Title: UW and essances Post by: red2 on March 19, 2013, 10:38:02 pm So essences price have sky rocketed, and essence/Aug availability to lower tier players is nearly zero. i have a possible way to correct this. Add something nodrop ( similar to charms in hoh) in all the places a essence would drop ( so an essence and new thing could drop). then give like a week for people to trade in essence for new thing. This would:
Not affect t5+ people in anyway farming for UW Drop essence price back to sane levels and availability Aug availability possibly back to normal Not cockblock qvic-t4 players from even/ever getting augs Make UW that much more Ultimate, as that person would need to farm more/most of it ( like UC) Bring world peace, drop co2 emissions, lower gas prices, and lower the unemployment rate10%. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Hunter on March 19, 2013, 11:36:08 pm Nobody is cock blocking you from going out and farming. If anything due the increased value, you could get rich now!
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 19, 2013, 11:48:36 pm You can still farm your essences just as easily as before, (with an exception of tacvi but increased in t1 and t2). Yeah, you can't farm stuff that is above your tier but you couldn't do that before either. And yes, the price of essences and augs have gone up considerably but that does mean you can sell the ones you are able to farm for considerably more to buy the ones you can't farm that are higher now. The two balance each other out. There are still ways to get augs, you just have to do it differently than before.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: red2 on March 19, 2013, 11:56:09 pm it in the sense that before, a dragon major was 200k, not if you can even get someone to sell it, its 500-600k. and tacvi was 30-50k, now , i saw someone buy 2 for a mill plat a few days ago. at those rates how is someone breaking into t1 going to make their augs for a 6man?
the idea was to come up with a way to not affect the people hunting for UW, and stabilize the market. A few months ago people were auctioning augs/essences all day long, now all it is wtb... i have a FWP. i managed 6 tacvi essence before "the change". did 30 rounds the other day, got lucky and got 1. how would a normal grp with no FWP looking for essence needing to spend 30*25 hours just for that that 1 type of essence seem normal? they could UC a toon or 3 in that time. the whole thing has just crippled the market. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 20, 2013, 12:26:33 am Normally it would not take anyone 30 clears of tacvi to get one essence. Considering tacvi essences before the UW had a very poor value, (ie, could hardly give them away) and now you can sell them for about what you are saying is 500k each it sounds like that is a very good way of buying essence from higher tiers. That's actually a plus considering before the UW you could not sell enough tacvi essences to buy dminor and dmajor. If anything it has gotten easier on the new buy because the essences they are able to farm (qvic and tacvi) now have value whereas before they didn't.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: jstraw101 on March 20, 2013, 12:36:21 am Is there a typo in the Tacvi percent to drop rate? Maybe a decimal point off ( like Office Space?) I've heard from numerous sources that its taking 20-30 clears to get 1 tacvi essence. 8 bosses in tacvi x 20 = 160 so that is < 1% drop rate.
I've not tested this myself but have heard from numerous sources, including this post that it is taking 20+ clears for 1 essence. Peign Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Rageful on March 20, 2013, 12:44:49 am I am not going to pick sides, but I must point out that /auction is basically non existent. No one can afford to buy anything and no one wants to sell anything. What is pissing me off is noobs are not even selling HoH tokens. Peign won't even sell to me, because there was more value in trade to him over the plat I was offering.
The new market is most definitely "do it yourself." My plat holds value only to the crafters merchant. Up HoH token rate so I can blow some plat on them! While I am here... /auction Wtb HoH tokens Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Hunter on March 20, 2013, 01:26:37 am In Tacvi each boss has higher and higher drop rate, for a total of I think 11-15% drop rate. Forgot the actual amounts, but thats aprox how I did it. So that might be 6-9 clears average to get 1 essence? People should be able to get their strike augs in a reasonable time, and UW players will take longer. At least there is no trash farming or clearing, just hit the bosses and win. I'm sure high level players spam instances, attack the final boss drawing aggro of all the bosses, and clear the zone every few minutes.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: red2 on March 21, 2013, 02:49:40 pm I must amend my prior statements a bit. Over the last week or 2, i have been in Tacvi briefly a few times. 2 instances come to mind. first went just to look for essences, went about 6 instances in, got 1 essence from first instance only. was happy to get anything. later, was doing gear for someone, did maybe 5 instances, and got essence of 2nd or 3rd one in. again happy. Have been meaning to do 100 instances all together to see a more well-rounded rng distribution.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Peign on March 21, 2013, 03:06:04 pm Thats refreshing news. Perhaps the drop rate is not as bad as it was being perceived?
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Expletus on March 21, 2013, 05:48:12 pm I dunno, I've done close to 30, like 5 here 10 here etc. and i have only gotten 1.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 21, 2013, 07:16:28 pm Did 20 yesterday and got 3
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Rageful on March 21, 2013, 09:45:29 pm That's a 1.9% drop rate
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: hateborne on March 21, 2013, 10:48:35 pm That's a 1.9% drop rate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_large_numbers -Hate Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 21, 2013, 10:58:13 pm Not sure where you are getting 1.9%. 3 essences out of 20 runs is 15%. But 20 is hardly enough to get an accurate rate.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Bobbin on March 21, 2013, 11:17:29 pm 3 essences / (20 runs x 8 bosses each = 160 chances at essence drop) = 1.875%
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 21, 2013, 11:26:43 pm Ahh, that's how he got it. My bad. I was calculating it per clear.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Hunter on March 21, 2013, 11:42:10 pm I'm calculating per clear since you don't have to clear trash, and can kill all the bosses quickly.
