EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: hateborne on May 02, 2014, 09:58:57 pm

Title: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 02, 2014, 09:58:57 pm
Knocked 12 accounts offline for a week and deleting characters + permaban for them next time. Anyone else want to try their luck?

EDIT: 16 more joined the original 12 on a week long forced "vacation".

EDIT: Yet another group of 16 joined the 28 before them for a week long "vacation".

Bot farming is bad. Look at the 44 above now on vacation because of it.

5-6-14 EDIT: 42 accounts belonging to one player knocked offline for a week. RoA, EoA, and Mask ranks cut in half. Caught bot farming in Anguish once, but I couldn't confirm immediately. Caught second time, started screwing with the bot and 100% obvious it wasn't human.

SLS Farmers aren't the only ones biting the dust.


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Natedog on May 02, 2014, 11:54:19 pm
I would love to test my luck! Time to load 12 bots

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Claytin on May 03, 2014, 01:08:32 am
I've learned my lesson. I will never streak in front of Loveborne again.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Digz on May 03, 2014, 06:37:32 am
The ban hammer is real!


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Expletus on May 03, 2014, 08:28:22 am
Whoooooo. I got a guess!

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Rent Due on May 03, 2014, 08:34:46 am
well it wasn't me, and I'm guessing it wasn't you....

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Expletus on May 03, 2014, 08:37:10 am
Might be the person that had over 300 SLS for trade w/credits! Were those credits forfeited as a result of the ban? (honest question just curious)

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: balidet on May 03, 2014, 11:45:08 am
was it fatfat???

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: marxist on May 03, 2014, 11:51:15 am
no, he was on last night

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Rent Due on May 03, 2014, 11:57:34 am
public floggings!

take up the pitchforks and torches!

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: marxist on May 03, 2014, 12:59:02 pm
Wait it wasn't rent again? something is wrong here

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Rent Due on May 03, 2014, 02:59:12 pm
wasn't me bro I was in T5 with gannicus all night

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Gannicus on May 03, 2014, 03:20:09 pm
wasn't me bro I was in T5 with gannicus all night
I can confirm.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 03, 2014, 03:32:55 pm
wasn't me bro I was in T5 with gannicus all night
I can confirm.

As can I. :-)


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Krinkle on May 03, 2014, 05:43:26 pm
Are they bot farming anywhere except for sls? So we can be on the look out for sales of those type of items and also so I can look into getting a bot for that zone myself

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 03, 2014, 05:53:48 pm
Are they bot farming anywhere except for sls? So we can be on the look out for sales of those type of items and also so I can look into getting a bot for that zone myself

When you have just under 700 SLS...I would bet my car that you didn't legitimately farm them in less than 2 weeks. Logistically, I don't think that would even be possible WITHOUT running numerous bots.


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Krinkle on May 03, 2014, 06:02:22 pm
Yeah I get that, what I was asking are there any other zones that you caught people boting in? for any other items besides sls.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 03, 2014, 06:05:17 pm
Yeah I get that, what I was asking are there any other zones that you caught people boting in? for any other items besides sls.

2 players were in jaggedpine AND northkarana (one had 3 characters all in separate instances of jaggedpine, other had 1 in jaggedpine and 1 in northkarana).

Other had farmed ~500 SLS in a logistically impossible time frame for one player....barring player being Doc Ock or a Squidbilly.


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Rent Due on May 03, 2014, 07:21:52 pm
so....what yer say'n is it coud'hve been eder Early or Rusty Cuyler

but we just don't know!

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Natedog on May 04, 2014, 01:17:00 am
Yeah I get that, what I was asking are there any other zones that you caught people boting in? for any other items besides sls.

2 players were in jaggedpine AND northkarana (one had 3 characters all in separate instances of jaggedpine, other had 1 in jaggedpine and 1 in northkarana).

Other had farmed ~500 SLS in a logistically impossible time frame for one player....barring player being Doc Ock or a Squidbilly.


