EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Peign on January 31, 2015, 10:26:58 am

Title: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Peign on January 31, 2015, 10:26:58 am
There are 3 core keys to avoiding nerfs on this server.     

First, never tell Chunka anything.   Once Chunka learns of a strategy he will inform the whole server.   As we all know, once the server knows then a nerf will soon follow.   This rule cannot be stressed enough, it is like not feeding gremlins after midnight.   It is paramount that Chunka always be kept in the dark.

Second, if OH8 is ever in your instance, play like a nublet.   Make the game seem really hard.  Intentionally mess up, wipe if you have to.   This rule is tough as some of us have an epeen so big you can see the bulge through our plate mail.

Third, and unfortunately this is a bit out of our control, keep Fugi from maxing out.   Fugi is a good player and has a knack for finding the easy path to end game.    The thing is,  his ego is the size of his epeen and he wants to be the man.   That being said, he will use the tools he has identified to get him to end game.    Once done, he will inform OH8 that said tools need a nerf.    In this respect he is like Wormtongue sitting at the side of the King of Rohan feeding him verbal spew that will make the server suffer.

There you have it, 3 keys to avoiding nerfs on EZ.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: clbreastmilk on January 31, 2015, 10:30:02 am
Best read on these forums in weeks. <3

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Denzig on January 31, 2015, 11:42:57 am

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Fugitive on January 31, 2015, 12:19:07 pm

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Raygan on January 31, 2015, 01:09:33 pm
All of that is bunk...the way to keep from getting nerfs is simple...just STFU and don't say anything about anything.  Several posts back people were saying clerics were needing love...look at the changes!  Like them?  Love them?  I hope so!  You are welcome, carry on!

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Gannicus on January 31, 2015, 01:13:20 pm
All of that is bunk...the way to keep from getting nerfs is simple...just STFU and don't say anything about anything.  Several posts back people were saying clerics were needing love...look at the changes!  Like them?  Love them?  I hope so!  You are welcome, carry on!

Yeah, things need to get quieter on the server about things here and there to avoid these nerfs. If no one talks, no one knows and we all get to live in a nerf free land

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: hateborne on January 31, 2015, 01:21:44 pm
Yep. Just keep quiet, never share anything, abuse it for months, then have it cut out from under you with no warning. Or just say "Hey, I'm invincible with New Spell X. Maybe it's...too strong?", but whatever. :-P

Carry on with your QQ.


Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Raygan on January 31, 2015, 03:28:16 pm
Carry on with your QQ.

At no time was I QQ'ing...was stating fact. But hey if you like being a dickhead...go ahead and be a dick. ::)

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Darpey on January 31, 2015, 03:54:25 pm
Carry on with your QQ.

At no time was I QQ'ing...was stating fact. But hey if you like being a dickhead...go ahead and be a dick. ::)

You're publicly saying you shouldn't say things need fixing that need fixing in things like... The broken stuff repair shop? Just so OP things can stay op longer? And get offended when the volunteer developer of the game calls it out for QQ?

You and Maslow are delusional.

How about we say things are broken or need adjustment in the threads specifically named for broken things. Then put on our big boy pants if or when they get adjusted.

Flame me.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: hateborne on January 31, 2015, 04:15:22 pm
Carry on with your QQ.

At no time was I QQ'ing...was stating fact. But hey if you like being a dickhead...go ahead and be a dick. ::)

Lol people indirectly insult or mock me....yet I joke back and butthurt appears.

A wild thread appears!
Hateborne uses JOKE.
It's super effective!
A wild thread derailed.
Hateborne earns 400xp.


Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Chunka on January 31, 2015, 06:58:58 pm
Yes, because everything I learned about EZ and EQ I learned from Peign.

