EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on January 23, 2013, 02:22:46 am

Title: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hunter on January 23, 2013, 02:22:46 am
The Jewelry Collector in Overthere Zone will now drop 2 gems worth 1 million platinum each.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: dartonion on January 23, 2013, 03:08:47 am
the first pvp battle for him now was sweet hope to have even better ones soon.. even though blarr pwned me :(

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hunter on January 23, 2013, 10:40:37 am
Might make a super ranked item quest that requires this million platinum gem. A ranked Divine Intervention with higher ranks having better chance to save you from death would be an idea.

So does does only 1 multiboxer win and the rest of the server can't gank the guy farming it?

Maybe make some clickies, like AoE reduce healing by 95% debuff, or AoE Mez, etc should help single boxes kill multiboxes.

I plan on expanding on Overthere zone, with pvp gear, clickies, etc.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Brokyn on January 23, 2013, 10:43:34 am
Most of the time it is Yeejek  farming the zone.  I have no issue with him being the guy, it's just that not many see the spawn message go by in plain white text.  Maybe if you had the spawn announcement in a serverwide shout it would alert more people.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: dartonion on January 23, 2013, 11:00:13 am
i usually go over there solo. there are a few that box pvp in there.. im new to pvp for most part so i just take my war and kill what i can.. its fun regardless

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Brokyn on January 23, 2013, 11:01:51 am
I don't think it's a great idea to level the playing field for pvp.  The people who have been on the server longer, or who have made further progress into the game should have earned the right to be stronger and more capable pvp fighters.

Maybe a way to get more people involved would be to have multiple instances of the zone.  Maybe a Gem Collector spawns in the Overthere in an instance for people in T1-T3, one in an instance for T4-T5, and one for T6-T7?  You could make them drop 1, 2, 3 gems according to the instance...  It might promote more level pvp battles and encourage more people to participate.

Another idea, not sure if it is possible, would be to disband all groups and raids as soon as you zone in.  It might make it more difficult for a multi boxer (such as myself) to steamroll the event.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: dartonion on January 23, 2013, 11:34:06 am
agreed. and with the prize so high for the highest tier pvp it will encourage people to gear up there toons for the greater rewards.. or rather it should will always get people that are upset but cant plz everyone

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Premador on January 23, 2013, 12:02:51 pm
Problem with that is that the end game guys with the end game gear farm the end game and the PvP as well.
PvP should be based on skill not gear. Gear should help but it should not be the determining factor for PvP. In time you will only have a few end game guys sitting there farming the gems.
For PvP to be fun the underdog has to have some sort of chance...

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hunter on January 23, 2013, 12:04:43 pm
Later I might consider a new pvp zone with a max flag allowed to zone in else get booted, such as only players up to T2 allowed, no T3+. I might be able to boot players in this new pvp zone too that have any stike augs, but not sure if the hasitem code would see augmented weapons. Would have to test that out. I realize this would end up in who can twink the best T2 player contest, which can be fun. I had some level 19 and level 29 twinks on WoW back in the days, such as a 29 Paladin with 3k HP that could capture flags without dying using the remove root skill thingie (Blessing of Freedom?).

One way to prevent the same multiboxer from farming would be to boot the 'group' that gets credit for the kill. The boot from zone would be for 24 hours, and allow others to attempt the next event in 4-6 hr respawn.

Planning on making a pvp merchant that takes that gem that drops. Would have tons of stuff available like Heroric Resist gear, AoE Clickies (Stun, Mez, Glux, Reduce healing Debuff, Fear, Charm, etc), and maybe some ranked stuff like Divine Intervention with ranks for higher and higher chance to save you from death. With a ton of items to choose from, and the ranked items as well, would be nearly impossible to get everything, so there would always be reason to come back to get more gear. Even if someone got all the pvp gear, they would probably still come back for the 2 million platinum.

