EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hunter on July 10, 2012, 05:14:03 pm

Title: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 10, 2012, 05:14:03 pm
Thinking about making an Ultimate Weapon quest that probably only 3-5 people on the server would ever earn. Something meant to be super rare and desired.

Would probably be something like 100 Essences per tier/rank in return for a weapon with super stats on it that would probably make 1 tank as powerful as 6 characters. Would be in Task Window so you could see/count the turn in.

Any ideas?

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Fugitive on July 10, 2012, 05:19:22 pm
Ok bring it =D Sounds cool btw!

Might have to log in.. I need to soon anyway

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Brokyn on July 10, 2012, 05:42:43 pm
Sorta sounds game breaking...

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Brutality38 on July 10, 2012, 05:56:11 pm
 ;D Anxiously awaiting!

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 10, 2012, 06:06:18 pm
So how many bosses would have to be killed to acquire the T6 Weapon?

At 100 essences per tier, that would be maybe 2000 bosses per tier?

Then T6 is actually 8 tiers, so 2,000 x 8 = 16,000 bosses?

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: hateborne on July 10, 2012, 07:29:33 pm
As much as I hate to make a positive reference to a game that has become synonymous with crap, but WoW had the process to legendaries almost right.

I would say that each tier needs some EXTREMELY rare component (plus 50-100 essences or whatever) from every tier, BUT ALLOW IT TO BE TRADEABLE. Say from tier bosses, but something like 1/15,000 (0.000066666666667) or something equally absurd. The reason this needs to be tradable is to both stimulate some form of trade and so any extremely hardcore player isn't stuck playing ungodly sucky odds (if memory serves, it's a "ballpark-ish" to square the chance to get near statistical certainty, like 15,0002 = 225,000,000).

Take some extremely rare (BUT TRADEABLE!!!) components, add in some grind for other components, and then maybe some exceptional end boss. I would like to see the end boss possibly summon add clones (generic pet NPCs based off of T6 + UC of any class, assuming FS/IS/NS rank 5).



Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Natedog on July 10, 2012, 09:26:28 pm
We already have a really nice "Tank" item that uses essences .. Shield of Ages.

Adding a weapon like this seems very overpowering. I'd be happy with new procs and clickies  for 4.5-6.0s

If we need another tiered item in the game I'd suggest Earring.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: hateborne on July 10, 2012, 10:27:04 pm
It needs to proc some Final Fantasy numbers.
+999% healing
+999% damage
Add Weapon Proc 9999 unclassified damage



Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Pukagiz on July 10, 2012, 10:59:50 pm
It needs to proc some Final Fantasy numbers.
+999% healing
+999% damage
Add Weapon Proc 9999 unclassified damage



gah makes me wanna break out the old FF games FFVII = teh win :P

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Warbash on July 10, 2012, 11:08:25 pm
Seems like an ok idea, does not knock my socks off though. Would rather see some clean up of issues / spells, the new tofs etc...

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Kovou on July 10, 2012, 11:08:47 pm
well if your gonna do 100+ essances i'd like to purpose that make the lower level essances a littel *not much or hand em to me* easier to find like qvic-T1 are simi easy..and get harder and hard to find T2-t4...then very hard to find T5-T6 *as it stands now i understnad T6 is fairly easy to find and T5 is still 100x easier to find then the others *yet i havent found that to be true but nate says lol* just an idea me and strix was shooting around to scale things a little bit and maybe scale the econamy

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Natedog on July 10, 2012, 11:20:56 pm
Essence economy is already in the crapper.. almost impossible to buy some of them already! =p

Using something other than essences for this Weapon and I'd be happy... add a new item to the loot tables maybe? =p

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Strix on July 11, 2012, 12:16:47 am
Seems like an ok idea, does not knock my socks off though. Would rather see some clean up of issues / spells, the new tofs etc...

I think I'm with Warbash on this one.  I am never going to own that item or even come close.  As it is - I doubt highly that I'm ever going to own the Scepter at Rank 10 without purchasing it. 

Really, if there is going to be a steady release of teirs for the next few years the Epic Weapon will probably just sit there as a time sink no one bothers with (especially seeing as how the essences are so hard to get to begin with and the use of them leveling Augs is just too valuable).  I'm still working on essences from T5 and it's almost 6 months since I geared through that teir (albeit I'm bringing some alts through there now to make the hunt for more essences efficent).  T6 is a little easier but at the current rate of play it'll be well past Christmas 2013 before I'm totally done with the zone.


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 11, 2012, 12:37:34 am
As much as I hate to make a positive reference to a game that has become synonymous with crap, but WoW had the process to legendaries almost right.

I would say that each tier needs some EXTREMELY rare component (plus 50-100 essences or whatever) from every tier, BUT ALLOW IT TO BE TRADEABLE. Say from tier bosses, but something like 1/15,000 (0.000066666666667) or something equally absurd. The reason this needs to be tradable is to both stimulate some form of trade and so any extremely hardcore player isn't stuck playing ungodly sucky odds (if memory serves, it's a "ballpark-ish" to square the chance to get near statistical certainty, like 15,0002 = 225,000,000).

