EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: spuddson on February 03, 2013, 10:43:35 am

Title: Essence and UW
Post by: spuddson on February 03, 2013, 10:43:35 am
Ok ill prolly get flamed but 100 of each essence is a lot of farming. could i suggest upping the drop rates slightly ?

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 03, 2013, 11:26:34 am
Considering some people already have 100 I don't think it is too much. The item is not meant to be had by everyone on the server. It is meant to be very few and far between.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: marxist on February 03, 2013, 11:47:16 am
OMG this will totally unbalance pvp

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Fjord on February 03, 2013, 12:28:17 pm
OMG this will totally unbalance pvp

In about 5 months when someone finally acquires 100 D-Minors lol.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Udeni on February 03, 2013, 12:30:42 pm
I think the only essences that need upping are dragon minors. In a day where I got 1 dragon minor, I could kill the same amount of t2 and get 8 dragon majors. Just seems weird to me. All the other essences drop rates seem fine to me, it's just drag minor that is ridiculously low.

I could also just be *really* unlucky every time I have done t1.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Hunter on February 03, 2013, 02:12:43 pm
Ok ill prolly get flamed but 100 of each essence is a lot of farming. could i suggest upping the drop rates slightly ?

Sure, after I reduce the stats on the UW's by 95%

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Ybik on February 03, 2013, 03:07:29 pm
Most of the playerbase is better off completing augs over working on an uw. Hunter has already stated he wants this weapon to be rare so I wouldn't count on any kind of increase in essence drop rate, you simply have a choice between completing augs then starting UW or going for the UW and worrying about augs later.

*Edited post...having a cranky day b/c of patients who feel my hospital should pay for their care including their medications even though they have $2k plus in their wallet and drive nicer, newer cars than any of our nurses. Oh did I mention they become violent when we say No.*

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 03, 2013, 03:58:58 pm
I would be careful of attempting to get into a confrontation with Hunter. You will not win.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Fugitive on February 03, 2013, 04:12:19 pm
Not attempting to "get into a confrontation". I was simply pointing out a lack of respect being shown to another human being. It doesn't matter if its Hunter, you, me or the President of the United States making the comment it was disrespectful and not needed.

He can say what ever the fuck he wants on HIS server.. don't like it don't come to forums and QQ..that honestly is the bottom line.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Felony on February 03, 2013, 04:25:28 pm
Dragon minor drop rate is low compared to the others.
However it is Hunter's choice as to what the percent chance is for the stuff on his server.
Don't get me wrong, I bitch about it more then the rest of you but thats how I blow off steam, I bitch to my online friends and keep on trucking.

UW rank 1 and rank 2 and *MAYBE* rank 3 will be common.
When you start seeing Rank 4's you know people are serious.
Also damn near no one had/has 100 essences banked.
A lot of people were close, in the 80s and were able to get their UW rank1 within a couple hours of logging in but thats to be expected.

If Hunter wanted I would code a scaling version of each rank but that defeats the fun of the item.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Camric on February 03, 2013, 05:34:09 pm
I think the only essences that need upping are dragon minors. In a day where I got 1 dragon minor, I could kill the same amount of t2 and get 8 dragon majors. Just seems weird to me. All the other essences drop rates seem fine to me, it's just drag minor that is ridiculously low.

I could also just be *really* unlucky every time I have done t1.

Dragon minor drop rate is low compared to the others.
However it is Hunter's choice as to what the percent chance is for the stuff on his server.
Don't get me wrong, I bitch about it more then the rest of you but thats how I blow off steam, I bitch to my online friends and keep on trucking.

UW rank 1 and rank 2 and *MAYBE* rank 3 will be common.
When you start seeing Rank 4's you know people are serious.
Also damn near no one had/has 100 essences banked.
A lot of people were close, in the 80s and were able to get their UW rank1 within a couple hours of logging in but thats to be expected.

If Hunter wanted I would code a scaling version of each rank but that defeats the fun of the item.

I have not notice any issue with Dragon Minor Essences being having a lower drop rate than others.  The higher demand and people desires to have a UW asap is likely the perception of a low drop rate.

