EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Blackee on March 29, 2010, 02:08:40 am

Title: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Blackee on March 29, 2010, 02:08:40 am
When you max out aa, and can continue to gain points, it seems to me it's very sad to not have anything to spend the points on. I don't know your future plans, or if you plan on making any other AA tabs (or even if you can, not sure). Me and a couple folks on OOC were chatting that charm upgrades are few and far between, and thus this encourages the overcamping of floors 2-6 LDON to achieve credits and possible chances at charm upgrades (on floor 6).

My question is this:

Can you make a vendor, specifically tailored to eat AA points in exchange for Charm upgrades? This way, it would encourage a majority of the people to stay away from pages/cards unless they truly needed them, and those who can gain AA as easily as LDON trash/bosses can store up points anywhere they can AA (thus removing the overcamping from LDON). I know this is a random shot in the dark, and not even sure if you can do something like this, but I think it'd be interesting.

You could set the upgrades to be high, as well, such as 100-200 AA per upgrade, or have it scale up for certain charm levels, like 50 AA, upgrades 1-10, 100 AA 11-20, 200 AA 21-30, etc etc. I dunno, I just though it would be interesting to see if we can score upgrades elsewhere as well.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Follow2 on March 29, 2010, 05:13:28 am
With loads of people having over 15k points rotting and the ease of getting AA's, I'd say if hunter does implement something like this it would probably be 10-15k AA's for an upgrade.  AA's are just to easy to get! 

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Soloni on March 29, 2010, 08:25:13 am
I do not know about doing the system through AA. But, I do like the idea of getting charms another way. The new LDoN system has its pros and cons. The con that I dislike most is LDoN and alts. Some chars can't even do LDoN without help. Unless you box, this could become exceedingly difficult to progress your char with charms. If you do box, it is still a pain to move at a decent pace, loot with alt, at continue to move through the zone when there is other people in the zone as well.

The card selling system is amazing though. For a single box that is running through and is able to do it efficiently, there can be huge sums of points that the player can receive.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Sickem on March 29, 2010, 08:55:57 am
With loads of people having over 15k points rotting and the ease of getting AA's, I'd say if hunter does implement something like this it would probably be 10-15k AA's for an upgrade.  AA's are just to easy to get! 

Yeah, would really need to have a high "price" for an upgrade. Just bumming around and pl'ing some folks I've banked 5-6k aa's. Can't imagine with the people that have been playing a year + even.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Hunter on March 29, 2010, 09:09:45 am
I've heard this request before, but haven't looked into it yet. I don't know if there is any code to verify how much aa a player has or to remove any of it for a 'purchase'.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: xoltrek on March 29, 2010, 10:51:27 am
with Seed of destruction, will should have some new AA (if i am not wrong, i read the trevius post). So i think you will be able to spend them.

ok , i know people with 15kAA should spend the 2k new aa and still have 13k...

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Eliseus on March 29, 2010, 09:47:00 pm
IDK much about making quests but isnt there a gm command to check unspent AA's and take away AA's??
Cant u just do

#check AA's

aa=gets_to.i(or whatever)

if aa >= to 15000 then
 "blah blah blah you have (#aa)! Would you like to spend 15000 for a charm upgrade? Yes or No


if answer == yes then
  #gm command to take AA's away
  #gm command to give charm upgrade.

anyways this is the general idea, I dont do much programming, still learning and IDK what program you use for quest writing so cant really help very much but just wondering if this helps at all, i guess it really depends on if there is a command to check AA's and take AA's away. If anyone has a a link to GM commands I could look at that would be awesome

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: yellowbird on March 29, 2010, 11:58:49 pm
#AA Vendor to exchange AA points for Items, Charm Upgrades, Flags, whatever...