Take some extremely rare (BUT TRADEABLE!!!) components, add in some grind for other components, and then maybe some exceptional end boss. I would like to see the end boss possibly summon add clones (generic pet NPCs based off of T6 + UC of any class, assuming FS/IS/NS rank 5).




Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: wolfegunr on July 11, 2012, 01:30:47 am
This sounds like the end of the game entirely to me. It's kinda silly, and not really fun to spend a million hours (Doing the same crap we have been doing already over and over again) for one item no matter how powerful. Grinds I understand, but super-grinds are not fun at all. UC is about the limit of grind for the hardcore on the server. Believe me, having to do multiples of this quest is what seperates the hard core from the casual players.

We already have an item that is like you suggest, the scepter of time. Has anyone actually even maxed out a scepter yet that didn't buy or earn one as a reward here? If there are such people, You could do a sceptor of time V2 with something like twice the stats and base it in new zone where you simple change the drops and let it ride. You don't have to be creative here, it is a terrible, boring, crappy grind for the few who can stomach the nausea and pain associated with such a task, after all. Hell, even better.. Just make it level 11 now and make it two level 10  combines. The more repetitive the better for the hardcore of the hardcore, right? Sounds like fun!

Am I saying no more grinds? Absolutely not! Just saying its best to keep it in line with the progression of the UC. We come out with a UC3 next tier and have it similar to the way T6 works. These are a crap ton of work, and the reward is sustainable and not game-breaking.

Incremental power ups in tiers is the way to go for sustainability and continuation of the server. I like the way It progressed up to T6. T7 should be next step up from T6 and be something like 30-50% harder and in the end balance out to make you 30-50% more powerful. This allows us to power up to the level with the toons we have, rather than (say with a 60% harder zone, 30% power up) having to simply make even more toons to compensate for the powerup v zone difficulty.

      One thing about T6 is it pretty much forces you to have a crew of 12 now to grind V2 efficiently. This is a problem, because now you have to get even more UC's (although pet classes help off-set this due to not having to UC them to add dps). I'm not complaining here, I actually like this setup, but I feel this is the limit. If we have to have 3 groups for T7, it's getting ridiculous.

This is a BOXING server, not a primarily guild raiding server don't fool yourself... and don't think that this doesn't make it fun because it is awsome this way. Guilds get together at the release of a new zone to break into it and explore (should be this way), but emus and this server specifically cannot and will not sustain a constant raiding environment where it would take 4-5 groups weeks to outfit one toon in the guild. 2 groups is the sweet spot for content here, with 3-5 groups being pretty much mandatory at the introduction of the new zone.

This is logical progression that will keep the maximum entertainment value. New areas to explore, new bosses to encounter. Honestly if you want more ideas, more content your developement community is right here feeding ideas and scripting code.

Old encounters re-done and re-vamped is the fastest way to push out more content, and scripting tweaks are the way to make old ideas new. I would love to see SSRA redone, I would love to see Dragon Necropolis or Temple of Veeshan redone. You could do an old zone then a newer, less used zone every other tire. We could get a new tier every year this way and skyrocket this server's fun value.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Natedog on July 11, 2012, 02:22:13 am
There are 0 completed scepters (by normal means) by the way Wolfegunr.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 11, 2012, 02:30:13 am
Ultimate Weapon quest/reward would take me 1 hr to make vs 100s of hrs for end game hardcore players to achieve. It would NOT calc into the balance for any tiers.

Already have plans for T7 that is a cross between Halloween Event, Abyss, and Anguish that would take me 2 full weekends to make.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Natedog on July 11, 2012, 02:40:38 am
Ultimate Weapon quest/reward would take me 1 hr to make vs 100s of hrs for end game hardcore players to achieve. It would NOT calc into the balance for any tiers.

Already have plans for T7 that is a cross between Halloween Event, Abyss, and Anguish that would take me 2 full weekends to make.

1100+ hours to achieve with that many essences.. already did the math! .. also that math is based on how fast i kill which is over 2mil dps
Also not counting the time required to farm Qvic essences or HoH tokens... since i have a crap ton

Only way it would be achieved if an entire server farmed essences for me! /wink /wink

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 11, 2012, 02:44:00 am
Buy them off other players too.

Even the UC would be 100x more common. The UC is no longer enough to say your more hardcore than many others that have it too.

This new UW would be best item ever, better than scepter 10, or Shield XL. Would def put players at several million HP and maybe 300-500k dps or higher. Bet only 1-3 players ever get it anyways.

I could understand some get upset cause they know they'll never get one. But it would create even more demand for essence.

Haven't even toyed with idea of requiring millions of plat yet, or charm upgrades.

Never played Starwars Galaxies but heard how hard it was to become Jedi and after getting that you weren't allowed to show off without consequences.

Wonder if I could make the weapon have every npc hate you when equipped, maybe reverse chanter alliance buff / effect.

Being this rare, I'd be willing to clone the UW final tier into any weapon graphic desired and rename it. But would have to be super rare else I'd spend too much time customizing lol.

How did you figure 1100 hrs?

