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16  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: VOTE on: March 02, 2011, 09:03:25 pm
I'll be sipping on my Stone Arrogant Bastard... and hell... if I'm feeling double arrogant.... DOUBLE BASTARD!
17  General Category / Updates / Re: Assassin Quest on: March 02, 2011, 02:54:34 pm
Rank 9 is technically "half-way"
18  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: VOTE on: March 02, 2011, 02:43:11 pm
Definitely beer.
19  General Category / General Discussion / Re: EQ on Satellite Connection on: March 01, 2011, 11:51:10 pm
I miss my old Verizon Fios.... =(

That shit was amazing. Now I leech off of a local gas station. Don't ask how.
20  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Old Mobs on: March 01, 2011, 10:18:04 am
Just join the Fighters/Casters Guild by talking to the FG/CG quest dudes.

The only problem with that is basically anyone can join those (once they finish quest) and hop into your instance.

Please correct me if you can't make a GI by joining the FG/CG.
21  General Category / Suggestions / Re: PVP Custom Zone on: February 25, 2011, 10:40:05 am
Adding any sort of reward/punishment system to PvP is not going to make anyone fight harder. It's just gonna make more people run to the forums and complain that X class is overpowered and needs to be nerfed.


Everquest (from my experience) was never a huge PvP game. It's always been the definition of PvE to me. Creating a few zones, or changing current ones, so that they're used for PvP would be alright as long as:

A) There is no reward or punishment. This will only lead to griefing, complaining, and probably nerfs.
B) It does not effect other players' gameplay. Do not extend PvP into public zones that are frequently used. I would hate to be farming my alt gear in PoD/Qvic/Tacvi/etc... and have some T5 asshole come stomp all over me, just because he has the option to. Now, when you're farming for your CG/FG, you can just kill the person camping it and take over? That's gonna go over well.
C) Special instances be created of zones for the sole purpose of PvP (instead of making all zones pvp). Just remove all the mobs from Qvic and watch it become a battleground extravaganza.

In truth, the arena is more than enough PvP for me. I don't understand why we're trying to turn EZ Server into WoW.
22  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UNDERFOOT CLIENT on: February 24, 2011, 10:13:06 am
Did I wake up to a world where the Germans won the war? What happened to English? =(
23  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Froglocks MUST DIE: #%##$ -- USPS [ship faster] on: February 23, 2011, 07:07:36 pm
Better than Murlocs.

Wait... oops. I meant... what are Murlocs?
24  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Regardin LDoN... on: February 21, 2011, 02:56:18 pm
There would be a lot more "white" snow for us to eat if you'd stop pissing all over it and making it into yellow snow.

Yes, it's our decision not to eat it, but when you create a large abundance of it by spraying your waste all over every patch, it's hard not to run into yellow snow every time we look for the white stuff.
25  General Category / Updates / Re: AFK on: February 21, 2011, 12:35:39 pm
Yeah the long hours were a buzzkill.

Sorry... editing the wall of text cause I didn't realize some of the personal stuff I wrote in this post.

26  General Category / Updates / Re: AFK on: February 21, 2011, 10:46:50 am
Holy balls a 0651. What are the odds? =P
27  General Category / Updates / Re: AFK on: February 21, 2011, 08:25:17 am
Bring me back an elephant please.
I don't know how well "Stampy" will fair in wonderful Twentynine Palms, CA...
I'll give it a shot if you are though

I got my first tattoo in 29 Stumps. And no, it isn't some mo-tard tat either. I was only there for ~5-6 months though. First it was waiting for enough people to fill a 0656 (Tactical Network Specialist) class, then it was another 3 months or so of actual MOS school.

Twentynine Palms is also the first and only time I've ever broken a bone =(
28  General Category / Paladin / Re: Healing Adept Mastery on: February 20, 2011, 05:25:57 pm
All the AAs are there, but sometimes the AA window gets glitched.

If you die while you are logged on, sometimes a few AAs "disappear" and to fix it all you gotta do is relog. That should take care of the problem.
29  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Ez Economy Fix? on: February 19, 2011, 08:53:46 pm
He said GLS.... those go for 5-10k each...

Sorry I had to edit because I don't want anyone to think I'm taking sides... it's just when I see one of these fun threads I wanna make sure people aren't misquoted. =)   I am totally unbiased. Please, continue.
30  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Regardin LDoN... on: February 19, 2011, 07:52:54 pm
From my personal experience... the reason I became so bitter about LDoN and stray as far from it as I can is because I once decided to go afk at the entrance to an LDoN 2 instance.

When I got back from afk, someone had their warrior with auto attack on the teleporter dude while he was pulling the entire zone with his paladin. I know for a fact this was happening due to not only the massive pile of bodies at his feet, but because I got not 1, not 2, not 3, but 6 videos of this guy doing the same thing over, and over, and over, and over while I was standing right in front of him. Each time I would /tell him something along the lines of "hey, I'm standing right here guy. The rule states 10 mobs and I'm not a stickler if you pull 15-20 but blatantly pulling the whole zone right in front of me and knowing someone is in the zone is a bad idea."

No response for the first 5 vids. 6th is where I finally get a rude response from him... basically blowing me off and claiming he could do it just because he had the ability to. After that, he was conveniently "finished" with the zone and quickly left. Got the vids, got angry, saved the vids in case he would piss me off in the future or try it again.

A few days later, same guy, same activity. Got the vids, confronted the guy again. He acted even MORE rudely towards me, calling me a no-life/wannabe cop/whatever else is the typical response from someone who thinks they're above getting in trouble. Yup. Final straw.

Sent some of the videos in from both encounters and awaited a response from Hunter. Took a few days, but when I heard back from Hunter, he said "(RuleBreaker1098723534) has been suspended for a week. Take a vid if he does it again and he'll get perma-banned."

A WEEK? After several vids (and several DAYS) of this guy just stomping around, unconcerned with ANYONE else in the zone, pulling anything available on the map, he got off with a week suspension. And THEN, when he gets back on, he starts a rant in /ooc claiming how the "wannabe police" of the server are ruining it and calls me out a couple times telling everyone to watch out for me because I'm a fraps whore. But as far as I know, he's still playing, and probably still doing the same exact thing. If I wasn't done with LDoN... I'd probably catch him at it again.

THAT is why I can't stand LDoN anymore. I also can't stand people bitching about it when Hunter has, on numerous occasions, explicitly instructed the players of this server to provide evidence when players are breaking rules. Calling people like me who got screwed over while trying to play "assholes," "wannabe police," "fraps whores," or anything else you can think of, is just telling us that you disagree with Hunter's rules, and his requests for us to police ourselves.

Yes, I'm a bit bitter about it now, and it's given me all the fuel I need to have an itchy trigger finger for the fraps button. Since then, I've actually let a lot of people go because they went about it the right way and would at least apologize for it or reason with me instead of mock and insult me.

There's a huge difference between pulling 11-15 mobs once in a while and pulling an entire zone repeatedly while people are in it.
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