EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Balthor2 on July 05, 2010, 10:25:13 am

Title: No topic
Post by: Balthor2 on July 05, 2010, 10:25:13 am
More and more people opening their mouths in ooc sound like they rolled out of bed and fell out of the stupid tree hitting every branch on the way down.

I need a picture to illustrate this. Any one want to draw one? Bonus points if it has midget retards with downs because half these clowns sound like that.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: swamphy on July 05, 2010, 10:35:50 am
If there was a link I could put in game to OOC, that would open a web browser to this forum... I'd have it on hotkey.


I can't say I've never asked a stupid question in OOC, but most questions could be answered by simply reading the FAQ found on this forum.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: hateborne on July 05, 2010, 10:36:11 am
Yeah, these people need to shut their damn mouths.

\/  Like this guy \/


Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Razormaw on July 05, 2010, 10:59:13 am
Well I think there's a huge difference between asking noobish questions and just being an all-out retard for the sake of being a retard.

I'm all for telling a joke now and then or answering a question in a silly way, but I will rarely intentionally give misinformation (it's usually pretty obvious my answer was silly) and usually follow it up with "No seriously, this is your answer."

I'm sure I can grate on peoples' nerves sometimes, but not because I'm intentionally trying to piss people off.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: zomgDanyelle on July 05, 2010, 01:20:59 pm
Yes i give out stupid incorrect answers in /ooc but look at it this way....i wrote how many guides? I've done my legitimate answers. I spent a lot of my own time making those things, i didn't HAVE to do anything and tbh it agitates me when they aren't used. I have a thing against people being too fucking lazy to help themselves, i answer questions legitimately if they aren't answered here or they're more difficult or less commonly asked, but when some idiot logs in and before even trying asks (15 times in a row no less) "where are spells!!!!!1!11!!!1111!!" when not only is it answered on here but everything in Surefall Glade is clearly labeled then i don't feel i need to answer seriously as i don't believe they deserve to know. Why? Because they were too fucking lazy or dumb to even try to help themselves.

It also grates on my nerves when someone spams questions over and over by hitting shift up because no one answered in the first 3 seconds. Probably the worst thing i ever did as far as /ooc trolling goes is when i got some guy to look for the Velks kobolds in Blackburrow for the better part of an hour because he spammed "were kobolds in velks?" 4 or 5 times consecutively in /ooc.

There's been an influx of stupid on EZ in the last few months and even more so in the last couple of days. So yeah i'm an ass hole and i'm a douche bag etc etc etc. But i stand by it.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Costa on July 05, 2010, 02:18:19 pm
Probably the worst thing i ever did as far as /ooc trolling goes is when i got some guy to look for the Velks kobolds in Blackburrow for the better part of an hour because he spammed "were kobolds in velks?" 4 or 5 times consecutively in /ooc.

You were still helpful. After all, you did tell him about the scrawny gnoll PH.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: yellowbird on July 05, 2010, 03:12:59 pm
A good portion of the retardation in OOC comes from your guild, Balthor.  I think the rest of the server is waiting for a T3 BP to drop, it be awarded to someone not you, and for you to blow up the guild a la <Epic Fail>.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 05, 2010, 05:03:22 pm
A good portion of the retardation in OOC comes from your guild, Balthor.  I think the rest of the server is waiting for a T3 BP to drop, it be awarded to someone not you, and for you to blow up the guild a la <Epic Fail>.

Wow, what a dumby. Just because you got banned from our vent for being an idiot you want to make dumb attempts at our guild, lol. Pathetic. Go read a book on flaming or something, that was weak.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: yellowbird on July 05, 2010, 06:07:33 pm
My status on your Ventrilo server has nothing to do with what I posted.  I've always maintained that Trendkiller, Temptrix, etc crap up OOC.  They are in your guild, yeah?

