EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Loveborne on May 16, 2014, 01:02:30 am

Title: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Loveborne on May 16, 2014, 01:02:30 am
T9 Live with reboot

T9 will finally be open with reboot. We have had a lot of fun working on this zone and we are very excited for everyone to see it. Revamping the zone has been a entertaining and learning experience for both of us, and we hope that everyone will enjoy it as well as be able to take part in it.

Be sure to get new spellfile and server files!

Things to look forward to:
  • More challenging boss fights
  • Highly populated environment
  • First of the faction systems
  • Special zone wide events
  • Numerous potential end bosses
  • More group friendly then the last two tiers

-Love & Hate

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Denzig on May 16, 2014, 06:48:30 am
Just a head's up, the merchant recipe link still says waiting for reboot.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Danish on May 16, 2014, 07:00:01 am
Still says under construction here -- After reboot.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Brunaa on May 16, 2014, 07:57:32 am
Is there any change in amor combine for t9 ? I have all reas but cant combine them:(

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 16, 2014, 11:52:39 am
Just a head's up, the merchant recipe link still says waiting for reboot.
Is there any change in amor combine for t9 ? I have all reas but cant combine them:(

Didn't hear back from Akkadius, so I couldn't add the book . I'll add book tonight and it will be handed out with reboot. If I can't get it added today, I'll screenshot the spreadsheet and post that as a stopgap.

Sorry :-\


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 16, 2014, 03:26:46 pm
Book will be handed out from NPCs after reboot. Here is a massive screencap of what it says.


Photobucket is a prick and resizes it over and over. I've attached to bottom as well.



Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Fugitive on May 17, 2014, 08:14:44 am
Some of the T9 Weapons are still missing
Slot 3, Type 22

back to grinding

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Rent Due on May 17, 2014, 08:27:29 am
Some of the T9 Weapons are still missing
Slot 3, Type 22

back to grinding

Neriak Warhammer 2 slots 21 & 22 :(

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Denzig on May 17, 2014, 09:40:13 am
Winged Essence Shield has weapon aug slots 21 and 22, not armor slots 23, 24, 25.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 17, 2014, 10:57:50 am
I'll get those slots fixed today (needing reboot obviously). Sorry again gents. Work and life have been...different these last few days. :-\


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Fugitive on May 17, 2014, 11:01:30 am
I'll get those slots fixed today (needing reboot obviously). Sorry again gents. Work and life have been...different these last few days. :-\


Is what it is RL is always #1 shrug we will be here bitching all the time haha!

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 17, 2014, 12:10:58 pm
I know some of my new items in other tiers (specifically, the two handers) need an additional slot. If you can provide names/ids, I'll get them fixed too.



Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 17, 2014, 08:23:32 pm
Mats list for what your toons will need for full set. Just in case this is helpful to anyone  ;)

HQ Metal x 23
Shadow Blood x 8
Large Fire Beetle Carapace x 2
Cursed Bone Chips x 2

HQ Metal x 13
Large Fire Beetle Carapace x 10
Cursed Bone Chip x 8
Shiny Snake Skin x 2
Smelly Fish Oil x 2

HQ Animal Skin x 15
Shiny Snake Skin x 8
Smelly Fish Oil x 2
Shadow Blood x 2

Strong Spider Silk x 14
Glowing Lightstone x 8
Cursed Bone chip x 2
Shadow Blood x 2

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Rent Due on May 17, 2014, 08:39:59 pm

Neriak Warhammer
ID: 151113

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Fugitive on May 17, 2014, 08:55:49 pm

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 17, 2014, 09:11:47 pm
Freeport Slasher
ID: 151112

Also, not pally useable :(

Also, Ninjastrike XI combine is working fine, but SoA combine won't work. I tried it with the book mats:

4xMagic Blue Diamond, 2 SLS, 2 Old Commons Essence and EoN. Also tried it without EoN (just in case =d)

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 18, 2014, 05:05:37 pm
Leaf Scarabs only drop non-custom loot.

Giant Spiders and cursed venomfangs may need to have their aoe reduced. As soon as you aggro one of these, they aggro any NPC within a 100 mile radius, which results in them getting zerged by an army of NPCs.

Also, the mass wave undead event isn't really doable, which leads to us just ignoring it. The templar in the doorway of the tunnel is basically unkillable by mobs, so there's no threat to the camp either. The issue is just the NPCs fighting each other, which makes them very angry at the closest PC they have in their hitbox, regardless of how long I sit there building threat on the warrior. Maybe if the mobs could spawn at the undead camp in the desert and kinda stand around for a while similar to the Zerka event, giving a chance to intercept. Once the tunnel NPCs get involved, there's literally no point in going over there  :P

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Fugitive on May 18, 2014, 06:07:28 pm
yeah, if the event was zonewide shout and with them moved back away from the tunnel running towards it.. Maybe include a huge reaper leading the fodder.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 18, 2014, 08:12:42 pm
Leaf Scarabs only drop non-custom loot.

Giant Spiders and cursed venomfangs may need to have their aoe reduced. As soon as you aggro one of these, they aggro any NPC within a 100 mile radius, which results in them getting zerged by an army of NPCs.

Also, the mass wave undead event isn't really doable, which leads to us just ignoring it. The templar in the doorway of the tunnel is basically unkillable by mobs, so there's no threat to the camp either. The issue is just the NPCs fighting each other, which makes them very angry at the closest PC they have in their hitbox, regardless of how long I sit there building threat on the warrior. Maybe if the mobs could spawn at the undead camp in the desert and kinda stand around for a while similar to the Zerka event, giving a chance to intercept. Once the tunnel NPCs get involved, there's literally no point in going over there  :P

Giant Spiders and Cursed Venomfangs have 70 unit aggro radius. Same as most of the other NPCs in the zone. I'll see if there is something "odd" about their factions. Maybe they are accidentally set to force assists from non-faction mobs (i.e. wolves, snakes, etc).