Oh, nos, my secret is out.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 31, 2015, 09:13:45 pm
I think you should make a new weapon for chunka called "nerf stick " every time he swings something gets nerfed

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Darpey on January 31, 2015, 09:50:23 pm
You're simultaneously giving Chunka too little and too much credit. He's not the reason Hate made adjustments... Hate doesn't just sit around waiting for Chunka to give advice before he weilds nerfbat. At the same time... This Chunka bashing post is made (mostly) by people that have in no tangible way positively contributed to the server. Chunka on the other hand is probably the most involved non-dev doing his best to make a positive impact on the server.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Krinkle on January 31, 2015, 11:11:47 pm
You guys might just be worried about something thats not a big deal, we all know drake made us invincible, we all didnt tell because we didnt feel like we would be listened to or treated fair in terms of how it can be modified , now give it a chance, see how it works, and see if we end up being listened to and treated fair. that shit might be fun but i do love blaming fugitive for things so i dont care either way.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: garfield101 on February 01, 2015, 07:56:27 am
I'm pretty new to Ezserver so my opinion doesn't and shouldn't mean much. But blaming someone for a nerf is a bit silly when the game is still evolving.  Meaning whatever is nerfed now will still be nerfed when next tier comes live effectively slowing down how everyone will progress, Not just the ones ahead of you. If they wanted to nerf progression speeds of certain tiered people they would need drop rates nerfed to slow them down not a buff line nerfed where to reactively counter the measure you have smaller faster pulls or add another zerker for ae dps. But im happy being a noob it pays the same.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Fuzzypoodle on February 01, 2015, 09:19:17 am
I blame Fugi!!!  It's always his fault!!!   Where are my free stuffz? Fugi? ...

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Chunka on February 01, 2015, 12:23:01 pm
All that being said....Hate, can you change my Loremaster title to "Nerfarious Loremaster"?

Pretty please? :D

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Fliker on February 01, 2015, 05:19:55 pm
/pointfinger and stuff

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Raygan on February 02, 2015, 01:38:39 pm
You're publicly saying you shouldn't say things need fixing that need fixing in things like... The broken stuff repair shop? Just so OP things can stay op longer? And get offended when the volunteer developer of the game calls it out for QQ?

You and Maslow are delusional.

How about we say things are broken or need adjustment in the threads specifically named for broken things. Then put on our big boy pants if or when they get adjusted.

Flame me.
I will, after several days of thinking about this, comment on you first, Darpey.  All your shit talking, I didn't hear you complain about shit when I was helping gimp your sorry ass through t7 and t8...so stop try, if even for a moment, to unattatch your lips from Hateborne's ass.

To Hateborne:

I made the comment I made, referring to people bashing Chunka,not you.But you got your feelings hurt. You made SoD to make a class that was not relevant ...relevant, on EZ...before Drake no one rolled a druid....I wasn't referring to this nerf directly but nerfs in general.  Hell I didn't even have a druid before t9...everyone and there brother made a druid because you had to have one to survive t9 (some people made multiple druids). I stand by what I said and will go as far as saying that you , as the developer, can NOT handle criticism, constructive or otherwise, at all.

edited because some vulgarities aren't needed, apologies.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Darpey on February 02, 2015, 01:53:49 pm
I will, after several days of thinking about this, comment on you first, Darpey.  All your shit talking, I didn't hear you complain about shit when I was helping gimp your sorry ass through t7 and t8...so stop try, if even for a moment, to unattatch your lips from Hateborne's ass.

Honest moment.

In T8, Darpey received maybe half, or a little less than half of his armor from other people. I saw them in auction and purchased them or free'd them, depending on what the asking price was. There was one instance when a guy (which I guess was you, Orthanos? - I can't remember what your in-game name is) gave me a few (maybe 4-5) pieces for Darpey, which finished his set. If that was you, thank you, it helped a lot.

The other 168 (14 slots x 12 boxes) pieces I got myself.

I don't remember receiving ANY help in T7 (other than buying the occasional piece for not-my-main), but if I purchased a few pieces for Darpey, I'm sorry I forgot. I did give away a lot when I was doing it though.

I also edited vulgarities out of this post. The word "delusional" probably carries an unnecessarily dramatic connotation. Sorry about that.

