EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Reiker on August 04, 2010, 05:54:34 pm

Title: Boxing Tools
Post by: Reiker on August 04, 2010, 05:54:34 pm
To anyone who boxes 6+ or even 3+ chars, are there any special tools you use to manage the chars? I've never used anything special, but I've read that with wineq you can bind windows to specific keystrokes. This sounds like it would really help me manage more chars, as I could just press a macro button on my keyboard to go directly to the window I want, instead of wasting time with alt+tab. Do you guys all use wineq or is there a better program that helps with box management?

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Isaaru on August 04, 2010, 06:48:26 pm
wineq, isboxer, mq2, etc.

A keyboard with macro buttons.

There's a ton of options.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Reiker on August 04, 2010, 07:57:57 pm
MQ2 for /stick is obviously essential (although I've heard of people boxing 2+ groups without it, masochists) but I've always preferred . I hadn't heard of ISBoxer before, looks great but unfortunately it's not free :( might give it a shot in a month when my finances are a bit more stable.

Would just try out WinEQ to see how it feels, but my hard drive just went up so I'm on a computer that can't handle boxing for the moment.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: yellowbird on August 04, 2010, 08:29:59 pm
Reiker: Stop being impatient.  I will answer your questions on AIM.  Christ.  Also, download Mumble.  It is our VoIP of choice.

War/War/Clr/Pal/Monk/Monk is about the perfect group.  If you don't want to deal with 5 melee chars switch out two monks for two rangers.  You can use my characters if need be while you gear up.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Reiker on August 04, 2010, 08:56:21 pm
Bro, since when are you not EQing it in the middle of the day?

But yeah, like I said, gotta wait to call Western Digital tomorrow to get my shit RMAed.

I was thinking War/War/Clr/Clr/Rng/Rng. Why Pal over another War or Clr?

Nvm, I'll just IM you.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Pazz on August 05, 2010, 12:38:02 am
Bro, since when are you not EQing it in the middle of the day?

But yeah, like I said, gotta wait to call Western Digital tomorrow to get my shit RMAed.

I was thinking War/War/Clr/Clr/Rng/Rng. Why Pal over another War or Clr?

Nvm, I'll just IM you.

No No! Don't just IM him, we wanna know to answer to that Pal question too please :)

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Balthor2 on August 05, 2010, 05:17:15 am
Paladin with decent oracle or even ultimate is fucking godly.
Kind of wish I was dedicated enough to charm up a paladin. I would replace a cleric with it in a heartbeat.

I highly recomend 2 monks and if you got YB to back you then you should be able to get the T4 "spell" for them which imo is fuggin sweet.
If you dont want to be tabbing around so much to control the monks then rangers are pretty damn good and if the monks lack the T4 then rangers are the place to be.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Pazz on August 05, 2010, 06:01:53 am
Thank you for your answer Balthor.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Balthor2 on August 05, 2010, 06:29:15 am
Ive always fought the "2war2clr2rng" setup and for the longest time I ran
War Clr Brd Rng Mnk Mnk
Now I run War Clr Clr Rng Rng Mnk when farming T2 trash/named or T3 trash
At times Ive put in a paladin instead of a cleric and I like it when I do.
Always makes my head spin when my warrior dies to a bad round and I snap agro to the paladin and it manages to survive with less then half the warriors HP.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: sohami on August 05, 2010, 07:09:46 am
Do you require a 6box to farm anything past t1?

I'd like to stick to my SK/CLR/MNK/RNG combo, if at all possible.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Balthor2 on August 05, 2010, 07:41:13 am
nah you dont need to 6box to farm past t1.
It just goes faster.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Narcissus on August 05, 2010, 07:45:58 am
Do you require a 6box to farm anything past t1?

I'd like to stick to my SK/CLR/MNK/RNG combo, if at all possible.

Depends how many charms you are willing to grind and how many RoAs you have.  I mean if you want to talk about what's "required" you can look at Crab's post showing the pally/war T3 boss duo.  However, not everyone has put in the time he has and accordingly does not have that kind of gear.

I think you might have mentioned before that you don't want to make a warrior. Neither did I.  I started this server with a SK and had him full T2 before I even started boxing.  Then I got smart... I don't really play my SK anymore.

I try to keep it to 6 at a minimum and if you want to make your way into T3 you should do the same.  You should also make a warrior... you should actually make two... maybe even three.

Here is what I'm working with at the moment. WAR/WAR/WAR/RNG/CLR/CLR
Which will likely turn into, WAR/WAR/WAR/PAL/RNG/CLR after I do some back gearing and farm some more charms.

I even hope to replace the ranger with a monk because they are all the new rage if you are at the T3/T4 level.  I jumped on the ranger bandwagon before I knew any better.

So to answer your question.  No you won't 'need 6 but you will want them, especially if you insist on keeping the SK.

