EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: dstmason on March 04, 2013, 06:40:14 am

Title: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: dstmason on March 04, 2013, 06:40:14 am
Ive done 20 clears of LDoN 5 and only got 1 charm around a week ago i pretty much got at least 1 charm per clear,Was same for me last night 10 clears with 0 charms

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 04, 2013, 08:35:48 am
I haven't touched it in a while.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: dstmason on March 04, 2013, 09:19:04 am
I must have bad luck lol

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Anuli on March 04, 2013, 02:15:21 pm
Yup bad odds. Ive gotten 0 v1s in 10 clears, then 1 clear and 4 charms. It evens out if you do a lot, the more you do the more accurate your odds become

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Gannicus on March 04, 2013, 11:34:02 pm
I noticed if you do it in public you have a better chance at charms. How relevant that is, or true I have no idea. Just personal experience .

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: 1flytrapp on March 05, 2013, 10:36:48 am
the last 6 clears of HoH i got exactly 0 V2 upgrades. IMO i think the drop rate needs to be greatly increased or put back to where Heavens mobs had double chance to drop. make that 7 clears and 0 v2 upgrades

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Mattnaik on March 05, 2013, 01:33:29 pm
Oh great...another one of these threads....

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Fliker on March 05, 2013, 02:42:28 pm
the last 6 clears of HoH i got exactly 0 V2 upgrades. IMO i think the drop rate needs to be greatly increased or put back to where Heavens mobs had double chance to drop. make that 7 clears and 0 v2 upgrades

Thought you were done with UC's Dok.
You make another toon?

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: 1flytrapp on March 09, 2013, 02:17:24 pm
OMG been averaging 1 v2 drop per 10 clears pls revert back to like was before or greatly increase drop rate please

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 09, 2013, 02:29:51 pm
Although I have not had the need to farm charms for a while. The drop rate reported by others seems a bit outrageous. This is an outdated item and does not compare to your new items.

Look at it this way, if this item was not REQUIRED to have, no one would touch it. Time invested is not worth the reward. Problem is, it is a requirement for UCv2

Plus consider this item is needed for people's other X amount of box's.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Dimur on March 09, 2013, 02:38:42 pm
I haven't been around much lately, but just wanted to chime in that I'd much rather spend my time doing UCv2 than the mindless chore that's UC...v1 charms aren't bad at all now but if v2 are as rare as people are saying, let me do the UCv2 quest twice per character instead of wasting away in HoH.  I haven't touched ToFS yet but it doesn't sound like a viable alternative to HoH if the drops aren't significantly higher.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: jamey0181 on March 09, 2013, 03:48:31 pm
doubt that v2's are that bad i cleared less than 1 instance with 4 v2's drop while farming a few tokens

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Mattnaik on March 09, 2013, 04:44:34 pm
I'm averaging about 3-5 per clear....so not sure what you guys are doing wrong.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: fjamso on March 10, 2013, 05:08:49 am
I haven't seen fewer then 2 v2 on full clear before repop, since last ajustment to loot in HOH.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Anuli on March 10, 2013, 01:02:03 pm
Oh my gosh everyone stop complaining, please.

I helped a kid get his 3.5 last week and only killed what we needed for pages, so probably half a clear and I got 3 v2s, none of which were from shadow.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 10, 2013, 09:16:26 pm
1 per clear might be too high, might have to reduce it now.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Griz on March 10, 2013, 11:09:53 pm
Well, there are like 400 mobs in HoH and they have 2 million HP each. With a non-uced group that actually has strike augs it probably takes 30s+ to kill an avatar. Figure out how many v2s should drop per hour. A player with multiple UCs and 4.0s probably still can't clear HOH in less than the 2 hour respawn.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 11, 2013, 12:00:41 am
Oh, so its not too high rate then?

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: jamey0181 on March 11, 2013, 01:30:14 am
thought this was would match the post's

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rent Due on March 12, 2013, 02:08:12 pm
Oh, so its not too high rate then?

No, its not too high!

not going to post about unlucky clears lol, I swear there are "bum" instances though.

