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391  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 10-03-13 on: October 03, 2013, 09:29:22 am
Spirit of the Ninja as buff was conflicting with Kraken and difficult for casters to use.

Now you can use Kraken, or play a caster, while still using Spirit of the Ninja via clicking. So its a win for Kraken users and for Casters. From the very beginning several players brought it to my attention of the possible abuse on the item, which I was fully aware of when I made it, and which is why I haven't put it on the reward NPC yet since I'm undecided about it. This item is a favorite of mine, and will likely stay as is for now.

If any of the new items I'm making some how end up making a player invincible 100% of the time, then yes they would be fixed.

For example, I've already made sure the new Divine Intervention Clickies don't stack with the Cleric buff, or else we'd have an immortal Cleric.

We already have super items like RoA, SoA, UC etc are extremely powerful and I haven't nerfed them, so there is no reason for hysteria just cause of recent fixes on other things. Enough trolling ok?

Spirit of the Drake was fixed by Hateborne, an update that I allowed. Its now 18 second song buff with 30 second recast. You'll probably need to do other stuff in addition to casting Skin of the Drake if you want to be an efficient Druid. If these changes make you not want to log in anymore, then don't let the door hit ya.

392  General Category / Suggestions / Re: 15% exp buff and Dru Oak buff dont stack on: October 03, 2013, 08:37:43 am
Not intentional, probably conflict with stat buff.
393  General Category / Updates / Updates 10-03-13 on: October 03, 2013, 05:08:20 am
Spell file 10-03-13 now available for download.

Skin of the Drake
Ornate War Sword
Ranger Epic Aug Slots and Clicks
Spirit of the Ninja
Ultimate Daggers BS value (trying to find cap without roll over)

Added Root and Snare spells to Int/Wis Vendor in Surefall.

Fixed T5 npc levels (previous fix was only on test server, didn't go through to live b4).

Created but not live/tested yet:
FD Clickie (Reward Item)
Complete Heal (Reward Item)
Divine Intervention 90% (Reward Item)

Earring of the Ages:
Created 35 Ranks
Created 90 Ranks
Will probably be 1% Divine Intervention per Rank
Duration Permanent (until used), Recast 300 seconds.
Will probably cost 50,000 AA per rank

Coward Augs:
Created but not yet added to bosses in T1-T9
Reduces threat from all spells.
Should fit any aug slot type on shoulders only.
Combine 2 of same rank to get next rank in Magic Box
394  General Category / Suggestions / Re: T5 Abyss Suggestion on: October 01, 2013, 09:53:50 am
Its designed that you won't get all 100 bosses with 1 zone wipe.
395  General Category / Updates / Updates 10-01-13 on: October 01, 2013, 09:29:04 am
Spell file 10-01-13 now available for download.

Some updates from Hateborne are now live.

There is new Roaming Gnome Task that will allow your pet to equip weapon better than Fireblade v2.

Ranger Bow Epics were modified.

Other minor spell type tweaks from Hateborne.
396  General Category / Updates / Re: Tserrina's Robe on: September 30, 2013, 07:35:42 am
Well, I figure the melee DPS like monks and rogues get Ninja Click for Fading Memory proc, so Wizards can farm themselves this robe, as long as they are not invincible.

Maybe better to put it on the Mana Necklace with higher and higher % each rank? Maybe 5-10% per rank less aggro? Would make more sense.

The robe is still a great item, which is I think over 100k hp?
397  General Category / Updates / Re: Updated NPC Level/Exp on: September 30, 2013, 03:02:38 am
Sounds about right.
398  General Category / Updates / Tserrina's Robe on: September 30, 2013, 01:50:08 am
Just found out that Tserrina's Robe with focus effect 80% reduce spell hate stacks with AA Casting Subtlety 20% reduce hate for 100% hate reduced on nukes. This means with the Robe and AA you will never steal aggro from main tank.

Two reasons to let it stay as is right now is that it doesn't make you invincible, and there are very few wizards on the server.

Would make a great DPS addition to any group, and probably underestimated by most players.
399  General Category / Updates / Re: Updated NPC Level/Exp on: September 30, 2013, 12:57:59 am
Updated Tacvi Molds/Patterns in CT to have better drop rate too.

They were in same list as spells and other misc items so I put the armor parts into their own list.
400  General Category / Updates / Updated NPC Level/Exp on: September 30, 2013, 12:21:38 am
I've edited NPC in Plane of Time through T9 Old Commons to be 1 level higher than required level to get in. So when you get the new level for new tier, the mobs will con yellow to you. Going back 1 tier they'll con white, and back 2 tiers they'll con blue, etc.

This will probably affect melee, spell resist, and exp gained.

Tier 5-9 have the same exp multiplier value.

Did some testing of AA gained as solo of being appropriate level for the zone vs being max level and going back a few tiers to farm lower con mobs.

Here are the results without 250% exp clickie:

Tier	Level	AA	Level	AA
T5 73 1.87 77 1.34
T6 74 1.92 77 1.38
T7 75 1.97 77 1.42
T8 76 2.03 77 1.62
T9 77 2.08 77 2.08

Here are the results with 250% exp clickie:

Tier	Level	AA	Level	AA
T5 73 6.55 77 4.69
T6 74 6.72 77 4.83
T7 75 6.9 77 4.97
T8 76 7.11 77 5.67
T9 77 7.28 77 7.28

Just as on live, it might be worth going back a few tiers to farm blue con mobs for best exp/aa rate per hour, but eventually going back too far would yield green or grey mobs with little or no benefit in exp.

