EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: swamphy on June 22, 2010, 06:39:38 am

Title: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: swamphy on June 22, 2010, 06:39:38 am
Qvic is a tough nut to crack. It's a raid zone that is nearly impossible to get a group in, much less organize a raid. And the groups you do get in qvic, can rarely do bosses without wiping.

I need some advice.

I've been building up a warrior, in hopes that I can do qvic boxed. This is what Ive got:

dual 3.0 Warrior, most qvic gear (missing BP and arms which are PoTime)
duel 3.0 Bard, full qvic gear
duel 3.0 Monk, full qvic with some Tacvi and Some PoD gear
2.5 Cleric with PoTime/Ldon gear

My current problem is, a 2 pull on Qvic entrance mobs can wipe my Tank faster than the cleric can cast vivification. How is he going to tank a Qvic boss when he can't handle a 2 pull??

[In contrast I've seen a single 3.0 Beast Lord pet handle eat multiple Qvic mobs like butter]

What should I do next to be able to box qvic?

1. Beg/hire people to help me gear up the warrior with Tacvi/PoD?
2. Farm a Ldon BP for the warrior?
3. Do I need more than 4 toons?

Can anyone offer me some direction here? What should be my next goal, in the quest to crack qvic?

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: PORTIS on June 22, 2010, 07:02:47 am
Concentrate on your  warr, he is the key forget more chars for now, you have enough easily.

1) Go to pod and look for rot anger aug drops.
2) Work on RoA for warr
3) Work on Sorc charm for warr
4) Look for Tacvi rot bits, there is always some.
and try again.

Its a shitter to have to scavange but be nice to people and ask politley and you wont have a problem as long as you dont just loot mobs.

Get a few Sorc upgrades from LDoN and anger augs and you will cut through them like melted butter :)

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: PORTIS on June 22, 2010, 07:12:36 am
Or join a guild that regularly wrecks qvic tacvi and T1, there are plenty that are recruiting 3.0 chars, ours included:)

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Reed on June 22, 2010, 08:41:57 am
also a 3.0 on cleric helps, but im assuming thats the reason you're in Qvic to begin  with. In case you can live for a WoV, extra heal % is good

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: swamphy on June 22, 2010, 09:25:54 am
Thanks for the advice father Portis. I may take you up on applying for your guild.

Epic 3.0 cleric isn't much use when 2 mobs are doubling 2700+ hits on the tank and wipe the group before the first heal goes off. But yes, I am working on getting a 3.0 for the cleric and then another 2.0 or 2.5.

Think I'll focus on the warrior for a while. I've seen some amazing warriors coming out of the tiers. Would love to have one of those.

Cheers  :)

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: ieawenpo on June 22, 2010, 09:29:06 am
We have a small guild that is made of about 4-5 boxers.
We regularly run LDON/Qvic/Tacvi etc and always looking for others.
Send me a tell in game or Crzybiyarch, we can hook you up with an invite or just hang out with us in Qvic/POD/Tacvi for a night or two.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: PORTIS on June 22, 2010, 09:48:03 am
It brings a tear to my eye seeing my son branch out, I remember when he was only 2 or 3(level) and just learning to walk. Now hes got a guild of his own and making his way in the world.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Reed on June 22, 2010, 09:50:10 am
It brings a tear to my eye seeing my son branch out, I remember when he was only 2 or 3(level) and just learning to walk. Now hes got a guild of his own and making his way in the world.

makes a father all teary eyed no doubt

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Hunter on June 22, 2010, 01:08:45 pm
I still need to update the source again which should fix some of the ac problems. The last update was on 06/16.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: trendkiller on June 22, 2010, 02:15:47 pm
thanks hunter...i knew something was up with the zone. its noticable to us non POD outfitted folk

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: ieawenpo on June 23, 2010, 12:18:47 am
It brings a tear to my eye seeing my son branch out, I remember when he was only 2 or 3(level) and just learning to walk. Now hes got a guild of his own and making his way in the world.
lol, thanks dad.
for the record, its not my guild at all :)
Its Strawbri's but he is working in RL currently.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Darkest on June 23, 2010, 02:33:38 am
I also struggled to handle Qvic, but finally managed to break through here's how...

1 War 2x3.0's (no-augs)
1 Cle (Epic not-required, but loaded with mana regen augs if non 3.0)
1 Bst  2x3.0 (plus 1x2.0 for clicky in inv)
1 Dru 2.5 (or 3.0 - but works at 2.5) - used just for the clicky regen (was helping out even with just a 2k regen on war)

Create for your Cleric an in-game macro with /cast1, /pause xx, /cast1, pause xx etc - this lets your cleric 'spam-heal' warrior for a short time, while you focus on controlling the bst (or dps), then return to cleric to re-click your macro.