I will say that sorc drops are or have been being very rare to come by for some reason. 3% chance drop rate and then 1:4 chance of dropping a sorc, etc, the odds are mind boggling to get those pesky sorcs! lol

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rent Due on March 12, 2013, 02:22:47 pm
I will say this though, UC is a required item to progress and like someone said above, if it wasn't required I would just as soon not touch it. I mean clearing a zone of all mobs 10-15 times is cool, but when you start talking about having to clear an entire zone 200-400 times just to get ONE character completed it gets a tad on the mind numbing side. its like really, how many times do I have to do this just to progress? and then its the whole well I have lvl 50 brawler, guard and oracle then lvl 28 sorc, so I move to the next guy, then he gets those 3 maxed and no sorc, then to the next guy, etc all just waiting on one guy's charms, aggg!

this quest is great, needed and wanted by 98% of us, but really, how much time do we really need to spend in HOH to prove we are ultimate?

Even if the drop rate was 10%, that means 10 charms per 100 mobs, so in a clear you should get 40 charms, seems way, way too high right? really? you need 100 charms per toon times how many toons do most people run? 6? 12? lets say 6, so that's 600 charms needed divided by 40 per clearing, that's 15 clearings, granted you are getting the ones you need, because on every drop there is the 1 in 4 chance to get the charms needed. lets say you have bad luck and can't get oracles to drop at the same rate as the other 3, well then your 15 clearings average just went to hell, you may still be clearing the zone 25+ times or more.

now, if you can clear the zone in, lets say, 20mins and you are really lucky at 10% that's 5hours to get 6 UC V2 charms done. we all know that wouldn't actually happen. but, lets say it did, 5 hours of straight HOH, ask around lol, its like pulling teeth after the first 3 hours, you start to talk to yourself and answer yourself about your luck lol

now, if you are actually doing progression and getting it done on your own, a clearing may take a long, long time. lets say 2 hours? 2 hours x 15 is 30hrs in HOH if you have the best luck.

I think for a newcomer that is actually following progression and following the server set 30hrs in HOH is a fair enough time sink, don't you?

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Gannicus on March 12, 2013, 02:41:19 pm
I think HOH should sort of get the ldon treatment, leashed mobs for a greater % drop rate on charms. Given the above explanation, the UC is still a grind for new players and most at least play 6, I for one play 12 and I only have 3 UCs done across the board and that's with doing UC on my free time as much as I can when i'm not doing t5 to progress

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rent Due on March 12, 2013, 03:14:50 pm
Exactly, you have 12 guys, and you have 3 UC'ed and youre working on progression through T5. in theory, you should have been way long done with UC and then moved into T5 and when youre done with T5 you could slide into T6 and start on your UC2's

instead, you are going to be in T6 without UC on most of your guys lol, like a lot of people.

and when you say "doing UC in your spare time" I think what youre driving at is what I do, doing UC when you just cant find anything else to do worthwhile lol! its like a chore. you would rather be getting cool gear and upgrades in T5, but you have to clean your room!

I want to do my time just like everyone else did, I want to pay my dues as well, but really how much dues? How many times do I have to kill the same mobs?

Id rather work towards a goal I can see, like go to HOH and kill 5000 demi gods and get your UC! and a damn counter so I can see, well on these guys I have to kill 2000 more! lol. as opposed to well, let me kill 2000 of these guys and maybe, just maybe I will get a quarter of what I need to be done with this place. God forbid if I have to make new characters when I get to doing OMM and need more dps and have to come back to this hell again!

I guess my point is this: I love progression, I love working towards something, I love seeing my efforts pay off, my time yielding something. I hate like hell wasting several hours with nothing to show for it. I hate having to rely on my rotten luck to yield results. Heck id rather help 5 new comers get their epics up to 2.0 or get some new guys some qvic gear while netting some essences, anything but sitting in this chair for hours on end just to get the possibility of some small gain.

but, hey, flame on me!

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Fugitive on March 12, 2013, 05:00:20 pm
Keep UC as is.. if you don't want to farm it Don't. Then NO UCV2 for you either

It isn't even a challenge now days...

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Fugitive on March 12, 2013, 05:02:10 pm
I think HOH should sort of get the ldon treatment, leashed mobs for a greater % drop rate on charms. Given the above explanation, the UC is still a grind for new players and most at least play 6, I for one play 12 and I only have 3 UCs done across the board and that's with doing UC on my free time as much as I can when i'm not doing t5 to progress

No reason to leash ( QUIT EASY MODING CRAP ) the drop rate is RNG and it is FINE! I got 20+ drops yesterday no issues..

