EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: hateborne on September 23, 2015, 01:34:42 pm

Title: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: hateborne on September 23, 2015, 01:34:42 pm
T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4, AND IS NOW OPEN!

T10 Final Beta is NOW GOING! The items are not there just yet, as I'm still finishing up the leather and mail items. I'm adding EZ Credit tokens to bosses, both since I cannot let you actually progress before the zone opens and because I want to show thanks for spending time to test.

Let me repeat that in bold letters: BOSSES DROP EZ CREDITS IN T10 CURRENTLY. 100% chance to drop a credit token. 75% chance for a 5c, 25% for a 10c.

T10 will open literally the day after Halloween. Would do it sooner, but open for 1-2 weeks then DL would trivialize it. Plus, all week of Halloween, T10 isn't getting done, you ladies/gents/trolls are doing Halloween. It's House Garden and the boss farm shenanigans. :-)


Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: balidet on September 23, 2015, 01:37:08 pm
Halloween has always held its own as an event and really some space between that and the launch of t10 is a great idea...

i want to farm my Halloween without feeling i am cutting myself short on t10 launch!

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: hateborne on September 23, 2015, 01:53:11 pm
i want to farm my Halloween without feeling i am cutting myself short on t10 launch!

This is why it's post-Halloween release. :-)


Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on September 28, 2015, 03:00:46 pm
Oh f..damn. If you don't have the updated zone file, that zone is probably very very barren looking. I'll reupload it today and be online later.

Do we need to update this before next test? I had zone files from ~2 months ago when I swapped to RoF and redownloaded the file-pack.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: hateborne on October 02, 2015, 11:37:11 am
The sunderock zone file is in the "EZ Server Files" download on the left (hot pink).


Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 03, 2015, 04:08:54 am
Would like to see respawn slowed of certain areas. Not sure if it can only be done globally. Respawn makes the high density areas impossible just from a dps standpoint. On the other hand, there are a few areas where it fits just fine. Bandits / Goops / Basilisks are all fine. Sarnaks / Undead could use an extra 2 minutes, Orcs / Gnolls could use an extra 5 minutes. I've finally gotten to the point where I can rotate enough things on the warrior to break into every camp, but even with 4 ult weapons and 2 full groups of dpsers I can't make a dent in the high density camps due to respawns cropping up.

On the positive side, very few Rampage deaths from non-Juggernaut mobs  :D and Ro'kki showed me why lev isn't allowed LOL ... I actually have a fraps of what he did to my monk right here: https://youtu.be/oyl97TG8jbA?t=19m8s

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Chunka on October 03, 2015, 02:11:52 pm
He.... used his heat vision?

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 03, 2015, 03:40:11 pm
some of the NPCs have unuseable races.

a dessicated zombie showing up as naked Human male
#Beast of Burden boss showing up as naked Human male

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 03, 2015, 04:50:46 pm
Would it be possible to add a duration to the Goop grow stacks? It's quite the burden cleaning up after all these people feeding them and then leaving!  :P oh and then there's the gnoll miners feeding them in the southeast part of the zone until they're as big as a house. Those goops hit harder and have more HP than any boss i've encountered so far  :P

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 03, 2015, 07:10:35 pm
Undead cave has about 8 servings worth of spawns inside it atm ! I think there is something fishy about.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 03, 2015, 10:59:09 pm
Over 1000 npcs in zone  :o something broke lol, calling it a night. Lol at 200 undead in the cave now.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 03, 2015, 11:12:29 pm
After doing some digging, players rejoice. This is a fix to stop your mq2map plugin from blowing your UI up while in the zone.

/mapfilter untargetable
/mapfilter ground

The first command will stop the 'zonecontroller' and 'proxycontroller' things from appearing. Not a big deal only 10 or so of them but I found this by accident while playing around.

