EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bladethorn on August 10, 2012, 02:39:00 pm

Title: Race Changer
Post by: Bladethorn on August 10, 2012, 02:39:00 pm
Hey all.. So really a couple of questions.. let me caveat by saying that I am all for nostalgia, played EQ a loooonnngg time, but my EZ experience has become something more, while it looks similiar, it is a very different game (that I freaking love).. Can't say thank you enough to all of you that make it such a cool experience.

I am curious if there are serious technical issues with modifications to the way our server works regarding race and class.

1. Why do we have class/race limitations? Is that a mechanic in the coding that would 'break things' if removed? So if I wanted, I could have a High Elf Shadowknight, Iksar Paladin, a Wood Elf Cleric, or 'gasp' a Dark Elf Ranger...
2. How complicated is it to impliment a vendor that would allow you to purchase a permanent illusion..or permanent race change, if there were no class restrictions?
3. Is it the race/class restriction on certain items that causes the complication.. Seems like most of the items we grind for, like epics, are just class specific and not limited to race.
4. We've added Pet Affinity AA's to all classes. I haven't tested, but does the Mage Elemental Illusion cross zones, or stay active until deactivated? If so wouldn't it be possible to add a Race Illusion AA to each register that works the same way? Cost could be 200-1000 AAs to give people a chance to spend some of those accumulated AAs.. Non-standard race illisions could be added as well.. like the Wraiths in Grieg's End.. That might  be cool

I have a mixed crew and some a few toons that I've inherited.. I think it would be really freaking awesome to have my complete Dark Elf force rolling through. I also realize that many of you could care less what your toons 'Look' like, guess it's just one of those cool customizable things to fool with while you grind charms and ROA, and plain have fun with group makeup while you raise them up through the tiers. Thanks for any feedback.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Pinethai on August 10, 2012, 05:58:26 pm
If they did decide to do this and wanted to make it pretty quick and easy, I would say give all classes the permanent illusion aa that enchanters/rogues have. I think bards had it as well but I'm not quite sure. That way it wouldn't be an actual permanent change and with all the illusion cards one picks up in LDoN 6 I would think it would give people something to do with the 20+ illusions you end up with if you have done any grinding in there for charms. Just an opinion but I think it would be a great idea since I like the thought of having my twelve characters all be the same race and would be able to change it at will.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: hateborne on August 10, 2012, 06:08:54 pm

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Fugitive on August 10, 2012, 06:27:10 pm
I would change my gnome x 2..... to.....about anything else lol

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: hateborne on August 10, 2012, 06:33:44 pm
I would change my gnome..... to.....about anything else lol

Iksar everything for me. Iksar Wizards F T W


Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Kenshou on August 10, 2012, 07:15:09 pm
Love this idea, it gives no one an advantage and allows the illusion we already use to just last longer. I for one use illusions in t5 and t6, small toons in t6 don't get stuck in the stairs, and elements work better for me in t5, just have to cast it 12 times ever 30 min which get tiresome

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Hunter on August 10, 2012, 09:48:12 pm
Should be easy to do.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: MacofMacs on August 10, 2012, 11:14:08 pm
What about to the characters who are already created and progressed deep through content but would love a race change instead of having to create a new character? I love this idea though and am not trying to stir things up

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: hateborne on August 10, 2012, 11:22:01 pm
What about to the characters who are already created and progressed deep through content but would love a race change instead of having to create a new character? I love this idea though and am not trying to stir things up


Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 10, 2012, 11:36:13 pm
Hate Hate Hate. Dude. You are taking my damn pic job. Friggen awesome man!

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: MacofMacs on August 10, 2012, 11:44:31 pm
What about to the characters who are already created and progressed deep through content but would love a race change instead of having to create a new character? I love this idea though and am not trying to stir things up


dam good dancer

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: 1flytrapp on August 10, 2012, 11:46:19 pm

I would love to see this happen

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: hateborne on August 10, 2012, 11:53:18 pm
Hate Hate Hate. Dude. You are taking my damn pic job. Friggen awesome man!

It was the 800th post. Had to do it.


Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Griz on August 11, 2012, 01:06:24 am
On the topic of animated gifs:


How grinding yet another UC feels

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: wolfegunr on August 11, 2012, 05:00:47 am
+1 for permanent race changes, both for function and appearances. Clickies are fun until you have to do them across 6 or more toons.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Bladethorn on August 11, 2012, 07:01:03 am
Would be yet another cool feature to distinguish EZ.. If I was logging in for the first time and I realized that the race/class limitation rules of EQ Live were out the window, it would be just one more hook of coolness.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Gannicus on August 12, 2012, 08:20:45 pm
+100 to this whole thing, Im a gnome lover personally and having to cast it across the team every 30 minutes it tiresome and it just all around helps with auto shrink from that, a race changer or the permanent illusion aa sounds like a really good idea and id love to see that implemented on the ezserver.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Hunter on August 12, 2012, 08:31:55 pm
I'll make up the race changer within the next few weeks (need time to do it).

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Fugitive on August 12, 2012, 09:25:06 pm
I'll make up the race changer within the next few weeks (need time to do it).


ya I won't be a gnomer anymore...

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Fliker on August 12, 2012, 09:33:39 pm
woot! looking forward to it

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Gannicus on August 12, 2012, 10:03:50 pm
Though this doesn't have to put put in right away but something I didn't think of until after the matter, the way I remember it is with a race changer npc, wasn't there a way there took no additonal time to allow gender change? Not a necessity but was something to put out there since the race changer is something that is being put in :)

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: metsu on August 12, 2012, 10:26:37 pm
No sex change ?

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Gannicus on August 12, 2012, 10:33:12 pm
No sex change ?

I mentioned it above, but not really pushing for it - Race Change is already something huge that im glad is going in, cant ask for to much in one day, but hopefully he sees above and considers it along with the race changer.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Bladethorn on August 13, 2012, 08:58:54 am
I'll make up the race changer within the next few weeks (need time to do it).

Thanks Hunter! Really appreciate this enhancement. Can't wait to have my whole crew of Dark Elves! .. DE Pally and Bst is going to be boss.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Griz on August 13, 2012, 12:40:16 pm
Seconding DE paladin, I will hate mine a lot less now!

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: MacofMacs on August 13, 2012, 01:00:26 pm
Ay thanks a lot- Ogres here I come!

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Fugitive on August 15, 2012, 05:12:43 pm
gnome monks.  ::shudder::


Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: hateborne on August 15, 2012, 05:25:02 pm
Ogre monks! One high kick and the enemy would be blind forever.


Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Pyronost on August 15, 2012, 05:59:56 pm

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: hateborne on August 15, 2012, 06:26:43 pm

"..And all the boards did shrink."


Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Hunter on August 15, 2012, 06:49:04 pm
So what should it cost? It can't be free. Maybe 1 billionz platinum per race change?

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Fugitive on August 15, 2012, 06:55:33 pm

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Bladethorn on August 15, 2012, 07:16:39 pm
So what should it cost? It can't be free. Maybe 1 billionz platinum per race change?

oh crap... dreams in the drain... DE Pally epicness slipping away!!


I was initially thinking it would be interesting, if it will be an AA, that it would cost between 200-500 AAs. Potential opportunity to have other non-player races included here as well... also blow through some of those accumulated AAs that people have stored up.

If I were the vendor offering race resets with no restrictions, I would sell my scrolls or books in the 100k-250k price to make a permanent switch, but would want to make sure you could acquire and switch between the races you own (thinking the illusion cards/race mods from ldon). Illusions are random regarding features, so you should be able to click until you get one you dig.

Or the best option of all.. free ;D, no race restriction at character generation, vendor with reset triggers that initiate on next load in...

Not sure how the mechanics work, in EQ2, you would go see the Barber and pay a few gold (10 I think) and upon next log in, you could change up your appearance (not race).

If it works out that we can completely eliminate the race/class association during character creation, maybe everyone should get a one time free change.

please make it free.... please

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: napoleonn on August 16, 2012, 02:36:24 am
Free works for me, but should only be allowed if you have a 4.0 maybe atleast? so a level 70 with a 1.5 isn't bothering hunter to change a race. Atleast having a 4.0 would show your trying to work your toons up. Should also be one change per account so someones not changing every week or so.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Natedog on August 16, 2012, 02:43:28 am
So what should it cost? It can't be free. Maybe 1 billionz platinum per race change?

100,000 plat for Race change (per change)

1,000,000 for sex change!

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Nexxel on August 16, 2012, 04:53:29 am
Free works for me, but should only be allowed if you have a 4.0 maybe atleast? so a level 70 with a 1.5 isn't bothering hunter to change a race. Atleast having a 4.0 would show your trying to work your toons up. Should also be one change per account so someones not changing every week or so.