  #get client AA total
  my $playerAA = $client->GetAAPoints();
  my $NPCname = $npc->GetCleanName();
  my $item = quest::saylink("item", 1);

  $client->Message(315, " ");
$client->Message(315, "$NPCname whispers to you, 'You have $playerAA AA. Spend 1000 AA for an [$item]?'");

  #makes sure player has ENOUGH aa for purchase
  if($playerAA >= 1000)
    #removes 1000 AA from the $playerAA total and sets the AA points to that value.
      $client->SetAAPoints($playerAA - 1000);
      #makes sure player data is saved to database immediately after adjusting AA
      #make sure NPC now has updated AA value.
      $playerAA = $client->GetAAPoints();
      #spacer, to make it easier to read~
      $client->Message(315, " ");
  $client->Message(315, "$NPCname whispers to you, 'You have spent 1000 AA!'");
  #Insert code here to give items, charm levels, whatever you want.           

elsif($playerAA <= 999)
  #spacer, to make it easier to read~
      $client->Message(315, " ");
      $client->Message(315, "$NPCname whispers to you, 'You do not have enough AA for this purchase! Required: 1000, You have: $playerAA'");


This code was written by Kejek/Kejina/Sersly of my guild.  Feel free to use it, modify it, whatever, Hunter.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Kejek on March 30, 2010, 12:01:17 am
pastebin screwed up the tabbing.

Oh god, im so anal about that. Ugh. :(

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Hunter on March 30, 2010, 10:03:15 am
Now that some people were nice enough to provide the code for AA to be spent on items, what shall we give out? I know this would create MORE trains on our servers as people would be looking for max aa per hour to spend. Any ideas of fair items to give out, and how to prevent people from making even bigger trains than they already are?

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Kejek on March 30, 2010, 11:31:22 am
I personally though stat buff food, augments, even Charm Upgrades.

However, to limit people going crazy, limit the purchases that can be done within a time frame.

stat buff food could be worth 10aa maybe, and be purchased unlimited times through the day.

augments could anywhere from 100-500aa, depending on the augment. Limit those to maybe 1 purchase every day, or every other day.

Charm upgrades could be 1000-1500aa (maybe increasing the amount for the level of the charm, ie: buy your begining charm with 100aa, upgrade to level 2 is 200aa, 300aa for level 3, etc etc) but only allow for 1 purchase a day at levels 1 through 10, one purchase every 3 days at 10-20, and one purchase every week for everything after that.

That way people will get their first 1k or so AA, and just purchase their three day item, and wont feel pressed to train massive amounts to do it quicker, as there's an artificial block. It also makes getting charms after 20 relatively slow, and makes the current system slightly better for that if you want to power it up (however, you still would get the bonus of 1 upgrade every week for all that extra AA you get while farming LDoN points :X)

You should be able to use a global to let the server know when a client can purchase another of that specific upgrade/item.

Note: All these values/timers are just randomly pulled from my ass. They may/may not reflect fair values, or good time limits, however I am just trying to get the idea across! :P

Theres a lot of stuff you could do with extra AA points. Trade for instant levels for a FIRST TIME 70 (ie, doesnt work for anyone doing RoA)? Buy FG/CG items? (This helps with people farming the crap out of the lowbie zones too!) Extremely annoying items? (Ranger arrow from Tacvi.. i hate it :( )

So on and so forth.

Edit: Limited Charges Call of the Hero Stone. DO IT! OH GOD PLEASE DO IT! :P

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: qualin on March 30, 2010, 11:53:16 am
I'd love to buy the augs from Plane of Dragons.  Even just parts to make the augs.  I've soloed so much there and earned so much AA, it'd be nice to use the AA for just what i was after.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Blackee on March 30, 2010, 12:00:12 pm
The whole idea was to take focus OFF of the LDoN farming because it overcrowds the zones for the people who sincerely need the bosses. I understand pages rot sometimes, but it's annoying when you got to wait behind a boxer farming points.. Hmmm...