The massive wave undead event is VERY doable and fairly easy to do. The testers roflstomped a lot of it. The thing that I can assume is that a lot of you are running in solo. This is fine, if you want a suicidal challenge, but a buddy can help. Even so, the undead event is HIGHLY random. You can get a very tiny spawn, which the guards can handle, or a very large spawn, which is likely to end in a wipe. As for the templars lasting forever, this was a similar issue with the perceived "Druids can't die" from Skin of the Drake. The healing delay was set too low on the paladin heal. I have doubled it and normalized the healing values on the cave NPCS to match the rest of the zone. (I had built them to be a bit more durable so players have more time, but since it's being ignored, I obviously made them too strong).

Once the tunnel is taken, the counters (and timers) for boss spawns get annihilated. I will not reveal specifically what happens when each faction takes over, but it heavily delays the time to spawn a boss(es).

yeah, if the event was zonewide shout and with them moved back away from the tunnel running towards it.. Maybe include a huge reaper leading the fodder.

I'll add a zonewide emote, similar to what Hunter had originally, when the undead spawn. The tunnel guard shouts it, but that seems to be a bit late. :-)


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 18, 2014, 08:17:08 pm
[The massive wave undead event is VERY doable and fairly easy to do. The testers roflstomped a lot of it.

The issue has nothing to do with amount of mobs or damage they do. The issue is 30 ghouls (random number) swinging on 5 tunnel NPCs. When I run up on the warrior, I can tank all 35 of them no problem. As soon as any of my melee engage, the pile of mobs starts swinging around randomly, resulting in all melee instantly dying. This is the NPC vs NPC threat table, similar to perma rooted mobs. Except you aren't fighting 1, you're fighting a swarm.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Raygan on May 18, 2014, 09:48:13 pm
The hitpoints on t9 epic skins are way off from their T8 counter-parts.  they are also missing the extra strike aug slot on knight/zerker weapons...for example:

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Natedog on May 19, 2014, 01:18:36 am
21 delay on that 2hder... hax!

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 19, 2014, 03:06:35 am
Giant Spiders and cursed venomfangs may need to have their aoe reduced. As soon as you aggro one of these, they aggro any NPC within a 100 mile radius, which results in them getting zerged by an army of NPCs.

Giant Spiders and Cursed Venomfangs have 70 unit aggro radius. Same as most of the other NPCs in the zone. I'll see if there is something "odd" about their factions. Maybe they are accidentally set to force assists from non-faction mobs (i.e. wolves, snakes, etc).

I think it's some kind of AoE they do when in combat, not their actual assist / aggro radius. The radius on the aoe is huuuuuuge :P The mobs around them don't seem to care about them at all until I take a swing at them, or another mob runs into them.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 19, 2014, 08:11:28 am
Can't get the combines to work for Berserker Chest, Legs, Gloves, and Bracers. Made the Arms, Helm, and Boots just fine. I gave it a day and tried it again after reboot, because I had some serious problems with desync items etc yesterday during the eqemu lag for a bit. Usually that stuff sorts itself out upon zoning.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Chunka on May 19, 2014, 09:18:14 am
I think that 2h is caster oriented, not zerk oriented. I imagine if you find the melee 2h in T9 the stats would be considerably better

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Fugitive on May 19, 2014, 09:59:05 am
Nah, he hasn't got to fixing all the stats/hps/regen/resists all the weapons I'm sure it will be pottered through this week(ish)

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Expletus on May 19, 2014, 11:06:01 am
Is the zone really laggy?

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Fugitive on May 19, 2014, 11:15:20 am
Some players having issues..

I'm playing full global all data all toons no filters full graphics.. no issues.. weird..

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 19, 2014, 11:30:59 am
I think it just has to do with the size of the zone, mixed with how many npcs there are. I have some fps drops, but nothing under 30 so that's fine for me.

As for latency, I have been fine other than 1 zone crash, but that was eqemu taking a huge dump yesterday :P

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Natedog on May 19, 2014, 03:11:41 pm
Is the zone really laggy?

If you are lagging from zone 'particle effects' .. you can remove the file 'oldcommons_EnvironmentEmitters.txt'   ... remove it and place it in a backup folder :)

I didn't see anything that was too crazy in the file though.. like in T7 there is that fucking fog shit.. if you remove the emitters file it gets rid of all that shit.. and no more lag from the foggy wall of death..

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Danish on May 19, 2014, 04:39:36 pm
Is the zone really laggy?

If you are lagging from zone 'particle effects' .. you can remove the file 'oldcommons_EnvironmentEmitters.txt'   ... remove it and place it in a backup folder :)

I didn't see anything that was too crazy in the file though.. like in T7 there is that fucking fog shit.. if you remove the emitters file it gets rid of all that shit.. and no more lag from the foggy wall of death..

Bahh where were this fabulous advice a year ago?!

And no Brick, don't tell me its in the EZ Guide! :P

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 19, 2014, 07:21:50 pm
Bump, figured out the Berserker BP. Mats say Snake Skin, tried Smelly Fish Oil instead and success!

Edit: Same for Berserker leggings, Smelly Fish Oil instead of Snake Skin.

Edit2: Just figured out the gloves and wrists. The mats say Cursed Bone Chips but they are not needed.

