont want to miss the boat. I generally loot then ask the group while corpse locked if this is available to take <item>. So i guess I have been guilty here also, I dont think there is anything wrong with looting at 27mins to rot, linking <item> and asking and then not looting if group says no. I play in UK time <GMT> and getting others rot can be crucial to progressing but I wouldnt ninja.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: kaizen on May 05, 2010, 08:16:32 am
The ninja looting in Qvic is getting out of control..

They are like a pack of crazed wolves roaming from each named that is killed by a group..

One of the worst i have seen is Tbillpickens
There are a couple of guilds that i have seen doing it the most also..
Last Stand and SuFuCru

They are on the named as soon as it is 2.5 mins old and they can loot it

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: geaann on May 05, 2010, 09:23:52 am
I have not Ben Baned im just Hopeing i wont be baned, of corse i Am Admiting my Mistakes and i am Truly Sorry for what i have done...it would mean Alot too me if u guys Accept my Apology, i dont know what Came over me too do these things and would love too Continue playing on this server.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Crabthewall on May 05, 2010, 09:28:02 am
I have not Ben Baned im just Hopeing i wont be baned, of corse i Am Admiting my Mistakes and i am Truly Sorry for what i have done...it would mean Alot too me if u guys Accept my Apology, i dont know what Came over me too do these things and would love too Continue playing on this server.

Perhaps what should be done in an instance like this, is delevel the character to 1 and strip them of all their epics and fighters/casters guild memberships to make them go back through these areas and prove they can be decent players :) Seems like it would be poetic justice...

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: PORTIS on May 05, 2010, 09:49:43 am
I dont know, I was one of the first to throw stones and truely repentance does not forgive all sins but it takes a bigger man to stand and say "I did it, I am sorry and have no excuse" than give a list of none viable excuses or point blame. Even though I was partly trodden on here, among others, the fact he has so blatently owned up to the fact, appologised for it and swore never to let it happen again goes far in my book. I hope he gets the oppertunity to prove it and I hope you guys maybe give him a chance to.

Not trying to be a hypocrit revocing what I said because I dont and at the time I was most put out but second chances are part of life third chances are a contradiction.

After all, it is just a Video Game haha! JK :)p

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Lodar on May 05, 2010, 09:54:22 am
You know what respect is?

For an example... yesterday i was at LDON 3, camping the named tree for page 3. A guy comes in and ask how many pages i need... I say Just one, you can have camp after.

Well i was thinking, me alone with my boxing 1.5 toons, not CG/FG, it will take forever again to bring it down... when this guy is like dual 3.0 warrior... I simply told him, help me kill the tree, it will be faster and you can get the credits as long as you leave me the page.

He helped me kill it (obviously he got the xp, and he left me the page.  Nothing prevented him to get the page and leave.. I mean its a 15 minutes timer anyways right? I could have killed it again next pop. But he kept his word... thats respect. Kudos Giggity!

On another note... One thing I cant stand is "got no choice" apologies.  Obviously, from the different posts i read, this happened more than once... even though each time people complained about it to you and you still continued doing it.  The only way you will stop is when people ask for ban on forum because you are being an idiot?  

The server as rules and by playing on it you automatically agree to follow them. If you go against them, you know what can happen. "Its just a game" is the lamest excuse. Yes its just a game but dont forget that people do invest alot of time in it and when you get KSed or ninja looted, its sucks, especially on something your are waiting on to drop.

Though in way for you to come here and apologize is a good start. You noticed you pissed some people off and know what others on the server think of your actions. I dont think you deserve to be banned since you came up forward agreeing of your mistake.  But dont forget you will be flagged and if it happens again you would be gone if you only get a warning.

The final decision on your pusnishement if any will be done by Hunter, based on proof shown here. Does it deserve a ban or a delevel or warning? I dont know. Only him will know and decide.

and dont forget... KSer or Ninja looters are always sorry after the fact... and they still win since they got what they wanted!

