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526  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 13, 2016, 07:18:46 am
If you needed drake for t5 then your skills are SERIOUSLY lacking.
527  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 09, 2016, 03:44:59 pm
1) As was stated by some other posters, alter the level which buffs can hit lower level players.  2 levels sounds solid, but I don't think it's necessary.  Instead, just make it so that the buffs don't land on a player that's not at least in T3. Buffs make a huge difference at 70 and 71.  At 72? Not even remotely as beneficial.  Their issue at 70 and 71 isn't the % of HP gain from Oak, it's the total flat HP gain.  The % of HP gain is what makes the buff better for players as they earn higher tier gear.

2)  Remove GSOA drops from T1-T4.  Allow them to drop in T5 or higher.  Also, make them no drop.  Players in T5 can still try to sell no drop looting rights.  At this point is when they start to need an additional source of plat because strike augs and mana necks are a lot more important to speed up their progression, particularly in a zone like T5. 

3) Institute a plat sink alternative for GSOA.  Have it purchaseable for 20m from a vendor.  Every MMORPG has inflation issues, whether it's EQ, EQ-Emu, WoW, or any other MMORPG, with old servers having too much plat in the 1%.  If you're going to remove a source of platinum for lower level players, you have to also take some away from the highest tier players or else you have a broken economy in the other direction.

I like all of this the only thing I think I may bend a little is maybe have it start t6 (although I still like t8 better but hey thats just me)   all in all i think you got a pretty good middle ground going there.

And to my buddy Eliseus...once again you continue to take everything i say out of  context...but i have come to expect that from you.

Warrior5....all i can say is eat a dick and choke on it.
528  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 09, 2016, 04:23:45 am
I'm not sure how you expect a reduction in the supply to somehow decrease the price. It would only increase it. So yeah, even if you wanted to remove it from lower tier content completely you would still need to increase the drop rate significantly in the higher tiers in order to reduce the price.

My problem is not that the gsoa is a rare drop in t7/t8/9/10....it's that it drops in Qvic/CT/t1/t2/t3/t4/t5/t6/......where people dont need a 10-15m item....that messes up the economy...if it ONLY droped in t7/8/9/10 then only the people who were at a point to possibly need it would be getting it....and you probably wouldnt see it sold...becuase they would need the item. Wonder why you dont see things for sale in content you dont want to go back to EVER again?  Because someone just scored a GSoA so they dont need to sell spare ess of x or SLS...they have access to an item that is above what is needed....they move up too quickly...get burned out because they dont get xyz....leave server and we are worse of than we were before....here is another idea if you didnt like the first one.  Remove UW/EoA all together....then this would be a none issue and the server economy would auto correct itself.
529  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 09, 2016, 04:16:16 am
Thank you, Dimur for clarifying, what it seems i couldnt.
530  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 08, 2016, 08:47:27 pm
Why ask for an increase in drop rate when they shouldnt drop in early tiers at all?  i f an item is meant for "end game" players than it should drop in ONLY end game tiers....that fixes a fucked up server economy.
531  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 08, 2016, 08:38:47 pm
I do have to say the OP has been spamming to try and buy these for 10mil which is probably what lead to this thread to start in the first place. Either mad they are being sold for more than he wants to pay or mad that he can't get them more commonly in higher tiers.

Yes I was auctioning to buy these at 10 million each.  that has NOTHING to do with the post. I have made 2 SoA all the way up in the last two weeks when T10 was down.  money isnt the issue.  It's the point that an item like that shouldnt drop in lower tiers at a higher rate than it does in upper tiers.

It also has to do with the fact that BOTH Ultimate Weapon and EoA were initially started to be end-game items...so why not have the quests start at end-game or close to end game (UW started in T7 and EoA T8(or as hunter said after someone finishes RoA 1000))....this thread was started as a "discussion" thread and you have turned it into a "Raygan is trying to hurt the server what an asshole thread"...and i am an asshole so your liking/disliking me doesnt bother me one bit. Why should I complete a FULL set of T10 gear on 2 warriors and not see one GSoA?  maybe you dont understand the significance of that but that is killing THOUSANDS of tough as shit  mobs dieing hundreds and hundreds of times...yet i can go to a zone where i can train every fucking mob in the zone slaughter them all in less than 30 seconds and have a better shot?  Thats not RNG. Thats stupid.  Once again these items were meant for one thing but have turned into something else entirely. It is hurting the server in the long run. Of course I have been all for removing UW from the game and i have several of them on various toons.
532  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 07, 2016, 04:22:22 pm
Matter of fact, please quote where hunter implemented this stuff strictly for end gamers (obviously it was more grinds that end gamers could do to stay busy, but not strictly for them only).

