EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Khaoticz on February 24, 2013, 12:08:03 pm

Title: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Khaoticz on February 24, 2013, 12:08:03 pm
Now firstly I'd like to say that everyone says its all about the RNG which is mostly true 90% of the time. But with that being said I've chain spawned 30-70 bosses in a row in T1 for Dragons Minors and haven't gotten a thing in whats now a good 150ish crystals. Yet Dragons majors drop like candy for me. Although people have the opposite turn around in their cases, the majority of the server says they suck to get, and its turning into another punishment zone like Abyss. To farm the crystals takes longer then it does to chain kill the bosses, and maybe getting a crystal from what I've noticed either out of an ornate chest or mini is about 1:15 if your lucky, maybe 1:25 if not, Then factor in the chances to get the essence from the bosses, which some people say its 1:20 bosses and others say its 1:50 I don't really see it. So Factor it in and it comes to 1 essence per 300 or 500 dragons if it's 1:20 bosses, if it's 1:50 then it would be 1 essence per 750 or 1250 dragons.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Griz on February 24, 2013, 12:52:03 pm
Boo hoo, at least crystals stack now.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Bobbin on February 24, 2013, 12:58:44 pm
at least crystals stack now.
+1. So glad we don't have to run to the tiki constantly.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Thebone on February 24, 2013, 01:01:25 pm
Boo hoo, at least crystals stack now.

You are correct they do great job!

However when I blow through 300 of them and get 13 essence.... I'll let you do the math...

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Khaoticz on February 24, 2013, 01:08:52 pm
Boo hoo, at least crystals stack now.
You are correct they do great job!
300 of them and get 13 essence.... I'll let you do the math...

1 essence every ~23 kills , which proves my theory
1 essence every ~300-500 dragons

Which means for Dragon Minors alone for UW its 30,000-50,000 dragons killed!!!! Lucky us!

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Bobbin on February 24, 2013, 01:44:37 pm
UW was designed to be something that very few attain.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Thebone on February 24, 2013, 01:59:41 pm
UW was designed to be something that very few attain.

hamburgers are made of meat
Burger King sells them.....

Now we are both saying stuff that everyone already knows!

This post was made pretty much to ask to have the Drop rates looked at not to say the crystals stack or that a UW should be hard to get.

If its just RNG hating the server then right on I can power through that as I have with everything.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Bobbin on February 24, 2013, 02:25:55 pm
This post was made pretty much to ask to have the Drop rates looked at not to say the crystals stack or that a UW should be hard to get.

Oh, so that's what this post is about. Hunter has repeatedly stated that all essences drop at around the rate of 5%. The data you yourself provided (4.33%) supports this.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Digz on February 24, 2013, 02:30:10 pm
putting adds on the t1 bosses like t2 bosses have would go a long way in solving this problem i think, of course some tuning might have to happen for the newbies

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Rageful on February 24, 2013, 02:46:54 pm
Easiest solution is for Hunter to do what he did in the abyss and quest::addloot dragon minors to ornate chests and mini's. Maybe even t1 trash.

This would just keep crappy RNG from enjoying an extended vacation.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Natedog on February 24, 2013, 02:50:09 pm
They should just drop UW9s so then people might stop crying  :P

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Khaoticz on February 24, 2013, 03:19:22 pm
Easiest solution is for Hunter to do what he did in the abyss and quest::addloot dragon minors to ornate chests and mini's. Maybe even t1 trash.

This would just keep crappy RNG from enjoying an extended vacation.

This would work for both T1 and T2, or he could increase the rate of crystals dropping since the 5% wouldn't change from the boss dropping them.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Fugitive on February 24, 2013, 04:03:12 pm
He recently bumped the drop rates of T1/T2. QQing cause you blow thru 25-50 Crystals and not get anything qq some more. Sometimes I blow through a 100 and not 1 then I get 3-6 drops back to back RNG is RNG and it blows. A lot of players don't understand the amount of hours the few that have 100+ of these have been in game.. This did not happen over night.. nor did it happen solo. Mine was a guild effort. and I'm going out on a limb and saying most of the others have been a guild effort.

Don't expect the end game stuff upon return from a major hiatus
Don't expect the end game stuff without the grind.

Hunter has made many SUPER CHARGED changes 0-T4 is a joke including UC for anyone to do.

