EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: kleo on September 04, 2012, 02:00:02 pm

Title: double loot
Post by: kleo on September 04, 2012, 02:00:02 pm
Did you forget to turn off double loot hunter its still on =)

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Takishi on September 04, 2012, 02:02:13 pm
Ohhh?  Perma double loot would be hotness!!!  ;D

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Brutality38 on September 04, 2012, 02:13:25 pm
shut your mouf!

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Kovou on September 04, 2012, 03:37:19 pm
Did you forget to turn off double loot hunter its still on =)

are you an idoit? seriously? why the hell would you mention it...

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 04, 2012, 04:03:01 pm
shut your mouf!

This reply has humor

Did you forget to turn off double loot hunter its still on =)

are you an idoit? seriously? why the hell would you mention it...

This reply is not necessary. He was just applying ethics to the community.

My reply to this post is also very unnecessary, I just don't like the word idiot.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Chunka on September 04, 2012, 04:39:51 pm
Agreed. Always, instead of using "idiot" the term should be (and NOT SAYING ANYONE IS.....):


Its just nicer :D

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 04, 2012, 05:20:43 pm
People get called much more than idiots on these forums. Put on some man shorts.


Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 04, 2012, 10:21:16 pm
Not even sure you understood what you just did. Your post also brought humor, and the content is easily regarded as such.

Idiot is just unacceptable.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Shawo on September 04, 2012, 10:42:48 pm
I think the server is a lot nicer with double loot on.  more people willing to /auction and /ooc free and cheap loot.

Not to mention the population increased during it's duration.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 04, 2012, 11:22:06 pm
Even Hunter has used the word idiot when referencing peoples behavior. I can understand where it may be unacceptable for you but on these forums it has been going on for years. Hell, much worse than that has been going on for years. We do have lines, personal real life attacks or mentions of people children, family etc don't fly at all here. I am sure there are other things that are unacceptable but when someone goes outside what is acceptable we are all very good at making them shape up or want to ship out.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Kovou on September 04, 2012, 11:26:43 pm
in other words Unreel28 if you cant handle someone being called an idoit please move on..but normaly i do abid by

If you cant be honest be vague

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: napoleonn on September 05, 2012, 12:12:58 am
We do have lines, personal real life attacks or mentions of people children, family etc don't fly at all here.
No more need for me to park toons in lguk farming crap to sell or whoring xiggies sister out to bring in the pp.

Pricecheck plz

The price was cut in half since she got clap, so $1.95 plus local taxes.
Just thought this was pretty funny when i was reading it.....

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 05, 2012, 12:18:06 am
We do have lines, personal real life attacks or mentions of people children, family etc don't fly at all here.
No more need for me to park toons in lguk farming crap to sell or whoring xiggies sister out to bring in the pp.

Pricecheck plz

The price was cut in half since she got clap, so $1.95 plus local taxes.
Just thought this was pretty funny when i was reading it.....

That was pretty funny, lol. Though it goes contrary to what I was saying, it is obviously a joke though. And one I might add one that bathor knew I would laugh at from chats in vent and tells and such.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: napoleonn on September 05, 2012, 12:19:39 am
Well duh!  :P
I'm trying to get better with the linkage for my Trolling skills

BTW Fugi...my trolling has went up a point!

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Gannicus on September 05, 2012, 02:57:54 pm
Not to mention the population increased during it's duration.

That is not a good thing at all.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 06, 2012, 12:31:43 am
That is not the point. The guy is in no way an idiot because you lack a moral compass.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 06, 2012, 12:49:10 am
For crying out loud wtf is your deal dude? Are you mad or something? Are you pissed at the world? How many fights are you going to try to pick on the forums? Do you not have enough drama in your real life? You are going out of your way to be confrontational. You've made a much bigger deal out of this than it ever was.


Title: Re: double loot
Post by: napoleonn on September 06, 2012, 02:35:16 am
That is not the point. The guy is in no way an idiot because you lack a moral compass.
wow dude, who the hell are you? i talk to xiggie, we both know its a joke. you turned it into something not even funny.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Nexxel on September 06, 2012, 02:51:18 am
/sniff /sniff



Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Chunka on September 06, 2012, 07:17:59 am
I'm very careful about what I say here and in game anymore. I jokingly quoted Idiocracy (one of my all time favorite movies), in particular the speech Luke Wilson gives during his presidential speech. The sticky point seemed to be Wilson's use of a derogatory word for homosexuals. Now I QUOTED it, obviously, and used it tongue in cheek (regarding reading), but it was enough to get me banned from OOC for a couple days, with a warning to behave myself.

I understand Hunter has to error on the side of caution....but it struck me as a bit extreme. But....his sandbox, his rules! So I do the same....error on the side of caution.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: khungfu on September 06, 2012, 08:05:55 am
Xiggie and Nappo dont keep fighting with him, he will never understand! Unreel28 has made a big deal of the word "idiot" I remember me fighting in first grade cuz someone told me im an "idiot". WTF Unreel28 your still in first grade bro?

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 07, 2012, 12:41:56 pm
Xiggie and Nappo dont keep fighting with him, he will never understand! Unreel28 has made a big deal of the word "idiot" I remember me fighting in first grade cuz someone told me im an "idiot". WTF Unreel28 your still in first grade bro?