As to where you could place the vendor - somewhere near noobie merchant. You could copy the high end items from noobie merchant (IE: Fabled, Tinkerer's bags, V2's, stat food/drinks) as well as charm upgrades, augments - and as was mentioned, you could make it only available in a certain timeframe, like a "Daily Quest" that most MMOs have these days, as an example - this way, there's no true "rush" to farm it as much as possible, because it'll be capped and something you'd earn over the course of the day like normal. I know you're still concerned about trains, but I doubt this would add any more then usual because if limited by a daily or even weekly restriction, people will just farm in PoFire like normal, or head off to a non-custom zone where they have all the AA to themselves. I'm not technically worried on train griefing in this situation because I've farmed AA just from doing LDoN runs, Plane of Time helping, and more. Again, impose a strict limit on number of purchases/how often, and it should eliminate the worry of trains.

You could use system of ranking on the items, 3 low items per day (stacks of food/drink), 2 medium items per day (V2's or Tinks), or one big item per day (charm upgrade, good augment). Or just one item per day if it's easier, and make them really think about it. Whatever works.

As it's said, nothing is set in stone, we're just trying to help you think of the best route to take. Maybe in our ramblings you'd be able to hobble together an accurate idea of what you want to do.

PS: COTH stones would f'in pimp as shit. No lie, I think I'd wait a week to get a stack of them. /cough

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Follow Me on March 30, 2010, 02:37:50 pm
If anything remove the charm drops from ldon 6 bosses, slightly increase the drop rate off trash on all levels getting better the higher the level in LDoN.  This will help 2x.  People will not perma-camp level 6 bosses.  Classes that cannot solo LDoN will be able to get help from people running through for charms.  Eg - I'll run you through LDoN for your pages and you let me know if the charm drops. 

I really dont like the idea of getting my charm maxed through spending my ton of AA's and easily purchasing a max charm.  They were never meant to be easy, and I still enjoy seeing that oracle charm drop every now and then.  Its a real WOOOHOOO!!! moment as it should be.  I am in support of putting items that are not worn or permanent for purchase.  Maybe kick ass pet weaps or armor, better stats food that disappears when you log, anything as long as its not permanent.  This will give you something to spend your AA's on without changing to much.  Spend 200 AA's when you log on to get a nice bit of kick ass food/drink or pet gears.  Gives AA's some use without giving us an easier way to get stuff you purposely made difficult to get.

Anyway those are my thoughts.

Would be interested to see comments

Follow Me - 70 Bst
Bite Me - 70 Dru
Pummel Me - 70 War

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Blackee on March 30, 2010, 02:43:18 pm
Words like "Easily" and "Max" don't float with me. I barely have 400 aa unspent and that's from power levelling, and I doubt even people that have played a year+ have enough AA to purchase a max one through this system, though I do like the idea of increasing droprates on the trash monsters to something more then 1/1000 (as it seems).

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Follow Me on March 30, 2010, 02:55:18 pm
Would take 32.5k AA's to hit level 25 charm if you made every charm level 100AA's more than the previous.  While i know that is quite a bit of AA's and most people would not max the charm fast, myself included, I still don't believe we should be able to purchase permanent items with our AA's.  I could certainly see people on epic exp runs to get those AA's, which means more trains.  So its still not a great idea IMO.  

I did like the idea of only being able to do 1 turn in a day, but people would still be farming for the next few days in advance. 

Nice having the banter with ya here blackee!  Keep posting your idea's you are really getting me thinking here, as well as giving us all some very cool ideas dude. 

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Blackee on March 30, 2010, 03:04:43 pm
If we can't purchase "permanent" items for our AA, what do you suggest?

I have a hard time thinking anyone would purposely farm AA to spend them either on duration based items or consumables, when there's a merchant somewhere in the game that can sell the consumables already, and people generally hate/dislike durational based items.

While I respect your opinion that you're concerned about trains, I don't see any more problems with trains then normal. The only place I've ever been seriously griefed in this game were Dulak Harbor and PoFire. Other then that, even for farming AA, giant trains aren't needed if you're soloing, and generally if someone is training a large amount, they can kill it (IE: RoA ranked up, dual 3.0's, etc).

Also, by limiting the times in which said items could be purchased, it's not going to be a race to finish line as it were, which is what causes said trains. It'll be more like a daily/weekly thing to do on your characters to aim for in the midst of grinding.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Follow Me on March 30, 2010, 03:24:38 pm

I have a hard time thinking anyone would purposely farm AA to spend them either on duration based items or consumables, when there's a merchant somewhere in the game that can sell the consumables already, and people generally hate/dislike durational based items.