Less playing in ooc and farming P0rn and more farming charms..

Keep UC as is.. if you don't want to farm it Don't. Then NO UCV2 for you either

It isn't even a challenge now days...

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 12, 2013, 05:03:26 pm
I think HOH should sort of get the ldon treatment, leashed mobs for a greater % drop rate on charms. Given the above explanation, the UC is still a grind for new players and most at least play 6, I for one play 12 and I only have 3 UCs done across the board and that's with doing UC on my free time as much as I can when i'm not doing t5 to progress

This would screw everything else that drops in hoh unless Hunter bumps it all up to candy drops. Just leave it alone. Put in the time it takes to farm the UC or move along. I've had charm ups rot left and right. It's no where near as rare as what people are complaining about.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Fugitive on March 12, 2013, 05:06:17 pm
It's no where near as rare as what people are complaining about.

True Story

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 12, 2013, 05:56:05 pm
Not sure we should base drop rates off someone's UW8. No one can compete with that kill rate. Your sample shouldnt even be considered. No offense bud  :P

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Gannicus on March 12, 2013, 05:58:15 pm
HOH no where yields being worth the time now, that for most is a fact. I need more UCs, but with the current drop rate will I keep going and farming to get maybe 1 charm every other clear? Most likely not. Sure I sustain fine in t5 right now with only 3 out of 12 UCs, but i'm sure once out of t5 and into t6 ill come to be stumped without more UCs across the board. The reasonable idea would be hmm, maybe go get those v2s, but fact of the matter is after so much pushing of a lever and no pellets you don't do it anymore.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 12, 2013, 06:20:00 pm
One every other clear is super rare. Most of the time it is not going to be that rare and nothing should be balanced against something so rare.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Gannicus on March 12, 2013, 06:21:32 pm
One every other clear is super rare. Most of the time it is not going to be that rare and nothing should be balanced against something so rare.

Not as rare as you think, it's a pretty common occurrence.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Fugitive on March 12, 2013, 06:27:22 pm
Dude I just almost wrapped up another HoH part of the UC and it is the same as it was .. maybe because I never just farmed heavens... It's still quick

and 1 every other clear is just horrible RNG on your end.

Everyone RUSHED to T5+ as fast as they could.. neglecting the UC grind.. guess what .. jump on that treadmill.. You got to look how long most of us that have 12+ UC has been grinding them. It doesn't happen overnight..
But it still quick enough ..

I would like to see Hunter Nerf the drops even more there just to squelch the tittybabies.

This shit has become.. oh my the grind is to long lets go to the forums and QQ about it so Hunter might change it.. What else are you going to do when you get all maxxed out?!

The true problem is these damn Halloween weapons that allowed everyone to Rush Past all the content.. free God Weapon Handouts that all you had to do was hail a NPC to get them..

There is a gap between the end game players and people for a reason.... not everyone will have every item.. Not everyone gets a "Trophy". If you want it put the time in. Hunters words roughly.

HoH Drop rates are the same as they have been. I've had to go back and spend 2+ years in that Hell Hole. I'm pretty familiar with it.

you can sit here waiting to reply with some "fight" about it being shit drops ...it's only the Heavens have been adjusted.. farm more farm quicker..

.. one more.. can't expect to get every toon UCd limited gameplay either.

.. won't be "arguing" with you on this thread no more, so have at it.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Gannicus on March 12, 2013, 06:31:10 pm
I'm not saying OH MY GOD GIVE ME x12 UCs. I'm simply saying that I have a lot to do across the board and thinking that you're going to spend 30-40 hours in ldon and 50-60 in HOH for one too is a tid bit fucking ridiculous.  I'm not really trying to start anything on the forums and I rarely QQ as much as it seems about things , more so I just give input on the situation but since the changes in HOH it has been dreadful enough to throw in the towel for a break and actually go back to live EQ for a little bit.

Also on that note, I don't have many Halloween weapons, I have one on my warrior and one on my bard, doesn't make much of a difference lol

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 12, 2013, 06:38:59 pm
One every other clear is super rare. Most of the time it is not going to be that rare and nothing should be balanced against something so rare.

Not as rare as you think, it's a pretty common occurrence.