Yeah I am, you got me.

It is funny, no one can answer the logical question of why that guy deserved to be called an idiot. All you can do is attack me. Quite pathetic.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: MacofMacs on September 07, 2012, 01:01:43 pm
Xiggie and Nappo dont keep fighting with him, he will never understand! Unreel28 has made a big deal of the word "idiot" I remember me fighting in first grade cuz someone told me im an "idiot". WTF Unreel28 your still in first grade bro?

Yeah I am, you got me.

It is funny, no one can answer the logical question of why that guy deserved to be called an idiot. All you can do is attack me. Quite pathetic.

It's a never ending story here on EZServer of trolls lol

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 07, 2012, 02:04:04 pm
If you need to have it explained to you then you are choosing not to understand it. Anyone who has any sense at all can see that you are a troll of the worst kind. You see out things that will cause the most drama and pounce on it, not for entertainment but because you just want the attention. Since it is attention you want I am listing your toons in game so you can have all the attention you want in game too.

Fistful, Harmful, Noteful, Rageful<--Main, Smiteful

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Kenshou on September 07, 2012, 02:11:09 pm
Wow, a 4.0 Warrior, you have put alot into this game. think the guild name says it all, fuk off tard.
 Ken out

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Fugitive on September 07, 2012, 02:17:24 pm
Wow, a 4.0 Warrior, you have put alot into this game. think the guild name says it all, fuk off tard.
 Ken out


Title: Re: double loot
Post by: napoleonn on September 07, 2012, 03:29:51 pm
Wow, a 4.0 Warrior, you have put alot into this game. think the guild name says it all, fuk off tard.
 Ken out

+1 wish i had a 4.0 warrior

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 07, 2012, 04:54:11 pm
My gear really has no effect on the point that none of you are "above" anyone, and have no right to belittle people. Real men don't put other's down.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 07, 2012, 04:56:24 pm
Wow, a 4.0 Warrior, you have put alot into this game. think the guild name says it all, fuk off tard.
 Ken out

I met a very helpful person. He made a guild, I joined. What does that have to do with anything.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 07, 2012, 05:07:58 pm
Real men also don't go around picking fights for nothing. And for that matter real men don't lie about their forum name when asked about it in game. Protip: If you have a bunch of people insisting you are wrong and you're the only one saying you are right, chances are you are wrong. Another tip, you can get a lot farther with a good reputation and shitty gear than you can with a shitty reputation and excellent gear.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 07, 2012, 05:13:35 pm
And how is it that you know my in game name?

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 07, 2012, 05:15:27 pm
What am I wrong about exactly? That you should not belittle others?

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 07, 2012, 05:21:54 pm
Nice try but you are not sucking me into your little details argument. You are wrong because you are going around picking fights for no reason. You are making controversial statements and picking whatever side of an argument that will garner you the most attention.

And how is it that you know my in game name?

I guess you forgot about you time on THF

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 07, 2012, 05:26:50 pm
So, you cannot actually say that I am wrong about belittling other's? Not trying to suck you in.

If you really think it is okay to put other people down, then that is how you feel. Just admit it and move on.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 07, 2012, 05:32:55 pm
You're not very bright are you? You are asking me to admit to something I have already said? The more you speak the more you toast your credibility and rep on this server.

People get called much more than idiots on these forums. Put on some man shorts.


Even Hunter has used the word idiot when referencing peoples behavior. I can understand where it may be unacceptable for you but on these forums it has been going on for years. Hell, much worse than that has been going on for years. We do have lines, personal real life attacks or mentions of people children, family etc don't fly at all here. I am sure there are other things that are unacceptable but when someone goes outside what is acceptable we are all very good at making them shape up or want to ship out.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 07, 2012, 05:52:20 pm
I didn't ask what people get called. I didn't ask what Hunter said. I asked if you think it is okay to belittle other's.

"People get called much more than idiots on these forums. Put on some man shorts."

That does not say "I call" people much more...

I can tell you are an Intelligent person Xiggie. I am simply just wondering if you personally feel that is okay. Put aside that you are used to it and have accepted it as common, and answer that. Then I will concede and accept a loss on this one.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 07, 2012, 06:03:01 pm
Are you serious? Do you really need it spelled out for you?

You are asking me to admit to something I have already said?


Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 07, 2012, 06:13:45 pm
Alright man, you made your point. One day you will realize you are no better than anyone else.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 07, 2012, 06:20:26 pm
I in no way have said that I was better than anyone else. But I have absolutely no problem pointing out when someone is stupid. I also have no problem pointing out when someone insists they are right when everyone else around them says they are wrong. This conversation has absolutely nothing to do with who I am, it has to do with who you are.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 07, 2012, 06:21:57 pm
I am done with this though. I have nothing else to say about it.

Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Rageful on September 07, 2012, 06:23:25 pm
I am done with this though. I have nothing else to say about it.


Title: Re: double loot
Post by: Felony on September 08, 2012, 07:26:53 am

Fistful, Harmful, Noteful, Rageful<--Main, Smiteful
Was wondering why his forum name sounded so familiar.
Where did you disappear to for the last year+?
Well before you showed up here on ez, and stop fighting with xiggie.
You lost before you started and look dumb.

I will say he was an ok guy on another server when I knew him there.