My point was that people shouldn't purposely farm AA's.  I think we have enough exp farming as it is with RoA's.  But giving something extra for those rotting AA's would definitely be a welcome change, even if it was *better* stat foods or pet gear or something altogether different.  I really do like the weekly idea of charms upgrade better than a daily one.  Because over a week of casual playing through different zones you could definitely get your AA's for the next upgrade without grinding constant exp to get there. 

Defo in support of the weekly idea as opposed to the daily. 

Nice =D!

Follow Me -

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Blackee on March 30, 2010, 03:35:07 pm

My point was that people shouldn't purposely farm AA's. 

Why not? It's no different then farming exp for RoA levelling, farming plat to spend on tinkerer's bags, or even farming AA points to fill out your tree. I fail to see any logic behind not allowing people to farm above an beyond the limit, especially if there's a time limit imposed. I see no negative drawbacks, not even training if the limit is always there, because people will do what people always do - find a spot they like, train to it and kill their monsters for AA. Rinse and repeat. I don't see any "ZOMGWTFBBQ" trains coming of such an update.

Plus, this would give the people not set on doing RoA's back to back (or who can only single box) some more fun in their off-times. That's all.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: xoltrek on March 31, 2010, 04:21:35 am
What about an item that summon a custom teleporter or non custom zone teleporter. (like banker pet)

that will allow us to zone directly in any zone isteead of gating to nexus/qrg.

Also that's not an uber item that will let everyone run xp or train zone to get it. It's just a plus to spend some AA.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Hunter on March 31, 2010, 10:50:40 am
For teleporter clickie, that would require me to copy / paste the script in all the zones directories.

Also, Basher says no on spending AA points. Would only destroy more zones with trains, etc. AA is too easy to get anyways.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: qualin on March 31, 2010, 11:05:24 am
So is there any ETA when the SoD AA trees will be available? If at all?

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: xoltrek on March 31, 2010, 11:24:30 am
What about a stone with one charge allowing you to summon hunter from anywhere is the zone once he is online !

So we can /poke /cry /pray in front of him !

joke joke  :P

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Hunter on March 31, 2010, 11:33:31 am
So is there any ETA when the SoD AA trees will be available? If at all?

You need to ask that on EQEmulator forums. See link on left side.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: qualin on April 16, 2010, 10:45:49 am
How about an AA transfer.  

Like I have 2K + AA on my Ranger.  I could go talk to an NPC and have them transfer AA to my alt warrior, there could be a penalty of like cost of 2 to transfer 1.

There is no incentive to farm AA beyond what already exists.  It just makes it easier to level up an alt character.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Reed on April 16, 2010, 11:46:25 am
I dont know about this either, I know AAs are easy to get without much work... and i cant describe how i disagree exactly.... I just dont like the idea.

Something about PLing a toon, 1 to 70 in about 30min (saying we're taking it slow)... then just transfer 1000AA to your newly created character just seems wrong.

Granted the point of a character/ work you put into it is more shown in Qvic and higher in the gear/ epics and what not. I don't know

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Giggity on May 02, 2010, 12:50:45 am
I don't see why ther is so much focus on this "excess AA" stuff.  I mean if you had a bar that showed just how much EXP for leveling you were storing after you hit level 70 you'd probably be amazed.  Only difference is you can SEE the AA exp you have in storage.  You don't expect to transfer over excess regular exp or trade that in for items do you?

