EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Loyal on August 29, 2010, 08:51:13 am

Title: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Loyal on August 29, 2010, 08:51:13 am
I know that ignoring everything else on the forums and only looking at the rules that Tacvi leap Froging would be alright. However, there were some additional posts where i believe hunter had declared the entire zone goes to the person who engages the first boss.

Hunter - If this is how you still feel today Would you mind putting a sentence in the Section right after leap frogging that it doesnt apply to tacvi.

I know you are working to revamp Tacvi so it may change in a matter of week(s). However, it would be real quick to edit and re-edit the post after the revamp and may save some headaches.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Thyl on August 29, 2010, 09:26:31 am
People's moral compass can be off. I would just be dilligent about looting gems in other zones and paying the small 10k fee for a guild instance.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Gnaughty on August 29, 2010, 09:41:30 am
Loot the darn gems and pay that small fee, it will save you soooo much in brain pain.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Loyal on August 29, 2010, 11:16:14 am
I actually did have my own instance - Iv been farming Tacvi for this entire weekend looking for 2 Plate Bracers - ive come up dry on about 10 runs.

So when i go to do tacvi i look to see if Public is up so i can have more chances to get my damned bracers.

I agree with you guys that you should buy instances and avoid any drama but unfortunately i would rather get my bracers faster :D

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Crabthewall on August 29, 2010, 12:05:37 pm
I actually did have my own instance - Iv been farming Tacvi for this entire weekend looking for 2 Plate Bracers - ive come up dry on about 10 runs.

So when i go to do tacvi i look to see if Public is up so i can have more chances to get my damned bracers.

I agree with you guys that you should buy instances and avoid any drama but unfortunately i would rather get my bracers faster :D

If you want to get them fast then buy/delete your instance after each clear and buy a new one and it comes up spawned. You can clear it 10 times in 20 minutes if you can clear that fast :)

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Balthor2 on August 29, 2010, 02:59:53 pm
Thats the wrong fucking attitude to have.
Its been declared in the past.
Instanced zones are very nice to have, I use the holy crud out of them but no one should be forced to use a instance to avoid some ass clown that has no respect for the rules.
I could rant more but I wont.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Loyal on August 29, 2010, 08:00:58 pm
Thats the wrong fucking attitude to have.
Its been declared in the past.
Instanced zones are very nice to have, I use the holy crud out of them but no one should be forced to use a instance to avoid some ass clown that has no respect for the rules.
I could rant more but I wont.

Which brings us back to the purpose of the post - If this past declaration is still supposed to bind the community's actions than I have asked that it be added to the Official Rules post.

Really this wasnt a post for debate - more of asking Hunter for Clarification and validation.

Edit: Crab - I dont have the bankroll for that idea :O

It wont be long before im in T3/T4 land and will have to drop 200k a weekend.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Warbash on August 29, 2010, 09:07:20 pm
This leap frogging thing is such a pita, what happened to common curtesy? This happens in all public zones. How would you address such a thing? I am not sure Hunter has time to enforce this transgressions so griefing is starting to run rampant. I stick to instances to avoid just this thing, with the exception of ldon but it gets expensive for sure.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Loyal on August 29, 2010, 11:01:26 pm
This leap frogging thing is such a pita, what happened to common curtesy? This happens in all public zones. How would you address such a thing? I am not sure Hunter has time to enforce this transgressions so griefing is starting to run rampant. I stick to instances to avoid just this thing, with the exception of ldon but it gets expensive for sure.

This wouldnt be too tough to enforce if it was a black and white rule. Once its black and white all people need to do is run fraps and turn it in - bingo bango BAN!

By the way I wanted to be clear that I was the one leap frogging.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Warbash on August 29, 2010, 11:34:45 pm
No worries Mayo, I was not directing my post at anyone in particular :) I have just been a recipient of leap frogging.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: sohami on August 30, 2010, 07:30:38 am
IMO, there should be seperate rules to tacvi. Hour respawn and the first boss killer gets the whole zone? Honestly, to me it doesn't sound fair.

