EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Danish on July 31, 2013, 06:31:07 am

Title: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Danish on July 31, 2013, 06:31:07 am
I thought that it might be a good idea to make a suggestion thread on ToV.

As of now, its rather unfinished, and it would be nice with some content other than armor and UC3 to chase in there.

My first suggestion, would be to up the droprate of scales. If you plan on doing UC3 on lets say 3-4 key chars, you'd be farming in there in well over 28 days (28x24 hours). I think thats a bit excessive, compared to the T6 version, which straight out of T5 would take you about 30-40 hours of play pr. char.

Other than that, it would be awesome to get SoA and strikeaugs implemented. Just to add more incentive to get in there.

Edit: Would be awesome with an exp boost and platbags aswell.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Hunter on July 31, 2013, 07:37:26 am
Yes, I plan to add more ranks for stuff like Shield of the Ages, Strike Augments, Mana Necklace, Ultimate Weapon X, etc.

Anyone get essences yet from ToV?

Probably going to skip Epic Weapons this Tier unless I get some extra time and bored.

I need to add more HP to the armor as well, since its too small increase compared to the difficulty of the zone. Seems most of the HP now is from UW, UC, RoA, SoA, etc.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Danish on July 31, 2013, 07:49:02 am
I've got enough essences for SoA and strike augs, unless its a 3 x IX thing again :P

The HP thing is probably a good idea. I think you'd have a hard time tanking dragons or multiple trash, unless you have a high UW and/or added mitigation from a Reward Item.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: hateborne on July 31, 2013, 10:30:00 am
Yes, I plan to add more ranks for stuff like Shield of the Ages, Strike Augments, Mana Necklace, Ultimate Weapon X, etc.

Anyone get essences yet from ToV?

Probably going to skip Epic Weapons this Tier unless I get some extra time and bored.

I need to add more HP to the armor as well, since its too small increase compared to the difficulty of the zone. Seems most of the HP now is from UW, UC, RoA, SoA, etc.

Heh already written the spell effects. ~85% done with epic effects, just need to recheck notes and combine everything into a turnkey solution.


Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Hunter on July 31, 2013, 09:22:48 pm
Oh wow, people already getting essences already? Need to kill all the other dragon bosses before engaging the essence boss. Will have to check database to see how many essences people have from ToV so far, and start making recipes for new ranked items.

Lots of other stuff on to-do list, including update source code top of the list, and other small projects like CT armor recipes which might be optional in between Tacvi and T1.

Basher is still here for 2 more days visiting. Planning to work on EZ soon as I get some time here. Already gamed out from a few games anyways, waiting for new games in Sept like GTA V.

Back on topic, plan to do more stuff for ToV soon :)

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Danish on December 25, 2013, 07:11:57 am
Didn't want to hijack the resist discussion in the other thread so here are a few suggestions for ToV.

Change the gfx and perhaps even add some additional stats to the ToV epic Augment weapon. Would be awesome to replace the Tserrina whip with some cool looking gun from in there.

Get the mount upgraded aswell? as far as I can tell, you still summon the Worg mount from T7 that adds the same 150k hp.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Raygan on December 25, 2013, 08:42:53 am
A gun?!  What is this WoW?  No thanks on the gun...lets try to keep this out of the WoW zone.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: clbreastmilk on December 25, 2013, 08:49:22 am
No more trash loot. 

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Danish on December 25, 2013, 09:23:19 am
A gun?!  What is this WoW?  No thanks on the gun...lets try to keep this out of the WoW zone.

Gun as a metaphor for weapon - jesus christ...

A weapon with unique looks.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: arya1 on December 25, 2013, 09:34:35 am
No more trash loot. 

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: WatchYouDie on December 25, 2013, 09:39:00 am

+1 also add leaf augs and plat bags too please =)

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Raygan on December 25, 2013, 11:43:05 am
Gun as a metaphor for weapon - jesus christ...

Then why not say a unique weapon from there?  I only was going off what you typed...I (nor anyone else on this server) can read your mind.  Unique weapons like maybe finishing the epic 8.0 quests in ToV would be a most welcome idea...give ya something to do while grinding it out in there.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Hunter on December 25, 2013, 12:05:28 pm
Already planning to add Leaf Augs and Epics to T8+

Its on the to-do list.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Rageful on December 26, 2013, 11:54:39 am
A gun?!  What is this WoW?  No thanks on the gun...lets try to keep this out of the WoW zone.


No need to get so mad

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Kwai on December 26, 2013, 12:56:57 pm
I like the level of difficulty here.  I can't go to sleep on any mob since the changes to pally procs.  However, the DD might need to be toned down by about half.  I did the leg work to get my resists up and have all the toys to add to those levels, but a normal toon would not fare well against that onslaught. 

