EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Thyl on May 15, 2010, 01:23:33 pm

Title: PoD Tikis
Post by: Thyl on May 15, 2010, 01:23:33 pm
So there has been alot of arguments about this.

Personally I think this thread interprets for this situation:

If you are sitting infront of a tiki and you can't spawn it after 5 minutes you should give it up to someone who can.  Now hopefully they will be nice enough to talk to you about it.

I've operated like this. I've polietely asked for camps if people don't have crystalsl. Usually it goes well, sometimes not.... I also give up camps to people who have crystals. I usually just move my toons to the side if someone can spawn it when I can't.

It's unfortunate this thread is necessary because you would think people would not want to hold a tiki area they couldnt use for the indefinite amount of time they dont have a crystal.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 01:50:09 pm
We gave stylos the tiki....but not the camp. What did he do? He trained us.

Video is uploading to Youtube atm... it will be sent to hunter in an email.

Its pretty conclusive as to what happened up to the genesis of my group wiping.

There is no current rule about Tikkis and not spawning them within a certain time the link that you gave is a way over

generalization of rulez that are not specific to the plane of dragons.

Hunter needs to implement the rule just like he did with Tacvi.

"First Mob killed by a group gives them the right to every other boss in the zone if they wipe."

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Brink on May 15, 2010, 02:03:43 pm
First off id just like to say sorry this came onto the forums, Considering other people had to listen to it in /shout while this dude and Tankzilla Tried to trash my name..

I logged in today to find a group at Earth Tiki ( who would have thought )

They where trying to kill a mob i think it was imsety, There only dps died a monk, i offered to help kill it, and i did and gave them the loot, sept a Druid Bracer rotted. I figured i just was trying to be nice.

I then sat there for 30 minutes waiting for them to spawn another thinking they might need it... And nothing... I told them about the 5 min rule on nameds and as far as I've seen it applies to tiki`s as well. Ive had people ask me to leave Camps before when i didn't have crystals and i did. I move on and farm some and come back to repay the favor =).

Anyways after arguing childishly about it for 20 minutes after that and being told to just spawn the named ( Which i didn't wanna do because i figured they`d try to pull some bullshit bout me training them when an add ran at them.... Go Figure it happened ! )... So i spawned the named... Stupid i know, but even Tankzilla and Titanmaster told me too. So i did and all the adds i saw were on me.... If an add popped off and went for them its because they taunted it off, I use 2 3.0`s with V`s on one toon and IV`s and V`s on another. NO CLUE How a mob would just randomly go to someone else..

But i would love to see this Video of me pulling a mob onto you and not still having agro, i would love to see it be a Lava dragon too, considering they are the only adds that spawn from the named i popped.....

Again tho i apologize for this having to be on here and waste peoples time.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Brink on May 15, 2010, 02:06:00 pm
ALSO id like to post which i forgot to in my long ass post before... That your group did not die at all. In Fact you then /q or /exit`d and all your toons read LD , but yea post the video on here....

You wanna trash me or anyone's name i want to see proof...
I think its reasonable to ask for.... Considering you getting me or anyone else banned would result in all the effort we have put into toons to be gone.

So please post this video so i can see it..


Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Brink on May 15, 2010, 02:07:34 pm

Hunter needs to implement the rule just like he did with Tacvi.

"First Mob killed by a group gives them the right to every other boss in the zone if they wipe."

You realize that you use CRYSTALS to spawn the named right from the hubba bubba tiki guy right?
Yeaaaa that means if you kill a named that you get to sit there for 9 hours and not pop another because you need to waste other peoples times

We also wont go into the Items you took from the corpse either, and then told me the mob was at 25 Mins and that it was fair game Titanmaster...
Because, I don't Really care about 1 piece of loot i hope it helps you... But calling me a trainer and other bullshit, well it pisses me off.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Bikaf on May 15, 2010, 02:20:31 pm
"First Mob killed by a group gives them the right to every other boss in the zone if they wipe."

this is wrong, dumb, and poorly thought out.  even though it's a little unclear what you saying.

Also there are rules in pod, just the previous progression groups to go through that respected them have all advanced on.  good luck though.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 02:34:13 pm

Hunter needs to implement the rule just like he did with Tacvi.

"First Mob killed by a group gives them the right to every other boss in the zone if they wipe."

You realize that you use CRYSTALS to spawn the named right from the hubba bubba tiki guy right?
Yeaaaa that means if you kill a named that you get to sit there for 9 hours and not pop another because you need to waste other peoples times

We also wont go into the Items you took from the corpse either, and then told me the mob was at 25 Mins and that it was fair game Titanmaster...
Because, I don't Really care about 1 piece of loot i hope it helps you... But calling me a trainer and other bullshit, well it pisses me off.