I do think that someone that put in their time to gear up should be rewarded, but I would like to find ways to prevent 1 person from multibox lock down the mob. The 24 hour boot + AoE clickies might help with that.

Post ideas here, and I plan on making more content for Overthere in the near future based on feed back.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hunter on January 23, 2013, 12:07:45 pm
Maybe even a noobie pvp zone such as if you have ANY flags like Qvic's 3.0 Flag then you can't enter the zone.

This would limit players to Epic 2.0's although I could put code in there to allow Epic 1.0 max.

Only other concern would be augs and spells. I'm sure Augs would be fine depending what you can put in epics 1.0, so then question would be those super powerful drop spells that Hateborne created. Are any of them tradeable? Otherwise if no-drop on all of them, shouldn't be any issues of noobs having a super 1-shot spell.

Would almost be P99 style pvp.

This would make Custom Blue Diamond Armor worth having again :)

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Premador on January 23, 2013, 02:30:37 pm
I know this is kinda a WoW thing but would it be possible to get "pvp" points and be able to buy the Pvp items with points? This would then allow people with low-mid gear to use their pvp skill to gain gear to deal with end game players.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Bobbin on January 23, 2013, 03:14:12 pm
Being able to hail an npc in overthere to find out when the next Jewelry NPC is going to spawn would up the competition considerably, I expect.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hunter on January 23, 2013, 03:47:07 pm
I don't know how to credit people with a pvp kill when the server is not set to pvp.

Also how would we prevent people from killing their own multibox for points?

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Metuka on January 23, 2013, 06:29:18 pm
Maybe even a noobie pvp zone such as if you have ANY flags like Qvic's 3.0 Flag then you can't enter the zone.

This would limit players to Epic 2.0's although I could put code in there to allow Epic 1.0 max.

Only other concern would be augs and spells. I'm sure Augs would be fine depending what you can put in epics 1.0, so then question would be those super powerful drop spells that Hateborne created. Are any of them tradeable? Otherwise if no-drop on all of them, shouldn't be any issues of noobs having a super 1-shot spell.

Would almost be P99 style pvp.

This would make Custom Blue Diamond Armor worth having again :)

My husband would love this idea.  He loves PVP, but is only finished with T2 gear and wouldn't stand much of a chance against the higher end players currently.  Will have to get him to come to the forum and give his input.  I know he got all excited when I first told him about the new PVP, but he felt inadequate to even try to compete.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hunter on January 24, 2013, 01:46:09 am
Maybe 3 zones would be needed for pvp.

Zone 1) No flags allowed, max level 60
Zone 2) Max T2 Flag, everything else goes
Zone 3) Overthere which is what we have now.

Each would have rewards of platinum and/or items

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hank Hill on January 24, 2013, 08:54:41 am
I love the idea to boot players that get the kill. And i dont think It's fair that the end game players can just farm it, even if they spent all there life on the server. It needs to be fair when there is a reward involved. Dont think It's fair that nolifers can sit and block the rest of the server.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Felony on January 24, 2013, 12:36:57 pm
I love the idea to boot players that get the kill. And i dont think It's fair that the end game players can just farm it, even if they spent all there life on the server. It needs to be fair when there is a reward involved. Dont think It's fair that nolifers can sit and block the rest of the server.

Well you suck then, so suck less.
I'm tired of everyone bitching about how it is "unfair" that the established players pwn you in PVP.
Not like a wow-kiddie like you played EQ during the days of the BOTB's but generally the winner was the guy that had the best gear. EQ PVP is not balanced at all, get over it.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Premador on January 24, 2013, 01:16:31 pm

Although this is not EQ live, it does bear some resemblance. I played on Rallos Zek server for a long time, and gear was huge in PvP but those with real skill did very well with sub-par gear.