The second command, however, will hide all of the 400x "Something"s that are bogging down the map addon and causing TONSSSS of ui errors.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Raygan on October 04, 2015, 04:59:38 am
I have spent all my time at the goops and don't understand the mechanic behind this mob.  It AoE hits you (having  a brain fart and cant think what that is called) not a problem....but for some reaon (and had no deaths at this point) right when you have it dead it heals up to 70% and then one of your toons die..it grows bigger rinse and repeat...rinse and repeat a few times...then the mob just kills over at 40% after it kills 10/12 of your raid (two groups)....I have tried to understand this mob.....also the gnoll assassins can backstab....so why don't they backstab...a straight on slash from a gnoll does say 100-300k but the backstab is only 600hp yes six hundred not 600k or something..... ??? Maybe I need to try something other than goops though cause I have seen no named just a WHOLE lot of death. ;D

Also Hate...I know we don't like each other  8)...but is this your way of getting back at me  :-*

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Raygan on October 04, 2015, 05:17:20 am
My biggest issue with this zone is sooo many of your toons pop into zone but are darkened out on group window like they are not in the zone and you have to zone them out and back in to get them to show up. ???

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: hateborne on October 04, 2015, 09:31:56 am
some of the NPCs have unuseable races.

a dessicated zombie showing up as naked Human male
#Beast of Burden boss showing up as naked Human male

Do you have the latest "EZ Server Files"?

Would it be possible to add a duration to the Goop grow stacks? It's quite the burden cleaning up after all these people feeding them and then leaving!  :P oh and then there's the gnoll miners feeding them in the southeast part of the zone until they're as big as a house. Those goops hit harder and have more HP than any boss i've encountered so far  :P

No, as they 'grow', they consume more than just strength...   ;)

Undead cave has about 8 servings worth of spawns inside it atm ! I think there is something fishy about.

Screenshot it next time, it may have been a boss spawn failing to move out of the cave with his/her entourage.

Over 1000 npcs in zone  :o something broke lol, calling it a night. Lol at 200 undead in the cave now.

Likely, but it is possible (though unlikely) given certain events.

After doing some digging, players rejoice. This is a fix to stop your mq2map plugin from blowing your UI up while in the zone.

/mapfilter untargettable
/mapfilter ground

The first command will stop the 'zonecontroller' and 'proxycontroller' things from appearing. Not a big deal only 10 or so of them but I found this by accident while playing around.

The second command, however, will hide all of the 400x "Something"s that are bogging down the map addon and causing TONSSSS of ui errors.

This is creating ghetto "objects" (the game considers forges, looms, etc 'objects') to decorate the zone. I found the limit of the emulation without having raw access to edit zone files. Next time I will simply have to scale it back. :-O

I have spent all my time at the goops and don't understand the mechanic behind this mob.  It AoE hits you (having  a brain fart and cant think what that is called) not a problem....but for some reaon (and had no deaths at this point) right when you have it dead it heals up to 70% and then one of your toons die..it grows bigger rinse and repeat...rinse and repeat a few times...then the mob just kills over at 40% after it kills 10/12 of your raid (two groups)....I have tried to understand this mob.....also the gnoll assassins can backstab....so why don't they backstab...a straight on slash from a gnoll does say 100-300k but the backstab is only 600hp yes six hundred not 600k or something..... ??? Maybe I need to try something other than goops though cause I have seen no named just a WHOLE lot of death. ;D

Also Hate...I know we don't like each other  8)...but is this your way of getting back at me  :-*

The backstabs are a result of the goofy formula for mobs only utilizing backstab damage if they have a weapon. To make it viable for EZ, I would have had to give them a weapon that's rogue usable, by all races, dealing UW 2H sized damage. Obviously, something like that would've ended up on every melee character in the game as "LOL FREE UWs DUDEZ". There is a custom rule for it, let me dig in to that. :-)


Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Mixlor on October 04, 2015, 09:37:31 am
Yeah.. I have to agree. I would have spent more time in T10 and enjoyed it more if I could have gotten all my toons in there and sync'd up with each other. I took 18 in there the first time. Had over half of the raid not seeing each other and darkened out in their perspective groups. I tried to relog each one that I thought was affected and still didn't work 100%. I then tried to log out all 18 and reload them in 1 at a time. Still didn't work. All toons were showing up in the zone on their perspective clients but being seen by my other clients.