I don't think, I know. Been up there the last 2 days farming tokens to get UW 5. I have seen plenty of them drop and super rarely do I ever see a run with none, and that is not even doing full clears, (I avoid shadow 100% as he is just not worth the chase. I am getting as much, if not more than before the drop adjustment.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 12, 2013, 06:49:03 pm
How about this, take off all your augs except for your hate augs and farm it with that. The UC is a cake walk now compared to the past. The best dps we had besides warriors was monks at 12k max. If you could keep pets alive back then you might get 25k dps out of them. For the most part though, unless you main'd from your pet class they died on every fight.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 12, 2013, 06:55:04 pm
Xiggie has awesome RNG btw  :P


Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: jstraw101 on March 12, 2013, 07:08:43 pm
Not everyone gets a "Trophy".

Awesome line. 

I think the HoH drop rates are pretty fair across the board.   Personally I love that zone though and have no problems spending hours in there.    Changes made to HoH makes it worthwhile to grind regardless of V2 upgrades.


Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: jamey0181 on March 12, 2013, 11:11:03 pm

Everyone RUSHED to T5+ as fast as they could.. neglecting the UC grind.. guess what .. jump on that treadmill.. You got to look how long most of us that have 12+ UC has been grinding them. It doesn't happen overnight..
But it still quick enough ..

I would like to see Hunter Nerf the drops even more there just to squelch the tittybabies.

This shit has become.. oh my the grind is to long lets go to the forums and QQ about it so Hunter might change it.. What else are you going to do when you get all maxxed out?!

The true problem is these damn Halloween weapons that allowed everyone to Rush Past all the content.. free God Weapon Handouts that all you had to do was hail a NPC to get them..

There is a gap between the end game players and people for a reason.... not everyone will have every item.. Not everyone gets a "Trophy". If you want it put the time in. Hunters words roughly.

bravo man ppl that got to slide past alot of the ldon grind are starting to get it glad to see .

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Premador on March 13, 2013, 11:24:24 am
I hate the UC grind as much as anybody. What most people see is that the first UC suks dirty dog balls. And yup it does. The second UC gets slightly better, and the third gets better, and so on and so on and so on. After u have a few UC's u can blast through HoH fairly fast.

And with things reversed, V1's are a bit easier to come by now, and V2's a little more rare, u can get your dps up sooner than we could before. Most people had all their V2's before they had many V1's previously.

It gets better, the dog balls never go away they just get a little cleaner each time.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rent Due on March 13, 2013, 01:46:03 pm
What most people see is that the first UC suks dirty dog balls. And yup it does.

It gets better, the dog balls never go away they just get a little cleaner each time.

so what you're saying, basically, is you have to suck dirty dog balls in order to be cool? LOL  ;)

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: red2 on March 13, 2013, 02:04:09 pm
First, i Know RNG can be a bitch, i can live with that.
Second i am not QQ ing about how long UC is supposed to take. I Know it should "take a long time", currently working on 7th and 8th one.
Here is my issue. around the 3rd Uc i started getting into a severe drought of Sorc v2's. i bought 14 or so from other players to finish 3rd UC. While doing that, rolled over enough Brawl/Guards to almost finish 4th UC ( minus Sorc). Then to finish 4th Uc bough 10 upgrades for EZ credits, and bought a few from other players, and rolled over enough Brawlers/guards to finish those on #5 and #6. Doing #7, i have givien away/rotted/sold around 70 upgrades ( noob team2 not yet ready).
I forsee finishing guards/brawlers on #12, wile still looking for Sorc on #8.
Does that seem fair? Atleast in LDON, you can turn them in for 10% credit, or go hunt cards/tokens.
If you piss off the RNG enough you may never finish.
FYI, started # last August.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 13, 2013, 03:47:42 pm
So Hunter just needs to add in an exchange bot. Kinda like rotating UW weapons?

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rent Due on March 13, 2013, 04:31:01 pm
So Hunter just needs to add in an exchange bot. Kinda like rotating UW weapons?

/semi sarcasm on

LOL wouldn't that be cool, sounds like it makes too much sense though...

or make charms droppable,

or both!

but then people would farm the crap out of HOH endlessly and just sell them to people that want to do other things with their online time...

/semi sarcasm off

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Anuli on March 13, 2013, 04:54:09 pm
First of all. Hello.