I got a few pieces of armor from people (which I guess was partially you, I can't remember what toon you are, Orthanos) but I wouldn't say there's any argument to be made that I was carried through T8, or especially T7

Though I would have loved to be carried through T7, lol was my least favorite.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: hateborne on February 02, 2015, 02:10:36 pm
To Hateborne:

I made the comment I made, referring to people bashing Chunka,not you.But you got your feelings hurt. You made SoD to make a class that was not relevant ...relevant, on EZ...before Drake no one rolled a druid....I wasn't referring to this nerf directly but nerfs in general.  Hell I didn't even have a druid before t9...everyone and there brother made a druid because you had to have one to survive t9 (some people made multiple druids). I stand by what I said and will go as far as saying that you , as the developer, can NOT handle criticism, constructive or otherwise, at all.

edited because some vulgarities aren't needed, apologies.

First, part in red: Thank you for that. I didn't see the original, but I appreciate trying to keep it clean.

Orange: LoL I'm not sure where I got butthurt. If I'm pissed, you will know very quickly (at least until Akkadius rightly pillages my post and cuts out all the hate). As for being unable to handle criticism, I'm doing pretty well with you constantly whining about how bad of a job I'm doing, without pulling a kneejerk move to ban/suspend or otherwise attacking you. Additionally, I would like to point out the various longwinded threads that we've discussed things back and forth, primarily with you whining about how badly any change is, and generally good changes came out of it. Hell, the UW adjustment was a HUGE issue with a gigantic thread, but it was handled with relative grace and dignity by all those involved (minus a few flared comments). The upcoming patch note thread is also doing fairly well. So...yeah, please try your call again later. :-)


EDIT: I should clarify that I don't hate you. I dislike your constant accusations and bellyaching about how the server should stay broken in certain aspects versus fixing things, but I really have no ACTUAL hate towards you.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Raygan on February 02, 2015, 02:37:26 pm
I was probably overly emotional

Got to ask...why?  You feel you have to make a name for yourself on the server by riding coat tails?  I am done with you at this point and just wash my hands of you.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Raygan on February 02, 2015, 02:41:17 pm
Hate...I love your passive aggressive nature...I do...and as far as kneejerk reaction banning...for what?  For not kissing your tail like, Darpey here?  If that's what you want then FINE ban me...but if you think I would sink to that level to save a freaking CARTOON character your dead wrong!

As for being unable to handle criticism, I'm doing pretty well with you constantly whining about how bad of a job I'm doing

And just to make sure...I went back and looked at my previous posts and see no whining (closest is this post) most of the time I am pretty laid back on server and forums.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Darpey on February 02, 2015, 02:44:44 pm
Not trying to make a name.

Most of why I post is because I get bored at work.

Although that particular instance it was because I felt like Hateborne and Chunka (but especially Hate) were being unfairly flamed.

To be honest, I've been aggravated at both Hate and Chunka at different times, and made passive-aggressive, or just aggressive forum posts about them... or just kept my thoughts to myself - it's funny to me that I'm being called a kissass toward Hateborne. But it makes sense why you would think that from this thread. I'd gladly make a post defending you ("kissing your ass") too if I felt that it was warranted.

In this instance, however, Chunka was addressing a concern that he had (that Drake was OP, among a few other things), which is fine and with good intention... and Hate was correcting  the perceived issue.

I guess it is debatable whether or not drake is actually OP (I think it definitely is, but that's beside the point). Hateborne is the unpaid dev, and to in a single post say:

1. That we should not post about things that we feel need addressing
2. Flame the developer for fixing these things

seems bad to me.

Alternatively Hateborne could just do nothing, and leave the game as it is... then we'd have boomstick UW's, invincible tanks, no further tiers, etc...


Progress > Stagnation

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: hateborne on February 02, 2015, 02:45:36 pm
Hate...I love your passive aggressive nature...I do...and as far as kneejerk reaction banning...for what?  For not kissing your tail like, Darpey here?  If that's what you want then FINE ban me...but if you think I would sink to that level to save a freaking CARTOON character your dead wrong!

