EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on May 03, 2010, 11:55:21 am

Title: Hunter AFK
Post by: Hunter on May 03, 2010, 11:55:21 am
Hey guys, I'm still checking my email twice a day, before and after work, for priorities etc. I didn't get a chance to work on EQ at all this weekend due to work needing extra help. Also, next weekend I'll be out of the house for my day off so no work on EQ next weekend as well, except for a few small things, like maybe compile new source code, and make sure everything is running smoothly.

I got at least 2 huge (secret) projects planned for more custom content in the game that will be announced only after its finished. Also need to polishing off things we already have like the T3/T4 spells, armor, revamping quest into a Task System, Update website front end, auto update Magelo, etc etc.

Just a reminder, as always, don't email me if the server goes down. If I'm busy or afk, worse case you'll need to wait for the auto 6am reboots. And if someone is greifing, pls don't email me with the drama unless you have screenshots and/or fraps video of it. Users police themselves here since I work 70 hrs a week. I've already banned plenty of people due to videos recorded of abusers. Play nice, or else you can still get banned for general greifing even if the actions are not specifically listed in the rules topic.

Mothers Day coming up so I'll probably be extra busy this week at work with increased freight, but I'll still be around checking emails and logged in on different accounts invisible.

Have fun!


Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Sickem on May 03, 2010, 01:51:36 pm
Mothers Day coming up so I'll probably be extra busy this week at work with increased freight, but I'll still be around checking emails and logged in on different accounts invisible.
Hunter is calling our mothers fat! lol.
No need to explain yourself for doing other stuff during the weekend, most people realize your just a normal joe like the rest of us. Very much appreciate the work you put into EZ though.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Lodar on May 03, 2010, 02:18:09 pm
Mothers Day coming up so I'll probably be extra busy this week at work with increased freight, but I'll still be around checking emails and logged in on different accounts invisible.
Hunter is calling our mothers fat! lol.
No need to explain yourself for doing other stuff during the weekend, most people realize your just a normal joe like the rest of us. Very much appreciate the work you put into EZ though.

ditto.. all work done is appreciated,,, i'm too will be away during this weekend so...

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 03, 2010, 09:26:21 pm
sooo.... secret projects? im intrigued sir...

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: robpickles on May 04, 2010, 07:45:09 am
Secret projects or Project with Secrets! LOL!

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 04, 2010, 04:28:27 pm
Oh, well....
That's still fine in my book. Less mysterious though...
-5 points

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Hunter on May 04, 2010, 05:06:04 pm
Secret projects or Project with Secrets! LOL!

I consider this harassing other players, and can be banned for it. Consider this your warning.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: ieawenpo on May 04, 2010, 05:19:32 pm
I thought it was meant as a joke bro.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 04, 2010, 06:01:40 pm
I thought it was meant as a joke bro.

thought it was a joke as well.
either way, warning considered

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: robpickles on May 04, 2010, 06:59:15 pm
Secret projects or Project with Secrets! LOL!

I consider this harassing other players, and can be banned for it. Consider this your warning.

It was just a joke - pun on the name....

Sorry no bad intentions Hunter.  I apologize if I offended you or Secrets.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Uxt on May 04, 2010, 07:00:02 pm
Was the Ultimate Charm one of the huge secrets?

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 04, 2010, 07:53:02 pm
It sure is Shiny, just saw the link in ooc from crab

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Chubb on May 04, 2010, 09:10:53 pm
every time i log in i usually ask to see a link of the ultimate charm.. i'm curious to see it  :D i guess i've just been on at the wrong times

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 04, 2010, 09:53:53 pm
made my mouth water, literally

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: ieawenpo on May 04, 2010, 11:35:15 pm
man, wish i grabbed an ss of the charm.
Crazy hours needed to achieve it though LOL.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Lodar on May 05, 2010, 06:55:30 am
2 words...

Omega Stone

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Uxt on May 05, 2010, 07:19:47 am
2 words...

Omega Stone

1 word...

No. :p

Ultimate Charm benefits warriors (dps, tanking, AE nukes) the most out of any other class, which warriors can farm for the charm best than any other class levels 1-25, and warriors are needed to upgrade the charm 25-50. So they get the most out of it, need it the most, and are the best choice of actually getting it. This snuffs out all the other classes wishing to attain that charm. The most overpowered class on the server just got three times more powerful... hooray.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: robpickles on May 05, 2010, 07:25:59 am
Maybe we need to make the Ultimate Charm only beneficial to PALADINS! LOL! - I have your back, Uxt!