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: wolfegunr on July 11, 2012, 02:58:25 am
TY for your feedback, Didn't mean to write a book but I am passionate about this server. I want to see it keep progressing. I appreciate your work and time you put into this, there are not many people that can say they keep 200+ people entertained in their spare time.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 11, 2012, 03:19:01 am
There will be many more tiers coming and will try to keep the end game as 1-2 groupable.

Even without ranked quested items (UC, Sceptre, Shield) players will still get over 1 million HP in next few tiers.

Already planned jewelry ranks for ToFS, maybe similar to our LDoN style we had 5 years ago if anyone remembers or was here to remember.

This UW is just a quickie 1 hr for me to make, gives end gamers something to work on after already max gear, and of course carrot on the stick shinny thing for players to link/brag. It won't take away any time from working on T7+ and it's not the end of my never ending project of EZ Server.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Natedog on July 11, 2012, 03:28:15 am

How did you figure 1100 hrs?

To farm the plat... in T6 at my rate of killing 2mil+ dps  .... 565 Hours in T6  (About 500,000 plat per hour here) 282,500,000 ~~ plat from that
565 hours is about.. 188 clears at my rat of killing... so.. 188-200~ Anguish Essences... trade 88-100 of them for Abyss essences

So now I have about 200 of the essences done... pay for the other 500 Essences at 3x the Value -- and im left with less than 40mill

Factor in.. Buying / trading the essences.. easily another 500+ hours even paying 3x the value.

Not saying I won't be trying for the item.. I just like to try and factor how long it will take ME to do it... other people.. will most likely never see it unless it is linked to them lol

100x each Paying 3x the "Normal price" btw.. 247,500,000 total plat lol

Dragon minor

Dragon Major

God Minor

God Major

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 11, 2012, 03:35:17 am
Probably would be a ranked reward per tier, so UWv1 only require Qvic essence, and work your way up to next reward rank via tacvi etc.

Or SW Galaxies style of NO mid quest reward, just 1 final reward after doing the whole quest.

How about pet classes can give a copy to their pets? Imagine a pet with 3-5 million HP and 500k+ dps.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 11, 2012, 03:36:29 am
Omg I just said the word imagine. A very powerful word if anyone ever done public speaking.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Natedog on July 11, 2012, 03:38:38 am
Pet dual wielding Ultimate Weapons.. hmmm that would be interesting lol

Imagine how much people would mock the person for getting Ultimate weapon on a pet class.... lol

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 11, 2012, 03:40:29 am
So "normal" price is about 80 million? That is only 4x more than Shield XL

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Natedog on July 11, 2012, 03:44:38 am
So "normal" price is about 80 million? That is only 4x more than Shield XL

XL shield is 24,679,145 in just plat to vendor

XL Shield with SLS cost + Essence cost = 59,829,145 plat (100% buying everything at current server value)

So if the UW was 80mil in just plat that would be "normal" for how amazing it is sounding lol

But factor in other items required for UW I'm guessing the "value" of the item would increase even further.. especially if it was 100 of each essence.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 11, 2012, 03:49:43 am
Just like mega lotto stuff, the reward would be so high that people would try.

Def a game breaking item and I couldn't imagine more than 1 tank per large high end guild to have one.

Back to work for me, ttyl.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: metsu on July 11, 2012, 03:52:10 am
do we need 100* Abyss essences ? :-X

Dont think you'll be able to get abyss essences that easily in this server even you are overpaying for it.
most higher tier players will start to keep them, very few will sell it. since T5 is still not a playground for mid tier players.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Natedog on July 11, 2012, 03:56:49 am
do we need 100* Abyss essences ? :-X

Abyss essences would be the hardest to farm obviously lol.. I can clear the zone multiple times and not see a single one.

Definitely need a mob like OMM to spawn once zone is cleared! /wink /wink

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 11, 2012, 04:01:09 am
Sort of like White (v2)?

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Natedog on July 11, 2012, 04:12:27 am
Sort of like White (v2)?

More like a Rainbow! ,... but ya definitely need something for that zone

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Strix on July 11, 2012, 04:47:36 am
Just like mega lotto stuff, the reward would be so high that people would try.

A lotto (where you do very little for the possibilty of a high end reward) and a 12 month plus grind are not really the same thing. 

The only thing you have currently that is even remotely similar to this item is the Scepter of Time. 

There are 0 completed scepters (by normal means).

And this is for an item that is more than 12 months old now and, at the time, was fairly game-breaking in terms of the amount of hps on it.

And the UW is going to be easily 10 or 20 times harder than the Scepter to get.


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Strix on July 11, 2012, 04:54:29 am
Sort of like White (v2)?

That would be Awesome :D

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: viculus on July 11, 2012, 06:56:35 am
I appreciate the time and effort Hunter and Hate put into this server.  I am all for putting in some hardcore items for the hardest of the hardcore.  That being said, I would like to also see more mid difficulty items implemented say half as tough as a UC or something for maybe an ear or neck slot.  This would also make it possibly more fun and exciting for the mid range folks who still can remain casual and see a great item or two out of it.  Nothing crazy game breaking but perhaps something that makes progressing a little easier on those that can't/don't want to 12box a group to progress.  It could be something for the t3-4 range as I've found that can be a big obstacle now with the recent changes and up to that point most of it is easily doable by one group or a 4.0+ necro.

