EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: balidet on March 17, 2014, 12:30:44 pm

Title: UW
Post by: balidet on March 17, 2014, 12:30:44 pm
Not to start a big shit storm ....

Would it be better for EZ to just remove the UW and call it done?

It has such a massive effect on the server...challenging content balance...

I Have A UW...but maybe it is time to start a discussion about just removing it from game and what that would look like.


Title: Re: UW
Post by: Chunka on March 17, 2014, 12:47:04 pm
I think the UW can be saved from deletion with some healthy revisions....and rumor is those are in the works.

Lets wait and see what management has planned.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: hateborne on March 17, 2014, 01:08:05 pm
Not to start a big shit storm ....

Would it be better for EZ to just remove the UW and call it done?

It has such a massive effect on the server...challenging content balance...

I Have A UW...but maybe it is time to start a discussion about just removing it from game and what that would look like.

I think the UW can be saved from deletion with some healthy revisions....and rumor is those are in the works.

Lets wait and see what management has planned.



Title: Re: UW
Post by: Walls on March 17, 2014, 01:25:06 pm
You're not trolling hard enough balidet. Try again

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Poker-ecaf on March 17, 2014, 02:04:06 pm
i think removin isnt the right way !
but nerf on hp after 9 and dmg would be good idea

on UWX or higher only half the way of upgrads from 2m Hitpoints to 1.5m hitpoints

dmg im not sure how exaktly it is but if it 150k on UWX then make it to 125k

Bane dmg can get an little upgrade from 45k to 50k

and pls start to work on augments ;p

a few versions to choose and to creat an Augment are 10 essence per rk sound fair and an little extra thing like this

10 essence + 1 Essence of Platium + 1 SLS + Augment u choosed !

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Gannicus on March 17, 2014, 03:03:44 pm
Leave the damage alone. Tune hps after IX which I believe is what a million hp? Increase it 250/500k hp per rank instead of doubling it and then you don't have issues with the UW anymore. Damage has never been the problem it's the absurd jump from 1mil to 2mil , 4mil, and finishing the current one off at 8mil.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Tankdan on March 17, 2014, 03:07:18 pm
Considering the majority of time on this server is/was spent progressing the UW, thats a bad idea. You mind as well ask for a server/zone content wipe while you are at it for propper balancing.  Why throw away all that time spent?  

Make UW part of the server, I don't see the big deal. Make it part of progression.  Make it so you don't need to farm HoH in T6 gear, make it more linear than that.  Tons of viable options to make UW smoother.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Natedog on March 18, 2014, 03:37:52 am

/nod /nod

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Kovou on March 18, 2014, 02:15:26 pm
why not just make UW unavailable to anyone who doesn't already have one then? why not make it a legendary quest so that only if you already working on progression can you still further it but it is no longer open to start quest with anyone who has not already picked up quest to start it, aka someone who has a rank 1 already can keep going but someone who just has the quest can no longer complete it *and is refunded their ess*

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Gannicus on March 18, 2014, 02:39:16 pm
So like a legacy item? It was available at one point in time but no longer? Here's my idea on the whole thing. Once the hps gets to 1mil you cap it at 250k-500k a rank after BUT I think with the current ranks out it should be stopped. No more ranks past what is already available, the rest should be the augments made for the UW that add benefits not stats. Like a UW that could have holy avengers proc on it, stuff that is in it's own sense OP without being game breaking in terms of having millions of hp for no reason. The damage on it is fine, it takes the place of a second group which is nice and with the time, plat, and essences/materials invested in it I think is fair to have it take the place of a second group.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Rent Due on March 18, 2014, 04:52:56 pm
So like a legacy item? It was available at one point in time but no longer? Here's my idea on the whole thing. Once the hps gets to 1mil you cap it at 250k-500k a rank after BUT I think with the current ranks out it should be stopped. No more ranks past what is already available, the rest should be the augments made for the UW that add benefits not stats. Like a UW that could have holy avengers proc on it, stuff that is in it's own sense OP without being game breaking in terms of having millions of hp for no reason. The damage on it is fine, it takes the place of a second group which is nice and with the time, plat, and essences/materials invested in it I think is fair to have it take the place of a second group.