War has approx 20-21k hps!  send in war, 3.0's grab aggro quite quickly and they spam cyclone too which grabs adds.   Use the bst pet (or other DPS) to tear down mobs wailing on your warrior (they drop fast with pet).

The main thing I'm doing different to OP is that I dont spam heal Wave of Vivication, instead I use the single heal (Ancient:something) which casts quicker - if done right, the only person needing heals at this stage  should be your warrior, rampage damage if any is minor on the bst and manageable, so no need for Group Heals.

Hope any of the above helps, it helped get my toon-army started on the road through Qvic (also works well with Tacvi so far)


Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 23, 2010, 03:02:48 am
I did qvic with 3 toons with ldon gear and 2.5's. No macs, no hax. When I first started on this server I could only 3 box max with the pc I had and even that was pushing it. I died a lot, and it was slow going, but it was doable.

The strategy for the trash is pretty easy to figure out, pull, set (mobs back to dps, pet class is best), heal, send in pet, heal, done. The heals were direct heals unless a gheal was needed. The bosses and their adds were a different story. Pull, set/stonewall, heal, send in pet. Then it gets different. Anytime you heal you have to pull the pet off in order to make sure adds don't spawn and gank your cleric. Heal lands, send in pet for another second or so till you need heal again. Make sure to burn the adds down just as soon as they spawn. Your not going to have the hp to handle the adds if you end up with multiple ones.

I know this may seem like a really simple strategy but you would be surprised at how many times I have seen people try to just burn the boss down and deal with the adds later, only to wipe over and over again.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Balthor on June 23, 2010, 04:25:00 am
I'll probably be online today for the first time in awhile. If Qvic is not horridly crowded I'll run some bosses for people to snag some rots since I need a couple armor pieces for poofed slots.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Hunter on June 23, 2010, 06:00:51 am
I know this may seem like a really simple strategy but you would be surprised at how many times I have seen people try to just burn the boss down and deal with the adds later, only to wipe over and over again.


Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Thyl on June 23, 2010, 08:36:31 am
I do recall another time maybe a year or so back when source code got updated and mob damage went nuts. Hunter logged on  his toon that had one ridiculous item, some kind of stone of uberness or something, and parsed the damage. He made adjustments as necessary. I still felt the damage was higher than it was before but not as crazy as it was after the update.

I did Qvic with 3 toons, I had never boxed before EZ server.  War, Dru, and Mage all with 2.5s.  It was extremly slow.

Starting out you have stonewall for every boss and sometimes for difficult pulls. You should learn which pulls are multiple mobs and how to pull 2 out of a 3 group etc... Send your War in with a cyclone blade and single heal him.

The toughest part of the bosses was keeping the adds from killing the healer. I had to save cyclone blades to hit them as they popped.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: swamphy on June 23, 2010, 08:50:42 am
I did qvic with 3 toons with ldon gear and 2.5's. No macs, no hax. When I first started on this server I could only 3 box max with the pc I had and even that was pushing it. I died a lot, and it was slow going, but it was doable.

The strategy for the trash is pretty easy to figure out, pull, set (mobs back to dps, pet class is best), heal, send in pet, heal, done. The heals were direct heals unless a gheal was needed. The bosses and their adds were a different story. Pull, set/stonewall, heal, send in pet. Then it gets different. Anytime you heal you have to pull the pet off in order to make sure adds don't spawn and gank your cleric. Heal lands, send in pet for another second or so till you need heal again. Make sure to burn the adds down just as soon as they spawn. Your not going to have the hp to handle the adds if you end up with multiple ones.

I know this may seem like a really simple strategy but you would be surprised at how many times I have seen people try to just burn the boss down and deal with the adds later, only to wipe over and over again.

Thank you for that input. I remember guilds back in the day trying to burn bosses and ignore adds with the same results.

I'm hoping Hunter is right that there is an AC check issue. It seems like a duel 3.0 warrior with 85% qvic gear and 250+ AA's should be able to tank 2 trash mobs long enough for word of viv to get off at least once. If I have to burn up stonewall to handle trash mobs, how will I ever handle the bosses?

I don't know of any strategy that works when the cleric can't get a single heal off.

(Well there was that time on Live Test server that we zerged the Priest of Discord with 100+ lvl 20's bound right next to him so we could keep fighting. That wouldn't work here.)


Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: swamphy on June 23, 2010, 09:55:13 am
...Starting out you have stonewall for every boss and sometimes for difficult pulls. You should learn which pulls are multiple mobs and how to pull 2 out of a 3 group etc... Send your War in with a cyclone blade and single heal him.

The toughest part of the bosses was keeping the adds from killing the healer. I had to save cyclone blades to hit them as they popped.

I don't understand what you mean by "save cyclone blades". That effect is a proc isn't it? How would you save it?


The clicky effect, AngerIII, is not aoe, is instant, and has no recast time. So I really don't know what you mean by 'saving a cyclone blade'.

Sorry if I'm dense. Just trying to figure it all out.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Warriorstack on June 23, 2010, 10:20:39 am
It is also a Discipline on a timer.  But once you get your 3.0's they spam in combat.  However when you first pull you need something so the mobs dont run off and gank your cleric.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Thyl on June 23, 2010, 12:01:06 pm
Like Calvin said Cyclone blade is a proc on 3.0 but you orginially get it as a disc on a timer. I had 2.5s and way fewer hpts when I first did Qvic so when I ran my warrior into multiple mobs I had to make sure to hit Cyclone Blade so I could heal him immediately.

Even after you have 3.0s the Cyclone Blade is a proc and there is a chance an add might just run over to your healer before it goes off. Anger 5s make it even easier but at that point Qvic is pretty much a non-issue.

At this point I just use Druid regen and that makes things way smoother  8)

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: walk2k on June 23, 2010, 12:01:22 pm
So, just get multiple toons with 3.0s and Qvic gear... to "crack" Qvic....   nobody else see a problem with that?  ;D

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: tulsplat on June 23, 2010, 12:03:09 pm
For a group progressing "naturally" they won't have 3.0's when breaking into Qvic (unless I have my zones mixed up..it's early :)

my group is almost done getting everyone their 2.5's, sounds like we will have a challenge ahead of us...also our group is a less than ideal combo of Pal/Ber/Dru/Bst/Nec/Clr.  Gonna be fun I imagine  ::) 

(I talked the pal into starting his roa with my bst/dru 2 box helping make it faster for him, hopefully the hp on the higher ranks will make up for not having stonewall.  )

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: kaizen on June 23, 2010, 12:10:35 pm
it is a "raid" zone..
a group with 2.5s should be able to do it though

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: swamphy on June 23, 2010, 01:11:32 pm
It is also a Discipline on a timer.  But once you get your 3.0's they spam in combat.  However when you first pull you need something so the mobs dont run off and gank your cleric.

Ok, now it makes sense. Thank you.

I never played a high level warrior on Live, so I'm learning the class as I go.

As far as the apparent AC issue in Qvic, will Hunter let us know when it is fixed?

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 23, 2010, 01:12:33 pm
(Well there was that time on Live Test server that we zerged the Priest of Discord with 100+ lvl 20's bound right next to him so we could keep fighting. That wouldn't work here.)Cheers.

I once charmed a mob and sent it after the Priest of Discord. It confuses the hell out of the guards. First the pod attacks the charmed mob, then he comes after you. However, the guards go after him also. The pod is one tuff cookie, he takes down several guards before he gets killed. Extremely funny, all the noobs around are going wtf is happening, lol.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: swamphy on June 24, 2010, 03:03:49 pm
Just wondering, is there an item effect that will increase the range of Cyclone Blade??

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: biscuits2455 on June 25, 2010, 06:13:20 pm
So, just get multiple toons with 3.0s and Qvic gear... to "crack" Qvic....   nobody else see a problem with that?  ;D

HAH I was just thinking that to myself. The only advice people have is get your 3.0s and Qvic gear. So basically go Ninja loot stuff and have someone else run you through. =P

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Reed on June 25, 2010, 07:02:17 pm
So, just get multiple toons with 3.0s and Qvic gear... to "crack" Qvic....   nobody else see a problem with that?  ;D

HAH I was just thinking that to myself. The only advice people have is get your 3.0s and Qvic gear. So basically go Ninja loot stuff and have someone else run you through. =P

There is already a very lengthy thread about ninja looting (im assuming you were kidding though)

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: biscuits2455 on June 25, 2010, 07:26:27 pm
Yeah i was kidding. The only thing close to ninja looting I have done is on my Alt. I asked the guy if I could loot the vendor gems to sell for some plats for charm upgrades and tinkerers bags. He didnt actually respond but he was moving pretty fast and left the gems on the corpses so i looted them. He didnt say anything so I don't think he was worried about it. Even doing that I felt bad though hah.