The only thing that really blows is essences really don't sell anymore but shrug.

Just for your info I've burned through 1000s++ of crystals & Tokens as have my peers. @ least they are stackable as it was mentioned

Most of the people that have this also have  ---> :o ( /play 200+days played)

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Fugitive on February 24, 2013, 05:16:34 pm
Which means for Dragon Minors alone for UW its 30,000-50,000 dragons killed!!!! Lucky us!

Do expect to just finish this over a weekend?

.. want one.... less forum posting more grinding.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Rageful on February 24, 2013, 05:33:09 pm
It's kinda hard to decide which way to lean.

On one side I believe UW should be a difficult item to obtain

On the other side dragon minors are definitely not in line with any other essences. Not referring to drop rate wise, but to the availability of the boss's.  T2 boss's can be killed at a steady rate because they spawn adds and you have a chance of getting another crystal. Every HoH mob has a chance at dropping a token so T3/T4 can also have a great flow of boss kills.

Just my observation, not arguing either side

@ least they are stackable as it was mentioned


Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Dethundrel on February 24, 2013, 06:42:15 pm
A lot of people think this is all about the new UW, but the fact is, dragon minors have been being brought up for years. It has always been obvious that these essences take way longer to obtain than all the others.
Not a new issue, and I know it's been said that the code is the same for all of them. Perhaps the code itself isn't the answer, a little thinking outside the box is needed. Everytime something new comes out that requires essences this gets brought up, the reason for that is nothing has really been addressd to fix it.
With augs, BD armor, shield, neckless and now UW, dragon minors are the cockblock of all of them.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 24, 2013, 07:09:25 pm
And a lot has been done about it. He increased the drop rate recently for dragon minors and he made crystal stackable.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Rageful on February 24, 2013, 07:43:01 pm
It's not the drop chance of the essence it's the flow of crystals. Essences seem rare because every other tier (minus Anguish) provide more boss's per hour spent.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Hunter on February 24, 2013, 08:07:48 pm
Dragons Minors was tweaked in the last month or so.

Also, if too many people start getting UW's then I'll have to make requirement to be 250 essences per rank.

Suppose to be the more rare item in the game, even more rare than UC.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Rageful on February 24, 2013, 08:26:25 pm
Meh bump dragon minors down to 50 and dragon majors up to 150  :P

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Hunter on February 24, 2013, 08:59:36 pm
Meh bump dragon minors down to 50 and dragon majors up to 150  :P

Drop rates are not balanced yet?

Maybe I need to add a few more % to the dragons minors and reduce the dragons majors.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 24, 2013, 09:02:08 pm
I remember when people complained about the cost of creating level V of the strike augs. The complaint was that you could make ninjastrike straight into V so they wanted to be able to make the other strikes straight into V (without having to upgrade from 1 to 2 to 3 etc.). Hunters' response was to eliminate being able to make ninjastrike straight into V. Did people learn from that? No. The next complaint was that icestrike was too expensive. The argument was that for the same price of an icestrike V you could make a ninjastrike or firestrike. People thought the price of icestrikes should be dropped in half. Hunters' response was to double the cost of ninjastrike and firestrike. Yeah, that's right people, we used to be able to make a ninjastrike straight into V and all the component costs for ninjastrike and firestrike used to be the same as icestrike.

Moral of the story is, suggestions are great, they promote thinking but for crying out loud, learn when to shut up.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Rageful on February 24, 2013, 09:12:17 pm
The drop chance is not the issue! The issue is the access to boss's. I can walk into any tier minus anguish and kill more boss's per X amount of time than what you see in T1.

People naturally want to complain that the drop rate sucks, but in reality we just need to increase the flow of t1 crystals

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Hunter on February 24, 2013, 09:14:18 pm
So increase the crystal drop rate, not essence chance?

Makes sense if you can do more bosses per X time in other tiers. Didn't think of it that way.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Rageful on February 24, 2013, 09:24:55 pm
My suggestion would be to add crystals to normal chests and a 1/3 chance off t1 boss's. This, in my opinion, would match the flow of t2 (since t2 boss's spawn adds)

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Anuli on February 24, 2013, 10:27:52 pm
Having personally farmed all 3 of these areas this last week, up until saturday I killed approximately 200 bosses of qvic, t1, and t2 and I have
13 qvic essences / 6.5 % drop rate
9 dminor essences / 4.5 % drop rate
6 dmajor essences / 3% drop rate
Meam: 4.67% drop rate
close enough to 5%

However, in the 7 days I farmed bosses, I spent about: 1 day in qvic, 2 days farming t2 crystals, and 5 days farming t1 crystals. These are 8 hour days on average. So 5 days for 200 t1 bosses kind of sucks. Nothing is wrong with the drop rate with my little experiment, it is just the crystal drops as has been stated.