Yes i realize that.

The Tacvi quote was for the example of having a new rule...that is specifically for POD camps.

 there are other camps available other then earth you could go to... since we had earth CAMPED.

Just because you zoned into earth from being camped out doesn't mean you get the camp.

Instead you decided to pull our mobs and eventually killed me which is in the video.

It's still uploading i have crappy DSL....so you will have to wait.

I dont care to trash your so called good name, I could really care less about your name...Stop trying to act like your a victim in all this its an issue of

Im really not out to get you, but if you where kind enough to recognize that we had the camp you would have tried for other camps, instead of harassing us for our camp because that's where you logged out and we didnt have a crystal.

All i wanted was you to leave and quit harassing my group for the last 20 mins i was online. My whole group disbanded because we decided it wasn't worth fighting with you over the camp that you where trying to steal from us.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Brink on May 15, 2010, 02:39:24 pm
First off i pulled from the left towards Ice and it was camped, So that would give them the right to be mad at me, not you...

Second I could care less about my name. But im not gonna have some 40k hp tank bash me because they died to an aoe or anything else.

You have 5 minutes to pop the tiki, i gave you like 55mins.... Because all you guys wanted to do was bitch.. So excuse me for trying to progress because you didn't bring the proper stuff to do so.

And it was the named you said i trained you on buddy. now its a trash mob? Think you may wanna rethink your story so when you havta say it you know what your saying.

Now end of discussion post this shit of me training you....

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 02:50:02 pm
First off i pulled from the left towards Ice and it was camped, So that would give them the right to be mad at me, not you...

You pulled from both sides Ice and Earth...seriously dont lie about this you did it for about 20 mins

Second I could care less about my name. But im not gonna have some 40k hp tank bash me because they died to an aoe or anything else.

I'm not a Tank you moron im a bard...

You have 5 minutes to pop the tiki, i gave you like 55mins.... Because all you guys wanted to do was bitch.. So excuse me for trying to progress because you didn't bring the proper stuff to do so.

Where is the rule on this???? Can you link to it??? Did hunter say this on the forums some where??? No, he didnt this is player made rule that is a police yourself rule that was made up for courtesy. Tikkis are not MOBS, They spawn into bosses....you need a crystal... therefore they are not a boss they despawn and turn into a boss. Im camping a object that turns into a boss... the object does not attack back.... Good luck on finding that rule it doesn't exist in the rules section.

And it was the named you said i trained you on buddy. now its a trash mob? Think you may wanna rethink your story so when you havta say it you know what your saying.

Now end of discussion post this shit of me training you....

Where did i say named??? Are you spazzing out?? or do you need reading lessons i said YOUR GOOD NAME!! Meaning stylos or whatever your Toon's name is.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Brink on May 15, 2010, 02:54:48 pm
I was figuring you were tankzilla sorry. And i've seen hunter say it personally in World chat or whatever its called. I'm sure its posted somewhere and if a tiki spawns a named, I'm pretty sure it falls under the characteristics of one.

Anyways seriously i'm not here to argue, but your trying to trash me because you dont know how to farm crystals.

I'm dropping this argument and not posting again, this is retarded and more uneeded bs to put onto the forums..

I dont even care bout the video considering i know what went on.. Anyways peace hope you feel awsome for bringing drama.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 03:05:23 pm
I was figuring you were tankzilla sorry. And i've seen hunter say it personally in World chat or whatever its called. I'm sure its posted somewhere and if a tiki spawns a named, I'm pretty sure it falls under the characteristics of one.

It's Np. I can see how you would get confused as too who i am, since my character name is Titanmaster, and my forum name is Titanmaster.

As far as the rule goes, just thinking that hunter said something doesn't really count unless its written down somewhere.

Anyways seriously i'm not here to argue, but your trying to trash me because you dont know how to farm crystals.

Im not trying to trash anyone, but i hate trying to have fun in a game and have someone harass me like a whiny baby because they aren't getting their way.

I'm dropping this argument and not posting again, this is retarded and more uneeded bs to put onto the forums..

I Agree 100%, i'm not here to Troll, but have my voice heard.

I dont even care bout the video considering i know what went on.. Anyways peace hope you feel awesome for bringing drama.

Drama? I rebutted all your claims... that's why your leaving and saying your not posting anymore...Don't try and act like your self righteous and turn the other check non-sense your fleeing from the obvious truth.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Brink on May 15, 2010, 03:12:35 pm
If your not wanting drama then why post here when 10-12 people told you that its wrong to sit at a camp with no crystals.
It just doesn't look very good.