Just my 2cp.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Chunka on February 03, 2013, 06:34:22 pm
I've noticed that there's this seeming need by some to trivialize some things in MMO's. Its not new.....been happening in games for a long time. I actually read a comment by a lead dev from a game that I wont name...in essence stating that there is a bit of an injustice in the fact that the best gear/loot is only available to players who can spend weeks/months flagging, gearing and raiding.


Really. Huh. Best items in the game, only available to people willing to put in the time and effort. Damn, thats so unfair.

Hunter stated that UW's would be something that would be VERY hard to get....that would take the best geared players a lot of time and effort to acquire. What part of "ultimate weapon" was confusing?

The best houses and cars are available to people who can afford them....which means SOMEONE is going to be working their ass off to make that money. If not the driver/owner, then their mommy and/or daddy. The best game items are available to people willing to put in the effort, same way. Just because something exists doesnt mean you get to have it. Just because you can log in to a game doesnt mean the best toys will fall into your lap. The only "right" you have is the same as anyone else: the right to achieve your goals with effort, time, blood, sweat and tears.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Chunka on February 03, 2013, 06:38:05 pm
Oh, and a side note.....I will probably never see an ultimate weapon. I just cant commit the time....at least not in the foreseeable future. Does that bother me? Hell, no. If I cant commit the time why the hell should I get the goody?

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Fugitive on February 03, 2013, 06:39:46 pm
I will probably never see an ultimate weapon.

Here brick


Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Hunter on February 03, 2013, 06:41:02 pm
Well said mpano66

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Hunter on February 03, 2013, 06:42:25 pm
Fugitive, the stats are even higher since that screenshot was taken.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Fugitive on February 03, 2013, 06:48:56 pm
Fugitive, the stats are even higher since that screenshot was taken.

!! yeah the loping esse are going to be  long for me.. Ill peep @ it in bazaar!! =D and Whoa!! yeah

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Felony on February 03, 2013, 06:50:00 pm
I think the only essences that need upping are dragon minors. In a day where I got 1 dragon minor, I could kill the same amount of t2 and get 8 dragon majors. Just seems weird to me. All the other essences drop rates seem fine to me, it's just drag minor that is ridiculously low.

I could also just be *really* unlucky every time I have done t1.

Dragon minor drop rate is low compared to the others.
However it is Hunter's choice as to what the percent chance is for the stuff on his server.
Don't get me wrong, I bitch about it more then the rest of you but thats how I blow off steam, I bitch to my online friends and keep on trucking.

UW rank 1 and rank 2 and *MAYBE* rank 3 will be common.
When you start seeing Rank 4's you know people are serious.
Also damn near no one had/has 100 essences banked.
A lot of people were close, in the 80s and were able to get their UW rank1 within a couple hours of logging in but thats to be expected.

If Hunter wanted I would code a scaling version of each rank but that defeats the fun of the item.

I have not notice any issue with Dragon Minor Essences being having a lower drop rate than others.  The higher demand and people desires to have a UW asap is likely the perception of a low drop rate.

Just my 2cp.

Then you are dumb. I have no desire for a UW and I am not farming the essences for one but when I was backgearing alts I ran 250 T1 tiki a day for 3 days in a row and I pulled out 5 essences.
I understand RNG plays a part in it but I am not the only one to notice it.

Do I really care? Nope, it's just something I gripe and bitch about with my friends because I like having something to bitch about. The rate is whatever Hunter sets it at.

Now for the people that want to see 20 essences out of 100 boss turn ins, I tell those people to gtfo.

Oh and FYI I generally run 7-12% per 100 for essences for every tier except Dragon Minors. That is my consistent spread and it seems fair. Days I run lower and days I run higher but I generally fall inside that range.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Hunter on February 03, 2013, 07:01:01 pm
Essences generally are around 5% drop rate off all tier bosses, but some tiers may be higher now with addloot script for trash/bosses in addition to the loot tables already there.

Today I bumped up the Dragons Minor just a tiny bit which goes into affect after reboot.

Just cause Ultimate Weapons are in the game doesn't mean you have to get it. Its just something for the end game players to do if they already accomplished everything.