We already have the XL shield, Scepter, and possibly this UW who are for the top elite of the server (arguably UC as well but it's mostly just time consuming and not too gear intensive for folks to achieve).

P.S.  Thanks for listening to the tiki crystals becoming stackable Hunter +100

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hampage on July 11, 2012, 10:49:05 am
Any ETA on adding essences to the EZ Rewards NPC?


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 11, 2012, 11:21:19 am
Any ETA on adding essences to the EZ Rewards NPC?


Probably this weekend, and probably 5 credits each.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Stormcougar on July 11, 2012, 12:46:37 pm
Could also make the particle effects embarrassing enough that no one would want to have it equipped publicly and name it The Faerie Sword of the Pretty Pony Princess.


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Kovou on July 11, 2012, 01:59:42 pm
How about pet classes can give a copy to their pets? Imagine a pet with 3-5 million HP and 500k+ dps.

instead of giving pet classes a copy of it why not make it if they do finish the quest their pet weapons from Casters guild get updated to the UW fort hem would be like Fireblade Vfinal or something lol that why they can always give them to pets?

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Nexxel on July 11, 2012, 02:43:03 pm
How about pet classes can give a copy to their pets? Imagine a pet with 3-5 million HP and 500k+ dps.

instead of giving pet classes a copy of it why not make it if they do finish the quest their pet weapons from Casters guild get updated to the UW fort hem would be like Fireblade Vfinal or something lol that why they can always give them to pets?

I could see the benifit both ways. With the ability of casters to give a "copy" to there pet as Hunter stated, it would still allow the caster to have the original for himself for the stat bonus.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: hateborne on July 11, 2012, 06:09:56 pm
Just like mega lotto stuff, the reward would be so high that people would try.

Def a game breaking item and I couldn't imagine more than 1 tank per large high end guild to have one.

Back to work for me, ttyl.

This item clearly needs to be ALL/ALL.

Reason being? What would piss off the other players more than a wizard with a sword adding ~250k hp, +999% spell damage, +999% healing, and 9999dmg melee proc?

Nothing I tell you, n-o-t-h-i-n-g.


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Fugitive on July 11, 2012, 06:50:16 pm
Don't you have to finish T5.. before making empty threats?

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: hateborne on July 11, 2012, 07:18:38 pm
Don't you have to finish T5.. before making empty threats?


*sob quietly*


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Fliker on July 11, 2012, 10:05:12 pm
Don't you have to finish T5.. before making empty threats?


*sob quietly*



Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Camric on July 12, 2012, 10:44:37 am
My suggestion is to make an exceptional item less available and not through grinding, but by rareness.   
Here is how it works:

Using the existing zones and starting with just one, modify the named NPC(s) to drop a rare item of legendary status.  Of course the content must be strengthened to match the quality of the drop, so players should expect a very difficult encounter.

Once complete, the zone would go live for a couple of days and then programmatically set back to the original content during the normally reboot.  The zone wouldn’t be announced nor the timing.  It would be up to the players to find the “Hot Zone” and make the most of it.  I would also suggest that instancing not be allowed.  There shouldn’t be any need for instances as each named in the zone would be more than enough to satisfy several groups or raids.  Think of EQ camps like in Seb or Guk where a group would occupy a camp working on one or two named.

The controlling mechanism for switching on and off content would be automated to remove the need for manual intervention.  Additionally, when new zones are added, there would be randomness to which zone was live and for how long.  Only one zone would be live at anyone time, unless otherwise decided by Hunter, which again, would be configurable based on the design.  The intent is to keep players guessing and to create rareness in the game so items can't be perma-farmed while searching for those elite items.   

As new zones came online variety in drops could be expanded to help with itemization.  Providing Hunter the ability to tune/tweak content as well as controlling the frequency in which zones were live.

Keep in mind not only is the content difficult but the legendary item is rare.  So even if you do kill the named, which is a huge accomplishment in itself, there’s no guarantee the legendary item drops.  Because the zones are only live for a couple of days, there’s not a lot of time to figure out strategies.  This also encourages community via grouping with others or forming a guild.

I would be happy to help layout a design and/or work with Hate to develop the mechanism to make the framework possible.

Just my 2 cents.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: hateborne on July 12, 2012, 05:56:46 pm
While I like the suggestion above, I really would like to see ToFS then T7 first. There can be other ways to add to the economy without adding some utterly server destroying item. Don't get me wrong, I understand the need to give the ultra high players something to continue fighting towards...but it seems slightly wasteful at the moment. Maybe as a filler after ToFS, but before T7 (or after both).

If need be, I can start working up some tradeskill recipes that consume essences and other random doodads to make some killer items. Just trying to prevent disappearing into the blackhole for at least another week or so. Trying not to bury Hunter in my random nonsense. :-D

Just my opinion though, please don't crucify me over it!


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Natedog on July 12, 2012, 06:49:48 pm
No Hate.. just no....

We don't need anymore items consuming Essences... just no...

Essences should continue to upgrade Augs / SoA  into the next tier...