So after the first clear, fast forward an hour, is there ~5 people in the first room, ready to race and kill to claim all 8 bosses? Or does that first shmuck get the whole zone indefinitely at that point?


Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Tibador on August 30, 2010, 08:19:04 am
Gets all bosses because if you agro number 8 boss the rest will assist if you agro boss 7, 6-1 assist so its a one group thing if you dont like it make your own instance i say, stops all the drama and you dont have to worrie about Vultures.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 30, 2010, 08:50:57 am
Leapfrogging in tacvi is a jerk move. The mass majority of the server feels that it is a jerk move. Although there is nothing in the rules that specifically governs tacvi he does have a catch all jerk move rule:

Just because I haven't listed a rule, doesn't mean you can't get banned for a certain action. Use your head, You know right and wrong. Don't be an idiot or you'll get banned.

It has also been noted several times in several places on the forums that Hunter has mentioned in the past that leapfrogging in tacvi is a no no. I can not imagine that someone would not realize that going against the mass consensus of the server regarding Tacvi would be an ok thing.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: walk2k on August 30, 2010, 11:50:43 am
Never underestimate stupidity added to greed.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Loyal on August 30, 2010, 12:04:21 pm
Let us all agree - You can buy an instance and avoid the drama - Hopefully this will be the last time this is said in this one thread.

That being said - there is still a public zone that is utilized very often by multiple people. I can see the arguements for both sides of the spectrum and unfortunately I dont believe your quotation of the "Common Sense" rules really applies. What you feel is common sense because you have experienced the previous debates and saw the masses agree with your point of view - doesnt make it common sense for somebody who is just entering tacvi and didnt think they would have to scour the forums for any rules that might be specific to that zone and burried under countless more recent threads.

It seems like a very sensible common sense idea to share the zone with another group by alternating bosses (in the order they were meant to be killed). With perhaps the frist group getting first crack at Tunat. After all, they all drop the same loot.

However, I do believe it is a jerk move for a superior group to kill 5 bosses while the first group is still working on that bastard who respawns 3 times when its least convenient for you! (this is actually what I did but in a non-jerk fashion).

Which brings me back to the Original Point of the thread (which I will continue to say in each post to remind everyone that this wasnt inteded to be a debate of the rules or how stupid people are). If its the current standing rule that can only be found by diggging in the forums - I would like to see it added to the Rules Post.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: sohami on August 30, 2010, 01:22:10 pm
100% Agreement with Mayo.

You might say its common sense (ive been wrong before)

but my first thought is, if there are multiple people there around the same time with bosses up, it is fair to share them, some way, some how.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Demin on August 30, 2010, 07:06:07 pm
 I think tacvi might be a slightly different cast, since higher mobs summon lower ones.  If you are fighting boss 1 and some uber goes and attacks boss 8, well...he just pulled the whole zone.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Leick.Exhumed on August 30, 2010, 07:38:26 pm

I see that pissing off some people irl.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Loyal on August 31, 2010, 10:23:50 am
I think tacvi might be a slightly different cast, since higher mobs summon lower ones.  If you are fighting boss 1 and some uber goes and attacks boss 8, well...he just pulled the whole zone.

I agree with you completely. But want to also point out that leap frogging isnt black and white.

This is one of those "jerk" moves that the entire community would agree breaks the common sense rules.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Fugitive on August 31, 2010, 10:57:04 am
This leap frogging thing is such a pita, what happened to common curtesy? This happens in all public zones. How would you address such a thing? I am not sure Hunter has time to enforce this transgressions so griefing is starting to run rampant. I stick to instances to avoid just this thing, with the exception of ldon but it gets expensive for sure.

This wouldnt be too tough to enforce if it was a black and white rule. Once its black and white all people need to do is run fraps and turn it in - bingo bango BAN!

By the way I wanted to be clear that I was the one leap frogging.

Why won't this post die already.