I'm glad you brought it up tho, it is an issue that needs to be addressed on the Forums and i hope hunter posts it soon , like what he said before, Tiki`s are to be treated like a named on a 5 min timer.

hopefully he fixes this, but i didn't train you and you know it. That is the only argument on here that is flawed and extremely annoying.

Anyways back to playing seriously, You want to sit on a camp for 9 hours without having a crystals that is fine do so. Its not worth the time it takes to type all this out.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 03:31:44 pm
If your not wanting drama then why post here when 10-12 people told you that its wrong to sit at a camp with no crystals.
It just doesn't look very good.

Agian.... for the third time....Who said it was wrong? Players or hunter??? Hunter is the only one that matters. Sorry

I'm glad you brought it up tho, it is an issue that needs to be addressed on the Forums and i hope hunter posts it soon , like what he said before, Tiki`s are to be treated like a named on a 5 min timer.

Yes i agree about it being addressed on the forums, but its stupid to think that you can come in and take another persons camp just because they have no crystals..Getting those crystals is luck of the draw. Be thankful you have so many.

Even more to the fact, that once we gave you the tiki.... you still tried to take our camp. That's the part im pissed off about, you pulled to our camp even after you had the tiki.

hopefully he fixes this, but i didn't train you and you know it. That is the only argument on here that is flawed and extremely annoying.

Hunter will decide if its a train.

Anyways back to playing seriously, You want to sit on a camp for 9 hours without having a crystals that is fine do so. Its not worth the time it takes to type all this out.

I can stay at a camp that is UNPOPULATED for as long as i want thats why its called a CAMP. I fail to see your logic in that just because we have no crystals means you get the camp, instead of just the tikki. Can you explain this too me.

This also going of the premise that we are kind enough to not hold the tikki for that particular instance that it is up if we do not hold a crystal, this doesnt mean that just because we gave it to you once that you have the tikki from know onw because we  aernt lucky enough to get a crystal.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Brink on May 15, 2010, 03:37:06 pm
A tiki is a little different but it is a camp, and i didn't spawn another named from that tiki , i actually logged because i was tired of arguing with you guys.

Did you ever get your video up, post it i am an honest guy if it shows me training you then i did, but not intentionally, If its you dieng to an AOE then imma laugh my ass off. If its a mob other then a lava Dragon from the named, Imma laugh my ass off. I want to see me pulling a mob ( which i spam epic anger from where i pull it ) and it go onto you and you die.

Fact is you cant sit at a camp if you don't have the tank to tank it, and you cant sit at a tiki if you don't have the crystal to spawn it.

Why are we still seriously talking about this? Post the Video bud.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 03:40:47 pm
Fact is you cant sit at a camp if you don't have the tank to tank it, and you cant sit at a tiki if you don't have the crystal to spawn it. 

For the 4th Time........
This isnt your server, its hunters. Your posting rules that you remember off the top of your head. Rules that are reiterated by other players, just because you heard it from a lot of other people doesn't mean its correct.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Brink on May 15, 2010, 03:45:06 pm
About this Video? When are we going to see it? I use DSL as well, and could have already posted it 3-4 times and then posted a Direct Link here, Id suggest you try a different way of uploading it.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 03:53:33 pm
About this Video? When are we going to see it? I use DSL as well, and could have already posted it 3-4 times and then posted a Direct Link here, Id suggest you try a different way of uploading it.

Posted on youtube just sent hunter the link in an email.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Brink on May 15, 2010, 03:54:04 pm
Is it possible i can see it as well?

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 03:57:01 pm
Is it possible i can see it as well?

If your nice :P

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 15, 2010, 04:00:46 pm
Not trying to take sides at all with this but it is pretty common knowledge that if you don't spawn a tiki within 5 minutes you loose the rights to that tiki. It's kind of a common sense rule. It has also been posted on the forums although it might be on the old forums. However there is no telling what might have been said in game to get tempers flaring. Seems more like an argument than a rule discussion.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Reed on May 15, 2010, 04:03:10 pm
so we arent getting a link to the video? sounds like a hoax to me.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Brink on May 15, 2010, 04:03:53 pm
We`ll let hunter post what he thinks when he gets around. But i would honestly really like to view the Video. If you could pm or post the link either is fine. If you don't mind.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: qualin on May 15, 2010, 04:19:36 pm
I want to see the video.

Cause the only thing accomplished so far in this thread is titanmaster and his group looking like a tools for bogarting a tiki they cant spawn.