So far the drop rate seems about right, 1/6 clears. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Digz on March 22, 2013, 02:58:08 pm not really faster at all, most people t4+ can do qvic/tacvi in under the amount of time it takes waypoint to refresh so you're not really ever able to farm "more" tacvi bosses to compensate for the smaller drop rate. granted this only holds true for the ubers that are farming UW but thats the entire reason the drop rate was changed in the first place :)
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: hateborne on March 22, 2013, 03:04:38 pm Preface: I understand that my play time as of late has been ...non-existent.
I will cast a vote saying that throttling old content to slow down extreme high end does come off as awkward. I am guilty of having done it as well. It seems to also be an assumption that everyone HAS the Waypoint NPC. -Hate Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Anuli on March 22, 2013, 05:44:36 pm Well in my case I farmed all 100 (except a few that I bought) after the change and I did around 1100 instances for 80 essences. I lost count after a while...
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Rent Due on March 22, 2013, 06:47:36 pm It seems to also be an assumption that everyone HAS the Waypoint NPC. -Hate THIS IS THE BIG ASSUMPTION! if you don't have the FWP click..........the cost to do the zone, lets say 100 times, well 1/6 drop that's 600 times on face value is 3mil plat (5k per grp run) and if youre doing it solo 600k, or you can always wait for public to spawn............ oh and that is assuming tacvi is still 5k per run for a grp and not 20mil per grp run or whatever so down to the unlucky person, lets say 4 million plat on a reg. WP item to get 100 essences........that's fair............./cough /hack basically if you don't have the FWP and cant just sit at the end and pull agro on all mobs and kill all at once youre pretty much doomed from the get go on UW and really gonna be hurting for plat for making your augs, but then again, most luck ever, NS and FS need 2 each, so lets go with 6 FS augs, that's 12 essences, 12*6=72*1000=72k that's 1 essence ever 6 runs, 72 runs times 1000plat for each run.......yeah 72k to get the componets to make your augs + the ore costs, ............anyway Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: hateborne on March 22, 2013, 07:26:01 pm It seems to also be an assumption that everyone HAS the Waypoint NPC. -Hate THIS IS THE BIG ASSUMPTION! if you don't have the FWP click..........the cost to do the zone, lets say 100 times, well 1/6 drop that's 600 times on face value is 3mil plat (5k per grp run) and if youre doing it solo 600k, or you can always wait for public to spawn............ oh and that is assuming tacvi is still 5k per run for a grp and not 20mil per grp run or whatever so down to the unlucky person, lets say 4 million plat on a reg. WP item to get 100 essences........that's fair............./cough /hack basically if you don't have the FWP and cant just sit at the end and pull agro on all mobs and kill all at once youre pretty much doomed from the get go on UW and really gonna be hurting for plat for making your augs, but then again, most luck ever, NS and FS need 2 each, so lets go with 6 FS augs, that's 12 essences, 12*6=72*1000=72k that's 1 essence ever 6 runs, 72 runs times 1000plat for each run.......yeah 72k to get the componets to make your augs + the ore costs, ............anyway I was more referring to the 1mil price tag on standard waypoint, but valid point. -Hate Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Worthington on April 03, 2013, 04:14:07 am I'm calculating per clear since you don't have to clear trash, and can kill all the bosses quickly. So far the drop rate seems about right, 1/6 clears. I just finished 60 full clears of tacvi and walked away with only 3 essence, trying to farm some essence for my SoA's, thats 1 essence in 20 clears. I'm not seeing anywhere near a 1/6 clears drop rate here. Well in my case I farmed all 100 (except a few that I bought) after the change and I did around 1100 instances for 80 essences. I lost count after a while... Doing the math here is about 1 essence in 13.75 clears. Now with the time limit of 10 min, or 600 seconds, for instance deletion, i can only get 3 clears every 10 min. As my warrior is full t-6 with a uc v2 i can get 3 clears in 6 min, and i have to wait 4 min just to get another instance. Any chance we could get a reduction in the instance deletion timer down to 5 min? Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Hunter on April 03, 2013, 04:29:59 am There are 3 types of instance too, solo, guild, raid.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 03, 2013, 05:55:19 am You had a bad string of luck. I did 35 a week ago and got 3 of them. I put out 150 t4 tokens a few days before double loot and no essences... and then I got 3 in the next 20 tokens.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: hateborne on April 03, 2013, 09:23:13 am I really don't think the constant essence constriction needs to continue. It's already a fairly uphill battle for those players that are entrenched (so to speak, with high powered box groups). For a new player, they have to drop 1mil for crafting book, drop 1mil for waypoint, farm for literal days to get essences from any zone (more if they are all aug users in their main group), and then contend with the constantly shrinking essence drop chances because the UW (supposedly intended as another EXTREME high end item) is directly affecting drop chances (which means it effects ALL players).
tl;dr - Please don't screw the bulk of us just because a few players saved up for over a year and got an end game item day one. -Hate Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Anuli on April 03, 2013, 12:03:04 pm +1 what Hate said. essences for augs are hard enough as it is for augs and SoA. the UW takes a long time if you farm it Yourself. I have personally farmed 95% of my essences from qvic-T2 and im on UW4. ive been going at it since it came out so I figure another 6 months and I might be at 8. but I need augs too and Im only in T5 with 18 in my box army.I need 78 of each type already without UW essences.