You had an instance you cleared then leap frogged the public made a post about it cause I'm sure you was called out..  (by self admitting you wanted your plate bracers asap.)

There are a lot of jerk moves that it seems a lot of people do on a day to day basis..

There is an easy answer to all of this..

Would you like what you are about to do to others done to you?

99% that answer is going to be no..

This is just like the boss race in LDON, haha why ? 50 pts? ooh.... people can clear on the way and get way more then 50.. oh that's another story for another post sometime in the distant future..

Not a flame just my 1.5cents.. (not worth much not even 1cp)


Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Loyal on August 31, 2010, 12:06:40 pm
There is an easy answer to all of this..

Would you like what you are about to do to others done to you?

99% that answer is going to be no..

Actually what I did to the other group I wouldnt have minded done to me at all - hence why I felt like it was alright to do.

To answer your question as to why this post wont die - it is because posters such as yourself feel like you have the answer to a question that wasnt asked.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Fugitive on August 31, 2010, 12:34:19 pm
Meh, whatever makes you sleep well at night.

You were the greedy guy that just can't wait their turn, or spend 10k.

The community pretty much answered your question as I read it.

 :o Don't Leap Frog.  :o

I wonder if those guys that you jumped waited their turn? Maybe they zoned in and missed the engagement so they decided to hold out the hour respawn.  (as per community rules). Then some guy (You) barrels in and leaps them.

I guess you will need this in black and white, maybe you shouldn't have asked the community if you didn't desire "their responses".

The next line is another answer you are looking for.

 :) Just email Hunter if you want from the horses mouth, don't ask the community for answers if you don't want to hear them.  :)

Let this thread die, hell I'm not even going to read it anymore.

Let's talk T5!!!  ;D


Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Loyal on August 31, 2010, 03:37:58 pm
You were the greedy guy that just can't wait their turn, or spend 10k.

How was I to know that the group to engage the first boss was entitled to every boss in the instance? (Again the point of the thread)

The community pretty much answered your question as I read it.

Please quote what I said that you inturpreted as a question regarding if I could leapfrog and if I was in the right. (If you do this I will most likely have to give you a link for a free lesson in reading comprehension).

I guess you will need this in black and white, maybe you shouldn't have asked the community if you didn't desire "their responses".

Again, I didnt ask.

:) Just email Hunter if you want from the horses mouth, don't ask the community for answers if you don't want to hear them.  :)

The main point of the post was to suggust that Hunter add it into the rules if it were indeed a rule. I didnt ask the community. You are right though This could have been done via email but i thought a recent thread had more visibility to those who may benefit from knowing there is an informal rule out there. (Its almost as if I do things for a purpose).

Let this thread die, hell I'm not even going to read it anymore.

Im sure you will read this - and you are going to itch like crazy to respond.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 31, 2010, 06:38:59 pm
You know, you really should go ahead and let this post die and stop responding to everyone's posts. The longer you go on with this the more well known you are for it. As it is now, if I see you in game, I'm turning fraps on and I suggest others do the same.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Loyal on August 31, 2010, 09:10:21 pm
I Reply to defend myself.

Its ironic that you guys keep posting to let it die but are in fact the ones keeping it alive. The logical thing to do when you want a topic to die is to not post in it or even read it.

I dont mind if you fraps me - I don't break the rules. Just take a look at the time where I found out that I may have inadvertently broken a rule - I did research found out that I did and Posted for it to be corrected. This way in the future someone else wont accidentally break a rule that would be easily unknown to them.

Since obviously you guys let your imaginations run wild with what you assumed happened - I will lay out what did happen.

I zoned into a public zone and noticed it was fully spawned. I see there is a group waiting to engage the boss. In fact I might even say while I was zoning the rest of my chars in It could have possible been 5 minutes (while i was there) that the group had waited to engage the first boss. Once the group noticed I 4 characters they started to move around and engaged.