So the mats are as follows:

Zerker BP:
HQ Metal x3
Large Fire Beetle Carapace x2
Cursed Bone Chips x1
Smelly Fish Oil x1

Zerker Legs:
HQ Metal x2
Large Fire Beetle Carapace x2
Cursed Bone Chips x1
Smelly Fish Oil x1

Zerker Gloves:
HQ Metal x1
Large Fire Beetle Carapace x1

Zerker Wrists:
HQ Metal x1
Large Fire Beetle Carapace x1

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 20, 2014, 01:00:48 am
Bump, figured out the Berserker BP. Mats say Snake Skin, tried Smelly Fish Oil instead and success!

Edit: Same for Berserker leggings, Smelly Fish Oil instead of Snake Skin.

Edit2: Just figured out the gloves and wrists. The mats say Cursed Bone Chips but they are not needed.

So the mats are as follows:

Zerker BP:
HQ Metal x3
Large Fire Beetle Carapace x2
Cursed Bone Chips x1
Smelly Fish Oil x1

Zerker Legs:
HQ Metal x2
Large Fire Beetle Carapace x2
Cursed Bone Chips x1
Smelly Fish Oil x1

Zerker Gloves:
HQ Metal x1
Large Fire Beetle Carapace x1

Zerker Wrists:
HQ Metal x1
Large Fire Beetle Carapace x1

I'll get these corrected to match the book tomorrow. Apologies on the confusion.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Fugitive on May 20, 2014, 11:56:24 am
Krincle reporting the undead event once the undead hit the first two NPCs at tunnel everything in tunnel despawns.

I also experienced this in a different instance.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 20, 2014, 12:20:00 pm
Krincle reporting the undead event once the undead hit the first two NPCs at tunnel everything in tunnel despawns.

I also experienced this in a different instance.

That's neato. I'll hop in game shortly to check this out. It shouldn't depop unless the tunnel was taken. There are 3 npcs that are critical to the cave's "ownership". If 2/3 drop, cave is considered "lost".


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 20, 2014, 12:34:00 pm
I'll try to test the mats for the other chain classes in the next few days. The boots actually do match the book mats, even though they are listed in a block with the gloves and wrists.

On a side note, failing the Zerka event by killing her troops before her results in her yelling "screw you guys I'm goin home" and despawning. Didn't get any bosses for the next 5 hours until I called it a night. Not sure if screwing up her event caused this, but I'll make sure not to do that anymore now that I know.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 20, 2014, 01:12:05 pm
I'll try to test the mats for the other chain classes in the next few days. The boots actually do match the book mats, even though they are listed in a block with the gloves and wrists.

On a side note, failing the Zerka event by killing her troops before her results in her yelling "screw you guys I'm goin home" and despawning. Didn't get any bosses for the next 5 hours until I called it a night. Not sure if screwing up her event caused this, but I'll make sure not to do that anymore now that I know.

Heh don't worry with the recipes. I'll bust out the spreadsheet and manually check them. Thank you though :-)

Per the npcs that start it, they say that they will escort her. They also warn that if no escort is there for her, she will leave for Neriak.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 20, 2014, 02:17:13 pm
Oh is that what they were blabbering on about? :P nah I wasn't worried about me botching the event, I was just concerned that it caused my bosses to stop spawning afterwards. No bosses, no undead waves for 5 hours seemed off. I did get a refugee tho, but were pretty sure those are just timed, since I popped into pub and saw 4 of them just standing around!

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 20, 2014, 04:40:23 pm
Oh is that what they were blabbering on about? :P nah I wasn't worried about me botching the event, I was just concerned that it caused my bosses to stop spawning afterwards. No bosses, no undead waves for 5 hours seemed off. I did get a refugee tho, but were pretty sure those are just timed, since I popped into pub and saw 4 of them just standing around!

Now that is interesting. I'll revisit the preventative measures. Thank you!

Also, all chain recipes should be spot on now. I manually checked ALL of them. Not to say that I'm perfect, but I was cautious in this sweep and corrected several things. I'll hit plate, leather, and cloth shortly.


EDIT: I just finished a check of all T9 recipes, fixed a few of them. If you find any t9 recipe working from literally this moment forward (no reboot required), post it here!

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Brannyn on May 20, 2014, 06:10:33 pm
Is the zone really laggy?

If you are lagging from zone 'particle effects' .. you can remove the file 'oldcommons_EnvironmentEmitters.txt'   ... remove it and place it in a backup folder :)

I didn't see anything that was too crazy in the file though.. like in T7 there is that fucking fog shit.. if you remove the emitters file it gets rid of all that shit.. and no more lag from the foggy wall of death..

There are some hills with fog on top of them, so deleting that file is a good idea

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: lerxst2112 on May 20, 2014, 07:04:33 pm
I just finished a check of all T9 recipes, fixed a few of them. If you find any t9 recipe working from literally this moment forward (no reboot required), post it here!

I know you meant "not working", but it is kinda funny to think you "fixed" them and now any that are working are unintended. ;)

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 20, 2014, 07:06:02 pm
LoL valid point lerxst. :-)


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Brunaa on May 21, 2014, 12:10:45 am
what is about the lvl up? I  thought if you have full t9 amor and  epic 9.0 you get lvl 78 but its not!
If you hail the lvl up npc he say blablabla advance but does nothing you stay still at 77

its fixed now :)

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 21, 2014, 02:18:10 am
Got bored and decided to mess around  :P


no more worrying about who needs what !

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Expletus on May 21, 2014, 11:12:11 am
Hate I just broke into T9 today. I was able to get the Black Priest of Reanimation to pop. First, when the ghouls are attacking the cave, you can't help but not avoid getting agro from the light warriors in the cave. so they wipe out my bard and then my zerker. If the mob is on the cave mob, they immediately agro my support and wipe them out.

Second, the Black Priest is hitting my toons with something. You summon forth a curious creation - 1 million and change. x2. So my whole team goes flop. Whats up w/that? 