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 05, 2010, 09:59:02 am
I have not Ben Baned im just Hopeing i wont be baned, of corse i Am Admiting my Mistakes and i am Truly Sorry for what i have done...it would mean Alot too me if u guys Accept my Apology, i dont know what Came over me too do these things and would love too Continue playing on this server.


Of course you're sorry you have the threat of the ban hammer looming over you. I ask you this, had this thread not been made would you still be sorry and would you have stopped? The fact that you did this numerous times tells me no.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 05, 2010, 10:32:46 am
Well, I hope he gets banned. The fact that this has been reported on the forums several times means it probably happened more than that. His lack of remorse in the game indicates that he is only sorry that he might be banned. I've seen him loot rots before here and there but he wont be looting any of my rots anymore. I would rather destroy the rots than see trash like this get it.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: ieawenpo on May 05, 2010, 07:01:18 pm
I have not Ben Baned im just Hopeing i wont be baned, of corse i Am Admiting my Mistakes and i am Truly Sorry for what i have done...it would mean Alot too me if u guys Accept my Apology, i dont know what Came over me too do these things and would love too Continue playing on this server.

Ok, let me get this straight.
You stole before and apologized before and was warned before.
You stole again, apologized again.
Now you stole a 3rd time, we post the screenshots and you are "Really" sorry this time.

Sorry bro.
You are the definition of what bad gaming is.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 07:03:24 pm

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: geaann on May 05, 2010, 10:02:15 pm
I Would Like too Point out the Fact that "Its just a Game" Quote was Not From my Char. That is a Totally Different person

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 05, 2010, 10:04:19 pm
I Would Like too Point out the Fact that "Its just a Game" Quote was Not From my Char. That is a Totally Different person

Yep, and that person should be banned too.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 10:05:37 pm
I Would Like too Point out the Fact that "Its just a Game" Quote was Not From my Char. That is a Totally Different person

a totally different person, playing your character?

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 05, 2010, 10:06:43 pm
I Would Like too Point out the Fact that "Its just a Game" Quote was Not From my Char. That is a Totally Different person

Btw, that is about like throwing a bag of shit at someones car and saying, 'hey, it wasn't my bag...'

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: geaann on May 05, 2010, 10:12:09 pm
No Not really its me stateing that its Not my Char. i only have 1 char

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 10:14:15 pm
I Would Like too Point out the Fact that "Its just a Game" Quote was Not From my Char. That is a Totally Different person

Btw, that is about like throwing a bag of shit at someones car and saying, 'hey, it wasn't my bag...'

mental image of this... made me literally laugh out loud

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 05, 2010, 10:18:42 pm
Reading that you cracked up about it made me crack up too, lol.

Najikoon, even if you don't get banned I would create a different character. Your reputation is trashed. Only people who would group with you now are people who don't know or don't care. I have always said, reputation in eq is one of the most important pieces of equipment you can have.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 10:38:26 pm
Reading that you cracked up about it made me crack up too, lol.

Najikoon, even if you don't get banned I would create a different character. Your reputation is trashed. Only people who would group with you now are people who don't know or don't care. I have always said, reputation in eq is one of the most important pieces of equipment you can have.

Surely not better than my +5 Dirk of Quick Backstabbing?

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: sebekl on May 05, 2010, 10:39:09 pm
Lets play a game... How's my rep lol. no one know's me i know :(

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 10:45:38 pm
its ok, no one knows me either...

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: shea851 on May 06, 2010, 12:49:10 am
I always lock corpses with no drop loot that I want on a different character or for a friend.  Both in eq live, project1999, and ez server.  It's just the smart thing to do, since a lot of people can't (no keyboard?)/won't ask about rotting loot, they just grab it.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 06, 2010, 12:58:41 am
There is no can't. There is only wont. To suggest someone is playing without a keyboard is stretching things quite far.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: shea851 on May 06, 2010, 05:32:27 am
Hahah, yeah, I was only kidding about the no keyboard part.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Lodar on May 06, 2010, 07:01:52 am
Reading that you cracked up about it made me crack up too, lol.