I leap frogged to the second boss, which knowing the rules as they stand should have been perfectly rule abiding. Also, for explanations in the previous posts I would not consider a jerk move. As this is happening I receive a message from the first group who inform me that their group may be entitled to the entire zone since they engaged the first mob. I tell them I havent heard of such a rule but mention that I havent looted anything so no harm. I then asked if they would mind if i went ahead and killed the rest of the bosses looking for ONLY plate bracers. They told me it would be fine. I killed the bosses and didnt get the plate bracers.

So in essence I saved the other group a good 30 minutes.

If you feel This was poorly handled by me and that I deserve to be watched whenever Im around - Fine - I couldn't care less.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 31, 2010, 09:26:55 pm
I couldn't care less is the wrong attitude to have on eqemu. The communities tend to be smaller, making reputation much more important. The thing that concerns me is your lack of being able to see that it was a jerk move. As a matter of fact you have stated you see nothing wrong about it. And if you don't get why it is a jerk move I am not going to try to take the time to explain it only for you to dissect my explanation and yadda this and yadda that. As for my contributing to this continuing on, why should I care if your reputation is further smeared. It should be you who would want this conversation to die out. But then again, you couldn't care less.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Loyal on August 31, 2010, 10:20:37 pm
You misunderstood me or perhaps I didnt properly convey. . .

I couldnt care less if you fraps me because It will just be wasted space on your HDD seeing as I don't go about breaking the rules.

Now being fully aware of the informal rule of tacvi Leap Frogging I will never do it again because it would be breaking the rules.

You are correct in that I Do not see how taking turns to kill the bosses in the order they were designed to be killed is a jerk move. It seems like it could have been a reasonable solution to the problem as well.

If had a sensible and logical explanation of why that is a jerk move - you shouldnt have to worry about my dissecting it. It should stand on its merit alone.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Everwes on August 31, 2010, 11:38:33 pm
You know that the last Tacvi boss and only the last one drops the arrow for rangers, right?  That might be an issue or at least is the only one I know of other than having to wait for respawn.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Soakked on September 01, 2010, 12:59:41 am
Personally I think if someone has already engaged  any of the bosses then the rest are off limits. That being said, sometimes mistakes are made that aren't intentional. I remember once I did the same thing as Mayo out of ignorance of the unspoken rule, and the guy kindly asked me to stop. After asking why and him explaining the rule, I did not to loot the mob and apologized for simply not knowing. He then offered me any plate that dropped anyway(which is what I needed) and we became friends after that.

Reading Mayo comments on the full account of the story I don't think he did anything wrong. His personal opinion is just that, an opinion and holds no baring on what actually transpired because both parties came to a solution.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Isaaru on September 01, 2010, 08:32:23 am
Leapfrogging in Tacvi is a douchebag move due to the way the zone is setup.  One group unless completely overgeared isn't going to be able to hop straight to the last boss.  They must be given a chance to clear the zone one by one as Hunter intended.

To Mayo, you wouldn't have to defend yourself if you'd shut the hell up and stop being a douchebag.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Loyal on September 01, 2010, 11:03:46 am

To Mayo, you wouldn't have to defend yourself if you'd shut the hell up and stop being a douchebag.

This will be my final post in an effort to straighten out what you guys are perceiving.

Soakked - I believe has been the only one who understands the situation as I Do (that has posted about it).

I actually agree with everything you said Isaaru. It would be a complete douche move to jump straight to the last boss when a group has engaged the first boss.

I didn’t do this. I worked it out with the group to allow me to continue on with the bosses and we had no issues ever.

I think the rules should be followed and I do so to the best of my ability. I understand that there is an informal rule that is so hard to find that I haven’t been able to find it searching both these forums and the old forums.

I think there are non-douchebag ways to share tacvi (as a personal opinion) and am in no way challenging the rules as they stand. People started referring to leap frogging as always jumping group one at boss one to go straight to Tunat and agro 2-7 in the process. I simply presented another case of leap frogging that isnt so extreme and obviously douchey.

To be absolutely clear.

I don’t want to change the rules.