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 21, 2014, 11:29:04 am
The one mil aoe is not from black priest, it's from the eyes that run into you and explode. They are not resistable. You must deal with them before pulling priest, but I don't want to give away too much, can't spoil the fun! :P

As for the undead crap, I've been just running in on my warrior and killing the Army of Light npcs first, so the ghoul threat becomes safe for my team to help. If you manually position your melee very carefully, they can help you kill the army npcs safely, but you basically have to pretend you're fighting 30 perma rooted mobs. Anyone closer to any npc than the warrior = dead as shit.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Expletus on May 21, 2014, 03:06:10 pm
Ahhh that would explain it. Thank ya sir.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Rent Due on May 21, 2014, 06:36:29 pm
Hate I just broke into T9 today. I was able to get the Black Priest of Reanimation to pop. First, when the ghouls are attacking the cave, you can't help but not avoid getting agro from the light warriors in the cave. so they wipe out my bard and then my zerker. If the mob is on the cave mob, they immediately agro my support and wipe them out.

Second, the Black Priest is hitting my toons with something. You summon forth a curious creation - 1 million and change. x2. So my whole team goes flop. Whats up w/that? 

curious creation is a wizard spell that is a pet/familiar that helps boost your spell damage :)

we currently have CCIII available, maybe another up in T9, havent found it yet tho

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Rent Due on May 21, 2014, 09:27:57 pm
ID# 151108
ornate dragoon kite shield

primary equip only :(

epic fail :)

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 21, 2014, 09:57:28 pm
ID# 151108
ornate dragoon kite shield

primary equip only :(

epic fail :)

Fixed ya pansy. Real tanks would dual wield shields and use them like Spartans.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Fugitive on May 21, 2014, 09:59:27 pm

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Dimur on May 21, 2014, 11:17:43 pm
Sweet, didn't think you had pics of Krincle with clothes on.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 23, 2014, 01:00:54 am
Seems like the tier combines are all good.

Shaman can't level up for some reason, has full tier, 9.0, even the jewelry. Relogged and zoned and tried again, but no luck.

Haven't tried SoA again yet, but that combine wasn't working over the weekend when I tried it (first one to go from T8 to T9).

16 Hill Giants in, still have no clue how they spawn  >:( I got Zerka and Black Priest down and thought I had a good idea of what Hill Giant's trigger(s) might be, but tonight proved otherwise after only one in five hours.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Raygan on May 25, 2014, 08:16:21 pm
Is there anything that can be done to be able to get agro off the Army of Light (AoL) NPC's at the tunnel entrance?  That is a slaughter fest trying to get mobs from AoL.  Maybe after so long have AoL mobs turn into undead or make them immune to warrior AoE and other AoE procs (like zerker etc)....or maybe post 2 guards outside tunnel entrance so you aren't dealing with so many NPC's at one time?

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 25, 2014, 10:03:16 pm
Don't try to take them from the Army NPCs, just kill them. They will repop before the next undead wave and there is no faction hit for killing them.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Brannyn on May 26, 2014, 01:36:07 am
Hate did you modify the factions at all for the army of light and the obliteration army?
Original zone used 2 neck items that gave faction for each side to allow people to do quests.
If you can do stuff for both sides you may want to give faction modifier clickies or items to do the same to help with aggro and factions although I don't know for sure if that's what the problem is as I am not in there yet.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Expletus on May 26, 2014, 09:40:05 am
I'm confused on the faction part of the zone :(

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Denzig on May 28, 2014, 09:24:35 am
Any use to the items each namer drops that Shady asks for?

Tried several different turn in combinations and he just eats them.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Expletus on May 28, 2014, 06:04:40 pm
Hate. I love ya. But this whole npc at the zone in for T9, how they agro you even when you're trying to help them and the range in which the mobs will turn on your army is stupid. Flat out stupid. Yea it's ez enough to kill them, but why should you have to? They just turn on your army anyway with some weird distance agro.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 28, 2014, 06:54:49 pm
Hate. I love ya. But this whole npc at the zone in for T9, how they agro you even when you're trying to help them and the range in which the mobs will turn on your army is stupid. Flat out stupid. Yea it's ez enough to kill them, but why should you have to? They just turn on your army anyway with some weird distance agro.

If you hit them, they will aggro. If it's too hard, I can disable all of them which means every night the cave will be taken and disabled for ~30-90 min (which means almost no boss spawns).


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Expletus on May 28, 2014, 08:36:35 pm
Hard to avoid it. Renders zerkers useless etc etc etc.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Dimur on May 28, 2014, 09:48:56 pm
It's incredibly easy to avoid it, intercept the mobs before they hit the cave or just kill the mobs as they engage the Light npc's... It's only like 4 or 5 tops.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Expletus on May 29, 2014, 07:35:44 am
I counted closer to 10 last night.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Expletus on May 29, 2014, 12:26:52 pm
Hate could you adjust the High Quality Metal drop rate?