Any new uber items should require something new.. and fun perhaps

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Griz on July 12, 2012, 06:51:48 pm
Yeah, I'd really like if there was some other item used for shield of ages instead of superior lightstones. It could be similarly boring to farm, but anything that comes from mobs that don't spend 75% of their time under the world would be welcome.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: hateborne on July 12, 2012, 06:56:23 pm
No Hate.. just no....

We don't need anymore items consuming Essences... just no...

Essences should continue to upgrade Augs / SoA  into the next tier...

Any new uber items should require something new.. and fun perhaps


Another point for Hate.  *flex*.


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Natedog on July 12, 2012, 06:59:12 pm
If we really need essences for another item... make some Caster augs... that use tons of plat and essences /nod

Twin-Cast .. comes to mind.. for slot 8 aug... /wink /wink

Edit... Actually twin-cast probably wouldnt work right as an aug...

Maybe a clickie item that is upgraded with essences and every upgrade increases the % chance to Twin-Cast a spell

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Blurring on July 12, 2012, 07:07:32 pm
If we really need essences for another item... make some Caster augs... that use tons of plat and essences /nod

The sooner something like this is implemented the better. As it is now melee have huge dps potential that comes at a high cost; casters have low-moderate dps potential but at an extremely low cost. The disparity is so extreme that soon it will be the far cheaper and less time consuming option to roll/gear/flag new casting chars rather than pay the various prices for an aug upgrade. (kinda :p) The idea of upgradeable spells and such (combine wiz nuke + 2 Anguish Essences + 2 SLS + Rare Magical Component to make Wiz Nuke II) I think will be more and more critical for EZServer as content progresses.

I think you're on the right track, Paldail, as something like that would take a lot less work development wise while remaining effective for all casting classes.

Sorry to further derail topic!

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: hateborne on July 12, 2012, 07:30:13 pm
Blurring and Paldail, I am aware. This comes up often. It looks like there will probably need to be three classes of caster augs as well. Maybe Twincast, +dmg to DoTs (or a DoT itself), and maybe a short duration set amount HoT proc from heals.

--------Here come the problems---------

How does one qualify for one or the other?
A played (non boxed) shaman may gain a massive benefit from Twincast, but a boxed may get more from the DoT aug. A mage would gain nothing from the DoT, but possibly too high from twincast. A wizard would also gain nothing from DoT, but could take out the sun with a few good twincast procs. Hell, I am already doing unholy amounts of damage with Hate per cast (but from my understanding, still greatly below the NS users).

How would it be handled for classes doing too much?
We obviously can't just say "lol f u wizards and magi", but we also don't want them to become the ONLY source of great dps either. So, how can we appease them without creating another class of augs just for them?

How can we prevent homogenization?
This was a big deal before Ninjastrikes. Everyone just rolled warrior/paladins with an odd cleric. If a generic "proc some damage" aug comes out, it would benefit some EXTREMELY well and/or do little-to-nothing for others.

Not trying to puncture any ideas, I mean ffs I run three wizards. I would like to advance my main wizards' damage to extreme amounts...but in a relative way. I don't want to see any class become the next "go-to" class that everyone rushes to gear up. That shit sucks.


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Griz on July 12, 2012, 08:44:34 pm
Does EMU support the "on spell cast" procs that were added in uh... underfoot I guess?

Type 4s could be like, just extra damage proc on spellcasts, or a heal proc on spellcasts.
Type 8s could be fancy, like twincast buff proc, mana return, or a 6s buff that gives extra crit chance (+10% per rank). Really depends what is actually supported.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: metsu on July 12, 2012, 08:51:11 pm
i think we should lower the dps/hp of pets . it makes melee look silly to spend tons on time to make augs while necros/mage can summon uber pets just by getting their epics, dont need UC, RoA, Uber gear. that's just unfair.
necros should stick to their DOTs . make some really ubers DOTs to make the necro farm their UC. Make augs that add Spell damage that stacks with UC focus. make them balance with melees by items and not balance by making pets so uber that will match with melee dps.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 12, 2012, 09:13:15 pm
Charms with spell damage increase was initially suppose to benefit casters. Procs getting increased was an unexpected side effect honestly.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 12, 2012, 09:17:51 pm
If I made Augs via Essences for casters, would this make casters skip getting the Sorcer/UC? Esp if the new Augs had higher mod?

We are off topic by the way.

Ultimate Weapon is simple. Takes me 1 hour to make and players 1000+ hrs to earn (super über rare).

DPS/Augs for different topic/thread.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Warbash on July 12, 2012, 09:47:30 pm
Why not just add +spell / dot damage to the melee augs equal to the melee dps increase that is boosted by charms? This may increase sk, pal and rng dps but so what, they could use it.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: hateborne on July 12, 2012, 09:51:25 pm
If I made Augs via Essences for casters, would this make casters skip getting the Sorcer/UC? Esp if the new Augs had higher mod?

We are off topic by the way.

Ultimate Weapon is simple. Takes me 1 hour to make and players 1000+ hrs to earn (super über rare).

DPS/Augs for different topic/thread.

LoL yeah yeah, we all suck with our ADD and trying to stay focuOMGLOOKATHEDOGGY

Whew sorry. It happens.