How about instead of using essences, incorporate the UW in your new ToFS zone. floor 1 is "qvic/tacvi" diffuculty (tho its a little harder) and make new drops at a 1% or less rate of a new item, then do a different item per floor so each floor drops 2 types of item to combine, floor 4 in this case would drop the combines to UW 7/8... sounds reasonable if the highest geared people can't get past floor 4 yet. trash could drop lvl 1/3/5/7/9 UW combines items, then the keyholder can have a low chance to drop 2/4/6/8/10 combine items. yeah? and gets UW away from augs and soa market Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Chunka on April 03, 2013, 02:13:34 pm Or.....make the item needed for the UW separate from the item needed for augs/necks/etc.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Rageful on April 03, 2013, 02:17:00 pm No thanks Anuli
And essences seem perfectly farmable for new players. I agree with Hate about his feelings on the essence constriction, but Hunter has it down pretty fairly right now. Minus tacvi of course. I have not been in tacvi for a while, but I think the best solution is the keep it crazy hard and just have the Crafters guild sell rank2 augs instread of rank1 augs. This will keep the UW pace as it should be, but have nothing to do with augs since you could get them from the crafters merchant. Trust me Hunter, giving away this change(rank2) would not make any new player OP lol Edit: Or remove the essence requirement from the rank2 recipe and still require players to buy the ore and SLS Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Worthington on April 03, 2013, 03:07:24 pm There are 3 types of instance too, solo, guild, raid. Yes i know there are 3 types of instance. That is why i'm asking for a reduction of the deletion timer. So i pop a solo instance, full clear of tacvi 2 min, then i pop a raid instance 2min for full clear, then i pop a guild instance 2 min for full clear. With the instance deletion timer set to 10 min or 600 sec, i have to wait 4 min just to delete the solo instance i first created in order to start the process over again. Can we reduce the deletion timer from 10 min or 600 sec to 5 min or 300 sec? This way we aren't stuck waiting a full 4 min just to start the process over again. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Anuli on April 03, 2013, 03:12:38 pm Or.....make the item needed for the UW separate from the item needed for augs/necks/etc. that's what I said, as have others. why not Rageful? what's the difference between farming for 6 months in ToFS for the UW or farming in progression zones for 6 months? it will keep people from farming it until later in the game thus keep the numbers of players with a UW down while not affecting normal player progression. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 03, 2013, 04:20:40 pm Relegating drop chance for UW stuff down to 1% in a zone that is harder to do than the zone it is replacing would make the UW 10x as hard. The part people are having the most trouble with essences is Tacvi. How about increase the chance for tacvi essences and then proportionally increase the cost for tacvi essences for the UW. If the chance tacvi ess to drop is bumped by 25% then up the cost of the tacvi ess for UW by 25%. It is the easiest, fastest and fairest fix.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Rageful on April 03, 2013, 04:21:43 pm Because Xiggie wants to farm t5 task for his second group while wokring on UW7
Because PlayerX wants to finish some UC's while farming HoH tokens Because I want to farm UCv2's while I work on UW8 Because working on all UW ranks in one zone is fucking stupid Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Hunter on April 03, 2013, 04:45:07 pm I'll give Tacvi a small bump soon on essence chances.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: jamey0181 on April 04, 2013, 12:34:09 am I guess it's good as long as the increased drop rate doesn't flood the market like it previously did wouldn't really be fair to the ppl that spent day's or week's farming tacvi at the reduced rate's why not reduce the higher essence's if u want to really limit the uw rate's such as give a alt drop for wraith and not a 100 percent drop rate for a loping essence or get rid of the 100 percent drop chance for omm and reduce the t6 essence's that way it would slow nearly all the server down and not just a few
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 04, 2013, 01:02:15 am I guess it's good as long as the increased drop rate doesn't flood the market like it previously did wouldn't really be fair to the ppl that spent day's or week's farming tacvi at the reduced rate's why not reduce the higher essence's if u want to really limit the uw rate's such as give a alt drop for wraith and not a 100 percent drop rate for a loping essence or get rid of the 100 percent drop chance for oom and reduce the t6 essence's that way it would slow nearly all the server down and not just a few (http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w281/Xiggie/3cd8a33a_zps5c7200d6.png)Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Rageful on April 04, 2013, 02:49:13 am My lord, not one occurrence of punctuation in that blob you called a post. You sorta sicken me, good day!