69 Poor Quality
83 Medium Quality
3 High Quality

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 29, 2014, 01:28:42 pm
High quality metal is probably the easiest of the mats to farm. Literally half the zone are humanoids npcs that drop it. If you think metal is hard to come by, just wait until you need strong silk :)

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Expletus on May 29, 2014, 03:13:58 pm
Greaaaaaaaaaat :(

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Brunaa on May 30, 2014, 06:56:24 am
I am a bit confused about the HG spawn.
I play in europian timezone from 8 in the morning till rebot that means 5 hours.
I kill all the time the Undeads at tunnel and the Dark Priest , kill about 50 to 60 mobs from all other classes but don’t see the HG. After rebot I start again for an other 5 hours but see the HG very seldom, maybe once in 3 days that seem a bit odd to me. At the beginning ( 16th of may) I had him 4 or 5 times a day but after the spawn from black priest got fixed it s over.
In the old T9 from Hunter you had to kill a special amount of  mobs and the HG spawned after it was done . I don’t expect to see the HG 4 or 5 times a day but at least once he should show up. I am not sure if other player’s see him more often as me, then I must do something wrong or I play to the wrong time.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 30, 2014, 08:40:48 am
I pretty much had the same results. I got three one day, and then none for three days (about 15 hours). That pretty much lead me to give up and go back to farming other stuff  ;D  It's just too painful and not worth the time to try and farm essences there.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 30, 2014, 10:35:15 am
I pretty much had the same results. I got three one day, and then none for three days (about 15 hours). That pretty much lead me to give up and go back to farming other stuff  ;D  It's just too painful and not worth the time to try and farm essences there.

Right now, any boss spawn will do "damage" to your counters, losing the tunnel effectively resets them, and everyone seems to ignore that pond.

Also, just added the same chance for an essence to Zerka and Black Priest that warchests currently enjoy. I'm going to double check the chest spawns as I've been able to replicate the "empty chest" spawn.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 30, 2014, 01:12:19 pm

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on May 30, 2014, 01:34:49 pm
I guess what a lot of us were seeing was we would zone in, clear for a bit, undead would start attacking the tunnel, go save the tunnel and black priest spawns destroying your HG counter (if I understand correctly) I see BP spawn from almost every undead attack, so maybe her counter is a little low, since she is pretty much auto spawned from you protecting the tunnel.

Before you could see a HG / Zerka spawn, the undead wave would be on its way again, so we just keep getting BPs :P

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on May 30, 2014, 02:00:06 pm
I guess what a lot of us were seeing was we would zone in, clear for a bit, undead would start attacking the tunnel, go save the tunnel and black priest spawns destroying your HG counter (if I understand correctly) I see BP spawn from almost every undead attack, so maybe her counter is a little low, since she is pretty much auto spawned from you protecting the tunnel.

Before you could see a HG / Zerka spawn, the undead wave would be on its way again, so we just keep getting BPs :P

Each boss affects counters related to their type (i.e. Black Priest = undead, Zerka = ...something  ;) ).

I just editted the spawns for both bosses though. I moved the counter "damage" to inside the spawning bits. This was an oversight that would cause the boss to attempt to spawn if you hit the kill count again but fail to spawn boss as it was a "unique" spawn function.

Active in new instances now or after reboot. I can GM repop if desired, send tell in game.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: marxist on June 01, 2014, 01:21:09 am
So, i've lost a hill giant and a refugee tonight due to running over to kill the  undead swarm and having other trash agro + kill the bosses. Not gonna post anything long and detailed, but this is beyond frustrating.  Please make the bosses non kos to trash if the undead is going to stay as is, otherwise you can get fucked once a day cycle.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 01, 2014, 01:27:05 am
Aw that sucks about the HG :( I've never seen him get attacked by mobs yet. Did the essence chest still spawn after he died at least?

Also, already told Hate about the refugee spawning inside the Shadowed Man camp. I think that's the only spawn that dies, and she dies pretty much instantly unless you have the spire cleared. I haven't seen any of the other 4 spots get attacked.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: marxist on June 01, 2014, 01:28:21 am
3 of the 5 spots can get attacked by wandering trash i think, might be 2, and no, the essence chest didnt spawn.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 02, 2014, 06:47:24 pm
So, i've lost a hill giant and a refugee tonight due to running over to kill the  undead swarm and having other trash agro + kill the bosses. Not gonna post anything long and detailed, but this is beyond frustrating.  Please make the bosses non kos to trash if the undead is going to stay as is, otherwise you can get fucked once a day cycle.

Refugee spawns I'll fix tomorrow afternoon, HG isn't attackable by anything that I'm aware of immediately. Unless spell spam tagged him, he isn't aggressive to any but players as far as I know.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Dimur on June 02, 2014, 07:41:44 pm
If he's like other humanoid models, spider procing Deadly Poison would agro him from like 300 feet away.  As weak as the mobs melee, it's no big deal, but it's a bit tedious when you agro a spider and get a full camp of Oblit mobs rushing you too.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 02, 2014, 08:03:12 pm
If he's like other humanoid models, spider procing Deadly Poison would agro him from like 300 feet away.  As weak as the mobs melee, it's no big deal, but it's a bit tedious when you agro a spider and get a full camp of Oblit mobs rushing you too.

Yeah, it's pretty funny every giant spider / cursed venomfang tends to aggro 10 npcs and get smoked if they are pathing around anywhere.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: marxist on June 02, 2014, 08:14:03 pm
i kind of thought i saw a few undead mobs on him, but could have been spiders, wasn't really paying much attention or i would have ignored the tunnel to kill him

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 03, 2014, 05:00:40 pm

Tier 9 should stop breaking. Rent pointed out the empty chest crap again. I went to see him pull it and realized HE WAS PULLING THE QUEST CHEST AND KILLING IT. Killing the quest chest is similar to blowing up an air traffic control tower and then being surprised when planes start crashing. This quest controller handles 90% of the zone's functioning. With this adjustment, it is unkillable and 100% immune with reboot.

Dimuwar had mentioned this before, but I did find a rare instance where the loot could actually roll zero loot, fixed, and chalked it up as that.