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Kovou on July 12, 2012, 11:13:32 pm
Honestly i wasnt going to comment but i will say this the aug idea is nice but as boss man said is off topic pleae make a new thread for it... honestly i kind of like the idea of the UW but i really really hate the idea of using more essances and SLS for anything lol honestly i think it'd be better to do ultra rare items form named mobs...or just adding items....

There are lots of ways hell if he wants to put in ultra rare items he could use old zones like SSra (item from every named in here) then Sseru (form the 4 key bosses and Lord Seru) and make sue of the old luclin stuff and old world and/or PoP named would be awesome to know

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Strix on July 13, 2012, 02:33:27 am
My suggestion is to make an exceptional item less available and not through grinding, but by rareness.   
Here is how it works:

Using the existing zones and starting with just one, modify the named NPC(s) to drop a rare item of legendary status.  Of course the content must be strengthened to match the quality of the drop, so players should expect a very difficult encounter.

Once complete, the zone would go live for a couple of days and then programmatically set back to the original content during the normally reboot.  The zone wouldn’t be announced nor the timing.  It would be up to the players to find the “Hot Zone” and make the most of it.  I would also suggest that instancing not be allowed.  There shouldn’t be any need for instances as each named in the zone would be more than enough to satisfy several groups or raids.  Think of EQ camps like in Seb or Guk where a group would occupy a camp working on one or two named.

The controlling mechanism for switching on and off content would be automated to remove the need for manual intervention.  Additionally, when new zones are added, there would be randomness to which zone was live and for how long.  Only one zone would be live at anyone time, unless otherwise decided by Hunter, which again, would be configurable based on the design.  The intent is to keep players guessing and to create rareness in the game so items can't be perma-farmed while searching for those elite items.   

As new zones came online variety in drops could be expanded to help with itemization.  Providing Hunter the ability to tune/tweak content as well as controlling the frequency in which zones were live.

Keep in mind not only is the content difficult but the legendary item is rare.  So even if you do kill the named, which is a huge accomplishment in itself, there’s no guarantee the legendary item drops.  Because the zones are only live for a couple of days, there’s not a lot of time to figure out strategies.  This also encourages community via grouping with others or forming a guild.

I would be happy to help layout a design and/or work with Hate to develop the mechanism to make the framework possible.

Just my 2 cents.

This sounds cool :)

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Camric on July 14, 2012, 12:08:15 pm
Thanks Strix -

The whole idea came from thinking of what I enjoyed most about EZ and specifically which events/encounters.

The Halloween event is by far my favorite encounter, while ever long grinds (Scepter, UC, etc) with little change in scenery is my least favorite.  When contrasting that with # of players during daily activity which represents long grinds vs the Halloween event, there is no comparison.  The server population skyrockets during the Halloween event by 200% or more.   In my mind, that translates to players wanting more dynamic content and less continual grinds.  In fact, it's very possible that EZ could rival P99 regarding population with more "Halloween like" content similar to what was suggested in providing random content with legendary items.  Another point of reference for such dynamic content where populations spiked on live is the "Fable" events. 

Ultimately, the point is to provide content for players to enjoy without increasing the effort of the system owner.


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 14, 2012, 02:47:44 pm
T7 is planned for similar to Halloween.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Nexxel on July 14, 2012, 03:10:03 pm
Awsome, Now to get on an try and get outa t5  ;D

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Strix on July 14, 2012, 06:33:16 pm
 In my mind, that translates to players wanting more dynamic content and less continual grinds. 

Cam - 100% spot on!!!

There is a carrying capactity to the tolerace players have for grinds.  Not just on EZ but in MMOs in general.  It was an early answer to player addiction in Everquest but it soon became obvious to Sony that there needed to be other ways to hook players.  Dynamic content was that answer. 

Really, the grind required to get the Scepter is beyond the limit of even the most dedicated EQ player who have been on EZ for years.  It is neither fun or interesting and doesn't yeild anything that will really make a difference.  It's kind of funny to think that you can create 12+ toons all T5 and fully Augged in less time than it takes to put a useless rank 10 scepter on one toon.

It's about the math I guess. 

Do I spend 1000+ hours getting a UW (and turning myself insane at the same time) or do I grind out 20+ toons and be 10 times more powerful in the process?

Getting back to your idea Cam - I think that Legendary Items (like an Ultimate Weapon) don't need to be game-breaking to make players lust after them.  Just the chance to get an item with Legendary status with stats a couple of teirs higher than the current end game items would be enough to do it.

And make them damn rare in dynamic content.


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Lexington on July 16, 2012, 06:28:23 am
true, but atleast with the scepter you can get the 10 ranks for all ur 20 characters at the same time as you get it for one since it's a task. :)

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Camric on July 17, 2012, 10:19:38 am
true, but atleast with the scepter you can get the 10 ranks for all ur 20 characters at the same time as you get it for one since it's a task. :)

Fair point, and there needs to be some content like this.

For legendary items that have unique stats that are highly desired it should be rare and worthy of the effort.  Again, the idea is to create content that doesn't feel like an endless grind that is strictly repeatable.  But more of a challenge, adventure, and something entertaining that players will invest time to earn and enjoy the entire process.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 17, 2012, 11:03:04 am
I'm trying to make each tier, and each grind quest, different from each other.