I likes it

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Tankdan on March 18, 2014, 11:03:09 pm
why not just make UW unavailable to anyone who doesn't already have one then? why not make it a legendary quest so that only if you already working on progression can you still further it but it is no longer open to start quest with anyone who has not already picked up quest to start it, aka someone who has a rank 1 already can keep going but someone who just has the quest can no longer complete it *and is refunded their ess*

Because new players would quit if they are playing alongside people with an uberweap that isn't even obtainable.  I know if I was checking out EZ and saw a 1 million HP weapon and I was stuck with my Epic weapon, I wouldn't stick around.    

Why not allow everybody to obtain it, and create content based around owning one?  Someone explain why this idea is so absurd.   

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Gannicus on March 19, 2014, 01:08:58 am
Because new players would quit if they are playing alongside people with an uberweap that isn't even obtainable.  I know if I was checking out EZ and saw a 1 million HP weapon and I was stuck with my Epic weapon, I wouldn't stick around.    

Why not allow everybody to obtain it, and create content based around owning one?  Someone explain why this idea is so absurd.   

Because creating content around OWNING a UW is absolutely ridiculous. Not everyone has the time it takes to invest into a UW. It's very time consuming and requires an abnormal amount of patience. So far I've invested about 300~ hours into it maybe more and I only have V. It gets a little faster after the HOH grind but from my understanding that's still millions of plat you have to account for, materials, and TOFS essences. It's not something you should ever have to require something to farm. It not being available would it so you don't stick around? Imagine HAVING to do all this for one and wanting to stick around. It's not logical to balance content around the UW because not everyone is going to go out and put as much time as some have for it. That's why it's absurd.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Brunaa on March 19, 2014, 07:42:36 am
Why shall UW be deleted ? a lot of players put a lot of time in it to get one.

If you don’t have the money you cant eat caviar

If you don’t have the time you cant have an UW

But at least you should be able to fight with your epic weapon on all tiers.

Hunter created the UW not that all player should have one it was designed just for hardcore player’s and so it should stay.
Just let the hardcore players have there fun as long as you can get all armour from all Tier with you epic weapons.

I think Hate will put it all in the right way without deleting anything.

(English is not my mother language so don’t   throw stones at me when I spelled some word wrong)

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Takishi on March 19, 2014, 07:58:39 am
I disagree with a UW taking 300 hours of farming.  With double loot, you could knock out 3 ranks easily. I farmed up 400+ essences of various types this weekend alone and played about 12 hours total.  The only drawback might be the 10 mil to create it.

The essence drop rates were drastically increased a short while ago to 10% from bosses and .5% from trash. It takes time to farm anything, but 300 hours of pure UW farming, I don't buy it.

UCv1 is required for T5 or you'll spend months in this zone. Resists are required for TOFS/T7+ or your army will die to aoe constantly. SOA is required for tanks to live.  UW (while not required) isn't as "hardcore" as it once was and could be thrown into the required category for anyone T8+.

I would like to see additional stats on the number of players who are serious about progression (7+ chars from the same IP) that have and that don't have UWs. I'd be willing to bet 70% or more have a UW.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Gannicus on March 19, 2014, 01:10:45 pm
I disagree with a UW taking 300 hours of farming.  With double loot, you could knock out 3 ranks easily. I farmed up 400+ essences of various types this weekend alone and played about 12 hours total.  The only drawback might be the 10 mil to create it.

The essence drop rates were drastically increased a short while ago to 10% from bosses and .5% from trash. It takes time to farm anything, but 300 hours of pure UW farming, I don't buy it.

UCv1 is required for T5 or you'll spend months in this zone. Resists are required for TOFS/T7+ or your army will die to aoe constantly. SOA is required for tanks to live.  UW (while not required) isn't as "hardcore" as it once was and could be thrown into the required category for anyone T8+.

I would like to see additional stats on the number of players who are serious about progression (7+ chars from the same IP) that have and that don't have UWs. I'd be willing to bet 70% or more have a UW.