Hopefully this is something like a vendor or quest npc, so that hunter doesnt get swamped with it.

but as far as price... 100k or there abouts seems resonable.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Bladethorn on August 16, 2012, 07:42:14 am
COME ON!! FREE!!! It's asthetics..prismatic dye, face change all=free..
+1000000 to not bothering Hunter on the changes.

If there has to be a price associated with it, I would think 100-150k range is max. That would be after every toon gets a free change...like a one time pass.

The idea is to ELIMINATE class/race requirements, so newbies could develop a combination on load in that they have never had before..only dreamed of. A server distinguishing feature right from the get-go, like being able to get epics at lvl1.

How about 120,960pp = Minutes in 12 weeks = time it takes for a tadpole to change into a frog... (cost associated AFTER ONE FREEEEEE change).

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: 1flytrapp on August 16, 2012, 09:07:28 am
FREE would e awesome

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: wolfegunr on August 16, 2012, 10:24:18 am
+1 for free  or at least cheap.
+1 Def on first change being free to set server apart.

1m per change would make this stupid. 50k - 100k would be the max the average player would comfortably spend on this.

You COULD make an item with infinite charges for 1 million, this would be worth it.

I also Like the 1k AA idea/ farming ldon.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Kenshou on August 16, 2012, 10:26:08 am
Going to make all my toons Female Ogres , bring some beauty to the server.

Free, not so much. cost in platinum, we already have plat sinks. 1,000 AA to purchase AA ability for permanent illusion, and you still have to farm ldon 6 to get the race you want. just my 2 cp

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Gannicus on August 16, 2012, 06:39:15 pm
Because of course, we don't have enough plat sinks as it is .. lol

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Gannicus on August 16, 2012, 06:40:39 pm
So what should it cost? It can't be free. Maybe 1 billionz platinum per race change?
In all honesty, I think 50k and the illusion item from ldon 6 is reasonable. Would be nice if there were a sex change part of it to be free though.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Bladethorn on August 17, 2012, 03:46:24 pm
Ok everyone, weigh in on this.. One of the things I really like about this server was going through the CG/FG quest, returning to some old EQ zones.. memory lane.

My thinking here is to eliminate cost to change and make a quest series for active toons. I started to think about this because I am unsure if the game code could be changed for a first time character creation screen to make basically every combination available AND thinking about how existing characters likely need some in-game mechanic (illusions, AA, item, etc.) to work. This solution would cover both.

I like the idea of the quest climaxing with having to take out some boss, at first I was thinking low difficulty, thinking PoT toughness - which is still really tough for new players.. but I have some ideas that would warrant them being much tougher or T2/Avatar level. The quest lines would be different for each of the 16 races and require a series of components/combines originating from several different zones that eventually manifests with the amulet of.. whatever race you've quested. 

Dark Elf version might be something like the following:

Head to Neriak and find the High Cleric/Priest who gives the first flag in the quest along with the story line of how..

It is said that there was once a being named T'Fadallis, an ancient being that stole magic from the gods which enabled him to transform from one race to another.. allowing him to persist nearly timelessly.. (thinking Raistlin/Fistandantilus and the Bloodstone Amulet).. During the Cataclysm (lol, or was that EQ2), T'Fadallis' amulet was smashed into pieces and strewn throughout the lands. This magic may be used by you if you are able to obtain a piece of the amulet he possed and inact the ritual of change.. I only know of one who has physically seen one of the fragments of T'Fadallis' amulet. You will need to seek out Xhiblatle in Rathe Mountains. Once a member of a cult that worshipped T'Fadallis, he went mad after witnessing a ritual of change and fled to hide in the hills.

ETC>>> you get the point... Don't want to ruin the story, but I see the completion of each race quest line resulting in yet another piece coming together.. completed amulet  perhaps.. jewelry slot progressive item perhaps..

Or there could just be another vendor and you drop 50k and get an illusion.

Title: Re: Race Changer
Post by: Gannicus on August 17, 2012, 06:54:43 pm
I'm not gonna knock your idea, because honestly it sounds like a good one and all. But speaking for myself anyway, im not looking for anymore grinds or sinks. I think it should be a race/sex changer and be left at that. The jewel idea is a good idea, but I think your putting good ideas in the wrong places. But +1 for creativity and the idea. Just don't think it belongs with something that has no advantage in the game besides giving more joy to the 3rd person players.