I would say either we need higher chances for mini spawns in t1 or double the dragons in t1 (may cause lag issues) or
1/3 chance off t1 boss's.

just a thought

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Rageful on February 24, 2013, 10:56:49 pm
No need to mess with code to add more mini's or spawns.


100% off chests; 33% off t1 boss's

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Khaoticz on February 25, 2013, 08:49:33 am
Don't expect the end game stuff upon return from a major hiatus
Don't expect the end game stuff without the grind.

I haven't even handed in any essence for UW, that's not even the reason I'm mentioning this for. Farming say 5 D Minors for SoA or for augs takes the same amount of time as if you were farming them for UW. The drop rate isn't even the issue, it's meerly the crystal drop rate and bosses per hour. Now I can make a GI and clear the zone as fast as I want, but that doesn't help if RNG is hating on us for them, then if RNG hates on us for essences as well.

I vote for Rageful's idea....As I was talking to him about this when I did all my handin's and he was finishing his to prove the data correct.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Fugitive on February 25, 2013, 08:51:15 am
+1 on moar crystals

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Khaoticz on February 25, 2013, 08:58:22 am
+1 on moar crystals

I guess I could of worded the first thread post slightly better lol, glad were all coming to an agreement on something that will lower the D minor prices back to somewhat of a reasonable price, and not effect everyones UW dreams

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Chunka on February 25, 2013, 09:40:45 am
T1 bosses spawn no adds. T2 bosses do, and those adds can and do spawn minis and chests that drop T2 crystals.....so you get a lot more dragon major than minor. Either increase T1 crystal drop rates to compensate, or have the T1 named spawn adds, and perhaps tweak the T1 bosses slightly to compenate for the increase difficulty (I prefer this solution). Either way, Rage is right. Its an issue of T1 boss amounts, which translates to crystals.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 25, 2013, 01:42:40 pm
When I turn in 300 ice or earth crystals I get about 75 of each crystal from the adds poping minis and chests. That's about 50% chance of getting a crystal from turning in a crystal. Just add a 50% chance of a crystal dropping off the T1 bosses. It's the simplest solution to even the playing field between t1 and t2.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Anuli on February 25, 2013, 02:22:09 pm
 or to save on dragon corpse spam, a 50 % chance for a crystal on a boss 1. Save difference if you get the extra 75 from the dragons or from the bosses and you would need to add to the corpses since the bosses drop rot anyway

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 25, 2013, 03:09:35 pm
That was a mistype. I meant for it to be 50% off bosses not dragons. 50% off dragons would be way way too much.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Anuli on February 25, 2013, 06:24:27 pm
I figured you meant bosses lol. I hate using my phone to reply on forums, i reread that last post and it was horrible. I apologize for my poor grammar  there, glad u could understand it.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Rageful on February 25, 2013, 06:32:07 pm
This server needs to learn how to spread RNG around and stop putting all your eggs in one basket. How many times do you kill a t1/t3 boss for lets say a leather pieces, but all you get is chain? I came up with the logic, let's just go with it lol.

100% off chests; 33% off t1 boss's

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 06, 2013, 11:13:55 pm
Did the t2 essence drop rate get reduced? Turning in 400 ice crystals I got 11 essenses. I understand rng but it has been pretty consistently 2.7%. Spoke with others and they are noticing a reduced amount of t2 essences as well.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Hunter on March 06, 2013, 11:44:59 pm
I think its around 3-9% depending which boss gets spawned for T1, for example the BP boss would obviously have the 9% chance, and bracer boss would have 3% chance.

Chest with boss crystals are higher chance too.

Shouldn't be too bad. T1 essences should be more common now,

Title: Re: Essence drop rates
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 07, 2013, 12:09:41 am
Oh they are. I like what you did with T1. T2 is what I was asking about. If I am just having bad rng then I am just having bad rng. I have turned in about 525 crystals and have gotten 14 back. It's a 2.6 drop rate. It has been pretty consistently that all day today.