My Qvic experience is as follows.

With my beastlord I could barely kill 1 mob with 2.5 pet. My girlfriend played a wizard at the time so she helped DPS alot. We got some groups together with new players like ourselves and they didnt fair too well. I got a few things on my BL by just asking for rots and having some nice guys run me through. (Also that guy who boxes "China" helped me out on my shaman)

So we decided to make a couple alts to lvl up that would make RoA easier. She made a druid and I made a shaman. They are both 70 with 2.5s now. She decided she likes the druid better than the wizard so now that is her main. We are in a guild now so they will probably help us get 3.0s, but our plan was to either get 3.0s on the druid and shaman or just use them to buff with 2.5s and RoA the beastlord and wizard until they could handle Qvic. That plan has changed now that her druid is the main though.

Either way I have fun RoA even if its like 1 a day.

But theres usually people around who will help you out if they see you hanging around looking pathetic for long enough =P Provided your not ninja looting the dickens out of everything.

Also i dont know exactly where you were fighting, but if you can follow someone in deeper the mobs in the courtyard area seem to be easier than the groups of mobs closer to the zone in... but maybe I'm just crazy.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 25, 2010, 07:58:52 pm
To do qvic your going to need a warrior. Your 2.5 pet will not be able to tank anything, nor will your bst (until you get gear from pass those zones and your 3.0's)

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: swamphy on June 27, 2010, 12:27:38 pm
True, you can follow people in, the mobs seem easier farther in. But my logic, if I can't handle the 3 trash mobs in the corner at once, How can I do a boss who spawns at least 3 trash mobs. And so, as far as my box group doing qvic, they need to be doing it without outside help.

Not that I don't use help to get them geared, but my goal is to be able to do qvic with my box group.

Got some Tacvi gear on my warrior. He seems to handle tanking now. Also put another 100 AA's on the cleric to help with healing, defense and agro. Should be able to box qvic bosses now. Just need to develop my boxing skills.

Current box group:
3.0x2 monk, almost full tacvi gear
3.0x2 bard, full qvic gear
3.0x2 Warrior, almost full tacvi gear
3.0/2.0 cleric, mostly qvic gear (rotten aug bath ate my qvic pants)

Seems like a strong group, the weak link now is my ability to handle boss adds as they spawn. A few seconds of delay can wipe my group.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 27, 2010, 01:35:06 pm
Make sure you are burning those adds down as they spawn. Don't let them pile up.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: swamphy on June 27, 2010, 03:02:29 pm
Thanks Xiggie,

Do those adds keep spawning if you stop attacking the boss?

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Reed on June 27, 2010, 03:30:42 pm
IIRC Adds spawn at certain % of health on boss. like 90%, 80%, etc... on down. Not on a minute or second timer

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 27, 2010, 03:41:50 pm
This is the same for qvic, tacvi and PoD of course though changing how many adds per boss. The bosses that spawn adds spawn them at every approximate 20%. I say approximate because it does not do it at exactly 80/60/40/20/0. For example, once agroed the boss will trigger add to spawn somewhere between 100 and 80% and is random every time. And will do the same thing for every 20%. It is possible that you could get an ad at 81% and another at 79% thus having 2 sets of adds at once. What I usually do is make sure my dps'rs are concentrated on the adds while leaving my warrior still whacks on the main boss. You just have to make sure you pull your dps off the main and put them on the trash.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: swamphy on June 28, 2010, 11:57:24 am
Assuming I only have a warrior and monk for melee, backed by a bard for haste/ds/regen and a cleric spamming vivification...

If I pull both the warrior and monk to adds, I assume no more adds will spawn until we refocus on the boss. The warriors AOE proc, I hope, would keep the boss from agroing on the cleric.

If killing adds takes too long and the boss regens back above the 80% mark, for example, would adds spawn again when it goes below that mark again? 

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Eliseus on June 28, 2010, 11:59:43 am
Assuming I only have a warrior and monk for melee, backed by a bard for haste/ds/regen and a cleric spamming vivification...

If I pull both the warrior and monk to adds, I assume no more adds will spawn until we refocus on the boss. The warriors AOE proc, I hope, would keep the boss from agroing on the cleric.

If killing adds takes too long and the boss regens back above the 80% mark, for example, would adds spawn again when it goes below that mark again? 

I dont think so unless I didnt notice, me and my bro have fought a boss down really low and wiped and came back (before instancing, don't know if changes with instancing) and fought same boss and didnt have any adds till we got the boss back down to the right percent we left off at

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: swamphy on June 28, 2010, 12:40:15 pm
Now that is an interesting tidbit.