Sure it's common courtesy, not a rule, to give up tiki when you are out of crystals. After reading this thread, I know who to extend that courtesy too from now on, and who not to~

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Tarq on May 15, 2010, 05:21:35 pm
Titanmaster, if you have no video to back this up, you are proving nothing and just wasting everyone's time. To be honest after reading all your posts you are making yourself sound kind of rude. Might just want to stop now before you sound even more  like a joke. Just my two cents.  :)

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Crabthewall on May 15, 2010, 05:31:36 pm
Seriously, you didn't have any crystals to spawn a tiki and you were still trying to claim it as a camp?

That's ridiculous. If you don't have the crystals to spawn a tiki, then it isn't yours. Let someone that is capable of spawning the tiki do so.

Go farm some and wait you turn to get a turn at the tiki like everyone else.

And then you died while sitting on his tiki spawn spot? Assuming he had crystals to continue spawning the tiki the spot was his not yours since you lacked the crystals. It seems like you would be the one in error here crowing his tiki spot as there is no valid reason for you to use his tiki spot as a camp.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 06:28:19 pm
so we arent getting a link to the video? sounds like a hoax to me.

Its no hoax, the video is on youtube

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Brink on May 15, 2010, 06:39:05 pm
Well id still love to see it..

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: istvaan on May 15, 2010, 06:41:01 pm
Sorry Titanmaster & crew but you really were wrong in this situation. You can't just claim a tiki and camp there killing trash when someone else actually has crystals to turn in. Common courtesy implies that you should give up the camp in this situation. Not be a jerk about it and refuse to leave and throw a tantrum in /shout.

For all you know, you could have killed trash for hours without getting an earth crystal to drop, just screwing someone out of camping the tiki.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: qualin on May 15, 2010, 06:41:44 pm
So man up and link it.

Why on earth wouldn't you? What would be your excuse ?

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 06:49:19 pm
Sorry Titanmaster & crew but you really were wrong in this situation. You can't just claim a tiki and camp there killing trash when someone else actually has crystals to turn in. Common courtesy implies that you should give up the camp in this situation. Not be a jerk about it and refuse to leave and throw a tantrum in /shout.

For all you know, you could have killed trash for hours without getting an earth crystal to drop, just screwing someone out of camping the tiki.

I think we are missing something very vital here. When someone says there camping fire they are currently camping that area where the tikki is. Camping doesn't have to mean you have a crystal or not.

As far as the video goes, im going to let hunter look at it first then i will link it on these forums. I dont know if what he did constitues as a ban/suspension. I guarantee its very close.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: qualin on May 15, 2010, 06:56:51 pm
You aired the dirty laundry here and made it a public spectacle.  You've already tried to put this guys name in the dirt, you might as well prove your case.  Your committing slander until you prove it~ Honestly I don't think you have a video.

I doubt anyone has shouted "im camping fire" when they have zero crystals.  Most shout "fire camp is open" instead, at least the courteous players do~.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: istvaan on May 15, 2010, 07:01:43 pm
Sorry Titanmaster & crew but you really were wrong in this situation. You can't just claim a tiki and camp there killing trash when someone else actually has crystals to turn in. Common courtesy implies that you should give up the camp in this situation. Not be a jerk about it and refuse to leave and throw a tantrum in /shout.

For all you know, you could have killed trash for hours without getting an earth crystal to drop, just screwing someone out of camping the tiki.

I think we are missing something very vital here. When someone says there camping fire they are currently camping that area where the tikki is. Camping doesn't have to mean you have a crystal or not.

As far as the video goes, im going to let hunter look at it first then i will link it on these forums. I dont know if what he did constitues as a ban/suspension. I guarantee its very close.

This.... I don't even know what to say..


Even looking past the fact that making such a statement makes you appear to be an inconsiderate douchebag, I think the fact that you would be intentionally pulling trash that can aoe into the proximity of someone killing bosses would be considered griefing.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 15, 2010, 07:04:54 pm
It sounds like you were refusing to let someone spawn the tiki because you were camping the mobs around the tiki. That's kind of a dick move if that is the case. Really I would be careful about involving Hunter on this. Again, not trying to take sides because I was not there but hoarding a camp with no crystals is a quick way to really really look bad to the rest of the community.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 07:17:38 pm
It sounds like you were refusing to let someone spawn the tiki because you were camping the mobs around the tiki. That's kind of a dick move if that is the case. Really I would be careful about involving Hunter on this. Again, not trying to take sides because I was not there but hoarding a camp with no crystals is a quick way to really really look bad to the rest of the community.