So how hard is it? Lets go with 5% drop rate, although some bosses may experience 6-10% rates. That is 1 in 20 bosses. Need 100 essences per rank so that is 2,000 bosses per rank. And there are 9 ranks, so thats 'average' of 18,000 bosses to get UW. Of course with addloot zones across trash and bosses, this would make it fewer, but probably still close to that many boss kills. If anything I probably need to nerf essence drop rates in certain areas.

Since its so insanely hard to get UW, I'm even considering not making them lore to each other, so you dual then technically dual wield + have bow for 3x the stats for total of 3 Million HP added total. Need to think on that one. Only the super super hardcore would ever get 3 max UW's.

Off topic: ROA Rank 500 would probably take longer than UW IX.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Chunka on February 03, 2013, 09:48:25 pm
And IMO thats something missing from most modern MMO's.....a long, nasty, time consuming quest that will yield you fantastic results. Its something that keeps the fast achievers coming back for more, month after month.

Everyone goes for the 10 second instant gratification quests in todays MMO's, with very few exceptions....because if they dont then the little "Its not fair that it takes so long and I cant get it!" shits start their whining. The sad thing is these game companies seem to take it seriously.

Just ONCE I'd like to see a lead dev from a game like Rift, or WoW, or whatever say, "Tough shit! You want it? Suck it up and do what it takes to get it, or learn to live without it!"

But then most of these whiners.....their parents never seem to have the balls to tell them that....why should game companies be different.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: jmaneuv011 on February 03, 2013, 10:48:45 pm
Is it possible to put in adds for t1 bosses?  That would speed up crystals and it seems as if it's something that is supposed to be in the game anyway since they call for help during the fight (for any other boss that results in adds)

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Anuli on February 03, 2013, 10:57:45 pm
Aha I can finally put in my 2cp worth now too! I agree with that guy above me, adds would be cool for t1, the only problem is kill them as a new player fresh into t1 with full tacvi is not so easy Without adds, much less with them. I know i had a hard time solo so it probably isn't fair. I don't think I will be seeing an UW until my son is old enough to farm essences for me while I'm at work :(

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: Camric on February 04, 2013, 05:50:19 am
I think the only essences that need upping are dragon minors. In a day where I got 1 dragon minor, I could kill the same amount of t2 and get 8 dragon majors. Just seems weird to me. All the other essences drop rates seem fine to me, it's just drag minor that is ridiculously low.

I could also just be *really* unlucky every time I have done t1.

Dragon minor drop rate is low compared to the others.
However it is Hunter's choice as to what the percent chance is for the stuff on his server.
Don't get me wrong, I bitch about it more then the rest of you but thats how I blow off steam, I bitch to my online friends and keep on trucking.

UW rank 1 and rank 2 and *MAYBE* rank 3 will be common.
When you start seeing Rank 4's you know people are serious.
Also damn near no one had/has 100 essences banked.
A lot of people were close, in the 80s and were able to get their UW rank1 within a couple hours of logging in but thats to be expected.

If Hunter wanted I would code a scaling version of each rank but that defeats the fun of the item.

I have not notice any issue with Dragon Minor Essences being having a lower drop rate than others.  The higher demand and people desires to have a UW asap is likely the perception of a low drop rate.

Just my 2cp.

Then you are dumb. I have no desire for a UW and I am not farming the essences for one but when I was backgearing alts I ran 250 T1 tiki a day for 3 days in a row and I pulled out 5 essences.
I understand RNG plays a part in it but I am not the only one to notice it.

Do I really care? Nope, it's just something I gripe and bitch about with my friends because I like having something to bitch about. The rate is whatever Hunter sets it at.

Now for the people that want to see 20 essences out of 100 boss turn ins, I tell those people to gtfo.

Oh and FYI I generally run 7-12% per 100 for essences for every tier except Dragon Minors. That is my consistent spread and it seems fair. Days I run lower and days I run higher but I generally fall inside that range.

Ouch, someone hit a nerve.   Drop rates were fine in T1 before the recent change.  Proof?  Look at the number of players who have high end gear requiring that very essence:  SoA, Augs (loads of these out there), and now UW.

enough said.

Title: Re: Essence and UW
Post by: spuddson on February 04, 2013, 07:14:35 am
Good to have some nice reply s hope good comes out as say it wont be ultimate if was easy.