EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: monelyn on July 05, 2012, 03:33:17 pm

Title: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: monelyn on July 05, 2012, 03:33:17 pm
Sup EZ! My gaming bro and myself have decided to make EZ our home. The server is full of great content and we are having a blast leveling up! Now let's get down to business.

Group Composition:
Currently, our group composition is War/Pal/BST "Him" and Sk/Pal/Monk "Me". I am looking to add 3-5 more classes to my army, which classes would be the best choice? We are currently lacking range dps, is that a problem?

General Questions:
I have been reading about the RoA ring, would it be worth it to go ahead and level a bard/druid/shaman to make the leveling of our box army quicker?

Which toons should we UC first? I am guessing the Paladin then the Warrior?

I am currently running on an i5 3770, 8 gigs of ram and a meh "Geforce 240" Graphics card. How many clients do you think I can run?

Progression Paths:

Which zone should we grind AA's in?

The last time I played, I made it to QVIC, but the trash took forever to down. When should we attempt Qvic? 2.0's, 500+ AA's FG/CG? Or is the requirement more than that?

Sorry for all the questions, I searched around before posting this but I am sure the server has changed quite a bit!

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: marxist on July 05, 2012, 03:55:36 pm
You could probably box 20ish with proper settings. Ranged dps doesn't matter at all, but past t5 you'll need ucs on everything. Sk main tank is rough past t4. Probably will want a warrior and at least 2 healers in that group...3 is even better. I would recommend a bard as well. War / pal / cler / bard / pal / sk or dps would be very powerful and you could add a dps group later.

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: Natedog on July 05, 2012, 04:46:34 pm
Group Comp

DPS or Healer

DPS / Support

Follow this guideline and you can make it to T6 I'd think  8)

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: monelyn on July 05, 2012, 05:12:01 pm
Sounds good, it almost sounds like we would be better off running 2 wars instead of an SK though?

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: Fugitive on July 05, 2012, 05:13:09 pm
3 druids /  3 enchanters... MATA goes down quick..

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: Natedog on July 05, 2012, 05:22:26 pm
Sounds good, it almost sounds like we would be better off running 2 wars instead of an SK though?

Warriors are the best tank... however it is still possible to tank with SK.

I personally use War tank and a Paladin tank with XL shield.

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: Fugitive on July 05, 2012, 05:54:26 pm
Sounds good, it almost sounds like we would be better off running 2 wars instead of an SK though?

Warriors are the best tank... however it is still possible to tank with SK.

I personally use War tank and a Paladin tank with XL shield.

Warrior with a knight class back up is good... if 2 warriors just watch aggro bounce but other then that war/sk or war/pal works great...

but 3 druids 3 enchanters rocking .. way better then Hate's gimp grp...

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: monelyn on July 05, 2012, 06:03:53 pm
So are Shamans trash?

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: Natedog on July 05, 2012, 06:14:19 pm
So are Shamans trash?

I use a shaman as backup heals / kraken dealer.

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: viculus on July 05, 2012, 06:43:19 pm
A cleric is definitely a must for the word of vivification spell.  Maybe two clerics.

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: marxist on July 06, 2012, 12:11:58 am
Mark of emperor's might be better than word of viv. And you can kill in t6 single group but it is not easy

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: Kovou on July 06, 2012, 01:43:27 am
Mark of emperor's might be better than word of viv. And you can kill in t6 single group but it is not easy

i can attest to this as blarr and a few others know i've been clearing public when its up *which isnt often* well clearing as much as i can with a single group its hard going but once you get the hang of the mobs and adds it can be vbery rewarding

Title: Re: Group composition/General questions/Progression path
Post by: Chunka on July 07, 2012, 01:18:56 pm
Add a bard. Bard proc song is a monstrous add to dps...and the other songs a bard can add will make a massive diff on your team.