Question is Would you prefer a challenge? or would you rather just steamroll everyone.
Don't get me wrong, steamrolling everyone is fun but it is short lived. So I would rather the challenge, and have some longevity to the PvP on EZ.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Digz on January 24, 2013, 01:25:57 pm
Not like a wow-kiddie like you played EQ during the days of the BOTB's but generally the winner was the guy that had the best gear. EQ PVP is not balanced at all, get over it.

this made me laugh a little bit since i watched my RL friend win the enchanter BOTB due to the fact that he was the only enchanter on the server with a primal brawl stick and just meleed the snot out of everyone.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hank Hill on January 24, 2013, 02:02:15 pm
haha. Call me what ever you want. Why not just make hunter give you the two mill every 6 houers then? but you are right! hunter making new content that one or two can get all for them self? sorry im such a wow noob. my bad

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 24, 2013, 03:04:59 pm
Try as you will you can never balance eq to be based on skill. Gear and class will always have something to do with it unless you remove both of those equations. How boring would that be. Eq was just not built for pvp, it's like putting square tires on your car, it might look good sitting there but it's not going to do a damn thing for you driving down the road. Any game where you build up a character, the gear and time put into your character is going to largely influence how well your character does. It would suck to spend a year on this server and then someone comes along and two weeks into it can do the same thing I can. That would not do well for server longevity.

Btw, that passive aggressive crap will only make you look like you shit your own pants.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hank Hill on January 24, 2013, 03:52:11 pm
Again, i dont care how this makes me look. And i totaly agree that you have to work for every single thing, but when there is gear/pp involved, and one man can sit and hold it for him/her own. Then thats not fair.

And as sick and tired you"elites" are when ppl say its not fair. as sick are all us "non elites" with your reply "Man we worked our whole life so we can show how good we are in EQ" "Maby if you spent a little more then 5 mins in the game, you could be as awsome as me" Im not saying ANYTHING about the game is to hard or anything. Just that when you can farm good gear or a few million pp every 4 - 6 houers. then its not fair that nolifers can block the rest. i CANT make a instance and farm it my self, even if the mob was as hard as OMM or worse. some "elites" think they have first right on everything just because. if that is so then, Hunter, just give them the gear and PP so the rest of us can get a fair battle and fun

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 24, 2013, 04:37:40 pm
Again with the passive aggressive shit. You will not get anything positive out of that. You come here and insult the veterans of the server and call them elitist and nolifers and you expect to be able to play casually and reap the same rewards. You are in the wrong field of gaming. There is no mmorpg that lets you do that aside from some minigames within a game. If that is what you are looking for them maybe /gems is the game for you. Not even in wow can a casual person do the same things, or even compete with a hardcore person. Hunters plan of lower tiered pvp zones is more the way to go. MMO's are about building up your character over time, the more time and effort you put in the stronger your characters are going to be.

Almost all the people who don't care about how people think of them are disliked by almost everyone. It's generally a pretty shitty quality to have.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: marxist on January 24, 2013, 04:59:02 pm
qq more, don't care.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hank Hill on January 24, 2013, 06:11:59 pm
read in to it what you want. dont care if im not friends with you. and im not saying im onley gaming 5 mins wile the wife is on a piss break. im playing enough and are at the higher T and having fun. thats all i care about. and you are not getting the point. and i thought i knew better to take my opinion to the server and think ppl listen. again sorry to pointing out that this mob might be the new "elites" way of farming cash for them self.

Peace out.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 24, 2013, 06:42:27 pm

Almost all the people who don't care about how people think of them are disliked by almost everyone. It's generally a pretty shitty quality to have.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Felony on January 24, 2013, 06:50:57 pm

Almost all the people who don't care about how people think of them are disliked by almost everyone. It's generally a pretty shitty quality to have.

/offtopic Shit thats what I'm doing wrong, I actually care what others think of me!

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Rageful on January 24, 2013, 07:43:37 pm

/offtopic Shit thats what I'm doing wrong, I actually care what others think of me!