RoA - Re-Leveling
Charms - Uber Rare Drops
Sceptre - Task Kill Quest for whole raid to get same time
Shield - Boss kills from each tier

Each Tier zone is different, from Place Holders, to no trash, boss gem turn ins, triggered spawns, A to B dungeon crawls like Anguish, Muliple zones like LDoN, or just randomly killing trash/bosses for chance of loot like BoT. Next zone T7 expected to be a new style as well (although similar to Halloween Event).

I am looking for new ideas for grind, and ways to earn uber gear without seeming like a boring grind.

Will continue to read everyones input.


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: metsu on July 17, 2012, 11:11:53 am
can consider a quest that needs to turn in 100 of each ore. /run away~~

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Kovou on July 17, 2012, 11:49:56 am
i think it'd be uniqe to hae a quest not use essances and SLS's lol....i like the idea of essance of nature *from PoGrowth* lol anyway there's alot you can do and have enjoyed reading everyone's ideas so far.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Danjal on July 17, 2012, 12:28:01 pm
I'm trying to make each tier, and each grind quest, different from each other.

RoA - Re-Leveling
Charms - Uber Rare Drops
Sceptre - Task Kill Quest for whole raid to get same time
Shield - Boss kills from each tier

Each Tier zone is different, from Place Holders, to no trash, boss gem turn ins, triggered spawns, A to B dungeon crawls like Anguish, Muliple zones like LDoN, or just randomly killing trash/bosses for chance of loot like BoT. Next zone T7 expected to be a new style as well (although similar to Halloween Event).

I am looking for new ideas for grind, and ways to earn uber gear without seeming like a boring grind.

Will continue to read everyones input.

I noticed just about anything can be auged but the charm. I would like to see an aug specifically for the charm ( since its already socket 7 you can't put it somewhere else ). Maybe something like the old pop charm, not aug, that got better with the flags you got from killing pop progression bosses. You could make it start at qvic, getting a flag for all the 15 bosses, then tacvi, pod,pog etc. Each time you get a flag or maybe the tier your aug gets better. You could even put in extras for old world dungeons.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Strix on July 17, 2012, 03:54:04 pm
RoA - Re-Leveling
Charms - Uber Rare Drops
Sceptre - Task Kill Quest for whole raid to get same time
Shield - Boss kills from each tier

Each of these grinds are dynamically different.  And with the exception of the Scepter (currently), all seem within reach with just the right amount of encouragement for players along the way to keep at it.

The Sceptre represents a grind on the server that is the threshold of tolerance.  You could set up the grind for the UW to be of equal difficulty to the scepter and still see nobody with it in 18 months from now.

If the grinds are meant to stagger - you could drop the difficulty of the sceptre marginally (ie. Players could recieve a lvl 1 scepter for killing the bosses in clumps of 5). 

eg.  One run = 2 x lvl 1 Sceptres. 

While this would halve the difficulty level of achieving the sceptre I would still maintain its level of top difficult grind on the server (excluding the UW) whilst giving players incentive to keep going.

Some thoughts:

Fastest times I've seen these completed (not purchased from Rewards bot):
RoA = 1 week
Charms = 2 weeks
Shield = 1 day
Sceptre - 12 months (and still counting)

UW (in current form) - 3 years +???

Average length of a player on EZ server = 7 months (Basing this on 141 players who have come through HoS from March 11, 2011 to now).

Average length of player currently in T6 atm = approx. 2 years


At drop rate of 2 essences per day (which is a little high for casual players) the fastest time frames on UW will look like this:
100 x Qvic = 50 days
100 x Tacvi = 50 days
100 x PoD = 100 days
100 x PoG = 100 days
100 x Abyss = 100 days (2 per day is not realistic on these)
100 x Angish = 100 days

Fastest Total Time = 500 days

And this is assuming you won't use any Essences to Aug yourself as you go.  Add gearing into this equation and you have a grind of 3 years or more.

It also assumes the high end will do nothing more for the next 3 years pursuing this item.
On a server where you're most dedicated players have been here on average 2 years - you might as well make this item and tell us it's a million essences each teir.

I almost wonder if 50 per teir is still too much?


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: lerxst2112 on July 17, 2012, 05:40:41 pm
I noticed just about anything can be auged but the charm. I would like to see an aug specifically for the charm ( since its already socket 7 you can't put it somewhere else ). Maybe something like the old pop charm, not aug, that got better with the flags you got from killing pop progression bosses. You could make it start at qvic, getting a flag for all the 15 bosses, then tacvi, pod,pog etc. Each time you get a flag or maybe the tier your aug gets better. You could even put in extras for old world dungeons.

Augmenting the charm seems like a good idea, but in practice it'd be a pain in the ass.  Every time you wanted to upgrade your charm you'd need to remove the aug, apply the upgrade in the magic box, then aug the charm again, otherwise the aug would poof.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: hateborne on July 17, 2012, 06:39:52 pm
I noticed just about anything can be auged but the charm. I would like to see an aug specifically for the charm ( since its already socket 7 you can't put it somewhere else ). Maybe something like the old pop charm, not aug, that got better with the flags you got from killing pop progression bosses. You could make it start at qvic, getting a flag for all the 15 bosses, then tacvi, pod,pog etc. Each time you get a flag or maybe the tier your aug gets better. You could even put in extras for old world dungeons.