Ultimate Weapon quest/reward would take me 1 hr to make vs 100s of hrs for end game hardcore players to achieve. It would NOT calc into the balance for any tiers.

Added Earring of the Ages to the Leaderboards NPC in Nexus.

Earring of the Ages quest is strait 50k AA per rank, up to rank 90.

Each rank give 1% chance for Divine Intervention up to 90% max.

If the chance for Divine Intervention goes off, you'll get full health instead of dying.

Definitely an OP item for players who put their time in.

Meant for players that already got max Ring of the Ages rank 1000 already, that they still have something to spend AA on.

I think both of these legitimize what I was saying was the ORIGINAL intent by Hunter. So how about we make it so that EoBA doesnt become a doable quest for anyone before RoA 1000?

None of this says it is only for end game players (by that even what determines an end game player).

ok I tried to pin point for you who Hunter said he intended the item for......
533  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 07, 2016, 03:24:20 pm
Matter of fact, please quote where hunter implemented this stuff strictly for end gamers (obviously it was more grinds that end gamers could do to stay busy, but not strictly for them only).

Ultimate Weapon quest/reward would take me 1 hr to make vs 100s of hrs for end game hardcore players to achieve. It would NOT calc into the balance for any tiers.

Added Earring of the Ages to the Leaderboards NPC in Nexus.

Earring of the Ages quest is strait 50k AA per rank, up to rank 90.

Each rank give 1% chance for Divine Intervention up to 90% max.

If the chance for Divine Intervention goes off, you'll get full health instead of dying.

Definitely an OP item for players who put their time in.

Meant for players that already got max Ring of the Ages rank 1000 already, that they still have something to spend AA on.

I think both of these legitimize what I was saying was the ORIGINAL intent by Hunter. So how about we make it so that EoBA doesnt become a doable quest for anyone before RoA 1000?
534  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 07, 2016, 08:35:45 am
Also I am on phone at work...will look up original postings by Hunter when I get home to my pc
535  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 07, 2016, 08:31:57 am
Eliseus, this is simply a discussion thread. I am not capable of making changes. This is Hate's sandbox. So don't take any of this personally. I agree with what you say Rent. Your reasoning for plat/zooming through low level content and gaining access to overpowered gear at low levels is my primary gripe.  Blasting through all the content only makes people leave because there is no challenge.  This of course is only MY opinion.
536  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 06, 2016, 09:07:15 pm
I agree with maybe GSoA should be made no drop BUT we still have the same problem....people will buy no drop....the point behind making something like GSoA drop in higher tiers is so that it doesnt trivialize things early in game.....Master Esse are no drop but still will sell.  GsoA is something that was designed for end gamers who needed something else to do with their time/AA....so why not make it something that only drops in later tiers (i.e. T8-10)
537  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 06, 2016, 02:45:15 pm
We will just have to agree to disagree.  Smiley
538  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and GSoA on: March 06, 2016, 01:43:40 pm
Strike augs were adjusted to only be able to be used at your current tier level as well. I just think that GSoA dropping in tiers below t8 hurts the economy....getting 20k aa isnt that difficult with xp buffs being cast in nexus all the time. This is designed to make content less trivial....also why should GSoA have a better drop in rate in tiers a higher level can steam roll and a lower chance in higher tiers ( I understand this is because mobs have more hp in later tiers and so it takes longer to kill "x" mob)....this is more of a way to make things better...not to hurt players....I also undertsnad there could be alot of butthurt at the beginning.  i just think it will be better for the long term.
539  General Category / General Discussion / UW and GSoA on: March 06, 2016, 08:21:41 am
I would like to have everyone take a minute and think about this with an open mind....I have seen t4 drop 2 gsoa with in 5 minutes.....it made me think.

Why should GSoA drop in any zone before t8?  Which got me thinking.  Why should UW quest become available before T7 (the zone Hunter started UW in)....How about we remove GSoA drops in any zone before T8 and make T7 the opening for the UW quest line?


I think it is a good idea.
540  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Do people whom i know still play on the server? on: March 06, 2016, 07:42:17 am
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