Drop the SK imo. If you must keep it then at least make a WAR and have the SK be a backup tank if your WAR goes down.  I would think about making a 2nd CLR for when you start boxing Kronos in T2.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: ieawenpo on August 05, 2010, 10:01:48 am
nah you dont need to 6box to farm past t1.
It just goes faster.
You absolutely need to at least 5 box to get passed t1 or it will take FOREVER.
Once you have accomplished it, yes, you can go back and 3 box, but there is no way you will progress without a solid group first.

Can I 3 box and get into t3?
Very unlikely.
The only 3 box combo that may kill Kronos is full t2 (no bp) cleric, pally, warrior.
You will have to have your warrior with a significant ROA and possible UC(UC not needed but having over 110k hp will help with the heals and dps)
You will have to have the pally with full t2 (no bp) and a high charm.
Cleric will need to have a high charm as well.
Even THEN, it will be a huge battle to kill kronos with 3 that haven't progressed passed him.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Loyal on August 05, 2010, 10:11:45 am
Guess I might as well ask advice on the set up I am currently going with to start farming the T1 and beyond.


The reason being is so the dual palidans can take care of group healing while my cleric can focus on healing the tank. The Goal is to have a group that I can eventually switch the Rngs for Mnks but to do so I need to feel comfortable with the healing in the group not taking to much attention.

What do you guys think?

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: yellowbird on August 05, 2010, 10:19:30 am
You can't go wrong with any of the following combinations.

War/War/War/Clr/Clr/Clr(Pal): Will seem very weak until you start getting Anger augs.  You won't die, but you will kill very slowly.

War/War/Clr/Clr(Pal)/Mnkx2 or Rngx2: two rangers beat out two monks until you get your T4 monk spell.

War/War/Pal/Pal/Pal/Bard: Not as stable as if you had a cleric in place of one Paladin, but 5 melee benefitting from bard songs would rip through stuff in short order.

Are you beginning to sense a pattern here?

Sohami: You might have some difficulty with Kronos in T2 without a warrior.  It all depends on how willing you are to RoA up your SK and if you can split Kronos from his adds.  A high Oracle charm on the SK helps a lot too.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Thyl on August 05, 2010, 10:23:53 am
Boxing 3 for T2 would be very difficult unless you were already fully T2+ geared or have max RoA. As everyone has basically said Paly is great asset for the group.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: sohami on August 05, 2010, 10:41:55 am
That's more of less then what I was getting at, Crab.

With a high end ROA and oracle charm, should I be able to 3/4 box kronos with SK tank?

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Crabthewall on August 05, 2010, 11:05:56 am
That's more of less then what I was getting at, Crab.

With a high end ROA and oracle charm, should I be able to 3/4 box kronos with SK tank?

I didn't actually post on this thread?

But if you truly want my advice build at least 2 warriors if you want to be able to move past t2 - that's the bottom line. The more time you waste trying to turn your sk into a warrior the less happy you will be long term. On the high end the difference is staggering, and if you want to do content with just a few boxes you'll need the warrior dps/survivability.

I have a sk, and 2 times in the history of the server, both times for 1 day they have been king - but in general they just aren't ever going to replace a warrior. I know you don't want to hear it, but that's the truth.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: sohami on August 05, 2010, 11:07:43 am

I wonder what reply i was reading then.

Anyway, yeah, i dont want to hear that but I know it. Honestly, I can't see me passing through T2 anytime soon, but at that time i'll have to make a war. Or two.


*edit* what's the SK's t3/t4 spell do? maybe its powerful enough to stall my war requirements...

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Crabthewall on August 05, 2010, 11:29:59 am

I wonder what reply i was reading then.

Anyway, yeah, i dont want to hear that but I know it. Honestly, I can't see me passing through T2 anytime soon, but at that time i'll have to make a war. Or two.


*edit* what's the SK's t3/t4 spell do? maybe its powerful enough to stall my war requirements...

See you aren't listening again. I've been very clear, it won't work :) If you want to stop wasting time, get the warriors moving now and geared, anything else will end up costing you far more than it's worth.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: yellowbird on August 05, 2010, 11:57:44 am
You just got Crab'ed.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Narcissus on August 05, 2010, 12:11:28 pm
2 times in the history of the server, both times for 1 day they have been king


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: barrettd04 on August 05, 2010, 12:59:40 pm
Yea, I've come to terms that my SK(that was my main) will be getting shelved sooner than later...only thing he does right now is serve as a PL killing machine for my war that i'm roa'ing.  with my sk i can get him 47-70 in about 20-30 mins in fire...is that decent?  Should I just make a bard, and if i do, would I see mega results?  I can't get through qvic on my own yet, or else id already have a 3.0 bard and shammy.  all i have to work with is a 2.5 druid, which seems to be working decently i suppose.  i can roa in an hour or so at this point.  thoughts?  suggestions?