I came back later on with 6 just hoping to go in there and mess around and steal Kruciel's loots. Again, 2 toons were darkened out from the group and not being seen by some of the other toons. I managed to gate them out to Stonehive and then back in again and that seem fix the issue. I ran around for about 15 mins tailing Kruciel and killing a few mobs. I then lost 3 toons during a fight. Upon rezzing and zoning them in, I was back to the sync issue. Gating them out and back in didn't fix the issue this time. I gave up and left the zone.


Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Mixlor on October 04, 2015, 09:57:25 am
After doing some digging, players rejoice. This is a fix to stop your mq2map plugin from blowing your UI up while in the zone.

/mapfilter untargettable
/mapfilter ground

The first command will stop the 'zonecontroller' and 'proxycontroller' things from appearing. Not a big deal only 10 or so of them but I found this by accident while playing around.

The second command, however, will hide all of the 400x "Something"s that are bogging down the map addon and causing TONSSSS of ui errors.

/mapfilter untargetable

Took me a lil bit to figure out why it wouldn't work when typed in. Great tip Kruciel! Thanks buddy!


Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 04, 2015, 10:25:49 am
Their own guide (mq2's wiki) says untargettable not untargetable lol, but yeah you're right guess I didn't notice. Fixing post.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 04, 2015, 10:36:41 am
The sync issue seems to crop up at different rates for people, but stays consistent with how much it messes with them. I have no idea what the cause is, but when I had UF I used to have over 50% of my raid desync going into dranik-a, and then again when swapping to b and c. After changing to RoF, I haven't had it happen in Dranik a single time. I've had minor desync issues in t10. Usually 2-3 of my 18 man team has to relog really quick.

An easy way to see which toons are effected is to open your raid window. Bugged out clients will appear out of zone. If your main character is bugged, the names in the raid window will appear multiple times and look really buggy. Loading back into the zone is what will fix the problem (or at least attempt to, unless you get unlucky and they desync again). Gating or having them /camp and log back in does the same thing.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 04, 2015, 10:48:02 am

This is what I was referring to last night. It just hasn't grown to the crazyness size that it was yet. Static Vamp spawns are stacking up.

Edit: The 9pm Undead just spawned around the zone and all of these piles gained a new minion each.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 04, 2015, 11:01:58 am
some of the NPCs have unuseable races.

a dessicated zombie showing up as naked Human male
#Beast of Burden boss showing up as naked Human male

Do you have the latest "EZ Server Files"?


Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 04, 2015, 11:07:55 am
I have spent all my time at the goops and don't understand the mechanic behind this mob.  It AoE hits you (having  a brain fart and cant think what that is called) not a problem....but for some reaon (and had no deaths at this point) right when you have it dead it heals up to 70% and then one of your toons die..it grows bigger rinse and repeat...rinse and repeat a few times...then the mob just kills over at 40% after it kills 10/12 of your raid (two groups)....I have tried to understand this mob.....also the gnoll assassins can backstab....so why don't they backstab...a straight on slash from a gnoll does say 100-300k but the backstab is only 600hp yes six hundred not 600k or something..... ??? Maybe I need to try something other than goops though cause I have seen no named just a WHOLE lot of death. ;D

Also Hate...I know we don't like each other  8)...but is this your way of getting back at me  :-*

It's probably eating your pets. I don't use pets and I have NEVERRRR seen this happen after killing 100's of goops. I have however seen them start huge in the southeast from eating npc's all day.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: hateborne on October 04, 2015, 11:45:27 am
Kruciel: The stuck vampires are supposed to roam a bit (as in come out of the cave a bit). I'll get to them today. :-)

Orthanos: It shouldn't just "die". It will grow as it consumes players, pets, and mobs. It just dying is...odd. As even a few stacks make it absurdly difficult to one shot given the hundreds of millions of hit points.


Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 04, 2015, 11:49:20 am
It shouldn't just "die". It will grow as it consumes players, pets, and mobs. It just dying is...odd. As even a few stacks make it absurdly difficult to one shot given the hundreds of millions of hit points.


I've seen it pop once, I think after it grows 100+ times the max HP value rolls over or something, because I was terrified when I pulled this goop, he must have been feeding on gnolls for HOURSSSSS. I clenched my buttcheeks as he reached my pull spot, and then he just poofed in one hit.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 04, 2015, 12:28:46 pm
Boss tally for the past few days:

Myself: Ro'kki x10 (FALCON PUNCHHH) , Beast of Burden x4 , Towering Zombie (unsure if this is boss or mini, because trash killed him before I could cross the zone to engage)

Seen Denzig pop Ro'kki twice now. He said he got some big Orc guy too but I wasn't there, unsure of the name.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: AcuteAnthrax on October 04, 2015, 01:40:28 pm
I know this isn't probably the place but just my info on desync. I use UF client, haven't had a desync once from what I've noticed. I've been running dranik daily for a few months now and haven't had an issue, running with 6. I've been doing T5 as well and I log in 18 toons and zone them all in at once and haven't had a desync thus far.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 04, 2015, 03:49:19 pm
Looked like we were about to spawn a new boss but server started lagging too bad to kill anything. Running some errands will try back later

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: hateborne on October 04, 2015, 05:25:40 pm
Looked like we were about to spawn a new boss but server started lagging too bad to kill anything. Running some errands will try back later

That is likely me. I'm sorry. :-(

Dumping in tons of data for the new effects and new gear sets. That many MySQL queries are ...unappreciated by the server processes. :-\


Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 04, 2015, 06:50:33 pm
Small request. Can orc juggernauts, and gnoll archers be toned down a bit? I tried to break in both side of the war to try and help 1 side beat the other, but I can't get past those mobs without losing half my team, getting swamped by respawns while trying to rez. And the second pull on the gnoll side just has too many mobs clumped in with archers that shoot for insane amounts of damage.

I can't even take the first pull (two honorguards + four archers) without losing at least 1 or 2 to the archers. I'm able to very painfully take the archer barrage while dealing with the two honorguards, but as soon as I try to move up to the archers, there's no good position to put my warrior taking hits from 3 while my raid kills 1, due to the cliffs and tight quarters. I'll probably be a little better at it the second time around, but the second pull filled up my entire Extended Target window and archers pewpewed me down so fast the aggro didn't even link to my raid 10 feet away.  :o

Orc Juggernauts are just vicious. There's no safe way around the mayhem they throw out. Most deadly mob in there, bosses included, and the orc camp has quite a few of them roaming around being dicks.

And on a final note, the Orc trap spawning in the south river is FILLED with legionnares and berserkers (1 mil swingers). Second time I have popped that trap, thrown on Drake 4, and died thru it in a global.

Also, just as a test I sat all of my melee that are under 4 mil hp buffed and ran with just 1 group melee 1 group ranged. 0 rampage deaths all day. Setup is:

Warrior - soa55 - uw11 - epic - pet - full leaf X - uc3 - roa1000 76% stonewall
Pally - soa55 - khh2 - full leaf X - uc3 - roa1000 36% stonewall
Monk - soa55 - uw11 - full leaf X - uc3 - roa1000 21% stonewall (10% worn from monk t9 chest)
Pally - khh2 - 4 leaf X - uc3 - roa1000 25% stonewall
Rogue - uw11 - full leaf X - uc3 - roa1000
Zerker - uw11 - full leaf X - uc3 - roa1000