Najikoon, even if you don't get banned I would create a different character. Your reputation is trashed. Only people who would group with you now are people who don't know or don't care. I have always said, reputation in eq is one of the most important pieces of equipment you can have.

Well after a fire beelte eye of course.... how will you see in the dark without one... well for people that create humans anyways!

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 06, 2010, 02:55:58 pm
Reed's +5 Dirk of Quick Backstabbing > Lodar's Firebeatle Eye of Sight > Xiggie's Armor of Reputation > That junk we get from PoG and PoD.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Reed on May 06, 2010, 07:50:32 pm
Reed's +5 Dirk of Quick Backstabbing > Lodar's Firebeatle Eye of Sight > Xiggie's Armor of Reputation > That junk we get from PoG and PoD.

All super rare drops from invis mobs, like the one i mentioned i was hunting in PoHate.
Never found him, made me sad faced.... *sigh*

Someone should find him for me. Name is "ShowEQ Users Are Lame"
its an invis mob.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 06, 2010, 10:41:59 pm
Speaking of invisible mobs... my brother made a ranger way back in the day. He was tracking in lavastorm and guess who showed up on his track list? Pain and Suffering. He actually tracked him to the middle of one of the lava pits, lol.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Reed on May 06, 2010, 10:44:27 pm
I really wanted to make an Invisible Mob thread. Show mobs around in EQ that people dont normally catch. not very many but cool to see them

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: qualin on May 07, 2010, 09:22:29 am
I heard there were invisible non targetable mobs in Iceclad ocean/  It was called "No wood here" or something.  It was placed there instead of the planks used in BFG quest, so that the quest would be broken.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Reed on May 07, 2010, 04:22:59 pm
I heard there were invisible non targetable mobs in Iceclad ocean/  It was called "No wood here" or something.  It was placed there instead of the planks used in BFG quest, so that the quest would be broken.

By Sony/ Verant? or you mean on this Emu server?
doesn't make sense they would purposely break a quest like that *shrug*

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Uxt on May 08, 2010, 12:16:30 pm
They removed the hidden NPC long ago, but what happened was players would get close and it would give off an emote saying "No wood here" kind of message. Because they were gone, wood no longer spawned, thus the quest was forever broken. No reason why they did, but the BFG was obviously an easter egg type of thing. (Who knows? Copyright infringement crap with Doom? lol)

Back on topic... met Najikoon in PoD a few days ago. Spoke in tells, for a good hour or so. He hung around and looted several upgrades, asking each time, and was very pleasant. I would've invited him had I had room in the group. Extremely friendly and thanked me every time he looted something or got a heal/cure. I think he's more than willing to gain a better reputation in the server community.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Warriorstack on May 08, 2010, 08:55:11 pm
About a week ago, he helped me do all of my 1.5 epic.  Real nice guy, didnt KS anyone that day.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Zephr on May 09, 2010, 07:10:49 am
He helps a lot of people. Just because you didn't see him KS doesn't mean he doesn't do it.
Also, Uxt, if you were caught breaking a rule, wouldn't you do things right to try and fight against it? He is doing it now because he doesn't want to be banned.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Reed on May 09, 2010, 01:28:41 pm
lol, i imagine the longer this thread is in existence ... the more embarrassment will follow this guy.

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: geaann on May 11, 2010, 08:24:47 am
i only did it the one time and i am working too get my Rep back...

Title: Re: Najikoon
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 11, 2010, 12:11:18 pm
Well, there were other complaints so it looks like it happen more than once. However I do have to say, your making a valiant effort at repairing your reputation. I am usually pretty quick to point out when someone does something wrong. I try to be just as quick on the flip side. Keep up the good work and you will be well on your way to earning a good reputation.