Second of all.. Does nobody listen to me? I feel i repeat myself a lot on here. You want to have a pissing contest about who had wasted more time doing what? Because i will tell you, you will lose. i spent the better part of every day last week until nowfarming Tacvi essences, and this is after the change, and have I once come to the forums and cried about it? Two weeks ago, some people got 100 in a few hours, now I am getting dry spells of up to 70 clears with no essence. Sucks, but it happens. Let me add here that I do not think it should be changed at all. Especially after ive already done all 100 at the new rates.

Bottom line, it takes you two weeks to farm a UC? Good. It took me a month to farm my first one. I think it should be harder if that is the case. Someone mentioned it will shut up the "tittybabies", and i am all for this. I still have 12 to do but Id be happy to do them at an extremely reduced rate if need be. It is easier to get them now than when I farmed charms, so quit whining while you are ahead. I bet you could get a UC in the time it took to think up your argument and cry on the forums.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 13, 2013, 08:34:20 pm
Make them a trade item then, economy sucks anyways. Still not seeing why the huge focus on an outdated item.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Anuli on March 13, 2013, 09:34:31 pm
If they were tradable i would farm them on Anuli solo and give my Alts the stacks of 25. That would be awesome actually, i wouldn't have to keep them in zone to coth around, and I would spend the same amount of time farming. Yes do that! Lol

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 13, 2013, 10:31:06 pm
Hunter has already stated that if he were to make them tradeable then he will have to make them a lot more rare. So be careful what you ask for.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 13, 2013, 10:31:21 pm
Anuli how you get so much plat for a T3 player?

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 13, 2013, 10:32:13 pm
Hunter has already stated that if he were to make them tradeable then he will have to make them a lot more rare. So be careful what you ask for.

How about tradeable with 1 per 3 hour drop rate?

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 13, 2013, 10:40:53 pm
Shouldn't you be playing SC2!

Consider making a trade bot, don't think it's out of line

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Gannicus on March 13, 2013, 10:41:40 pm
Exchange bot not a bad idea.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 13, 2013, 10:51:45 pm
Maybe if we had a trade bot where you could trade in 3 of one for the other? Even if it had a plat cost it would still be worth it.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 13, 2013, 10:54:39 pm

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 13, 2013, 10:56:57 pm

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 13, 2013, 11:00:00 pm
Charm Upgrade v1 + 100kpp = different charm upgrade type?

And yes, I'm playing SC2 now, just in between matches I check in here. I'm in Diamond league and queue takes a while to find opponents worthy of my skills.

Masters League slaughters me though.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rageful on March 13, 2013, 11:04:50 pm
I must have just missed the crazy bug!

Seriously, unless noobs are duping plat how are they gonna afford 100k per trade!

just cycle it like the UW quest npc

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 13, 2013, 11:05:34 pm
Considering people are paying more than 100k I think that is a very nice improvement.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Anuli on March 14, 2013, 05:10:05 am
Selling my SLS that I've been saving for myself, because I got some pretty nice deals seeing as people are paying so much for SLS and essences lol. Ill just have to farm more later for myself again. Diamond league? Holy crap I thought I was good in gold league. Good thing I dont have to worry about losing to you :)

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 14, 2013, 07:08:57 am
Yeah, but Masters League is like non-human skillz of 500 APM.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Rent Due on March 14, 2013, 08:16:29 am
ok Hunter, you win.

no trade, no rot bot, no changes, never mind

lets not make it more frustrating please

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Anuli on March 14, 2013, 09:52:21 am
Yeah, but Masters League is like non-human skillz of 500 APM.

I know right? it is truly amazing. I could never keep up with those people, I don't think they are human. All they do is play SC2 and I am pretty sure they eat sleep and breath it. Although it is exciting to watch the tournaments at the bars!

I love how the finalists from America are Korean and need translators haha. I'm not really sure that is fair but who am I to judge.

Title: Re: Charm Upgrade (Merged)
Post by: Hunter on March 16, 2013, 01:38:53 am
Masters League is top 2% players, which I'll never get. I don't have the 500 APM (or A.D.D.) that those teens have.

I know my weakness though, which is sticking with 1-2 types of units, although I can easily switch mid game.

Its those players that actually make and use 5+ different types of units together and effectively is omg micro skillz.