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: jamey0181 on April 04, 2013, 09:38:06 am thought this was suitable
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: shawnluc on April 04, 2013, 10:05:10 am I really don't think the constant essence constriction needs to continue. It's already a fairly uphill battle for those players that are entrenched (so to speak, with high powered box groups). For a new player, they have to drop 1mil for crafting book, drop 1mil for waypoint, farm for literal days to get essences from any zone (more if they are all aug users in their main group), and then contend with the constantly shrinking essence drop chances because the UW (supposedly intended as another EXTREME high end item) is directly affecting drop chances (which means it effects ALL players). tl;dr - Please don't screw the bulk of us just because a few players saved up for over a year and got an end game item day one. -Hate Couldnt you leave the high times on instances, and implement a feature from the way point that lets you repop the zone? I cant imagine that is hugely resource intensive, but im just throwing out ideas here lol. Can give it a similar cost/reuse time to creating an instance to limit it. Just a thought... Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Ybik on April 04, 2013, 10:16:07 am Hunter, This may be unpopular or something that you don't want to do/see a need for but have you thought about changing all current essences to 10 essence tokens, increasing drop rate of essences x 10, having the essences combine in the magic box to make tokens of 10, requiring the 10 essence tokens for augs (1 for IS, 2 for NS/FS), having the credit store sell 10 essence tokens (thus keeping the price the same) and 100+ of the tokens for each level of UW?
Things would still require the same amount of time to farm such as an individual aug or UW level but it would make essences more common thus creating more of a market. Guaranteed drops such as OOM could just drop the token. It would allow you to micromanage the speed at which certain items are obtained aka maybe the UW would be 1000 qvic essences (aka 100 x 10 essence tokens), 1000 tacvi, 1050 (105x10 essence tokens) gods minor etc. You could make a certain level take just a bit longer but players would feel like they were able to make small gains vs going multiple instances without essence drops. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Brokyn on April 04, 2013, 12:34:11 pm Essences have been made slightly harder to obtain because Hunter wants it that way...
Stop trying to figure out ways to replace them, or ways to increase the drop rate because you don't think that's fair. Live with it and adapt. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: hateborne on April 04, 2013, 12:36:01 pm Essences have been made slightly harder to obtain because Hunter wants it that way... Stop trying to figure out ways to replace them, or ways to increase the drop rate because you don't think that's fair. Live with it and adapt. I think that's just a trademark of MMO players. If a faucet leaks, REBUILD THE NEIGHBORHOOD! We're all guilty of it. :-) -Hate Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Ybik on April 04, 2013, 02:10:35 pm If you would actually read my post Broklyn, I wasn't trying to make anything faster and never said something "wasn't fair". I was simply trying to come up with a way to help build the server economy.
If you make something 10x the current requirement but increase the drop rate x10, guess what...it takes the same amount of time to obtain its just done in smaller chunks. Its always nice to be ridiculed for trying to improve the server. Thanks I appreciate it. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 04, 2013, 02:17:16 pm What you were suggesting would not have stimulated the server at all. It would have made no difference. The ridicule was probably because, well, I know myself was left scratching my head wondering wtf I had just read.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Mattnaik on April 04, 2013, 02:35:18 pm What you were suggesting would not have stimulated the server at all. It would have made no difference. The ridicule was probably because, well, I know myself was left scratching my head wondering wtf I had just read. I actually kinda liked the idea. Higher drop rate not only gives a sense of progress but also helps normalize RNG wonkiness. You still have to kill the same number of mobs it's just a little more bearable cause at least something is dropping. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Ybik on April 04, 2013, 02:40:44 pm I guess my thought was if the supply of essences increased the number of trades would increase as well...even if the new supply was offset by an increase in cost of augs/uw levels.
Basically each essence would be worth less since the supply would be greater but the overall cost and time required would remain the same since recipes would require more essences (10 instead of 1) basically 100 essences 5÷ drop = 2000 mobs while 1000 essences at 50÷ drop = 2000 mobs. Just a random thought...maybe Ill just take my ADD meds and keep quiet. :) Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: hateborne on April 04, 2013, 02:45:21 pm I guess my thought was if the supply of essences increased the number of trades would increase as well...even if the new supply was offset by an increase in cost of augs/uw levels. Basically each essence would be worth less since the supply would be greater but the overall cost and time required would remain the same since recipes would require more essences (10 instead of 1) Just a random thought...maybe Ill just take my ADD meds and keep quiet. :) I'm not sure how it would help. If it takes the 10 tokens to make 1 essence, the tokens drop at a rate similar to that of an essence, then how exactly is there an improvement? It's still a chance based situation that could be much better or much worse based on RNG. I'm not intending to attack or anything like that, but I'm failing to see any change here. Sorry :-\ -Hate Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 04, 2013, 02:52:40 pm I tried to put it as uninsultingly as I could, lol.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: lerxst2112 on April 04, 2013, 02:53:10 pm Plus, it'd just take up more inventory space if you had a stack of essence tokens and essences for each one.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Ybik on April 04, 2013, 02:57:36 pm Hate- Wasn't saying have tokens drop. What I was saying is have essences combine into tokens. 10 tacvi = 1 "10 tacvi token". You increase the drop rate by a multiple of 10 making RNG less of a factor and allowing more essence trades to happen.