Christmas double loot, I played 216 hours ; Came out with 4 ranks, 1-4. It does take a ridiculous amount of time and there's no arguing that one.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Rent Due on March 19, 2014, 01:26:09 pm
UW farming/grind is what it is and for good reason.

this past weekend I went from 5 to 8 and have all but the plat do 9

I found god minor and majors to be spot on with the drop rates at 10%
or even higher.

the only thing that held me back was the token farming.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Takishi on March 19, 2014, 01:49:47 pm
Christmas double loot, I played 216 hours ; Came out with 4 ranks, 1-4. It does take a ridiculous amount of time and there's no arguing that one.

Essences from Qvic - T9 drop rates have all been adjusted to average 10% from bosses and 1/200 off trash, about double the rate from before.

IE - UW is much easier to farm now.  216 hours of farming in today's world should easily net a rank 8 UW, with the possible exception of bad RNG with TOFS essence.  

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Gannicus on March 19, 2014, 06:28:12 pm
It's still nothing that should be required to farm. Even if it is "faster" now which it honestly isn't much faster at all. 0/49 Vhal so far , that's 30 ~ hours right there.

TOFS is quite the grind that's going to add a ton more time to the farming, but it's still not at any rate "exceptionally fast" excluding TOFS

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Rent Due on March 19, 2014, 10:50:49 pm
0/49 Vhal so far , that's 30 ~ hours right there.

don't farm Vhal, go to level 7 if possible and farm Svartmane, accomplishes 2 goals, ninja clickies and master essences which you can use for any lvl UW. I had 4, used them on lvls 6, 7, 8 and going to use on 9

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Poker-ecaf on March 19, 2014, 11:56:47 pm
got an question about floor 7 is key farmin still hard like 6-9 months ago ?

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Gannicus on March 20, 2014, 12:14:00 am
0/49 Vhal so far , that's 30 ~ hours right there.

don't farm Vhal, go to level 7 if possible and farm Svartmane, accomplishes 2 goals, ninja clickies and master essences which you can use for any lvl UW. I had 4, used them on lvls 6, 7, 8 and going to use on 9

Rent you know I can't do floor 7 :P

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Dimur on March 20, 2014, 12:25:04 am
Why not?  First Tserrina kill was with done with a UW 5...

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Gannicus on March 20, 2014, 12:44:43 am
Why not?  First Tserrina kill was with done with a UW 5...
Only pushing 2 toons currently War/Pal on floor 7 with resists. UW V on war, paladin has x3 FS 8 but still not dps worthy.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Expletus on March 20, 2014, 01:56:09 pm
I did her with an uw 4. Long fight till her stonewall falls off. Even with scarecrow curse its long.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Takishi on March 20, 2014, 03:06:53 pm
I guess I'm confused by your arguments then because you already have a UW.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Takishi on March 20, 2014, 03:08:22 pm
got an question about floor 7 is key farmin still hard like 6-9 months ago ?

Nah - it's not bad at all.  Few hours and the entire army can be floor 7 keyed.  As for getting the master key, that isn't terrible either, except for her massive stonewall.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: whatzizface on March 20, 2014, 03:25:16 pm
The UW Is a ultimate weapon for a reason, It takes time and money to get one. While i do not believe content should be based on it and having one required to continue I do realize that how much people have worked to get them and should be Uber in the zones already made.
The question i raise is why even make epics for the zones that require a UW to be in? It defeats the purpose entirely. Lets say i want to break into T8 for a epic, Why bother, at the T8 level i can go back and farm UW's for each of my toons faster that make the epic obsolete. UW owners should be Uber, Not a "have to have one" to advance in content unless it is zone specially designed for UW owners.
Just my 2 cents.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Digz on March 20, 2014, 06:12:32 pm
going from 1m hp to 8m hp in 4 ranks is what needs to be changed, id say leave the rest of the weapon as is, especially after the removal of the clicky.

just my 2 cents..... and in today's economy, probably worth half that :P

Title: Re: UW
Post by: balidet on March 20, 2014, 07:13:43 pm
at my current rate of farming dragon minors I will have uW3 in 100000 hours....seems fair