ROFL. Please excuse me from this thread while I laugh myself into a coma. :-)


Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Raygan on February 02, 2015, 02:54:08 pm
Please excuse me from this thread while I laugh myself into a coma

Would you, please, thanks.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Fugitive on February 02, 2015, 04:45:55 pm

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: warrior5 on February 02, 2015, 06:20:52 pm
Please ban Orthanos for the love of god so the friendly forest animals can come out of their caves again.  :-[

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: gagem on February 03, 2015, 01:32:51 am
Please ban Orthanos for the love of god so the friendly forest animals can come out of their caves again.  :-[

At least this comic thread is in Rants and Flames where it belongs :)

No one should get banned here... its pretty much covered in the name.  (Though excessive curses etc is just poor form)

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: warrior5 on February 03, 2015, 01:43:06 am
Can we ban him for something else then?  ???

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Chunka on February 03, 2015, 07:28:42 am
He turned me into an iksar!!!

.....I got better.....

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: hateborne on February 03, 2015, 10:06:39 am
Can we ban him for something else then?  ???

He ...he....he touched... me.



Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Akkadius on February 04, 2015, 04:57:14 pm
 What did my eyes just see, can't unsee....

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: aythena on February 06, 2015, 01:40:24 pm
I leave the kids alone for a month or two and this is what I came back to? highly emotional, un-understandable banter is my job stop taking it away -_-

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: Fjord on February 07, 2015, 12:19:21 pm
I've been away playing more interesting and less drama-driven games and this thread is hilarious. 

EZ's great for whenever I get a serious EQ craving but that's about it. I used to really like it because Hunter was pretty damned immune to 95% of the whining. He wouldn't really obsess over the server, and usually was off playing some other game. He treated everything professionally in terms of management and just did whatever the hell he wanted for development; I respected that.

The one thing that he seemed to cave over was the Halloween items, because certain giant titty babies were upset that other people they never interacted with had cooler items than them. So then the UW's came and half the titty babies had max swords within weeks because Hunter had hinted at what he was going to do. Then the titty babies were upset again because the quest was too easy and their weapons weren't as shiny and cool when everyone else had them, and Hunter realized that now EVERYONE basically had replacement Halloween weapons, so he made it harder. Once again the titty babies got their way, but this bred a new class of giant titty babies --those who were working on UWs and got the shaft. This is the point at which pretty much everyone became some sort of giant titty baby.

In short: delete everyone's UWs. We're all giant titty babies now anyways. Everyone complains about everything, so it wouldn't even matter that they're complaining about their UWs disappearing.

At this point I'm cheering for chaos -- not perceived persecution over every tiny little thing and the constant bickering. I don't want the constant policing to enforce authority. I WANT REAL CHAOS.

Title: Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs
Post by: warrior5 on February 07, 2015, 04:15:10 pm
I've been away playing more interesting and less drama-driven games and this thread is hilarious. 

EZ's great for whenever I get a serious EQ craving but that's about it. I used to really like it because Hunter was pretty damned immune to 95% of the whining. He wouldn't really obsess over the server, and usually was off playing some other game. He treated everything professionally in terms of management and just did whatever the hell he wanted for development; I respected that.

The one thing that he seemed to cave over was the Halloween items, because certain giant titty babies were upset that other people they never interacted with had cooler items than them. So then the UW's came and half the titty babies had max swords within weeks because Hunter had hinted at what he was going to do. Then the titty babies were upset again because the quest was too easy and their weapons weren't as shiny and cool when everyone else had them, and Hunter realized that now EVERYONE basically had replacement Halloween weapons, so he made it harder. Once again the titty babies got their way, but this bred a new class of giant titty babies --those who were working on UWs and got the shaft. This is the point at which pretty much everyone became some sort of giant titty baby.

In short: delete everyone's UWs. We're all giant titty babies now anyways. Everyone complains about everything, so it wouldn't even matter that they're complaining about their UWs disappearing.

At this point I'm cheering for chaos -- not perceived persecution over every tiny little thing and the constant bickering. I don't want the constant policing to enforce authority. I WANT REAL CHAOS.

Rofl classic.

If you really want to raise a stink you have to call people out by name on R&F. Anyway still funny nice post.