And as far as selling the AA's Im really glad Hunter said no, because there are already zones going down everyday numerous times due to trains.  And if I knew I could just bank AA's for charm upgrades I'd spend alot of time in the zones you need training everything for exp.  Just a bad idea.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Reed on May 02, 2010, 01:23:36 am

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Eliseus on May 02, 2010, 02:57:09 am
I think letting us use extra AA's for RoA would be nice if ya know what i mean :P

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Reed on May 02, 2010, 07:43:57 am
The lazy part of me would like that, but the competitive part... not so much

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 02, 2010, 04:42:53 pm
I for one am glad the aa for charm upgrades did not go through. In theory it is a good idea but in practice it would make the train and zone crashing issues ever worse than they already are. Personally I think it would be a good idea to limit the amount of ring runs a toon can do in one day.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Reed on May 02, 2010, 07:06:08 pm
i dont agree with that really.
If someone wants to stay up and do 16 runs in a day, wasting roughly 8 to 11 hours of their life.. they should be able to. I would if i didnt work so often. limiting that would just hurt those willing to go the extra mile for their gear. lumping them in with the "casual players"
the server hardware is good enough to make the server run no problem with the trains, its just the code that needs to me analyzed and figure out whats wrong, with how to fix hopefully.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: sebekl on May 03, 2010, 08:33:37 am
Hunter has already said that there will not be anything able to purchase with AA's before.  He was talked with his other GM's and they agree'd that it would just create a problem with training so there will not be any chance of getting them to change AA's to be able to buy charms/roa's/gear with them.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Reed on May 03, 2010, 10:01:23 pm
think this thread is more of a hypothetical conversation now. just to let you know. IF Hunter allowed some sort of exchange of AA for "X"

Hunter has already said that there will not be anything able to purchase with AA's before.  He was talked with his other GM's and they agree'd that it would just create a problem with training so there will not be any chance of getting them to change AA's to be able to buy charms/roa's/gear with them.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Nogard on May 05, 2010, 01:55:26 pm
How about an ability or purchased potion that consumes AA points for a moderate (40-60%) temporary boost in run speed. Kind of like the "Nitro" button in that old-school "Super Off-Road" arcade game. Like 1 AA for every 10 seconds of boost.

I don't think this ability would be so desirable that people would farm PoFire for extra AAs but it would be fun to use every now and then after AAs are naturally gained.


Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 07:12:46 pm
How about an ability or purchased potion that consumes AA points for a moderate (40-60%) temporary boost in run speed. Kind of like the "Nitro" button in that old-school "Super Off-Road" arcade game. Like 1 AA for every 10 seconds of boost.

I don't think this ability would be so desirable that people would farm PoFire for extra AAs but it would be fun to use every now and then after AAs are naturally gained.


i dont know why, but i just imagined someone training a bunch of T1 mobs onto a camp with this....
use speed boost, out run mobs, run through a group, FD or die... bam group gone and place stolen.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: shea851 on May 06, 2010, 02:52:20 am
I want to use my extra AA to purchase Tribute points.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Nogard on May 06, 2010, 05:58:33 am
How about an ability or purchased potion that consumes AA points for a moderate (40-60%) temporary boost in run speed. Kind of like the "Nitro" button in that old-school "Super Off-Road" arcade game. Like 1 AA for every 10 seconds of boost.

I don't think this ability would be so desirable that people would farm PoFire for extra AAs but it would be fun to use every now and then after AAs are naturally gained.


i dont know why, but i just imagined someone training a bunch of T1 mobs onto a camp with this....
use speed boost, out run mobs, run through a group, FD or die... bam group gone and place stolen.

You don't think this is possible already? People can already out-run mobs and have the means to train all day, in any zone. I don't know why there is such a huge fear of trains.. it's EQ, they happen. 

I don't train for xp and I don't like trains period, but the server can now apparently handle large ones and they will, unfortunately, occur regardless of what new tools/incentives are available.

This whole "if we make X-ability/reward available then more trains will happen" argument just reminds me of, "if we make marijuana legal then we will have more heroin addicts."

The fear of trains should not be a wild-card roadblock to all new ideas imo.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: qualin on May 13, 2010, 09:44:39 am
How about something simple, a augment for your charm that gives a 1 HP bonus for each banked AA.

Have 2000 banked AA? Thats 2000 Bonus HP....and cap it wherever, say maybe at 5000.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 13, 2010, 10:19:12 am
How about something simple, a augment for your charm that gives a 1 HP bonus for each banked AA.