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Temptrix on July 05, 2010, 06:27:59 pm
Hmm.  It seems like you're dropping my name in a lame attempt to get me involved in your pathetic web drama.  If you don't like what I say in ooc then you can ignore it.  Works great for me when I chose to ignore your pompous inane dribble.  That's all I will say on the subject as I'm sure you delight in the negative responses you receive.  If you didn't, you wouldn't be a compulsive confrontation creator.   I know your type and you are nothing more than an insecure, self-loathing, miserable human being.  You could possibly even have some identity problems.  I pity you.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 05, 2010, 06:31:29 pm
Yes they are in our guild. They have quite a good reputation, you on the other hand are very well known as being and arrogant idiot with a superiority complex. It is known so much so that it is darn near a compliment to get insulted by you.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Balthor2 on July 05, 2010, 06:32:37 pm
Flying from thread to thread in an attempt to spam me with negative publicity. Yes I think that might just work for you. Continue to seek confrontation all you wish, it really does not mean that much to me. What it is, is something for me to comment on.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: yellowbird on July 05, 2010, 06:38:21 pm
Hmm.  It seems like you're dropping my name in a lame attempt to get me involved in your pathetic web drama.  If you don't like what I say in ooc then you can ignore it.  Works great for me when I chose to ignore your pompous inane dribble.  That's all I will say on the subject as I'm sure you delight in the negative responses you receive.  If you didn't, you wouldn't be a compulsive confrontation creator.   I know your type and you are nothing more than an insecure, self-loathing, miserable human being.  You could possibly even have some identity problems.  I pity you.

Attention whore.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: trendkiller on July 05, 2010, 06:40:58 pm
Um, why are you dragging me into your little game here?
What did I do to you, or to the integrity of ooc? lol  integrity...ok, its a fucking playground at this point with all the children and their stupid arguments and stupid ass toon names. So it is not that sacred to begin with but how did I "crap" it up?

I know your type yellow, your kind is all the same and it is pathetic.
So what do you actually want out of all this name dropping and these shit stirring pointless replies?

I don't crap up ooc, my guild, my name, or anything I do like YOU do.
SO tell me...what is the real problem here? Ill give you the chance since your type LOVE to argue to try and feel important...how do I/we "crap" up ooc?

But assuming you don't come up with a damn thing:

Off the top of my head I can name 15 people in guild and out of guild (even some in your own guild!)
that think your a clown-douchebag ego-maniac little priss.

(that means they don't really care for you)

At what point do you grow a REAL pair of balls and give up...the asshole douchebag thing isn't working for you, let it go!

So the problem isn't with me, or temptrix or xigg...with anyone. So your attempt at framing myself and temptrix for no valid reason is a failure.

It is with you, so how can WE help YOU stop crapping up EZ and trying to start shit with people?


Title: Re: No topic
Post by: hateborne on July 05, 2010, 06:57:31 pm
Yes i give out stupid incorrect answers in /ooc but look at it this way....i wrote how many guides? I've done my legitimate answers. I spent a lot of my own time making those things, i didn't HAVE to do anything and tbh it agitates me when they aren't used. I have a thing against people being too fucking lazy to help themselves, i answer questions legitimately if they aren't answered here or they're more difficult or less commonly asked, but when some idiot logs in and before even trying asks (15 times in a row no less) "where are spells!!!!!1!11!!!1111!!" when not only is it answered on here but everything in Surefall Glade is clearly labeled then i don't feel i need to answer seriously as i don't believe they deserve to know. Why? Because they were too fucking lazy or dumb to even try to help themselves.

It also grates on my nerves when someone spams questions over and over by hitting shift up because no one answered in the first 3 seconds. Probably the worst thing i ever did as far as /ooc trolling goes is when i got some guy to look for the Velks kobolds in Blackburrow for the better part of an hour because he spammed "were kobolds in velks?" 4 or 5 times consecutively in /ooc.

There's been an influx of stupid on EZ in the last few months and even more so in the last couple of days. So yeah i'm an ass hole and i'm a douche bag etc etc etc. But i stand by it.

Oh hell, Danyelle, keep THAT UP. Violence and hate are win. GO DANY GO!