Looking to fill out this group's soa's after halloween just with the plat that comes from it, but I imagine that after I have full IG pets, it'll be enough to add the rest back in and move the 2nd pally back to group 2.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 04, 2015, 10:58:50 pm
Extra Undead are still spawning in the cave at 10pm with the zone-wide Undead, but not despawning at 6am with the rest. The pile is starting again  :P

Also, I cut off the chain or reinforcements to the Orc vs Sarnak war for about 30 minutes, and they finally stopped fighting each other, but now there are massive clumps of NPCs in each camp just chillin. Not sure what to make of it. The piles of mobs are way too large to engage (30-40+)

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 05, 2015, 09:25:50 am
The Teleporter is still allowing me to port to the zone, but the zone itself is back in development mode and booting me to the nexus. I thought you were leaving it open for one more day  :'(

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Rymo on October 05, 2015, 07:00:56 pm
4box (WAR PAL BER MNK) group tried. all uw11 uc3 earring50 roa1000
Resist Tank 4500+, alt 4000+

Ro'kki and some mobs(undead npc. sry filtering npc spells) AoE, like gravity flux, couldn't resist (not all time, but high rate couldnt resist).
I think need resist Tank 5000+, alt 4500+.

a miner cracking stonewall. (like old T7 mini). faded war epic, SoT buff and IG buff lol.

alt buffed Spirit of the Ninja Proc(reward item), red color message said, can not fading memory.

undead and... ah forgot name (north east area), hard to pull.
one tried click septre of time, lots coming.
one tried bow pull, lots coming...

I was want to try with 2nd paladin, but resist 3000 under...
need to farm resist stones. full spec(uw, uc, earring, SoA) toons easy die.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Chunka on October 05, 2015, 07:07:19 pm
Sounds as if I need to go back to farming when I can start playing again.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 05, 2015, 07:17:54 pm
alt buffed Spirit of the Ninja Proc(reward item), red color message said, can not fading memory.

All Fading Memories items / procs / AAs disabled so people can't easily break bosses away from their massive amounts of friends.

On that note, Monk AA Imitate Death is working. Although it has a long cooldown and if it gets disabled honestly people will accomplish the same thing by throwing a random box at the boss, running away and letting it die, then tagging the smaller pack of mobs to break the camp.

Just as a note for people on what to expect. I do not see t10 gear helping you clear the zone any easier. Even a 1 mil boost in HP from the gear wouldn't help you much. If you don't have a druid + cleric in your back pocket for cooldowns, you will be dying constantly on almost every pull in here aside from Sarnaks who hit like little babies.

Druid Skin line will buy you at least 5-6 seconds after you pull and get all the mobs in camp, Cleric Tower of Vie line will buy you 18 seconds of safety (up to 88% stonewall with 9.0 + soa + IG pet) after Skin fades. After that, you mash your Furious clicky sunglasses and pray by the time it's over you have killed the hard hitting mobs in the pack. I won't spoil the fun and say which mobs those are, but there are 1-2 type of every mob in every camp that hit like absolute trucks that have to be focus fired.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: balidet on October 05, 2015, 07:24:15 pm
time to bring back the war+5 pallys group for the win

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 05, 2015, 07:46:20 pm
Ro'kki and some mobs(undead npc. sry filtering npc spells) AoE, like gravity flux, couldn't resist (not all time, but high rate couldnt resist).
I think need resist Tank 5000+, alt 4500+.

Lowest box I have resist wise is 4009 resist. I never saw a gflux hit anyone on my crew. Ro'kki Falcon Punch ability is unresistable, it is going to punt whoever it picks across the zone. He sent my monk flying so far he landed in the Sarnak area rofl...

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Drep on October 06, 2015, 11:02:19 am
This is what I am reading from this thread....