We let transendence have the tikki spawn. I really dont care what the rest of the community thinks, im not here to people please.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Crabthewall on May 15, 2010, 08:30:36 pm
Sorry Titanmaster & crew but you really were wrong in this situation. You can't just claim a tiki and camp there killing trash when someone else actually has crystals to turn in. Common courtesy implies that you should give up the camp in this situation. Not be a jerk about it and refuse to leave and throw a tantrum in /shout.

For all you know, you could have killed trash for hours without getting an earth crystal to drop, just screwing someone out of camping the tiki.

I think we are missing something very vital here. When someone says there camping fire they are currently camping that area where the tikki is. Camping doesn't have to mean you have a crystal or not.

As far as the video goes, im going to let hunter look at it first then i will link it on these forums. I dont know if what he did constitues as a ban/suspension. I guarantee its very close.

I believe you are quite mistaken, you have no reason to "camp" fire if you don't have crystals to turn in. In fact I'd report you if you were pulling mobs close to me while I was spawning bosses as creating a problem. There is simply no reason to "camp" at a tiki that you can't use/spawn. You could pull mobs anywhere else in the zone. Anything else is just inconsiderate to everyone else on the server. If your behavior is as you describe I'd think you'll be lucky to avoid being banned/suspended yourself if you were indeed pulling mobs where someone else was fighting a boss.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Eliseus on May 15, 2010, 08:51:12 pm
I always thought the 5 minutes rule was common sense. It be a named or "tiki" or w/e. Didn't know you needed a big post saying "HEY LOOK RETARD! BLAH BLAH BLAH! HERE IS THE CAMPING RULES" and a big long list of crap. Srsly, 5mins, move it or lose it.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Hunter on May 15, 2010, 09:11:47 pm
I've updated the rules and added about Tiki's.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 15, 2010, 09:52:16 pm
I've updated the rules and added about Tiki's.

Thank you for the rule clarification

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 15, 2010, 11:38:17 pm
It sounds like you were refusing to let someone spawn the tiki because you were camping the mobs around the tiki. That's kind of a dick move if that is the case. Really I would be careful about involving Hunter on this. Again, not trying to take sides because I was not there but hoarding a camp with no crystals is a quick way to really really look bad to the rest of the community.

We let transendence have the tikki spawn. I really dont care what the rest of the community thinks, im not here to people please.

I said nothing about Transcendence. My dealings with you and Tankzilla have been very pleasant.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: qualin on May 16, 2010, 12:59:43 am
So um....wheres the fraps on youtube?

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Eliseus on May 16, 2010, 01:05:34 am
So um....wheres the fraps on youtube?

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Reed on May 16, 2010, 02:47:05 am
sounds like it was a bunch of BS, trying to smear some good names here

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Tankzilla on May 16, 2010, 11:23:50 am
I didnt think that this issue would be brought to the forums, I was under the impression that me and stylos finished all this up in tells and what not... but dude I was NOT trying to trash your name, I had no reason to, I told you to spawn the tiki, but when the adds started spawning i looked like to me that you pulled the mob back closer to our clerics ( mine and yours were in the same spot ) but I am sorry for any hard feelings you might have, I know at this point I dont anymore i had a pretty bad day irl yesterday and just wanted to chill and play eq what not, but we started off on the wrong foot yesterday and I would just like to say sorry.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Gnaughty on May 16, 2010, 12:32:06 pm
Like Cortez said in shout yesterday, we're going to have to get along as we get bottlenecked into T3/T4.  Tank I am impressed by your apology after the fact.  I still dont understand why Titanmaster sent me a tell saying I was being frapsed as I was nowhere near yall, was at fire tiki.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Tankzilla on May 16, 2010, 12:49:59 pm
Yeah I remember running by you lol... Dont know why titan did that myself =\  but yeah thats what I started thinking about lastnight... All the people I'm with in PoD everyday were all going to be in PoG soon doing the same thing... so might as well make it not happen again lol.. =)

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Tarq on May 16, 2010, 08:08:39 pm
no video yet?

titanmaster = a joke.
reputation = ruined.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 16, 2010, 08:23:13 pm
no video yet?

titanmaster = a joke.
reputation = ruined.

The video you all requested.


Im currently done talking about this situation. I said i would post the video and here it is.

Stylos, i apologize for jumping to frapsing you but at the time it did come off rather bad from my point of view.

With the rule clarification by hunter, i apologize to you and in no way was every trying to ruin your name.


I really dont care what you think of me or my reputation on a hacked server where half the population of people are boxed.

Sorry to bring this to the forums it would have truly been a waste of time but i feel some what redeemed that there was a ruling on Tikkis.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Tarq on May 16, 2010, 08:42:12 pm
That video shows absolutely nothing.