I can do 6 characters at once easily!  1 hotkey + EQBC + spread out my screens so i can see what they are targeting :p

If I had another screen could probably add 6 more! Hunter didn't like that method though since you arent attentively running to the mobs 

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Rotic on May 04, 2014, 03:01:46 am
By the way, do you delete the SLS in their bank/inventory?

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Fugitive on May 04, 2014, 08:08:06 am
By the way, do you delete the SLS in their bank/inventory?
Yup, he did

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Rent Due on May 04, 2014, 09:36:44 am
darn price of SLS just went up again :(

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Expletus on May 04, 2014, 05:04:23 pm
Vendor needs to sell these !!!!!

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Brokyn on May 05, 2014, 05:38:54 am
I agree!  Have SLS for sale at the vendor for 300k (or 500k or whatever) and that will mean it won't be worth it to be tempted to bot farm.  N00bs could still farm and sell for 200k so it wouldn't destroy the source of income for them.

I am remembering back to a day before Strike VI augs existed.  Gods Major dropped, but they had no use at all, and SLS were 50k.  One day later Gods Major were the hottest commodity, and SLS were 250k over night.  If a vendor sells them (for whatever price) it will set a pretty much permanent price for the SLS from players too.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Poker-ecaf on May 05, 2014, 07:45:57 am
yeah SLS buyable in Crafters guild for like 300-500k sounds really fair and on this way alot of SLS bot farmers gameover ;p

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Kielohawk on May 05, 2014, 08:04:03 am
Vendor sold SLS's would be awesome. I would buy.  I never look forward to farming SLSs when it is time to upgrade augs.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Rent Due on May 05, 2014, 08:51:01 am
Put SLS's on the vender in the crafter's guild and end all the madness




1. it would end botting, there would just be no more need or desire for people to bot toons because there would be no open market for them


2. you need plat to buy, you have to farm for plat (ie T6) so you would still have to farm for the items you want.


3. it would really only hinder the new player, but they would still be able to sell essences on the open market for plat to buy their crafter items for augs


4. jaggedpine is a train wreck of a zone, rocks, trees, etc make pathing a nightmare.


5. it would remove plat from the server, thus driving down the price of other items, thus making essences reasonable for new players as well. as well as other items.

6. you could also make them no drop by adding a code for the amount to the UW guy so he gives u a coin for the purchase price, hand that in and get your no drop sls to prevent dupe/abuse

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Raygan on May 05, 2014, 09:31:46 am
1. it would end botting, there would just be no more need or desire for people to bot toons because there would be no open market for them

I think SLS should still be able to be farmed in jaggedpine....for newbies (or cheapskates like me who don't wanna pay 300k a piece)....but for a newjack to sell an SLS it would have to be less than the vendor would sell them.  That alone should keep people from botting.  I also think if someone is botting SLS they should be banned not just suspended for a week.  Ban the last 28 (doesn't matter if they donated heavily or not) and send a message to any other worthless low-lives that it will not be tolerated!

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Gannicus on May 05, 2014, 12:10:09 pm
 SLS are way too popular and because people are paying these ridiculous prices people are botting them. Sorry but if you were to bot, would you bot and risk being banned/suspended for 90k per sls, or 300k+ per SLS when it's so easy to bot them.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Dimur on May 05, 2014, 12:27:51 pm
Put SLS's on the vender in the crafter's guild and end all the madness


3. it would really only hinder the new player, but they would still be able to sell essences on the open market for plat to buy their crafter items for augs

I feel this is a fallacy held by a lot of people and would like to address why.  Being able to sell SLS for profit or even having a market for them to sell to is irrelevant since it is in no way required for you to be able to progress.  If you started a group of characters from scratch and worked your way up without selling a single SLS, essence, charm upgrade or w/e...you'll still be accumulating cash as you go and likely be far better off doing so.  Everything you'd be selling to people are things you'd be needing to go back and farm later anyhow.

 The only exception I can think of offhand is that you'll likely want to bank your first million plat for the waypoint summoner since it's no longer free.  If anyone is sincerely concerned about making it easier for new people to the server to progress, maybe suggest making the waypoint and banker summon stones free again.  Regardless though, since this server is so top-heavy, most of the entry zones are devoid of anyone in public zones anyhow so this likely wouldn't be a real deterrent for a progressing group.