Apologies to Dimurwar and gigantic thank you to Rent.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Rent Due on June 03, 2014, 05:24:03 pm
funny thing, i actually got a couple of IX resist stones off that chest haha

glad i could help tho $$

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 08, 2014, 05:31:28 pm
There's something called "Old Commons Trader" that can spawn in the place of the small warchests. He is a naked blue con human with the (Merchant) tag. When you open his trade window, he tells you "I have some rare items for sale!" but he in fact he no items for sale. Killing him does nothing as well  :P

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Denzig on June 08, 2014, 06:45:34 pm
He's a leftover from Hunter's version. Used to sell the items you combine for armor for 1M each. Doesn't (shouldn't) stay up very long.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 08, 2014, 08:02:47 pm
Not that I'm complaining, but did the undead attacks get their frequency reduced? Or did I break another zone?  8)

Only 1 wave attacked, within the first hour, and then nothing for the rest of the day.

It seems like I just get crazy fast boss spawns in the first few hours, but as soon as it reaches the 3rd spawn or higher, the bosses just don't like to show up ever.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Akkadius on June 08, 2014, 08:23:15 pm

Tier 9 should stop breaking. Rent pointed out the empty chest crap again. I went to see him pull it and realized HE WAS PULLING THE QUEST CHEST AND KILLING IT. Killing the quest chest is similar to blowing up an air traffic control tower and then being surprised when planes start crashing. This quest controller handles 90% of the zone's functioning. With this adjustment, it is unkillable and 100% immune with reboot.

Dimuwar had mentioned this before, but I did find a rare instance where the loot could actually roll zero loot, fixed, and chalked it up as that.

Apologies to Dimurwar and gigantic thank you to Rent.


Rent is pretty good at spotting broken shit.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Raygan on June 09, 2014, 07:16:54 am
(http://)Noticed also that on bard 9.0 Slot1: Unknown effect...Slot2: and Slot 3: were something like increase mana/health by 65k (don't quote me on that) Had the current spell file 5-31-14.  So don't know if is an issue with bard 9.0 or not.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Poker-ecaf on June 09, 2014, 07:21:17 am
Unkown spell 302 = increase spell power ! u can call it an show bug

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Rent Due on June 09, 2014, 06:43:42 pm

Tier 9 should stop breaking. Rent pointed out the empty chest crap again. I went to see him pull it and realized HE WAS PULLING THE QUEST CHEST AND KILLING IT. Killing the quest chest is similar to blowing up an air traffic control tower and then being surprised when planes start crashing. This quest controller handles 90% of the zone's functioning. With this adjustment, it is unkillable and 100% immune with reboot.

Dimuwar had mentioned this before, but I did find a rare instance where the loot could actually roll zero loot, fixed, and chalked it up as that.

Apologies to Dimurwar and gigantic thank you to Rent.


Rent is pretty good at spotting broken shit.

not sure how to take that lol

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Raygan on June 10, 2014, 06:06:04 am
Yesterday morning around 10:00 a.m. est, I killed HG and when I went into the lake to get the chest I had a bunch of pirannah's on me.  I hit angerbomb and the chest in the water aggro'd as well.  I /open the targeted chest an got the esse inside...didn't bug the zone priest still popped,HG spawned 2 more times that day...but is the chest aggroing and able to attack and kill it still a possibility to bug the zone?  Not sure if this helps or not but it was in public yesterday morning.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: marxist on June 10, 2014, 10:29:38 pm
it isnt that chest.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 12, 2014, 11:01:22 pm
Mage Robe combine isn't working.

3x Strong Spider Silk
1x Cursed Bone Chip
1x Glowing Lightstone
Old Commons Mage Robe Pattern

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Peign on June 13, 2014, 09:41:49 am
Not sure if anyone else is seeing this issue, and I have not identified root cause (been power grinding!).   

When looting bosses I sometimes get an error when I can no longer loot.   The message is that I cannot loot items while something is on my cursor.   Nothing appears visibly on my cursor.   However, I will camp out and back in and then I will have either snake eggs or fish on my cursor.   I've seen this happen on all bosses but am not sure what root cause is as of yet.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 13, 2014, 11:45:07 am
I've had the same thing happen over and over with those same exact items. Another thing I see with them often is I'll sell all my trash loot, clear my bags 100% and the next day I log on I'll have a random fish or snake egg in one if my bags.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 13, 2014, 01:07:58 pm
Mage Robe combine isn't working.

3x Strong Spider Silk
1x Cursed Bone Chip
1x Glowing Lightstone
Old Commons Mage Robe Pattern



Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 15, 2014, 06:10:12 pm
Zerka is sometimes causing the undead event script to self-destruct. The rest of the zone functions just fine, I kinda like not having to rush over and save those retards every 72 minutes  ;D

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 17, 2014, 11:40:31 am
Zerka is sometimes causing the undead event script to self-destruct. The rest of the zone functions just fine, I kinda like not having to rush over and save those retards every 72 minutes  ;D

Typo'ed signal. Fixed this and added small alert to let players know things are happening.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Peign on June 17, 2014, 12:55:13 pm
Shady Swashbuckler

Is this guy active?   I am not looking for spoilers, would just like to know if this guy is working or not.   I and others have tried various different combos (after listening to all his verbal spew) and have received nothing but poofed trophies.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 17, 2014, 01:03:22 pm
Shady Swashbuckler

Is this guy active?   I am not looking for spoilers, would just like to know if this guy is working or not.   I and others have tried various different combos (after listening to all his verbal spew) and have received nothing but poofed trophies.

He will give the entire group reputation from faction item turn ins. If you are already allied with them, you have nothing to gain. Make sure you don't have them filtered out or have the messages disabled.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kaid on June 17, 2014, 01:12:16 pm
I've noticed that when in a raid, only the raid leader gets faction. Although, it's pretty easy to max out faction by mass slaughter. Only took me a few days to get my second group to ally with zero turn ins.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 23, 2014, 05:22:02 pm
Zerka is sometimes causing the undead event script to self-destruct. The rest of the zone functions just fine, I kinda like not having to rush over and save those retards every 72 minutes  ;D

Typo'ed signal. Fixed this and added small alert to let players know things are happening.


