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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: red2 on January 16, 2014, 08:28:02 pm

Title: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: red2 on January 16, 2014, 08:28:02 pm
so i got a 2hb for necro last night, crystalline staff of intelligence. was told the proc was remove, something about conflicts. also have a tserina stafe, that is very similiar to it, but lacks slot 21, has a lifetap proc. kinda of silly to need to cary around 2, just to cast the pet. can the t staff plz get slot 21 added, simply things some.

Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: hateborne on January 16, 2014, 09:54:04 pm
so i got a 2hb for necro last night, crystalline staff of intelligence. was told the proc was remove, something about conflicts. also have a tserina stafe, that is very similiar to it, but lacks slot 21, has a lifetap proc. kinda of silly to need to cary around 2, just to cast the pet. can the t staff plz get slot 21 added, simply things some.

The Tserrina Whip and Staff may get a slot soon. Still debating it because they were intended to be outside tier options.


Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: red2 on January 16, 2014, 10:27:07 pm
Food for thought. no biggie on the whip, it has 2 slots, and is 1 hander, so anyone that can use it, can use epic in whatever they have in other hand.

The staff is 2hander. means switching out a weapon click pet, then back. only realy applies to mage/necro. chanter pet is casted, and wig .. is just odd man out. non of those get something melee off the epic.. just be nice to not have to switch around.

Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: Hunter on January 16, 2014, 10:58:34 pm
If Hateborne wants to add Epic Aug slot to Whip that is fine by me, depends on what he is doing with Epic Augs currently as I gave the project to him to manage.

Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: Expletus on January 17, 2014, 07:18:29 am

Any chance you could review the aug slots for T7 and above to allow at least 1 type 8 slot or allow NSV's ISV's (and above)  to be put in the slot 22?

Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: Rent Due on January 19, 2014, 08:52:39 am
did this get any traction?

being debated?

Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: hateborne on January 19, 2014, 10:26:38 am
I did ultimately decide against adding epic slots to Tserrina weapons as they are powerful enough as it stands.

As for Expletus' question, if you are referring to a slot similar to Tserrina's whip the answer would be no. The whip is a special situation and will be somewhat unique in that sense.


Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: Expletus on January 19, 2014, 11:57:02 am
What about making the IS5s/FS5s/NS5s and above fit slot 22's? Bottlenecking players into upgrading in T7 for strike augs stinks. At least with be able to put one strike aug in the weapon so it's not as big of a dps hit.

Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: Dimur on January 19, 2014, 01:17:45 pm
The whole point of working through progression is getting through the bottlenecks.  If you can't upgrade gear and/or augs, then you aren't ready to progress.  There's no reason to go back and retro-buff weapons to accept augments that were never intended to fit into them.  If you're buying your gear to progress, that's only going to take you so far and eventually you have to get back on the intended path to progression.

Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: Chunka on January 19, 2014, 01:26:06 pm
Yeah, I have no problem waiting to slot the NS9. I have an NS9 made now that I am waiting to slot til I get the monk a 7.0.....if I had a book before I had the NS9 made I'd simply wait to upgrade the epic til I could make a 9.

Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: Expletus on January 19, 2014, 01:41:47 pm
The whole point of working through progression is getting through the bottlenecks.  If you can't upgrade gear and/or augs, then you aren't ready to progress.  There's no reason to go back and retro-buff weapons to accept augments that were never intended to fit into them.  If you're buying your gear to progress, that's only going to take you so far and eventually you have to get back on the intended path to progression.

I'm not buying gear at all. However, I can't afford to upgrade the strike augs using 3 8's to make 1. That's just asinine requiring 3 8's.

Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: Dimur on January 19, 2014, 01:51:59 pm
You aren't required to make a slot 22 aug to use the weapon, you just won't get the benefit of having an aug in that slot.  Asinine or not, everyone who needed slot 22 augs before you either made them, bought them or went without.  Strike 9+ are considerably more powerful than strike 8's and therefore require a considerable amount more in cost to make.

Title: Re: t8 epic, tserina staff
Post by: clbreastmilk on January 19, 2014, 01:54:01 pm
It evens out to be as if you had 3 NS I believe, not sure on that.  It goes back to normal after the IX when you go to X.  You will Want that extra dps in T8 anyway.