First off, I call bull on that shit ^

Second, Hoff... I gave some idea's to Hunter the other day for some more PvP objectives. I just need to force the labor on Felony and we can rid all "elitist" PvP from the server.

Killing a Gem Collector a few times a day is not PvP. Being credited for PvP based objectives should be the goal

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Felony on January 24, 2013, 08:07:17 pm
Lol you caught me.
Yeah I've been going over some ideas. Just need to get some basic code laid down and start testing.
Really not looking forward to the hours of work this is going to take.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: marxist on January 24, 2013, 11:42:57 pm
I don't know which is funnier, being called out for not being liked by xiggie, or seeing him talk about how mmo's are about building your own characters up, which I kind of doubt he knows much about

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 25, 2013, 03:33:00 am
I don't know which is funnier, being called out for not being liked by xiggie, or seeing him talk about how mmo's are about building your own characters up, which I kind of doubt he knows much about

Are you kidding me? There were no veterans throwing out Tiered gear, or hell, there were no veterans throwing out qvic gear when I started. Plat had virtually no value so there was no buying your way into content as there is now. I guarantee you, I have put more effort in my toons than you have put in yours. I don't know what your problem is with me but you are barking up the wrong tree by trying to insinuate that I did not built my own characters.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: marxist on January 25, 2013, 03:36:19 am
I seem to have struck a nerve.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 25, 2013, 03:43:35 am
Insinuating that I have not built my characters, yep, that will strike a nerve. Especially when I know I have put more work in mine than you ever thought about in yours. What's your problem with me anyway? Your obviously here to pick a fight. People don't make ludicrous accusations without reason, so what's up.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: marxist on January 25, 2013, 05:35:31 am

Almost all the people who don't care about how people think of them are disliked by almost everyone. It's generally a pretty shitty quality to have.

This isn't an epeen contest, I dont know why you are continually talking yourself up.  However, if you want to just take jabs at everyone that you disagree with, be prepared to take it back. Originally when I posted my qq comment, it was directed at Hoff, I hadn't read through your post, though when I did it seemed a bit funny to leave.  Then you quote yourself to take a dig at me, and expect no reply?  You have a reputation (whether its deserved or not) for using other players to help gear your toons up (and I really don't care either way, but it was obvious that it would catch a rise out of you).   Sorry to have hurt your feelings.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Brokyn on January 25, 2013, 07:10:55 am
read in to it what you want. dont care if im not friends with you. and im not saying im onley gaming 5 mins wile the wife is on a piss break. im playing enough and are at the higher T and having fun. thats all i care about. and you are not getting the point. and i thought i knew better to take my opinion to the server and think ppl listen. again sorry to pointing out that this mob might be the new "elites" way of farming cash for them self.

Peace out.

No offense meant to anyone here...  I want to be clear on that...  The people that have been enjoying the most Gem Collector kills are not T6 or T7 geared...

I don't care if that part offends you...  I have a full time job, a girlfriend that I spend a lot of time with, a dog that I go snowshoeing with, I play darts, and bowl in the winter, and I play baseball and golf in the summer...  And I am in T7 gear.  I have been on the server for a long time, and I have a life.  I would suggest that the "nolifer" here is the one who comes on to a message board for an online game and complains that they can't have all the same stuff that people that work hard for a few years can get.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hank Hill on January 25, 2013, 08:29:02 am
you all think i use elites as an negative thing. its not. i play with alot of elites that i do and LIKE to look up to. and i dont see my self as a person how got it all from better players. i have worked hard for all my T6 gear and just wanted to have fun. to say i NEVER got help is a lie because having friends that are more or less "done" with the game has its bonus. But i play by my self, just me and my RL friend and we are having fun.

By nolifers i ment the one or two ppl that are there for almost every single gem dude pop. and are making good and easy money of it. i have never, and will never go to the pvp zone so i wont ever get it, and thats fine with me. i dont like pvp so i dont join in. My one and onley point was, that i dont think its fair that one man can make 6 -8 mill pp just by seeing it pop. jump out of his farming and kill it in 30 sec or less. THAT is whats not fair.