To offset this you increase the cost of, for example, IS augs to a "10 token" instead of 1 essence. OOM for example drops 1 anguish essence, that will give you 1 IS8 (if you have a 7) so make him drop a "10 anguish token" instead. Probably a stupid idea so just forget I said anything. =P Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Fugitive on April 04, 2013, 03:08:54 pm Tacvi bumped now rest isn't broken
Please try to avoid "recreating the wheel" every chance y'all get sheesshh.. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Fugitive on April 04, 2013, 03:09:57 pm Essences have been made slightly harder to obtain because Hunter wants it that way... Stop trying to figure out ways to replace them, or ways to increase the drop rate because you don't think that's fair. Live with it and adapt. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: shawnluc on April 04, 2013, 04:28:24 pm I think the intent was to make the essences more available to people making Augs without making it easier for people to farm for UWs.
Just my 2cps Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Chunka on April 04, 2013, 04:40:19 pm Quote I think that's just a trademark of MMO players. If a faucet leaks, REBUILD THE NEIGHBORHOOD! True, but at the same time dont look at the leak and say, "Well, if its leaking, that must be the way the plumber wanted it to work!". Personally I think that the UW addition has made weapon augs that much harder to get...and even the most blind player here understands that content in the game has been adjusted to the point that weapon augs are a must after a certain point. Shawnluc got it in one. And thank you, Hunter, for revisiting Tacvi drop rate. Appreciate you keeping on top of this stuff. Why the hell is it whenever anyone calmly discusses an issue they are automatically blasted by the same people for "complaining" about the game? The game's as good as it is in large part because of the back and forth discussion about the state of the server. It seems to me that Hunter rather relies on that feedback. Why are the same people always trying to quiet it? Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Ybik on April 04, 2013, 05:12:05 pm The intent was for newer players to be able to feel like they are making SOME progress towards augs instead of going 10+ instances with no drop. Look at it this way if you are auging a monk you need 4 IS and 2 NS (excluding T7 at the moment). Thats 8 essences. If the drop rate was 5% (the drop rate numbers are just an example nothing more) then AVERAGE time to get those essences would be 160 kills (152 kills you get nothing). You could get them in your first 8 or it could take the MANY MANY more than 160.
If you increased the drop rate by 10 and the cost by 10 (50% drop rate, 80 essences) the AVERAGE time to get the essences would still be 160 and it would take a MINIMUM of 80 kills (assuming you got lucky) but only half of those kills would seem like empty kills. Lastly said essences SHOULD drop in price by a multiple of 10. If they cost 500,000 before they should only be worth 50,000 afterwards. So a newer player may be able to buy 2 for 100k and farm the other 8 (remember the augs would take 10 essences) vs having to try to save up 500k to make up for bad RNG. The only reason I brought up tokens is because the magic box only allows combines of 10 or less so you wouldn't be able to do 10 essences + ore + sls + aug unless you had a token that accounted for the 10 essences. Conversly essence drops could be changed to essence fragments and combine to make what we currently think of as essences. I'll just drop the idea though since it seems people aren't understanding what I'm saying or my reasoning behind the idea and I don't want to create drama. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Fugitive on April 04, 2013, 05:20:47 pm Honestly shit isn't broke.
You have to make a choice.. do I want augs or do I want to make the long haul grind for a UW.. Low/Mid Game Players assumed all these magic essences were farmed over night and solo.. They was farmed by guilds and over a Long span of time. The UW or the Augs are not an over night excursion >:(.. Yeah it sucks it takes so much but at its current state it is the fastest it has ever been. With Hunter "tuning" Tacvi up I hope it even helps more.. I'm all about Feedback but the wheel isn't broke so a little tuning is all we need not a new system. and no one is calling anyone an Idiot. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Ybik on April 04, 2013, 05:56:18 pm I'm well aware that essences dont magically appear. I may not have as many as you fugitive but my two groups are full level 8 with around 30 extra in bank for level 9 combines.
Essentially all that i was proposing was instead of essences dropping at a low rate we could have essence fragments drop at a higher rate and combine into essences. Essentially it would FEEL like less "wasted time" but would take the same amount of mob kills in the end. But I guess if the wheel isn't broke don't fix it. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Chunka on April 05, 2013, 07:39:58 am I guess what it boils down to is how hard should it be to get weapon augs made. If you cant see that since the drop rate changes and increased demand for essences due to UW farmers aug creation has become one hell of a lot harder and more expensive...well, you're blind. If you think that increased difficulty in aug creation is as intended, so be it. I can respect that.
Without a doubt SLS have become easier, and cash farming for ore, while still a lot harder than it used to be, is easier than it was after the first pass of drop changes/quest changes. Perhaps this is Hunter balancing that out, wanting to make augs a major bottleneck for progression. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Fugitive on April 05, 2013, 03:27:32 pm Dude he has Plus Plus Plus all Drop Rates.. Would loved to see you finished your VIIs back when only 20 of the mobs had that loot in loot table then when they could be popped then they only had shit drops rates..