Also, just as a test I sat all of my melee that are under 4 mil hp buffed and ran with just 1 group melee 1 group ranged. 0 rampage deaths all day. Setup is:

Warrior - soa55 - uw11 - epic - pet - full leaf X - uc3 - roa1000 76% stonewall
Pally - soa55 - khh2 - full leaf X - uc3 - roa1000 36% stonewall
Monk - soa55 - uw11 - full leaf X - uc3 - roa1000 21% stonewall (10% worn from monk t9 chest)
Pally - khh2 - 4 leaf X - uc3 - roa1000 25% stonewall
Rogue - uw11 - full leaf X - uc3 - roa1000
Zerker - uw11 - full leaf X - uc3 - roa1000

4box (WAR PAL BER MNK) group tried. all uw11 uc3 earring50 roa1000
Resist Tank 4500+, alt 4000+

Just as a note for people on what to expect. I do not see t10 gear helping you clear the zone any easier. Even a 1 mil boost in HP from the gear wouldn't help you much. If you don't have a druid + cleric in your back pocket for cooldowns, you will be dying constantly on almost every pull in here aside from Sarnaks who hit like little babies.

My take away from all your guy's posts on this.... Is T10 even remotely doable for folks outside the elite on the server?   

 It doesn't really sound like EZ is a tier progression server anymore since you can't even remotely survive without maxed out non tier progression items.


Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: clbreastmilk on October 06, 2015, 11:29:29 am
If Rymo is dieing, it just needs some tuning, which I am sure Hate is on top of.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 06, 2015, 11:32:36 am
Yes it absolutely is doable. UWs and Earrings do not help your survivability, they are merely dps tools. That being said, I don't really expect to see a group in here without at least 1 UW in their party. The design of this tier is very different from tiers past. From a glance, it looks like t10 is here to put a stop to warriors running around and riposting half the zone to death (which is easily doable in t8 t9 right now) It is extremely difficult and a lot of fun at the same time.

Rampage, on the other hand, is hard to counter. Will you have some deaths from your melee? Probably. But the important thing is, it is survivable if you put IG pets and full HP buffs on your melee. You might have 1 death every 30 minutes or so, but that's much better than 1 on every pull. The reason I have been testing the SOA is because I do not have Halloween pets yet and I wanted to see if it was going to be enough.

In the end, t9 has been out for almost 2 years, and the difficulty of this zone reflects that. Will it be nerfed some day? Yeah probably, but as for right now it's brutal. T8 was brutal when it first launched, but now it's just a silly trainfest. Every single NPC in the zone proc'ed a 1 mil DD nuke on melee, every single NPC rampaged. My point is, don't think the sky is falling just because a new tier comes out and is extremely hard.  :P

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 06, 2015, 11:33:54 am
If Rymo is dieing, it just needs some tuning, which I am sure Hate is on top of.

Rymo was running around with a single paladin healer. His gear and accomplishments, while VERY IMPRESSIVE, do not mean shit if you try to heal this zone with 1 paladin. His warrior's gear is identical to mine from a pure stats standpoint. He has 150k more hp, I have 700 more resists.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Drep on October 06, 2015, 11:53:35 am
ok, we'll that is good to hear.  I like tough content.   we only have 1 uw10 guy in our teams.  been sitting in tofs for 3 weeks just trying to make it an 11.     the rest of the guild is maxed out teir wise but nowhere near the amount of hps you all have from non tier maxed items.      I guess it will be interesting for sure.

when t8 came out I loved it.  I couldn't train anything anyway.  killed 1 thing at a time and slowly worked up to 2, 3 etc.    I don't mind crawling like that.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 06, 2015, 12:46:04 pm
How to prepare for the onslaught of t10:

ToV farm farm farm farm farm. Aside from UC3 on your tank and paladins, look to add your other healers into that line. The first testing phase I did absolutely stomped me into the ground. The only reductions since then, damage wise, were to rampage and Hidden Ranger autoshoot damage. Since that test, I UC3'd 3 more healers and it was very noticeable during this test.