I agree leaping multiple bosses is a douchebag move if it hasnt been discussed with the group and agreed upon (which I did).

I asked that the Tacvi rule go from a lost post to in the rules so new players could be aware of them.

I am sorry that you feel I’m a complete douche for having what I feel is a reasonable opinion.

I am sorry that you feel I’m a complete douche for defending myself when others jumped to conclusions (granted this is my own fault for not laying out the story in the first post)

I can’t tell you guys how to think. If these reasons are enough for you to hate me, there is nothing I can do about it because it is who I am. However, I will gladly filter my opinions when posting on the forums and stick to only trying to help people out.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: swamphy on September 01, 2010, 11:50:22 am
For as much as my opinion counts, Mayo is a decent guy.

I won't say he doesn't talk too much, but my experience of him is that he DOES care about others in game. He has helped me and others in the past.

If everybody got blackballed for one stupid move, we would all be banned. If he was trying to get away with griefing people, why would he post it here?

Just My 2¢

(ok, now let the thread die... along with all those stinking graphic threads)

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 01, 2010, 12:14:29 pm
I have to say I was a bit harsh in my post regarding bringing up fraps if I encounter Mayo and suggesting the same to others. I say this because Mayo has much more of a presence than just this thread alone. Had this been the first time Mayo had been on the server and on the forums I would have stuck by what I said. However like i said, this isn't the first time Mayo has been on the forums and from what I understand he has a pretty good presence on the server itself too.

In all fairness I think I owe you and apology Mayo for the fraps comment. I shouldn't have said it, it was going to far on my part. Sorry. To anyone else who sees this, I hope this is not your first encounter with Mayo. He seems to be a pretty decent guy and it would be a shame if this was the only thing someone used to judge him with. I was guilty of that and am now apologizing for it.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Thyl on September 01, 2010, 01:09:29 pm
I have to say I was a bit harsh in my post regarding bringing up fraps if I encounter Mayo and suggesting the same to others. I say this because Mayo has much more of a presence than just this thread alone. Had this been the first time Mayo had been on the server and on the forums I would have stuck by what I said. However like i said, this isn't the first time Mayo has been on the forums and from what I understand he has a pretty good presence on the server itself too.

In all fairness I think I owe you and apology Mayo for the fraps comment. I shouldn't have said it, it was going to far on my part. Sorry. To anyone else who sees this, I hope this is not your first encounter with Mayo. He seems to be a pretty decent guy and it would be a shame if this was the only thing someone used to judge him with. I was guilty of that and am now apologizing for it.

And thats why Xig is a class act.

I'll also agree that initial purpose of this thread got misconstrued and my general view of Mayo remains that he is a level headed guy.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Isaaru on September 02, 2010, 08:12:34 am
I have to say I was a bit harsh in my post regarding bringing up fraps if I encounter Mayo and suggesting the same to others. I say this because Mayo has much more of a presence than just this thread alone. Had this been the first time Mayo had been on the server and on the forums I would have stuck by what I said. However like i said, this isn't the first time Mayo has been on the forums and from what I understand he has a pretty good presence on the server itself too.

In all fairness I think I owe you and apology Mayo for the fraps comment. I shouldn't have said it, it was going to far on my part. Sorry. To anyone else who sees this, I hope this is not your first encounter with Mayo. He seems to be a pretty decent guy and it would be a shame if this was the only thing someone used to judge him with. I was guilty of that and am now apologizing for it.

And thats why Xig is a class act.

I'll also agree that initial purpose of this thread got misconstrued and my general view of Mayo remains that he is a level headed guy.


Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping
Post by: Smoka on November 02, 2010, 07:51:55 pm
And it's hard to believe, but this is still happening. Got jumped in the public zone tonight. I don't care if he was only looking for something specific and 'letting the rest rot', it was the way he waltzed in while I was fighting and ran off to take the rest. Just irks the crap out of me and was my first time whining in ooc about something like this happening. Friggin guy drove me to it, I swear. Extremly Unclassy move.