I 100% agree that the SLS requirement needs to be addressed.  I have no issue with them being required for crafting, but I take exception to the retarded timesink they are since they are farmable in a total of 2 zones.  We aren't talking about tiered essences here, where you have to farm CT to make a strike 2 aug, farm T1 to make a strike 3 aug, etc.  When you farm your essences, you farm them for the tier that you need them and move on.  You NEVER move on from the SLS requirement and you never get a change of scenery to reduce the tedium of farming them.  You do NOT get experience farming them, you do NOT get armor drops farming them, you do NOT get appreciable platinum farming them, you do NOT get essences farming them, and you do NOT get experience farming them. (listed twice for emphasis)

Crafting strike augs is necessary to your being able to advance on this server.  You simply won't have the dps to clear the zones you need to clear without them, you won't have the dps to kill the mobs you need to kill without them, and you will toil away in futility trying to do so without them.  And that's just strike augs, SLS are also required for other crafted items so the need for them is even greater.  I'd challenge anyone to come up with a legitimate argument as to why the current system of attaining SLS is anything but retarded, but my guess is they'd probably resort to conceding the point or rolling a hoarde of bots to make the argument for them because doing it yourself is piss poor return on time invested.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Mixlor on May 05, 2014, 12:46:02 pm
+5 for Dimur's post! Totally agree!


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Expletus on May 05, 2014, 03:57:10 pm
++++++ Dim

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Raygan on May 05, 2014, 04:11:28 pm
I think hateborne had a great idea in T5 recently, a lotto mob.....maybe do this in each zone past t5 as well and let the mob drop 1 SLS and 1 EBD...make the mob twice as difficult as the regular trash in the zone....make it a challenge.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Expletus on May 05, 2014, 04:26:01 pm
That won't eliminate the time invested issue here. That only gives a reward per zone. Have to look at the GRAND picture.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Dimur on May 05, 2014, 04:55:46 pm
There is merit in having a rare boss spawn that could drop SLS and requiring basically a zone clear to make it pop.  At least you'd be making a bit of headway while doing relevant content.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Rent Due on May 05, 2014, 08:12:16 pm
that would be rough in TOV lol, all those mobs that you skip over.....

but, back to the issue at hand, SLS's and the nightmare they create.

nah, I'm gonna stick to my guns and continue to support the crafter's guild vender route.


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Claytin on May 05, 2014, 08:44:36 pm
If you get rid of SLS so people won't bot farm they'll just find something else to bot farm. You're always going to have these assholes, the best thing that you can do is punish them in some way or another. Yeah I hate farming SLS more than anyone but you either do it or you farm plat and pay someone else to do it. I hate farming essences for strike augs but I'll either do it b/c I have to or I'll farm plat or something else to give to someone who will. Getting rid of them is only curing the problem at attention and not a solution to everything caused by bot farming. I was initially for the idea of putting them on the crafter merchant but I also like having the ability to trade something besides plat to get them.

*I don't think a short term suspension is too light of a punishment for first offense but I would like to see the offenders named just so when we see them later that we will know them as a cheating douchebag.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Gannicus on May 05, 2014, 08:54:38 pm
Not giving us the names also is allowing for us to continue to support their habit when they are back if they decide to go for round two. I still think they should be farmable, but allowing them to be vendor purchased crushes the market for them therefore causing them to be undesirable to bot if the return isn't as great as it is currently.

Also though, I think it does mostly eliminate the problem, it's a low level farm - I.E it's incredibly easy to bot, outside of that, botting other content for say essences isn't as easy as having a low level toon or even your high level toon farming multiple instances of Jagged or the other zones that allow you to bot farm. Even if you COULD bot farm essences, it'd require your whole team to be botting, not multiple toons in multiple instances. Being vendor abled in Crafters would nearly crush the botting issue I believe.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Fugitive on May 05, 2014, 09:20:49 pm
It will not crush the market period, it will just regulate it
(SLS is retarded overpriced anyway) ... players can still sell lower then the vendor and make more then enough cash to "start" the game.