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Warriorstack on August 05, 2010, 01:58:58 pm
I have a 3.0 bard however I found it is faster to have a 3.0 war do Pofire.  I can pull the entire fire zone without worrying about Hp really and then rampage and just clean up the ones the DS does not get.  Today I got my monk from 59 to 68 in one pull which took like 3 minutes to gather.  Now take in to effect that I was the only one pulling in PoFire at the time.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Loyal on August 05, 2010, 02:01:08 pm
You can't go wrong with any of the following combinations.

War/War/War/Clr/Clr/Clr(Pal): Will seem very weak until you start getting Anger augs.  You won't die, but you will kill very slowly.

War/War/Clr/Clr(Pal)/Mnkx2 or Rngx2: two rangers beat out two monks until you get your T4 monk spell.

War/War/Pal/Pal/Pal/Bard: Not as stable as if you had a cleric in place of one Paladin, but 5 melee benefitting from bard songs would rip through stuff in short order.

I think i am going to go with War/War/Clr/Pal/Rng/Rng.

Is the idea here that the Rng/Rng/Clr should be able to out range any AE's and all healing can be focused on the Main tank as the Pal should be able to heal AE/Ramp Dmg on the three melee?

My only experience with T1 is a single boss summon which I failed repeatedly  because my cleric was a puss and died to AE. Just wondering if wasnt positioning myself correcly.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Gantrathor on August 05, 2010, 02:04:43 pm
You can't get out of range of the AoE and still be 'in the fight.'  Your cleric needs to be tough enough to withstand those AoE's pretty regularly.  The Paladin's proc group heal will help a great deal.  In fact, with the Pally I rarely need to use my cleric for heals in T1 fights anymore.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Loyal on August 05, 2010, 02:44:38 pm
Sounds like I need to build up his oracle charm a bit

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: barrettd04 on August 05, 2010, 03:42:41 pm
I have a 3.0 bard however I found it is faster to have a 3.0 war do Pofire.  I can pull the entire fire zone without worrying about Hp really and then rampage and just clean up the ones the DS does not get.  Today I got my monk from 59 to 68 in one pull which took like 3 minutes to gather.  Now take in to effect that I was the only one pulling in PoFire at the time.

How well geared is the warrior?  And I thought by pulling the whole zone + rampage would crash it?

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Warriorstack on August 05, 2010, 03:58:16 pm
Full Tacvi, 3 pieces of T1, RoA 100 with 66k hp buffed.  But with less of a RoA and similar gear you could easily pull 30-40 mobs.  Not sure if it is rampage or Anger 5 that crashes zones.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Isaaru on August 05, 2010, 04:37:52 pm
I have a 3.0 bard however I found it is faster to have a 3.0 war do Pofire.  I can pull the entire fire zone without worrying about Hp really and then rampage and just clean up the ones the DS does not get.  Today I got my monk from 59 to 68 in one pull which took like 3 minutes to gather.  Now take in to effect that I was the only one pulling in PoFire at the time.

How well geared is the warrior?  And I thought by pulling the whole zone + rampage would crash it?

It's a combination of things that crash the zones, not just big AOE pulls.  I used to do massive aoe pulls on my server just to test stability and could never crash a zone with only a small number of people in it.  Up the population and things change though.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Balthor2 on August 05, 2010, 05:21:18 pm
You dont require full t2 and good RoA and decent charms to 3box kronos.
War, Clr, Pal did it for me.
At that time I was RoA 60 on the warrior, max guardian but forgot and was wearing my 15sorc.
Cleric was RoA zero and oracle25.
Paladin was roa zero and oaracle1.
All these toons had full t2 but I could have done it with the cleric and paladin missing 2 or 3 pieces.
Was it fast? no. Was it fun? no

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: barrettd04 on August 05, 2010, 06:32:58 pm
Ok, thats good to know.  always figured it was one guy that got carried away with a pull. 

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: ieawenpo on August 06, 2010, 12:38:52 am
You dont require full t2 and good RoA and decent charms to 3box kronos.
War, Clr, Pal did it for me.
At that time I was RoA 60 on the warrior, max guardian but forgot and was wearing my 15sorc.
Cleric was RoA zero and oracle25.
Paladin was roa zero and oaracle1.
All these toons had full t2 but I could have done it with the cleric and paladin missing 2 or 3 pieces.
Was it fast? no. Was it fun? no

LOL, you dont call that good ROA and decent charms?
ROA60 and 15 sorc + oracle 25 is not exactly newbyish.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: Balthor2 on August 06, 2010, 01:25:10 am
I wouldnt call that decent at all.
Most people grind RoA a lot more then I did/do.
I had the oracle 25 from the old system.
I also stated I could have completed the fight with less then full t2 armor.

In fact I could go back in there with my war, new cleric and paladin and do kronos.
Cleric has zero oracle. Paladin has oracle 1.
It still would not be fast but it could be done.

Title: Re: Boxing Tools
Post by: bufferofnewbies on August 06, 2010, 06:28:35 am
Mom, Balthor is showing off again!