EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: zefirus on September 30, 2013, 08:20:41 pm

Title: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: zefirus on September 30, 2013, 08:20:41 pm
I know the zone has been out awhile and folks are in T8 and T9 but something to consider..

Place the Ring, mask, and necklace on specific bosses, or increase the drop rate of them. I think doing 100 bosses to get T6 was plenty, then when I was ready to hit T7, I found I was missing 6 masks. I have been clearing the zone for the last 3 days and have not gotten a single mask.

This change would help progression and allow less frustration by having to back flag so much.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Griz on September 30, 2013, 09:47:14 pm
Adding a guaranteed accessory drop to white (and maybe 20% chance to the "kill all X" bosses) might be a good idea, so it's easier to get rings/necks/masks/etc.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: hateborne on October 01, 2013, 09:02:54 am
Adding a guaranteed accessory drop to white (and maybe 20% chance to the "kill all X" bosses) might be a good idea, so it's easier to get rings/necks/masks/etc.

Adding one to White makes it mechanically possible to get all the pieces. I would be ok with a zone wipe boss. If all the bosses are killed, one random boss will spawn.


Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: zefirus on October 01, 2013, 09:42:44 am
That's not a bad idea. Killed entire zone again 4 times... No mask lol. Crazy

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Hunter on October 01, 2013, 09:53:50 am
Its designed that you won't get all 100 bosses with 1 zone wipe.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: zefirus on October 01, 2013, 10:22:30 am
All my toons are flagged for t6 and all have all their t6 gear. What I am saying is that by the time I did get all 100 bosses for all my toons, I had only seen two masks. And now my toons are waiting on 5 masks to get into t7. The suggestion was making it a bit less painful to get accessory pieces instead of rng. The cloak shoulder and shield were nice because they had their own boss.

So I spend each day farming hoping for that random chance I will get masks so I can make t6 mask with the Augs in my bag. It is just that it is getting mind numbing. On a positive note, I have 60 essences now from doin it.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Expletus on October 01, 2013, 02:58:21 pm
Maybe drop the requirement to have all the gear from the zone flag.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: hateborne on October 01, 2013, 03:01:46 pm
Maybe drop the requirement to have all the gear from the zone flag.

This, please. I would say the set pieces (i.e. wizard boots, legs, arms, wrists, chest, etc) and matching epic flag. With more and more zones, I'm trying to add more options for those slots. Mandating these accessories feel like an intentional time sink to lock players into content for longer.


Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Expletus on October 01, 2013, 03:28:55 pm
That's what I really meant. Just take off the jewelry (ear, neck, waist etc) but require the basic 7(or 8) with epic to move.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Premador on October 01, 2013, 03:34:57 pm
I'm not a fan of the zone restrictions. I liked the old system where you could port your whole group into T6 as long as u had 1 T6 flagged toon. T5 is such a roadblock its painful. I've been in T5 since May 2012, and although I'm not a hardcore player I've cleared T5 so many times that I'd probably end up divorced over it if my wife ever found out how much time I've actually spent in front of the computer doing this. Sad thing is I still have 2 or 3 toons missing stuff from T5...

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: zefirus on October 01, 2013, 04:00:47 pm
Change the loot table in t6 to drop actual accessories instead of upgrade essences like t3-4. Quick fix? Then you can have an ear 2 from t5 and an ear 3 from t6 on a toon.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: red2 on October 01, 2013, 05:56:18 pm
you can have an ear2, and an ear 3. get the ear 2, upgrade, then backpeddle in t5 to get another ear2.
not necessarily recommended. but possible.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: zefirus on October 01, 2013, 06:06:22 pm
you can have an ear2, and an ear 3. get the ear 2, upgrade, then backpeddle in t5 to get another ear2.
not necessarily recommended. but possible.

Yes, that is how it is now, we are throwing around suggestions about how it could be to streamline the progression. Like you get an ear 1 in t4 and an ear 2 in t5 and then perhaps you get an upgrade in t6 and replace your t4 earring.

Also, we discussed changing how it drops in t5 to make it so your comment is recommended and not just possible.

Or take out accessory requirement for flag and make it an armor/weapon check.. would make since for warriors who have a SOA on back and are forced to upgrade a cloak just for flagging purposes.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: hateborne on October 01, 2013, 06:07:18 pm
Or take out accessory requirement for flag and make it an armor/weapon check.. would make since for warriors who have a SOA on back and are forced to upgrade a cloak just for flagging purposes.

Or casters using Mana Necklace...


Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: WatchYouDie on October 01, 2013, 09:02:07 pm
Can make the shield mob drop any 1 of the jewlery instead of just shield.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Fugitive on October 01, 2013, 09:09:20 pm
Can make the shield mob drop any 1 of the jewlery instead of just shield.

Honestly at 1st I was like    ...

Then I was like.. I like that idea.. ;D

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: zefirus on October 01, 2013, 10:02:49 pm
not a bad idea... and the shoulder and cloak mob too.. just make them the accessory mobs.. wow, your idea is better than mine, I think I will steal yours and call it mine. I will name my company Microsoft.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Anuli on October 02, 2013, 10:56:12 am
Or instead of going back to T5 for a second ear, you could just get the T6 ear and wait to get a T7 ear to replace your T3 ear and not farm T5 for that tiny chance you get another ear seeing as the HP increase on it isn't worth the time spent when you need a T7 ear anyway. But I second the shield/shoulder/back mobs having jewelry.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Expletus on October 02, 2013, 04:38:35 pm
Still don't see why all accessories are required for T6 and above after the insane grind of T5 forcing you back into t5 after you sell your soul to get out of it. They aren't required for any lower tiers so why start at that point?

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Dimur on October 02, 2013, 05:04:34 pm
Because you are exponentially more powerful than previous tiers?  That'd be my guess as to requiring that.  But realistically, we now have access to T9 so there's no point in T5 being any more of a time sink than getting the kill updates so I'd suggest more common off slot drops.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Anuli on October 02, 2013, 07:09:59 pm
 I'm with Dim. If you can survive in T7 + and don't want to get your last 2 toons a T5 mask you should have that choice. Requiring the main 7 slots makes sense but sometimes, like in my case,  people don't want to farm their last 2 necklaces for their 23/24 toons to be able to join them in T7. It was enough of a process to get the main armor and 100 kills and most of the accessories. Plus you throw them all away for the T7 accessories anyway which are required for T8..

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Premador on October 02, 2013, 07:53:25 pm
I'm with dim and anuli, I've never been so bottle necked in any zone or in any game for that matter. Please ease the pain!!

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: WatchYouDie on October 02, 2013, 08:00:41 pm
Even though it is a pain just chaning the 3 mobs to randomly drop any 1 of the pieces would make it a lot easier. This wouldnt require any change of quest code either.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Tankdan on October 02, 2013, 08:58:28 pm
I ran The Abyss for my 2nd group last month and easily got all the items I needed in the time I got 100 kills, so I see no main reason for a change.  My guess is the people having the most issues are the ones with free waypoint spamming new instances.   If you're to the point where you only need 1-2 items, just use /auction while doing other activities, thats what I did, found a seller for the item I needed within a day or two. 

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: WatchYouDie on October 02, 2013, 09:00:20 pm
we do full clears coral and all i have almost got my 2nd group the 100 kills now and he still hasnt gotten the faces for his group and i havent for mine either

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: zefirus on October 02, 2013, 10:04:02 pm
I ran The Abyss for my 2nd group last month and easily got all the items I needed in the time I got 100 kills, so I see no main reason for a change.  My guess is the people having the most issues are the ones with free waypoint spamming new instances.   If you're to the point where you only need 1-2 items, just use /auction while doing other activities, thats what I did, found a seller for the item I needed within a day or two. 

we clear the entire zone, and we have many toons waiting on single accessory pieces. Just because you cannot see the reason, does not mean there is no reason. I have been auctioning 1 mil per mask for a week. and less for the last few weeks. ohh, and we need like 10 masks.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Expletus on October 03, 2013, 03:51:56 am
Gearing up a group is different than gearing up 20+ toons.

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: Raygan on October 03, 2013, 04:07:14 am
Remember when getting back/shoulders was difficult?  of course there were only like 5 place holders to spawn the mobs that could drop them....ahhh the good old days

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: zefirus on October 03, 2013, 09:10:24 pm
Remember when getting back/shoulders was difficult?  of course there were only like 5 place holders to spawn the mobs that could drop them....ahhh the good old days

Hehe, had a couple rot tonight. No masks. If there was some way of being able to focus my efforts a bit better, it would make this less painful. Some great suggestions here. I did 1.5 clears then head to TOFS to keep my sanity :)

Title: Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion
Post by: zefirus on October 04, 2013, 12:24:48 pm
just an update with changes, cleared abyss one more time this afternoon. Loot on bosses was 2 shoulder and 1 shield ~22 bosses. That is the rng, not the static bosses that already drop those items. 3 clears so far today.