You are blind to see it.. The problem now is.. People want UWs+ AUGs now now now now now now now now now now..It is way easier to farm a Aug set now.. Just Players patients has been thrown through the window because of all the other items in the game that have sped up the over all progress of players through content... I'm not going to sit and argue oranges are oranges. The only thing that changes is people are rarely going to "sell" their stashes. I honestly don't care if he makes augs even easier I want to aug out a 4th grp of shammy and druids anyway. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Fliker on April 05, 2013, 05:16:03 pm Don't need SoT/SoA/UCv2/BU/UW/(anyrank)/RoA To finish T6 or T7...So this Progression limbo people keep throwing out there../meh Nicely put. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Ybik on April 05, 2013, 05:33:07 pm This is the last post ill make about this because i feel like im beating my head against the wall. Your argument makes no sense Fugitive. Example: 5% drop rate over 100 kills= 5 essences, if you are really lucky you could get all 5 drops in the first 5 and you have 5 upgrades. 50% drop rate of an essence over 100 bosses = 50 if you are really lucky it will only take 50 kills but now in my example your IS fyiupgrades cost 10 instead of 1 so you still end up with 5 upgrades. The only difference is instead of 95/100 kills being nothing only 50/100 are "worthless". Your minimum number of kills for an upgrade actually goes up but you don't have long streches of "wasted" kills. It actually rewards time invested moreso than luck.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Fugitive on April 05, 2013, 05:44:29 pm This wasn't a post directed to you Ybik so please continue to beat you head against the wall.
That post was a response to Chunka(Mpano) not flaming(ish) Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Ybik on April 05, 2013, 05:47:47 pm I misunderstood your post then. My apologies.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Gannicus on April 05, 2013, 05:50:19 pm tl;dr the majority of the players here are as stubborn as Lindsay Lohan
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Fugitive on April 05, 2013, 05:53:13 pm tl;dr the majority of the players here are as stubborn as Lindsay Lohan Yourself included Drop your live Sig make it a EZ one gimp! Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Gannicus on April 05, 2013, 05:55:53 pm tl;dr the majority of the players here are as stubborn as Lindsay Lohan Yourself included I can't even deny that, I can be at times. And I don't have one for EZ and I have no idea who around here can make custom sigs -- This is off topic. Anyway, constructive at best, a lot of fixing things that aren't broke from what I read, It doesn't really hurt me as I don't have desires for things like the UW and the SOA and I have such little play time nowadays while I work on relocating for a job that I guess my opinion on the matter doesn't matter all that much. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Chunka on April 05, 2013, 05:59:17 pm Quote tl;dr the majority of the players here are as stubborn as Lindsay Lohan Maybe, but I've got nicer tits, and I look better without makeup. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Fugitive on April 05, 2013, 06:00:15 pm Quote tl;dr the majority of the players here are as stubborn as Lindsay Lohan Maybe, but I've got nicer tits, and I look better without makeup. Xiggie did show me those pics.. I was /shock :o Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 05, 2013, 06:18:22 pm Quote tl;dr the majority of the players here are as stubborn as Lindsay Lohan Maybe, but I've got nicer tits, and I look better without makeup. Xiggie did show me those pics.. I was /shock :o Hawt! (http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w281/Xiggie/wtf-monday-dec-26-bro-my-god-10_zps445e79b6.jpg) Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Pukagiz on April 05, 2013, 10:08:55 pm Quote tl;dr the majority of the players here are as stubborn as Lindsay Lohan Maybe, but I've got nicer tits, and I look better without makeup. Xiggie did show me those pics.. I was /shock :o Hawt! (http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w281/Xiggie/wtf-monday-dec-26-bro-my-god-10_zps445e79b6.jpg) wth kind of kink is this?!?! kind of....ummm disturbing...wait...intriguing....uhhh idk i can't seem to look away from that picture O_o Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 05, 2013, 11:22:27 pm So what you are saying is.... You Fapped.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: MarbleArts on April 06, 2013, 12:09:20 am (http://compellingparade.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/derailed_train.jpg)
LOADING, PLEASE WAIT... Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Zamthos on April 06, 2013, 02:31:27 pm This is the last post ill make about this because i feel like im beating my head against the wall. Your argument makes no sense Fugitive. Example: 5% drop rate over 100 kills= 5 essences, if you are really lucky you could get all 5 drops in the first 5 and you have 5 upgrades. 50% drop rate of an essence over 100 bosses = 50 if you are really lucky it will only take 50 kills but now in my example your IS fyiupgrades cost 10 instead of 1 so you still end up with 5 upgrades. The only difference is instead of 95/100 kills being nothing only 50/100 are "worthless". Your minimum number of kills for an upgrade actually goes up but you don't have long streches of "wasted" kills. It actually rewards time invested moreso than luck. Okay, listen, a 5% drop rate means that it rerolls every mob and has a 5% chance to drop on that mob, thus meaning you will not get 1 drop per 20 mobs killed, that's just not how it works. 50% Drop rate means the mob has a 50% chance to drop, but then it rerolls the next time that mob spawns so you can't do it as 1 out of 2. Your logic is flawed in the fact you've never took the time to actually look at how lootdrops work, they go around percentages, okay, they choose, randomly, to drop whatever they want, this doesn't mean they have to drop a 99% item 99% of the time, does it? No. So your argument is completely invalid, good day.Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Ybik on April 06, 2013, 03:04:50 pm That is exactly how it works actually Zamthos. The argument is perfectly valid if you understand how percentages and RNG works. If a drop rate is 5% then it will take ON AVERAGE 2000 kills (min=100, max=infinity since if it not 100% there is still a possibility it could NEVER happen) to get 100 items and the minimum number of kills it could take is 100...as your number of kills approaches infinity the chance that you will not have 100 items approaches 0. If a drop rate is 50% then it takes ON AVERAGE 2000 kills (min=1000, max=infinity since if it not 100% there is still a possibility it could NEVER happen) to get 1000 items with the minimum number of kills being 1000...again as the number of kills approaches infinity the chance that you will not have 1000 items approaches 0. So the average would remain 2000 killsand since an upgrade would cost 10 items you will still only have 100 upgrades. Good day.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Fugitive on April 06, 2013, 04:50:33 pm popping sound and twirl fingers..