Augmenting the charm seems like a good idea, but in practice it'd be a pain in the ass.  Every time you wanted to upgrade your charm you'd need to remove the aug, apply the upgrade in the magic box, then aug the charm again, otherwise the aug would poof.

Keep in mind the nightmare that is upgrading a weapon. Remove all 3 augs, turn in components for next epic, then slot dance to get them back into place.

Danjal, you aren't alone. ;-)


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Griz on July 18, 2012, 12:04:08 am
Well, just keep the 7 in the UC/UCv2, but remove the aug slot from all other charms?

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: lerxst2112 on July 18, 2012, 12:28:02 am
Keep in mind the nightmare that is upgrading a weapon. Remove all 3 augs, turn in components for next epic, then slot dance to get them back into place.

There are 50 levels of charm and each upgrade is lore.  People are already crying that charm farming takes too long, imagine the qq if they had to do the aug dance every time they found an upgrade so they would be able to pick up the next one.

Upgrading an auged weapon is also a pita, but it happens less often and you're already standing next to an aug pool.

Putting it on the UC/UCv2 is an idea, but then you're just catering to the uber people and making everyone else sad that they can't be uber too.

I think it's be cool to put something in that slot too, but I don't think it would be as useful as you might think unless you're sitting on a level 25 or 50 charm for a while.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Griz on July 18, 2012, 01:01:59 am
In that case, it could just be a task. Once completed, you just hail the dude and he gives you a replacement if you lose (or destroy via upgrading) the old one.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 18, 2012, 03:42:33 am
In that case, it could just be a task. Once completed, you just hail the dude and he gives you a replacement if you lose (or destroy via upgrading) the old one.


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on July 26, 2012, 04:30:58 am
90+ chance at divine intervention saving you would make make it worth for uber end game guilds to farm for their main tank.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: hateborne on July 26, 2012, 12:57:23 pm
If it's not too bold to say so, I don't know if those guilds necessarily exist currently.

The server still works well with solo players handling 6-12 characters. Most groups consist of 2-3 REAL players and guilds under 10. Even in those situations, sharing of resources or time is rare. I think RAGE was one of the few to truly keep that "for the guild's good" mentality for a long time. There may have been a few others, but that is one of the only ones that I know of factually (aka no speculation or guesswork).

Obviously tanks are a required element, but I don't think that focusing every single higher item towards them is necessarily the right way to go. A melee would benefit from Divine Intervention as random rampages are ....hurtful. Anything outside of melee would see little benefit though (unless it has some ungodly high focus effect/proc). The Shield of the Ages has a neat focus to benefit almost all classes.

Just a note though. :-)


Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: wolfegunr on August 13, 2012, 02:23:29 pm
UW will be had first day, and not just by one person. Using essences for this I believe is a bad idea as others have stated, it puts more strain on an already rare commodity but some have found ways to get a lot of essences, in days not months, despite the cost raising 2-3x.

Scepter is a failed quest imho because noone has it, noone is really going for it anymore, and it's stats are weak now compared to UCV2, shield, 6.0s. Pretty much everyone is waiting for halloween to make any progress on it.

UW if anything, could replace Scepter Quest. The mobs are all there and the grind would take a long time. Obviously, It would have to be a single person quest instead of raid wide.

Even better, perhaps this could be 100 of each of the vendor sold ores instead, making this a money grind. The stored npc-dropped essences would be redistributed to the market, and billions of pp would flow out. (win-win)

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: MacofMacs on August 13, 2012, 02:45:00 pm
Aye I know a couple people with 100 of each essence already.. essences are already used for everything just about can we find some other method to obtain this Ult Wep

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Camric on January 21, 2013, 05:58:40 pm
Is it still in the works?

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on January 24, 2013, 01:12:46 pm
Might start work on the Ultimate Weapon soon here.

Just need to figure out what stats and effects it will have.

Need to go back and read the 6 pages for ideas.

At minimum would require 100 essences per rank, maybe plat sink too.

Thinking of adding stuff like HP, Regen, high damage, procs, and other effects like maybe DI.

Need to find a cool weapon graphic too.

Would be neat to require Gem Collectors Gem to increase ranks as well, but haven't decided that part yet.

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: dartonion on January 24, 2013, 01:14:34 pm
there are alot of people just not interested in pvp to get the gem though

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Poker-ecaf on January 24, 2013, 01:34:10 pm
woot 100 of each essence... okay i start now on farming haha ;p

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Hunter on January 24, 2013, 01:35:56 pm
Yeah, I'll probably skip pvp gem for now and use the pvp gem for some other uber item.

Will still use the 100 essences per rank though.

Just need to figure graphic.

Seems we'll have 3 types: 1hs 1hb and piercing

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: cerwin on January 24, 2013, 02:25:28 pm
SK and Pally are stuck with their epics  :'(

Title: Re: Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Felony on January 24, 2013, 08:06:08 pm
shame people whined about having to patch to live to get files for new graphics.
I have so many awesome graphics I would love to see used.