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Rent Due on March 20, 2014, 08:13:50 pm
going from 1m hp to 8m hp in 4 ranks is what needs to be changed, id say leave the rest of the weapon as is, especially after the removal of the clicky.

just my 2 cents..... and in today's economy, probably worth half that :P

I would tend to agree with this.

take the hps way down and then level out the content so that a person with UW will have an edge in the content, however not make it cake. while the person without UW can still do current content but at a little of a disadvantage from having a UW(s)

then make new content according to that rule.

it adds a good value to those who took the time and effort to do the quest, ie content is easier, but at the same time does not completely say "you must have this" for everyone else. in the long run I think most serious players are going to opt for having the UW as opposed to not having.

its kind of like SoA, do you absolutely need it to do progression content? no, but does it make it a heck of a lot easier? yes

ring, need, no, easier with, yes
mana neck....same

all of these items we are reassured are "optional" items, yet everyone has them???? how is the UW different? its an optional item, so 99% of us opt to have it, why? cause it makes content easier! and it makes farming funny! 100 mobs on the wall, 100 mobs on the wall, pull my UW out and slash it around 0 mobs on the wall!

9 million hp toons? not needed, however when youre getting smacked for 1 million a hit, yeah 9mil doesn't seem that far off.

solution? 6 million hp toon with mobs that hit for 600k, hps being taken from the UW

then cap the quest off or cap the stats to +xyz per rank, like +400k per rank, etc

basically bring the UW down a notch to reasonable stats and bring the content down to where that reason is, then step it so that the UW user only has a little bit of an advantage (because they did the optional quest) so that the player without can still do the content

Title: Re: UW
Post by: marxist on March 20, 2014, 08:54:31 pm
Just stop making upgrades for it in new tiers...uw x is it.  No more worries.  Future content can have other cool grinds / quests to work on

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Gannicus on March 21, 2014, 01:15:44 am
going from 1m hp to 8m hp in 4 ranks is what needs to be changed, id say leave the rest of the weapon as is, especially after the removal of the clicky.

just my 2 cents..... and in today's economy, probably worth half that :P

+2000, since clicks removed, the damage should definitely stay, the hp should definitely change. Stop it where it is at X, and make any further progressions for it via content augs that make it OP in it's own sense without allowing ridiculous amounts of hp.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Rent Due on March 21, 2014, 05:55:38 am
going from 1m hp to 8m hp in 4 ranks is what needs to be changed, id say leave the rest of the weapon as is, especially after the removal of the clicky.

just my 2 cents..... and in today's economy, probably worth half that :P

well, XI is where it is now :)

id say stop it there and adjust the hps, leave the damage and make the rest of the quest aug upgrades

I concur sir!

+2000, since clicks removed, the damage should definitely stay, the hp should definitely change. Stop it where it is at X, and make any further progressions for it via content augs that make it OP in it's own sense without allowing ridiculous amounts of hp.

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Kardthe on March 21, 2014, 06:47:21 am
Balance the wep, yes.  Remove it.. no.  I'll give you my perspective as a fairly new player to the server.  I started not too long ago... was still leveling up during the last Halloween event, missed out on the goodies :P  

I am into T6 now, and shoring up my charms, SoA, etc.  I was able to farm enough ess for up to UW4  (other than Qvic, which i skipped during dbl because i wanted to get those damned dminors done lol)  by the end of dbl loot.    I'm excited to start progressing that wep :)  

So who cares?  WTF is my point?

My point is that Epics are not epic... they are easy to obtain and part of regular progression.  Some people, I'd say most people, that stick around on this server... are slaves to the grind.  Put out a carrot... we go after it.  That's why we play.  I can't speak to the "OPness" of the wep, haven't held one in my digital hands, but I'm looking forward to owning one as I see it as more of the true "Epic" of EZ server.  

Title: Re: UW
Post by: Expletus on March 21, 2014, 07:48:28 am
Just stop making upgrades for it in new tiers...uw x is it.  No more worries.  Future content can have other cool grinds / quests to work on

Best Idea i've read so far.