Have 2000 banked AA? Thats 2000 Bonus HP....and cap it wherever, say maybe at 5000.

The thing is, making a code to exchange AA points for things like that would be difficult. It should be possible to screenshot your banked AAs and Hunter just gives you the items personally after you present the screenshots as proof but thats a ton of work...

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Zephr on May 14, 2010, 03:05:34 am
Tbh, the code for AA exchange isn't hard at all...

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Uxt on May 14, 2010, 08:43:04 am
I want to use my extra AA to purchase Tribute points.

I have over 2 million tribute points. Just go to Oasis and kill orcs, loot every chest and leg armor piece you can and there you go, 200k points.

Tribute doesn't work anyway. =(

The whole idea of trading AA points for HP sounds like another rung on the ladder for warriors to climb while every other non-dps class is still waiting on the ground, hands on hips, tapping their foot, with a look of disdain on their face. I'd rather see AA skills being fixed/changed to fit the server before new stuff.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 14, 2010, 10:18:59 am
I want to use my extra AA to purchase Tribute points.

I have over 2 million tribute points. Just go to Oasis and kill orcs, loot every chest and leg armor piece you can and there you go, 200k points.

Tribute doesn't work anyway. =(

The whole idea of trading AA points for HP sounds like another rung on the ladder for warriors to climb while every other non-dps class is still waiting on the ground, hands on hips, tapping their foot, with a look of disdain on their face. I'd rather see AA skills being fixed/changed to fit the server before new stuff.


I say you all need to be patient. You know how bad you guys are gonna /facepalm when you work for months getting one of these  ideas implemented and you waste 5k+ AAs on some pointless retarded item or ability then the next day the SoF/SoD AAs are implemented and you realize "Fuck instead of this stupid pet dinosaur or extra 5 hp i could have bought ALL these AAs in one sitting."

Just leave it alone, let them pile up. When in the future (no matter how far in the future it is) the new AAs (or possibly custom AAs) become available you can put them to use. THEN bitch about the left overs ;P

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Crabthewall on May 14, 2010, 10:30:17 am
Hunter has made it very clear, you will not be trading AA's for HP/Items as per discussions between him and Basher. I agree with this, it would be far to easy for people to afk for aa's 24/7 hence it's a bad idea. Any class with a pet could simply park in a hostile zone and walk away building aa's at 0 risk with no limits.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Reed on May 14, 2010, 11:02:24 am
Should just lock this thread tbh, people will just keep posting without reading all the posts previously about "There will not be an AA to <thing> exchange ever"

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: zomgDanyelle on May 14, 2010, 11:20:46 am
Should just lock this thread tbh, people will just keep posting without reading all the posts previously about "There will not be an AA to <thing> exchange ever"

Yes please lock it and don't make any more of these again >.< people are just gonna have to deal with excess AAs

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: swamphy on May 28, 2010, 10:12:11 am
Hey, C'mon it's still fun to dream up things to do with AA's even if it never happens. I mean, what would you do if you could do anything? Take some time to think outside the box.

Here's mine: Use excess AA's to buy temporary buffs or pets (or equipment).

For example:
-Spend 10 AA's to get a 15k hp buff for 2 hours.
-Spend 25 AA points to get ANY class epic 3.0 until you log off.
-Spend 15 AA's to get a Mage 3.0 pet.
-Spend 5 AA's for an instant Full Heal, Full Mana and raid buffs.

Prices may need to be adjusted for difficulty as some people can crank out an AA a minute or more.

Have fun.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: robpickles on May 28, 2010, 10:21:22 am
Bah! That's just silly...  :P

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Reed on May 28, 2010, 02:11:55 pm
Quote from: swamphandy link=topic=31.msg5054#msg5054
-Spend 5 AA's for an instant Full Heal, Full Mana and raid buffs.


I make more than that on an average pull (depending on where i am) =p

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: youthdragon on May 29, 2010, 09:52:49 pm
Just turn on the code were you can only have a max of 50 aa banked like they had on live.  Problem solved of the people having 15000000000000 aa's.