My Pally has 1700 resists and is only missing 2 pcs to be full T8.  He loots second in all cases of tank drops so has a decent chance in any other zone of tanking until my War is ressed back.  In this zone, even with board and sword, Keldar's, Avenger and Epic click... he is a deader with the first DD. 

He is only missing resist Augs in a few slots and most of those are 10s, and his ROA is 160+ so it isn't as if he didn't work to get the resists up or max out his gear.  He doesn't have a UW or SOA so I would consider him a normal toon and would have expected him to tank so so with H8's new changes.  He can't, and it's so fast no player cast heal spell will save him (without a huge bit of luck per cast).  A couple of normal hits then the DD and no more Pally.

It seems unreasonable that a normal tank toon that is almost done with the zone should be insta killed by one trash mob in that zone.  Would it be too much to ask that the DD be lowered?  Say by half?  1.3 mil HPs gone in one round while in tank mode means this normal toon cannot tank ToV trash.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: clbreastmilk on December 26, 2013, 01:29:08 pm
I may be wrong on this but I believe while the UW has had a goal of not being required, the SoA is another case entirely.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Raygan on December 26, 2013, 02:33:59 pm
It seems unreasonable that a normal tank toon that is almost done with the zone should be insta killed by one trash mob in that zone.  Would it be too much to ask that the DD be lowered?  Say by half?  1.3 mil HPs gone in one round while in tank mode means this normal toon cannot tank ToV trash

Hunter has lowered the amount of resists needed in this zone to 3k (3300 resists will keep you MT from getting hit by the DD)  Nothing needs to be done to gimp this zone anymore than has been done.  I like making you work to get into the zone...keeps a lot of folks from jumping content and slows down progression across the board.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Peign on December 26, 2013, 02:44:42 pm

Hunter has lowered the amount of resists needed in this zone to 3k (3300 resists will keep you MT from getting hit by the DD)  Nothing needs to be done to gimp this zone anymore than has been done.  I like making you work to get into the zone...keeps a lot of folks from jumping content and slows down progression across the board.


If a toon does not have 3k resists then that toon cannot be categorized as a tank (main or off)

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Felony on December 26, 2013, 04:50:16 pm
I like the level of difficulty here.  I can't go to sleep on any mob since the changes to pally procs.  However, the DD might need to be toned down by about half.  I did the leg work to get my resists up and have all the toys to add to those levels, but a normal toon would not fare well against that onslaught. 

My Pally has 1700 resists and is only missing 2 pcs to be full T8.  He loots second in all cases of tank drops so has a decent chance in any other zone of tanking until my War is ressed back.  In this zone, even with board and sword, Keldar's, Avenger and Epic click... he is a deader with the first DD. 

He is only missing resist Augs in a few slots and most of those are 10s, and his ROA is 160+ so it isn't as if he didn't work to get the resists up or max out his gear.  He doesn't have a UW or SOA so I would consider him a normal toon and would have expected him to tank so so with H8's new changes.  He can't, and it's so fast no player cast heal spell will save him (without a huge bit of luck per cast).  A couple of normal hits then the DD and no more Pally.

It seems unreasonable that a normal tank toon that is almost done with the zone should be insta killed by one trash mob in that zone.  Would it be too much to ask that the DD be lowered?  Say by half?  1.3 mil HPs gone in one round while in tank mode means this normal toon cannot tank ToV trash.

Perfectly reasonable for a gimp character to die in here. sorry ezmode is over, you are all lucky hunter lowered the resists, I think they should have gone up.

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: clbreastmilk on December 26, 2013, 05:59:45 pm
It's really weird to see Felony posts with such little anger.  Did Felony sell his character?  Who is this new Felony!? 


Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: WatchYouDie on December 26, 2013, 09:03:42 pm
i didnt have the resists prior to this 4k was unreasonable 3k is way more reasonable i still have another 20ish hours to get 3.3-3.5 depending on where i want to stop and other varios factors =P

Title: Re: Temple of Veeshan - Suggestions and thoughts.
Post by: Felony on December 26, 2013, 09:47:48 pm
It's really weird to see Felony posts with such little anger.  Did Felony sell his character?  Who is this new Felony!? 


I'm not responding to the stupid crowd that post, otherwise I would tell them to shove it.
No one cares to listen to what I say about resists even though I took the time to test the crap out of them so their loss. If I had it my way the resist requirement for tov would have gone up, not down. The QQ would be amazing from the failcrowd.