Zerka bomb is still going on, inside a fresh instance last night. I had one spawn that didn't break anything, but upon getting a 2nd Zerka, who was still alive when the Undead were supposed to spawn, the instance died a horrible death. No more undead or HG spawns for three hours, so I  called it a night.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 24, 2014, 02:19:46 pm
Zerka bomb is still going on, inside a fresh instance last night. I had one spawn that didn't break anything, but upon getting a 2nd Zerka, who was still alive when the Undead were supposed to spawn, the instance died a horrible death. No more undead or HG spawns for three hours, so I  called it a night.


Rebuilt one of the reset sections. It should clean out all switches to act as if nothing ever happened. New instances from this point or reboot. Sorry :-\


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 24, 2014, 11:22:13 pm
There are 3 npcs that are critical to the cave's "ownership". If 2/3 drop, cave is considered "lost".
Once the tunnel is taken, the counters (and timers) for boss spawns get annihilated. I will not reveal specifically what happens when each faction takes over, but it heavily delays the time to spawn a boss(es).

Guessing you killed one of the critical NPCs  :P

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: WatchYouDie on June 25, 2014, 06:47:16 am
Not sure if anyone else is seeing this issue, and I have not identified root cause (been power grinding!).   

When looting bosses I sometimes get an error when I can no longer loot.   The message is that I cannot loot items while something is on my cursor.   Nothing appears visibly on my cursor.   However, I will camp out and back in and then I will have either snake eggs or fish on my cursor.   I've seen this happen on all bosses but am not sure what root cause is as of yet.

try /autoinv next time you get that message and loot again

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 25, 2014, 12:58:52 pm
We were just pointing out that the snake eggs and fish like to get desynced a lot. The problem only occurs with those two items so I'm not sure what to make of it. It's not a rare occurrence, it happens every single day with those items over and over. Sometimes, it's not the cursor issue. A lot of the times I will vendor all of my inventory, and upon zoning these items will randomly appear in some bags slots. Maybe there is some irregularity with the item code.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Natedog on June 25, 2014, 04:38:43 pm
Should ask Hateborne if the items have infinite charges in the items table.. that would cause an issue since they are stackable items which bugs out when selling to vendors prior to the 2 / 23 / 2014 update .. (not sure when server was last updated)

If this is the issue.. easiest fix is to fix the item in the items table :p

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 26, 2014, 01:02:38 pm
Should ask Hateborne if the items have infinite charges in the items table.. that would cause an issue since they are stackable items which bugs out when selling to vendors prior to the 2 / 23 / 2014 update .. (not sure when server was last updated)

If this is the issue.. easiest fix is to fix the item in the items table :p

This isn't the case. I checked briefly on a few things (charges/stacking included) earlier but never posted. Thanks for the suggestion though :-)


EDIT: I did find Rotten Snake Egg and Fish Meat to be itemtype 14 (food?). I changed them to itemtype 17 (which is the same as the rest of the junk loot not used for combines).

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Peign on June 27, 2014, 02:02:09 pm
Since the latest change, I have not seen HG.   I ran in an instance yesterday for 7 hours.   Saw 2 Zerkas and I think 4 priests.   Did not see 1 HG.    I pull in the same pattern that used to spawn (or appear to spawn) HG. 

Today, a new instance.   3+ hours thus far,  no HG.   I'm killing steadily.

Has something changed?


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 27, 2014, 02:06:56 pm
Since the latest change, I have not seen HG.   I ran in an instance yesterday for 7 hours.   Saw 2 Zerkas and I think 4 priests.   Did not see 1 HG.    I pull in the same pattern that used to spawn (or appear to spawn) HG. 

Today, a new instance.   3+ hours thus far,  no HG.   I'm killing steadily.

Has something changed?


DB edits on items table have zero effect on quested spawns. Much in the same fashion that changing your floor mats in the car have zero effect on the air pressure of the tires (excluding floor mats made of 20lbs of lead).


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Peign on June 27, 2014, 02:38:25 pm
Zerka bomb is still going on, inside a fresh instance last night. I had one spawn that didn't break anything, but upon getting a 2nd Zerka, who was still alive when the Undead were supposed to spawn, the instance died a horrible death. No more undead or HG spawns for three hours, so I  called it a night.


Rebuilt one of the reset sections. It should clean out all switches to act as if nothing ever happened. New instances from this point or reboot. Sorry :-\


Since this change.    Other people have not been seeing HG at all either.    Literally doing the same things (more or less) regarding pull pattern as I was pre this change.    Used to see HG once or twice every few hours.   Now, 10+ hours of farming and 0 HG.     

Maybe both of my instances are bugged  /shrug

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 27, 2014, 03:07:08 pm
Zerka bomb is still going on, inside a fresh instance last night. I had one spawn that didn't break anything, but upon getting a 2nd Zerka, who was still alive when the Undead were supposed to spawn, the instance died a horrible death. No more undead or HG spawns for three hours, so I  called it a night.


Rebuilt one of the reset sections. It should clean out all switches to act as if nothing ever happened. New instances from this point or reboot. Sorry :-\


Since this change.    Other people have not been seeing HG at all either.    Literally doing the same things (more or less) regarding pull pattern as I was pre this change.    Used to see HG once or twice every few hours.   Now, 10+ hours of farming and 0 HG.     