I wonder how long a boss would stay there and wait for a party to come and re-engage it? Wouldn't it eventually despawn or something?

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Gantrathor on June 28, 2010, 01:20:10 pm
As far as I've seen in Qvic a boss once spawned will not despawn.  Usually they're not up long enough for that to matter.   ;)  Additionally, any adds that are left also do not despawn.  FUN!  

Also, once you've run a boss thru any portion of it's script, that portion will not trigger again.  Like others have said, I've engaged bosses after wiping part way thru the fight (in some cases nearly the whole way).  They did not spawn adds at those points that have already been triggered.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 28, 2010, 05:38:18 pm
Assuming I only have a warrior and monk for melee, backed by a bard for haste/ds/regen and a cleric spamming vivification...

If I pull both the warrior and monk to adds, I assume no more adds will spawn until we refocus on the boss. The warriors AOE proc, I hope, would keep the boss from agroing on the cleric.

If killing adds takes too long and the boss regens back above the 80% mark, for example, would adds spawn again when it goes below that mark again? 

Don't worry about putting the warrior on the adds too. Maybe pop over to him to hit cyclone blade or area taunt if it is not up to snatch attention. Just use the monk to take the adds down. It is also a good idea to have your cleric somewhat near your warrior so that if adds do get on your cleric you can click cyclone blade and snatch agro back. If this happens you can also switch targets on your warrior and right click your 3.0 and it will snatch the mob from your cleric.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: swamphy on August 18, 2010, 11:12:22 am
Upon a visit from the Plate Fairy last night at 1am, I have finished gearing my toons in Qvic. (2 plate legs in a row, thank you Plate Fairy!!). This seemed to get out of hand, but while hunting plate legs I figured I would gear up all my other toons on the rots (11 fully Qvic geared toons in all, I just hate to see things go to waste).

Thank you to all who gave sound advice. I will summarize what I learned from others and experience.

The key to downing Qvic bosses is to take out the adds:
1. keep the adds off your healer
2. kill them before more spawn

My big challenge with this was targeting. Too often the boss mob is huge and when you try to click on the add you just get the boss.
So using a 3.0 warrior (aoe agro proc), as soon as the boss spawns, take a step backwards. Now when the adds spawn, they will come to you and you can hit F8 to autotarget them and take them out. You can also hit escape and target them when they hit you. This takes some timing.

When I started in Qvic I could barely take on the entrance mobs. By the end of my gearing in Qvic I am doing bosses with a pally/war duo.

Nice tough zone. Took me forever to break into it, so overcoming the challenge made it a sweet victory.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Soakked on August 18, 2010, 11:31:51 am
Yeah when I first tried tacking on qvic solo I had a special method. Basically because my comp sucked I could only duel box it so I would start attacking it with my main for a few secs trying to get aggro, then have my alt attack(2.0 2.5 isn't special). Now I always have three macros <hidec looted>, <hidec None> and <hidec all>. My alt not being very uber would stick to attacking the boss and wouldn't spawn that many adds, while my main would switch off to adds and try and mow them down fast. Now the key for me at least was clicking <hidec all> as soon as the add died. This would erase corpses and allowed me to quickly join in on the attack on the boss, after adds would drop.

 To make my point I'm a pally with at the time 50k hp and had only a taunt button lol. It was rare that my alt would die, cause believe it or not, attacking a mob first and hitting taunt goes a long way. But I wouldn't have been able to do it without hidec all. When the fight was ending I looted corpses with alt, and if it was something my main needed(which was like never) I would simply click hidec none and it would reeappear.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Balthor2 on August 19, 2010, 12:56:49 am
Make sure to use the "Cycle through nearest NPCs" key. Bind it to something you can hit quickly.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Scootz on August 19, 2010, 03:44:53 am
Box 6 toons, and use macros, ask yellowbird which ones he uses

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: Chane Laforet on August 19, 2010, 11:37:44 am
obviously not everyone wants to/can 6 box, and it definitely doesn't require macros to do it, but I would say, it can be done with a 3 box if you know what you're doing, and a lot easier with a 4 box. You just have to utilize everything you have.

Title: Re: Cracking Qvic...
Post by: barrettd04 on August 19, 2010, 06:50:01 pm
I can now say that I can do all of Qvic with my War, Cle, SK combo.  Took a little bit of practice, but I just got my Cle his 3.0 the other night without any runs, etc.  The healing bonus is amazing.