The Pudge.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Eliseus on May 29, 2010, 10:07:17 pm
Its 30 on Live

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: STORAGEbox on June 02, 2010, 05:17:07 am
Food, Potions, Illusions, Expendable, and Temporary Items would be the best for AA points.
Basically anything that can be used up.

Not everyone has the skills to get their epic books, or the time to get the charm upgrades but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be a way to obtain the items. But making them available by way of AA points is a bit cheap … … if you know what I mean.

Also by making items that are not "no drop" there could be a new market for these items. I am sure a lot of us have plat in the bank. Adding another level of game play would make things more fun.

Personally I would like to see some augments on the list.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 02, 2010, 08:03:59 pm
Food, Potions, Illusions, Expendable, and Temporary Items would be the best for AA points.
Basically anything that can be used up.

Not everyone has the skills to get their epic books, or the time to get the charm upgrades but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be a way to obtain the items. But making them available by way of AA points is a bit cheap … … if you know what I mean.

Also by making items that are not "no drop" there could be a new market for these items. I am sure a lot of us have plat in the bank. Adding another level of game play would make things more fun.

Personally I would like to see some augments on the list.

And then there's the reason why this wont happen.

Also, Basher says no on spending AA points. Would only destroy more zones with trains, etc. AA is too easy to get anyways.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Eliseus on June 02, 2010, 08:11:33 pm

If they ever implement new AA's though, Live does have expendable AA's that can assist in doing more dmg/threat building etc... Then AAs wont be that useless anymore.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: STORAGEbox on June 03, 2010, 03:28:33 am
What an idea, forget making the server better.
 More content is too much to ask for when it means people will make more trains.

How about rather than veto the idea we come up with a solution to the trains?

 There are more zones that could be implemented to reduce zone population in areas where AA XP could be got.

If the mobs are not KOS it’s harder to build a larger train.

Why not make a zone where you’re expected to deal with trains, with a very fast re-spawn time, “enter at your own risk”. Giving people a place to go for their addiction will solve more of the problem when the only other response is “You will be banned”.
How often is someone banned for trains?
I know I have seen people pull a train or two and they are still doing it.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Eliseus on June 03, 2010, 05:02:26 am
Well I know a lot of people train and a lot of people don't care usually, unless it is effecting there game play, for exampling, pulling a train and dying on someone etc... other then that I haven't noticed many people caring about trains, just my oppinion though.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 04, 2010, 12:55:39 am
It is in the rules that training in custom zones can and will get you banned. It has been a huge problem for quite some time. The idea of making a zone for training was already used, we have PoFire for that. That still does not stop people from doing it in other zones. I've seen people get caught making trains in custom zones by fraps and get banned quite quickly.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Reed on June 04, 2010, 02:12:03 am
i personally dont care if people make trains, like mentioned, as long as it doesnt affect my game play.
I'll be honest here, i cause minor to moderate trains in nearly all zones i go to. very very rarely do i ever get anyone caught up in my shinanigans though. If i do, i always rez and offer some sort of compensation for the wasted time (Qvic tokens, PoTimeA pages, etc..)
as long as im not crashing zones or killing people all the time, i dont think trains are an issue. just my opinion though. i do however, try to keep within 7 to 10 mob trains

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 04, 2010, 02:58:33 am
Most of the time if someone gets frapsed it is because they pissed someone off pretty bad with the training. Usually if you try to avoid others or offer compensation or even just an apology when it happens people wont generally mess with fraps. Generally it is not until someone becomes an asshole about it or having a blatant disregard for rules that it becomes an issue.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Scootz on June 04, 2010, 05:20:22 am
Just curious how manyy unspent AA's does everyone have? LOL, currently i am sitting on about 3k, just wanna see how I match up to players who have been around longer.

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: Reed on June 04, 2010, 02:21:30 pm
when i played Tosser last, he had roughly 11k saved.
my first war has about 2k, and second is in the works

Title: Re: Unspent AA points..
Post by: zomgDanyelle on June 04, 2010, 03:43:25 pm