Tiers below T5 have lower exp mod.

The previous npc levels and zone wide exp mods were previously based on players getting max level of 70, but now we're up to level 77 so needed to update the method for npc levels and exp per tier.

Only thing left that would affect AA per hour would be how fast you can kill mobs which is obviously faster rate if you go backwards a few tiers to lower con mobs that have less hp and regen and do less dmg to you.
401  General Category / General Discussion / Re: xp change In anguish? on: September 29, 2013, 08:51:56 pm
I'm aware of the issue:

402  General Category / Updates / Re: Update 09-28-13 on: September 28, 2013, 08:29:33 am
Will tweak new custom tier as I always do.

Even without any UW, the top hp players seem to have around 3.5 million HP, so I'm not just basing off Fugitive or UW, although I do need a base of what certain players can handle or not.

Basically, I need to know the max damage the NPC can do and players still survive, then downscale it from there.

Each round is going to hurt for sure, no matter how I tweak it.

So you'll need either to have healers, or do some kiting. With enough healing, only need to survive 1 round to get a heal off.

There is only 1 (ultra rare) boss in the zone, rest is all trash, so it shouldn't be that hard really. Its a fun zone with events and stuff.
403  General Category / Updates / Update 09-28-13 on: September 28, 2013, 02:36:48 am
Teleporter(s) now updated.
Removed Tacvi from Custom Zone List.
Added Old Commons to Custom Zone List.

Can't teleport to frozenshadow if your already in frozenshadow for a reason.
Might make teleporter to succor you if your already in the zone, as a way of going back to 1st floor, without aggro.

T9 is 99.9% complete.
Just need to test a few scripts, and open it up for live. Might take a day of combing through and testing to make sure nothing is broken or exploitable. Lots of new types of events in this custom tier for much fun.

Tested npc regen, and with current source code seems working, which is good. Older source code gave npc 0 regen if it was set over 32k. Been tested now with 6 million regen and works. Will be using this to offset player DPS in higher tiers, rather than 100 billion HP. With with npc ac to offset UW dmg.

Leaf of Loping Plains renamed to Leaf of Vitality. Already added to loot list in T9, and soon will add it to T8 loot list as well. Will probably create ranks 11-20 some day in future tiers as well to continue the augment so it doesn't become obsolete.

Soon as I can verify that RoF no longer has a dupe bug, I'll probably enable the expansion. I know the devs had to finish work on new slot ids, so I wouldn't want people to have missing items either since reimbursements for bug like that would be time consuming. The client has neat features like instant run/stop for mounts, search bazaar from any zone, etc.

UW 1-6 will update maybe within next week, after I release T9 and relax for a day or two.


Sorry for any Spoilers but figured I'd post this in advance before people rage how hard T9 Old Commons is.

Using a clone of Fugitive to test mobs, how hard they hit a Warrior with stonewall, and how fast they die from his DPS.

Fugitives DPS is about equal to the mobs regen. Tested with UW9, not UW10, so maybe the UW10 is enough to break the mobs regen. Else you'll need a group of DPS to mow down npc's HP. I don't design my content to be solo, but if you manage to grind enough for best gear, and can solo, then congrats to beating EQ.

Fugitive's clone generally died within 3 hits, so you'll need healers in the group. Mobs don't really hit fast, put in a negative 5 haste on mobs to make them slower than default swinging.

There aren't too many immune special abilities on the mobs. So you should be able to fear, root, snare, mez, charm, slow, etc. Some classes had their spells edited long time ago to allow the spell to land on higher levels (1-99) so just find out which spell it is and use them! Mobs have over 200 resist so you might need to negative resist debuff them first with spell or clickies.

Animals can generally be found in single pulls. Someone with Spirit of the Ninja could have someone else kite a mob with aggro clicks, then the person with the Spirit of Ninja could melee the mob from behind without ever stealing aggro. This kiting could be fun if your having trouble surviving before getting fully geared out.

Humanoids in camps are shall we say close together and could train. Make use of Calm and Mez to break into camps. This is where Enchanters would shine finally. I'm sure getting more than 1 mob could mean a wipe out for the whole group.

I'm sure anyone without UW can still do this zone, but they'll die quicker with 1 less hit from the npc is all. Use tactics or gear up other ranked armors (Shield, Ring, UCv3, HP Augs, etc).

One thing I haven't added yet is npc spells. Might seem retarded for a bear or wolf to cast fire on you, so I'd probably limit the spells to humanoid casters like Shamans with DOT casted on tanks, etc.

Another spoiler is this zone is going to be a bit of a plat sink. Patterns to make new armor is 1 million platinum each. So for full suit armor + second bracer, thats 8 million platinum per character, which I'm sure the end gamers can afford.
404  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 09-22-13 on: September 27, 2013, 07:41:45 am
How about on emu, is it broke or 100%?
405  General Category / Updates / Level 77! on: September 27, 2013, 02:22:06 am
New max level 77 from NPC in Nexus if you meet requirements.
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