Also If you need clarification about common sense rules or unwritten courtesies then you are a rude moron. Did you need someone to tell you to wash your hands after you use the bathroom?

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Tankzilla on May 16, 2010, 10:32:33 pm
Hey Tarq, I believe your in the same guild with Stylos. We came to an agreement and everything yesterday/today.. but your comments to Titanmaster were kinda harsh dont you think? you wernt in zone nor in game at that time,
Did you need someone to tell you to wash your hands after you use the bathroom?

But I'm pretty sure everyone was taught that? /open mouth insert foot xthxbye


Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Reed on May 16, 2010, 10:57:41 pm
What i got from that video was, Stylos was killing a group of mobs... someone else was killing 1 mob. Then the camera man died.... soo?

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Eliseus on May 17, 2010, 01:48:15 am
no video yet?

titanmaster = a joke.
reputation = ruined.

The video you all requested.


Im currently done talking about this situation. I said i would post the video and here it is.

Stylos, i apologize for jumping to frapsing you but at the time it did come off rather bad from my point of view.

With the rule clarification by hunter, i apologize to you and in no way was every trying to ruin your name.


I really dont care what you think of me or my reputation on a hacked server where half the population of people are boxed.

Sorry to bring this to the forums it would have truly been a waste of time but i feel some what redeemed that there was a ruling on Tikkis.

Emulated, and you obviously care enough to respond to him and respond many times through this thread.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: qualin on May 17, 2010, 07:14:44 am
That video was lacking some important elements.  Like any discernible proof.  I'm surprised there actually is a video though, after 4 something pages on this thread and no link I was starting to think you an outright liar.

Sorry to bring this to the forums it would have truly been a waste of time but i feel some what redeemed that there was a ruling on Tikkis.

How were you redeemed? You were the one stating that you could camp the area and claim the tiki spot without any crystals.  The rule change goes against what you were trying to do.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: kaizen on May 17, 2010, 08:06:47 am
should change Titanmaster's name to Frapsmaster...

Make sure you are smiling when you are in a zone with him because he is frapsing you lol

its a free game.. lets all play nice
personally i could care less how fast i get T1/T2/T3/T4 gear
it would be pretty damn boring if I won on EZ server too quickly

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Reed on May 17, 2010, 10:32:32 am
its a free game.. lets all play nice
personally i could care less how fast i get T1/T2/T3/T4 gear
it would be pretty damn boring if I won on EZ server too quickly

Its all about getting T4's and trying not to get banned at that point heh. Everyone is after you at that point. People here are big babies alot of times. If someone fucks with me in game i just find some way to make them pay in game as well. *shrug* idk, eye for an eye i would say.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Gnaughty on May 17, 2010, 10:38:56 am
Reed you are quickly climbing my list of EQ badasses.  I like your style home skillet.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Reed on May 17, 2010, 10:52:45 am
I just dont like forums crying about who did what and where, its a waste.
My style is more SS and post in ban forum. Normally associated with names and asshatery in OOC. Camp competition is a different animal

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Gantrathor on May 17, 2010, 10:54:31 am
Heya Tankzilla,

In response to your post:

"Hey Tarq, I believe your in the same guild with Stylos. We came to an agreement and everything yesterday/today.. but your comments to Titanmaster were kinda harsh dont you think? you wernt in zone nor in game at that time,"

If someone is 'coming down' on Titanmaster you need to consider the whole body of this thread.  Throughout the entire thing (and to read it, in game too) people were telling Titan his point of view was WAY off.  His response was always (to paraphrase) If Hunter hasn't said it's so, it isn't so.  That is an extremely poor position to take.  Honestly, how can a reasonable person expect that they should maintain control of a camp that they cannot themselves use?  Nitpicking the idea that a Tiki isn't a mob, but a device to spawn a mob and therefore not subject to the 5 minute rule just wasn't a valid arguement.

Hunter has said where there is no specific rule, "don't grief, use common sense."  Do Titan's arguements pass the 'common sense' rule for you?  They don't for me and they obviously didn't for the greater part of the community.  Good rule of thumb...if everyone on the server is telling you you're wrong, you're probably wrong.  So, if people come down hard on Titan, it's because not only was he obviously wrong, but to date, he hasn't apologized for such an obvious misrepresentation of the rules.  He even went so far as to say he felt redeemed by Hunter's clarification of the rules.  He should feel ashamed, not redeemed.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Balthor on May 17, 2010, 12:58:57 pm
Not reading the whole post. I see a video that shows nothing and I read something about someone wanting to claim a tiki and not having crystals.