I know Shollo would love to have one of these, but one that is useful to his class. hehehe

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: sebekl on May 05, 2010, 10:12:17 am
The charm will benefit every class.  Dont know how you can say it snuff's out every class.  Yes you need a tank and a group to get it but the charm is just as good for melee, casters as it is warriors.  You need hps to live dont you?  And there is an increased melee, casting, healing just like the other charms so I dont see what the problems is.  A lone warrior cant farm the 26-50 so I dont see what the problem is.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Uxt on May 05, 2010, 12:18:55 pm
The charm will benefit every class.  Dont know how you can say it snuff's out every class.  Yes you need a tank and a group to get it but the charm is just as good for melee, casters as it is warriors.  You need hps to live dont you?  And there is an increased melee, casting, healing just like the other charms so I dont see what the problems is.  A lone warrior cant farm the 26-50 so I dont see what the problem is.

I didn't say it only benefited warriors, I said warriors benefit the most. They're already many times powerful than some classes, literally killing machines as is. Ultimate Charm just magnifies the warrior even more, while my class (pretty much any hybrid) barely benefits from it at all. That's my point.

No, they can't solo charm upgrades 26-50, but someone has to tank in T3. Who do you think will get the upgrades first... a) the class doing less damage than the mob's regen, b) the class sitting far away dealing damage, c) the class healing, or d) the class tanking? a) won't achieve anything, b) doesn't need it nearly at all, c) doesn't either since healing is sufficient to keep tank alive, so d) will need it. Which class is D? The warrior. In other words, if you want 26+ charm upgrades, you'd better hope the warrior who's tanking doesn't want them.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: sebekl on May 05, 2010, 04:31:47 pm
i agree warrior's will probably benefit the most but I also think it should go to the dps/healers first since warriors in T3 right now can survive as is and do great dps already.  If more dps is done boss's die faster ie: rangers, monks ect..ect then healers and finally tanks.  Thats just my opinion on it.  If warriors can already live and switch between 21 sorc/25 guardian when stonewall is needed and sorc for dpsing since most people run 3 or more warriors why give it the the warriors first?  They will get more hps and a little more dps yes but if your dps has more hps/dps boss's are going to die faster.  Just my 2 cents

This is also just my veiw of T3 so far.  We rarely have tanks die more than the melee/clerics/ranged getting a little too close and getting ramp'd.  So I would think that the upgrades should go to the people dieing faster which in turn makes more dps and boss's dying faster.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Eliseus on May 05, 2010, 05:43:33 pm
Give to bards!

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 06:36:15 pm
My only complaint about it is, yeah its more geared towards warriors... ok, i dont mind. What i do mind is how it a great upgrade for all, but healers (who do have to deal with getting hit by AE stuff, so DO take dmg) cant upgrade to this because of the lack of healing focus.
not sure what stats on a lvl 50 oracle charm is, but im almost certain its not 50k hp and 300ac... im just saying i think the healing focus affect should be added to this "ultimate charm" to benefit all possible.

The only drawback (if you even consider it one) would be whether or not the oracle focus and the sorc focus would stack on SK lifetaps. would the lifetap get doubled, and the HP healed doubled again? cause that would make them invincible for sure.

Obviously no one really cared about the duration enhancement on old guardian aug, but the healing would be nice to include on it is all.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: sebekl on May 05, 2010, 10:32:33 pm
maybe you were mis-informed reed.  The ultimate charm is going to have all 4 focus effects from each of the charms along with something other goodies that haven't been released.  Just to let ya know.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 10:37:16 pm
well i saw the charm crab linked. it was the ultimate charm... no oracle focus

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: sebekl on May 05, 2010, 10:41:04 pm
they are still tweaking it i guess. it is supposed to have all of the 4 charm focus's

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 10:42:48 pm
See that would make sense, must be still tweaking then

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: robpickles on May 06, 2010, 08:17:46 am
Or maybe he only combined two of the charms so far.

Maybe you can add charms to the Ultimate Charm as you get them.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 06, 2010, 07:32:38 pm
i dont think so, im gonna log in and see if Crab will link it to me again. and put a pic up of it

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 06, 2010, 09:38:39 pm
maybe you were mis-informed reed.  The ultimate charm is going to have all 4 focus effects from each of the charms along with something other goodies that haven't been released.  Just to let ya know.


Also, special thanks to Crab for making this post possible, thanks for the link again

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Tibador on May 06, 2010, 09:44:16 pm
What hunter has said its being tweeked so right now its not what it will be eventually, when hunter gets time.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: vile on May 07, 2010, 02:17:31 am
why not remove all the focus effects and make them an aug that is slot 1 type 7 charm only

so then you can only have the 1 focus and no unfair stacking etc.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Crabthewall on May 07, 2010, 06:35:43 am
why not remove all the focus effects and make them an aug that is slot 1 type 7 charm only

so then you can only have the 1 focus and no unfair stacking etc.