I guess your are the guy that needs a trophy at every little accomplishment. Fucking get over it. Farm or don't I'm tired of see this and that. The system isn't broke, why do you keep going at it like it is? All you are trying to do is speed shit up period. No matter what you call it that is what it is. If he intended the "essences" to drop @ a faster rate I'm sure he would be all over pushing the %s up.. Which HE HAS listened to you guys a lot over the last 2-4 months making adjustments all over the tiers.. Below is hard(ish) numbers and %s based on many many many many kills.. and Turn ins. Tacvi - Tuned up again recently - The tune up is horrible this essence is retarded spend 8-10 hrs and get 7... Qvic - Meh could be better. T1 - Tuned up and Stackable Crystals and bumped Crystals drop rates (5-7% Esse Rates) T2 - Tuned up and Stackable Crystals and bumped Crystals drop rates (5-7% Esse Rates) T3 - Hovering about 5% ( these suck ass cause got to farm so many damn tokens..)( should do a 1/600 from Avatars) T4 - Hovering about 5% ( these suck ass cause got to farm so many damn tokens..)( should do a 1/600 from Avatars) T5- 1/400 from any mob in zone , Bosses about 3%ish and White 15% ish.. (Bosses should be bumped to 6-7% the effort required is .. well y'all know) T6- Mata 100%, Bosses.. honestly this % is gay, Chests Honestly this % is gay (Should just remove from Bosses and Chest and put 1/400 or 1/500 Drop from any mob in zone) T7 - Looks like a 1/400(ish) chance from mobs in zone and 100% from Wrath..( and to the tool that said remove 100% from wrath should be dragged out back and shot in the pee pee.. getting the bosses to chain spawn to get to wrath is RNG enough in itself ) and for the T1-T4 these are %s based on approx 1000s and 1000s and 1000s +++ Turn ins for each tier. With UWs, BUs, New Spells(Hate), Epic upgrades (Hate), Mega Damage Upgrades from Hunter.. all this is Way easier to kill Faster.. It's Boom Boom 1 more thought... Don't need SoT/SoA/UCv2/BU/UW/(anyrank)/RoA To finish T6 or T7...So this Progression limbo people keep throwing out there../meh Attached is you award!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!! (http://i.imgur.com/ZZCQ3.gif) Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: hateborne on April 06, 2013, 04:56:14 pm popping sound and twirl fingers.. I guess your are the guy that needs a trophy at every little accomplishment. Fucking get over it. Farm or don't I'm tired of see this and that. The system isn't broke, why do you keep going at it like it is? All you are trying to do is speed shit up period. No matter what you call it that is what it is. If he intended the "essences" to drop @ a faster rate I'm sure he would be all over pushing the %s up.. Which HE HAS listened to you guys a lot over the last 2-4 months making adjustments all over the tiers.. Below is hard(ish) numbers and %s based on many many many many kills.. and Turn ins. Tacvi - Tuned up again recently - The tune up is horrible this essence is retarded spend 8-10 hrs and get 7... Qvic - Meh could be better. T1 - Tuned up and Stackable Crystals and bumped Crystals drop rates (5-7% Esse Rates) T2 - Tuned up and Stackable Crystals and bumped Crystals drop rates (5-7% Esse Rates) T3 - Hovering about 5% ( these suck ass cause got to farm so many damn tokens..)( should do a 1/600 from Avatars) T4 - Hovering about 5% ( these suck ass cause got to farm so many damn tokens..)( should do a 1/600 from Avatars) T5- 1/400 from any mob in zone , Bosses about 3%ish and White 15% ish.. (Bosses should be bumped to 6-7% the effort required is .. well y'all know) T6- Mata 100%, Bosses.. honestly this % is gay, Chests Honestly this % is gay (Should just remove from Bosses and Chest and put 1/400 or 1/500 Drop from any mob in zone) T7 - Looks like a 1/400(ish) chance from mobs in zone and 100% from Wrath..( and to the tool that said remove 100% from wrath should be dragged out back and shot in the pee pee.. getting the bosses to chain spawn to get to wrath is RNG enough in itself ) and for the T1-T4 these are %s based on approx 1000s and 1000s and 1000s +++ Turn ins for each tier. With UWs, BUs, New Spells(Hate), Epic upgrades (Hate), Mega Damage Upgrades from Hunter.. all this is Way easier to kill Faster.. It's Boom Boom 1 more thought... Don't need SoT/SoA/UCv2/BU/UW/(anyrank)/RoA To finish T6 or T7...So this Progression limbo people keep throwing out there../meh (http://images.sodahead.com/profiles/0/0/2/4/1/7/1/2/3/he-mad-91028347673.jpeg#he%20mad) -Hate Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Fugitive on April 06, 2013, 04:58:07 pm Not really just tired of him calling it something other then what his intentions are.. He is trying to accomplish raising the %s up basically through a new systems. He needs to own that and accept is award.