Let me tell you, If i run around tier2 and see you at a tiki Im going to say hi.
If you ignore me, then fail to pop a tiki thats up Im taking that tiki.
I'll give you what I consider reasonable time to respond/pop tiki but not 30min of you jacking off.
If you do respond and say you have no crystals I'll chit chat for a bit since I like having conversations. If while we talk and you kill a few trash and get no crystals I will pop that tiki.

Its called common sense and being decent.

Someone wanting a tiki with NO CRYSTALS is a dick.
Get outa the way of someone that can spawn it.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Reed on May 17, 2010, 01:03:35 pm
I let balthor pop tikis then KS him. Its the better way to roll.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: kaizen on May 17, 2010, 01:10:59 pm
Hunter has changed the EZserver rules and specifically made a section about tikis..

If the Tiki is up and you were there first, you have 5 minutes to use a Crystal to spawn the boss, or give up the camp to someone else. After the boss event is over, either succeed or fail, then you must give another group a chance to spawn the next boss. If multiple groups showed up at the exact same time, then try doing a /random to see who gets first round for a boss. Do not pull trash to Tiki's or set up camp near Tiki's for killing trash, or train the Tiki areas, cause that will be considered griefing and training. EZ Server is policed by the users with fraps and screen shots. If you think another group is going to grief you and break the rules, then make a video with fraps, preferably before you even start the event, to show the whole story. Users breaking rules and caught on video will be dealt with, and possibly banned.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Gnaughty on May 17, 2010, 01:19:50 pm
As always, I love me some Balthor.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Balthor on May 17, 2010, 06:31:40 pm
-Thanks G- I love you buddy.
-Thanks for quoting that rule. I might actually start enforceing that shit even tho I would prefer to just play nice and share tikis.
FFS its more fun to sit there and shoot the shit with people. Take turns using crystals together and share the loot with each other.
Some kids tho.
-Reed has another valid point. KS me for free phats. If you manage that without training me you deserve the shit.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Reed on May 17, 2010, 08:07:56 pm
well when you're running around with chanter and paladins in your group, i imagine a couple rangers could get ya

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Uxt on May 17, 2010, 10:11:09 pm
Chanters and paladins? Totally screwed.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Vonex on May 18, 2010, 06:14:34 am
I saw that vedio and have some question ,will that boss spawn a brown dragon? that vedio just make me think about someone train a brown dragon to earth tiki to make earth tiki group dead but they fail

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Scootz on May 18, 2010, 06:49:23 am
OK I want some rules cleared up please, now that someone can come up on a tiki that is camped and say, " hey i want it I have a crystal".  Does this apply to lets say evey other camp rule?  lets say i am waiting behind someone camping FG/CG items and say well you had 6 PH's my turn?  cuz basiacally thats what it is resorting to, it's unfair to the ppl who have put in the effort to get to that point, however i realize there are 2 ts tiki's and 2 t1 tikis, but what happens if lets say someone spawns omm in t1 like 6 times and they then have to give up the camp to some asshole who may spawn the bp mob?  that would be bullshit in my opinion!  Thanks Tankzilla and Titanmaster for fucking the entire community with the new "rules".   Common sense would say you guys are noobs, but hey honestly this makes a case for spawing the boss of your choice, otherwise make more tikis.   My two cents equal nothing, but it's just that, an opinion.


Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: qualin on May 18, 2010, 07:44:31 am
Nah Scootz, it's not like that.  If you run out of crystals, don't horde the tiki spot.  That's basically all this is saying.  If you have 50 crystals, you can stay for 50 spawns. If you pull trash in between spawns and keep getting crystals, you can keep the tiki for a while.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Tibador on May 18, 2010, 07:49:06 am
That is not what the rules state and i am with scootz on this if the rules are the way they read then its craptastic and anyone that comes to me and asks get out its my turn will get a big FU and never ever get any respect from me or rots.

There is already enough disrespect and bad manners on this server from the influx of new players that think this is WoW.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Balthor on May 18, 2010, 07:51:56 am
I might roll with enc and paladin and other sissy ass ez classes when Im fucking around but when I farm shit I bring the pain. If you can out dps my primary 6 then more power to you.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Elaith on May 18, 2010, 10:37:55 am
The brown dragon that is shown I believe is a respawn.  There is a spawn point real close to where they were standing around the corner.  At the 0:06 mark you can stand at the shadow on the rock and it will block the aoe.  If the brown popped it doesn't suprise me at all that it agro'd them as thats what will happen every time.  I should know as I've had it pop on me while I stood there waiting for the AOE casting mobs in camp to die.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Reed on May 18, 2010, 10:41:10 am
I might roll with enc and paladin and other sissy ass ez classes when Im fucking around but when I farm shit I bring the pain. If you can out dps my primary 6 then more power to you.