Do you understand how this charm is made? You have to level all 4 of the other charms to 50 and then combine them. Why on earth wouldn't you get all the stacking effects that's kind of the point of making you level all the other charms up. It costs you 100 upgrades from LDON and 1600 red stones as well from Halls of Honor, it should be ridiculous in what it does.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: vile on May 07, 2010, 08:06:09 am
well make them class specific totaly op augs with custom focuses..

im not saying cheapen it or make it less awsome

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 07, 2010, 04:16:47 pm
with all the focuses on it, it encompasses all classes really. only tweek i could see (assuming it has all four focuses included already) is make the Mana on it 50k as well. So it helps Wizards, seeing as how their main goal in life of EZ is to accumulate as much mana as possible to burn.

If not 50k, maybe something double or more to what is on the lvl 50 sorc charm. i know MB is something like 3 dmg per 1 mana... so 50k mana on a charm = 150k dmg or something. maybe excessive, but hey.... thats how we like it on EZ.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Uxt on May 08, 2010, 10:02:47 am
why not remove all the focus effects and make them an aug that is slot 1 type 7 charm only

so then you can only have the 1 focus and no unfair stacking etc.

Do you understand how this charm is made? You have to level all 4 of the other charms to 50 and then combine them. Why on earth wouldn't you get all the stacking effects that's kind of the point of making you level all the other charms up. It costs you 100 upgrades from LDON and 1600 red stones as well from Halls of Honor, it should be ridiculous in what it does.


You told me you didn't know there was an ultimate charm a couple weeks ago, but you were the first to make it. Why were you carrying a level 50 oracle charm around all that time then, if you didn't know? O_o

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 08, 2010, 10:17:27 am
why not remove all the focus effects and make them an aug that is slot 1 type 7 charm only

so then you can only have the 1 focus and no unfair stacking etc.

Do you understand how this charm is made? You have to level all 4 of the other charms to 50 and then combine them. Why on earth wouldn't you get all the stacking effects that's kind of the point of making you level all the other charms up. It costs you 100 upgrades from LDON and 1600 red stones as well from Halls of Honor, it should be ridiculous in what it does.


You told me you didn't know there was an ultimate charm a couple weeks ago, but you were the first to make it. Why were you carrying a level 50 oracle charm around all that time then, if you didn't know? O_o

If i were the top character on the server, and had absolutely nothing better to do.... i would waste my time getting stuff that didn't benefit me too. Just for lols

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Crabthewall on May 08, 2010, 10:37:08 am
why not remove all the focus effects and make them an aug that is slot 1 type 7 charm only

so then you can only have the 1 focus and no unfair stacking etc.

Do you understand how this charm is made? You have to level all 4 of the other charms to 50 and then combine them. Why on earth wouldn't you get all the stacking effects that's kind of the point of making you level all the other charms up. It costs you 100 upgrades from LDON and 1600 red stones as well from Halls of Honor, it should be ridiculous in what it does.


You told me you didn't know there was an ultimate charm a couple weeks ago, but you were the first to make it. Why were you carrying a level 50 oracle charm around all that time then, if you didn't know? O_o

Haha I started work on it the second i heard about it :) Good news is Crab is where I keep all my cyan's, so all I had to do is make the 25's and I could complete the rest since I have tons of cyan's banked.

I'm also not sure I was the first, I know of at least 2 others on the server.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Tibador on May 08, 2010, 10:47:31 am
he was not the first but maybe the first earned if he did indeed farm it.

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 08, 2010, 11:41:50 am
he was not the first but maybe the first earned if he did indeed farm it.

people would buy it?
seems pricey

Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Hunter on May 08, 2010, 01:13:40 pm
Sorry, was on the road for a few days, just got home, and briefly read the post about the Ultimate Charm.

Yes, someone finally got an Ultimate Charm this week, but its not finished yet. Most of the stats are as intended, but as some have noticed, its missing the Oracle focus. I need to create a custom spell and upload / import the spell file so that the Ultimate Charm will have an Ultimate Focus which includes the Sorcer + Oracle all in 1, maybe even with increased percentages. The Brawler is on the Worn Effect and not Focus Effect, but I might change that as well with higher percentages. The item is almost finish, just need focus / worn effects updated in spell file, which I should have time to do that on Sunday. I'll be out part of Saturday.


Title: Re: Hunter AFK
Post by: Reed on May 08, 2010, 02:17:38 pm
Sounds great Hunter,
hope you had fun on your road trip. get some R&R