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Akkadius on July 05, 2010, 07:05:30 pm

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Secrets on July 05, 2010, 07:46:18 pm


Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Bikaf on July 05, 2010, 07:52:15 pm

Hello ladieeeees.

interestingly enough secrets: picard is totally photoshopped next to Riker

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Balthor2 on July 05, 2010, 07:54:18 pm

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: zomgDanyelle on July 05, 2010, 07:56:29 pm
Yes i give out stupid incorrect answers in /ooc but look at it this way....i wrote how many guides? I've done my legitimate answers. I spent a lot of my own time making those things, i didn't HAVE to do anything and tbh it agitates me when they aren't used. I have a thing against people being too fucking lazy to help themselves, i answer questions legitimately if they aren't answered here or they're more difficult or less commonly asked, but when some idiot logs in and before even trying asks (15 times in a row no less) "where are spells!!!!!1!11!!!1111!!" when not only is it answered on here but everything in Surefall Glade is clearly labeled then i don't feel i need to answer seriously as i don't believe they deserve to know. Why? Because they were too fucking lazy or dumb to even try to help themselves.

It also grates on my nerves when someone spams questions over and over by hitting shift up because no one answered in the first 3 seconds. Probably the worst thing i ever did as far as /ooc trolling goes is when i got some guy to look for the Velks kobolds in Blackburrow for the better part of an hour because he spammed "were kobolds in velks?" 4 or 5 times consecutively in /ooc.

There's been an influx of stupid on EZ in the last few months and even more so in the last couple of days. So yeah i'm an ass hole and i'm a douche bag etc etc etc. But i stand by it.

Oh hell, Danyelle, keep THAT UP. Violence and hate are win. GO DANY GO!

I'm not certain if you were being sarcastic or what lol but i'm just going to assume it was sarcasm XD

Look i'm not denying that it's a douche move for me to make. It is. I admit that. I didn't used to do this, i USED to answer every single question honestly, i USED to direct people here and try to help them out. I still do actually if i know the person in question is respectable and actually tries. However over time i realized it did nothing. Instead of taking my help people simply began mocking me. In short i realized by trying to help i was wasting my time, i don't like to waste my time.

I have an issue with people that take absolutely NO initiative to help themselves especially when the tools to do so are laid right out in front of them. Everything in both hub zones is clearly labeled and in plain view not to mention there's a url to the forums in the motd, there's links to the guides in Akkadius' waypoints, and people provide links to the forums in /ooc all the time then there's no excuse whatsoever for the stupid questions being asked lately aside from being plain lazy or dumb.

So once again, i apologize but i stand by it.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: drippysloppy on July 05, 2010, 08:03:46 pm


Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Reed on July 06, 2010, 02:13:51 pm
Yes i give out stupid incorrect answers in /ooc but look at it this way....i wrote how many guides? I've done my legitimate answers. I spent a lot of my own time making those things, i didn't HAVE to do anything and tbh it agitates me when they aren't used. I have a thing against people being too fucking lazy to help themselves, i answer questions legitimately if they aren't answered here or they're more difficult or less commonly asked, but when some idiot logs in and before even trying asks (15 times in a row no less) "where are spells!!!!!1!11!!!1111!!" when not only is it answered on here but everything in Surefall Glade is clearly labeled then i don't feel i need to answer seriously as i don't believe they deserve to know. Why? Because they were too fucking lazy or dumb to even try to help themselves.

It also grates on my nerves when someone spams questions over and over by hitting shift up because no one answered in the first 3 seconds. Probably the worst thing i ever did as far as /ooc trolling goes is when i got some guy to look for the Velks kobolds in Blackburrow for the better part of an hour because he spammed "were kobolds in velks?" 4 or 5 times consecutively in /ooc.

There's been an influx of stupid on EZ in the last few months and even more so in the last couple of days. So yeah i'm an ass hole and i'm a douche bag etc etc etc. But i stand by it.

Oh hell, Danyelle, keep THAT UP. Violence and hate are win. GO DANY GO!