300k on vendor...(in crafters guild (as a no drop/trade))
player can still sell up to 300k and make enough $ period

other then that

+999 Dimur (nailed it)

on side note, Hate did make a bump to GLS droprate and SLS % to drop from wisp in JP/NK and added GLS and SLS loots on the wisp boss in Airplane lastnight.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: gagem on May 05, 2014, 10:09:04 pm

on side note, Hate did make a bump to GLS droprate and SLS % to drop from wisp in JP/NK and added GLS and SLS loots on the wisp boss in Airplane lastnight.

Well that's interesting.  Would also make it easyer to bot, but I am in favor of the 1 week ban with post of names, followed by total ban on second offence.  If names are listed and there was some strange explanation for the action (ie they were not botting but the activity sure looked like it somehow) let them pleed there case.  If they are just massing them for sale then plp will know who they might avoid buying from etc.

Having a vendor sell em for 500k is about the same as you can get them every day in the bazar anyways... Just saying.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: undeadanger on May 06, 2014, 08:30:35 am
I agree with making the names of the bot farmers names known ,

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Expletus on May 06, 2014, 09:09:19 am
It was keeze !!!! 

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 06, 2014, 12:54:46 pm
I agree!  Have SLS for sale at the vendor for 300k (or 500k or whatever) and that will mean it won't be worth it to be tempted to bot farm.  N00bs could still farm and sell for 200k so it wouldn't destroy the source of income for them.

Where does the plat come from I wonder?

1. it would end botting, there would just be no more need or desire for people to bot toons because there would be no open market for them

2. you need plat to buy, you have to farm for plat (ie T6) so you would still have to farm for the items you want.

3. it would really only hinder the new player, but they would still be able to sell essences on the open market for plat to buy their crafter items for augs

Botters move to plat. New players get wrecked as they cannot get essences/SLS without plat, which returns to botters farm plat.

I 100% agree that the SLS requirement needs to be addressed.  I have no issue with them being required for crafting, but I take exception to the retarded timesink they are since they are farmable in a total of 2 zones.  We aren't talking about tiered essences here, where you have to farm CT to make a strike 2 aug, farm T1 to make a strike 3 aug, etc.  When you farm your essences, you farm them for the tier that you need them and move on.  You NEVER move on from the SLS requirement and you never get a change of scenery to reduce the tedium of farming them.  You do NOT get experience farming them, you do NOT get armor drops farming them, you do NOT get appreciable platinum farming them, you do NOT get essences farming them, and you do NOT get experience farming them. (listed twice for emphasis)

And it is slowly being addressed. As Fugitive posted below, I've added a small chance for an SLS to drop from any wisp in the game. I've added a HIGH chance for GLS (1:2 or 1:3) and slightly higher (than the rest of the wisps) SLS drop chance to the Lightbringer in t3. I've also removed the ancient willowisp and placed him in T9 exclusively. His loot tables have been adjusted to be more of a "holy @%@! he spawned!" type of spawn. As you've stated, it's a top heavy experience and this will give the upper end a lottery spawn that can start to slowly start to saturate the upper end with SLS.

If you get rid of SLS so people won't bot farm they'll just find something else to bot farm. You're always going to have these assholes, the best thing that you can do is punish them in some way or another. Yeah I hate farming SLS more than anyone but you either do it or you farm plat and pay someone else to do it. I hate farming essences for strike augs but I'll either do it b/c I have to or I'll farm plat or something else to give to someone who will. Getting rid of them is only curing the problem at attention and not a solution to everything caused by bot farming. I was initially for the idea of putting them on the crafter merchant but I also like having the ability to trade something besides plat to get them.

*I don't think a short term suspension is too light of a punishment for first offense but I would like to see the offenders named just so when we see them later that we will know them as a cheating douchebag.

Claytin nailed it hard. These dicks will always exist, but their current focus is an ever shifting blur.