Title: Tacvi essences no longer drop?
Post by: dstmason on March 07, 2013, 05:57:20 am
Cleared this place 25 times now without 1 essence did qvic the same 25 clears and got 12 essences,I know before the drop rate was too high but now they dont drop at all

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 07, 2013, 08:25:10 pm
In all I turned in about 975 t2 crystals and got 29 essences. That is about 2.9%

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 07, 2013, 11:01:36 pm
After our discussion Xiggie about our low drop rate, I decided to farm the crystals but not turn in. You are a brave man to keep trucking through such terrible drop rates.

I average about 2.3% based off a 600ish T2 crystal sample. Might help for a couple more inputs, but I think it's safe to assume with our 1500 combine crystal sample, that we need a bump on these drop rates.

Hopefully Hunter will chime in here soon.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 07, 2013, 11:15:44 pm
Seems Kronos has 10% drop rate for Essence, but the other 6 bosses have 50% chance to drop from a list of jewelry and in that list is the essence at 8% which should be a total of 4% rate?

Anyways, I'm adding a new drop of 3% in addition to the regular loot list for T2 bosses 1-6 to help out.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 07, 2013, 11:34:24 pm
Thank you, I really appreciate that Hunter. I was just about to hire this lady to persuade you with song and dance too. Will leave you a gif of what you missed out on.


Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: whatzizface on March 08, 2013, 12:05:33 am
I have a friend that had a head injury that danced like that. He never made it on TV, But damn he was fun to watch at raves.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 12:12:18 am
A few times I've searched for "Breakdance" on YouTube, and the stuff people can do, OMG. Flipping forwards/backwards, strength, flexible, balance, omg wish I could do that stuff. Don't know much about the culture honestly, but I've taken 2 different styles of martial arts and was also aggressive roller blader, and those breakdancers still got me beat in the stuff they can do.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: whatzizface on March 08, 2013, 12:22:19 am
Never underestimate the ability of people to contort their bodys in the attempt to pick up suitable mates with the gift of dance. I can dance some, If you consider doing the half drunk guy scream and flailing about in a mosh pit for awhile dancing.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 12:25:20 am
I did a mosh pit once, and think I hurt more people than I got hurt. Eventually security kicked me out :(

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 12:26:43 am
I drank a Monster today, omg. When your not used to caffine anymore, it gives you wings, errr I mean when I playing SC2 I get 500 APM. Anyone know what APM is? Its like the WPM of RTS yes? ok I shut up now.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: whatzizface on March 08, 2013, 12:30:38 am
LoL! I drink at least 4 pots of coffee a day so if I do not have the shakes I am usually asleep. Those energy drinks usually make me more sick than awake. Last time i drank one I looked like a lawn sprinkler set itself up inside the mall i was walking through at the time.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 12:34:01 am
I've tried RockStar and some other energy drinks and the taste alone makes me sick too. Monster is the only thing I can handle, that and Mdew.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: whatzizface on March 08, 2013, 12:36:51 am
At the BMX races I used to take my kids to they always handed tons of those out for free, I think they did it on purpose to watch all us parent glare at them knowing a bunch of hot sweaty kids, ramped up on energy drinks in a 4 seat car traveling across the country would drive us crazy.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 08, 2013, 12:42:37 am
Rockstar is my fav followed by Amp

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 01:52:02 am
Basher loves RockStar but can't stand Monster.

I love Monster but can't stand RockStar.

Each to their own I guess.

Oh, and I haven't seen NOS in a while but I used to drink the Purple NOS and OMG zoom zoom zoom, hammer down, coming through!

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 08, 2013, 02:33:37 am
Thats funny cause I think Monster is gross, and my wife loves Green Monster

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 08, 2013, 07:03:05 am
Just wanted to get conformation that you implemented the dragon major change before I blow a bunch of T2 crystals

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 08, 2013, 07:11:53 am
Yes, I did T2 Dragon Majors added 3% on top of what it already had, for the first 6 bosses. The final boss Kronos already had a 10% total chance so I didn't touch that one.

Title: Re: Essence drop rates (merged)
Post by: Stormcougar on March 09, 2013, 09:49:02 am
haha I think Monstar and Rockstar gross...

Love Full Throttle(Black), NOS(Orange), and AMP(Green)