I'm not certain if you were being sarcastic or what lol but i'm just going to assume it was sarcasm XD

Look i'm not denying that it's a douche move for me to make. It is. I admit that. I didn't used to do this, i USED to answer every single question honestly, i USED to direct people here and try to help them out. I still do actually if i know the person in question is respectable and actually tries. However over time i realized it did nothing. Instead of taking my help people simply began mocking me. In short i realized by trying to help i was wasting my time, i don't like to waste my time.

I have an issue with people that take absolutely NO initiative to help themselves especially when the tools to do so are laid right out in front of them. Everything in both hub zones is clearly labeled and in plain view not to mention there's a url to the forums in the motd, there's links to the guides in Akkadius' waypoints, and people provide links to the forums in /ooc all the time then there's no excuse whatsoever for the stupid questions being asked lately aside from being plain lazy or dumb.

So once again, i apologize but i stand by it.


Title: Re: No topic
Post by: walk2k on July 06, 2010, 03:14:59 pm


Dany you're way more patient than most people deserve.

Anyway it's not that bad in /ooc ... most of it I find amusing, even the sarcastic answers to stupid noob questions.

I guess most of you never played WoW/Barrens chat? Holy shit *that* is bad.

Carry on.  8)

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: zomgDanyelle on July 06, 2010, 03:32:05 pm
<3 :3

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Thyl on July 06, 2010, 03:40:16 pm
I do a mix of sarcastic answers and actual helpful ones depending on how im feeling and how/what the person is asking.

I do have to say I get a little pissed when a person asks a complex question that segways into back and forth responses and at the end they can't even give you a simple thank you.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Tabaisu on July 07, 2010, 02:09:23 pm
Oh Dany that guy asking about Velks was priceless. I was sitting next to Razor watching chat. I think I died a little inside every time he said "cobalts" instead of kobalds.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: youthdragon on July 07, 2010, 04:25:59 pm
How about the guy that was spamming for about  hr on were the class trainers were at.  And people said PoK...  He then spent another hr spamming ooc asking how to get to pok.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Reed on July 07, 2010, 04:44:17 pm
How about the guy that was spamming for about  hr on were the class trainers were at.  And people said PoK...  He then spent another hr spamming ooc asking how to get to pok.

the times you wish SoD ignore list worked

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: sohami on August 03, 2010, 07:43:45 am
Wow guys, its called picking your battles. We do it every day IRL. Why cant you do it here? Ignore questions and things you don't want to respond to, and go about your normal day.

Can everyone honestly say its worth responding to any of this obvious attempts at making drama?

Im going to make a guild called <Flame Retardant>

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Warriorstack on August 03, 2010, 12:04:18 pm
You should make a guild named called <Necro Thread>  you bring dead threads back to life

Not saying that in a negative way lol.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: sohami on August 03, 2010, 12:19:25 pm
lol, i may just, do you have your 3.0 yet?  ;)

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Leick.Exhumed on August 03, 2010, 10:26:48 pm

FYI most of these peeps asking Q's are prolly people not sure if they want to play seriously on the server. just quick questions. if you dont want to answer then dont.... Why get upset??? Sohami said it perfectly.... Chill out. Jesus.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 03, 2010, 11:10:35 pm
First and foremost this topic, as pointed out already is nearly a month old. Second, Danielle has written some of the best guides I have ever seen on emu gaming forums.  Third, a lot of the questions that are asked are things like, where do I get my spells, or is there a buff bot, or where do I get my combat abilities at. These are things that are answered very first thing when you log in. It is even written in yellow text. This frustration comes to nearly every seasoned player on nearly every (if not every) server.

Title: Re: No topic
Post by: sohami on August 04, 2010, 07:33:31 am
An old thread but still current issue ;)

honestly everyone has started here. WHen i start on an emu to give it a shot, i want quick answers rather than looking around on the forum. Even if its there. It makes play more seamless ,rather than reach a question and go search on the interweb/forum for 10+ minutes finding an answer.

/shrug. Ignore it, or put forth the second of effort to help. And if someones being overly dumb, tell them. haha