Your main 6 being Pal/Shd/Dru/Enc/Shm/Wiz right?

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Gnaughty on May 18, 2010, 10:55:46 am
Probably all paladins, he brings the pain.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Reed on May 18, 2010, 10:59:04 am
Probably all paladins, he brings the pain.

True that

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Drep on May 18, 2010, 02:00:52 pm
I can't believe there are so many questions pertaining to rules like these.   IT's CALLED PLAYING NICE!   If you horde a tiki and you DONT have any crystals...you are a douche bag!  If the tiki isn't up and you are pulling..hey great. but if that tiki spawns and you still don't have a crystal, get the hell out of the way!    You can go farm trash somewhere else, the zone is actually pretty big for you to do that.   Stockpile your crystals and go back later.   

Why is this so hard for people?   Why stand there hording something you can't even  spawn?   People who do this are dicks and shouldn't be here on the server.   If you want to horde everything that you do, go setup your own free server and play by yourself.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Balthor on May 18, 2010, 03:24:23 pm
Probably all paladins, he brings the pain.

That would be Cero who rolled a paladin as his first char here like a sissy fuck thinking it would be all super leet like on Shards of GayLaya.

He is also one of the few that gave me shit when I decided adding a few more monks to my group would be sexy. Sure rangers are sexy but fuck doing 3.0 x3 per char when I can half ass it x2 for each monk. wooo.

p.s. cero=sissy

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Gnaughty on May 18, 2010, 05:11:08 pm
Amen on the monk love baby.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Stylos on May 18, 2010, 05:53:51 pm
Man I look good in 1080p... Will you follow me around in tier 3 and 4 and video tape everything.  Maybe throw in a little play by play?  I hear John Madden isn't doing anything these days.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Vonex on May 18, 2010, 07:32:00 pm
I never see a brown dragon respawn there ,i guess gold dragon will respawn there

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Balthor on May 18, 2010, 07:33:35 pm
Gnaughty wants to have my love children. News at 11

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Tarq on May 18, 2010, 09:49:09 pm
i agree stylos, you had a lot of style tearing through those mobs. keep up the good work =)

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 19, 2010, 07:00:48 am
I got SC II beta anyone else playing?

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Balthor on May 19, 2010, 07:21:38 am
Depends, Can I play it while camping tiki's I dont have crystals to spawn?  :P
So let us know if its worth all the damn hype

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 19, 2010, 10:37:30 am
Depends, Can I play it while camping tiki's I dont have crystals to spawn?  :P
So let us know if its worth all the damn hype

Ive already apologized to all parties involved...Stylos/Vendetta/Transendence/And Reed (told stylos to tell him)/ and these forums

There isn't an issue anymore, Ive apologized and admitted my fault.

So can we move on from the anonymous bashing?

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Balthor on May 19, 2010, 11:48:27 am
Depends, Can I play it while camping tiki's I dont have crystals to spawn?  :P
So let us know if its worth all the damn hype

Ive already apologized to all parties involved...Stylos/Vendetta/Transendence/And Reed (told stylos to tell him)/ and these forums

There isn't an issue anymore, Ive apologized and admitted my fault.

So can we move on from the anonymous bashing?

Im not anonymous at all. Sorry if you took it like I am attacking you. If I was attacking someone I would name them and say something like "XYZ is a fucking piece of shit and here is why i think that"
Im poking fun at the situation in general while poking at the idea that SC2 wont live up to the hype about it.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: titanmaster on May 19, 2010, 12:32:15 pm
Depends, Can I play it while camping tiki's I dont have crystals to spawn?  :P
So let us know if its worth all the damn hype

Ive already apologized to all parties involved...Stylos/Vendetta/Transendence/And Reed (told stylos to tell him)/ and these forums

There isn't an issue anymore, Ive apologized and admitted my fault.

So can we move on from the anonymous bashing?

Im not anonymous at all. Sorry if you took it like I am attacking you. If I was attacking someone I would name them and say something like "XYZ is a fucking piece of shit and here is why i think that"
Im poking fun at the situation in general while poking at the idea that SC2 wont live up to the hype about it.

I see the sarcasm know, lol, im patching as of this morning we will see if it is good, apparently its unbalanced as of the moment. Terran Marauders are incredibly OP.

Title: Re: PoD Tikis
Post by: Balthor on May 19, 2010, 12:43:11 pm
that could be fun for the first couple days