Maybe both of my instances are bugged  /shrug

Oh, THAT change. Checking now.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 27, 2014, 05:32:43 pm
I did not find anything off. If you want me to GM reload/repop your instance, I can do that. Just PM :-)


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Brunaa on June 28, 2014, 02:43:43 am
There must be something wrong with HG spawn I havent seen him now for 3 days and I had him usual 3 times a day.
I cant spawn him in Guildinstance nor in Raidinstance

nm seems fixed now:)

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 28, 2014, 05:58:59 pm
Doesn't seem fixed for me  ??? 4 full laps around the zone killing every single mob via /highlight, 5 Black Priests, 2 Zerkas, 0 HGs. 0 Essences. This is stupid.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Peign on June 28, 2014, 06:19:03 pm
Doesn't seem fixed for me  ??? 4 full laps around the zone killing every single mob via /highlight, 5 Black Priests, 2 Zerkas, 0 HGs. 0 Essences.

Pretty much the exact results I had running it on Thursday for 7 hours and yesterday for 4.    Although I got an essence and a 9.0 off of Priest so bonus.   No HG though.    Have not gone back today. 

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Dimur on June 28, 2014, 06:22:08 pm
I've seen 3 today, as well as 2 Zerkas and 3 Priests...although the delay on the spawn for the 3rd HG was excessively long nearing 3 hours.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Dimur on June 28, 2014, 10:32:04 pm
Since posting, I've gotten 3 more priests and 2 more zerkas but not seeing HG.  From what I've seen it seems the longer the instance has been running, the longer delay between HG spawns but doesn't seem to affect the other named.  I usually get the first HG within the first hour or 2, but the next time he spawns seems to be another 2-3 hours, etc.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Dimur on June 29, 2014, 01:35:18 am
And he just spawned now, haven't killed anything since last post in that instance but 5 hours after the last HG he has spawned...

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Raygan on June 29, 2014, 07:27:26 am
With how retarded it is to get t-9 essences I just cant see putting in the effort for a UW XI.  Grats to those who are willing to grind their teeth for it but just doesn't seem worth the effort to me as it currently sits.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Denzig on June 29, 2014, 10:43:04 am
I just finished mine a few days ago. Perhaps I'm in the minority but feel the drop rate is fine, almost too easy. The HG can drop two with a guaranteed one, plus the chest. That's a chance at 3 essences per HG kill plus rare from chests and the other two names. Took me about a month to knock out 90 dedicated to UW XI. Seems about right for daily play.

I always enter a new instance after killing him though because, as mentioned above, I've always found the second spawn to take way too long.

My 2 cents.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Peign on June 29, 2014, 11:01:13 am
I just finished mine a few days ago. Perhaps I'm in the minority but feel the drop rate is fine, almost too easy. The HG can drop two with a guaranteed one, plus the chest. That's a chance at 3 essences per HG kill plus rare from chests and the other two names. Took me about a month to knock out 90 dedicated to UW XI. Seems about right for daily play.

I always enter a new instance after killing him though because, as mentioned above, I've always found the second spawn to take way too long.

My 2 cents.

I think this would be fine if the HG consistently spawns.   However as a few of us are seeing, HG is not even spawning the first time.    2 hours per spawn seems reasonable, 5+ hours not so much.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Denzig on June 29, 2014, 11:40:57 am
I've spawned two today, both within two hours of entering the instance.

Sucks that you're having problems, but the mechanic itself seems sound and unchanged based on my experience. If you'd like to compare techniques feel free to send me a tell in game.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 29, 2014, 12:47:09 pm
I editted the undead bit so it won't be so damaging on HG spawn mechanics when it spawns. Net result is slightly less Black Priests, hopefully more HGs.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: clbreastmilk on June 29, 2014, 04:29:48 pm
Is the spawning of the Undead causing the issue?  I was under the impression that only if the Undead kills the zone in mobs that the penalty goes into effect.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on June 29, 2014, 05:45:53 pm
Is the spawning of the Undead causing the issue?  I was under the impression that only if the Undead kills the zone in mobs that the penalty goes into effect.

No. Each boss causes "damage" to your counters, respective to the necessary actions/kills before it. Obviously the Black Priest is related to the undead and Zerka's envoy is related to the obliteration. In that sense, the associated counters and action triggers might be lessened (i.e. if you needed 100 undead for black priest and 50 undead [in addition to the rest] for HG, Black Priest was originally resetting undead counter whereas it will exact a lesser toll now).

Does that make sense?


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: clbreastmilk on June 29, 2014, 06:33:13 pm
Yes, thank you for the change Hate.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Dimur on June 29, 2014, 06:51:48 pm
Why have an artificial limiting factor blocking you from working on HG in tandem with working on the other 2 named spawns?  I guess I don't understand why shared counters for required mobs is a bad thing.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Kruciel on June 29, 2014, 10:31:38 pm
I guess what was causing my issue was what time it was in-game when starting my clears. If you started the clear any time after noon (in-game), the undead would spawn at 11 pm, and you'd get a stupid Black Priest spawn and no HG as a result. My normal strategy had been clearing trash for about 45 minutes and then chilling up at the lake while waiting for HG to show his face. This had been working well with the route I had until this Friday / Saturday. So, like I said, with the previous counters, it was highly unlikely for you to spawn HG unless you got a small undead attack, avoided the undead static mobs in the zone, and THEN cleared the other requirements. Or you just left Black Priest up, sitting there like a jackass all day.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Raygan on August 05, 2014, 10:09:55 am
Bump for armor combines.

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Raygan on August 24, 2014, 07:17:28 pm
Bump Bump

Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: hateborne on August 25, 2014, 09:36:04 pm
Bump for armor combines.

Armor combines book can be found by hailing the npcs that sell recipes.


Title: Re: T9 Live with reboot!
Post by: Raygan on August 26, 2014, 03:49:19 am
HAHA Will look on them after work.