Not giving us the names also is allowing for us to continue to support their habit when they are back if they decide to go for round two. I still think they should be farmable, but allowing them to be vendor purchased crushes the market for them therefore causing them to be undesirable to bot if the return isn't as great as it is currently.

Also though, I think it does mostly eliminate the problem, it's a low level farm - I.E it's incredibly easy to bot, outside of that, botting other content for say essences isn't as easy as having a low level toon or even your high level toon farming multiple instances of Jagged or the other zones that allow you to bot farm. Even if you COULD bot farm essences, it'd require your whole team to be botting, not multiple toons in multiple instances. Being vendor abled in Crafters would nearly crush the botting issue I believe.


The method that I used to suspend them is about 90-95% accurate. I'm very confident in the data available and decisions made. I also want to give them a chance to actually reform instead of being branded forever. If I banhammer them, then it's the dog and pony show you all want.

Added a purchasable option only removes the botting for SLS. Many of the high level players with RoA over 600 have been botting heavily in Anguish. I've just not had time to babysit (or rewrite the bot detection script to be efficient). Once I do, I'm going to be stripping bot farmed AAXP by the thousands (and reverting people's RoA/Earring when I catch them). The botting situation is not just SLS, it's everywhere.

Hopefully this helps clear some things up.


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: marxist on May 06, 2014, 01:02:42 pm
Not putting sls on a vendor because noobs won't be able to sell them makes no sense...noobs don't really sell them and they shouldn't be forced to sell something they need to farm for themselves

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 06, 2014, 01:06:33 pm
Not putting sls on a vendor because noobs won't be able to sell them makes no sense...noobs don't really sell them and they shouldn't be forced to sell something they need to farm for themselves

They aren't forced to sell them and you aren't forced to buy them. You too could be farming for them, but you are content to farm for cash and buy them because that is a better use of your time.

For some one newer to the game, it is more profitable to farm and sell SLS than farm current tier.


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Rent Due on May 06, 2014, 01:09:55 pm
not sure why we can't have both as an option. 300k to buy from the game and an open market for new players to obtain cash. if the players buy them at the high price from the crafter's guild they get instant access toake Augs/UW whatever. and if they want to wait and play the market that will be in play as well. 300k is more than enuff of a sting. and if the market remains at 250k that's a load of plat for new players. this way just gives an option to have when you want/desire and it removes plat from the server.

just thoughts

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Kruciel on May 06, 2014, 01:16:41 pm
Gotta do your EZ dailies bros. One SLS a day keeps the QQ away! :)

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Expletus on May 06, 2014, 02:13:02 pm
I am willing to bet the majority of the SLS sold in the past month have been from botters. Even though we constantly tell newer players to farm SLS to earn cash, most of them don't or they do and use them for their toons. The only time someone who farms SLS sells them is for essences but those are smaller in transactions especially if you are going from a rank V to IX it's 18 or 20 SLS (including the 2 other V's).

Honestly think it would be easier to put them on the crafting vendor. With the new changes to the plat bag drops you did plat is easier to come by and you can do more with it than just buy sls. If that makes sense. I absolutely hate the SLS idea in general and adding a chance to have the SLS drop off any wisp will only encourage more botters to try and do it since they can still sell them for profit with little to no time invested.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 06, 2014, 03:19:23 pm
42 accounts belonging to one player knocked offline for a week. RoA and EoA ranks cut in half. Caught bot farming in Anguish once, but I couldn't confirm immediately. Caught second time, started screwing with the bot and 100% obvious it wasn't human.

SLS Farmers aren't the only ones biting the dust.


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Eruditeone on May 06, 2014, 03:26:26 pm
Good! If they do it again, wipe their inventories and remove their weapons. If that doesnt make them think twice, nothing will.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 06, 2014, 03:57:35 pm
Good! If they do it again, wipe their inventories and remove their weapons. If that doesnt make them think twice, nothing will.

See below (or technically above).  8)

Knocked X accounts offline for a week and deleting characters + permaban for them next time. Anyone else want to try their luck?