ToV is probably my most hated zone to farm, having done so much of it, but you can't argue with the rewards for doing it. The Leaves of Vitality drop there boatloads more than t7 and t9. Just spending a few days there looting leaves on a character and getting another UC 3 will boost his or her max HP by 300k-350k which is even more once you add in the druid's % hp buff.

But seriously, do not roll up in here with a single UC3 on your tank only and expect to crush the place  ;D

And to Hate, Hidden Rangers are balanced enough for now. They'll still kill a few of your boxes just as easily if you screw up your positioning while moving around the area. Gnoll Archers, on the other hand, still do their full hilariousness damage that the Rangers used to do. If they even catch your warrior out of position for 1 SECOND, 3-6 characters will die as a result. The stupid anti-cavalry fence thing bottlenecks you into the middle of 4 of them (northeast of the zonein) to where you can't really position safely or move your team up the hill with ease, all the while the tank is taking PEWPEW for 40% of his hp per round. There are a few tactics I want to try on them next time, but the only reliable one I can think of is going to be pulling everything near them 5000 yards away and killing it separate. Just the archers by themselves are terrifying (800k-1.2mil crits on the warrior with a very very low miss rate)

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Raygan on October 06, 2015, 04:46:38 pm
My take away from all your guy's posts on this.... Is T10 even remotely doable for folks outside the elite on the server?   

 It doesn't really sound like EZ is a tier progression server anymore since you can't even remotely survive without maxed out non tier progression items.

This is a simple explanation.  The gear that you get from spending time gearing up etc versus the straight gear from progression is too big a bridge to gap.  If Hate tried to make content for anyone who is geared just through progression then those who have ,as you stated, elite gear would steam roll the content and be burned out in a week or two.  If you spend anytime playing on the server you will invest your time in gearing up post progression gear....just because killing stuff faster is a buttload of fun.  ;D

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: balidet on October 06, 2015, 05:56:25 pm
I would be sad if t10 came out and was doable with just t9 gear...

make it impossible i love it:)

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: hateborne on October 09, 2015, 07:40:52 pm
Basically, it's focused around those that have a UW tank as it is pretty much inevitable. As much as I want to deny and shun it, the UW, like the UC before it, has become a standard. At what point, I cannot say, but a tank with UW is very nearly required for T10. As mentioned earlier, the earring will do little for you here as it's more DPS than survivability.

Even with T10 gear, it won't be a "steamroll" for a long, long time. :-)


Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Kruciel on October 09, 2015, 07:58:22 pm
Most end up at least starting the quest by t6, some wait until t7 t8. But once at that point, you could easily do the first couple ranks in a few days time. Originally, the difficulty of t8 was completely undoable without a UW tank (back when it was a mega HP item and the importance of attaining one was much much higher than now). Because 95% of the people that reached t8 while it was in that state already had  a UW tank it really never got much attention. Again, this really doesn't help your survivability like it used to, but if a zone is designed expecting you to have one, what he's saying is the mobs are going to have a ton of hp. The dps checks required to do the rough pulls in here with just you and your crew will not be met by a group without a UW tank most likely.

As I stated earlier, almost every pull you do in here is made up of 5+ types of mobs and 1-2 of those you need to kill while your cooldowns are running or you just get rolled over like a protester in front of a tank.

Title: Re: T10 Final Beta Test from 10/2 to 10/4!
Post by: Brannyn on October 11, 2015, 05:36:40 am
Basically, it's focused around those that have a UW tank as it is pretty much inevitable. As much as I want to deny and shun it, the UW, like the UC before it, has become a standard. At what point, I cannot say, but a tank with UW is very nearly required for T10. As mentioned earlier, the earring will do little for you here as it's more DPS than survivability.

Even with T10 gear, it won't be a "steamroll" for a long, long time. :-)

Or at least until you put in a new UW for Kruciel to murderlate the zone with =P