But when posting ANYTHING on this forum about stuff thats not fair, you get xiggie and the rest of the goons. "life was not fair when we started" "try to put more then five mins in playing then you will be as cool as us" and im pritty sure you will all take this the wrong way to. because im just a little wow nerd who play 5 mins a week and want every little thing trown in my face and not work for it...

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 25, 2013, 10:17:33 am

Almost all the people who don't care about how people think of them are disliked by almost everyone. It's generally a pretty shitty quality to have.

This isn't an epeen contest, I dont know why you are continually talking yourself up.  However, if you want to just take jabs at everyone that you disagree with, be prepared to take it back. Originally when I posted my qq comment, it was directed at Hoff, I hadn't read through your post, though when I did it seemed a bit funny to leave.  Then you quote yourself to take a dig at me, and expect no reply?  You have a reputation (whether its deserved or not) for using other players to help gear your toons up (and I really don't care either way, but it was obvious that it would catch a rise out of you).   Sorry to have hurt your feelings.

First and foremost I didn't take a dig at you. My quoting myself was directed at Hoffwin because he was reposting singing the same song so I thought I'd do the same. I wasn't praising myself I was defending an attack. I don't know where you get that I have a reputation of using people to get gear because I never have. I have helped more people get more gear on this server than have ever helped me get gear. Any grouping and guilding that I have done has been mutually beneficial. Even with Fugitive it has been mutually beneficial. Yeah, he has more gear than I do, he plays more often than I do so he should. But he doesn't just roflstomp content for me, I do my fair share for myself and have helped him get gear at that.  Anyone that says contrary is mistaken or just lying.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Felony on January 25, 2013, 11:29:58 am
I would suggest that the "nolifer" here is the one who comes on to a message board for an online game and complains that they can't have all the same stuff that people that work hard for a few years can get.

This is the best quote I have seen in a long time. I almost never see eye to eye with Brokyn but when he says something like this you really need to stop and think about it.
Or just return your dumb ass back to World of Douchecraft.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: hateborne on January 27, 2013, 03:01:47 pm
*entire thread*


Just saying. :-)


Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Fugitive on January 27, 2013, 03:16:03 pm
Good job with a position of the webcam you got the whole cave

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Poker-ecaf on February 14, 2013, 06:27:46 am
Overthere kicked me 2times out of the zone back to nexus !!! now i was unable to kill or attack Gem Collector ! ...

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Felony on February 14, 2013, 06:40:28 am
Can only have one character per IP in that zone at a time.
If you are positive you only had one per ip in the zone then the script that handles that bugged out.
Happens from time to time and might need to rewrite it.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Poker-ecaf on February 14, 2013, 07:09:05 am
yes i was only on one toon online = only one IP available of me ;p...

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Bobbin on February 14, 2013, 07:29:17 am
yes i was only on one toon online = only one IP available of me ;p...
Makes me wonder if Hunter implemented something to limit the number of kills per day someone can get. I didn't get the IP error message last night when kicked to nexus, either.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Felony on February 14, 2013, 12:38:17 pm
yes i was only on one toon online = only one IP available of me ;p...
Makes me wonder if Hunter implemented something to limit the number of kills per day someone can get. I didn't get the IP error message last night when kicked to nexus, either.

He might have but hasnt said anything about it that anyone i talk to has mentioned.
I'll poke it with a stick and see if I can make it less dumb for people.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Hunter on February 14, 2013, 12:55:05 pm
If you /camp out in OT it does not remove you from the IP list. Need to either /q or zone, else wait for server reboot.

Title: Re: Jewelry Collector
Post by: Felony on February 14, 2013, 06:22:13 pm
Yeah about the only way to fubar it. If you really have a issue with the zone you need to find someone willing to zone in and hang out in the zone for 30+ min to trigger the reset portion of the script.