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Expletus on May 06, 2014, 04:11:21 pm
Dam it now I wanna know!!!! Whhhhoooo is it!

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Odiji on May 06, 2014, 04:20:22 pm
42 accounts belonging to one player knocked offline for a week.

42 accounts to one player, seriously? I know that running multiple accounts is a hot commodity (and a necessity) on this server, but 42 accounts? On the other hand, I assume botters do what they can to maximize profits.

Either way, keep on swingin' the axe and spillin' that bot blood!

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Raygan on May 06, 2014, 04:26:26 pm
RoA and EoA ranks cut in half

accounts offline for a week and deleting characters + permaban for them next time

So were the characters deleted or just RoA/EoA cut in half or are you saying if you do it again its delete and permaban....cause permabanning would make it so you don't have to delete the toon, right?

Maybe I am reading into it too much.....

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Expletus on May 06, 2014, 04:30:31 pm
Spill the beans hate!!!!

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 06, 2014, 05:28:33 pm
RoA and EoA ranks cut in half

accounts offline for a week and deleting characters + permaban for them next time

So were the characters deleted or just RoA/EoA cut in half or are you saying if you do it again its delete and permaban....cause permabanning would make it so you don't have to delete the toon, right?

Maybe I am reading into it too much.....

Basically, I actually believe that everyone should get a singular chance to reform. After that singular chance, death in fire.


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 06, 2014, 05:36:17 pm
Also halved Mask of Experience. I was reminded about that and it too was halved.


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Poker-ecaf on May 06, 2014, 09:49:09 pm
little question not sure if i understand it right" biting in dust " = no mercy ?

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Khaoticz on May 07, 2014, 12:51:37 am
Good! If they do it again, wipe their inventories and remove their weapons. If that doesnt make them think twice, nothing will.

Won't help at all if they are level 70's with vendor gear. Most likely all the bots are, because why would you spend all that plat on shit characters that kill level 20 mobs.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Fugitive on May 07, 2014, 07:00:15 am
Good! If they do it again, wipe their inventories and remove their weapons. If that doesnt make them think twice, nothing will.

Won't help at all if they are level 70's with vendor gear. Most likely all the bots are, because why would you spend all that plat on shit characters that kill level 20 mobs.

He is linking IPs..

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: balidet on May 07, 2014, 05:03:18 pm
i play from hotels most of the time...link away...of course I dont bot.....no really....

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Expletus on May 07, 2014, 05:12:14 pm
I know it was you.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Gannicus on May 07, 2014, 06:31:06 pm
There are also programs that mask your IP every what, 30 seconds to a minute?

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 07, 2014, 06:49:41 pm
There are also programs that mask your IP every what, 30 seconds to a minute?

Connect to the server and see what happens to your connection when running one of those. ;-)


Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: gagem on May 07, 2014, 07:08:47 pm
Sounds good Hate... micro economies are a bitch to balance at the best of times... Its all about consumer confidence :)

Its war man... war

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: ConcernedEZ on May 08, 2014, 12:05:40 pm
So, let me get this straight. There were a lot of posts about the botters and what to do with the punishments. Now that one of the recent AA botters was suspended and some punishment happened, those same players are pretty quiet on the forums (Oh yeah, they are guildmates) Easy to see not that many players with Ear of the Ages.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Dimur on May 08, 2014, 02:15:35 pm
Sweet first post behind a anonymous moniker, what's your point?

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: ConcernedEZ on May 08, 2014, 02:19:30 pm
It isn't that hard to see between the lines Dimurwar. It was all pitchforks before but now it's a guildmate it is shhh.

Also, post count doesn't define who I am or what my opinions or thoughts are, I know you are not that shallow so please don't stoop to such.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Gannicus on May 08, 2014, 02:26:59 pm
Sweet first post behind a anonymous moniker, what's your point?

Considering he's just hiding behind the mask, I figure the point is nothing.

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: Kruciel on May 08, 2014, 02:27:40 pm

Title: Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended
Post by: hateborne on May 08, 2014, 02:27:50 pm
Bored of this nonsense.