Not everyone is going to get all the items in the game, players are going to have to come to terms with that. But if Hunter wants to bump Drop rates I'm cool with that, just we don't need a whole new system Nobody is cock blocking you from going out and farming. If anything due the increased value, you could get rich now! But I do agree with this post a lot Please don't screw the bulk of us just because a few players saved up for over a year and got an end game item day one. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: bobo on April 06, 2013, 09:15:09 pm I think what some people are thinking and not communicating is that perhaps it is time to institute a new type of currency. Essences are used for everything. Currently one type of essence has no equivalent value to other essences (I suppose you could sell for plat and exchange).
When new items come out such as soa and uw there should be a new rare drop implemented to coincide with said item. This new currency could be addloot coded so that it had a variable drop rate in all tiers. This would prevent people from stockpiling essences when news of a new item is coming. This would also create a market for all tiers of players to sell this item instead of selling just the tier essence they are in. This is just what I think. Im not saying this should be done just ideas. I like this server and what Hunter and other contributers are doing to make it fun. THANKS Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Ybik on April 06, 2013, 10:07:09 pm Yay for pictures. The top graph is a low standard deviation graph (aka higher percentage drop with higher aug cost). The bottom graph is a high standard deviation graph (aka low percentage drop rate with normal aug cost).
(http://i1275.photobucket.com/albums/y444/Ybik5/Standard_zps7fa0a44c.jpg) 2000 kills *5% the average drop rate=100/1essence=100 upgrades (upgrades cost 1 essence) 2000 kills *50% the average drop rate=1000/10essences=100upgrades (upgrades cost 10 times what they do now) This sure doesn't seem like an increase in the rate someone would be able to complete an augment or UW level to me. Since I have proven that by increasing the essence drop rate by the same percent you increase the augment cost the average (mean) stays the same let me explain what this WOULD do. By increasing the chance of an event (increasing drop rate) you lower the standard deviation (number of people getting essences fast AND the number of people getting essences slow) thus driving more events to the mean (average). All else being equal this basically reduces the chance of outliers while leaving the mean alone. So...less people would get essences faster than the average and less people would get essences slower than the average.There would be more essences in the marketplace thus decreasing the cost and making them more likely to be traded. The end cost if you bought the essences should stay the same (100k essence now, 10k essences/essence fragment afterwards but 10 of these are required..10,000x10=100k) This would also allow hunter to better tune essence drops and throttle/speed up upgrades and allowing players to feel like there are less "wasted" bosses because each step in an upgrade is a smaller one. Regardless of if this is a good idea or not there is your mathematical proof that you were mistaken in your assumption about my intentions. Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Hunter on April 07, 2013, 12:06:05 am I'm confused, and have a head ache now :(
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: lerxst2112 on April 07, 2013, 12:24:13 am Here's another award for your incomprehensible wall of text. (http://i.imgur.com/hkH9k58.jpg) Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Rageful on April 07, 2013, 02:25:48 am This is bullshit, I want an award! Preferably one of Fugitives.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Hunter on April 07, 2013, 05:58:03 am Yes, your special too.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Raygan on April 07, 2013, 07:41:19 am I personally think that with the changes to the waypoint that lower tier essences should revert back to the previous drop rate, since you cant make instances continuously like before, which was the reason given for the nerf in the first place.
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Chunka on April 07, 2013, 10:46:44 am Meh, stopped caring enough to talk about it anymore. People seem to throw a fit any time someone dares discuss server issues.
Screw you, new players! We's gots ours! Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Sarthin on April 07, 2013, 05:47:40 pm Some people are always assuming you want things easier when posting suggestions on gaming forums. Its often a rather poor form for discussion. The faster one gets used to it, the less annoyed and disappointed you will get. I like the idea of partial rewards more often but after farming t1-2 for 3 hours yesterday getting 7 dminor, RNG has been good to me as of late. It really blows when it dont though. And perhaps ever more frustrating for players with big real life commitments like wife, kids an so forth meaning less playtime overall meaning you want max profit when you actually can play.. In the end though, EQ is EQ and a big time sink altogether. This seems to be working as Hunter intended, whitch i dont mind at all ;)
Title: Re: UW and essances Post by: Felony on April 11, 2013, 12:10:55 pm tl;dr the majority of the players here are as stubborn as Lindsay Lohan Yourself included Drop your live Sig make it a EZ one gimp! That live sig is shit fyi. I would be embarrassed to have that sig if I was that class. ;) |